Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
The m
anuscript “Computationally efficient design of directionally compliant metamaterials” by
Shaw et al. reports the design, fabrication and experimental validation of a novel class of
metamaterials which exhibit prescribed deformations, such as torsion, rotation and shear. Their
design strategy hinges on a purely kinematic design approach, which translates target motions
into sets of constraints. In turn, such constraints can be expressed mathematically as a linear
system of equations, that can be solved very rapidly numerically. As a result, the internal
architecture of metamaterials with predefined macroscopic shapes (e.g. 5x5x5 cube) can be
designed for a wide range of mechanical deformations, from motions with unique degrees of
freedom to motions with multiple (up to 3) degrees of freedom. Although their design strategy is
not new (it was already developed for compliant mechanisms), its generalisation in the context of
metamaterials is novel and a very significant addition to the metamaterial toolbox. I believe that
the results reported here will be of strong interest to mechanical engineers, physicists and material
scientists interested in metamaterials. The off
-self computational tool they provide might even
make it readily useable beyond the scientific
community, e.g. by product designers. Therefore I
think that this manuscript is a potential very good fit for Nature Communications. That being said,
I think that as it stands, the paper lacks too much precision and clarity to be fully convincing and
to b
e readable by the broad readership of Nature Communications. For these reasons, I strongly
encourage the authors to address the following comments:
1. The extensive use of acronyms (more than 1 per line on average) makes the paper extremely
difficult to follow. I believe that a significant rephrasing would allow the authors to use less
repetitions and therefore to no rely that much on acronyms.
2. In some instances, the vocabulary is not precise enough, e.g. in the definition of “the yellow
shaded regio
n...” (l 143, p7), what is a “viable topology”? Also, always referring to the labelled
yellow region is extremely confusing because as a reader, we loose track of the underlying
scientific nature of such class of freedom spaces.
3. In all the FEA plots (Fig. 3b, Figs.4g,h,i, figs. 5d,e,f, Figs. 6i,j, Fig. 7i, Figs. 8 b,c,e,f,g), it is
never clearly stated in the caption which numerical protocol has been used to obtain these results.
I understand from the text description of Fig. 4 that modal analysis has be
en used, but what about
for the other figures? In general, the description of the FEA is too scarce to assess their validity
and to reproduce them, e.g. the description of boundary conditions, mesh size, constitutive models
are absent.
4. The description
of the metamaterial geometric feature is incomplete: how are the beams and
blades thickness chosen? How does this choice determine the compliance for target compliant
deformations and for target non
-compliant deformations.
5. In general I feel that despite the generic design approach for the nature (wire, blade, etc..) and
orientation of the slender elements, many design choices remain arbitrary and poorly explained.
For instance, In fig. 2.: what sets the choice of five wires per unit cell? In fig. 4.: what sets the
choice of two blades per unit cell? in fig 4, from cell to cell, the blades are aligned in the vertical
direction but not in the horizontal direction: why such a difference?
6. To convincingly demonstrate that the metamaterials are directionally compliant, it would be
appropriate to provide measurements of the non
-compliant deformation modes, e.g. in figure 9.
7. About the counting of constraints and degrees of freedom in formula (4) of the methods: it is
well known that the effects of multiple constraints can be redundant if they are related by
symmetries, for instance when multiple bars are aligned (See Calladine, IJSS 1978). How do the
authors treat such issue?
8. So far, the design approach has exclusively focussed on kinematics. Howe
ver, I believe that the
approach of the authors could easily be extended using e.g. beam and plate theory to also
determine/design for a target compliance. This is probably outside of the scope of this work, but I
am curious to hear the authors’ take on th
is and I think that this aspect would be worth
9. A related question concerning fig 9: I understand that the authors designed for the X and Y
direction to be compliant, but they report very similar values of compliances in the X and Y
tions. I find this result striking. Did the authors design for matching the X and Y compliances
or is this just a coincidence? If it has been designed, the authors should explain how.
10. Could the authors comment of the importance of the nonlinear response? Since their
structures comprise many slender elements, I would expect strong geometric nonlinearities to play
a role.
