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Research Article
Vol. 31, No. 18 /28 Aug 2023 /
Optics Express
Multi-dimensional wavefront sensing using
volumetric meta-optics
Kavli Nanoscience Institute and Thomas J. Watson Sr. Laboratory of Applied Physics, California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
The ideal imaging system would efficiently capture information about the fundamental
properties of light: propagation direction, wavelength, and polarization. Most common imaging
systems only map the spatial degrees of freedom of light onto a two-dimensional image sensor,
with some wavelength and/or polarization discrimination added at the expense of efficiency.
Thus, one of the most intriguing problems in optics is how to group and classify multiple
degrees of freedom and map them on a two-dimensional sensor space. Here we demonstrate
through simulation that volumetric meta-optics consisting of a highly scattering, inverse-designed
medium structured with subwavelength resolution can sort light simultaneously based on direction,
wavelength, and polarization. This is done by mapping these properties to a distinct combination
of pixels on the image sensor for compressed sensing applications, including wavefront sensing,
beam profiling, and next-generation plenoptic sensors.
© 2023 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
1. Introduction
Two-dimensional (2D) image sensors are the most common detectors for light, so a leading
optical engineering task is how to best extract the information from the incident optical field using
an optical system and a planar image sensor. For example, a black and white camera maximizes
the amount of spatial information by performing a one-to-one mapping between the direction of
propagation and a pixel on the image sensor, but spectral and polarization information is lost.
A line scan multispectral camera maps only one spatial coordinate to a direction on the image
sensor while the other direction records the spectrum of the spatial pixel. Various other mappings
are used in cameras to image color, polarization, light field, etc. Since the information capacity
of a 2D image sensor is finite, getting more information about some degrees of freedom for
light comes at the expense of information in other degrees of freedom. Also, in general purpose
systems with trivial mapping implementations that use conventional optical components like
lenses, gratings, and prisms, a single pixel on the image sensor detects a specific combination
of single degrees of freedom. For example, a camera may detect the combination of a specific
direction, wavelength band, and polarization. Thus, if
spatial directions,
wavelength bands,
polarizations need to be resolved, then
pixels are needed, where
is at most 4
to fully classify polarization through Stokes parameters [1,2].
Oftentimes there is prior knowledge about the input light field, in which case it is possible to
use mappings that more efficiently utilize the pixels of the sensor [3–7]. Here, we demonstrate an
inverse designed volumetric meta-optic device that can efficiently map different combinations
of wavelengths, directions and polarizations into combinations of pixels on an image sensor.
The compressed information can fully classify properties of the incident fields under certain
approximations, namely that the wavefronts are monochromatic, locally linear in phase, and
linearly polarized.
The device is based on metaoptics, which describes materials patterned with subwavelength
resolution that impart customized transformations to incident light. Most research in dielectric
meta-optics focuses on metasurfaces that consist of a single, approximately wavelength-thick layer
Journal © 2023
Received 12 May 2023; revised 31 Jul 2023; accepted 8 Aug 2023; published 14 Aug 2023
Research Article
Vol. 31, No. 18 /28 Aug 2023 /
Optics Express
of subwavelength scale antennas with the ability to completely control the phase and polarization
of an incident wavefront [8–10]. The ability to impose independent phase profiles to two
orthogonally polarized inputs allows a single metasurface to perform tasks that historically could
only be achieved with cascaded systems of bulk components, which has improved applications
that must obey strict size constraints while maintaining high efficiencies. However, further
expanding the multifunctionality of metasurfaces to multiple angles and wavelengths tends to
come at the cost of efficiency [11,12].
To recover the performance lost by increasing multifunctionality, the size of the metaoptics
system can be increased. This idea has been explored in recent years by employing multiple
metasurfaces in a cascaded system [13–18]. While these systems have a reduced size relative to
systems that employ only conventional bulk optical elements, the size of the system is primarily
dictated by the distance between metasurfaces. The distance between metasurface elements
must be sufficiently large to preserve the assumptions that metasurface design is reliant on.
