Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy of DNA Monolayers
Modified with Nile Blue
Alon A. Gorodetsky
William J. Hammond
Michael G. Hill
Krzysztof Slowinski
Jacqueline K. Barton
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University, Long
Beach, California 90840, and Department of Chemistry, Occidental College, Los Angeles, California
Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is used to probe long-range charge transport (CT)
through DNA monolayers containing the redox-active Nile Blue (NB) intercalator covalently affixed
at a specific location in the DNA film. At substrate potentials negative of the formal potential of
covalently attached NB, the electrocatalytic reduction of Fe(CN)
generated at the SECM tip is
observed only when NB is located at the DNA/solution interface; for DNA films containing NB in
close proximity to the DNA/electrode interface, the electrocatalytic effect is absent. This behavior
is consistent with both rapid DNA-mediated CT between the NB intercalator and the gold electrode
as well as a rate-limiting electron transfer between NB and the solution phase Fe(CN)
. The DNA-
mediated nature of the catalytic cycle is confirmed through sequence-specific and localized detection
of attomoles of TATA-binding protein, a transcription factor that severely distorts DNA upon
binding. Importantly, the strategy outlined here is general and allows for the local investigation of
the surface characteristics of DNA monolayers both in the absence and in the presence of DNA
binding proteins. These experiments highlight the utility of DNA-modified electrodes as versatile
platforms for SECM detection schemes that take advantage of CT mediated by the DNA base pair
Numerous studies have shown that DNA efficiently mediates long-range charge transport both
in solution
and at DNA-modified surfaces.
The electrochemical response at DNA self-
assembled monolayers (SAMs) is remarkably sensitive to base stacking perturbations, with
the efficiency of CT to an electro-active probe reflecting the integrity of the base pair stack.
Consequently, DNA electrochemistry has been exploited successfully in the development of
simple assays for the rapid detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms,
base lesions,
and DNA/protein binding.
*Corresponding authors. E-mail: (J.K.B.), (M.G.H.), (K.S.).
California Institute of Technology.
California State University at Long Beach.
Occidental College.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Supporting Information Available:
Structure of the NB-modified uridine. Cyclic voltammetry and plots of peak current as a function
of scan rate for DNA monolayers modified with NB at both the top and the bottom. Cyclic voltammetry of ferricyanide at a bare and a
mercaptoundecylphosphoric acid-modified gold electrode. SECM approach curves for a DNA monolayer modified with NB at the bottom
in the presence and absence of MB. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 December 16.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2008 December 16; 24(24): 14282–14288. doi:10.1021/1a8029243.
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Controlling the orientation and packing of DNA helices within these SAMs is critical for many
analytical applications, yet assessing film morphology and homogeneity, particularly in
aqueous media, remains a difficult challenge. Previously, the morphology of DNA SAMs on
gold has been investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM),
atomic force
microscopy (AFM),
and, most recently, scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM).
SECM provides submicrometer visualization of DNA films through in situ imaging of
chemical reactivity at modified insulating or conducting substrates.
SECM is also
inherently compatible with aqueous environments, thereby allowing for the direct
electrochemical profiling of DNA arrays with micrometer resolution.
In addition, SECM
has been used successfully to monitor DNA hybridization and to detect DNA lesions.
One advantage of this technique over conventional bulk electrochemistry is that the
micrometer-level diameter of the SECM tip inherently minimizes contributions from
imperfections on large-sized electrodes by sampling a local area of the film at a specific
substrate potential.
Electrochemical assays based on DNA CT have frequently utilized noncovalent mediators to
collect global information,
but the electrochemistry of these mediators can be
significantly complicated by contributions from CT pathways that are not DNA-mediated.
The use of covalent probes at fixed positions within the film,
particularly in conjunction
with backfilling of the DNA monolayer with a suitable straight-chain diluent molecule,
minimizes such contributions from defects, pinholes, and other imperfections. Therefore,
SECM investigations of DNA monolayers can particularly benefit from the use of covalently
attached probes.
