Heavy water and
N labeling with NanoSIMS analysis reveals
growth-rate dependent metabolic heterogeneity in chemostats
Sebastian H. Kopf
Shawn E. McGlynn
Abigail Green-Saxena
Yunbin Guan
Dianne K. Newman
, and
Victoria J. Orphan
Sebastian H. Kopf: skopf@caltech.edu; Yunbin Guan: yunbin@gps.caltech.edu; Dianne K. Newman: dkn@caltech.edu;
Victoria J. Orphan: vorphan@gps.caltech.edu
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Pasadena, CA, USA
To measure single cell microbial activity and substrate utilization patterns in environmental
systems, we employ a new technique using stable isotope labeling of microbial populations with
heavy water (a passive tracer) and
N ammonium in combination with multi-isotope imaging
mass spectrometry. We demonstrate simultaneous NanoSIMS analysis of hydrogen, carbon and
nitrogen at high spatial and mass resolution, and report calibration data linking single cell isotopic
compositions to the corresponding bulk isotopic equivalents for
Staphylococcus aureus
. Our results show that heavy water is capable of quantifying in situ single
cell microbial activities ranging from generational time scales of minutes to years, with only light
isotopic incorporation (
0.1 atom %
H). Applying this approach to study the rates of fatty acid
biosynthesis by single cells of
S. aureus
growing at different rates in chemostat culture (
6 hours,
1 day and 2 week generation times), we observe the greatest anabolic activity diversity in the
slowest growing populations. By using heavy water to constrain cellular growth activity, we can
further infer the relative contributions of ammonium vs. amino acid assimilation to the cellular
nitrogen pool. The approach described here can be applied to disentangle individual cell activities
even in nutritionally complex environments.
stable isotope labeling; NanoSIMS; single cell analysis; multi isotope imaging; metabolic
Correspondence to: Sebastian H. Kopf,
; Yunbin Guan,
; Dianne K.
; Victoria J. Orphan,
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Environ Microbiol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 July 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Environ Microbiol
. 2015 July ; 17(7): 2542–2556. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12752.
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1. Introduction
A fundamental challenge in environmental microbiology is discerning what microorganisms
are doing in diverse habitats. Being able to answer this question quantitatively is an even
more elusive goal, yet necessary to predict the effects of microbial activity on environmental
processes. Today it is well recognized that microbial communities are diverse; often it is
necessary to parse them at the single-cell level in order to understand how heterogeneous
populations operate. Though it is possible to gain valuable insights from measuring
microbial activities in bulk, without single cell resolution, important features of population
biology may be missed. Particularly for individual cells, net anabolic activity for growth and
maintenance is a key physiological parameter that reflects use of all available resources, and
allows specific activities–such as substrate use–to be properly contextualized. Traditional
techniques involving isotopically enriched substrates (e.g. with 13C, 15N, 34S, etc.) have
the potential to provide such insight, if their utilization at the single cell level can be
measured in combination with that of a universal tracer for general cellular activity.
Multi-isotope secondary ion imaging mass spectrometry (MIMS or NanoSIMS) provides
one of the most sensitive and precise analytical methods available to study elemental and
isotopic composition at high spatial resolution. This technique has been broadly applied in
the field of microbial ecology to study the spatiometabolic activity of diverse microbial
communities (
Popa et al., 2007
Musat et al., 2008
Orphan et al., 2009
Dekas et al., 2009
Morono et al., 2011
Woebken et al., 2012
), soil microbe-mineral co-localization (
et al., 2006
), and symbiotic interactions (
Lechene et al., 2007
Foster et al., 2011
Pernice et
al., 2012
Thompson et al., 2012
) using various
N labeled isotope tracers. The non-toxic
nature of stable isotope labels combined with the high sensitivity and spatial resolution of
NanoSIMS has great potential to quantitatively study metabolic processes even within
model organisms ranging from microbes to humans (
Steinhauser and Lechene, 2013
Examples include the application of isotopically labeled
N-thymidine to trace stem cell
division and nuclear metabolism in mice (
Steinhauser et al., 2012
Gormanns et al.,
C-oleic acid to study fatty acid transport in lipid droplets,
N-leucine to trace
protein renewal in kidney cells (
Lechene et al., 2006
), various
N labeled amino acids to
study protein turnover in hair-cell stereocilia (
Zhang et al., 2012
O-trehalose penetration
into the nucleus of mouse sperm (
Lechene et al., 2012
), dual
C and
N-labeled substrate
in microbial activity studies of oral biofilms (
Spormann et al., 2008
) and the utilization of
host-derived substrates by intestinal microbiota
Berry et al. (2013)
. As evidenced by this
accelerating body of work, secondary ion mass spectrometry increasingly finds application
in disciplines as diverse as geobiology, biogeochemistry, host-microbe interactions and
biomedical research (see
Wagner (2009)
Orphan and House (2009)
Steinhauser and
Lechene (2013)
, and
Hoppe et al. (2013)
for recent reviews). However, many of these
disciplines frequently address questions in nutritionally complex environments where
substrate specific
C and
N based isotopic tracers often capture only a subset of the
microbial population.
To overcome the limitations of substrate-specific isotope labels, heavy water (
O) was
recently shown to be a powerful new tracer in environmental systems due to its advantages
as a chemically and nutritionally passive isotopic label, and its potential for combined
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application with other enriched substrates (
Wegener et al., 2012
Kellermann et al., 2012
Heavy water constitutes a general isotopic tracer because it is utilized by all organisms and
provides a unique tool for measuring microbial activity in a diverse range of environments.
