J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021);
, 135102
© 2021 Author(s).
Toward photoswitchable electronic pre-
resonance stimulated Raman probes
Cite as: J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021);
Submitted: 11 January 2021 . Accepted: 15 March 2021 . Published Online: 02 April 2021
Dongkwan Lee
, Chenxi Qian
Haomin Wang
, Lei Li
, Kun Miao
, Jiajun Du
, Daria M. Shcherbakova
Vladislav V. Verkhusha
Lihong V. Wang
, and
Lu Wei
Paper published as part of the special topic on
2021 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection
This paper was selected as Featured
Combining the best of two worlds: Stimulated Raman excited fluorescence
The Journal of Chemical Physics
, 210901 (2020);
Two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy of condensed-phase molecular systems
The Journal of Chemical Physics
, 120901 (2021);
Plasmon-enhanced coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering vs plasmon-enhanced
stimulated Raman scattering: Comparison of line shape and enhancement factor
The Journal of Chemical Physics
, 034201 (2021);
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
Toward photoswitchable electronic
pre-resonance stimulated Raman probes
Cite as: J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
Submitted: 11 January 2021
Accepted: 15 March 2021
Published Online: 2 April 2021
Dongkwan Lee,
Chenxi Qian,
Haomin Wang,
Lei Li,
Kun Miao,
Jiajun Du,
Daria M. Shcherbakova,
Vladislav V. Verkhusha,
Lihong V. Wang,
and Lu Wei
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology, and Gruss-Lipper Biophotonics Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, New York 10461, USA
Medicum, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
This paper is part of the 2021 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
Reversibly photoswitchable probes allow for a wide variety of optical imaging applications. In particular, photoswitchable fluorescent probes
have significantly facilitated the development of super-resolution microscopy. Recently, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) imaging, a sen-
sitive and chemical-specific optical microscopy, has proven to be a powerful live-cell imaging strategy. Driven by the advances of newly
developed Raman probes, in particular the pre-resonance enhanced narrow-band vibrational probes, electronic pre-resonance SRS (epr-SRS)
has achieved super-multiplex imaging with sensitivity down to 250 nM and multiplexity up to 24 colors. However, despite the high demand,
photoswitchable Raman probes have yet to be developed. Here, we propose a general strategy for devising photoswitchable epr-SRS probes.
Toward this goal, we exploit the molecular electronic and vibrational coupling, in which we switch the electronic states of the molecules to
four different states to turn their ground-state epr-SRS signals on and off. First, we showed that inducing transitions to both the electronic
excited state and triplet state can effectively diminish the SRS peaks. Second, we revealed that the epr-SRS signals can be effectively switched
off in red-absorbing organic molecules through light-facilitated transitions to a reduced state. Third, we identified that photoswitchable pro-
teins with near-infrared photoswitchable absorbance, whose states are modulable with their electronic resonances detunable toward and away
from the pump photon energy, can function as the photoswitchable epr-SRS probes with desirable sensitivity (
M) and low photofa-
tigue (
40 cycles). These photophysical characterizations and proof-of-concept demonstrations should advance the development of novel
photoswitchable Raman probes and open up the unexplored Raman imaging capabilities.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Photoswitchable probes are molecules whose signals can be
turned on and off reversibly upon irradiation of light. The devel-
opment of such optical-highlighter probes could greatly expand the
range of questions that can be investigated, particularly in biology.
For example, the emergence of photoswitchable fluorophores has
allowed unique imaging of protein dynamics in cells, sensing of
subcellular environment, and optical data writing and storage.
By precisely activating and deactivating fluorescence in space and
time, these probes have also largely facilitated the development of
the ground-breaking super-resolution microscopy, pushing the spa-
tial resolution of optical imaging to tens of nanometers.
nently, utilizing the non-fluorescent states (i.e., the OFF state) of
photoswitchable fluorescent proteins, which have a much longer
lifetime (
ms) compared to the fluorescence lifetime (
ns) of
excited states, RESOLFT (reversible saturable optical fluorescence
transitions) has addressed the high-power photo-damage issues in
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
, 135102-1
Published under license by AIP Publishing
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
STED (stimulated emission depletion) microscopy and allows an
eight-order-of-magnitude smaller illumination intensity than STED
for super-resolution live-cell imaging.
In addition to fluorescence microscopy, Raman imaging, which
targets the vibrational transitions of chemical bonds, has shown its
promises to be a powerful biomedical imaging modality that offers
complementary information when interrogating biological systems.