11. What determines the optimal choice for the number of unit cells?
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
A new computationa
l tool was created to design directionally compliant metamaterials more
efficiently, since design of metamaterials is complex due to the number and locations of flexible
elements. The new software tool takes orders of magnitude less time (tens of seconds v
s tens of
hours) than current computational tools for this application.
This computational model was based on the Freedom and Constraint Topologies (FACT)
methodology with some simplified assumptions in order to more efficiently compute designs. The
lified assumptions are that only geometry and orientation are considered in designing and the
beams are infinitely stiff along the constraint-
force lines but compliant in all other directions.
Basic rules for use of the FACT methodology and mathematical definitions to model the
methodology within the tool were presented to explain how the tool determines the design. Case
studies were performed on single degree-
of-freedom (DOF), multi
-DOF, multi-
DOF with CS outside
the yellow shaded region, and bulk shape systems to show the design works for many different
The discussion on the FACT methodology used in each case studies along with the accompanying
figures clearly shows the process by which the computational tool efficiently designs these
compliant metamaterials. This helped me to better understand how the methodology was applied
to design the computational tool.
There is an impressive variety of case studies presented. This showed that t
he tool has been
tested and can be used for many different designs. The supplementary information added even
more case studies to show that this tool works for many different cases.
At Line 435, “existing” should be “exiting”.
The flow and readability of Figure 2 could be improved by placing 2d, 2e prior to 2c. This would
give the figure a more linear feel as to how the process works.
Suggest placin
g the comments about scale bars and color definitions in the corresponding
subfigure description in Figures 3, 6, 7, and 9. For example, for Figure 3 –
Place “(scale bar in a,
50 μm)” at the end of the description of a. As another example, for Figure 6 –
Place “colors in i
and j are defined in Fig. 3b” at the end of the description of i, j.
Lines 165 –
170 discuss that layer extensions may be added to the design. Is there any time
where these extensions could interact with a different layer and would thus
affect the desired
compliance of the design? In looking at this in the context of the rest of the paper I don’t think
there would be interactions but discussing that the layer extensions won’t affect the desired
compliance may be helpful.
Reviewer #1:
The manuscript “Computationally efficient design
of directionally compliant metamaterials” by
Shaw et al. reports the design, fabrication and
experimental validation of a novel class of
metamaterials which exhibit prescribed deformati
ons, such as torsion, rotation and shear. Their
design strategy hinges on a purely
kinematic design approach, whic
h translates target motions
into sets of constraints. In turn, such constr
aints can be expressed mathematically as a linear
system of equations, that can be solved very
rapidly numerically. As a result, the internal
architecture of metamaterials
with predefined m
acroscopic shapes (e.g. 5x5x5 cube) can be
designed for a wide range of mechanical deform
ations, from motions with unique degrees of
freedom to motions with multiple (up to 3) degrees of freedom.
Minor clarification: Our appro
ach can design for any combina
tion of DOFs from none up to
six since six is the maximum number of indepe
ndent twists that any 3D system can possess.
Hence the reason for the 7 columns of the FACT
library. Note that we provide a 4 DOF example
(Fig. 7i) and a 6 DOF exampl
e (Supplementary Fig. 4i).
Although their design stra
tegy is not new (it was already de
veloped for compliant mechanisms),
its generalization in the
context of metamaterials is novel a
nd a very significant addition to the
metamaterial toolbox. I believe that
the results reported here will
be of strong interest to
mechanical engineers, physicists and material scie
ntists interested in metamaterials. The off-the-
self computational tool they provide might ev
en make it readily useab
le beyond the scientific
community, e.g. by product designers. Therefore, I th
ink that this manuscrip
t is a potential very
good fit for Nature Communications. That being said,
I think that as it sta
nds, the paper lacks too
much precision and clarity to be
fully convincing and to
be readable by the
broad readership of
Nature Communications. For thes
e reasons, I strongly encourag
e the authors to address the
following comments:
1. The extensive use of acronyms (more than 1 pe
r line on average) make
s the paper extremely
difficult to follow. I believe that a significant
rephrasing would allow the authors to use less
repetitions and therefore to
no rely that much on acronyms.