Here, we report the application of SECM in probing long-range CT across a DNA monolayer
containing the redox-active intercalator Nile Blue (NB) covalently attached at discrete sites
along the individual DNA helices. Nile Blue is particularly useful for such studies because it
can be easily incorporated into DNA on solid support and displays electrocatalytic activity.
Therefore, on the basis of our previous investigations of the catalytic reduction of
ferricyanide by methylene blue (MB) at DNA-modified electrodes,
we have replaced
MB with covalently bound NB to reduce ferricyanide, which is generated at the SECM tip in
our current experiments. Only Nile Blue attached at the solution-exposed periphery of the film
is capable of supporting catalytic regeneration of ferrocyanide present in solution. Furthermore,
this cycle can be interrupted in a sequence-specific manner by addition of TATA binding
protein (TBP), a transcription factor that bends DNA by ~90° upon binding.
together, these studies establish the upright orientation of individual helices within a relatively
homogeneous dilute monolayer and demonstrate the critical role of efficient long-range
electrochemical charge transport through the
-stack. They additionally suggest a sensitive and
highly selective SECM method for assaying specific DNA/protein interactions with even dilute
and imperfect assemblies of probe DNA.
Experimental Section
All reagents for DNA synthesis were purchased from Glen Research. Methylene blue,
ruthenium hexammine chloride, potassium ferricyanide, potassium ferrocyanide, and 11-
mercaptoundecylphosphoric acid were purchased from Sigma in the highest purity available
and used as received. Nile Blue perchlorate was purchased from Acros in laser grade purity.
TATA binding protein was custom ordered from Protein One, Inc. Bovine serum albumin
(BSA) was obtained from New England Biolabs, Inc. Platinum scanning electrochemical
microscopy tips were purchased from CH Instruments, Inc., and used as received. Au(111) on
mica substrates packaged under argon were purchased from Agilent, Inc., and utilized
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immediately. Sodium phosphate buffers were prepared with Milli-Q water, and pH adjustments
were made with sodium hydroxide, if necessary.
Synthesis of Thiol and Nile Blue-Modified DNA
Oligonucleotides were prepared on solid support using standard phosphoramidite chemistry
on an Applied Biosystems 394 DNA synthesizer. All of the prepared sequences were purified
by multiple rounds of reverse phased, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The
pure oligonucleotides were characterized via matrix-assisted laser desorption (MALDI) mass
spectrometry and UV–visible (UV–vis) spectrophotometry.
Thiol-terminated oligonucleotides were synthesized according to established protocols from
Glen Research, Inc., using the C6 S–S thiol modifier. After deprotection and cleavage from
solid support with ammonium hydroxide (60 °C for 8 h), the disulfide containing DNA was
purified by HPLC. The disulfide was subsequently reduced with an excess of dithiothreitol in
ammonium acetate buffer at pH = 8, and the free thiol containing single-stranded DNA was
then purified with a second round of HPLC.
DNA modified with NB at the 5
terminus was prepared according to ultramild protocols (Glen
Research, Inc.) to avoid degradation of the NB moiety. Additionally, Pac-protected bases and
ultramild reagents were utilized during the synthesis to prevent undesirable capping of the
protecting groups. A 17mer sequence (either 5
or 5
) was prepared on solid support with a 5-[3-acrylate NHS ester]-
deoxy uridine as the terminal 5
base. The beads were then removed from the synthesizer and
dried thoroughly. The solid support was reacted with a 10 mg/mL Nile Blue perchlorate
solution in either 9:1
-diisopropylethylamine or 9:1
-diisopropylethylamine for 12–48 h. The beads were subsequently
washed up to three times with dichloromethane or
-dimethylformamide, methanol, and
acetonitrile. Subsequently, the Nile Blue-containing sequence was simultaneously cleaved
from the support and deprotected with 0.05 M potassium carbonate in methanol at room
temperature for 12–14 h. The overall yields of the reaction ranged from 30% to 80%.