In particular, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy, which
harnesses the stimulated emission amplification principle, could
accelerate the vibrational transitions by 10
times compared to spon-
taneous Raman [Fig. 1(a)]. Overcoming the low sensitivity issue in
conventional spontaneous Raman imaging, SRS has achieved sub-
cellular imaging with speed up to the video rate.
It allows detec-
tion of endogenous biomolecules in a label-free fashion and also
offers bioorthogonal chemical imaging of small metabolites and
drugs in live cells, tissues, and animals with tiny Raman tags.
However, no photoswitchable Raman probes have been reported
so far.
Recently, by bringing the pump photon energy close to, but still
slightly detuned away from, the electronic absorption maximum of
the red-absorbing dyes, electronic pre-resonance SRS (epr-SRS) has
been invented, enhancing the sensitivity of Raman imaging down to
250 nM. Such a sensitivity level is close to that offered by typical
confocal fluorescence microscopy.
Compared to conventional
non-resonance SRS [Fig. 1(a)], epr-SRS obtains an up to 10
signal boost while keeping the electronic-resonance-related back-
ground to a minimum level [Fig. 1(b)]. With a newly developed
and synthesized probe palette, epr-SRS has enabled optical super-
multiplex imaging for up to simultaneous 24-color visualization of
biological targets.
These probes, which incorporate narrow-band
and isotope edited nitrile (
11 cm
) or alkyne (
14 cm
) moi-
eties to their conjugation systems, share similar electronic absorp-
tion peaks, but show distinctly separated Raman bands in the desired
cell-silent Raman spectral region (1700–2700 cm
Herein, we explore and develop the photoswitchable epr-SRS
probes. Since epr-SRS probes manifest strong coupling between elec-
tronic and vibrational transitions, we use light-induced transitions
from one electronic state to another as a general strategy to switch
epr-SRS signals on and off. Specifically, we adopt an additional exci-
tation beam to induce electronic state transitions of the molecules
[Fig. 1(c), green arrow]. As the excitation beam depletes the ON
state population to the OFF state, the SRS laser pair [Fig. 1(d),
the Stokes beam fixed at 1031.2 nm and the pump beam tunable
around 830–880 nm for epr-SRS imaging] is utilized to probe the
depleted ON state epr-SRS vibrational modes. In principle, the epr-
SRS signals could possibly be switched off and on with and with-
out the excitation from the additional laser, respectively [Figs. 1(c)
and 1(d)]. One envisioned application with such photoswitchable
molecules is super-multiplex (i.e.,
10 plex) super-resolution imag-
ing, which has remained as a highly challenging but long sought-
after goal.
Since epr-SRS probes all share similar absorption peaks,
only a single doughnut depletion laser would be required to switch
off the periphery signals and leave the spectrally-separated epr-
SRS signals in the center (Fig. S1). As a comparison, if STED
or RESOLFT were to achieve this goal of super-multiplex super-
resolution, an additional pair of excitation and depletion beams is
required for each extra color.
This is highly challenging due to
two main reasons. First, the added laser lines and optics would
largely increase the complexity for precise instrumentation align-
ment. Second, the existing color-barrier in fluorescence (i.e., the
spectral overlap) would typically limit the number of possible colors
to 3–5.
Guided by the rationales above, we study the photophysics
of different molecular electronic states to evaluate whether they
can serve as an OFF state for the ground-state epr-SRS excita-
tions. We first investigated the excited state and the triplet state
to implement the ground-state depletion photoswitching strategy.
We found that transitions to the first excited state and triplet state
result in vanishing epr-SRS peaks but also induce large electronic
background. Guided by the Albrecht A-term pre-resonance approx-
imation equation (see the supplementary material, Scheme 1), we
then revealed that a thiol-promoted long-lived dark state of organic
dyes and an absorption-detuned transition state of near-infrared
(NIR) proteins could effectively eliminate the epr-SRS signals and
serve as the OFF states for cyclic photoswitching. We envision this
work to motivate further research in developing and optimizing the
FIG. 1
. Principle and design of photoswitchable electronic pre-resonance SRS (epr-SRS) via electronic state transition. [(a)–(c)] Energy diagrams of SRS (a), epr-SRS (b),
and the proposed electronic-state modulated epr-SRS with an additional electronic excitation laser (green) (c). (d) Experimental scheme of the electronic-state modulated
epr-SRS by introducing a third excitation beam (green) to a conventional SRS microscope. EOM, electro-optic modulator; REF, reference; and X, in-phase X-output of the
lock-in amplifier.
