of 7
Photoacoustic endoscopic imaging
study of melanoma tumor growth in a
rat colorectum in vivo
Chiye Li, Joon-Mo Yang, Ruimin Chen, Yu Zhang,
Younan Xia, et al.
Chiye Li, Joon-Mo Yang, Ruimin Chen, Yu Zhang, Younan Xia, Qifa Zhou,
K. Kirk Shung, Lihong V. Wang, "Photoacoustic endoscopic imaging study of
melanoma tumor growth in a rat colorectum in vivo," Proc. SPIE 8581,
Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2013, 85810D (4 March
2013); doi: 10.1117/12.2005470
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2013, San Francisco, California, United States
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Photoacoustic endoscopic imaging st
udy of melanoma tumor growth
in a rat colorectum
in vivo
Chiye Li
, Joon-Mo Yang
, Ruimin Chen
, Yu Zhang
, Younan Xia
, Qifa Zhou
, K. Kirk
, and Lihong V. Wang
Optical Imaging Laboratory, Depart
ment of Biomedical Engineeri
ng, Washington University in St.
Louis, One Brookings Drive, Campus
Box 1097, St. Louis, Missouri, 63130, USA
Ultrasonic Transducer Resource Ce
nter, Department of Biomedical
Engineering, University of
Southern California, 1042 Downey Way, Univer
sity Park, DRB 130, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedi
cal Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
and Emory University, Molecular Science and Engi
neering Building, 901 Atla
ntic Drive, Atlanta,
GA 30332, USA
We performed a photoacoustic endoscopic imaging study of melanoma tumor growth in a nude rat
in vivo
. After
inducing the tumor at the colorectal wall of the animal, we monitored the tumor development
in situ
by using a
photoacoustic endoscopic system. This paper introduces our experimental method for tumor inoculation and presents
imaging results showing the morphological changes of the blood vasculature near the tumor region according to the
tumor progress. Our study could provide insights for future studies on tumor development in small animals.
: Photoacoustic endoscopy, melanoma tumor, nude rat, colorectum.
Because of its strong spectroscopic and angiographi
c imaging ability, photoaco
ustic endoscopy (PAE)
could be a
powerful tool for studying tumor development. Importantly, PAE can provide plenty of functional information and
blood vasculature information without using any contrast agent
Although many
in vivo
photoacoustic (PA) imaging
studies based on tumor models induced in mouse or rats have been reported
8, 17-21
, to our knowledge, none of them were
implemented in the endoscopic form.
In this study, we investigated such capability of PAE by performing a melanoma tumor imaging experiment with a nude
rat. Like colonic carcinoma, melanoma tumor is a well-k
nown epithelial tumor. By injecting the tumor cells (B16
melanoma cell line), we produced a xenograft melanoma tumor m
odel at the colorectal wall of an athymic nude mutant
rat (Hsd:RH-
). Then, we monitored its development
in situ
using a PA endoscopic system
and could
observe vasculature variation as the tumor developed. Here we describe the experimental methods for tumor induction
and the endoscopic imaging procedure, and present the imaging results.
Photoacoustic endoscopic system
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Corresponding author:
Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2013, edited by Alexander A. Oraevsky, Lihong V. Wang,
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8581, 85810D · © 2013 SPIE · CCC code: 1605-7422/13/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2005470
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DAQ card
Signal wire
driver circuit
I- Endoscope
pullback stage
For this study, we utilized the 3.8-mm diameter probe based endoscopic system reported in
Nature Medicine
Figure 1
shows the endoscope and its peripheral systems, composed of a micromotor driver circuit, a delay generator, a laser
system, an ultrasonic (US)
pulser-receiver including an amplifier, a data
acquisition (DAQ) card, and a computer for
recording signals and displaying images.
Figure 1.
Block diagram showing the endoscopic
probe and its peripheral systems.
