of 16
Common Mitochondrial DNA Mutations generated through DNA-
mediated Charge Transport
Edward J. Merino
Molly L. Davis
, and
Jacqueline K. Barton
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Mutation sites that arise in human mitochondrial DNA as a result of oxidation by a rhodium
photooxidant have been identified. HeLa cells were incubated with [Rh(phi)
(phi = 9,10-
phenanthrenequinone diimine), an intercalating photooxidant, to allow the complex to enter the cell
and bind mitochondrial DNA. Photoexcitation of DNA-bound [Rh(phi)
can promote the
oxidation of guanine from a distance through DNA-mediated charge transport. After two rounds of
photolysis and growth of cells incubated with the rhodium complex, DNA mutations in a portion of
the mitochondrial genome were assessed via manual sequencing. The mutational pattern is consistent
with dG to dT transversions in the repetitive guanine tracts. Significantly, the mutational pattern
found overlaps oxidative damage hot spots seen previously. These mutations are found within
conserved sequence block II, a critical regulatory element involved in DNA replication, and these
have been identified as sites of low oxidation potential to which oxidative damage is funneled. Based
upon this mutational analysis and its correspondence to sites of long range oxidative damage, we
infer a critical role for DNA charge transport in generating these mutations and, thus, in regulating
mitochondrial DNA replication under oxidative stress.
To protect cells from oxidative damage, a variety of repair processes and pathways must be
activated (
). Mitochondria are particularly susceptible because there may be increased levels
of toxic oxidants that are byproducts of oxidative phosphorylation within the mitochondrion
(4,5). These oxygen species react with mitochondrial DNA and promote mutations (6). The
most well studied modification to DNA is the oxidation of deoxyguanosine to 8-
oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), but 23 other modified bases have been characterized (7). It
has been observed that the 8-oxodG lesion leads to dG to dT transversions (
8); base oxidation
can also direct insertions and deletions, especially at microsatellites (9,10).
Here we examine mutations generated in mitochondria using the one-electron photooxidant
(phi = 9,10-phenanthrenequinone diimine). This complex binds to DNA by
intercalation with little sequence-specificity, and, when photoexcited at high energy (313-325
nm), direct strand cleavage by the DNA-bound Rh occurs, marking the site of intercalator
binding. Irradiation at longer wavelength (
350 nm), however, promotes the oxidation of
guanines to yield common irreversible products including 8-oxodG (11). The guanines
oxidized need not, however, be localized to the Rh binding site, but instead oxidative damage
We are grateful to the NIH (GM49216) for their financial support of this research including a minority postdoctoral fellowship to E. J.
*to whom correspondence should be addressed at jkbarton@caltech.edu Tel. 626-395-6075. Fax 626-577-4976.
Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 45221-0172
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 February 3.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2009 February 3; 48(4): 660–666. doi:10.1021/bi801570j.
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to guanine doublets and triplets, sites of low oxidation potential in DNA, can be promoted from
a distance through DNA-mediated charge transport. When the Rh complex is tethered to the
end of a synthetic DNA oligonucleotide, oxidative damage has been observed ~200 Å from
the site of Rh intercalation (
). Indeed, varied photooxidants have been found to react with
DNA to promote oxidative damage to guanines from a distance (14). Holes injected into the
DNA base pair stack can migrate through the DNA base stack to low oxidation potential sites,
like the 5’-G of guanine doublets, to form guanine radicals that react with oxygen and water
to form permanent DNA lesions that require repair (15,16).
Figure 1 illustrates the strategy we have utilized to examine mutations derived through
oxidative damage. To promote oxidative stress in cells and specifically oxidative damage to
DNA, we incubate cells with [Rh(phi)
and irradiate. Under these oxidative conditions,
some cells die, others undergo mutation, and many are left undamaged. Several rounds of Rh
incubation, irradiation, and regrowth can, however, lead to enrichment of the cell population
in mutants. These mutations can then be assayed by sequencing. It should be noted that the tris
(chelate) metal complexes are readily taken up inside cells, with the more lipophilic cationic
complexes taken up most efficiently (17). Rh complexes have been utilized to promote 1-
electron DNA oxidation with photoactivation in a variety of cell studies (16,18,19).