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
, 135102-2
Published under license by AIP Publishing
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
photoswitchable epr-SRS probes and to expand the capabilities of
optical imaging.
A. Photoswitching by ground-state-depletion
First, we explored the possibility of harnessing electronic
excited states as the OFF state for epr-SRS signals [Fig. 2(a)]. It
is known that bond properties (e.g., force constants, bond orders)
change between the ground and excited states.
Recent studies
have also shown that Raman spectra of molecules in the excited
state exhibit shifted peaks compared to those of the ground state
for certain vibrational modes in the molecules.
We hence rea-
soned that shifting the population to the excited state could likely
deplete the ground-state Raman signals. To test this for epr-SRS,
we adopted Rhodamine 800 (Rh800), a near-infrared-absorbing dye
peaked around 680 nm with high and well-characterized epr-SRS
signals [the structure shown in Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)].
For elec-
tronic excitation, we integrated and aligned a 660 nm continuous
wave (CW) laser into the SRS system for steady state excitation
[Fig. 1(d)]. We planned to excite Rh800 by the 660 nm excitation
beam and simultaneously probe the ground-state epr-SRS signals by
the SRS beams [Fig. 2(a), OFF state, dashed laser lines for pump and
Stokes]. We would then compare the resulting epr-SRS spectra with
and without 660 nm excitation for signal suppression analysis. To
ensure over 80% excitation of the population from the ground state
to the excited state, we applied up to 34 mW of the 660 nm excitation
beam (Table S1).
Since excited-state Raman peaks are possibly shifted from those
of the ground state, we expected to observe a decrease in epr-SRS
signals for electronic pre-resonance enhanced peaks from Rh800
upon 660 nm excitation. We, indeed, observed a gradual decrease
in the epr-SRS peaks for both the double bond [Fig. 2(b) and Fig.
S2(a)] and triple bond [Fig. 2(c) and Fig. S2(b)] of Rh800 with
increasing excitation beam powers. However, we simultaneously
detected a large increase in the broad background [Figs. 2(b) and
2(c)]. The increase in background shows strong resemblance to the
SRS spectra in the rigorous resonance regime.
We, hence, rea-
soned that the observed background increase should originate from
the reduced energy gap between the first electronic excited state
) and the second electronic excited state (S
) compared to that
between the ground state (S
) and the first electronic excited state
) [Fig. 2(a), OFF state]. epr-SRS excitations for the excited-state
Rh800 would, therefore, invoke high rigorous-electronic-resonance-
involved background [Fig. 2(a), OFF state, solid laser lines for
pump and Stokes]. In addition to the peak shift that can induce
peak decrease at the original epr-SRS frequency channel as we
initially hypothesized, there are a few additional possible factors
that may likely underlie the decrease in the epr-SRS signals upon
660 nm excitation even without a peak shift. One possibility is
the population competition between the epr-SRS excitation and
the invoked rigorous-electronic-resonance-involved four-wave mix-
ing processes.
Second, since the frequency-independent K term
in the Albrecht A equation includes a quadratic dependence on
the oscillation strength of the molecular absorption (i.e.,
), a
for the S
transition compared to that of the S
transition may also lead to a much-lowered excited-state epr-SRS
The invoked high electronic background from the excited state
would complicate the analysis for imaging applications. In princi-
ple, utilizing a frequency-modulation SRS scheme, which subtracts
SRS signals between on-resonance and off-resonance frequencies in
instead of the intensity-modulation SRS scheme in our
setup, should resolve this issue. Nonetheless, it is still desirable to
have a high signal-to-background ratio for straightforward imag-
ing interpretations. Since the background is potentially induced by
the S
transition, we then aimed at investigating whether the
triplet state (T
) could serve as an OFF state for epr-SRS signals
with a decreased background [Fig. 3(a)]. To increase the T
lation, we added potassium iodide (KI) to the dye solution, which is
known to accelerate intersystem crossing by the heavy atom induced
FIG. 2
. Photoswitching of epr-SRS signals via transition to the electronic excited state. (a) Energy diagrams of the proposed ON (left, the green shade indicates the ground
state as the ON state) and OFF (right, the gray shade indicates the excited state as the OFF state) states for epr-SRS signals. (b) epr-SRS spectra of the conjugated double
bond mode (i.e., highlighted red in the molecular structure) of Rh800 at 0, 2, 8, 20, and 34 mW of 660 nm excitation beam irradiation. (c) epr-SRS spectra of the triple bond
mode (red colored in the molecular structure) of Rh800 at 0, 2, 8, 20, and 34 mW of 660 nm excitation beam irradiation.