DNA modified with NB one base in from the 3
terminus was prepared according to ultramild
protocols in a similar fashion. A 2mer sequence containing a 5-[3-acrylate NHS ester]-deoxy
uridine as the terminal 5
base was prepared on solid support. The beads were removed from
the synthesizer and reacted with a 10 mg/mL Nile Blue perchlorate solution in either 9:1
-diisopropylethylamine or 9:1 dichloromethane/
diisopropylethylamine for 12–48 h. After thorough washing of the beads, the Nile Blue
containing 2mer was placed back on the synthesizer, and the remaning 15 bases were added
to the sequence, yielding the oligonucleotide 5
. The
resulting sequence contained an internal Nile Blue and was deprotected with 0.05 M potassium
carbonate in methanol at room temperature for 12–14 h. The overall yields of the reaction
ranged from 30% to 80%.
Both thiol- and NB-modified DNA was quantified using the extinction coefficient of the single-
stranded DNA at 260 nm on a Beckman UV–vis spectrophotometer. Equimolar amounts of
each strand (50
M) were combined before the resulting solution was purged with argon.
Duplexes were formed by thermally annealing in deoxygenated buffer containing 5 mM
, pH 7.1, 50 mM NaCl to 90 °C, followed by cooling to ambient temperature.
Preparation of Backfilled DNA/11-Mercaptoundecylphosphoric Acid Monolayers
Electrode areas were defined with a Viton O-ring with estimated surface areas of either 0.1 or
0.2 cm
in either a scanning electrochemical microscope Teflon cell from CH Instruments,
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Inc., or a custom-built Teflon cell. To ensure successful experiments, great care was taken to
minimize mechanical damage to the gold substrate upon mounting in the cell. After cell
assembly, a fresh 25–50
M duplex NB-DNA solution was deposited onto the gold surface.
Monolayer formation was allowed to proceed in a humidified environment for a period of 24–
72 h. Incubation times outside of this window (either shorter or longer) were found to be
detrimental to proper monolayer formation. Upon completion of film formation, the cell was
rinsed thoroughly with phosphate buffer to remove residual DNA before the DNA-modified
surface was backfilled with 11-mercaptoundecylphosphoric acid for 10–20 min.
Mercaptoundecylphosphoric acid rapidly displaces DNA from the surface, so backfilling times
were short and the cell was rinsed thoroughly to eliminate any residual alkanethiols.
Electrochemistry/Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Experiments
Cyclic voltammetry and scanning electrochemical microscopy experiments were performed
using a CH Instruments electrochemical analyzer (Austin, TX). Unless otherwise noted,
experiments were performed at ambient temperature in phosphate buffer at pH 7 containing
either 5 mM NaP
and 50 mM NaCl or 20 mM NaP
and 80 mM NaCl under an argon
atmosphere (the oxygen content was constantly monitored). The buffer was supplemented with
for SECM experiments. A Teflon electrochemical cell was used for all experiments
with a Pt auxiliary electrode, a gold working electrode, and a silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl)
reference electrode. Because we have observed some variation in the potential of covalently
attached NB depending on the type of gold surface and the buffer conditions, the voltammetric
potentials reported in this work have a maximum uncertainty of 50 mV.
In a typical SECM experiment, total or partial passivation of the substrate was confirmed
through cyclic voltammetry of the ferri/ferrocyanide couple at the substrate. Approach curves
were obtained with either 2 or 10
m diameter platinum tips, which were polarized between
600 mV and 1 V, and identical results were obtained regardless of the tip bias. To aid
interpretation of the results, substrates featuring a significant free NB signal or virtually no
passivation against ferricyanide were discarded. Initial approach curves to the substrate were
recorded at a 0 mV substrate bias to confirm the insulating behavior of the NB-DNA monolayer.
Subsequent approach curves were recorded with the substrate bias modulated between 0 and
400 mV. For imaging of the substrate, the SECM tip was moved to within less than one tip
radius of the substrate before being retracted by 2–5
m prior to scans. Great care was taken
during all experiments to avoid damaging the DNA monolayer through direct contact of the
tip with the surface.
