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2024 Vol. 121 No. 39 e2408697121
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degron pathways
Alexander Varshavsky
Edited by Ulrich Hartl, Max
Institut fur Biochemie, Martinsried, Germany; received June 14, 2024; accepted July 2, 2024
An N
degron is a degradation signal whose main determinant
is a “destabilizing” N
terminal residue of a protein. Specific
degrons, discovered in 1986, were the first identified
degradation signals in short
lived intracellular proteins.
These N
degrons are recognized by a ubiquitin
proteolytic system called the Arg/N
degron pathway.
Although bacteria lack the ubiquitin system, they also have
degron pathways. Studies after 1986 have shown that
all 20 amino acids of the genetic code can act, in specific
sequence contexts, as destabilizing N
terminal residues.
Eukaryotic proteins are targeted for the conditional or
constitutive degradation by at least five N
degron systems
that differ both functionally and mechanistically: the Arg/
degron pathway, the Ac/N
degron pathway, the Pro/N
degron pathway, the fMet/N
degron pathway, and the
newly named, in this perspective, GASTC/N
degron pathway
(GASTC = Gly, Ala, Ser, Thr, Cys). I discuss these systems and
the expanded terminology that now encompasses the entire
gamut of known N
degron pathways.
degron | proteolysis | ubiquitin | proteasome | N
Lifespans of proteins in a cell can vary from less than a minute
to many days. In most cases, the in vivo degradation of a pro
tein does not conform to a single
exponent kinetics (a con
stant rate of degradation). For example, nascent (being made),
newly formed, and mature forms of the same protein usually
differ in the rates of their degradation in living cells. A protein
can also be conditionally short
lived, i.e., stable under some
in vivo conditions but destroyed upon a signal. Proteolytic
pathways protect cells from misfolded, aggregated, or other
wise abnormal proteins, and also target normal proteins that
evolved to be constitutively or conditionally short
lived. Most
proteins function as subunits of oligomeric complexes, which
often assemble cotranslationally. Proteolytic pathways can
destroy subunits that are overproduced relative to a complex
or cannot be incorporated into the complex efficaciously
In eukaryotes, protein degradation is mediated largely
by the ubiquitin (Ub)
proteasome system (UPS) and by
lysosome pathways, with molecular
chaperones being a part of both systems ( 1 – 12 ). Ub ligases,
which comprise E2 and E3 components, covalently conjugate
the 76
residue Ub (usually in the form of a poly
Ub chain) to
a multitude of proteins (usually to their internal Lys residues),
and thereby mark these proteins for degradation or specific
nonproteolytic fates ( 13 – 15 ). Deubiquitylases (DUBs) produce
free Ub through cleavages of Ub precursor proteins, remove
Ub moieties from Ub
conjugated proteins, and edit poly
chains. An essential part of UPS is an oligomeric ATP
dependent protease called the 26S proteasome. This protease
binds to a polyubiquitylated protein through its poly
Ub chain,
unfolds the protein using ATPase subunits of the proteasome,
and processively destroys the protein to short peptides of
varying lengths, from
3 to
15 residues ( 16 – 20 ).
Degradation signals, termed “degrons” ( 21 ), are features
of proteins that mediate their degradation in vivo. Such sig
nals are recognized, in particular, by Ub ligases. The human
genome encodes more than 600 E3 Ub ligases ( 13 – 15 ). They
target a multitude of different degrons and underlie the
immense functional reach of UPS. The nature of degrons was
unknown until 1986. The first such signals, termed N
were identified as “destabilizing” N
terminal (Nt) residues of
lived proteins ( 22 , 23 ). This discovery solved the prob
lem of specificity in Ub
protein conjugation. In eukaryotes,
proteolytic systems called N
degron pathways are a part of
UPS ( Figs.
1 – 6 and
SI Appendix
, Fig.
