of 13
Propagating elastic vibrations dominate thermal conduction in
amorphous silicon
Jaeyun Moon, Benoit Latour, and Austin J. Minnich
Division of Engineering and Applied Science
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125,USA
(Dated: April 28, 2017)
Thermal atomic vibrations in amorphous solids can be distinguished by whether they propagate
as elastic waves or do not propagate due to lack of atomic periodicity. In a-Si, prior works concluded
that non-propagating waves are the dominant contributors to heat transport, while propagating
waves are restricted to frequencies less than a few THz and are scattered by anharmonicity. Here,
we present a lattice and molecular dynamics analysis of vibrations in a-Si that supports a quali-
tatively different picture in which propagating elastic waves dominate the thermal conduction and
are scattered by elastic fluctuations rather than anharmonicity. We explicitly demonstrate the
propagating nature of vibration with frequency approaching 10 THz using a triggered wave com-
putational experiment. Our work suggests that most heat is carried by propagating elastic waves
in a-Si and demonstrates a route to achieve extreme thermal properties in amorphous materials by
manipulating elastic fluctuations.
arXiv:1704.08360v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 26 Apr 2017
Amorphous materials are of interest for a wide range of applications due to their low
thermal conductivity [1, 2]. While in crystals heat is carried by propagating lattice waves,
or phonons, in amorphous solids heat carriers are classified as propagons, diffusons, and
locons depending on the degree of delocalization of the atomic vibration and its mean free
path [3, 4].
This classification has been widely used to analyze the vibrations responsible for thermal
transport in amorphous materials, especially for pure a-Si. Numerical studies using equilib-
rium molecular dynamics (EMD) and lattice dynamics (LD) have attempted to determine
the fraction of heat carried by each category of vibration [5, 6]. While the general consensus
is that diffusons carry the majority of the heat, prior works have reported that propagons
may carry 20
50% of thermal conductivity in a-Si due to their long mean free paths
[3, 5]. Using normal-mode analysis, Larkin and McGaughey reported that propagons have
a lifetime scaling of
which suggests plane-wave-like propagation that is not affected by
atomic disorder [6]. The normal mode lifetime analysis of Lv and Henry concluded that
the phonon gas model is not applicable to amorphous materials [7]. Experimental works
have qualitatively confirmed some of these predictions, particularly regarding the important
contribution of propagons [8–13]. For instance, Kwon et al. observed size effects in a-Si
nanostructures, indicating the presence of propagons [12].
Despite these efforts, numerous puzzles remain. One discrepancy concerns the conclusion
that the lifetimes of few THz vibrations are governed by anharmonicity [6]. If that is the case,
explaining the low thermal conductivity of a-Si is challenging because the same vibrations
contribute 75 Wm
to thermal conductivity in c-Si. Accounting for the low thermal
conductivity of a-Si only by changes in anharmonicity requires large increases in anharmonic
force constants that would necessarily have effects on the heat capacity of a-Si that have not
been observed [10]. Along similar lines, if lifetimes of low frequency vibrations are governed
by anharmonicity the reported thermal conductivities of films of the same thickness should
be reasonably uniform, yet the data vary widely [8, 10, 13]. Overall, an unambiguous
classification of the propagating nature and scattering mechanisms of vibrational modes
transporting heat in amorphous solids is poorly developed, impeding efforts to synthesize,
for example, novel materials with exceptionally low thermal conductivity.
In this work, we address these questions using lattice and molecular dynamics to calculate
dynamic structure factors and thermal transport properties of a-Si. Our analysis supports a
qualitatively different picture of atomic vibrations in a-Si from the conventional one in which
propagating elastic waves dominate the thermal conduction and are scattered by elastic
fluctuations rather than anharmonicity. We explicitly demonstrate the propagating nature
of waves with frequencies approaching 10 THz using a computational triggered wave analysis.
Our work provides strong evidence that, unintuitively, elastic waves with frequencies up to
10 THz carry substantial heat in disordered media and also demonstrates a route to create
materials with exceptional thermal properties by manipulating elastic fluctuations.
We used lattice and molecular dynamics to examine the atomic vibrations of various
amorphous domains. The molecular dynamics calculations were performed using the Large-
scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) with a timestep of 0.5
fs [14]. Periodic boundary conditions were imposed and the Stillinger-Weber interatomic
potential was used [15]. The initial structure we considered contained 4096 atoms and was
created by first melting crystalline silicon at 3500 K for 500 ps in an NVT ensemble. Next,
the liquid silicon was quenched to 1000 K with the quench rate of 100 K/ps. The structures
were annealed at 1000 K for 25 ns to reduce metastabilities [16]. Finally, the domain was
quenched at a rate of 100 K/ps to 300 K and equilibrated at 300 K for 10 ns in an NVT
ensemble using a Nose-Hoover thermostat. The structure was then equilibrated at 300 K for
500 ps in an NVT ensemble. After an additional equilibration in an NVE ensemble for 500
ps, the heat fluxes were computed for 1.6 ns in the same NVE ensemble. We use Green-Kubo
theory to compute the thermal conductivity of the structure to be 1.5 Wm
, a value that
is consistent with prior works [6, 16, 17].