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
, 135102-3
Published under license by AIP Publishing
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
FIG. 3
. Photoswitching of epr-SRS signals via transition to the triplet state. (a) Energy diagrams of the proposed ON (left, the green shade indicates the ground state as the
ON state) and OFF (right, the gray shade indicates the triplet state as the OFF state) states for epr-SRS signals. (b) epr-SRS spectra of the double-bond mode (red-colored in
the molecular structure) of Rh800 at 0, 0.4, 2, 8, and 20 mW of 660 nm excitation beam power in the presence of potassium iodide (KI). (c) epr-SRS spectra of the triple-bond
mode (red colored in the molecular structure) of Rh800 at 0, 0.4, 4, 12, and 34 mW of 660 nm excitation beam power in the presence of (KI).
spin–orbit coupling.
The increase in triplet state population was
confirmed by fluorescence intensity measurements (Fig. S3). Simi-
lar to the excited state SRS spectra, the double bond [Fig. 3(b) and
Fig. S4(a)] and triple bond [Fig. 3(c) and Fig. S4(b)] peaks disap-
peared when the Rh800 molecules were further shifted to the triplet
state in the presence of KI. Surprisingly, while we still detected a
large background increase for the triple-bond peaks, we observed a
large negative background signal across the double-bond frequency
These negative signals indicate an increase in pump photons,
since we detected the stimulated Raman loss (i.e., the pump pho-
ton loss) as SRS signals (see the Methods section). Although a
complete understanding of the molecular pathways would require
further studies, a plausible reason for such an increase in pump
photons is the population depletion in the presence of Stokes pho-
tons due to the excitation competition for the T
Since the pump beam wavelength for the triple-bond excitation (i.e.,
838 nm) is further blue shifted from that for the double bond (i.e.,
880 nm) and from the Stokes beam (i.e., 1031.2 nm), it is possible
that 838 nm light falls out of the T
transition range, and hence
do not induce a significant negative background. Here, we success-
fully demonstrated that both the excited state and the triplet state
could effectively deprive the epr-SRS signals for both the double
and the triple bond of the Rh800 molecules. However, both induced
negative and positive electronic backgrounds, which could intro-
duce artifacts in analyzing the epr-SRS images. In addition, inducing
transitions to the excited and triplet state would lead to increased
photobleaching. We hence continued to explore two other molecular
states as the effective OFF state.
B. Photoswitching by modulating the epr-SRS
enhancement: Organic dyes
The third electronic state we aimed at exploiting was the long-
lived reversible dark state (
100 ms to s in an oxygenated environ-
ment). This photo-reduced state in the presence of electron donors
for organic fluorophores has been heavily explored in STORM and
d-STORM super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. For example,
oxazine and rhodamine dyes are known to form semi-reduced rad-
icals (F
) or leuco (FH) structures in buffers containing primary
thiols (RSH) upon irradiations to the triplet state (
F) [Fig. 4(a),
gray box, RS-indicates the thiolate anions].
Similarly, cyanine dyes
have also been shown to form a cyanine-thiol adduct under similar
excitation and buffer conditions.
A photophysical change associ-
ated with this photochemical reduction is the diminishment of the
electronic absorption peaks. Since epr-SRS signals strongly depend
on the oscillation strength of the molecular absorption (see the
supplementary material, Scheme 1, parameter K),
the disappear-
ance of absorption peaks in these photo-reduced states indicates that
they would be ideal candidates to serve as the OFF state for epr-SRS
excitations [Fig. 4(a) OFF state, gray box].
We tested this hypothesis with ATTO680, a red-absorbing
oxazine dye that falls into the desired electronic pre-resonance exci-
tation region under our SRS laser excitation and was reported to
undergo light-induced transitions to the above-mentioned long-
lived dark state [Figs. 4(a) and 4(b)].
