of 4
Fully Integrated Millimeter-Wave CMOS Phased Arrays
Ali Hajimiri
California Institute of Technology (Caltech), MC 136-93, 1200 E. California Blvd., Pas
adena, CA 91125, USA
A decade ago, RF CMOS, even at low gigahertz frequencies, was
considered an oxymoron by all but the most ambitious and
optimistic. Today, it is a dominating force in most commercial
wireless applications (
., cellular, WLAN, GPS, BlueTooth,
etc.) and has proliferated into areas such as watt level power
amplifiers (PA) [1] that have been the undisputed realm of
compound semiconductors.
This seemingly ubiquitous embracement of silicon and
particularly CMOS is no accident. It stems from the reliable
nature of silicon process technologies that make it possible to
integrated hundreds of millions of transistors on a single chip
without a single device failure, as evident in today’s
microprocessors. Applied to microwave and millimeter wave
applications, silicon opens the door for a plethora of new
topologies, architectures, and applications. This rapid adoption of
silicon is further facilitated by one’s ability to integrate a great
deal of
in situ
digital signal processing and calibration [2].
Integration of high-frequency phased-array systems in silicon
., CMOS) promises a future of low-cost radar and gigabit-per-
second wireless communication networks. In communication
applications, phased array provides an improved signal-to-noise
ratio via formation of a beam and reduced interference generation
for other users. The practically unlimited number of active and
passive devices available on a silicon chip and their extremely
tight control and excellent repeatability enable new architectures
., [3]) that are not practical in compound semiconductor
module-based approaches.
The feasibility of such approaches can be seen through the
discussion of an integrated 24GHz 4-element phased-array
transmitter in 0.18μm CMOS [2], capable of beam forming and
rapid beam steering for radar applications. On-chip power
amplifiers (PA), with integrated 50
output matching, make this a
fully-integrated transmitter. This CMOS transmitter and the 8-
element phased-array SiGe receiver in [5], demonstrate the
feasibility of 24GHz phased-array systems in silicon-based
In a phased array transmitter, a beam is formed in a desired
direction by varying the relative delay in each radiative element to
compensate for the difference in the free space propagation time
difference for wavefronts generated by different elements.
Electronic variation of the delay enables rapid beam-steering with
no change in the mechanical configurations of the antennas.
Phased array transmitters enable coherent addition of the signals
from all elements in the direction of interest. This coherent
addition increases the power radiated in the desired direction
while incoherent addition of the signal in other directions ensures
lower interference power at receivers that are not targeted. In an
-element transmitter, if each element radiates
watts omni-
directionally, the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) in
the main beam direction is
watts. For example, in a 4-element
array if each element generates +
15dBm, the EIRP in the beam
direction is increased by 12dB (20
4) to +27dBm. This
increase in signal power at the receiver is particularly useful at
high frequencies, where the efficiency of power amplifiers is low,
path-loss is high, and the receiver sensitivity is low.
Phase Shifting
Ideally, to achieve broadband phased-array operation, a true-time
delay is required in each element. In classical phased array
architectures, the time delay is introduced in the RF path in
element. However, implementing a broadband, low-loss, and
linear true-time delay element at RF with a broad range of tunable
delay would require high power consumption, large die area, and
high voltage device technology to name a few challenges. The
true-time delay in the RF path can be replaced equivalently by a
delay in the IF path and a phase-shift in the LO path/IF path as
shown in Figure 2, or by implementing the delay in the digital
domain. An analog delay element at IF faces similar challenges as
a delay at RF. On the other hand, practical considerations of A/D
speed and DSP performance limit digital array architecture.
If the bandwidth of interest is
sufficiently narrow, the time delay
(a linear phase-shift in the frequency domain) can be
approximated by a constant phase-shift at the center frequency.
The phase-shift architecture can be implemented as an
approximation of the delay-based architecture in Figure 2b which
leads to a phase-shift in the RF signal path or as an approximation
of the architecture in Figure 2b which leads to a phase-shift in the
LO path (Figure 2c).