This is a great point. We eliminated the three
most confusing and frequently used acronyms
throughout the manuscript (i.e., freedom space
(FS), intermediate freedom space (IFS), and
constraint space (CS)) and more clearly phrased
sentences as suggested. These changes were too
numerous to highlight but you’ll see much fe
wer acronyms and clearer
sentences where these
words are used.
2. In some instances, the vocabulary is not precis
e enough, e.g. in the definition of “the yellow
shaded region...” (l 143, p7), what is a “viable t
opology”? Also, always refe
rring to the labelled
yellow region is extremely confusing because as
a reader, we lose tr
ack of the underlying
scientific nature of such
class of freedom spaces.
We clarified what we mean by “viable topology
” in the text (pp. 7)
, and gave the spaces
within the yellow region a technical name (i.e., ce
ll spaces) to clarify their scientific significance.
All instances referring to the yellow shaded re
gion were altered accord
ingly (pp. 7, 8, 12, 14, 15,
16, 18, 20, 24, and 30).
3. In all the FEA plots (Fig. 3b, Fi
gs.4g,h,i, figs. 5d,e,f, Figs. 6i,j, Fi
g. 7i, Figs. 8 b,c,e,f,g), it is
never clearly stated in the caption which numerical
protocol has been used
to obtain these results.
I understand from the text descrip
tion of Fig. 4 that modal analysis
has been used, but what about
for the other figures? In general,
the description of the FEA is too scarce to assess their validity
and to reproduce them, e.g. the description of
boundary conditions, mesh size, constitutive
models are absent.
Another very important point! Thanks for catch
ing this. We added details about all the FEA
in the paper in two new Methods sections (
pp. 10, 11, 18-19, 30 and 34-35, 38). We also added a
clause in the data availability
section about the CAD files necessary
to replicate the results (pp.
4. The description of the metamaterial geometri
c feature is incomplete: how are the beams and
blades thickness chosen? How does this choice
determine the compliance for target compliant
deformations and for target non-compliant deformations.
The power of our approach is that it genera
tes topologies (i.e., the
kind, number, location,
and orientation of flexible elements within
a DCM) without the comp
lexities of geometry
considerations (e.g., lengths, wi
dths, and thicknesses of the elem
ents) or constituent material
properties. This simplification is
the secret sauce th
at enables rapid desi
gn generation. Topology
is such a dominant factor in determining directions of compliance that regardless of constituent
material properties or the geometry specified (a
s long as wires still look
like wires (i.e., they are
much longer than their diameter) and blades still
look like blades (i.e., they are much thinner
than they are long or wide)) the resulting DOFs remain largely unaffected. However, that being
said, for our automated tool to draw our desi
gns and conduct the modal analysis, the tool does
need to be assigned material properties and the
diameter of the wires.
You’ll notice these are
asked for in the GUI during the design process. Th
e reason that it’s not discussed in the paper
though, is that the topology (i.e., how many wires a
nd their locations and orientations within the
serially stacked layers) is calculated without
material properties or wire diameters being
specified. This is at the heart of why our comput
ational approach is so disruptively fast at
generating designs.
The consequence of this rapid design capability
has trade offs though. We can’t, for instance,
initially set actual target stiffness values in th
e various directions. We can only guarantee that we
will generate a topology that will polarize th
e compliant directions specified from the
constrained unwanted directions so
that there is as large a difference in stiffness as possible
between them once material properties and geom
etries are assigned to the topology. Once a
polarized topology has been generated though, an op
timizer could be applied to determine the
optimal diameter and material property of each wi
re to achieve target values of stiffness and
compliance. But that’s a task for a differen
t and much less impactfu
l optimization paper.
See pp. 6-7 for a discussion
of this in the paper.
5. In general I feel that despite th
e generic design approach for the
nature (wire, blade, etc..) and
orientation of the slender elements, many design
choices remain arbitrary and poorly explained.
For instance, In fig. 2.: what sets the choice of fi
ve wires per unit cell? In fig. 4.: what sets the
choice of two blades per unit cell? in
fig 4, from cell to cell, the bl
ades are aligned in the vertical
direction but not in the horizontal
direction: why such
a difference?