Exciting ATTO680 solu-
tions containing primary thiol
-mercaptoethylamine (MEA) with a
660 nm excitation beam could indeed transform the color of the
solutions into transparent [Fig. 4(c) vs Fig. 4(d), cuvette in the
inset, before and after 660 nm illumination]. Subsequent absorption
measurement confirmed the disappearance of the corresponding
absorption peak for ATTO680 [Fig. 4(c) vs Fig. 4(d)]. The rem-
nant absorption after irradiation [Fig. 4(d)] was due to a layer of
unconverted molecules at the interface between the solution and
the airspace of the cuvette. After gentle shaking of the cuvette to
facilitate dissolution of oxygen in the headspace, both the color
and the absorbance peaks of the same solution were fully recovered
[Fig. 4(e)], which indicates that the molecules are relaxed back to the
ground state (
). These results confirm that the absorption peaks
of ATTO680 can be switched on and off, as reported.
We next examined whether the same excitation and oxida-
tion steps can switch the epr-SRS signals on and off. We followed
the same excitation procedure but contained the sample solution
in a glass chamber typically used for SRS measurement [Fig. 5(a)].
Indeed, we successfully observed reversibly switchable epr-SRS sig-
nals targeting the double bond peak of ATTO680 at 1661 cm
[Fig. 5(b), solid line, red]. The concurrent switching of the fluores-
cence over multiple cycles was also observed [Fig. 5(b), solid line,
blue]. The reduced epr-SRS signals could reach as low as to 5% of
the original epr-SRS intensity. Control experiments in the absence
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
, 135102-4
Published under license by AIP Publishing
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
FIG. 4
. Proposed strategy to photo-
switch epr-SRS signals via transition to
the absorption diminished long-lived dark
state. (a) Energy diagrams of the pro-
posed ON (left, the green shade indi-
cates the ground state as the ON state)
and OFF (right, the gray shade indi-
cates the long-lived dark state as the
OFF state) states.
, singlet ground
, singlet excited state;
F, triplet
state; F
, semireduced radical state; FH,
fully reduced leuco state; ISC, intersys-
tem crossing; red, reduction; and RS
thiolate anions. (b) Molecular structure
of ATTO680. [(c)–(e)] Absorption spectra
of ATTO680 before (c) and after (d) irra-
diating with a 660 nm excitation beam,
and after agitating the cuvette to facilitate
oxidation (e). Insets show the images
of solution color change in the same
of MEA showed no effect of such photoswitching [Fig. 5(b), dotted
line, red for epr-SRS and blue for fluorescence signals]. Together,
these data confirm that shifting the molecules between the ground
state and the photo-reduced dark state could serve as an effective
strategy to photoswitch epr-SRS signals.
Although we have demonstrated the recovery of epr-SRS sig-
nals by mechanically accelerating the oxidation through shaking or
pipetting the solutions, it is more appealing to utilize light to recover
SRS signals for the precise control of the activation kinetics. As the
oxidation of semi-reduced radicals is known to be accelerated by
irradiation of UV light,
we asked whether we could turn the epr-
SRS signals on from the dark state by illumination with a 405 nm
laser instead. We observed that the 405 nm laser irradiation could
increase the epr-SRS signals by 1.7 times compared to that from the
OFF state [Fig. 5(c), green vs pink]. Fluorescence signals also showed
a similar level of recovery (Fig. S5). We note that such a recovery
was not observed in the absence of the 405 nm activation [Fig. 5(d)],
implying that the recovery was not caused by other processes such
as diffusion.
Going beyond the solution characterization, we further con-
firmed this photoswitching effect in epr-SRS imaging. 5-ethynyl-2
deoxyuridine (EdU) was incorporated into newly synthesized DNA
of dividing HeLa cells and was then click-labeled by ATTO680
azide. The labeled cells immersed in a MEA-containing buffer were
subsequently imaged by epr-SRS, targeting the 1661 cm
peak of
ATTO680 [Fig. 5(e)]. After sequential irradiation of the excitation
beam and the 405 nm beam, the epr-SRS signals from ATTO680
(1661 cm
) were first decreased to 50% and then recovered back
to 70% of the original signals [Figs. 5(e)–5(h)]. The limited deple-
tion of the SRS signals in cell samples compared to solutions is likely
due to the restricted transport of the thiolate anions in cells. We note
that the limited recovery of the SRS signals after 405 nm irradiation
[Figs. 5(c) and 5(h), green] should be due to the fact that ATTO680
has a high electron affinity and accepts another electron to form a
leuco dye (FH) [Fig. 4(a)].