Most studies have shown that mutations within the mitochondria of tumors are not randomly
distributed but occur predominately in a sequence of the genome termed the control region or
d-loop (
20). Nucleotides 303-315 within the control region (sequence 3’-G
) are especially
prone to insertions and deletions as well as dG to dT mutations (
21). Nucleotides 303-315 are
termed conserved sequence block II, a regulatory element that is involved in primer formation
for mitochondrial DNA replication (22,23). Importantly, base oxidation arising from DNA
charge transport has been shown both
in vitro
and in HeLa cells to damage predominately this
conserved sequence block II (24,25). We hypothesize that, through DNA charge transport,
damage is funneled to the regulatory element, so as to hinder replication of a damaged
mitochondrion genome. While oxidative damage within conserved sequence block II,
generated through DNA charge transport, has been documented, here we shown that this
damage can lead to mitochondrial mutations. Moreover, we show that these mutations overlap
with known mutations associated with cancers.
All experiments were carried out using newly thawed HeLa cells. HeLa cells (Sigma, USA)
were raised to ~75% confluence. Total DNA was purified using the DNAeasy kit (Qiagen,
U.S.A.) and eluted in 2.5 mM Tris, pH 8.5. PCR was used to amplify a 1.5 kb DNA
oligonucleotide that contained the control region using appropriate primers (24). Correct
amplification was verified using restriction digest.
Damage to a PCR product with [Rh(phi)
Damage to a PCR product containing the control region by [Rh(phi)
was accomplished
using 50 ng/
L of DNA in 50
L (5 mM Tris, 25 mM NaCl, pH 8) and addition of various
concentrations of [Rh(phi)
. Samples were irradiated at 365 nm for 15 min with a 1000
W Hg/Xe lamp outfitted with a 320 long-pass filter, then incubated with 99% piperidine [5
L, 10 min, 95 °C], cooled, and 5
L glacial acetic acid was added. The sample was prepared
for primer extension by purification with a PCR purification kit (Qiaquick, Qiagen) to give 40
L samples. A portion (30
L) of the sample was then mixed with 2X reaction mix [2X Taq
Buffer, 4 mM MgCl
, 200
M dNTP, 0.25
P-endlabelled primer, and 0.3 U/
L Platinum
Taq]. The sample was heated to 95 °C for 2.5 min. and cycled 40 times for primer extension
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[55 °C for 40 sec, 72 °C for 40 sec, 95 °C for 30 sec]. Samples were precipitated, and 6%
denaturing PAGE was performed. Gels were visualized by overnight exposure to a
phosphorimager screen and scanned. Data were quantified using the line function in
ImageQuant (Amersham) and normalized in Excel.