This is particularly useful in complex systems with slow-growing organisms, numerous
carbon and nitrogen sources, and diverse heterotrophic populations, because the introduction
of substrate-specific tracers can disturb the concentration and availability of autochthonous
nutrients and inflate or bias species-specific measures of activity. In contrast, heavy water is
easy to administer both in environmental and medical contexts, does not distort substrate
availability to the benefit of some organisms over others, and is stably incorporated during
metabolism into fatty acids and other cellular components with stable C-H bonds (and
transiently into exchangeable hydrogen bonds). Additionally, the low natural abundance
H (
= 0.0156 at%,
de Laeter et al., 2003
) enables relatively small isotopic spikes to
capture a wide range of microbial activity (hours to months) in a short time span, with
higher tracer concentrations enabling detection even of slow environmental populations with
generation times of tens to hundreds of years (
Hoehler and Jørgensen, 2013
). Figure 1
illustrates an example of the theoretically estimated minimal incubation times required to
achieve a fatty acid enrichment signal of
= 5500‰ (or
= 0.1 at%) with
O isotopic spikes for a wide range of microbial populations doubling over the
course of an hour to 100 years (see Supplemental Information G for details).
Despite the potential of
O as a tracer for microbial activity in environmental
microbiology, its application in multi-tracer NanoSIMS studies has been fundamentally
limited by the typical limitations in dynamic mass range encountered in multi-collector
SIMS instruments. The CAMECA NanoSIMS 50L, for example, is a widely used
multicollector secondary ion mass spectrometer equipped with 7 electron multiplier
detectors or faraday cups that provide simultaneous detection of up to 7 masses at a fixed
magnetic field strength. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a destructive technique
that uses a the primary ion beam to gradually ablate the analytical target and generate
secondary ions. The destructive nature of SIMS can be particularly problematic in the
analysis of organic targets that can be sputtered away quickly and are sometimes in short
supply. The parallel detection of all ions of interest is thus an important feature of the
NanoSIMS 50L, and its large magnet and multi-collection assemblage typically allow
parallel detection of ions with vastly different mass to charge
ratios up to
22:1 (i.e.
the maximum
can be 22 times larger than the lowest mass:
This allows, for example, routine parallel detection of several of the most important
biological ions with
at 12.0000
for measuring N at 26.0031
at 31.9721
as well as their minor isotopes,
at 13.0034
at 27.0001
at 33.9679
. However, due to the low mass of
hydrogen, simultaneous measurement of
at 1.0078
at 2.0141
can only be
combined with other ions up to a mass to charge ratio of
22.2, which allows multi-isotope
imaging for H and C in parallel, but not H and N in parallel. This restriction provides a
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serious impediment to the use of hydrogen labeled isotopic tracers in combination with
nitrogen (both an important isotopic tracer and identifying ion for biomass).
One approach to this problem is to use the instrument in magnetic field switching mode,
which requires alternating magnetic field strengths for various ions in subsequent frames of
the same analysis. However, this approach precludes simultaneous detection of all ions and
is significantly more time-consuming because of the need for sequential analyses and
frequent cycling of the magnetic field. An alternative approach was employed by
Lozano et
al. (2013)
to measure the
ions with a NanoSIMS 50L in experiments with
H enriched sphingomeylin lipids (
40 at %) as tracers, with corrections for
isobaric interferences from
. Although further improved by modifying the
entrance slit (
Slodzian et al., 2014
), the typical abundance sensitivity achievable on a
NanoSIMS 50L is limited in resolving these interferences for environmental tracer
experiments with relatively small enrichments close to natural abundance
H (
Doughty et
al., 2014
). Another potential method proposed by
Slodzian et al. (2014)
takes advantage of
the deflection plates located in front of the electron multipliers to use electrostatic peak
switching for quasi-simultaneous detection of
(both nominally at 26
Da) without magnetic field switching. However, truly simultaneous detection is not possible
and significant isobaric interferences include
In this study, we present an approach for the simultaneous analysis of three biologically
relevant isotope systems (hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen) in microbial populations by
NanoSIMS. We establish the necessary calibration for the use of
O in single-cell stable
isotope tracer work with native and embedded microorganisms (
Staphylococcus aureus
as a
model gram-positive, and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
as a model gram-negative organism) at
environmentally relevant levels of
N and
H enrichment. We demonstrate the
combined application of heavy water and
N ammonium isotope tracers in a study of
microbial activity and population heterogeneity of
S. aureus
during growth in continuous
culture with generation times ranging from hours to weeks.
2. Results and Discussion
2.1. Simultaneous NanoSIMS analysis of H, C and N isotopes
The combination of heavy water labeling with other commonly used C and N based isotope
tracers for NanoSIMS analysis is technically challenging because of the typical limitations
in dynamic mass range encountered in multi-collector SIMS instruments (
22:1). For this
study, we extended the position of detector trolley #1 past its official maximum
configuration in our CAMECA NanoSIMS 50L multi-collection assemblage, gaining an
effective mass range of 28:1. This configuration precluded the need for any magnetic or
electric field switching and allowed for truly simultaneous detection of
ions with key isobaric interferences well-
resolved (MRP for
was 4560, 7530 and 8800, respectively).
Because there are no isobaric interferences for
with this analytical setup, small
isotopic enrichments of
H can be detected and quantified.