As this leuco dye is more stable than
the semi-reduced radical (F
), the oxidation is not easily facilitated
by the 405 nm laser. Screening other rhodamine and oxazine dyes
with a stable dark-state in the semi-reduced radical form should
further increase the activation efficiency. However, such currently
known structures (e.g., ATTO532) mostly fall outside the desired
epr-SRS excitation regime (640–790 nm). Shifting the wavelength
of SRS lasers to the bluer region, as recently reported, should
facilitate screening of better performing photoswitchable epr-SRS
C. Photoswitching by modulating the epr-SRS
enhancement: Photoswitchable proteins
Based on the pre-resonance Raman approximation,
epr-SRS signals are nonlinearly dependent on another photo-
physical parameter, the detuning between the pump photon
energy and the molecular electronic resonance [see supplementary
material, Scheme 1, parameter
]. The epr-SRS signals
would decrease over 10
-fold when the pump laser energy (
is detuned away from the molecular electronic transition energy
Therefore, molecules with switchable electronic resonances
closer to and further away from the pump laser energy could also
serve as ON and OFF epr-SRS states, respectively, with a decent
ON-to-OFF ratio [Fig. 6(a)].
We tested a recently engineered
truncated version of a reversibly switchable far-red absorb-
ing soluble bacterial phytochrome photoreceptor (BphP) from
Deinococcus radiodurans
, DrBphP-PCM [Fig. 6(b)].
The absorb-
ing core of DrBphP-PCM is composed of a photosensory core mod-
ule (PCM), which is shared by all BphPs, and a covalently attached
biliverdin IXa chromophore, which is the enzymatic product of
heme catabolism and present in all mammalian cells. Biliverdin
undergoes reversible
isomerization when irradiated with
different wavelengths of light, causing BphP transitions between two
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
, 135102-5
Published under license by AIP Publishing
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
FIG. 5
. Photoswitching of epr-SRS signals via transition to the long-lived dark state. (a) A photo of ATTO680 solution containing 0.5M MEA at pH 9.5 in an SRS imaging
chamber before (left) and after (middle) excitation beam irradiation, and after oxidation (right). (b) Reversible switching of epr-SRS (red) and fluorescence (blue) signals
for multiple cycles of irradiation and oxidation (solid line). No switching was observed in the absence of MEA for both epr-SRS (red) and fluorescence (blue) (dashed line).
(c) epr-SRS signals before (black) and after (magenta) excitation beam, and after 405 nm activation (green) irradiation. (d) epr-SRS signals of ATTO680 solutions without
405 nm activation. [(e)–(g)] epr-SRS images of ATTO680-click-labeled DNA in HeLa cells before irradiation (e), after excitation beam irradiation (f), and after 405 nm laser
irradiation (g). (h) Quantification of epr-SRS signals from the arrowed cell in (e)–(g). Scale bars, 10
M. In (c) and (d), statistical significance was determined by the unpaired
two tailed
test. ns, not significant (p
0.05. Data are shown as mean
standard deviation (n = 3 replicates for each group).
absorbing states, Pr and Pfr [Fig. 6(b),
isomerization high-
lighted in the blue circle].
With purified DrBphP-PCM solutions,
we first confirmed their reversibly switchable absorptions, peaked at
750 nm [Fig. 6(c), magenta, the Pfr state in Fig. 6(b)] and 700 nm
[Fig. 6(c), black, the Pr state in Fig. 6(b)], upon illumination with
690 and 780 nm, respectively.
We next quantified its epr-SRS signal magnitude and reversibil-
ity. As the absorption peaks of DrBphP-PCM fall within the desired
epr-SRS excitation regime,
DrBphP-PCM in its epr-SRS ON
state (i.e., the Pfr state) shows an around 300 times signal magni-
tude to that of EdU, adopting the recent RIE (the relative intensity
to EdU) quantification metrics [Fig. 6(d)].
Such a signal size is
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
, 135102-6
Published under license by AIP Publishing
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
FIG. 6
. Photoswitching of the purified near-infrared absorbing DrBphP-PCM protein. (a) Energy diagrams of the proposed ON (left, green shaded) and OFF (right, gray
shaded) states. (b)
configuration change of the biliverdin chromophore in DrBphP-PCM upon irradiation. (c) Absorption spectra of DrBphP-PCM in the Pr (black)
and Pfr (magenta) conformation states. (d) Relative epr-SRS signals of DrBphP-PCM in the Pfr (1615 cm
, magenta) and Pr (both 1628 cm
, black; and 1615 cm
brown) states compared to the standard SRS signal of EdU (2124 cm
, green). (e) epr-SRS spectra of DrBphP-PCM in the Pr (black) and Pfr (magenta) states. (f) Cycles
of reversible photoswitching of DrBphP-PCM fluorescence, observed in the Pr state. (g) Cycles of reversible photoswitching of DrBphP-PCM epr-SRS signal at 1615 cm
the ON state (Pfr state) on-resonance channel. (h) Photoswitching of DrBphP-PCM at 1615 cm
for over 40 cycles demonstrates no detectable photofatigue.
equivalent to a detection sensitivity below 1
M for this probe.
