Published October 16, 2015 | Supplemental Material + Published
Journal Article Open

Quantifying sources and sinks of reactive gases in the lower atmosphere using airborne flux observations


Atmospheric composition is governed by the interplay of emissions, chemistry, deposition, and transport. Substantial questions surround each of these processes, especially in forested environments with strong biogenic emissions. Utilizing aircraft observations acquired over a forest in the southeast U.S., we calculate eddy covariance fluxes for a suite of reactive gases and apply the synergistic information derived from this analysis to quantify emission and deposition fluxes, oxidant concentrations, aerosol uptake coefficients, and other key parameters. Evaluation of results against state-of-the-science models and parameterizations provides insight into our current understanding of this system and frames future observational priorities. As a near-direct measurement of fundamental process rates, airborne fluxes offer a new tool to improve biogenic and anthropogenic emissions inventories, photochemical mechanisms, and deposition parameterizations.

Additional Information

© 2015 American Geophysical Union. Received 18 AUG 2015; Accepted 23 SEP 2015; Accepted article online 28 SEP 2015; Published online 10 OCT 2015. This work was supported by grants from the NASA ROSES SEAC4RS (NNH10ZDA001N and NNX12AC06G) and ACCDAM (NNX14AP48G and NNX14AP46G) programs. T.B.N. acknowledges support from NSF PRF award AGS-1331360. Isoprene measurements were supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) through the Austrian Space Applications Programme (ASAP) of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). A.W. and T.M. received support from the Visiting Scientist Program at the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA). We thank the DC-8 pilots, crew, payload operators, and mission scientists for their hard work and for the opportunity to calibrate the meteorological measurements. We are also grateful to NASA ESPO for mission logistics. We thank the Jimenez, Brock, and Anderson groups for use of aerosol data. We also thank L. Kaser, B. Yuan, S.-W. Kim, and J. Thornton for helpful discussions. All data used in this analysis are publicly available under the SEAC4RS DOI at 10.5067/Aircraft/SEAC4RS/Aerosol-TraceGas-Cloud.

Attached Files

Published - Wolfe_et_al-2015-Geophysical_Research_Letters.pdf

Supplemental Material - grl53549-sup-0001-supplementary.pdf


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