TATA Binding Protein Experiments
In a typical TBP detection experiment by SECM, approach curves or substrate scans were
initially recorded with the bias modulated between 0 and
400 mV to confirm switching from
negative to positive feedback. Subsequently, TBP was added to the SECM cell from a
concentrated ~16
M stock in phosphate buffer at pH 7 containing 5 mM KP
, 50 mM NaCl,
4 mM MgCl
, 4 mM spermidine, 50
M EDTA, 10% glycerol. The solution was equilibrated
via gentle pipetting, and approach curves or substrate scans were again recorded with the bias
modulated between 0 and
400 mV.
Electrochemistry of Backfilled DNA Monolayers Modified with NB
Figure 1 shows a schematic illustration of DNA monolayers modified with NB either at the
top or at the bottom (see Supporting Information for the chemical modification). DNA
monolayers modified with NB display a pH-dependent redox couple at ~
200 mV versus Ag/
AgCl due to the 2e
reduction of the bound probe.
Because modification of the
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exocyclic amine of NB perturbs its aromatic core with an accompanying shift in its redox
potential of ~200 mV relative to free NB,
DNA monolayer stability can be assessed in
situ with the appearance of a NB signal at ~
400 mV, indicating film degradation. Coulometric
measurements of the NB signals for monolayers labeled at either the top or bottom yield typical
DNA surface coverages of ~1–3 pmol/cm
(as compared to ~40 pmol/cm
or greater for densely
packed monolayers).
As expected for a surface-bound species, plots of peak current as a
function of scan rate are linear, and the ratios of the cathodic to anodic charge are approximately
unity (Supporting Information).
Overall, the electrochemical characteristics of the two types
of monolayers (functionalized at either the top or the bottom) are very similar, despite the ~45
Å difference in gold/NB separations. This observation is consistent with previous studies
involving site-specific labeling of DNA monolayers with redox-active intercalators.
On the basis of previous work involving electrocatalytic reduction of ferricyanide at DNA-
modified substrates via intercalated Methylene Blue (MB),
we explored the
electrochemistry of covalently bound NB in the presence of ferricyanide (Figure 2). The DNA
monolayers were backfilled with 11-mercaptoundecylphoshoric acid, a negatively charged
alkanethiol that completely passivates against ferricyanide (Figure 2 and Supporting
Information). Importantly, the presence of this underlayer makes it more likely that the DNA
is electrostatically repelled by the negatively charged surface,
ensuring an upright orientation
in a dilute film. For a DNA monolayer modified with NB at the top, only an asymmetric
cathodic peak is observed at the reduction potential of NB. However, for a DNA monolayer
modified with NB at the bottom, the catalytic peak is absent. These data strongly indicate that
only solution exposed NB is capable of reducing ferricyanide.
SECM of DNA Monolayers Modified with NB in Feedback Mode
To visualize the NB/ferricyanide catalytic cycle both locally and directly,
we carried out
SECM measurements at DNA monolayers covalently modified with NB (Figure 3). In these
experiments, Fe(CN)
is oxidized in solution at a platinum SECM tip, yielding a steady-
state, diffusion-controlled current. The SECM tip is then physically lowered toward the DNA-
modified gold substrate at a constant rate, and the current-distance feedback curve is recorded
at various substrate bias potentials. If reduction of tip-generated Fe(CN)
at the underlying
substrate is blocked by the monolayer, the steady-state tip current drops upon approach
(negative feedback) due to restricted diffusion of bulk ferrocyanide. If, on the other hand, the
rate of catalytic Fe(CN)
reduction via reduced NB at the modified substrate is rapid, redox
cycling between the tip and substrate occurs, yielding increased tip currents (positive
As shown in Figure 3, films containing NB attached at the bottom of the DNA helices result
in complete negative feedback at substrate bias potentials of both 0 and
400 mV. At 0 mV,
bound NB remains in its oxidized state, and there is a relatively small (~200 mV) overpotential
for ferricyanide reduction. At
400 mV, however, the NB is fully reduced and the substrate
overpotential increases to ~600 mV. Despite this high driving force and the ability of reduced
NB to act as a redox catalyst, the SECM response mimics that expected for a purely insulating
substrate. This indicates sufficient electrostatic repulsion at the DNA/phosphate-terminated
surface to effectively block tip-generated ferricyanide not only from the underlying gold
but also from the reduced NB buried deep within the DNA film.