When switched to the epr-SRS OFF state (i.e., the Pr state) by 780 nm
laser, DrBphP-PCM indeed presents a lowered epr-SRS signal
for the double bond mode with a Raman peak shifted from
1615 to 1628 cm
[Fig. 6(e), magenta and black, respectively]. This
peak shift is resulted from the change in
conformation of
the double bond between ring C and ring D of the biliverdin chro-
mophore [Fig. 6(b)].
Detecting the absolute intensity changes at
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
, 135102-7
Published under license by AIP Publishing
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
the 1615 cm
channel yielded an about three-fold signal decrease
between the epr-SRS ON and OFF states [Figs. 6(d) and 6(e)]. The
residual 33% of epr-SRS signals in the OFF state [Figs. 6(d) and 6(e)]
originates from a combination of the remaining epr-SRS enhance-
ment from the OFF-state Raman peak and a slight electronic back-
ground by the pump laser from the relatively broad absorption
bands of DrBphP-PCM [Fig. 6(c)].
After the initial characterization of DrBphP-PCM, we tested
the robustness of the photo-switching for epr-SRS signals as the
resistance to switching fatigue is an important photophysical param-
eter in reversibly switchable probes. We first monitored the cycles
of reversibility for the DrBphP-PCM fluorescence signals using
the sequence of alternating 60 and 30 s illuminations by the
780 nm [Fig. 6(f), yellow] and 640 nm [Fig. 6(f), green] lasers.
The 780 nm laser switches the protein to the Pr state exhibiting
a weak fluorescence peak at 720 nm,
whereas the 640 nm laser
serves as both the readout laser and the deactivation laser that
shifts the protein back to the Pfr non-fluorescent state. We note
that the ON and OFF states for fluorescence signals are reversed
from those of epr-SRS signals as quantum yields of the Pr and Pfr
states are 2.9% and 0%, respectively.
Our observed fluorescence
depletion and recovery are similar to what were reported previously
[Fig. 6(f)].
We then probed the reversibility of the epr-SRS signals. Here,
a 780 nm laser was adopted as the deactivation laser, a 690 nm
laser was used as the activation laser, and the SRS beams were used
as the signal readout laser. Figure 6(g) shows the laser sequence
and the corresponding epr-SRS ON and OFF intensity. Similar to
that for fluorescence, clear photo-switching of epr-SRS signals was
observed over multiple cycles [Fig. 6(g)], whereas the epr-SRS sig-
nal levels remained unchanged in the absence of the 690 nm and
780 nm lasers [Fig. S6(a)]. In a separate control experiment, we
irradiated the protein solution with Stokes and pump beams for
30 s and allowed the molecules to diffuse and replenish for 60 s
[Fig S6(b)]. However, no SRS recovery was observed [Fig. S6(b),
dotted line]. In contrast, when the protein sample was irradiated
by a 690 nm activation laser, the SRS signal immediately increased
back to the original intensity [Fig. S6(b), green arrow]. This result
indicates that the role of diffusion is minimal and shows that
the recovery of SRS signals is not caused by diffusion of the ON
molecules into the focal volume, but from activation via the 690 nm
Interestingly, we observed a decrease in the epr-SRS signals
when the DrBphP-PCM solution was irradiated with SRS beams
[Fig. 6(g), black arrow]. We attribute this switching-off effect to
pump beam excitation (around 884 nm), which could excite at the
very tail of the absorption peak of the Pfr state [Fig. 6(c), magenta].
We note that this decrease is not due to photobleaching, as epr-SRS
signals always recovered back to 100% with 690 nm beam activa-
tion [Fig. 6(g)]. We further extended the epr-SRS switchable cycles
to more than 40 cycles with minimum photobleaching, demonstrat-
ing the robustness of the DrBphP-PCM protein as a photoswitchable
epr-SRS probe [Fig. 6(h)]. We reasoned that the minimal photo-
bleaching observed here should likely be due to two reasons. First,
the competing switching-off pathway from the SRS beams may have
likely helped in reducing the potential photobleaching kinetics from
either the one-photon or the two-photon excitation by the SRS
lasers. Second, the adopted picosecond SRS beams should contribute
much less to the higher-order multi-photon excitation induced
photobleaching, since their peak power is much smaller compared
to that of the femtosecond lasers.