Damage to DNA in HeLa cells to generate mutations with [Rh(phi)
Fresh HeLa cells were raised to ~75% confluence, 2 million total cells. Cells were trypsinized,
washed once with minimal media, pelleted, then resuspended in cold PBS and plated. Various
concentrations in 2 mL PBS were added to the cells that were adherent to
the bottom of a 75 mL (25 cm
surface area) cell culture flask. Cells were irradiated at 37 °C
for 20 minutes with a 1000 W Orion Solar Simulator (with a UVB/UVC blocking filter and a
glass filter that eliminates wavelengths <345 nm) for 20 minutes. The Rh complex was then
removed by washing with PBS, and 50,000 cells were plated and allowed to grow. The
procedure was repeated four days later when cells had reached ~50% confluence. Following
the second round of photolysis, cells were again allowed to grow to ~50% confluence, and
total DNA was purified using the DNeasy kit (Qiagen, U.S.A.) and eluted from the column in
2.5 mM Tris, pH 8.5. The DNA was amplified by the addition of 20
L of 2X reaction mix
[2X Taq buffer, 4 mM MgCl
, 400
M dNTP, 1
M primer, and 10 U Taq] to 20
L each DNA
sample. The samples were heated to 95 °C for 2.5 minutes and cycled 40 times for primer
extension [55 °C for 40 seconds, 72 °C for 40 seconds, 95 °C for 30 seconds]. After purification
with the PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, USA), sequencing reactions were accomplished by
addition of a terminator dNTP [1X Vent Buffer, 400
M dNTP, 150
M acyclonucleotide
(New England Biolabs), 5
P-endlabelled primer, 10 U Vent(exo-)] and cycled as listed
above. Samples were precipitated and electrophoresed on a 6% polyacrylamide gel. Gels were
visualized by overnight exposure to a phosphorimager screen and scanned. To visualize DNA
damage in an agarose gel, DNA was collected as above, loading dye was added (20% glycerol,
bromophenol blue, 1/10 volume), and electrophoresis was accomplished using ethiduim
bromide under standard conditions. Fluorescence was captured by a digital camera outfitted
with a uv-blocking filter and saved as tiff files. These files were quantified using Imagequant
as previously described (24,25). All experiments have been carried out at least in duplicate.
-induced oxidative DNA damage
Experiments to identify oxidative damage sites near conserved sequence block II were
conducted. Total DNA was collected from HeLa cells and amplified by PCR to give a 1.5
kilobase product that corresponds to the control region in human mitochondria. Primer
extension was carried out using a primer that begins at nucleotide 191 of the mitochondrial
genome, allowing for visualization of conserved sequence block II (
24). It should be noted that
extension of a PCR copy of the control region leads to a slightly different set of primer extension
products than with mitochondrial DNA purified from cells, examined previously (
25). Notably,
no primer extension stops are visualized within conserved sequence block II (Figure 2). These
extension stops in purified mitochondrial DNA are replication intermediates (26), triplex in
nature, and are removed during PCR. Primer extension from the control region PCR product
yields ~7-fold higher signal.
Sites of oxidation on the control region PCR product were identified using 2.5
g samples to
which 10 or 2
M [Rh(phi)
was added. Irradiation at ~365 nm in the presence of DNA-
bound Rh leads to base oxidation, which can be revealed as a strand break by treatment of the
DNA with piperidine (
); after purification, a primer extension reaction is used to visualize
the DNA damage pattern. Irradiation at higher energy in the presence of Rh but no piperidine
treatment marks sites of Rh binding through direct strand cleavage. Sequencing is then used
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to identify the location of damage. With high energy irradiation and no piperidine treatment,
low level damage is obtained across the DNA, reflecting non-specific binding of the Rh
intercalator, and consistent with that seen earlier on mitochondrial DNA irradiated with Rh or
after irradiation of mitochondria in the presence of Rh (24,25). Addition of [Rh(phi)
without irradiation or irradiation of the DNA without [Rh(phi)
and piperidine treatment
shows a large, slowly migrating band that corresponds to the full length primer extension
product since no base oxidation occurs (Figure 2). Addition of [Rh(phi)
and irradiation
leads to a series of stops at locations of base oxidation. With piperidine treatment, the strongest
stop is located at nucleotides 303-315, reflecting base oxidation at this site (Figure 2). These
data are fully consistent with previous studies on mitochondrial DNA purified from cells that
indicate conserved sequence block II is a particularly low oxidation potential site within the
mitochondrial genome (24,25). Though Rh binding is evident across the DNA (based upon
higher energy direct strand cleavage), base oxidation promoted by Rh is evident preferentially
in conserved sequence block II. Oxidative damage may thus be funneled to this site by DNA
charge transport. Position 263 is also observed as a low oxidation potential site and has been
previously identified as a site in purified mitochondrial DNA to which damage may also be
funneled (25). Damage at positions 286-291 was identified previously as a site that is
preferentially reactive to various chemical modifications (although direct strand cleavage with
Rh is not observed) (
24). Some Rh-specific damage is evident also at positions above 340, but
the exact locations have not been sequenced.
