of 1
Inter-segmental hopping movie caption:
A movie depicting the inter-segmental hopping event
shown in Figure 2a of the main text.
The movie features a segment of a simulation trajec
tory that spans 160 ps, which is shown
forwards and then backwards. The simulation traject
ory is smoothed by time-averaging
the positions of the atoms over 5 ps. Atoms are sho
wn if they are within 8 Å of the lithium
Intra-segmental hopping movie caption:
A movie depicting the intra-segmental hopping event
shown in Figure 2b of the main text.
The movie features a segment of a simulation trajec
tory that spans 110 ps, which is shown
forwards and then backwards. The simulation traject
ory is smoothed by time averaging the
positions of the atoms over 5 ps. Atoms are shown i
f they are within 8 Å of the lithium