) ( 5 , 9 , 1 5 , 2 2 – 9 2 ) . B e f o r e
2019, N
degron pathways were called “N
end rule pathways”
( 5 ). Studies after 1986 identified several classes of N
as well as many other degradation signals, including
terminal (Ct) degrons, called C
degrons, which are targeted
by C
d e g r o n p a t h w a y s ( 9 3 – 9 6 ) .
degron pathways can mediate protein remodeling by
destroying a specific subunit within a protein complex ( 24 ). In
addition to being topologically analogous, N
degrons and
degrons are related functionally. For example, a proteolytic
cleavage of a subunit within a protein complex can yield a
degron in the Nt
fragment of cleaved subunit and an N
in the corresponding Ct
fragment. At the instant of subunit’s
cleavage, the new potential C
degron and the new potential
degron are facing each other and nearly touch. Fragments of
a cleaved subunit may remain associated with the protein com
plex. Such fragments can be selectively eliminated through
attacks by N
degron and C
degron pathways ( 25 , 95 ).
degron substrates are destroyed by the 26S proteasome
and/or autophagy in eukaryotes and by the proteasome
ClpAP protease in bacteria ( Figs. 1 and 2 and
SI Appendix
Fig. S1
) ( 5 , 9 , 32 , 33 , 36 – 40 ). Determinants of a eukaryotic
degron comprise a destabilizing Nt
residue of a protein,
an internal Lys residue (the site of polyubiquitylation), and
Author affiliations:
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Author contribution: A.V. designed research and wrote the paper.
The author declares no competing interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Copyright © 2024 the Author(s). Published by PNAS. This article is distributed under
Creative Commons Attribution
NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY
Email: avarsh@caltech.edu.
This article contains supporting information online at
Published September 12, 2024.
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an unstructured segment ( 5 , 20 , 23 , 34 ). Recognition compo
nents of N
degron pathways, called N
recognins, are either
specific E3 Ub ligases or other proteins that can target
degrons, for example, the bacterial N
recognin ClpS and
the mammalian N
recognin p62/SQSTM1, a regulator of auto
phagy ( 5 , 9 , 37 – 39 , 47 ). It has been shown that all 20 amino
acids of the genetic code can act, in specific sequence con
texts, as destabilizing Nt
residues ( Figs. 1 and 2 and
SI Appendix
, Fig. S1
) ( 5 , 22 , 23 , 46 , 50 , 70 ).
Initially, most N
degrons are cryptic (preN
degrons). For
example, most Nt
residues that can be recognized by the
degron pathway ( Figs. 1
a n d 2
) cannot be exposed
at the N termini of nascent proteins by ribosome
aminopeptidases (MetAPs). Owing to mechanisms of the
genetic code, a nascent protein virtually always starts with
Met. MetAPs cotranslationally cleave off this Met if a res
idue at position 2, the one to become N
terminal, is not larger
than Val ( 98 , 99 ). More accurately, if the second residue is
Asn or Gln, Nt
Met can still be removed, but significantly
slower ( 100 ). Many other nonprocessive intracellular pro
teases, including caspases, calpains, separases, cathepsins,
and non
MetAP aminopeptidases, can function, together
with MetAPs, as upstream components of N
degron path
ways. They can generate protein
sized Ct
fragments some of
which bear N
degrons ( 25 – 27 , 48 , 70 , 84 , 98 ). Active N
can also be formed through enzymatic Nt
deamidation, Nt
arginylation, Nt
oxidation, Nt
acetylation, Nt
leucylation, and
formylation of full
length proteins or protein
sized Ct
fragments ( Figs. 1 and 2 and
SI Appendix
, Fig. S1
) ( 5 , 25 , 34 ,
36 , 40 , 50 , 54 , 55 , 79 , 101 , 102 ).
The remarkably broad functions of N
degron pathways
include the selective degradation of misfolded and retro
translocated proteins; the sensing of small compounds such
as oxygen, nitric oxide (NO), and short peptides; the regula
tion of DNA transcription, replication, repair, and chromo
some cohesion/segregation; the regulation of chaperones,
peptide transport, meiosis, cytoskeletal proteins, gluconeo
genesis, autophagy, apoptosis, the innate and adaptive
immunity, renal and cardiovascular functions, neurogenesis,
spermatogenesis, and circadian rhythms; diverse involve
ments in diseases such as cancer, neurodegeneration, and
defects of immunity; a variety of roles in bacteria; and many
functions in plants, including seed germination and oxygen/
NO sensing ( Figs. 1 – 4 and
SI Appendix
, Figs. S1 and S2
) [( 5 , 9 ,
1 5 , 2 2 – 9 2 ) a n d r e f e r e n c e s t h e r e i n ] .