We begin our analysis to gain more insight into the vibrations carrying heat by charac-
terizing the propagating nature of the normal modes of vibration of the amorphous domain.
A convenient metric for this characterization is the dynamic structure factor, given by
) =
= 0
where the
is phonon wavevector,
is frequency and the summation is over all the modes
at Γ.
refer to the longitudinal polarization and transverse polarization and are
defined as
) =
FIG. 1. (a) Dynamical structure factor for longitudinal waves for 4096-atom pure a-Si domain.
Bright yellow indicates a high intensity of vibrations with the given frequency and wavevector. A
clear phonon band is observed up to around 10 THz despite the atomic disorder. (b) Constant
wavevector slice of the dynamical structure factor at
= 6.0 nm
. Anharmonic broadening is
negligible at 300 K.
) =
where the summation is over all atoms indexed by i in the domain,
is a unit vector,
) is the eigenvector, and
are the equilibrium positions. The dynamic structure factor
is precisely what is measured in scattering experiments to measure dispersion relations in
crystals and can be applied to search for plane waves in disordered media.
We calculated the eigenvectors of the 4096 atom structure using the General Utility
Lattice Program (GULP) with equilibrated structures from MD [18]. As amorphous Si is
isotropic, we average the dynamic structure factor over all wavevectors of the same magni-
tude. If propagating waves exist despite the atomic disorder, the dynamic structure factor
will exhibit a clear phonon band with a dispersion; if propagating waves are not supported,
the vibrational modes will appear diffuse without an apparent dispersion.
The dynamic structure factor for longitudinal waves is presented in Fig. 1 (a). Unex-
pectedly, the figure demonstrates that despite the atomic disorder a clear dispersion exists
up to frequency as high as 10 THz for longitudinal waves, corresponding to a wavelength of
A. In the transverse direction, a clear dispersion with broadening is also observed up to
5 THz, with a similar transition wavelength at 6.6
A (not shown). For sufficiently high
frequency vibrations with wavelengths comparable to interatomic distances, the structure
factor is very broad and identifying plane waves with definite frequency and wavevector is
not possible. However, the figure clearly shows that propagating elastic waves comprise a
substantial portion of the vibrational spectrum. Specifically, by calculating the density of
states of the low frequency vibrations with a Debye model, we estimate that about 24% of
all modes are propagating waves. Our observation is consistent with a prior calculation of
dynamical structure factor [19] but contrasts with prior studies that restrict propagons to
frequencies less than 2
3 THz in amorphous silicon or comprise a small fraction of all
modes [3, 5–7, 17, 20].
In addition to the existence of well-defined plane-waves with definite frequency and
wavevector, we also observe that the lines are not narrow but have a clear broadening
indicating the presence of a scattering mechanism. In crystals, this broadening is typically
due to anharmonic interactions. In the perfectly harmonic amorphous solid considered here,
anharmonic interactions cannot play any role. Instead, the broadening must be due to fluc-
tuations of the local elastic modulus on length scales comparable to the wavelengths of the
propagating waves. Therefore, the picture that emerges from our calculation of dynamical
structural factor of a-Si is a vibrational spectrum that is dominated by elastic waves that
are scattered by elastic fluctuations in the disordered solid.
In actual a-Si, anharmonic interactions may increase the scattering rate and hence the
broadening. To assess how broadening due to elastic fluctuations compares to that from
anharmonic interactions, we also calculate dynamic structure factors using velocity outputs
from MD at 300 K [21]. The longitudinal dynamic structure factors at
= 6
0 nm
harmonic and anharmonic forces are depicted in Fig. 1 (b), demonstrating that the two are
nearly identical. Therefore, anharmonic broadening has essentially no effect on the lifetimes
and the broadening is solely due to elastic fluctuations.
We next aim to extract quantitative information from the observed broadened lines. Prior
works used normal mode analysis to extract lifetimes from molecular dynamics simulations
[5, 6]. Here, we instead obtain lifetime information for those modes with a well-defined
dispersion by fitting a constant wavevector slice of the dynamic structure factor with damped
harmonic oscillator (DHO) model [19, 21–24]. The lifetime
at a certain frequency is related
to the full-width at half-maximum Γ by
= 1
Γ. By multiplying the lifetimes by the sound
FIG. 2. (a) Spectral mean free path and (b) lifetime multiplied by frequency versus frequency
for longitudinal waves with harmonic and anharmonic forces for the 4096-atom pure a-Si domain.