Fig. 1: Die micrograph, architecture, and floor plan of the transmitter. [2]
Fig. 1: Die micrograph, architecture, and floor plan of the 24GHz transmitter.
16 Phase VCO and
Frequency Synthesizer
6. mm
IF Mixer and Amplifier
6. mm8
RF Mixer
and Amplifier
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0-7803-9250-7/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE
In RF path phase shifters (e.g.,
[6][7]), if the loss is not uniform
for all phase-shifts, variable gain amplifiers are required in each
element to equalize the phase-shifter losses to avoid array pattern
degradation. Also a variable gain would be necessary for
formation of nulls in the radiation pattern.
Phase-shifters in the LO path circumvent this problem as the
circuits in the LO path, such as
the VCO and the LO path buffers,
operate in saturation by design since the performance of the
mixers in the up-conversion path is improved with larger LO
voltage swings. Furthermore, with
large LO signal swings at the
LO ports of the mixers, the mixer
gain sensitivity to the LO signal
amplitude is low. As a result, w
ith phase-shifters in the LO path,
the variation in signal amplitude for different values of phase-shift
is minimal. Therefore, LO path phase-shifting architecture has
been adopted for the phased-array transmitter, as the most suitable
alternative for a fully-integrated system in CMOS.
Transmitter Architecture
The 4-element fully-integrated transmitter includes four on-chip
power amplifiers [4] as well as an integrated frequency
synthesizer. Due to concerns related to frequency pulling caused
by electromagnetic and substrate coupling, direct up-conversion
was considered to be unsuitable. A two-step up-conversion
architecture was chosen for the transmitter with LO frequencies of
4.8GHz and 19.2GHz. The two LO frequencies are generated by a
single synthesizer loop using a divide-by-four. Quadrature up-
conversion was implemented in both stages. The image
attenuation of the first up-conversion step depends upon the
matching and quadrature accuracy of the first up-conversion step.
The image signal of the second up-conversion step falls at
14.4GHz and is therefore attenuated not only by the quadrature
architecture but also by the tuned stages at RF.
Figure 1 shows the architecture and floorplan of the 4-element
transmitter. In the signal path, the baseband I and Q signals are
up-converted to 4.8GHz by a pair of quadrature up-conversion
mixers. The 4.8GHz I and Q signals are buffered and provided to
the 4.8GHz-to-24GHz up-conversion mixers in each element. The
output of the mixers is amplified and differential-to-single-ended
conversion is performed using an on-chip passive balun to drive
the on-chip single-ended CMOS power.
The four on-chip PAs are matched to 50
at the output [4]. The
matching networks in both stages of the PA are designed using
low-loss shielded-substrate coplanar waveguides with an effective
wavelength nearly half that of silicon dioxide, reducing the size of
the output matching network hence lowering loss.
In the LO path, the output of the 16-phase 19.2GHz VCO (Figure
3) is provided to the phase-selectors in each element. These
phase-selectors select the right phase of the LO in each element
for the desired beam direction. The phase-selection circuitry is
controlled by shift-registers that can be programmed using a serial
digital interface, enabling electronic beam-steering. The VCO is a
part of an on-chip frequency synthesizer which generates the
19.2GHz LO signals from a 75MHz reference. A divide-by-four
in the synthesizer loop generates the 4.8GHz LO I and Q signals
for the first up-conversion step.
The phase selectors in each transmitter path have independent
access to all the phases of the VCO. Low skew distribution of LO
phases is guaranteed by symmetric floor planning of an H-tree
structure. This is essential because any asymmetry in the LO
signal increases the power in the transmit side-lobes. The digital
frequency calibration data and the beam-steering information are
loaded onto the chip through a digital serial interface
Circuit Building Blocks
The Baseband-to-4.8GHz quadrature mixers common to all
elements are CMOS current commuting (
., Gilbert) multipliers.
The output of these buffers is distributed to the quadrature up-
conversion mixers in each element using a symmetric H-tree
structure to ensure good array performance.