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Measurement of the
H and
H ions requires a strong primary beam current because of the
low ionization efficiency of hydrogen. In balancing primary beam current, pre-sputtering
and analysis time, additional complications arise from the destructive nature of the technique
and the faster detection of nitrogen. Pre-sputtering is a process where the sample is
bombarded with a higher primary beam current for a short amount of time prior to data
collection in order to embed primary ions (Cs
) in the sample matrix (
Hoppe et al., 2013
This greatly improves ionization efficiency, and consequently provides higher secondary ion
counts during analysis, but also degrades the sample and changes ionization efficiency
differentially depending on the ions. Figure 2 illustrates the change in ion counts per milli-
second, both quantitatively (A) and visually (B), for the major isotopes' ions
) as a function of exposing the sample surface (here, a cluster of single
whole cells of
P. aeruginosa
on conductive indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass) to the
primary ion beam. The figure shows how Cs
beam sputtering increases ionization
efficiency up to a maximum, at which point the sample is increasingly degraded, and ion
counts drop as the organic material disappears. The major ion maps in Figure 2 illustrate this
visually and also highlight the faster detection of nitrogen. This effect requires adapting
analytical conditions to optimally capture secondary ions prior to cellular degradation. The
corresponding analytical window targeted in this study for all analyses of whole single cells
is indicated by the gray band in Figure 2A. Corresponding data on ionization efficiency and
sample ablation during analysis of plastic embedded cells appears in Supplemental
Information C.
2.2. Single cell calibration
To calibrate the simultaneously acquired measurements of hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen
isotopic composition of single cells by NanoSIMS, we compared single cell values of
isotopically labeled homogenous cultures of
S. aureus
P. aeruginosa
to their
independently measured bulk isotopic composition (see Table I.7 for details). This
calibration step is particularly important for hydrogen due to the high capacity for H
exchange in organic material and the potential mass fractionation effects expected in the
SIMS analysis for H isotopes. We elected to calibrate single cell H isotope measurements
against their respective bulk membrane fatty acid isotope composition because fatty acids
represent a key non-exchangeable cellular H reservoir that can be measured rigorously at
H enrichment. The calibration curve itself reflects all combined isotopic effects
associated with sample preparation and analysis (loss, exchange, mass fractionation,
combined H pools from all cellular components, etc.) and thus allows an empirical
conversion of a single cell NanoSIMS measurement into the representative enrichment of a
cell component (the membrane) that is quantitatively interpretable. In light of this being the
first application of multi-isotope imaging mass spectrometry with H, C and N
simultaneously, it seemed prudent to also calibrate single cell C and N isotope
measurements against their respective bulk cell equivalents. Although natural abundance
cells of Escherichia coli and spores of Clostridia (
Davission et al., 2008
Orphan and House,
Dekas and Orphan, 2011
) as well as highly
N enriched (
N) cells of P.
fluorescences (
Herrmann et al., 2006
) have been used as reference materials for isotopic
analysis of whole single cells, to our knowledge, a multi-point calibration curve with
enriched isotopic standards has only been reported previously in TOF-SIMS experiments
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N (
Cliff et al., 2002
) and does not exist for carbon or nitrogen analysis of free whole
cells in NanoSIMS.
Calibration parameters were calculated from 1/x weighted linear regression of the average
isotopic composition of all single cells for a given bacterial isotope standard vs. the
measured bulk isotopic composition, and are summarized in table 1 for all isotopic standards
tested in this study. In calculations of the average isotopic composition of all single cells for
a given standard, individual cells were weighted inversely by the predicted Poisson error
in their isotopic measurement (see Supplemental Information B and
Fitzsimons et al. (2000
Hayes (2001)
for details) to offset the influence of highly imprecise measurements from
small ROIs and low ion counts.
Figure 3 shows the calibration curves for single whole cell analyses of fixed
P. aeruginos
(172 ROIs) and
S. aureus
(222 ROIs), respectively. As expected, the nitrogen isotope
compositions of single cells for both organisms mirror the bulk isotopic composition, with
near perfect linear correlation and slope close to 1. However, it is important to note that both
slopes fall slightly short of 1.0 (0.94±0.06 and 0.91±0.03), suggesting systematic dilution of
the cellular isotopic signal from trace nitrogen on ITO coated glass, systematic isotope
fractionation in the analytical process (mass fractionation effects in SIMS analysis typically
deplete isotope ratios by 1-10% in the heavier isotope,
Fitzsimons et al. (2000
)), or potential
variability of the cellular components due to preparation for SIMS analysis (fixation,
dehydration and storage in ethanol). Background analysis of nitrogen ion counts on ITO
coated glass indicates that this component, while present, contributes only negligible
amounts of nitrogen to the signal (data not shown). Since isotope ratios and fractional
abundances of single cells are derived here directly from NanoSIMS ion count
measurements without comparison to an authentic reference standard, fractionating effects
during ionization and analysis likely contribute to the observed discrepancy. The relative
standard deviation (RSD, in % of the measurement) of the single cell measurements of each
calibration curve provides an estimate of the measurement uncertainty from the combination
of both analytical error as well as biological variation in the standards (Table 1). In the case
of nitrogen, the RSD for the
S. aureus
standards (5.7%) suggests higher biological
variability in single cell nitrogen than for
P. aeruginosa
(RSD of 1.6%), which is consistent
with the wider range of potential nitrogen sources available in the
S. aureus
medium because
of the organism's auxotrophy for several amino acids (see Experimental Procedures).
