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Control of Mechanical and Fracture Properties in Two
phase Materials Reinforced by
Continuous, Irregular Networks
Tommaso Magrini*, Chelsea Fox, Adeline Wihardja, Athena Kolli, Chiara
Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125,
Composites with
high strength and high fracture resistance are desirable for structural and
protective applications. Most composites, however, suffer from poor damage tolerance and
are prone to unpredictable fractures. Understanding the behavior of materials with an
gular reinforcement phase offers fundamental guidelines for tailoring their performance.
Here, we study the fracture nucleation and propagation in two phase composites, as a
function of the topology of their irregular microstructures. We use a stochastic a
lgorithm to
design the polymeric reinforcing network, achieving independent control of topology and
geometry of the microstructure. By tuning the local connectivity of isodense tiles and their
assembly into larger structures, we tailor the mechanical and f
racture properties of the
architected composites, at the local and global scale. Finally, combining different reinforcing
networks into a spatially determined meso
scale assembly, we demonstrate how the spatial
propagation of fractures in architected compo
site materials can be designed and controlled
Composite materials offer many advantages over traditional materials, such as being
lightweight while maintaining a high strength and stiffness,
but they suffer from lack of
ness and poor damage tolerance.
One way to improve their crack response is to
tailor the reinforcing phase architecture.
Fiber reinforcements, for example, exploit crack
bridging between fibers for toughening.
Introducing fibers and other hi
reinforcing elements in the design of composite materials, often leads to direction
mechanical properties and anisotropic fracture resistance.
Depending on the reinforcing
elements‟ alignment direction, composites can be eit
her toughened by high fracture energy
dissipative mechanisms, such as fiber bridging and fiber pullout, or be subject to
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delamination fractures, which occur at the fiber
matrix interface.
On the contrary,
randomly distributed inclusions, which
primarily toughen the material through microcracking
and secondary crack formation, often lead to composite materials with isotropic fracture
Developing materials that use multiple toughening mechanisms, like
bridging, deflecting, or e
ven arresting the propagation of cracks, has potential to improve the
amount of absorbed fracture energy.
This was recently demonstrated in bioinspired
architected composites, where the internal microstructure is finely tailored to control crack
n behavior.
The combination of multiple toughening mechanisms can also be
achieved by fabricating composite materials with irregular reinforcing networks
. Irregular
microstructures are common in biological structural materials
nd understanding their
behavior during loading and fracture is relevant for the design of architected materials with
tailored load
bearing performance. Irregular networks can control the fracture and
toughening behavior of materials through the creation of
scale structures with different
dimensions and orientations that cause multiple fracture nucleation and propagation events.
Finally, reinforcing composites with irregular networks allows the creation of materials with
independent mechanical
properties, a desirable feature in structural and load
bearing applications. Here, we describe how network coordination influences the global
mechanical properties of two
phase materials, like strength, stiffness and energy dissipated
during fracture, as
well as the role of local mechanisms on fracture nucleation and
propagation. Introducing desired irregular networks as composite reinforcement and
achieving a fine control over their assembly across multiple lengthscales, from the micro
the cm
scale, r
equires advances in both numerical design and manufacturing. In recent
work, machine
learning and data
driven approaches were used to computationally design
hierarchical architected materials.
we employ algorithms that “grow” regular and
lar networks
for composite design and use multi
material additive manufacturing
processes for fabrication.
Design of irregular reinforcement
To design the stiff reinforcement phase of our two
phase composites, we utilized the virtual
growth algorit
(Supplementary Discussion 1
), which t
ssellates a set of bimaterial tiles on
a discretized spatial grid, following a set of adjacency rules
. We used a combination of 2
coordinated tiles ([L] and [
]) and 3
coordinated tiles ([T]) and ensured that each
tile had the
same volume fraction of stiff reinforcing phase and soft matrix phase
(Figure 1a, left)
. We
combined these tiles to generate composites with a stiff reinforcing random network (white)
and a soft elastomeric matrix (black)
(Figure 1a, right)
The virtual growth algorithm ensures
continuity between the two phases through modifiable connectivity rules
(Figure SI 1)
Depending on the relative composition of 2
and 3
coordinated tiles, the virtual growth
algorithm creates various composites with the same volume fraction of reinforcement, but a
large ternary design space
(Figure 1b)
. We expect the shape and directional
tile connectivity
to influence the local deformation mechanisms accessible within the clusters, with [L] shaped
tiles showing bending
dominated local deformations and straight [
] tiles showing stretching
dominated behaviors.