The cascade of tuned stages in the RF path in each element
exacerbates any off-tuning in the passive loads. To avoid the
problem of gain loss due to off-tuning, switchable capacitors,
controlled by programmable shift registers, were implemented at
the output of some of the high frequency stages (Figure 4). In the
pre-driver stage, for example, these capacitors allow the center
frequency to be tuned from 23.5GHz to 27GHz which is sufficient
to account for process variations.
All the circuits up to and including the 24GHz PA driver are
differential while the PA was designed to be single-ended. To
avoid power and efficiency loss at the output of the PA, an on-
chip balanced-unbalanced converter (balun) was pl
aced before the
PA. This eliminates the need for an off-chip balun or a differential
antenna. The balun was realized with a single-turn transformer to
minimize substrate loss through capacitive coupling.
Fig. 3: Evolution of the Array Architecture.
Fig. 4: Evolution of the Array Architecture.
Fig. 2: Evolution of the Array Architecture from RF to LO phase shifting.
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0-7803-9250-7/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE
Electromagnetic simulations show an insertion loss of 1.5dB for
the balun when input and output parasitic inductances are tuned
out with parallel capacitors.
The transmitter contains 4 on-chip power amplifiers matched to
, as shown in Figure 4 [4]. While the input of the stand-alone
amplifier is matched to 50
, the parasitic inductance of the balun
is used to tune out the input capacitance in the first stage of the
amplifier integrated in the transm
itter. The PA has two gain stages
with each gain stage consisting of a cascode transistor pair to
ensure stability and increase breakdown voltage. The PA is
designed to operate in class AB mode. As the minimum-sized
m NMOS transistor’s
is around 65GHz, the harmonic
content at the drain of the transistor for the 24GHz input signal is
low. Harmonic-matching based classes such as class E and class F
therefore did not increase the efficiency significantly in simulation
and were not used. The output and inter-stage matching networks
in the PA are realized with the substrate-shielded coplanar
waveguide structure shown in Figure 6 to reduce power losses and
area. In this structure, the presence of the ground shield beneath
the coplanar signal line increases the capacitance per-unit-length,
. However, as the return current cannot flow through the
patterned ground shield, the inductance per unit length,
remains the same. The simultaneously high
result in
lower wave velocity, leading to more than factor of two reduction
in wavelength at 24GHz when compared to a standard coplanar
waveguide structure in silicon di
oxide resulting in
a lower loss
factor. Additionally, as the structur
e is well-shielded, the isolation
between the power amplifier and other circuits in the transmitter is
improved. The low loss per unit length (0.9dB/mm), improved
isolation, and short wavelengths, make this structure particularly
suitable for integrating multiple power
amplifiers on the same die.
The amplifier stability is improved by the RC network at the input
of each stage, which guarantees low frequency stability. Further
details on the design of the power amplifier and the waveguide
structure can be found in [4].
The multiple phase VCO, shown in Figure 3, is at the heart of the
LO phase-shifting architecture adopted in this work. The 19.2GHz
CMOS VCO consists of eight differential amplifiers connected
together in a ring structure. As the ring is closed by flipping the
inputs of the last amplifier, the VCO is capable of generating 16
equally spaced phases of the LO with a step size of 22.5 degrees.
As previously discussed, this step size is sufficient for a 4-element
phased array system.
The outputs of the VCO have to be provided to the phase
selectors in each element in a symmetric fashion as any
asymmetry in this distribution lead
s to an error in the phase-shift
causing degradation of the array pattern. Therefore, a symmetric
H-tree structure, using the top two
thick metal layers, is used to
distribute the multiple VCO outputs.
The phase selectors in each element work in two stages. In the
first stage, the eight differential outputs of the VCO are provided
to three sets of eight differential pairs. The tail current of each
differential pair is controlled by a shift register. The first two sets
of differential pairs determine the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q)
LO signal while the third set is
a dummy to ensure that the VCO
buffers see a constant load. By
turning on the right differential
pair, the VCO differential pair outputs corresponding to desired
LO phases for the I and Q can be selected independent of each
other. While this provides flexibility to acc
ount for phase-
distribution and device mismatches, in practice the LO
distribution and matching was sufficient to render independent
selection unnecessary. The tail current sources of the dummy set
of differential pairs is controlled by bits complementary to the LO
I and Q phase selection bits to ensure constant loading of the
VCO buffers.