The answers to your questions are addressed in
the Methods section, which are referenced in
the main text for each example. The number of wire
s or blades that should be used to synthesize
each cell such that resulting ce
lls achieve their intended DOFs onl
y and are as close to exactly
constrained as possible is disc
ussed on pp. 12, 27-30. The purpose of Supplementary Fig. 7 is to
provide instructions for selecting elements
from constraint spaces and the purpose of
Supplementary Fig. 8 is to give examples of how
to choose the kind (e.g., wires, blades, circular
hyperboloid elements, etc.), numbe
r, location, and orientation of
elements within constraint
spaces to generate correct cells. See also pp. 25-26.
As for the vertical vs, horizontal question, bot
h designs will achieve
the same DOF if their
elements are selected from the correct constrai
nt spaces using the rules described in Methods,
which they both are. Thus, from a FACT sta
nd point, they achieve the same DOF which is
infinitely compliant compared to the infinitely stiff constrained directions. In practice they of
course differ with actual finite
stiffness values, but generating t
opologies rapidly that are in the
general stiffness and compliant
ball park without these consid
erations is a huge benefit.
6. To convincingly demonstrate that the metamate
rials are directionally
compliant, it would be
appropriate to provide measuremen
ts of the non-compliant deform
ation modes, e.g. in figure 9.
Although in principle I believe this would ha
ve been a good idea, there are an infinite
number of other directions both
translational and rotational in na
ture, which were designed to be
constrained. The question is which of these sh
ould we have measured to compare against the
compliant directions and why would we choose
any of those over any others to compare?
There’s no good answer to these questions and we can
’t measure all the infinite options. This is
why we chose to use modal analysis to verify
directions of complian
ce throughout the majority
of the paper’s examples because the lowest natura
l frequency mode shapes are associate with the
most compliant directions (i
.e., DOFs). By providing lowest
frequency mode shapes we
demonstrate that all other infinite directions ar
e effectively stiffer than those, whatever those
stiffness values may be.
If we were to measure the stiffness in other
directions on the DCM of
Fig. 9 we would have
needed to take those measurements when the
other directions were measured because the
material that is 3D printed changes over time as
it is exposed to natural light. So, we’d have to
re-print and retest the entire
design, which would be very costly, time-consuming, and we
believe would be unnecessary given all the other
modal analysis verification in the paper.
7. About the counting of constraint
s and degrees of freedom in form
ula (4) of the methods: it is
well known that the effects of multiple constrai
nts can be redundant if they are related by
symmetries, for instance when multiple bars ar
e aligned (See Calladine, IJSS 1978). How do the
authors treat such issue?
We only shy away from over-constraint when
we are synthesizing each cell to reduce
computational time and effort because exactly
constrained cells require the placement of less
elements than over-constrained cells by definitio
n. We do not shy away from over-constraint in
general though because every layer of cells is
intended to massively over-constrains the final
DCM. This is why DCMs can be shaped in any
way desired to still achieve the target DOFs
because each unit cell redundantly constrains th
e system to achieve those DOFs. Thus, we
leverage over-constraint to enable
shape versatility. A detailed disc
ussion about how to deal with
exact and over constrai
nt is provided on pp. 27-30.
8. So far, the design approach has exclusively fo
cused on kinematics. However, I believe that the
approach of the authors could easily be extend
ed using e.g. beam and
plate theory to also
determine/design for a target compliance. This is probably outside of the scope of this work, but
I am curious to hear the authors’ take on this
and I think that this
aspect would be worth
This paper focuses on kinematics because kinema
tics requires much less computation to deal
with than kinematics combined with elastomechanic
s like most other approaches must deal with.
But yes, your idea is fantastic and would provid
e a worthwhile extension to our theory for a
future paper. Although we haven’t in
corporated plate theory (the pa
rt that excites me), we have
in a way begun to incorporate beam theory when we
construct our stiffness matrix in our custom
modal analysis approach to verify our DOFs as
discussed in the new se
ction we added (pp. 34-
35). Note that we can currently use our stiffness matrix to calculate specific stiffness values in
any desired direction.