Assessing mitochondrial DNA damage in HeLa cells by [Rh(phi)
HeLa cells (approximately 2×10
in each cell culture flask) were grown to confluence, dosed
with various concentrations of [Rh(phi)
for 1 h, and then irradiated. After irradiation,
total DNA was collected from 1×10
cells and visualized on a 0.75% agarose gel stained with
ethidium bromide. As illustrated in Figure 3, when oxidation occurs, DNA is fragmented into
smaller random sizes. These smaller DNA fragments are below the detection limit of ethidium
bromide staining and, therefore, only a loss in the slow-moving, undamaged DNA band can
be observed as an indicator of the extent of oxidative damage in the HeLa cells. A 20 minute
irradiation at ~365 nm with no Rh added leads to less than 5% change in the DNA band. At 7
M [Rh(phi)
, the high molecular weight DNA band loses 36% of its intensity, while
at 30
M Rh, 75% is lost. Therefore, extensive DNA damage occurs with incubation of [Rh
and irradiation.
The viability of cells after [Rh(phi)
-induced oxidation was also examined. From the
samples above, 50,000 cells were plated and grown for an additional day. Cells irradiated
without Rh or with 7
M Rh yielded significant numbers of adherent cells, and new cells could
be seen in the microscope. In contrast, treatment with 30
M Rh and irradiation showed limited
numbers of adherent cells, ruptured cellular debris, and few new cells visible. DNA from the
adherent cells in all three cases was extracted, the control region of mitochondrial DNA was
amplified using PCR, and the product also visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis (Figure
3). With 30
M Rh irradiation, no DNA was detectable with PCR amplification. We therefore
utilized 7
M Rh and 20 minutes of irradiation in subsequent experiments; limited cell growth
occurred after too much DNA damage.
Inducing mitochondrial DNA mutations in HeLa cells
HeLa cells from a single thawed stock were then grown in three cell culture flasks. Once 50%
confluence was reached, cells from each flask were split into 50,000 and one million cell
samples. The one million cells were used for sequencing by extracting total DNA, PCR-
amplifying the control region, and nucleotides surrounding conserved sequence block II were
sequenced using an appropriate
P-labeled primer. The sequencing results are labeled as 0 in
Figure 4. Each set of 50,000 cells were plated and allowed to grow to 50% confluence. In one
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cell culture flask, 7
M Rh was added but not irradiated, the second flask was irradiated with
~365 nm light but no Rh, and, in the third flask, 7
M Rh was added and the flask was irradiated
to promote DNA damage. Each flask was then split into two flasks by adding 50,000 cells to
fresh media and grown to 50% confluence. One flask for each sample was used for sequencing
(this set is labeled 1 in Figure 4), while a second flask of cells was used to repeat the experiment
(labeled 2 in Figure 4, i.e. these cells have been oxidized twice). An important consideration
in these experiments is the number of cells to be plated after Rh-induced DNA damage. A
condition with too many cells leads to mutants not present in a high enough percentage for
definitive assignment, while with too few cells, the chance of finding a mutant is low.
Figure 4 shows line plots of guanosine sequencing results for nucleotides 284-330 from DNA
amplified with or without oxidative damage. These plots show conserved sequence block II to
the left and a nearby guanine 285 to the right for comparison (Figure 4). As expected,
sequencing line plots overlap when nothing has been done to the HeLa cells (labeled 0 in Figure
4), as these HeLa cells are genetically identical. Cells that were irradiated without Rh show no
changes in either position 285 or in positions 303-315, conserved sequence block II, after one
and two irradiations/growth cycles. In contrast, cells treated with [Rh(phi)
irradiated show a decrease in guanine content within conserved sequence block II after two
rounds of oxidation and growth (compare plots on Figure 4 bottom after 2 cycles). Importantly,
position 285 shows little if any decrease after 0, 1, or 2 cycles of oxidation and growth,
indicating that the decrease in guanosine content is localized to the oxidation-prone regions to
which damage is funneled and does not reflect a global decrease in DNA yield. Analyzing
guanosine content at various positions within conserved sequence block II gives a variable
decrease in guanine content from as much a 42% to as little as 9% measured from peak heights.