The next stage of the phase selectors consists of a set of two
differential pairs with tail current sources that are also controlled
by the shift registers. The inputs to the differential pairs are anti-
phase with respect to each other. Thus the output can either be in-
phase or anti-phase with respect to the input.
Interpolation of the raw 16 phases of the VCO is possible by
selecting more than one differentia
l pair in the first stage of the
phase selector. (The two-stage phase selection procedure, limits
the phase-shifts that can be generated by using this interpolation
method). For example, by selecting the 0
phase and the 22.5
Fig. 7:.
Measured output power and amplifier gain vs. input power
Fig. 8:.
S-parameter for the PA, VG1= VG3=1V,
VDD=2.8V, ID=100mA
Fig. 6: Low-loss transmission line structure
Electric Shield
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0-7803-9250-7/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE
phase output, the output has a phase of 11.25
. Selecting more
than two differential pairs provides even finer resolution.
Measurement Results
The transmitter was implemented using 0.18
m MOS transistors
and occupies an area of 6.8mm x 2.1mm, as shown in Figure 1.
The image signal of the second up-conversion step, which falls at
14.4GHz, is found to be attenuated by 43dB due to the additional
attenuation provided by the tuned stages at RF. The worst-case
peak-to-null ratio with all four elements active is 23dB, as seen in
Figure 11. The transmitter is capable of supporting data rates in
excess of 500Mbps per
each BPSK channel, as shown in Figures
9 and 10.
The on-chip power amplifiers are capable of generating up to
+14.5dBm output power at 24GHz with a bandwidth of 3.1GHz.
Its output-referred 1dB compression point is +11dBm, as can be
seen in Figures 7 and 8. The PA output power with driver output
of 0dBm is 7dBm. The coupling between multiple power
amplifiers on the same die is a concern in an integrated phased-
array system. The physical distance (~1 mm) between the power
amplifiers and the use of shie
lded transmission line in the
matching networks improve the isolation in this work. In order to
measure the isolation between elements, three of the elements
were deactivated by switching off all the LO phases in the phase-
selectors in those elements. The isolation was determined by
comparing the power at the output of the active element with the
output power of the three inactive elements. The worst case
isolation (i.e., between two adjacent
elements) is measured to be
28dB. The isolation between the other elements is better than
[1] I. Aoki, S. Kee, D. Rutledge, and A. Hajimiri, “A 2.4GHz, 2.2W, 2V
Fully-Integrated Circular-Geometry Active Transformer Power
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
, May 2001.
[2] A. Natarajan, A. Komijani, and A. Hajimiri, “A 24GHz Phased-Array
Transmitter in 0.18
m CMOS,”
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits
, Feb 2005.
[3] H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully-Integrated 24GHz 8-
Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,”
IEEE International Solid-State
Circuits Conferences
, Feb 2004.
[4] A. Komijani and A. Hajimiri, “A 24GHz, +14.5dBm Fully-Integrated
Power Amplifier in 0.18
m CMOS,”
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits
, Sept. 2004.
[5] X. Guan, H. Hashemi, and A. Hajimiri, “A fully integrated 24-GHz
eight-element phased-array receiver in silicon,”
IEEE Journal of Solid
State Circuits
, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 2311-2320, Dec. 2004.
[6] H. Zarei and D. J. Allstot, “A low-loss phase shifter in 180nm CMOS
for multiple-antenna receivers,”
ISSCC Digest of Technical Papers
, vol.
47, pp. 392, Feb. 2004.
[7] M. Chua and K. Martin, “A 1GHz programmable analog phase shifter
for adaptive antennas,”
Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits
, pp. 11-14, May 1998.
Fig. 7: Measured Transmitter Patterns.
Fig. 11: Output spectrum for 100Mb/s and 500Mb/s QPSK signal.
Fig. 9: Output spectrum for 100Mb/s and 500Mb/s QPSK signal.
Fig. 10: Received baseband eye-diagram at 250Mb/s and 1Gb/s QPSK signal.
CSIC 2005
0-7803-9250-7/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE