Experimental investigation of
dynamic mixed-mode fracture
John M. Lambros, James J. Mason, Ares J. Rosakis
John M. Lambros, James J. Mason, Ares J. Rosakis, "Experimental
investigation of dynamic mixed-mode fracture initiation," Proc. SPIE 1554,
Second International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology,
(1 December 1991); doi: 10.1117/12.49481
Event: San Diego, '91, 1991, San Diego, CA, United States
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J. Lambros, J.J. Mason and A.J. Rosakis
Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
The use of a coherent gradient sensing (CGS) apparatus is explored in dynamic fracture
mechanics investigations. The ability of the method to accurately quantify mixed-mode crack
tip deformation fields is tested under dynamic loading conditions. The specimen geometry and
loading follow that of Lee and
give the theoretical and numerical mixed mode K
values as a function of time for the testing conditions. The CGS system's measurements of K1
and K11 are compared with the predicted results, and good agreement is found.
1. Introduction
The full-field method known as CGS,3'4 is investigated here for the measurement of mixed-
mode, dynamic crack tip deformation fields under plane stress conditions in optically transparent,
non-birefringent materials. The Coherent Gradient Sensor is a lateral shearing interferometer uti-
lizing two identical line gratings. The set-up was first proposed for measuring lens abberations,5'6
but, until recently, other possible applications of the CGS interferometer have been overlooked.
When used in fracture mechanics the method gives real time measurements of the in-plane stress
gradients for transparent materials or the in-plane gradients of the out-of-plane displacements
for opaque materials. With data taken at a wide range of points near the crack tip, it is possible
for the CGS method both to show whether or not the stress field at a crack tip is well described
by the dominant (v )
term of the asymptotic expansion (K-dominance) and to find
accurate values of Kj and Ku, the stress intensity factors.
Tippur et. al.3'4 have demonstrated the accuracy of the CGS statically for mode I loading,
however, its accuracy in dynamic investigations, including dynamic mixed-mode loading, has
not been reported.
An analysis of the loading geometry shown in Figure lb by Lee and Freund1'2 shows that
both modes of deformation, mode I and mode II, can be expected for such a loading geometry.
/ SPIE Vol. 1554A Speckle Techniques, Birefringence Methods, andApplications to Solid Mechanics(1991) O-8194-0682-1/91/$4.OO
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Apart from the dominant Kj, a small negative K is also predicted. In this study it is desired
to establish the ability of CGS to accurately measure the dynamic, mixed-mode stress intensity
factors by comparing experimental results with the solution of Lee and Freund. Also, it is
realized that a positive agreement of the measurements of the CGS system with the Lee and
Freund solution will confirm the validity of that solution.
2. Theoretical Development
2.1 Analytical Model
One side of an elastic, half-space containing an edge crack is loaded dynamically by some
prescribed velocity, v(t). (See Figure lb.) An elastic plane strain solution to this problem is
reported1'2 for a step input velocity, v(r) = v0H('r). For this study, the analysis was adjusted
to reflect a plane stress 'field.
The normalization factor, K', for the stress intensity factors is given by
,ii Ev0
for plane stress
K' = V2c
plane strain
1% V 712c
time axis is normalized by the characteristic time, l/c' where c1 is the plane stress
dilatational wave speed, and 1 is the crack length. The results of the plane stress calculations for
the model material, PMMA (ii
.35), for both mode I and mode II stress intensity factors are
shown in Figures 7a and 7b, respectively.
Most of the qualitative features of the curves in these figures can be explained. Upon impact
a plane compressive wave is generated. It is followed by cylindrical unloading waves generated
at the corners of the impact area. The compressive wave gives rise to K11. The existence of
the unloading wave makes the increase in Kj progressively more gradual and forces the crack
faces to close, thus causing a smaller, but significant, negative IKE. As can be seen in Figures
7a and 7b there exist three regions in the solution. These correspond to the arrivals at the crack
tip of the first dilatational, shear and Rayleigh waves, respectively. The solution is valid up to
Cdt/i = 3, which corresponds to the arrival of a second dilatational wave that is reflected from
the impact surface.
2 .2 The Method of CGS
In contrast to Tippur,3'4 the theoretical development of CGS shown here follows the
more traditional approach of Murty7 for lateral shearing interferometers. The two approaches
are equivalent; the same assumptions are made and the same governing equations result. It
is hoped that the more traditional development will result in an easier understanding of the
method. A schematic of the set-up is shown in Figure 2. A coherent, collimated laser beam, 50
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mm in diameter, passes through a notched transparent specimen. After exiting from the deformed
specimen, the beam falls upon the first of two identical diffraction gratings (40 lines/mm). The
primary grating splits the beam into a direct beam and numerous diffraction orders. For the sake
of brevity, only the first diffraction orders (±1) and the direct beam are considered. The second
diffraction grating diffracts both the direct beam and the first diffraction orders into three beams
each, giving a total of nine beams behind the second grating. Of these nine beams the (O,±1)
and the (±1 ,O) orders are parallel—as can be seen in Figure 3.
An on-line spatial filter is used to isolate one of the two pairs of parallel beams. A lens
is placed a distance equal to its focal length behind the secondary grating as in Figure 2. The
Fourier Transform of the intensity distribution at the second grating is observed in the back-focal
plane of the lens where an aperture is placed on either the +1 or -
diffraction order spot. The
aperture filters all but the two desired parallel beams from the wavefront. Another lens is placed
at a distance equal to its focal length behind the aperture to invert the Fourier transformation.
It is assumed that the wave front before the first grating is approximately planar with some
phase difference, 6S(xi ,
x2). Deviations
of the propagation direction from the optical axis are
neglected. Thus, the two gratings shift one beam with respect to the other by a distance
= Ltan6
where L
the separation between the gratings, see Figure 2, and 9 is the angle of diffraction
(assumed small), given here by
A is the wavelength of the illumination, and p is the pitch of gratings.
The two parallel, sheared wavefronts constructively interfere at a point if their difference
in phase is an integer multiple of the wavelength, i.e. if
6S(xi + E,X2)
— SS(xi,x2) = rnA
where m is called "the fringe order." Dividing this equation by gives
S(xi +E,x2)—S(xi,x2)
which, for sufficiently small ,
be approximated by
equation (5),
approximations in equations (2) and (3) have been used, and the result has
been generalized to include shearing in either the x1 or x2
= 1,
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