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. Architecture of two
phase materials. (a) Selected isodensity tile geometries and
composite assembly. (b) Compositional design space in a ternary diagram. (A) and (B)
architectures are represented by red and blue circles, respectively. (c) Average c
<R> as a function of [T] tiles content. (A) and (B) reinforcing networks are represented by
red and blue circles, respectively. (d, e) Representative (A) and (B) architectures (d and e,
respectively). (f, g) Close
up view of meso
structures tha
t populate (A) and (B) architectures
in (d) and (e) respectively. Yellow, green, cyan, and blue represent 4, 6, 8, and 10+ tiles
structures, respectively. (h) Meso
structures distribution in (A) (red bars) and (B)
architectures (blue bars). (i) Exampl
e of meso
structure with labeled coordination and
bridges. (j) Expanded version of (i). (k) Comparison of bridge length and their frequency for
(A) and (B) architectures (red and blue, respectively).
Network characterization
We evaluate the properties of the reinforcing networks using frameworks developed to
describe covalent random networks (Supplementary Discussion 2), at two hierarchical
scales. At the global scale, we evaluate the average coordination of the materials at c
density, and at the local scale, we analyze how growth rules affect the formation of
characteristic meso
structures. We evaluate the average coordination <R> in the reinforcing
networks, accounting for the presence of dangling bonds, unconnected l
igaments at the
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network edges (Figure 1c).
Scaling linearly with the volume fraction of 3
tiles, we expect <R> to influence the global mechanical properties, like strength and
stiffness, as reported in other amorphous materials systems
To understand the effect
of the reinforcing network architecture on the composite properties, we compare two
different compositions with significantly different average coordination: (A)
networks (35 [T],
10 [
], 55 [L]), dominated by 2
ted tiles and floppy modes; and (B)
networks (80 [T],
10 [
], 10 [L]), dominated by 3
coordinated tiles and that are purely rigid (figure 1b and figure
1c, red and blue circles respectively).
Despite having the same reinforcing and matrix phase volume frac
tions, (A)
and (B)
network reinforced composites (NRCs) form different local meso
structures, defined as the
matrix domains enclosed by reinforcing network (Figure 1d and 1e). While the average
coordination of the reinforcing network explains the global m
echanical behavior of the
materials, studying the meso
structures that pattern each composite is key to understand
their local properties. First, the meso
structures are categorized and mapped based on size
and number of constitutive tiles (Figure 1f and 1
g). Then, their surface distribution is used to
indicate the texture of (A)
and (B)
NRCs (Figure 1h). Additionally, the number density of
each meso
structure (Figure SI 2), their angle of orientation (Figure SI 3), and the effect that
small meso
s have on their surroundings (Figure SI 4) are important descriptors of
these architected composites.
We characterize the reinforcing networks by drawing parallels with the concept of network
bridges, often used in studying of the mechanical performance of
covalent random
A bridge (black solid lines, Figure 1i
1j) connects two 3
coordinated tiles,
considered anchored in the network (I
V white circles, Figure 1i
1j). It was demonstrated that
a bridge composed of 6 or more 2
coordinated til
es (red circles, Figure 1i
1j) forms a floppy
region within the network.
The presence of floppy domains in a stiff, yet deformable,
reinforcing network influences the local mechanical composite performance, resulting in a
globally more extensible
and deformable material (Figure SI 5). In this context, the presence
of an incompressible matrix phase is important to prevent large bridge deformations.
Because of the different content of 3
coordinated tiles, (A)
NRCs display a multi
distribution o
f bridge lengths which are significantly longer than those of (B)
NRCs (Figure
Mechanical Properties
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. Mechanical characterization of composites.
(a, b) Engineering stress
strain curves
recorded during uniaxial ten
sion tests on plate geometries of (A)
NRCs and (B)
NRCs (red
solid lines in a, blue solid lines in b, respectively). The solid black lines in (a,b) represent the
response of samples photographed in (c, d), respectively. The solid gray lines in (a,b)
ent the response of the same (A)
NRC and (B)
NRC samples, without the matrix
phase. Fracture events in the reinforcing phase of (A)
NRCs and (B)
NRCs are indicated by
red and blue arrows in a and b, respectively, and in the reinforcing networks by grey arr
(see also Figure SI 6).