9. A related question concerning fig 9: I understa
nd that the authors designed for the X and Y
direction to be compliant, but they report very
similar values of compliances in the X and Y
directions. I find this result
striking. Did the authors de
sign for matching the X and Y
compliances or is this just a coincidence? If
it has been designed, th
e authors should explain
No, we didn’t design for it specifically and we were
also surprised to see how similar they ended
up being. After some thought though we convinced
ourselves that the reason why is that the
relative dimensions between the parent design and
the child cell design are the same (i.e., if a
single scale factor were multiplied to all the dime
nsions in the small child cell, it would look
identical to the homogenous parent
design shown in Fig. 9a. Thus,
since a smaller version of the
design was rotated 90 degrees inside
of a larger version of itself,
I suppose we shouldn’t be too
surprised that they have
the same stiffness although
this interests me a lot. It may be a scientific
principle that we write a future
paper about regarding hierarchical
metamaterials if we can prove
it for general scenarios. We didn’t want to discuss it
in this paper, since it’s not the focus of the
paper, the paper is already very lengthy, and
we aren’t yet comfortable making any definitive
statements about the underlying prin
ciple or reason for the similarity.
10. Could the authors comment of the importa
nce of the nonlinear response? Since their
structures comprise many slender elements, I
would expect strong geom
etric nonlinearities to
play a role.
Nonlinearities should only be
considered once a DCM actually
deforms a finite amount.
Directions of compliance exist w
ithout anything ever needing to
deform at all (just like a spring
can be considered stiff whether or not it is lo
aded). Since we are designing DCMs that achieve
desired directions of compliance
before anything is ever deform
ed, we don’t need to consider
finite deformation nonlinearities,
especially during the design pr
ocess. Such nonlinearities would
substantially complicate the unde
rlying mathematics and would ag
ain make it impossibly slow
and impractical to manage the design of such
materials. The advance of this paper came by
stripping out all unnecessary c
onsiderations and focusing on
topology and linear mathematics
11. What determines the optimal c
hoice for the number of unit cells?
It depends on the desired shape of the final DC
M. The more cells in the desired volume, the
more bulk shapes you’ll be able to access that
simultaneously achieve the desired DOFs, but the
more computational time and effort is necessary.
A discussion of this is provided on pp. 9, 12,
14, and 23.
Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions. We f
eel that the paper is now much stronger and
we hope we’ve cleared up your concerns.
Reviewer #2:
A new computational tool was cr
eated to design directionally compliant metamaterials more
efficiently, since design of metama
terials is complex due to the num
ber and locations of flexible
elements. The new software tool takes orders of
magnitude less time (tens of seconds vs tens of
hours) than current computationa
l tools for this
This computational model was based on the Freedom and Constraint Topologies (FACT)
methodology with some simplified assumptions in
order to more efficiently compute designs.
The simplified assumptions are that only geometry
and orientation are c
onsidered in designing
and the beams are infinitely stiff along the cons
traint-force lines but
compliant in all other
Basic rules for use of the FACT methodology a
nd mathematical definitions to model the
methodology within the tool were
presented to explain how the to
ol determines the design. Case
studies were performed on single degree-of-
freedom (DOF), multi-DOF, multi-DOF with CS
outside the yellow shaded regi
on, and bulk shape systems to s
how the design works for many
different cases.
The discussion on the FACT methodology used
in each case studies along with the
accompanying figures clearly shows the process by which the computational tool efficiently
designs these compliant metamaterials. This helped me to better understand how the
methodology was applied to desi
gn the computational tool.
There is an impressive variety of case studies
presented. This showed th
at the tool has been
tested and can be used for many different desi
gns. The supplementary information added even
more case studies to show that this
tool works for many different cases.
At Line 435, “existing” should be “exiting”.
Thank you for catching this. We made the change (pp. 25).
The flow and readability of Fi
gure 2 could be improved by placing 2d, 2e prior to 2c. This would
give the figure a more linear feel
as to how the process works.
We see how this could be confusing if each part
of the figure were intended to represent each
step of the process. Since this is the first exam
ple of the paper, however, we wanted to provide a
high-level picture of the approach, which is actua
lly represented by parts a through c only (a is
the empty template volume that will be filled with
elements (input), b is the approach that fills
the space with elements, and c is the final result (output)). Parts d and e are simply describing the
parts of the final design a
nd we feel that it’s important to sh
ow the final design first before we
begin to describe what it’s made of. We decide
d to add arrows between a and b and b and c to
clarify this concept in Fig. 2.