Cells given Rh but not irradiated show a much smaller decrease in the guanosine content,
presumably, from ambient light absorbed during workup. The change with Rh addition and
irradiation is therefore significant. Mutations in oxidation hot spots are detectable after two
cycles of oxidation and growth.
Determining Specific Mitochondrial DNA Mutations
Another set of fresh cells was examined to identify the specific types of mutations that arise
upon Rh-induced DNA damage (Figure 5). Sequencing using the four terminating nucleotides
uncovers all types of mutation that occur. Cells were either treated with [Rh(phi)
irradiated or treated with Rh without light as a control. Again, mutations become apparent after
two rounds of [Rh(phi)
incubation and irradiation, while no mutations are seen with
cells not irradiated but treated with Rh (no DNA damage, Figure 5). Note that the primer is the
complement of the strand being interrogated. When visualizing 175 nucleotides of the control
region, mutations are evident at only four sites. The locations of mutations found are at positions
303-315, 286-291, 263, and 208-220. Interestingly, all positions have been identified as
nucleotides susceptible to Rh-induced DNA damage (24,25 and Figure 2).
In particular, both positions 303-315 and 263 are prone to oxidative damage via DNA charge
transport. Here, positions 303-315 show evidence of dG to dT transversions, seen as an increase
of 28% in dA content calculated from integration in the amount of dA over the 12 bases. Notably
the increase in dA content is specific to cells that have been through two rounds of Rh-induced
DNA damage and growth. A corresponding loss of dC is also found, although more blurry,
and as we would expect with either dG to dT transversions or deletions of dG (Figure 5). While
the dG to dT transversions are supported by the increase in dA content, deletions are also
suggested, since the increase in intensity (transversion mutations) observed in Figure 5B (green
plot) is uniform while the loss of dG (Figure 4) is non-uniform. These observations would be
consistent with deletions along with dG to dT transversions within conserved sequence block
II. Changes are also evident at position 263, consistent with mutation from a dG to a dT. We
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also found mutations at nucleotides 286-291 and 208-220, which are flexible sequences (24)
of T
and (AATT)
and are highly susceptible to mutation, particularly with irradiation. We
find at position 286-291 deletions or mutation from a dT to a dG (green arrow, Figure 5), while
positions 208-220 are mutated from a dA to a dT. These positions are damaged by a mechanism
that is not associated with DNA oxidation. Importantly, nucleotides 263 and 303-315 are
known as mutational hot spots in cancers (
24). Oxidative DNA damage through DNA charge
transport thus appears to lead to mutations that are characteristically found in tumors.
Hot spots for oxidative damage are present within the control region of the mitochondrial
genome and specifically within the highly conserved sequence block II. We have seen earlier
that damage is preferentially funneled to this region through DNA charge transport (24,25).
Here we see that long range damage in conserved sequence block II can also promote mutations.
Specifically, we find dG to dT transversions within the guanine-rich tracts of conserved
sequence block II. These mutations would be expected with oxidation of guanines to 8-oxodG;
other guanine oxidation products could also occur. In fact, we have identified 8-oxodG as one
product of long range oxidative damage in Rh-tethered oligonucleotides (
11,27). Importantly,
these lesions are commonly found associated with oxidative stress (5-7). Perhaps even more
interesting, however, is the role that DNA-mediated charge transport may play within the
mitochondrion. We observe that damage to this region of the mitochondrial genome and
therefore the mutations that occur as a result of this damage arise
from a distance
through DNA
charge transport. Indeed, we may consider now that DNA charge transport actually serves to
direct mutations to this region of the mitochondrial genome.