Broadly speaking, placing meta-atoms directly in contact with other meta-atoms will alter their
transmission in ways that are difficult to predict using only the individual response of each
meta-atom. These considerations are described in detail in Refs. [19–22]. The paradigm of
cascading elements that are spatially separated enough to preserve their design independence
provides an intuitive way to design complex systems, but is not strictly necessary. Instead, design
methodologies that account for the effects of near-field coupling and multiple scattering events
(i.e. full-wave Maxwell solvers, including FDTD) are required for more advanced operation.
Recent work has demonstrated the tractability of designing 3D volumetric metaoptics using
inverse-design techniques. These techniques are aided by the adjoint method for electromagnetics,
which utilizes adjoint symmetry in Maxwell’s equations to efficiently compute the gradient
of arbitrary figures of merit (FoMs) with respect to material permittivity [23–25]. This can
be subsequently used to optimize the shape of a structure in a process referred to as topology
optimization [26,27]. Full-wave simulations require significant computational resources to
perform, so applications of inverse-designed metaoptics have been limited to integrated waveguide
components [28] or small 3D components [29], on the order of several wavelengths per side.
A recent pioneering work by Lin
et al.
co-optimized the scattering behavior of a multi-layer
structure consisting of variable height polymer with a computational imaging reconstruction
back-end to extract spatial, spectral, and polarization properties [30]. The device is placed over a
10 grid of imaging sensors and offers remarkable noise insensitivity. The work discussed in
this paper is similar, but features an increased emphasis on layered fabrication and a read-out
strategy using straight-forward intensity ratios rather than a computational back-end to classify
optical states.
For this work we simulate a device that can classify incident light based on the fundamental
properties of propagation direction, wavelength, and polarization over a 3
3 grid of imaging
sensors. To our knowledge this amount of multi-functionality at both high efficiency and
compactness has not been obtained to this degree in the past. The intent of the study done here is
to explore the possibilities ahead for volumetric metaoptics, provide a meaningful goal for future
photonic foundry processes, and pose a device that could be of high interest to the computational
imaging community.
Due to the computational difficulty of this task, we target a platform in which a periodic array
of the designed 3D devices can be placed above a sensor array. This allows the devices to be
small during the design, then tiled to cover a desired area. The devices are designed for three
functionalities: polarization splitting of two linearly polarized states, wavelength splitting of
two distinct wavelengths, and a basic form of imaging in which five planewave components are
focused to five different locations. This totals to nine states we seek to classify, so in practice the
device can be placed above a 3
3 grid of pixels such as CMOS or CCD arrays. Although the
Research Article
Vol. 31, No. 18 /28 Aug 2023 /
Optics Express
device is designed for a discrete set of states, it can be used to interpolate states on a continuum
by analyzing the ratio of intensities among all the pixels.
The polarization and wavelength splitting functionalities are designed to work for all of the as-
sumed incident angles, which include a normally incident case and non-normal incidences that are
5 degrees tilted from normal (polar angle
) with azimuthal angles
∈ {
, 90
, 180
, 270
The two design wavelengths are 532 nm and 620 nm. The two polarizations are linear and
orthogonal, with one polarized in the xz-plane and the other in the yz-plane. The device is a 3
m stack of 20 layers. Each 200 nm layer is comprised of titanium dioxide (TiO
2.4) and silicon dioxide (SiO
, n
1.5), with a minimum feature size of 50 nm. The background
material is assumed to be SiO
. A schematic of the device, sensor array, and examples of the fields
at the focal plane under a 620 nm xz-polarized planewave excitation angled at
, 90
is shown in Fig. 1. Note that since this 5
polar angle is in SiO
1.5, these planewave
components couple to 7.5
planewave components in air.
Fig. 1.
The layout of the system, which features a device region placed above an array of
sensors. (a) An incident planewave is input to a device comprised of SiO
and TiO
at an
. The bottom of the device is 1.5
above a sensor array. The background
material is assumed to be SiO
. (b) The distribution of functionalities across the pixel array.