For PA imaging, laser pulses (578 nm, ~10 ns pulse width, ~0.3 mJ/pulse) from a tunable dye laser (Cobra HRR, Sirah),
pumped by a solid-state, diode-pumped Nd:YLF laser (INNOSLAB IS811-E, EdgeWave), are guided by a multimode
optical fiber (BFL22-365, Thorlabs) and emitted through the
central hole of a single element focused US transducer
, ~36 MHz, 65% fractional bandwidth), which is coaxially
aligned with the optical fiber. After exiting the fiber,
the laser beams are further directed to
the target tissue by a scanning mirror, and finally generate PA waves once
absorbed by the target tissue. The PA wa
ves that propagate to the scanning mirror are reflected by the same mirror, sent
to the US transducer, converted into electrical signals, am
plified by the US pulser-recei
ver (5072PR, Panametrics), and
digitally recorded by the D
AQ card (NI PCI-5124, National Instruments).
With the endoscopic system, we acquired
volumetric PA images with a B-scan frame rate of ~4 Hz. Mo
re information on the endoscope’s structure is available in
our previous report
With the laser fluences used in these experiments, the endoscope’s maximal radial imaging depth was ~7 mm from the
endoscope’s surface, and th
e angular field-of-view (FOV) wa
s limited to approximately 270°
, due to partial blocking by
the probe housing. Experimentally measured highest PA and
US resolutions in the focal z
one of the transducer were
respectively ~55 μm and ~30 μm in the axial direction, and
~80 μm and ~60 μm in the transverse direction, but the
transverse resolution varied with target distance.
Tumor inducement
Because of the long rigid distal secti
on (~38 mm) of the employed endoscope,
we chose an athymic nude mutant rat
, Harlan Laboratories) for the host of melanoma tumor.
During the cell culture, we maintained B16 melanoma cells in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium with 10% fetal
bovine serum and 1% penicillin/streptomycin supplement. The cells were incubated in 37 C°, 5% CO
and divided
every 72 hours. For subculture,
they were seeded at 2–4 ×10
after being dispersed in 0.25% EDTA-trypsin.
For injection, cells were resuspended in phosphate buffered
saline after trypsinization. Then
, we locally injected a 200-
μl tumor cell solution, containing ~10
tumor cells, to the colorectal wall of a nude rat (~16 weeks old) via anus by
using a 30 gauge needle. To dilate the anus, we utilized a plastic catheter which had a small hole at the tip for the needle
introduction. With this injection method, we were able to induce melanoma tumor while minimizing the anatomical
disturbance of animal which frequently occurs in conventional surgical injection methods.
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Day 1
+120° +60° MD -60°-120°+120° +60° MD
Day 2
+120° +60° MD -60°-120°+120° +60° MD
PA amplitude
Endoscopic imaging of the tumor
We targeted monitoring the tumor development with a one
-week interval. When we appr
eciated that an endoscopic
imaging experiment was needed, we fasted the rat for ~20 hr before the day of the experiment to increase the likelihood
of an empty colon for endoscopic imaging.
In each imaging experiment, we anesthe
tized the rat with ~4% isoflurane for
induction, and administered a cocktail of 87 mg/kg ketamine and 13 mg/kg xylazine (IP) to provide time to prepare and
mount the animal. Once the animal was
properly positioned, medical ultrasound gel was inserted into the colon via a
small plastic tube. The ultrasound gel provided acoustic coupling between the tissue and US transducer and lubricated
the probe during colon insertion through the anus. Then we
inserted the endoscopic probe into the colon ~6 cm deep
from the animal’s anus and performed pullback volumetric scans over a ~2–3 cm range during constant pullback
translation of the probe at a
mechanically governed speed of
~160 μm/s (~1 cm/min). We recorded multiple volumetric
data sets, and each volumetric scan required a scanning
time of ~2–3 min. About 500–800 B-scan slices with
longitudinal spacings of ~40 μm were acquired for each im
aging session. While imaging, we maintained anesthesia
with 1.5–2.0% isoflurane supplied through a nose cone and monitored its vital signs during the experiment. Once we
observed that the tumor grew up too big to perform endoscopic imaging, we euthanized the animal by a pentobarbital
overdose (150 mg/kg, IP) and surgically validated.