A markedly different response is observed for DNA monolayers modified with NB at the top
of the film. At substrate bias potentials of 0 mV, pure negative feedback is again observed.
However, when the substrate bias voltage is held at
400 mV (a value negative of the formal
reduction potential of NB), the response switches to positive feedback. Such a response signals
rapid CT between tip-generated Fe(CN)
and reduced NB, which is now bound at the solvent-
exposed periphery of the monolayer. Indeed, assuming that the tip current is controlled by NB-
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mediated CT through the DNA film, the approach curve can be modeled using well-known
analytical approximations for finite heterogeneous kinetics.
The fits in Figure 3 show
excellent agreement with the approximations both for the insulating monolayers (black solid
line for negative feedback) and for the finite heterogeneous kinetics of ferricyanide reduction
(red solid line for positive feedback). The one-parameter fit shown in Figure 3A for the DNA
film modified at the top corresponds to a surprisingly rapid apparent rate constant for
regeneration of ferricyanide of
= 6 ± 3 × 10
cm/s as measured at
400 mV versus SSCE
(over four independent trials).
Two pieces of experimental evidence further substantiate the proposed DNA-mediated
pathway for the SECM response. First, DNA quantification by ruthenium hexammine
for DNA films modified with NB either at the top or at the bottom yields very
similar surface coverages (a minor contribution to the ruthenium hexammine signal is expected
from 11-mercaptoundecylphosphoric acid due to its single phosphate group). Although this
assay provides only a qualitative measure of surface coverage,
it indicates nevertheless that
both electrodes are covered with similar amounts of negative charge. Thus, for substrate
potentials of
400 mV, the large discrepancy in ET rate across DNA films modified with NB
at the top versus those modified at the bottom cannot be ascribed to relative differences in
electrostatic screening of ferricyanide.
Second, DNA films modified with NB at the bottom can support electrocatalytic reduction of
ferricyanide, but only upon addition of a redox mediator that has access to the film/solution
interface. Thus, as an additional control experiment, the approach curve in SECM feedback
mode was recorded for DNA monolayers modified with NB at the bottom before and after
addition of 1.5
M methylene blue (MB) to the solution (Supporting Information). While the
addition of MB does not change the observed negative feedback at a substrate potential of 0
mV, measurable positive feedback is found at substrate potentials negative of the MB redox
couple. Analogous behavior was recently observed by Zhou for DNA-modified electrodes in
the presence of MB in solution.
The positive feedback observed in our experiments with
MB is notably weaker versus that found for the monolayers covalently modified with NB at
the top and yields an apparent rate constant for ferricyanide reduction by noncovalent MB of
= 4.8 × 10
cm/s as measured at
300 mV versus SSCE, which is similar to that found
Moreover, the MB controls yield essentially identical results with and without
backfilling (data not shown), revealing that MB cannot be simply incorporated within the 11-
mercaptoundecylphosphoric acid underlayer. This experiment indicates that the DNA film
modified with NB at the bottom supports long-range DNA-mediated CT, but measurable CT
occurs only as long as the Fe(CN)
in solution has access to the redox-active intercalator
within the film.
SECM Imaging of DNA Monolayer Morphology
Previously, undiluted DNA monolayers of the type utilized during the course of this study have
been characterized by atomic-force microscopy,
fluorescence spectroscopy,
surface-plasmon resonance,
and radio-active tagging.