The carbon isotope composition of single
P. aeruginosa
cells (no
C standards were
prepared for
S. aureus
), closely follows the bulk isotopic composition but also falls short,
with a slope of 0.73±0.07. This also suggests a combination of systematic dilution and
isotopic fractionation during analysis. Background analysis also indicates a maximal
contribution of organic carbon adhered to the ITO coated glass of
3%. However, in the
case of carbon, fixed single cells are expected to be slightly offset isotopically from the
unfixed bulk population due to the introduction of near natural abundance carbon in
Musat et al. (2014)
recently reported this effect to account for a
4% dilution
of cellular carbon in experiments with
putida, which could explain part of the
observed offset in the calibration. Even stronger isotope dilution effects have been observed
in more elaborate pre-treatment procedures, such as catalyzed reporter deposition
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in situ
hybridization (CARD-FISH) (
Woebken et al., 2014
), and must be taken
into consideration for experiments involving this approach.
Finally, the hydrogen isotope composition of single cells for both organisms show a robust
linear dependence on the bulk membrane fatty acid isotopic composition. The slope is
substantially lower than unity (0.67±0.05 for
P. aeruginosa
and 0.59±0.05 for
S. aureus
This is consistent with the expected effects of hydrogen exchange. While the measured bulk
isotopic composition is based on non-exchangeable hydrogen incorporated into membrane
fatty acids, the
H content of individual cells measured by NanoSIMS is necessarily based
on the integrated signal from all cellular hydrogen. Here, we employed a strict multi-step
washing protocol for all cultures, with the goal of exchanging all readily exchangeable
hydrogen with natural abundance H in the washing solutions. The calibration should allow
for conversion of single cell measurements to bulk fatty acid
H for cells treated identically.
The calibration parameters inferred for
P. aeruginosa
S. aureus
suggest, however, that
there can be a substantial degree of variability between individual organisms. The observed
pattern indicates that
S. aureus
cells contain a higher proportion of hydrogen that exchanges
during these washing steps (lower slope) than
P. aeruginosa
(higher slope), which is
consistent with the gram-positive (one lipid membrane instead of two), spherical (lower
surface to volume ratio)
S. aureus
containing a lower proportion of lipid bound hydrogen
than the gram-negative (two lipid membranes), rod-shaped
P. aeruginosa
. In the absence of
any isotope fractionation in the detection of hydrogen during NanoSIMS analysis, the
observed slopes would indicate that about
40% of the hydrogen was exchanged with water
during the washing steps for
S. aureus
, and
30% for
P. aeruginosa
. Lastly, single cell
isotopic measurements of hydrogen show substantial variability around the mean for both
(RSD of 19%) and
P. aeruginosa
(RSD of 22%), which likely reflects both the
statistical uncertainty in the measurements for each single cell from low ion counts of
H, as
well as random variation in the exact cellular components (highly exchangeable vs. non-
exchangeable parts of the cell) sampled by the ion beam during analysis. This aspect of
hydrogen isotope measurements of single cells by secondary ion mass spectrometry is a
fundamental constraint that limits the ability to resolve small isotopic differences between
individual cells, and requires the analysis of many cells (10s to 100s) within a microbial
population if isotopically similar communities need to be distinguished.
This calibration provides the empirical parameters for inferring the bulk (whole membrane)
hydrogen isotopic composition from the analysis of single whole cells of
S. aureus
, with the statistical caveats outlined above. While this calibration is likely
applicable to other gram-negative and gram-positive cells of similar morphology that are
prepared identically for NanoSIMS analysis, extrapolation to other microorganisms has to
be interpreted with care. We applied this calibration to study the distribution of single cell
growth rates in continuous culture of
S. aureus
as described in section 2.3 below.
We also measured all bacterial isotopic standards in plastic embedded thin section to provide
a calibration for NanoSIMS measurements of sectioned samples. Multi-isotope imaging
mass spectrometry in thin section vastly expands the range of applicability of this technique
to large complex systems, such as highly structured microbial communities (e.g., biofilms
and microbial mats,
Fike et al. (2008
Woebken et al. (2012)
Wilbanks et al. (2014)
) or
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communities associated with plants and animals (e.g. commensal and symbiotic
Lechene et al. (2007
Berry et al. (2013)
). The structural support lent by the
plastic matrix provides thin-sections with a flat surface that enables high spatial resolution in
imaging mass spectrometry due to the lack of strong topological features. It also retards
sample destruction by the ion beam. However, plastic resins also contribute significant
amounts of carbon and hydrogen that dilute the isotopic signal of enriched cells. It is thus
imperative to calibrate and correct any isotopic measurements of single cells embedded in
plastic and we present details on this calibration in Supplemental Information C, which
should be useful for future NanoSIMS studies requiring embedding prior to analysis.
2.3. Single cell growth diversity in continuous culture
Both environmental and laboratory populations exhibit significant metabolic variation at the
single cell level. This heterogeneity is a fundamental aspect of the ecological function and
metabolic versatility of microbial communities, yet it is notoriously difficult to capture
analytically at the population level. Here, we demonstrate the combined use of hydrogen and
nitrogen isotope labeling with secondary ion mass spectrometry to study the activity,
heterogeneity and substrate preferences of individual cells in microbial populations growing
at different growth rates under controlled conditions in a chemostat. We focused on the
common nocosomial pathogen
S. aureus
for these extended growth experiments to minimize
the risk of population heterogeneity by physical differentiation through the formation of
biofilms, which is of considerable concern with
P. aeruginosa. S. aureus
was grown in
continuous culture with three different dilution rates (corresponding to generation times of
6 hours,
1 day and
2 weeks), and spiked at steady state simultaneously with both
O isotope label (
= 0.248 at%, 0.246 at% and 0.275 at%) as well as a
label (
at%, 24.9 at%, 25.0 at%) as described in the Experimental
Procedures. Samples were withdrawn at regular intervals within 1/2 of a generation time for
each experimental setup. The hydrogen and nitrogen isotopic composition of individual cells
was measured by multi-isotope NanoSIMS and single cell isotopic values were converted to
their corresponding bulk population equivalents using the calibrations for
S. aureus
presented earlier (overview of single cell data in Figure I.12). The growth activity rate
μ +
(representing the combined cellular replication rate
and fatty acid turnover
was calculated from the hydrogen isotope measurements for each cell using the equations
outlined in Supplemental Information F.
