of 9
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of erasure with superconducting flux logic
Olli-Pentti Saira,
1, 2,
Matthew H. Matheny,
Raj Katti,
Warren Fon,
James P. Crutchfield,
Siyuan Han,
and Michael L. Roukes
Condensed Matter Physics and Kavli Nanoscience Institute,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Computational Science Initiative, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973
Complexity Sciences Center and Physics Department,
University of California at Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045
(Dated: October 1, 2019)
We implement a thermal-fluctuation driven logical bit reset on a superconducting flux logic cell.
We show that the logical state of the system can be continuously monitored with only a small
perturbation to the thermally activated dynamics at 500 mK. We use the trajectory information to
derive a single-shot estimate of the work performed on the system per logical cycle. We acquire a
sample of 10
erasure trajectories per protocol, and show that the work histograms agree with both
microscopic theory and global fluctuation theorems. The results demonstrate how to design and
diagnose complex, high-speed, and thermodynamically efficient computing using superconducting
Information storage and processing are vital in coordi-
nating modern society. A considerable fraction (10%) of
the global electrical power output is spent on operating
and cooling the required computing infrastructure [1].
On scales large and small, reduction and mitigation of
the processor waste heat is critically important to high-
performance computing. Two complementary strategies
for developing an optimal computing platform [2] suggest
themselves. The first improves the speed and energy-
efficiency of the hardware platforms through engineering
advances, and the second, a scientific endeavor, identi-
fies and pursues the fundamental physical limits of com-
puting machines. The latter originates most directly in
the works of Landauer [3], who argued from a micro-
scopic perspective that logically irreversible operations
have an irreducible energy cost. This limit is approached,
though, only when the clock rate of the computation
is low enough to allow nearly-adiabatic physical evolu-
tion [4–9]. Most generally, physically-embedded comput-
ing requires a trade-off between between efficiency and
speed, amongst other factors [10].
A key advance to efficient nonadiabatic computing ap-
peared with the fluctuation theorems (FTs) that exactly
describe the thermodynamics of small systems – sys-
tems that are necessarily driven out of equilibrium by
external controls during information processing [11, 12].
Experimental tests of FTs have been performed in a
variety of microscopic systems [13–19] – systems natu-
rally amendable to performing Landauer-efficient com-
putation. However, a large discrepancy exists between
the speed and complexity of the thermodynamically-
optimal systems, on one hand, and application-relevant
but inefficient traditional processors, on the other. As a
Corresponding authors: osaira@bnl.gov (present address),
consequence, the experimental challenges of operating a
Landauer-efficient processor so that its logical functional-
ity and thermodynamic performance are measurable typ-
ically preclude complexity beyond one-bit logic. Here, we
perform a now-classic Landauer bit erasure experiment
on a new hardware platform that promises to obviate
many such limitations – superconducting flux logic [20].
It is interesting to note that recent implementations of
heat engines based on weakly anharmonic superconduct-
ing resonators [21, 22] rely on altogether different opera-
tion principles compared to our device which exhibits a
strong nonlinearity due to flux quantization.
Exploiting the intrinsic advantages of superconduct-
ing flux circuits, our device not only allows for a faithful
implementation of the idealized picture put forth by Lan-
dauer, but provides a number of practical and theoretical
advantages. The magnetic fluxes threading the supercon-
ducing loops, though describing macroscopic phenomena,
are true microscopic coordinates in the sense that other
electronic degrees of freedom are frozen through conden-
sation to a quantum-mechanical ground state. Static
controls cause no dissipation on the device, as the mag-
netic fields are sourced with superconducting leads. The
intrinsic clock speed of the system, the plasma frequency,
is high (
Hz). Industrial-scale fabrica-
en masse
and coupling of a large number of flux
logic cells is possible [23, 24]. Owing to these features,
high-performance processors implementing complex log-
ical functions have been realized with superconducting
architectures [25–27].
For studying the fundamental
physics of computing, it is interesting to note that dy-
namics dominated either by classical or quantum effects
can be accessed within this class of devices by a simple
change of component values, external bias conditions, or
temperature [28]. Finally, it is straightforward to engi-
neer the dissipation acting on the remaining dynamical
coordinates. Intrinsic dissipation in superconducting cir-
cuits has been found to be very low at frequencies up
arXiv:1909.13828v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 30 Sep 2019