Proposed in 2019, the “N
degron pathway” terminology has
become nearly standard in the field ( 5 ). Nevertheless, there are
Ub ligases, for example, the XIAP, BIRC2 (cIAP1), and BIRC3
(cIAP2) E3s of the IAP (“inhibitor of apoptosis”) family, that can
act as N
recognins but are not denoted as such ( 103 ). [To keep
notations uniform, the terms for human genes and proteins
uppercase letters) are used here for all genes and proteins.]
In addition, recent studies, described below, illuminated a pre
viously glimpsed but hitherto obscure N
degron pathway that
involves, in particular, specific cullin
RING (CRL) E3s ( Fig. 2
( 90 – 92 ). It is proposed, here, to denote this proteolytic system
as the GASTC/N
degron pathway (GASTC = Gly, Ala, Ser, Thr,
Cys). The resulting expansion of terms spans the entire gamut
of known N
degron pathways. Flexibility of these notations
makes it easy to alter them if further advances would require a
Centric Versus Hardware
The standard terms “Arg/N
degron pathway,” “Ac/N
end rule
pathway,” and “fMet/N
degron pathway” bring up a key
terminal modification in each of these systems: Nt
arginylation (Arg), Nt
acetylation (Ac), and Nt
(fMet) ( Figs. 1
a n d 2
SI Appendix
, Fig. S1
Analogously, “Pro/N
degron pathway” and “GASTC/N
pathway” (the latter term is proposed in this perspective)
highlight specific Nt
residues of protein substrates that are
directly recognized by a pathway ( Figs. 1
a n d 2
). At first
glance, all is well.
Fig. 1.
degron pathways in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
. (
) The Arg/N
pathway. Nt
residues are denoted by single
letter abbreviations. Yellow ovals
denote the rest of a protein substrate. “Primary,” “secondary,” and “tertiary”
refer to specific classes of destabilizing Nt
residues. “Type 1” and “Type 2” refer
to sets of primary destabilizing Nt
residues, basic and bulky hydrophobic.
They are recognized by distinct substrate
binding sites of the UBR1 Arg/N
recognin. UBR1 contains other substrate
binding sites as well. 3D structures
of the 52
kDa NTA1 Nt
amidase (64), the 58
kDa ATE1 R
transferase (50, 51),
and the 225
kDa UBR1 E3 Arg/N
recognin (47) are shown as well (not to scale,
owing to a large size of UBR1). Orange (NTA1) and blue (ATE1) denote strongly
conserved parts of these enzymes. A multiprotein diagram on the upper
right denotes the multienzyme targeting complex of the yeast Arg/N
pathway (80). (
) The Ac/N
degron pathway. The red arrowhead on the left
indicates the cotranslational removal of Nt
Met by Met
aminopeptidases. If the
retained Nt
Met or N
terminal Ala, Ser, or Thr are followed by Nt
permissive residues, the above Nt
residues are Nt
acetylated by ribosome
associated Nt
acetylases (53). Nt
Val can be Nt
acetylated but more slowly
than, e.g., Nt
Ala, and often negligibly. Nt
Pro is virtually never Nt
Gly is usually Nt
myristoylated, but can also be, alternatively, Nt
(97). Natural Ac/N
degrons are regulated by their steric shielding in protein
complexes (Fig. 5). (
) The Pro/N
degron pathway.
respectively the initially discovered part of the pathway (67) and the part that
involves the aminopeptidases FRA1 and ICP55 (
) (70).
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However, owing to complexities and inherent opportunism
of biological evolution, notations of biochemical pathways are
often fraught with (usually tolerable) ambiguities. For exam
ple, UBR1, the N
recognin of the Arg/N
degron pathway, can
target both N
degrons and other kinds of degrons ( Figs. 1
and 2
) ( 5 , 9 , 33 , 34 ). In addition, Arg/N
degrons of proteins
in, e.g., human cells can be recognized not only by any one
among the E3 Ub ligases UBR1, UBR2, UBR4, and UBR5, but
also by the non
E3 N
recognin p62/SQSTM1, a regulator of
autophagy ( 5 , 9 , 33 , 34 ). In sum, the N
degron terminology,
while flexible and compact, is a pragmatic compromise. A
centric tilt of this compromise allows the terms to be
specific and independent of names for genes or proteins.