The Ioffe-Regel criterion occurs when lifetime multiplied by frequency equals 1. Propagons are
observed up to around 10 THz for longitudinal waves as predicted from the dispersion.
velocity, we also obtain mean free paths.
The results are shown in Fig. 2 (a). We see that the mean free paths span from 0.5 nm
to 10 nm. At still lower frequencies that cannot be included in the present simulations mean
free paths are likely even longer, as suggested by experiment [12]. In addition, Fig. 2 (b)
plots the product of lifetime and vibrational frequency. In this plot, the Ioffe-Regel (IR)
crossover from propagons to diffusons, defined as when the lifetime is equal to the period of
a wave, can be indicated as a horizontal line [22]. For longitudinal waves, the IR crossover
is observed at
10 THz. A similar analysis for transverse waves indicates the IR crossover
is found around
5 THz for these vibrations; both of these values are in good agreement
with the qualitative estimate of the transition frequency from the structure factor.
Having established that propagons comprise a substantial fraction of the vibrational spec-
trum, we next estimate the propagon contribution to thermal conductivity given knowledge
of the linear, isotropic dispersion, the group velocity, and the mean free paths from Figs. 1
and 2 using a Debye model. In this model, we separate the propagon contribution into lon-
gitudinal and transverse modes with group velocities obtained from the dispersion as 8000
and 3610 m/s, respectively. Recalling the bulk thermal conductivity of 1.5 Wm
the Green-Kubo calculation, our Debye model estimates that propagons contribute about
FIG. 3. Temporal displacement of atoms in each slab with triggering frequencies a) 3 THz, b) 8
THz, and c) 16 THz. Each sinusoidal wave represents the averaged displacements of the atoms in
a slab. By observing where the amplitudes of the displacement decrease by 1
, we estimate that
the mean free paths are around 9 and 2 nm for 3 THz and 8 THz waves, respectively. The mean
free path of the 16 THz wave is comparable to the interatomic spacing and hence the vibration is
1.35 Wm
, or 90 % of the thermal conductivity. This contribution is much larger than
the values reported previously and suggests that, counterintuitively, heat transport in a-Si
is dominated by propagating waves despite the atomic disorder. The primary uncertainty
in this estimate is the role of vibrations of frequency less than 2 THz that are challenging
to include in both the Green-Kubo and structure factor calculations; however, the general
conclusion that propagons dominate the heat transport will still hold even in the absence of
these additional propagating vibrations.
Our analysis thus suggests a considerably different picture of atomic vibrations in a-Si
from the conventional view. Earlier works have concluded that propagons are a small fraction
of mode population that contribute less than half of the total thermal conductivity, and that
the phonon gas model is an inaccurate picture of the vibrations in amorphous solids. By
contrast, our examination of the dynamical structure factor indicates that propagons form
24 % of the mode population and are scattered by fluctuations of the local elastic modulus
rather than anharmonicity. Additionally, the highest reported contribution of propagons
to thermal conductivity is 50% of the total. However, the picture that emerges from our
analysis is that a gas of delocalized elastic vibrations exists in a-Si, despite the lack of atomic
order, which transports most of the heat.
We provide further support for our conclusions with two additional calculations. First, we
explicitly demonstrate the propagating nature of certain vibrational modes by conducting
a ”tuning fork experiment” in which imposed oscillatory atomic motions at one edge of the
atomic domain triggers the formation of a traveling wave through the a-Si. To perform this
calculation, we first create a domain by repeating 4096-atom cell 10 times along one direction,
resulting in a supercell of size 4.3
43 nm. In the long dimension, the domain is divided
into 80 slabs of width 5.431
A. Periodic boundary conditions are applied and the temperature
is set at 0.1 K to avoid additional thermal displacements. The calculation begins by rigidly
displacing the first slab in the longitudinal direction for 2 ps with a sinusoidal wave with
amplitude 0.01
A and a specified frequency. We computed the longitudinal displacements
of every atom for time durations less than 2 ps to prevent edge effects, and subsequently
averaged the atomic displacements within each slab.
The wave propagation in a-Si at different frequencies is shown in Fig. 3. It is apparent
that waves do indeed propagate through a-Si at 3 THz and 8 THz as predicted by the dy-
namic structure factor calculations. By identifying the location at which the wave amplitude
has decreased to 1
of its original value, we estimate that the mean free paths of the 3 THz
and 8 THz waves are around 9 nm and 2 nm, respectively. These mean free paths coincide
reasonably well with those from dynamic structure factor calculations (8 nm and 3 nm).