(c, d) Fracture evolution in representative specimens of (A)
NRC and
NRC, respectively. The circles indicate the locations within the specimens that display
the signs of voids growth (circles in c and d, frame II and insets
in c and d, frame II, bottom).
(e, f) Digital image correlation (DIC) maps of the representative specimens of (A)
NRC and
NRC recorded at 0.5% strain (e and f respectively).
The DIC maps refer to the areas of
specimens highlighted by (*) in frame I of
(c) and (d).
Although (A)
and (B)
NRCs have the same volume fraction of reinforcement and matrix
phases, the difference in average coordination and bridge length and different meso
structure populations influence the mechanical properties at both global
and local scales.
measure experimentally the mechanical properties of the chosen architectures, we additively
manufactured composite samples using a polyjet printer (Stratasys Objet500 Connex3).
Recent studies have focused on determining experimentally
the mechanical and physical
properties of objects printed by polyjet printing and shed light on the relationship between
the printing parameters and the final performance of the part.
In our study, a stiff
viscoelastic resin (VeroWhite Polyjet Resin) and a soft elastomeric resin (TangoBlack Polyjet
Resin) were chosen for the reinforcing phase and matrix phase, respectively. Both resins are
commercially available, and their constitutive
properties fall within ranges reported in
literature (Figure SI 7).
We combined these two materials in a polymer composite with
a volume fraction of reinforcing phase of 0.3. At this volume fraction, we observed that the
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composites display a d
esired tradeoff between rigidity and extensibility (Figure SI 8), while
the reinforcing network thickness is one order of magnitude larger than the polyjet printer
resolution limit (Figure SI 9). To characterize their mechanical response, we
performed plat
tension experiments and confirmed that at the global scale, the purely rigid
like (B)
achieve higher strength and higher stiffness than the (A)
networks (Figure 2a and 2b).
Despite a significant difference in the global mechanical properties, th
e composites display
similarities in the local scale mechanisms that determine the initiation and propagation of
Due to the remarkable adhesion properties between the two resins used in this
, fracture initiation does not occur at the
interface between the matrix and the
reinforcing network, in either pristine or pre
notched samples, but within the matrix (Figure SI
Void nucleation in the matrix phase initiates the composite fracture process, similar to the
ductile fracture of meta
Void formation is followed by matrix detachment from the
reinforcing network, resulting in steady void growth (Figure 2c and 2d, I to III respectively). In
this propagation phase, the void growth and coalescence are hindered by the reinforcing
twork bridges, which elongate as the sample undergoes tensile loading. Thus, the
average bridge length and extensibility before rupture become paramount, as these
characteristics predict the strain of the reinforcing network before failure (Supplementary
iscussion 3). After the sequential failure of the bridges (Figure 2a and 2b, red and blue
arrows respectively), we observe the complete loss of composite integrity.
The local composite architecture become key during failure, as strain localization in selec
structures leads to fracture nucleation and growth, as confirmed by 2D Digital Image
Correlation (DIC) at small strains (Figure 2e and 2f). Therefore, to design composites
capable of dissipating the most fracture energy, one must act on both the g
lobal and local
scale, tailoring the network rigidity and generating local meso
structures, to avoid localized
strain fields. To achieve this, we modify the connectivity rules of the growth algorithm.
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Figure 3
. Modified composites and their performance.
(a) Modifications of connectivity rules
and average coordination number as a function of [T] tiles (top and bottom, respectively). (b)
Engineering stress
strain diagram of Mod
NRCs (red solid lines) and of original (A)
NRCs (grey solid lines). The modu
lus of toughness (MOT) is reported for both composites at
the top of the diagram. (c, d) Fracture evolution in representative Mod
NRCs at 0.5% and
16% strain (c and d, respectively). (e) Engineering stress
strain diagram of Mod
(blue solid lin
es) and of the original (B)
NRCs (grey solid lines). The MOT is reported for
both composites at the top of the diagram. (f, g) Fracture evolution in representative Mod
NRC at 0.5% and 16% strain (f and g, respectively). (h, i) Modification of microstru
of (A)
and (B)
networks (h and i respectively) and measured polydispersity index (PDI) for
each network. (j, k) Variation in relative meso
structure orientation distribution of (A) and (B)
networks (j and k respectively). (l) Frequency of bridge len
gths for (A)
and Mod
networks (top and bottom, respectively). (m) Frequency of bridge lengths for (B)
and Mod
networks (top and bottom, respectively).