The preferential funneling of damage in the mitochondrion is seen to provide a checkpoint for
damage and oxidative stress within the cell. How that checkpoint may effectively operate or
become dysfunctional as a result of mutation is illustrated in Figure 6. Under oxidative stress,
damage to the mitochondrial genome occurs, and it is directed to conserved sequence block II
through DNA-mediated charge transport, leading to the formation of base lesions, like 8-
oxodG. Each mitochondrion has several mitochondrial DNA genomes, some of which may be
oxidatively modified while others remain undamaged. Though elements of mitochondrial DNA
replication remain unknown and controversial (22,23), replication will either be inhibited or
surely altered by DNA modification within the sequence block. We observe mutations
consistent with the formation of the 8-oxodG lesion within this region, but other oxidative
lesions associated with guanine oxidation have also been identified, and these too may inhibit
and/or alter replication (
28). Likely then, because conserved sequence block II represents both
the hot spot for damage and the replication control site, damage in this region should lead to
the selective replication of unmodified genomes.
Nonetheless, replication of damaged DNA can occur, albeit with low probability, and
replication of oxidized guanine lesions leads to mutation, specifically dG to dT transversions
and insertions/deletions within the guanine tract. The results described here identify these
specific mutations within conserved sequence block II and that these mutations arise through
the funneling of oxidative damage to these sites. Incubation of cells with [Rh(phi)
, a
potent one-electron photooxidant that intercalates in DNA, with two cycles of irradiation and
cell growth, promotes specific mutation at the sites where Rh-induced damage on the
mitochondrial DNA has been identified.
Perhaps more remarkable is the finding that these specific mutations correspond to those
commonly associated with cancers. Such mutations certainly would hinder mitochondrial
function. Moreover, the loss of guanine content within the conserved sequence block would
mean that this region would no longer serve as a low oxidation potential checkpoint to limit
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replication of damaged genomes. Thus, mutations would further propogate, increasingly
limiting mitochondrial function. In fact, such mutations would be expected to provide an
advantage to tumor cells that utilize glycolysis preferentially for energy production. Therefore,
while mutation of conserved sequence block II itself may not be pathogenic, it may impart to
a tumor a higher chance to survive under hypoxic conditions.
These studies provide another example of how DNA-mediated charge transport may serve a
useful role within the cell (16). By funneling damage to specific control sites, the signal for
oxidative stress to the mitochondrial genome is transmitted. If replication proceeds despite this
signaling, mutations arise. Indeed, these mutations are characteristically associated with
cancerous transformations.
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Figure 1.
Strategy for inducing mutations in HeLa cell mitochondria. (A) Mitochondrial DNA under
elevated oxidative stress yields some oxidative damage to the mitochondrial genomes (red). If
unrepaired, modification of a dG leads to a mutation, here a dG to dT conversion. (B) In this
study HeLa cells are incubated with [Rh(phi)
(bottom), a non-specific DNA intercalator
that, upon irradiation, induces DNA oxidative damage. Cells are either unmodified (blue),
modified (green and red), or dead (x on cell) after exposure to Rh and light. After growing the
cells, mutations can arise in the modified cells. Several cycles of oxidative damage and
regrowth lead to the accumulation of mutations that can be identified by sequencing.
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Figure 2.