These experiments (along with
electrochemical measurements) confirm that dense DNA films adopt an upright orientation
with respect to the surface. However, a distinct geometric orientation of a dilute submonolayer
film has been difficult to characterize conclusively with such techniques. To gain further insight
into the morphology of DNA monolayers modified with NB, SECM in imaging mode was
utilized to examine the DNA films. In general, the images indicate that the backfilled
monolayers investigated here are electrostatically smooth within the one micrometer resolution
of the SECM tip. The analysis of a large collection of images (hundreds collected over
numerous substrates) indicates that some electrodes are completely and uniformly covered by
the DNA film. On the other hand, some images feature domains on the electrode surface that
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are either DNA-free or contain thinner and less organized DNA assemblies. Indeed, such
partially covered or imperfect DNA monolayers were found to correlate well with incomplete
passivation of ferricyanide at the substrate, allowing for a detailed analysis of even these
imperfect surfaces with SECM.
Figure 4 shows images obtained for DNA substrates modified with NB at the top or bottom,
over an 85
m × 85
m scan area. The entire image is essentially flat and uniform with the
exception of the small area in the rear corner, which was generated by close approach of the
tip to the substrate upon initiation of the scan, thereby resulting in a partially uncovered surface.
Significantly, it is apparent that changing the substrate bias has only a small effect on the steady-
state current at the tip for films functionalized with NB at the bottom, yielding nearly identical
images at 0 and
400 mV. However, for the film functionalized with NB at the top, changing
the substrate bias modulates or “switches” the entire area under the scan with a resulting
significant enhancement of the steady-state current at
400 mV. These observations parallel
those obtained via the feedback mode of the SECM and illustrate the powerful imaging
capabilities of this technique.
Notably, the most efficient modulation occurs within regions of the DNA film that exhibit the
lowest currents at substrate potentials of 0 mV (Figure 4A,B). This can be best illustrated by
mapping the switching ratios, that is, the currents obtained at a substrate bias of
400 mV
versus a substrate bias of 0 mV for both types of films (Figure 4C,D). For example, the DNA
monolayer modified with NB at the top exhibits low currents at 0 mV over the entire scan area,
except for the partially uncovered corner (rear corner in Figure 4A,C); at a substrate bias of
400 mV, the smallest current amplification is observed in this uncovered spot. On the other
hand, the DNA monolayer modified with NB at the bottom exhibits low currents both at 0 and
400 mV over the well-covered areas of the scan. However, the poorly passivated region in
the corner of the film with NB at the bottom (rear corner in Figure 4B,D) exhibits partial
modulation when biased at
400 mV, hinting that the tip-generated Fe(CN)
can access either
some of the NB moieties or the bare gold surface. These observations demonstrate that the
SECM allows for investigation of imperfect DNA films because it affords the ability to
differentiate between catalytically active DNA spots and poorly passivated defects within the
Detection of TATA Binding Protein by SECM
As confirmation of the DNA-mediated nature of this cycle, approach curves were recorded at
DNA monolayers featuring NB at the top before and after addition of TBP, a transcription
factor that bends the DNA by ~90°, thereby attenuating DNA CT upon binding.
5 shows a schematic illustration of the sequence-specific detection of TBP during an SECM
experiment. As previously described, the tip is polarized at a potential sufficient for direct
oxidation of Fe(CN)
while the potential of the substrate is varied. Prior to addition of TBP,
the ferricyanide/NB catalytic cycle is “turned on” at a substrate bias of
400 mV, resulting in
positive feedback (Figure 6A). Upon addition of TBP to a monolayer containing its binding
site (5
), the ferricyanide/NB catalytic cycle is “turned off” at a substrate bias of
mV, resulting in negative feedback (Figure 6D). On the other hand, the feedback observed at
DNA monolayers lacking the binding site is unaffected by the addition of TBP (Figure 6B,C).
Therefore, the sequence-specific distortion of the DNA spacer by TBP inhibits the DNA-
mediated electrochemistry of Nile Blue.
