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A sex difference in the response of the
rodent postsynaptic density to synGAP
Tara L Mastro
*, Anthony Preza
, Shinjini Basu
, Sumantra Chattarji
Sally M Till
, Peter C Kind
, Mary B Kennedy
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, Caltech, Pasadena, United States;
Simons Initiative for the Developing Brain, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom;
Centre for Brain
Development and Repair, Bangalore, India
SynGAP is a postsynaptic density (PSD) protein that binds to PDZ domains of the
scaffold protein PSD-95. We previously reported that heterozygous deletion of
in mice is
correlated with increased steady-state levels of other key PSD proteins that bind PSD-95, although
the level of PSD-95 remains constant (Walkup et al., 2016). For example, the ratio to PSD-95 of
Transmembrane AMPA-Receptor-associated Proteins (TARPs), which mediate binding of AMPA-
type glutamate receptors to PSD-95, was increased in young
mice. Here we show that
only females and not males show a highly significant correlation between an increase in TARP and a
decrease in synGAP in the PSDs of
rodents. The data reveal a sex difference in the
adaptation of the PSD scaffold to synGAP haploinsufficiency.
SynGAP is a Ras/Rap GTPase Activating Protein that is specifically expressed in neurons and is highly
concentrated in the postsynaptic density (PSD) of glutamatergic synapses in the brain (
Chen et al.,
Kim et al., 1998
). Mutations that cause heterozygous deletion or dysfunction of the human
cause a severe form of intellectual disability (synGAP haploinsufficiency, also called
Mental Retardation type 5 [MRD5]) often accompanied by autism and/or seizures (
Berryer et al.,
Hamdan et al., 2011
Hamdan et al., 2009
). In mice, heterozygous deletion of the gene
causes similar neurological deficits; homozygous deletion causes death a few days after birth
Komiyama et al., 2002
Vazquez et al., 2004
One function of synGAP is to regulate the balance of active Ras and Rap at the postsynaptic
membrane (
Walkup et al., 2015
), thereby controlling the balance of exocytosis and endocytosis of
AMPA-type glutamate receptors (
Zhu et al., 2002
) and contributing to regulation of the actin cyto-
skeleton (
Tolias et al., 2005
). In a recent paper in eLife (
Walkup et al., 2016
), we postulated that
synGAP also helps to regulate anchoring of AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) in the PSD.
AMPARs are tethered to the scaffold protein PSD-95 by auxiliary subunits called TARPs (Transmem-
brane AMPA Receptor-associated Proteins,
Tomita et al., 2003
). TARPs contain a PDZ ligand that
binds to PDZ domains in PSD-95. An early event in induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) is
increased trapping of AMPARs that is mediated by enhanced binding of TARPs to PDZ domains
Opazo and Choquet, 2011
Tomita et al., 2005
). SynGAP is also anchored in the PSD by binding
of its
1 splice variant to the PDZ domains of PSD-95 (
Kim et al., 1998
McMahon et al., 2012
Walkup et al., 2016
). SynGAP is nearly as abundant in the PSD fraction as PSD-95, which suggests
that it occupies a large fraction of the PDZ domains and can compete with TARPs for binding to
PSD-95 (
Chen et al., 1998
Dosemeci et al., 2007
). During induction of LTP, calcium/calmodulin-
et al
. eLife 2020;9:e52656.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.52656
1 of 17
dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) phosphorylates synGAP, increasing the rate of inactivation of
Rap relative to Ras, and, at the same time, causing a decrease in the affinity of synGAP-
1 for the
PDZ domains of PSD-95 (
Walkup et al., 2015
Walkup et al., 2016
). We postulated that the
decreased affinity of synGAP for PSD-95 might contribute to induction of LTP by allowing TARPs
and their associated AMPARs to compete more effectively for binding to the PDZ domains and thus
increase their anchoring in the PSD. If this hypothesis is correct, one consequence could be that
induction of LTP would be disrupted in synGAP heterozygotes because the transient shift in compe-
tition for PDZ binding by synGAP would be less potent because of loss of a copy of S
. A sec-
ond possible consequence could be that the steady state level of TARPs bound to PSD-95 in PSDs
would be increased in synGAP heterozygotes because the steady state level of synGAP is reduced.
In the study that prompted the present work (
Walkup et al., 2016
), we measured the ratios to
PSD-95 of TARPs, LRRTM2, neuroligin-1 and neuroligin-2 in PSD fractions prepared from six pooled
forebrains of
wild type
(WT) mice and six of S
(HET) mice. The WT animals comprised three
9.5 and two 7.9 week old males and one 12.5 week old female. The HETs comprised three 12.5
week old males, one 7.9 week old male, and two 9.5 week old females. The mean ratio of synGAP
to PSD-95 was 25% less in PSDs from the HET mice compared to WT. As we had predicted, the
mean ratio of TARPs to PSD-95 showed a small (12%) but significant increase in PSDs from the HET
animals compared to WT. We also found a small but significant increase in the mean ratio of
LRRTM2 (14%) and neuroligin-2 (9%) to PSD-95. The mean ratio of neuroligin-1 to PSD-95 was
Because the number of pooled brains in this previous study was small and WT and HET pools
were not perfectly balanced by developmental age or sex, we set out to expand these findings with
a larger data set gathered from PSDs isolated from individuals rather than from pooled animals.
Data from individuals allowed us to use a more rigorous statistical measure of correlation, the well-
established Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient r. Comparison of mean levels of two proteins in
pooled samples is not a perfect measure of the correlation between the two levels in individuals. It is
possible to have a correlation between protein levels in individuals that is not reflected as a differ-
ence between mean levels. Spearman’s r tests whether a monotonic correlation exists between the
rank order of magnitudes of two variables in a data set. We used it to examine the correlation of lev-
els of synGAP with levels of four other proteins in individual PSD fractions. If the rank orders of two
variables correlate perfectly, Spearman’s r is 1; if there is no correlation, it is zero; and if the ranks
are perfectly anti-correlated, it is