All procedures in the experiment followed the protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
at Washington University in St. Louis.
Figure 2.
Serially-acquired PA-RMAP images from the rat colorectum with a melanoma tumor (views from the
inside of the colon). In each image, the horizontal
-axis corresponds to the angular FOV covering 270°, and the
-axis corresponds to the pullback length of 2–3 cm.
The approximate mid-dorsal (MD) position and angular
measures from the MD are marked along the horizontal
-axis, where the positive and
negative values correspond to
the right and left sides of the animal. The scale bars represent 5 mm for the vertical direction only.
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PA amplitude
In general, tumor growth speed shows a large variation depending on the health condition of the animal and the
environment of the tumor injection site. So, we frequently checked the tumor progress status and decided the starting
moment of endoscopic imaging experiment. In this study, we performed the first endoscopic imaging after two weeks
from the tumor cell injection, and
could acquire endoscopic image data
twice with a one-week interval.
Figure 2
, we present the serial PA radial-maximum amplit
ude projection (RMAP) images acquired from the rat
using a 578 nm laser wavelength. To show the image reproducibility, we present two sets of image data in parallel for
each experiment day. As shown in the images, the tumor re
gion was clearly visualized
in PA images because the
melanoma tumor tissue includes a lot of highly light-absorbing melanin. Also, one can see the increase of the tumor size
and adjacent vasculature change in the colorectal wall
clearly between the first and second experiment days.
To show the melanoma tumor’s configuration in a three-dimensional space, we produced a volume-rendered PA image
using the data presented in
Figure 2(b)
, and present it with a photograph image in
Figure 3
. As shown in
Figure 3(a)
the melanoma tumor location and its adjacent vascul
ature were clearly mapped by the PA imaging.
Figure 3.
) Three-dimensionally rendered PA structural image
obtained with a 578 nm laser excitation wavelength.
The down side of this image is cl
oser to anus, and the negative
-axis corresponds to the dorsal direction of the
animal, respectively. (
) A photo showing the melanoma tumor in the rat
colorectum. The
scale bars represent 5 mm.
In this study, we investigated PA image features
of melanoma tumor in the colorectum of a nude rat
in situ
to show
PAE’s clinical potential. Many types of information related to
tumor, such as its site, size, developing rate, vascular
structure and growth pattern would be important, because they could be used for evaluating degree of maturity,
distinguishing adenomas and carcinomas, and determining a prognosis. As we presented here, PAE was able to provide
information on the tumor location and adjacent blood vasculature clearly without using any contrast agent. The
experimental results show PAE’s potential to be used as a new clinical tool in diagnosing many gastrointestinal
diseases, such as cancer.
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For future studies, we plan to use multi-colored laser light to noninvasively provide clinically relevant information like
total hemoglobin concentration, blood oxygenation, blood
flow, and temperature, and we will also try to perform a
colorectal tumor imaging study using nude rats.
We performed the first
in vivo
PA endoscopic imaging study of melanoma tumor growth in the colorectum of a nude
rat. PAE could provide the melanoma tumor region and its adjacent blood vasculature clearly without using any contrast
agent. Our study could lead to a
useful methodology for studying tumo
r development in small animals.
We thank Seema Dahlheimer for her attentive reading of the manuscript. This work was sponsored in part by National
Institutes of Health grants R01 CA157277, R01 NS46214
(BRP), R01 EB000712, R01 EB008085, and U54 CA136398
(Network for Translational Research). L.W.
has a financial interest in Microphotoacoustics, Inc. and Endra, Inc., which,
however, did not support this work.
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