To further explore the analytical capabilities of the SECM, TBP binding at DNA monolayers
was also investigated in imaging mode (Figure 7). Before addition of protein, a ~30% increase
in the steady-state current is observed over nearly the entire 85
m × 85
m scan area upon
modulation of the substrate potential from 0 to
400 mV (note that the partially uncovered area
in the rear corner exhibits the poorest current modulation in Figure 7A). Upon addition of 1
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M BSA to the solution, the steady-state tip current is slightly lowered (Figure 7B). However,
there is no effect on the switching behavior of the substrate with the degree of modulation
remaining at ~30%, and these observations are consistent with some nonspecific adsorption of
BSA at the tip and substrate.
Subsequently, the addition of 300 nM TBP further lowers the
steady-state tip current, presumably through nonspecific adsorption (Figure 7C), and,
importantly, this transcription factor eliminates “switching” over nearly the entire scan area,
indicating reliable detection of TBP binding in a localized area of the monolayer.
These results provide strong support for the DNA-mediated nature of the Nile Blue/ferricyanide
catalytic cycle. It is particularly striking that TBP binding eliminates positive feedback given
that bending the DNA brings NB (and presumably ferricyanide) closer to the surface. In fact,
upon binding, TBP should shield the negatively charged DNA and reduce the electrostatic
repulsion of ferricyanide from the negatively charged monolayer. If significant direct charge
transfer between the surface and tip-generated ferricyanide were occurring (as observed by
Bard and co-workers),
there would be an enhancement in the tip current at
400 mV upon
addition of TBP, yet the opposite effect is observed here.
We have now utilized the SECM to demonstrate electrocatalytic signal amplification at DNA
monolayers modified with NB. Positive feedback was observed for DNA monolayers modified
with NB at the top and the substrate biased at potentials sufficiently negative to reduce NB.
However, only negative feedback was observed for DNA monolayers modified with NB at the
bottom, regardless of the substrate bias. These measurements have allowed us to extract an
apparent heterogeneous rate constant for ferricyanide reduction by DNA-bound NB of
6 ± 3 × 10
cm/s, indicating that such probe-modified DNA monolayers may behave somewhat
like conducting films.
Furthermore, we have shown the sequence-specific interruption of
the ferricyanide/NB electrocatalytic cycle upon addition of the TBP transcription factor;
positive feedback is completely eliminated upon addition of this protein. Taken together, these
data strongly indicate that the redox chemistry of NB is DNA-mediated.
Previous studies
have indicated that the individual duplexes within dense DNA
SAMs stand upright at potentials negative of the PZC, particularly in the presence of an
alkanethiol underlayer.
These findings were hinted by our observations for the
electrochemistry of MB at dense DNA monolayers, where only the MB constrained to the
periphery of the film was available for the MB/ferricyanide catalytic cycle.
The present
results for sparse films are fully consistent with an upright orientation of the DNA. By fixing
the location of the NB covalent probe, we have conclusively demonstrated that only those
monolayers that feature NB at the top of the film and close to the film/solution interface can
mediate catalytic ferrocyanide recycling at the probe tip.
The images obtained over micrometer areas of DNA monolayers modified with NB are
consistent with the approach curves in feedback mode. Notably, the imaging mode of the
SECM allows for the reliable investigation of imperfect DNA monolayers in multiple areas of
the substrate, making it an attractive complement to bulk voltammetric techniques. In addition,
the SECM can distinguish between areas with and without DNA by carefully monitoring the
ratio of the currents at various substrate biases. Therefore, unlike substrate voltammetry, the
SECM ensures that the observed electrochemical response is due solely to DNA-mediated
electrochemistry. This feature of SECM allows for the highly reliable detection of protein
binding, minimizing the possibility of false positives that can arise in experiments involving
only substrate voltammetry.
