of 1
Author Correction:
Foundry-fabricated grating
coupler demultiplexer inverse-designed via fast
integral methods
Constantine Sideris
, Aroutin Khachaturian, Alexander D. White, Oscar P. Bruno & Ali Hajimiri
Correction to:
Communications Physics
, published online 23 March 2022.
author contributions
statement of the original version of the manuscript contained some mistakes and an omission.
The correct version is
C.S. and O.P.B. developed the inverse design framework used, and utilized it to obtain the proposed design. C.S., A.K., A.D.W., and
A.H. developed the testing methodology including incorporating additional test structures for decoupling the losses of the device itself
from those of the measurement setup. A.K., A.D.W., and C.S. characterized the fabricated design experimentally. C.S., A.K., O.P.B., and
A.H. analyzed the measurement results and compared them against numerical simulations. All authors contributed to the preparation
and review of the manuscript
This replaces the original version, that read
C.S. and O.P.B. developed the inverse design framework used, and utilized it to obtain the proposed design. C.S., A.K., A.D.W., and
S.A.H. developed the testing methodology including incorporating additional test structures for decoupling the losses of the device
itself from those of the measurement setup. A.K., A.D.W., and C.S. characterized the fabricated design experimentally. C.S., A.K., and
O.P.B. analyzed the measurement results and compared them against numerical simulations. All authors contributed to the pre-
paration and review of the manuscript.
The HTML and PDF version of the manuscript have been corrected.
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© The Author(s) 2022
| (2022) 5:98 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-022-00877-4 | www.nature.com/commsphys