Table 2 summarizes the results and Figure 4A shows the aggregated data for single cell
growth activity rates
measured from the three continuous culture experiments in
comparison with the experimentally set dilution rates for each culture (representing the
expected average replication rate
). Overall population growth is slightly underestimated by
single cell data in the fastest growing culture (6.38 hours), and overestimated at the
intermediate (1.24 days) and slowest (13.34 days) generation times. Overestimates at slower
growth rates are potentially a consequence of the turnover component (
. Turnover
represents the rate of molecular replacement, that is fatty acid degradation and production
that is in excess of the biosynthetic rate required purely for cellular replication (
Hydrogen from the water isotope tracer is incorporated in both processes and only their
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combined effect, the overall biosynthetic/growth activity rate (
), can be captured at the
single cell level. Bacteria are known to modulate the fatty acid composition of their
membranes in response to physical and chemical changes in their environment (
Zhang and
Rock, 2008
), but little is known about fatty acid turnover in bacteria growing at steady-state
in a chemically stable environment.
The most striking observation, however, is the diversity in cellular activity rates revealed by
our data. For comparison, Table 2 includes a simulated data set produced from all single cell
measurements of the bacterial standards (Table 1) scaled to the mean of the fastest
continuous culture condition (generation time of 6.38 hours). The RSDs of the single cell
hydrogen isotope measurements themselves suggest an increase in heterogeneity from the
standards, which reflect exponential growth in batch culture, to the chemostat cultures.
Typically, well mixed steady-state chemostat cultures are considered to be amongst the most
homogenous microbial populations in any experimental system due to the constant medium
composition and lack of chemical gradients. While the possibility of spatial differentiation in
the chemostat vessels cannot be ruled out,
S. aureus
does not typically form biofilms in this
medium, and careful inspection of the vessels after termination of each experiment revealed
no cellular attachment. This implies either phenotypic or genotypic differentiation. The
observed diversity would not be possible to detect in bulk physiological or isotopic
measurements and is revealed here only by inspection at the single cell level. Single cell
activity rates appear to be log-normally, rather than normally distributed (illustrated in
Figure H.11). Figure 4B shows the histograms and estimated probability density functions
for the log-transformed data together with the best fit approximation to log-normal
distributions. Differences in the heterogeneity between the simulated standards data set and
the chemostat cultures is evaluated statistically by comparing the variances of the growth
rate distributions, as listed in Table 2. The observed pattern suggests that the fastest
continuous culture condition (generation time of 6.38 hours) is significantly more
heterogeneous than the standards (p-value < 0.01) with a less significant increase from the
fastest to the next slower (1.24 days) continuous culture (p-value < 0.5). The most
significant increase in heterogeneity is seen in the slowest growth condition (p-value <
0.0001).. It is noteworthy that the distribution of single cell growth rates at the slowest
growth condition hints at a possible bimodal activity pattern with two distinct sub-
populations. No clear pattern as to a dependence of growth activity on cell size could be
distinguished and it remains an open question what physiological differences precipitate the
diversity of activity rates observed for
S. aureus
, and what mechanisms give rise to the
diversification. Slight differences in metabolic strategy, for example, could be a potential
source of single cell diversity, and could arise from either genetic diversification, or through
stochastic gene expression and other purely phenotypic diversification mechanisms.
Previous work on mixed culture chemostats has highlighted microbial assemblages that are
functionally stable yet can undergo dramatic phylogenetic variation within the community
Fernández et al., 1999
), but genotypic and phenotypic diversification do not require mixed
cultures, both have been observed even for single species in homogenous conditions.
Maharjan et al. (2007)
, for example, measured metabolic diversification of initially clonal,
single-species populations of
Escherichia coli
grown in glucose limited chemostats after 90
generations, and showed evidence for differentially evolving subpopulations adopting
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different metabolic strategies for substrate use.
Nikolic et al. (2013)
on the other hand,
studied gene expression of clonal populations of
E. coli
in similar glucose limited
chemostats after
7 generations, and showed evidence for heterogenous expression of
metabolic genes. While both mechanisms do likely occur in parallel, the latter (phenotypic
diversification) is more likely to play a dominant role at the generational time scales of this
study (4-6 generations). Lastly, it is also noteworthy that observations in long term
experiments of stationary phase cultures suggest that at any point in time, the population
consists of genetically distinct subpopulations that are dynamically increasing and declining
over time (
Finkel, 2006
). While this growth advantage in stationary phase (GASP)
phenotype of different subpopulations is mostly reported in the context of batch cultures
where chemical conditions are not constant, it is possible that a slow growing chemostat
provides an environment that similarly supports increased heterogeneity within the culture.