Eukaryotic N
Degron Pathways
Although bacteria lack a Ub
mediated proteolytic system,
they contain the (Ub
independent) Leu/N
degron pathway
SI Appendix
, Fig. S1
) ( 36 – 40 ). There is also, apparently, a
bacterial fMet/N
degron pathway, which can target proteins
bearing the Nt
formylated Nt
Met residue (Nt
The existence of this bacterial pathway is suggested by cir
cumstantial evidence and remains to be verified ( 104 ). [In
contrast, the eukaryotic fMet/N
degron pathway was demon
strated directly (
SI Appendix
, Fig. S1
) ( 79 ).] Since the present
perspective is about an expansion of N
degron terminology,
and since notations of bacterial pathways already include
degrons, the discussion below is confined to eukaryotes.
The Arg/N
Degron Pathway
This proteolytic system targets, in particular, specific
unacetylated Nt
residues ( Figs. 1
, 2
, 3 , and 4 ) ( 5 , 9 , 32 – 35 ).
The N
terminal Arg, Lys, His, Leu, Phe, Tyr, Trp, Ile, and Met
(if Nt
Met is followed by a bulky hydrophobic residue) are
recognized by Arg/N
recognins such as the
UBR1 E3 Ub ligase; by the human UBR1, UBR2,
UBR4, and UBR5 E3s; and by the human non
E3 autophagy
regulator p62/SQSTM1 ( 5 , 9 , 34 , 47 , 85 , 86 , 105 ). N
Asn, Gln, Glu, and Asp are also destabilizing residues, owing
to enzymatic Nt
deamidation of Nt
Asn and Nt
Gln and the
ensuing Nt
arginylation, by the ATE1 arginyltransferase
transferase), of the resulting Nt
Asp and Nt
Glu ( Figs. 1
and 2
) ( 5 , 25 , 49 – 52 , 64 , 102 ). In addition, an enzymatic,
dependent in
vivo oxidation of Nt
Cys of a protein to
sulfinate or Nt
sulfonate can make the resulting
oxidized Nt
Cys* residue a substrate of R
transferase and
lead to Nt
arginylation of Nt
Cys* ( Fig. 2
) ( 41 – 45 ). The post
translationally conjugated Nt
Arg residue of such proteins
can be recognized, in particular, by UBR1 E3 ( Figs.
a n d 2
) .
Components of the yeast Arg/N
degron pathway form a
targeting complex ( 80 ). It contains, in particular, two physically
interacting E3s: the 225
type UBR1 and the 168
type UFD4, in association with their respective E2 (Ub
carrier) enzymes RAD6 and UBC4/UBC5 ( 80 , 106 ) ( Fig. 1
). In
S. cerevisiae
, UBR1 is the sole Arg/N
recognin. The type
1 and
2 binding sites of UBR1 recognize, respectively, basic and
bulky hydrophobic Nt
residues. The targeting complex con
tains not only UBR1 and UFD4 E3s and their E2s, but also the
amidase NTA1 and the R
transferase ATE1 ( Fig. 1
) ( 80 ). The
S. cerevisiae
degron pathway can also recognize and tar
get for degradation
specific proteins (including CUP9, MGT1,
CHK1, KAR4, TUP1, GPD1, STE11, and HSP82) that lack Arg/N
degrons ( 56 , 87 , 88 ). The targeting complex of the human
degron pathway is analogous to the one in yeast ( 80 ).
A mammalian genome encodes at least four E3s that can
recognize Arg/N
degrons: the 200
kDa UBR1 and UBR2, the
kDa UBR4 (p600; BIG), and the 300
kDa UBR5 (EDD1; HYD)
( Fig. 2
) ( 5 , 85 , 86 ). Human UBR1 and UBR2 are sequelogous
to each other and to
S. cerevisiae
UBR1. In contrast, the seque
logy ( 107 ) between, for example, UBR1 and UBR4 or UBR5 is
largely confined to their
residue UBR domains. [“Sequelog”
denotes a sequence that is similar, to a specified extent, to
another sequence ( 107 ). Derivative terms are “sequelogous”
(similar in sequence) and “sequelogy” (sequence similarity).