-induced oxidative damage to the PCR-amplified mitochondrial DNA control
region. A 1.5 kilobase copy of the control region of mitochondrial DNA from HeLa cells was
prepared using PCR. After treatment with the [Rh(phi)
photooxidant (10 or 2
M) and
incubation with piperidine, a primer extension reaction was used to visualize the DNA damage
via PAGE. Shown are sequencing lanes along with DNA treated with 10, 2
M, or 0 Rh with
or without irradiation as indicated. The nucleotide positions within the control region are shown
to the right. Addition of [Rh(phi)
or irradiation alone do not produce oxidative damage
as only large, unmodified DNA is observed. Addition of [Rh(phi)
, irradiation, and
piperidine treatment leads to oxidative damage at nucleotides 303, 290, and 263. The most
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intense damage is at position 303, within conserved sequence block II. Modification at
positions 303 and 263 are the result of DNA charge transport (red), damage at position 290 is
at a chemically accessible site of high AT content (green).
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Figure 3.
Agarose gel detection of global DNA damage in HeLa cells. Addition of [Rh(phi)
HeLa cells and irradiation leads to DNA damage that is visualized as a loss of double-stranded,
high molecular weight DNA. Shown are amplified DNA samples after incubation of cells with
or without Rh (0, 7, 30
M) and irradiation for 20 min. The amount of DNA damage is sensitive
to the amount of photooxidant; 30
M [Rh(phi)
causes more loss of unmodified DNA
than 7
M [Rh(phi)
. Cells from these samples were grown for another 24 hours and
the mitochondrial control region was PCR-amplified. At 30
M [Rh(phi)
, no
amplifiable DNA is seen.
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Figure 4.
Guanine sequencing of conserved sequence block II over several cycles of oxidation and
regrowth. Cellular DNA was extracted, the mitochondrial control region was amplified, and
sequencing was accomplished using a
P-labeled primer and dC terminator nucleotide. The
results shown are line plots of the PAGE gels from nucleotides 284-330. Conserved sequence
block II (303-315, 3’-G
, marked as CSB II) is a region comprised of many guanosine
residues and is prone to oxidation. A reference dG, that is not within conserved sequence block
II, at position 285 is on the right of each plot. At first, cells are genetically identical, and
sequencing lanes overlap (0). Cells were treated with [Rh(phi)
only (no irradiation,
red), only irradiated with ~365 nm light (no Rh, blue), or given Rh and irradiated (Rh+light,
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black) and allowed to grow. Little, if any, change in the dG content occurs in conserved
sequence block II in all three cases after one cycle (labeled as 1). The same cells were treated
again (labeled as 2). After two cycles, cells treated with [Rh(phi)
only (red) and only
irradiated (blue) have very similar dG content in conserved sequence block II. In contrast,
incubation of cells with [Rh(phi)
and irradiation (black) shows a decrease in the dG
content in conserved sequence block II. The lack of change at position 285 with Rh and light
indicates the loss of dG content is specific to conserved sequence block II.
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Figure 5.
Mutations after Rh-induced DNA damage in HeLa cells. (A) Sequencing PAGE gel using all
four terminator nucleotides after two cycles of Rh-induced oxidative DNA damage and growth.
HeLa cells that were irradiated and treated with [Rh(phi)
(DNA Damage plus) show
mutations observed as changes in the sequencing lanes (arrows) as compared to cells that where
incubated with Rh and not irradiated (DNA Damage minus). The mutations associated with
DNA charge transport (red) are consistent with conversion of dG to dT or deletion of dG. Other
mutations are also observed (green). (B) Line plot of the first two lanes of the same gel. Note
that it is the complementary strand that is sequenced, so that damage associated with a G to T
transversion yields an increase in the complementary A.
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Figure 6.
Schematic illustration how DNA charge transport may promote damage and mutations that
regulate mitochondrial replication. Mitochondria contain several genomes. Under oxidative
stress some genomes are damaged, and through DNA charge transport, this damage is
preferentially funneled to conserved sequence block II (green arrow). This funneling of damage
to conserved sequence block II can serve as a damage checkpoint, limiting the replication of
damaged mitochondrial genomes. Some damaged mitochondria can survive, however, and
here, mutations occur, as we have seen. These mutations may lead to improperly functioning
mitochondria and cancerous transformation.
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