2.4. Single cell ammonium utilization
In the continuous culture experiments in this study,
S. aureus
has access to both inorganic
and organic nitrogen sources in the form of ammonium and various amino acids (details in
Experimental Procedures). A single isotopic tracer based on nitrogen (here,
) thus
integrates a mixed signal that is affected both by growth, as well as the cells' nitrogen
preference. The RSDs of the nitrogen measurements reported at the end of table 2 already
suggest a stronger diversification in nitrogen (from 5.7% RSD in the standards to 93% in the
slowest growing culture) compared to hydrogen (from 19% to 51%), pointing to pronounced
differences in single cell nitrogen preferences. Constraining growth activity independently
by using
H2O as an additional isotope tracer allowed us to deconvolve the
N signal and
infer ammonium utilization on a single cell basis. For each cell, the fraction of nitrogen
assimilated from ammonium (
was estimated from the
N isotope labeling strength
and the hydrogen-derived growth rate, as detailed in Supplemental Information F. It is
important to note that the hydrogen-derived growth activity rates (
) include a component
of fatty acid turnover (
) that is unlikely to be representative of cellular nitrogen turnover
). To account for this difference, we estimated cellular nitrogen turnover from known
rates of protein turnover, considering the vast majority of cellular nitrogen is bound in
proteins (
Bertilsson et al., 2003
), and assuming ammonium incorporation to occur during
turnover. Protein turnover in bacteria has been studied most extensively in experiments with
Escherichia coli
, which suggest turnover rates can range from less than 0.25%/hr for rapidly
growing batch cultures to 4-5%/hr for non-growing cells (
Podolsky, 1953
Koch and Levy,
Ernest Borek, 1958
Mandelstam and Halvorson, 1960
Mandelstam, 1960
Marr et
al., 1963
), with similar ranges observed in studies with
Bacillus cereus
Urbá, 1959
) and
yeast (
Pratt et al., 2002
Pine (1970
studied protein turnover specifically in
continuous culture at varying generation times and found turnover rates to be fairly constant
between 2.5%/hr (glucose based growth) and 3%/hr (acetate based growth), independent of
growth rate. For this study, we thus used
=2.75%/hr as an estimate for turnover during
steady-state growth with a mixture of carbon sources.
Figure 5A shows the aggregated data for single cell ammonium assimilation, indicating the
range and median value of nitrogen assimilation from ammonium (vs. amino acids) in each
continuous culture experiment. The data indicate that the majority of all cells derive less
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50% of their nitrogen from ammonium. Such a significant contribution of amino-acid
derived nitrogen (
) is consistent with known nutritional requirements of
S. aureus
Mah et al., 1967
Lincoln et al., 1995
). The precise values of the average nitrogen
assimilation depend on the exact protein turnover rate, which is estimated from literature
values. Future work that further constrains protein turnover will enable more quantitative
assessment of the exact partitioning between N assimilation from inorganic and organic
sources both in laboratory and environmental studies.
The most striking observation, however, is the correlation between cell-specific use of
ammonium and growth activity illustrated in Figure 5B. Ammonium utilization in the fastest
growing culture is negatively correlated (Spearman correlation = -0.63, p-value < 10
whereas the intermediate growth condition does not show a statistically significant
correlation, and the slowest growing culture is instead positively correlated (Spearman
correlation = 0.80, p-value < 10
). This indicates that cells within a population of
S. aureus
that is growing relatively fast on average (generation time of 6.38 hours) assimilate more
nitrogen from amino acids when they are growing above the median rate (gray area in panel
1, Figure 5B), whereas cells within a population that is growing relatively slow on average
(generation time of 13.34 days) assimilate more nitrogen from
when they are
growing faster than their peers (gray area in panel 3). These data do not reveal the nature of
any potential causal relationship underlying this correlation, but they potentially suggest that
utilizing amino acids over ammonium is the optimal strategy for
S. aureus
only in relatively
fast growing cultures (generation time of
6 hours, panel 1) and becomes less advantageous
(generation time of
1.2 days, panel 2), or even disadvantageous at slower growth and
nutrient fluxes (generation time of
13.3 days, panel 3). This overall pattern of a transition
from positive to negative correlation of ammonium uptake with cellular growth activity
between the slower growth and fast growth conditions, holds up independent of precise
protein turnover rates, although we are only just beginning to uncover these single-cell
metabolic differences.
2.5. Important constraints on the quantitative use of
O labels
For practical application, it is important to note that labeling concentrations above the
maximum of 20%
O pictured in Figure 1 are not recommended, because at higher
concentrations the heavy isotope starts to significantly affect the solvent properties of water
and substitutes for
H in functional groups, disturbing biological macromolecules. Most
organisms including mammals and insects are usually unaffected by doses of up to
Although microorganisms can be unaffected by concentrations as high as 20-30% (
et al., 1999
), it is important to assess potential inhibitory effects for all targeted
microorganisms in an environmental sample when using elevated concentrations of
10%, because the (partial) inhibition of certain organisms could severely bias
activity measurements. We tested the susceptibility of
S. aureus
to varying doses of
and observed the toxicity threshold observed to fall between 15-20%
O (see
Supplemental Information E for details). In the absence of representative laboratory cultures,
toxicity thresholds could be assessed directly in environmental samples by monitoring
metabolic output (for example, the rate of sulfate reduction or oxygen respiration) in
response to increasing
O spikes. However,
O spikes are best used at low doses. In
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this study, we thus focused specifically on testing
O labeling methods at low
concentrations (< 0.3 at%) with the goal of environmental application in mind.
For quantitative assessments of
H enrichment, it is also important to consider that the
anabolic incorporation of hydrogen from water can vary significantly in response to
physiological differences (especially autotrophic vs. heterotrophic growth strategies) and
substrate preferences (
Sessions and Hayes, 2005
Zhang et al., 2009
Valentine, 2009
) and
should also be assessed carefully for all targeted microorganisms in an environmental
sample. For this study, we determined the key physiological parameters for water hydrogen
assimilation into fatty acids specifically for
S. aureus
following the approach of
Zhang et al.
