Table A10. Canadian Convair 580 Flights

Flight	Flight Description	Date in 2004	Takeoff-Landing, UT
1	out of Cleveland to 20,000' over Lake Erie and in BL southeast of Cleveland	21 Jul	1754-2013
2	transit, Cleveland to Bangor, Maine, for TIMs	21 Jul	2213-0053
3	TIMs flight from Bangor with profiles over Fundy and at Chebogue Point	22 Jul	1524-1913
4	TIMs flight from Bangor with profiles north of Saint John, Fundy and Kejimkujik	22 Jul	2035-0007
5	transit, Bangor to Cleveland	23 Jul	1524-1845
6	out of Cleveland, profile to 10000' over Lake Erie, cloud sampling south of Lake Erie	23 Jul	2040-2354
7	evening flight to Terra Haute for aerosol nitrate, engine problem at Terra Haute	27 Jul	0014-0327
8	cloud sampling south of Cleveland	31 Jul	1801-2232
9	Cleveland to Indianapolis for forecasted aerosol nitrate	2 Aug	1201-1702
10	Indianapolis to Cleveland for nitrate, coordinated with CIRPAS Twin Otter	2 Aug	1825-2020
11	BL cloud sampling over SW Ontario	3 Aug	1457-1829
12	towering Cu sampling south of Cleveland over Ohio	3 Aug	2026-0010
13	towering Cu sampling south of Cleveland over Ohio	5 Aug	1624-2102
14	towering Cu sampling over Conesville with CIRPAS Twin Otter	6 Aug	1618-2038
15	sampling over eastern Ohio in polluted air with little cloud	9 Aug	
16	sampling aerosol and boundary layer cloud to the east and downwind of Chicago	10 Aug	1624-2015
17	sampling aerosol and cloud further east and downwind of Chicago	10 Aug	2122-0054
18	sampling boundary layer cloud over SW Ontario downwind of Detroit-Windsor	11 Aug	1829-2144
19	sampling Cumulus in boundary layer along south shore of Lake Erie	12 Aug	1740-2120
20	sampling towering Cu over Toledo and south of Akron	13 Aug	1916-2324
21	sampling moderately polluted air and clouds over Ohio	16 Aug	1846-2156
22	sampling polluted air over Ohio with little cloud	17 Aug	1802-2048
23	sampling BL cloud over SW Ontario downwind of Detroit-Windsor, coordinated with Twin Otter	18 Aug	1504-1847