Usefulness of these terms stems from the rigor of their evolu
tionary neutrality. In contrast, the terms “homolog,” “ortholog,”
and “paralog,” which invoke, respectively, common descent and
functional similarity or dissimilarity, are interpretation
and often imprecise. Homolog, ortholog, and paralog are com
patible with the sequelog terminology, and can be used to
convey information about common descent and biological
functions, if this additional understanding (distinct from seque
logy per se) is actually present ( 107 ).]
Mouse mutants lacking UBR1 or UBR2 are viable, whereas
a double mutant is an embryonic lethal ( 5 , 9 , 34 ). Human
patients with Johanson–Blizzard syndrome (JBS) lack UBR1
but retain all other Arg/N
recognins ( Fig. 2
). Manifestations
of JBS include an exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and
inflammation, intellectual disability, deafness, and anatomic
mice exhibit milder JBS symptoms
[( 5 , 9 , 34 ) and references therein].
One function of the
S. cerevisiae
degron pathway
( Fig. 1
) is the control of peptide import. CUP9, a
Fig. 2.
) The mammalian Arg/N
degron pathway. For designations, see the
legend to Fig. 1. This pathway targets proteins for the proteasome
degradation (via the N
recognins UBR1, UBR2, UBR4, UBR5 E3 Ub ligases) or
the lysosome
mediated degradation (via the p62 N
recognin). Ub ligases of
this pathway can recognize not only the indicated destabilizing Nt
but also other degrons in specific protein substrates. NTAN1 and NTAQ1 are
amidases that convert, respectively, Nt
Asn or Nt
Gln to Nt
Asp or Nt
C* denotes an oxidized N
terminal Cys residue, either Cys
sulfinate or Cys
sulfonate (41–45). Five enzymes of the mammalian Arg/N
degron pathway
form a targeting complex, analogous to its yeast counterpart (Fig. 1). (
) The
mammalian GASTC/N
degron pathway (GASTC = Gly, Ala, Ser, Thr, Cys) (90–92),
whose name was proposed in this perspective. The CRL
type and IAP
type Ub
ligases of the GASTC/N
degron pathway are shown, respectively, above and
below the horizontal arrow (60, 61, 90–92).
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transcriptional repressor, down
, which
encodes the transmembrane importer of di/tripeptides.
Short peptides bearing destabilizing Nt
residues can bind to
the type
1/2 binding sites of the UBR1 E3 and thereby
allosterically activate/expose a binding site of UBR1 that can
target CUP9 through its degron, which differs from an
degron ( 5 , 34 , 87 – 89 ). In the absence of UBR1
bound pep
tides, a percentage of UBR1 molecules that can recognize
CUP9 is small, making the UBR1
mediated destruction of
CUP9 relatively slow. The resulting steady
state levels of
CUP9 are high enough for a strong but incomplete repression
of the
gene. If a mix of di/tripeptides is added to cells,
the import of these peptides, via the initially scarce PTR2
molecules in the plasma membrane, would be inefficient at
first. However, once imported, those di/tripeptides that bear
destabilizing Nt
residues would bind to the type
1/2 sites of
UBR1, activate its CUP9
binding site and thereby increase the
percentage of UBR1 molecules that can target CUP9. The
resulting faster degradation of the CUP9 repressor and a
further decrease of CUP9 levels cause a massive upregulation
of the PTR2 transporter and, consequently, a strongly accel
erated import of di/tripeptides. In sum, the UBR1
circuit enables cells to “sense” extracellular short peptides
and to accelerate their uptake ( 5 , 34 , 87 – 89 ).
In 2002 to 2005, it was discovered that the mammalian
degron pathway is a sensor of oxygen and NO ( 41 , 42 ,
49 ). The side chain of Nt
Cys can be oxidized in vivo (enzy
matically and/or nonenzymatically) to Cys
sulfinate or Cys
sulfonate ( 43 – 45 ). The resulting oxidized Nt
Cys* can be
arginylated by the ATE1 R
transferase ( Fig. 2
) ( 5 , 44 ).