On the other hand, the excited wave at 16 THz is damped very quickly, and by the second
slab the amplitude is already less than 1
of the original value. This observation indicates
that at 16 THz the vibration is non-propagating. Therefore, the ”tuning fork experiment”
qualitatively confirms that propagating waves exist up to a high frequency of around 10 THz
in a-Si.
Second, we examine how the thermal conductivity is affected by the partial elimination
of elastic fluctuations. Our calculations indicate that fluctuations in local elastic modulus
are the dominant mechanism for disrupting propagons. If this assertion is true, we should
observe a marked increase in thermal conductivity when these fluctuations are partially
eliminated along with a temperature dependence of thermal conductivity that reflects the
renewed dominance of phonon-phonon interactions. To test this hypothesis, we generated
two additional domains designed to possess reduced elastic fluctuations consisting of 512 and
64-atom amorphous unit cell (AUC) tiled to create 4096-atom structures. The 512 and 64
AUC domains were created using the same melt-quench procedure described earlier. Elastic
fluctuations over a length scale equal to the AUC domain size should be eliminated because
the same unit cell is tiled repeatedly in space to form the 4096 atom final structure.
We followed the same procedure as described earlier to obtain dynamic structure factors
for the tiled structures. The structure factor for the 512-atom AUC tiled structure appear
almost identical to that of the original calculation (not shown). That for the 64-atom AUC
tiled structure are shown in Fig. 4 (a). We observe discrete points rather than a continuous
broadening, indicative of the dynamic structure factor having delta-function-like peaks as
occurs in c-Si. From a constant wavevector slice of the dynamic structure factor for the
64-atom AUC tiled structure in Fig. 4 (b), we observe that anharmonicity broadens the
peaks in the frequency range from 5 to 10 THz, indicating that anharmonicity plays a
role in scattering these modes. In addition, we observe several peaks in the medium to
high frequency region from 10 to 20 THz, which is characteristic of crystalline materials
with a multi-atom unit cell that have several folded branches. Overall, these calculations
indicate that the 64-atom AUC structure possesses vibrations that are characteristic of a
semi-crystalline solid while the 512-atom AUC remains effectively amorphous. Therefore,
the key length scale for the elastic fluctuations that sets whether vibrations propagate is
around 10
A, or the side length of the 64-atom domain.
We now compute the thermal conductivity of the 3 structures using Green-Kubo theory
averaged over 10 different initial conditions. The resulting thermal conductivity calculations
of these structures are shown in Fig. 4 (c). The figure shows that the pure a-Si and the
512-atom AUC tiled structure have identical thermal conductivity with little temperature
dependence. This result confirms that the 512-atom AUC structure is effectively amorphous.
However, we observe a significant increase in thermal conductivity of the 64-atom AUC tiled
structure, by more than a factor of 2 at room temperature, along with a marked temperature
dependence. At 100 K, the thermal conductivity of the 64-atom AUC tiled structure is
, more than 6 times that of pure a-Si. Therefore, the 64-atom AUC tiled structure
exhibits characteristics of crystals, and the key disorder length scale that sets the transition
of thermal vibrations from crystalline to amorphous character lies between 10-20
The picture of a gas of delocalized elastic vibrations transporting heat in amorphous
solids suggests follow-on experiments as well as new strategies to realize exceptional thermal
materials. First, our prediction of propagons existing up to around 10 THz can be verified
with additional thermal measurements on amorphous nanostructures with characteristic
dimensions of less than 10 nm as well as with scattering methods such as inelastic X-ray
FIG. 4. (a) Dynamic structure factor for longitudinal vibrations for the 64 AUC tiled structure.
(b) Constant wavevector slice of the dynamical structure factor at
= 6.0 nm
with harmonic
and anharmonic forces for the 64 AUC structure. Anharmonicity plays a role in the broadening.
(c) Thermal conductivity versus temperature for three amorphous structures. No temperature
dependence is observed for 512 and 4096-atom AUC structures while a noticeable dependence in
temperature for the 64-atom AUC tiled structure is evident.
scattering. Second, our analysis suggests that fully dense solids with exceptionally low
thermal conductivity can be achieved by manipulating elastic fluctuations, expanding the
physical range of thermal conductivity of solids.
In summary, we have examined the atomic vibrations in a-Si using lattice and molecular
dynamics calculations. Our study reveals a qualitatively different view of atomic vibrations
in a-Si from conventional one in which propagating elastic waves dominate the thermal con-
duction and are scattered by elastic fluctuations instead of anharmonicity. Our work provides
important insights into the long-standing problem of thermal transport in disordered solids.
This work was supported by the Samsung Scholarship, NSF CAREER Award CBET
1254213, and Boeing under Boeing-Caltech Strategic Research and Development Relation-
ship Agreement.
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