We changed the connectivity rules of a growth algorithm to increase energy dissipation
fracture in composites. By amending four tile adjacency rules (Figure 3a, top,
Supplementary Discussion 4, Figure SI 10), we prevented the formation of large floppy
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domains, which increased network rigidity, stiffness, and strength. The modified networks
displayed a purely rigid
like behavior, as shown by their higher average coordination than
the original networks (Figure 3a, bottom). We tested the effect of the modified reinforcing
networks on the composites‟ mechanical performance and fracture energy di
through plate tension experiments. As a result of their higher coordination, Mod
displayed higher ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and up to 60% increase in tensile stiffness
(Figure 3b red and grey solid lines respectively), while Mod
NRCs had a 5% reduction in
stiffness as a result of the slightly lower average coordination (Figure 3e blue and grey solid
lines respectively). Although each composite begins failure at ~10% tensile strain, the
modified designs‟ damage tolerance dramatic
ally improved. At high tensile strain (up to
~16%), the Mod
NRCs carry a load of approximately 70
80% their UTS (Figure 3c
d and
Figure 3f
g). As a comparison, their original counterparts at the same tensile strain had
completely lost any load carrying cap
abilities, due to presence of sample
scale cracks and
coalesced voids, resulting from the extensive failure of the reinforcing phase.
calculations of the stress intensity factor and local stress concentration field require making
assumptions b
ased on continuum mechanics: for composite materials, the reinforcing
feature sizes must be small compared to the size of the singularity zone, and the nonlinear
damage must be confined to a small region within the singularity zone.
In our irregular
composites these conditions are not satisfied: meso
structures sizes are in the order of
several mm (Figure SI 2) and crack nucleation occurs in multiple locations within the
microstructure (
Figures 2c, 2d, 3d and 3g
). In the present study,
to highlight ho
w these
simple modifications to the reinforcing networks influence significantly the energy dissipated
during fracture, we measured the modulus of toughness (MOT), taken as the area under the
strain curve. Modifying the reinforcing networks in (A) a
nd (B) composites improved
the total dissipated energy during fracture of up to ~130% and ~60% respectively (Figure 3b
and 3e, top).
Considering global scale descriptors solely, like the average reinforcing network
coordination, is insufficient to explain
the higher strength of Mod
NRCs compared to (B)
NRCs. Thus, we evaluated the modified designs at the local scale, to investigate the effect
that simple modifications of the connectivity rules had on the meso
structures. First, we
notice by visual inspe
ction that the modified composites (Figure 3h and 3i, bottom) have a
significantly different internal structure than their original counterparts (Figure 3h and 3i, top).
The modified architectures feature a more homogeneous distribution of meso
which are quantified through the polydispersity index (PDI) (Figure 3h and 3i, Supplementary
Discussion 5).
The decrease in PDI by 33% for (A)
NRCs and by 20% for (B)
confirms that more stringent connectivity rules homogenize and coarsen the meso
sizes (Figure SI 11).
Furthermore, the modified composites feature meso
structures that
display a more homogeneous angle of orientation with respect to their original counterparts
(Figure 3j and 3k).
As a result of the more homogeneous size and o
rientation distribution of
domains, the modified composites are subject to a more homogeneous distribution of the
deformation during loading, preventing high strain localization (Figure SI 12) and
leading to
the multiple uniformly distributed void nucleati
on sites in the matrix (Figure 3d and Figure
Finally, we evaluated the effect of the modifications on bridges length distributions. In
NRCs, the increase in short bridges confirms that the newly generated networks are
more constrained and thus
rigid, compared to their original counterparts (Figure 3l).
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Conversely, Mod
networks have a distribution of bridge lengths that shifts towards larger
sizes and becomes multimodal, becoming like those of (A)
networks, suggesting the
generation of reinf
orcing networks with higher local extensibility and hence, higher bridging
capability (Figure 3m).