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As a surface characterization technique, the SECM also provides important information, which
is intermediate between centimeter scale electrochemical measurements and nanometer scale
AFM/STM measurements. For example, an SECM tip with a 10
m footprint will access
attomoles of DNA molecules (for uniform surface coverages of 1–3 pmol/cm
), thereby
simultaneously sampling a large number of molecules (relative to an AFM/STM) and avoiding
overwhelming contributions from defects in the monolayer (relative to substrate
electrochemistry). In addition, assuming a 1:1 DNA/protein stoichiometry, we are
consequently able to detect attomole quantities of the TBP transcription factor with the SECM,
underscoring the potential of this methodology for highly sensitive, sequence-specific
detection. Therefore, the scale and sensitivity of the instrument make the SECM inherently
compatible with multiplexed technologies such as DNA microarrays, indicating that it is a
potential alternative to fluorescence-based microarray technologies.
Overall, these results indicate that the investigation of DNA-mediated electrochemistry with
scanning electrochemical microscopy is a powerful and flexible methodology for the localized
investigation of DNA monolayers. Here, by backfilling with a negatively charged alkanethiol
and coupling NB with ferricyanide in a catalytic cycle, we have ensured that the DNA duplexes
adopt an upright orientation and that DNA CT dominates the electrochemical response
observed by SECM. In fact, if nonspecific protein adsorption at the tip can be minimized, the
micrometer size and reliability of the SECM could lead to sensitive monitoring of DNA/protein
interactions in a multiplexed format.
We are grateful to the NIH (GM61077 to J.K.B.) and the ACS-PRF (to K.S. and M.G.H.) for their financial support
of this research.
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Figure 1.
Schematic illustration of SECM imaging of DNA monolayers modified with Nile Blue (NB)
at the top or the bottom; the negatively charged backfilling underlayer is also shown. The
sequence was 5
(top NB) and 5
(bottom NB), where the italicized U indicates the location of the NB moiety.
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Figure 2.
Cyclic voltammetry at 100 mV/s of DNA monolayers modified with NB at the top (blue) and
bottom (red) in 80 mM NaCl, 20 mM NaP
, pH = 7.2, 5 mM K
. The sequence is 5
(top NB) and 5
NB), where the italicized U indicates the location of the NB moiety. Note that a catalytic peak
is only observed for a DNA monolayer modified with NB at the top.
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Figure 3.
SECM approach curves obtained for DNA monolayers modified with NB at the top and bottom
in 80 mM NaCl, 20 mM NaP
, pH = 7.2, 5 mM K
with a tip approach speed of 1
m/s. The tip approach current has been normalized by the tip steady-state current at an infinite
distance from the substrate. The normalized current is plotted against
, where
is the tip/
substrate separation and
represents the tip radius. For the DNA monolayer functionalized
with NB at the top, positive feedback is observed at
400 mV (A), and negative feedback is
observed at 0 mV (B). For the DNA monolayer modified with NB at the bottom, negative
feedback is observed both at 0 mV (C) and
400 mV (D). Theoretical curves are shown for
ideal negative feedback at an insulating substrate (black solid line) and for finite heterogeneous
kinetics with a rate constant of
= 4.6 × 10
cm/s for this specific substrate (red solid line).
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Figure 4.
SECM images obtained for DNA monolayers modified with NB at the top (A, C) and NB at
the bottom (B, D). The tip was polarized to 1 V, and the scans were performed in 80 mM NaCl,
20 mM NaP
, pH = 7.2, 5 mM K
at a speed of 10
m/s. The substrate bias was
mV (green in A, B) and 0 mV (blue in A, B). The switching ratios (the current obtained at
mV divided by the current obtained at 0 mV) are shown for monolayers with NB at the top (C)
and monolayers with NB at the bottom (D). The poorly covered areas of the DNA monolayer
are in the rear corners of A, B, C, and D.
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Figure 5.
Schematic illustration of the SECM-based, sequence-specific detection of TBP binding at DNA
monolayers modified with NB. The addition of TBP in the presence of its binding site (right)
attenuates the NB/ferricyanide catalytic cycle. Without the binding site for TBP, no protein
binding occurs and DNA-mediated CT proceeds.
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