This work presents a series of photophysical characterizations
and proof-of-principle observations toward a new type of opti-
cal imaging probes, i.e., the photoswitchable epr-Raman probes.
We explored the possibilities of four electronic states to serve
as the effective OFF state for the epr-SRS signals. In our first
two strategies, we induced transitions to the excited state and the
triplet states, which led to successful reduction of the epr-SRS
peaks. However, robust frequency-modulation SRS techniques are
required to remove the large electronic background (both the posi-
tive and negative ones) for further applications.
Guided by the
Albrecht A-term pre-resonance approximation equation (see the
supplementary material, Scheme 1), we subsequently explored
another two states, the long-lived dark state with a diminished
absorption peak from organic dyes and a tunable absorption tran-
sition state with modulable detuning to the pump photon energy
from photoswitchable proteins. We proved that all four states
together with the ground state could serve as the ideal candidates
for reversibly photo-switching the epr-SRS signals upon further
optimizations through additional engineering and designing of the
photoswitchable Raman probes.
As we indicated above, for red-absorbing organic molecules,
extensive screening of rhodamine and oxazine dyes with a stable
dark-state in the semi-reduced radical form should help improve the
activation efficiency with 405 nm laser. In addition, cyanine dyes
with a similar cyanine-thiol adduct may also offer new opportu-
nities. In parallel with the dye screening, doubling the frequencies
of the SRS lasers as recently demonstrated would offer the match-
ing excitation region for molecules across the entire visible absorp-
tion range, vastly expanding the pools for photo-switchable epr-SRS
We have also demonstrated that the DrBphP-PCM protein
shows high promise toward generating a new category of photo-
switchable Raman proteins. Further protein engineering efforts for
obtaining larger dynamic ranges of the ON-to-OFF signal ratios
are required. This would offer multiplexable epr-SRS peaks and
allow genetical encodability for future cell imaging applications.
First, slightly blue shifting the absorption peak (e.g., for 30–50 nm)
would minimize the electronic background. This would lead to a
clearer separation of Raman peaks between the epr-SRS ON and
OFF states for easier multiplexing. Second, larger shift in absorption
peaks between the epr-SRS ON and OFF states should also con-
tribute to enhancing the dynamic ranges of the ON-to-OFF ratios.
Third, mutagenesis of the amino acid residues around the biliverdin
binding pocket may shift its double bond vibrational frequency by
changing the interacting environment and, hence, creating more
Fourth, incorporation of a nitrile bond to the conjuga-
tion system of the biliverdin would significantly help expand the
epr-SRS color palette owing to the features of the narrow-band
and editable nitrile bonds that are ideal for multiplexing. Fifth, the
superior property of photoswitchable Raman protein-based probes
is their genetic encodability, which is critical for live cell imaging
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135102 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043791
, 135102-8
Published under license by AIP Publishing
The Journal
of Chemical Physics
and is not offered by organic dyes. Moreover, it is worth noting
that whereas photoswitching of organic dyes frequently requires
UV light, which is phototoxic for cells, the Raman protein probes
derived from BphPs use non-cytotoxic photoswitching far-red and
near-infrared light, which penetrates much deeper in biological
tissues, thus enabling intravital imaging.
Further engineering
of distinct BphP-based Raman probes, along with their different
intracellular targeting, will allow super-multiplex epr-SRS imaging
in live cells.
Ultimately, with successful invention of a new category of
photoswitchable epr-SRS probes, super-multiplex super-resolution
optical imaging may be implemented, as we rationalized above.
Adopting a doughnut setup similar to RESOLFT but with only
one additional switching laser, super-multiplex imaging could be
brought into the super-resolution regime and offer a valuable new
addition to the toolbox of optical imaging in investigating biological
activities and functions.
See the supplementary material for experimental methods,
scheme, supporting figures, and tables.
This work was supported by the grants from the National
Institutes of Health, Grant No. DP2 GM140919 (to L.W.) and Grant
No. R35 GM122567 (to V.V.), and by the start-up fund from the
California Institute of Technology (to L.W.).
The data that support the findings of this study are available
from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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