Figure 4
. Multi
architecture meso
scale assemblies. (a,b) Laminate assemblies: (A), Mod
(B), (A) and Mod
(B), (A), Mod
(B) (a and b respectively). The inse
ts highlight differences in
reinforcing architecture. Fracture evolution (I, II, III a and b respectively). (c, d) DIC maps at
0.5% strain in laminate assemblies. (e) Sketch of cross section of cortical bone (f) Cortical
bone inspired meso
scale assembly.
(A) constitutes osteon
inspired features (dashed
red semicircles), (A) constitutes the matrix phase. (g) DIC map at 7% strain and highlighting
strain distribution in cortical bone inspired assembly. (h,i) Fracture evolution at 11% and 21%
strain (h an
d i, respectively).
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We developed a method to control crack trajectory in network reinforced composites by
creating hierarchical microstructures that combine local rules, meso
scale assemblies and
macroscale connectivity networks at a constant density. We
drew inspiration from biological
composites like mother
and cortical bone
, which deflect incoming cracks
and dissipate fracture energy. Our meso
scale assemblies feature rational designs of 'strong
and tough' network portions combined with 'soft' network portions. We created two laminate
configurations with complementary meso
cale arrangements (Figure 4a I and Figure 4b I,
respectively) and found that the (A)
NRCs domains carry most of the strain regardless of
their spatial arrangement. For an applied 0.5% strain, (A)
NRCs domains are subject to
~0.8% strain whereas Mod
s domains experience as little as 0.3% strain (Figure 4c
and Figure 4d). We can thus control the fracture trajectory through domain assembly, since
fracture nucleates (Figure 4a II and Figure 4b II) and propagates (Figure 4a III and Figure 4b
III) in 'soft
' domains. These properties are also consistent with crack propagation observed in
single edge notch tension tests (SENT) (Figure SI 7). We take inspiration from the cross
section of cortical bone, composed of tightly packed osteons, enveloped by the cemen
t lines,
specifically designed to arrest and guide incoming cracks on tortuous trajectories (Figure
In our cortical bone
inspired assembly we embedded strong and tough osteon
inspired high coordination domains, in a floppy and low coordinati
on matrix domain (Figure
4f). At 7% strain, it is already visible how the strain localizes in the floppy portions of the
composite (Figure 4g), leading to fracture nucleation in the central matrix area (left side,
Figure 4h), that is then arrested as it ap
proaches the opposite osteon
domain (right side,
Figure 4h). Meanwhile, crack nucleation above and below the plane of propagation initiates
the desired process of re
nucleation and re
direction of the fracture, critical to deflect its
trajectory (red arrow
s, Figure 4h) and to successfully shield the osteon domains (Figure 4i).
In this study, we developed architected composite materials that exhibit a high degree of
hierarchical order through material design. By utilizing a virtual growth algori
thm, we
manipulated the local connectivity between isodensity tiles, resulting in the formation of
larger meso
structures, which were merged to create sample
sized assemblies with
predetermined spatial arrangements. This approach enabled tailoring the mech
anical and
fracture properties of the architected composites, at the local and global scales. We envision
that the use of different sets of starting tiles and the combination of different reinforcing
matrix phases, will allow to fine
tune the activati
on of desired reinforcement and fracture
energy dissipation mechanisms. Building on our proof
concept observations, we
hypothesize that controlling the spatial arrangement and continuity between the soft and
hard phases can be used to prevent interfacia
l failure, while their intentional design can
facilitate the precise spatial distribution of fractures in architected composites.
Supplementary Information
Supplementary Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or from the author.
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The authors thank P. Arakelian, K. Liu, T. Zhou, C. McMahan, and J. Boddapati for the
fruitful discussions. The authors acknowledge MURI ARO W911NF
0008 for the
financial support. T.M. acknowledges the Swiss National Science Foundatio
n for the
financial support.
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Controlling the local archite
cture of irregular architected materials we can influence the
mechanisms that cause their fracture and generate superior designs that dissipate up to
120% more energy during fracture. By carefully designing multi
architecture assemblies,
composed of „soft‟
and „stiff and tough‟ domains, we influence the trajectories of growing
cracks, and design their deflection and re
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