, and report the results in detail in Figure F.10 and Supplemental Information F.
2.6. Conclusion
As we have demonstrated, single-cell multi-isotope labeling with heavy water in
combination with
C and
N stable isotope tracers can complement traditional
spatiometabolic stable isotope studies by providing the context of baseline microbial
activity. The use of heavy water as a non-toxic (at concentrations < 10%), fast-diffusing,
chemically conservative tracer, combined with the ability to measure relatively small
enrichments at the single cell level (
0.1 at%), allows microbial activity measurement
in a wide range of environmental systems. These range from natural habitats where
microorganisms are growing very slowly to
studies where microbial activity is set in
response to host-derived growth factors, toxins or other effectors.
Our data reveal heterogeneity in cellular activity at the single cell level even in populations
grown under tightly controlled laboratory conditions in continuous culture. Moreover, at this
level of resolution, differences in nitrogen assimilation patterns are evident within
populations growing at different rates. Future studies will have to determine whether this
phenomenon simply reflects random variation between
S. aureus
populations, or perhaps is
indicative of a much broader physiological adaptation that is causally linked to turnover
rates. Regardless, it is clear that this approach could provide insight into important
physiological processes that elude batch analysis. Going forward, the combination of heavy
water labeling with specific
C and
N labeled substrates, in particular, will enable studies
to measure the assimilation of a target substrate at the single-cell level even in organic-rich
environments (for example, soils, biofilms, microbial mats and tissues) while also providing,
at the same time, a clear context for activity of all members of the community independent
of their use of the target substrate. Similarly, substrate assimilation studies in oligotrophic
environmental systems can be understood in the context of overall community activity and
can shed light on the direct and indirect impacts of added nutrients.
3. Experimental Procedures
3.1. Bacterial isotope standards
Bacterial hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen isotopic standards for single cell analysis were
created by growing a gram-positive organism,
Staphylococcus aureus
Kreiswirth et
al., 1983
), and a gram-negative organism,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Rahme et al.,
), with nutrients of different isotopic composition. A phosphate buffered minimal
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medium at pH 7.2 containing 2.5 g/L NaCl, 13.5 g/L K
, 4.7 g/L KH
, 1 g/L
and 0.1 g/L MgSO
O served as the basis for all experiments.
P. aeruginosa
grown in this medium with different amounts of
O (up to 1%, prepared from a 70%
stock solution, Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, #DLM-2259-70-1L), 10 mM ammonium
chloride (spiked up to 10%
N with 98% enriched
Cl, Sigma-Aldrich, #299251) and
10mM sodium succinate (spiked up to 10% with 99% enriched succinic-1,2-
Sigma-Aldrich, #491977).
S. aureus
was grown in this medium with different amounts of
O, 10 mM ammonium chloride (both spiked identically to
P. aeruginosa
cultures) and
10mM glycerol (
C labeling experiments were not the focus of the study and isotopically
labeled glycerol was unavailable for the standards at the time).
S. aureus
further exhibits
auxotrophy for several amino acids and vitamins (
Mah et al., 1967
Lincoln et al., 1995
Aldeen and Hiramatsu, 2004
) and the medium was amended with 11.5 mg/L proline,
10mL/L 50× MEM Amino Acid solution (Sigma-Aldrich, #M5550, final amino acid
concentrations: 63.2 mg/L arginine, 15.6 mg/L cysteine, 21 mg/L histidine, 26.35 mg/L
isoleucine, 26.2 mg/L leucine, 36.3 mg/L lysine, 7.6 mg/L methionine, 16.5 mg/L
phenylalanine, 23.8 mg/L threonine, 5.1 mg/L tryptophan, 18.0 mg/L tyrosine, 23.4 mg/L
valine) and 100 μg/L thiamine (B1), 100 μg/L nicotinic acid (B3) and 10 μg/L biotin (B7)
for all experiments with this organism.
All cells were grown in 50mL batch cultures aerobically at 37°C, and were inoculated from
fresh (exponential) cultures grown on the same medium. Cultures were harvested in mid-
exponential phase to ensure as homogenous a population as possible for consistent isotopic
composition. Cells were harvested by centrifugation at 4000rpm for 10min at 4°C, and
washed 5 times by resuspension in 1× phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution to remove
all residual nutrients. Before the last washing step, samples were split into separate aliquots
for bulk isotopic analysis and single cell analysis. Aliquots for bulk analysis were pelleted,
frozen and stored at -80°C until further processing. Aliquots for single cell analysis were
fixed in 1% freshly prepared formaldehyde in PBS (Paraformaldehyde, Electron Microscopy
Sciences, #15713) for 2 hours at room temperature, washed once more in 1× PBS and
dehydrated in 50% ethanol.
3.2. Continuous culture
Carbon-limited continuous culture experiments at different growth rates were carried out
S. aureus
growing aerobically at 37°C in a Sartorius Biostat QPlus autoclavable
chemostat system in the same medium used for the
S. aureus
isotope standards (without any
isotope enrichment), and amended with 500μL/L Antifoam 204 (Sigma Aldrich, #A6426).