Suggest placing the comments a
bout scale bars and color definitions in the corresponding
subfigure description in Figures
3, 6, 7, and 9. For example, for Figure 3 – Place “(scale bar in a,
50 μm)” at the end of the description of a. As
another example, for Figure 6 – Place “colors in i
and j are defined in Fig. 3b” at the
end of the description of i, j.
We put the scale bar and color definition at th
e end of the figure cap
tions to conform with
formatting guidelines. At least all ot
her paper examples we saw that are
published in
Nature Communications
puts these at the end
of the figure caption.
Lines 165 – 170 discuss that layer extensions ma
y be added to the design. Is there any time
where these extensions could interact with a di
fferent layer and would t
hus affect the desired
compliance of the design? In looking at this in
the context of the rest of the paper I don’t think
there would be interactions but discussing that
the layer extensions won’t affect the desired
compliance may be helpful.
This is a very insightful comment and an inte
resting question. The extensions would definitely
have an effect on the stiffness
of various DCMs, but th
ey aren’t a dominant
factor in polarizing
directions of compliance and stiffness. The
topology alone dominates
in determining which
directions will be compliant and which will be st
iff. All other considerations (e.g., geometry of
elements, constituent material properties, and geometry of stage extensions) would determine the
specific stiffness values and how different th
ey are from each other. We leverage this
observation and only consider the topology when
designing DCMs so we
can quickly generate
topologies that are guaranteed to have the DOFs be
the most compliant directions. Then all other
considerations could be optimized to tune thei
r actual values. Since the paper is already very
lengthy, we don’t feel that a discus
sion of this rises to the level
of a necessary discussion in the
Thank you for taking the time to review
this paper to help
make it better.
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
Dear Editor,
the authors have successfully addressed most of my comments. The paper is now clearer and
more precise.
A minor point: I want to follow up on my question 4:
I understand that the authors do not want to
mention beam/blade geometry for the design approach. However, I could not find the values used
by the authors for their real 3D printed samples. I believe that mentioning these values could be
very useful to th
e interested reader: 3D printing such large aspect
-ratio structural details is likely
to be the main fabrication bottleneck.
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have done a nice job responding to the reviews. Here is one minor note to con
before publication:
Pg 31 Line 583, says "perform the linear modal analyses for the case studies of Figs. 4g-
i, 5d
but looks to me like it should be "5d
Response to Reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
Dear Editor,
the authors have successfully
addressed most of my comments
. The paper is now clearer and
more precise.
A minor point: I want to follow up
on my question 4: I understand th
at the authors do not want to
mention beam/blade geometry for the design approach. However, I could not find the values
used by the authors for their real 3D printed samples. I believe that mentioning these values
could be very useful to the intere
sted reader: 3D printing such larg
e aspect-ratio structural details
is likely to be the main fabrication bottleneck.
Thank you for your helpful feedback in making the
paper clearer and more precise. As to your
point, we set the diameter
s of the wire elements and the thic
knesses of the blade elements in all
of our real 3D printed samples to be the sma
llest feature size our
printer was comfortable
printing. The blade widths were made as wide as
possible within the space they had available
within their respective cells so they would behave
as much like an ideal blade as possible. All
element lengths were determined by the distance between the DCM layers and their angles. We
decided that because there were so many geometri
c parameters that define
d each cell within each
3D printed design that instead
of significantly lengthening the
paper by providing all of these
parameters for every design that we printed (and
possibly derailing the focus of the paper since
FACT operates independent of these parameters),
we would provide CAD or .stl files of the
printed structures upon the reader’s
request and declare that in our da
ta availability statement. Of
course all the actual geometric parameters used
are embedded in those files if any reader did
want to exam them. Such information would be
more important to provide for case studies
directly within a follow-on paper that optimizes
the geometry of the topologies that FACT
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have done a nice job responding to the
reviews. Here is one
minor note to consider
before publication:
Pg 31 Line 583, says "perform the
linear modal analyses for the ca
se studies of Fi
gs. 4g-i, 5d-e",
but looks to me like it should be "5d-f"
Good catch! We made the change in track
changes. Thank you again for your help.