Several proteins, including RGS4, RGS5, and RGS16 in mam
mals and specific transcriptional regulators in plants, func
tion as oxygen
detecting (and apparently also NO
sensors through their oxidizable Nt
Cys residues and the
dependent degradation of these proteins by the
degron pathway ( Fig. 4 ) ( 43 – 45 ).
p62/SQSTM1, a regulator of autophagy, was demonstrated
to be a non
E3 Arg/N
recognin ( Fig. 2
) ( 9 , 105 ). p62 binds to
proteins bearing Nt
Arg or bulky hydrophobic Nt
residues. It
mediates the autophagic capture of these proteins and their
destruction in lysosomes. An endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
stress up
regulates the p62/autophagy branch of the Arg/N
degron pathway. BiP, an ER
localized Hsp70 chaperone, and
a few other ER proteins bear Nt
arginylatable Nt
Asp or Nt
Glu. (The latter residues are N
terminal owing to cleavages
of these proteins by a signal peptidase during their translo
cation into the ER.) Upon a stress, these (initially ER
proteins can be retrotranslocated to the cytosol and Nt
arginylated there by the ATE1 R
transferase. Nt
proteins are captured by E3 Arg/N
recognins or, alternatively,
by the p62 Arg/N
recognin, followed by degradation of cap
tured proteins via, respectively, the 26S proteasome or the
lysosome ( Fig. 2
) ( 9 , 105 ).
Yet another function of the Arg/N
degron pathway was
discovered in 2019 [( 28 – 31 ) and references therein]. It
involves, in particular, NLRP1, a sensor of pathogens and
other stressors. NLPR1 has evolved to cleave itself, constitu
tively, at a specific C terminus
proximal site. The resulting
two fragments of NLPR1 remain noncovalently associated in
a functionally inactive state ( Fig. 3 ). “Lethal Factor” (LF) is a
protease secreted by
Bacillus anthracis
, the cause of anthrax.
LF enters a mammalian cell and cleaves there, in particular,
the previously self
cleaved NLPR1, yielding Nt
Leu, a desta
bilizing Nt
residue ( Figs. 2
and 3 ). The ensuing processive
degradation of the Nt
bearing subunit of NLPR1 by the
degron pathway destroys this subunit but spares the
noncovalently associated smaller subunit (a former Ct
domain of NLPR1, before its self
cleavage). The released
smaller subunit assembles into an inflammasome complex,
whose functions include the activation of caspase
1 ( Fig. 3 )
( 28 – 31 ). These insights are a remarkable example of the
specific degradation of a protein complex ( 24 ) that
functionally activates a spared and released subunit. This
summary of NLPR1 omits other features of the system,
including its regulation by DPP8 and DPP9 aminopeptidases
( 2 8 – 3 1 ) .
The bulk of UPS is absent from the inner matrix of mito
chondria and the lumen of the ER. This may allow UPS to play
a role in the quality control of translocation. For example,
Activation of NLPR1 sensor by the Arg/N
degron pathway. This diagram
of the mouse NLPR1 protein, a sensor of pathogens and other stressors,
depicts its domains (NACHT, LRR, ZU5, UPA, CARD) that are described in (28–
31). NLPR1 has evolved to cleave itself, constitutively, at a specific C terminus
proximal site, indicated by a black arrowhead. The resulting two fragments of
NLPR1 remain noncovalently associated in a functionally inactive state. This
is denoted by a vertical cylinder between the ZU5 and UPA domains. One of
bacterial pathogens that can be detected by NLRP1 is
Bacillus anthracis
, the
cause of anthrax.
B. anthracis
secretes the “Lethal Factor” (LF), a protease
that can enter mammalian cells. Once inside the cell’s cytosol, LF cleaves (a
red arrowhead in the diagram) the previously self
cleaved NLPR1. The LF
mediated cleavage of NLPR1 yields the Nt
Leu residue (Fig. 2
). The Arg/N
degron pathway recognizes Nt
Leu, processively destroys this subunit of self
cleaved NLPR1 but spares the associated small subunit UPA
CARD (a former
domain of NLPR1, before its self
cleavage). The released small subunit
assembles into an inflammasome complex, whose functions include the
activation of caspase
1 (28–31).
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