Chemostat vessels with
550mL working volume were inoculated from a single colony pre-
grown in the same medium and continuous supply of medium was started upon reaching
early stationary phase. Overflow from the vessels was continuously removed to maintain a
fixed volume, and for each experiment, the exact dilution rate was determined
gravimetrically from the total vessel content and medium flow rate. Redox potential, pH and
dissolved oxygen were monitored continuously and optical density was measured in aliquots
withdrawn aseptically from vessel overflow. Purity of the culture was checked periodically
by light and once by epifluorescence microscopy using fluorescent
in situ
Amann et al., 1990
) with an
S. aureus
-specific 16S ribosomal RNA probe (5
to 3
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Kempf et al., 2000
). After the monitored physiological
parameters reached steady-state (usually within 4-6 generations), chemostat vessels were
spiked with 2mL 70%
O and 150mg
Cl isotope tracers, and samples for single cell
analysis were withdrawn directly from the vessel at regular intervals depending on the
dilution rate. Dilution of the tracers from the continuous supply of fresh medium during
incubation (to maintain steady-state growth conditions) was accounted for during data
evaluation (see Supplemental Information F for details). Samples were washed and fixed the
same way as the bacterial isotope standards for single cell analysis. Dehydrated cells were
stored in 100% ethanol at 4°C and returned to 50% ethanol prior to analysis. The effective
water isotopic composition of the medium in the chemostat vessels after the spike was
monitored using a Los Gatos Research DLT-100 liquid water isotope analyzer; the
ammonium concentration was monitored using a Dionex DX-500 ion chromatography
system with a 5 · 250 mm IonPac CS16 cation-exchange column and isocratic elution with
38% methanesulfonic acid at a flow rate of 2 mL/min.
3.3. Bulk analysis
All bulk analyses were carried out on homogenized dry biomass from lyophilized cell
pellets. For nitrogen and carbon isotope analysis, 300 to 800 μg of cell powder were
weighed out into tin capsules in duplicate, and the bulk carbon and nitrogen isotopic
composition was determined by EA-ir-MS at the UC Davis Stable Isotope Facility (Davis,
For hydrogen isotope analysis, the average membrane fatty acid hydrogen isotopic
composition was used as a measure of bulk
H incorporation because, unlike labile N-H or
O-H bonds (
Katz, 1960
Thomas, 1971
), C-H bonds do not exchange hydrogen
spontaneously (
Sessions et al., 2004
). Lyophilized cell pellets were weighed out into
aliquots of dry cell mass, transesterified in the presence of acetyl chloride in anhydrous
methanol (1:20 v/v) at 100°C for 10 min (
Lepage and Roy, 1986
Rodríguez-Ruiz et al.,
), extracted into hexane, and concentrated under a stream of N
at room temperature.
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were identified by gas chromatography/mass
spectrometry on a Thermo-Scientific Trace DSQ, and analyzed in triplicate for their isotopic
composition by GC/pyrolysis/isotope-ratio mass spectrometry on a Thermo-Scientific Delta
Plus XP. All data were corrected for the addition of methyl hydrogen during derivatization.
Reported bulk hydrogen isotope compositions represent the mass balance weighted average
isotopic composition of all major membrane fatty acids.
3.4. Single cell analysis
1μL aliquots of fixed whole cells suspended in 50% ethanol (both isotopic standards and
continuous culture samples) were spotted onto custom-cut, conductive indium tin oxide
(ITO) coated glass (TEC15, Pilkington Building Products, Greensboro, NC, USA) and air-
dried at room temperature. ITOs were mapped microscopically with a 40× air objective for
later orientation and sample identification during secondary ion mass spectrometry.
All samples were analyzed with a CAMECA NanoSIMS 50L (CAMECA, Gennevilliers,
France) housed in the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California
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Institute of Technology. Whole cells on ITO were analyzed using a
3.6pA primary Cs
beam current with a nominal spot size of
300nm and were pre-sputtered with a
primary Cs
beam current (
) for 3 to 6 minutes (
), depending on the size of the pre-
sputtering area (
), to a cumulative charge density of
). Seven masses
were collected in parallel (
) using electron
multipliers. Individual samples were located using the NanoSIMS CCD camera, and random
analytical spots were chosen within a sample area. For all analyses, the beam was rastered
over a square region of 10μm by 10μm for 15min per analytical plane/frame. At least two
frames were collected per analysis, and all ion images were recorded at 256×256 pixel
resolution with a dwell time of 14ms/pixel. Pre-sputtering was typically carried out on a
larger region of at least 15μm by 15μm to make sure that the analytical frame was fully
within the pre-sputtered area. Analytical parameters including primary beam focus,
secondary beam centering and mass resolution for all ions were verified every
30 minutes.
3.5. Quantification
Bulk carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen isotope measurements were recorded in the
-notation (
, with x=
) relative to the reference
materials VPDB (
), air (
) and
), respectively (
de Laeter et al., 2003
). To allow
consistent reporting and exact mass balance calculations (see Supplemental Information A
for details), all measurements were converted to fractional abundances
using the relation
. Fractional abundances of single cell analyses were
calculated directly from raw ion counts and calibrated against bulk measurements (Section
2.2). In this study, the fractional abundance values of most isotopically enriched standards
and samples fall into the percent (10
) range, and are thus reported in atom percent (at%).
Raw data from all acquired ion images was processed using the open-source MATLAB
plugin Look@NanoSIMS (
Polerecky et al., 2012
). Ion images from multiple frames were
corrected for dead time and QSA effect, aligned, and discrete regions of interest (ROIs)
were hand-drawn using the
ion images to identify the cellular outline of individual
cells. All ROIs in this study represent individual single cells.
With the primary beam currents and analytical parameters employed in this study, single
cells of
S. aureus
P. aeruginosa
typically supported the collection of up to three
sequential frames before the primary ion beam ablated the cells. Two frames were collected
routinely, and individual ROIs were screened for consistency between the isotopic values of
two subsequent frames to control for higher quality data not distorted by sample destruction.
ROIs with isotopic value
in any frame deviating by more than twice the shot noise 2 ·
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