Table A8. Twin Otter Aircraft Instrumentation for Aerosol and Ancillary Data Measurements

Parameter	Reference	Technique	Averaging Time	Detection Limit	Size Range Detected
Particle number concentration	Mertes et al. [1995] and Buzorius [2001]	condensation particle counter (TSI CPC 3010)	1 s	0-10,000 particles/cm-3 	Dp > 10 nm
Cloud condensation nuclei concentration	Rissman et al. [2006]	linear temperature gradient growth chamber with optical detection (Caltech three-column CCN counter)	1 s	0-10,000 particles/cm-3	N/A
Aerosol size distributions at dry and humid condition	Wang and Flagan [1990] and Wang et al. [2003] 	scanning differential mobility analyzer (dual automated classified aerosol detector (DACAD))	73 s	N/A	10-700 nm
Aerosol size distribution		passive cavity aerosol spectrometer probe (PCASP)	1 s	N/A	0.1-2.6 mum
Aerosol bulk ionic composition and soluble organic composition	Weber et al. [2001] and Sorooshian et al. [2006a]	particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS)	5 m	0.02-0.28 mug/m3 (depending on species)	<1 mum
Aerosol bulk composition (nonrefractory species)	Jayne et al. [2000] and Bahreini et al. [2003]	Aerodyne quadrupole aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS)	30 s or 1 m	0.2-2.3 mug/m3 (depending on species)	Dva ~ 40 nm to 1 mum
Aerosol organic functional group	Gilardoni et al. (submitted manuscript, 2006)	FTIR spectroscopy of <1 mum particles on Teflon filters	~1 hour	N/A	<1 mum
Soot absorption	Arnott et al. [1999, 2006]	photoacoustic absorption spectrometer	1 s	1 Mmn-1	10 nm to 5 mum
Soot absorption	Bond et al. [1999]	particle soot absorption photometer (PSAP)	1 s or higher	N/A	N/A
Soot absorption	Baumgardner et al. [2004]	single particle soot photometer (SP2)	N/A	N/A	150 nm to 1.5 mum
Separation of cloud droplets from interstitial aerosol	Noone et al. [1988]	counterflow virtual impactor	N/A	N/A	N/A
Cloud droplet size distribution	Baumgardner et al. [2001]	cloud, aerosol, and precipitation spectrometer (CAPS)	1 s	0-1,000 particles/cm-3	0.4 mum to 1.6 mm
Cloud droplet size distribution	Cerni [1983]	forward scattering spectrometer probe (FSSP)	1 s	N/A	1-46 mum
Cloud droplet liquid water content	Gerber et al. [1994]	light diffraction (Gerber PVM-100 probe)	1 s	N/A	~5-50 mum