Presenter Notes
Image description: XKCD comic of a stick figure walking into a box plot chart and pumping up on the boxes up with its error bars like a bike pump adding air to a tire.
Presenter Notes
This content was adapted from Stephen Few’s “Show Me The Numbers” and Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic’s “Storytelling with Data”.
Presenter Notes
This is a summarization from more detailed points in Stephen Few’s “Show Me The Numbers” and Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic’s “Storytelling with Data”. The idea of “chart junk” is from Edward Tufte.
Presenter Notes
Image description: Column chart of number of libraries with different data services where the presence of a data librarian, data services, and data repository increased from 2014 to 2019.
Presenter Notes
Right figure is default output from Excel once the data is set up correctly.
Image 1 description: Column chart of number of libraries with different data services where the presence of a data librarian, data services, and data repository increased from 2014 to 2019.
Image 2 description: Default output for a line chart by Excel, showing 4 colored lines on a lined background with a legend.
Presenter Notes
Image description: Default line chart cleaned up so that 3 lines are blue and 1 line is yellow and the chart title is now “Data Support at AAU Libraries Increased from 2014 to 2019”
Presenter Notes
Image description: Line chart with background lines and legend removed. Each of the lines is now labelled directly next to the line and there are two vertical lines demarking the 2014 data on the left from the 2019 data on the right.
Presenter Notes
Image description: Line chart with streamlined color so that the 3 lines that increase from left to right are blue and the 1 line that decreases left to right is gray. Each of the data points at the end of each line is now represented by a mid-sized filled circle.
Presenter Notes
Quick aside: reorder your data for better comparisons
Image description: Combined column and line chart of frequency of data curation activities where data for columns (indicating if the activity is occurring) is sorted from most frequent to least frequent left-to-right. The visualization is problematic because the labels on the x-axis for each activity are incomplete are hard to read.
Presenter Notes
Image description: Last stage of chart clean up. The labels have all been aligned to the left and the data labels have been made the same color as the data.
Presenter Notes
Image description: Final redesigned figure of a line chart of data support at AAU universities where data services, data librarians, and data repositories increase from 2014 to 2019. The chart has an annotation on the right about the service, data in institutional repositories, that decreases because that data is being put into a data repository.
Presenter Notes
Image 1 description: Column chart of number of libraries with different data services where the presence of a data librarian, data services, and data repository increased from 2014 to 2019.
Image 2 description: Final redesigned figure of a line chart of data support at AAU universities where data services, data librarians, and data repositories increase from 2014 to 2019. The chart has an annotation on the right about the service, data in institutional repositories, that decreases because that data is being put into a data repository.
Presenter Notes
Image description: Colored stripes of chronologically ordered temperatures where they increase in red to show the warming global temperature
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Image description: Bar chart of gun murders per 100,000 people where America’s murder rate is 6 times worse than Canada, and 30 times Australia
Presenter Notes
Pick an image and write alt text for it.
Image 1 description: Scan of two brains where the brain on the left is healthy and the brain on the right is blurry and decayed.
Image 2 description: Simulation of two black holes where the black holes are creating spiraled gravitational waves and distorting the grid overlaid on the image.
Presenter Notes
Image 1 description: Scan of two brains where the brain on the left is healthy and the brain on the right is blurry and decayed.
Image 2 description: Simulation of two black holes where the black holes are creating spiraled gravitational waves and distorting the grid overlaid on the image.