The device focuses light to different pixels depending on the state of the input light. (c) The
output of 620 nm, xz-polarized planewave input incident at an angle
, 90
We begin by describing the inverse design process used to optimize the devices. Next, the
performance of the device under the assumed input conditions is studied. Following this, we
observe that the behaviors of functionalities are preserved and predictable when excited at states
in between the states the device was optimized for. For example, as the input wavelength is
continuously shifted from 532 nm to 620 nm, the ratio of the 620 nm pixel transmission to the
532 nm pixel transmission monotonically increases, while the imaging and polarization functions
remain efficient. This occurs despite the device only being optimized in a narrow wavelength
range around 532 nm and 620 nm. Similar behavior is observed in the imaging functionality
when excited at input angles that were not explicitly optimized within a 5
cone. The read-out
from these pixels can thus be used to infer the state of the light incident on the device so long
Research Article
Vol. 31, No. 18 /28 Aug 2023 /
Optics Express
as the input is assumed to be a monochromatic planewave. We find that this behavior does not
depend on the chosen mapping of functionality to specific pixels in the focal plane by analyzing
the behavior of devices optimized for 20 unique pixel distributions.
2. Methods
The goal of photonic topology optimization is to find a refractive index distribution that
maximizes an electromagnetic figure-of-merit (FoM). Since the device presented here is highly
multi-functional, its optimization is multi-objective. Each objective is a mapping of an input to a
FoM: the input is a planewave with a specific angle, polarization, and wavelength; the FoM is
the power transmission through the desired pixel. The general procedure for this optimization
is shown in Fig. S1 of Supplement 1. It consists of three main steps: first, the FoMs and their
associated gradients are computed [24]; second, the gradients are combined with a weighted
average [31]; third, the device is updated in accordance with the averaged gradient using either
a density-based optimization of a continuous permittivity [32] or a level-set optimization of a
discrete permittivity [33].
The individual FoM gradients are evaluated at every point in the design region using the adjoint
method, which entails combining the electric fields in the design region for a “forward” and an
“adjoint” simulation to compute the desired gradient. In this case, the forward case simulates the
device under the assumed planewave excitation, and the adjoint case simulates a dipole (with
a particular phase and amplitude based on the forward simulation) placed at the center of the
desired pixel. This choice of sources optimizes the device to focus light to the location of the
dipole. However, we record the performance of the device as power transmission through the
desired pixel rather than intensity at a point, since power transmission better represents the signal
a sensor pixel would record.
All unique forward and adjoint simulations are first simulated in Lumerical FDTD in parallel
on a high-performance cluster (Caltech Resnick High Performance Computing Cluster). Next,
the associated FoMs are recorded from the forward simulation results, and the FoM gradients
are computed by combining the results of appropriate forward and adjoint source pairs. The
individual gradients are spatially averaged in the z-direction for each layer, yielding a 2D gradient
for each layer of the device. All FoM gradients are combined using a weighted average into a
single gradient, still evaluated at every point in the design region. Information on this weighting
procedure is described in Ref. [31]. To prevent the structure from being highly resonant,
frequencies within a
5 THz range (approximately
4 nm) of the design frequencies are also
optimized. This adds very little computational complexity since the FDTD method simulates a
broadband pulsed excitation that already contains these frequencies. Finally, this interpolated
gradient is used to update the permittivity of the device structure.
The optimization is done in two phases: a density-based phase, and a level-set phase. Each
phase has a unique update procedure. In the density-based optimization the permittivity of the
device is modelled as a grid of grayscale permittivity values between the permittivity of the two
material boundaries. This permittivity representation is effectively fictitious (unless an effective
index material can be reliably fabricated), and the goal is to converge to a binary device that
performs well and is comprised of only two materials. We use the methods described in Ref.
[32] to achieve this.
While the density-based optimization can converge to a fully binary solution, it is faster to
terminate the optimization early and force each device voxel to its nearest material boundary.
This thresholding step reduces the device performance, which we recover by further optimizing
the device with a level-set optimization. Level-set optimization models the device boundaries
as the zero-level contour of a level-set function (
0), and thus benefits from describing
inherently binary structures [34]. Empirically the final device performance is dependent on initial
seed, hence the need for the improved density-based optimization that converges to a near-binary
Research Article
Vol. 31, No. 18 /28 Aug 2023 /
Optics Express
solution. Here we use level-set techniques to simultaneously optimize device performance and
ensure the final device obeys fabrication constraints. This technique is described in detail in
Ref. [33], and elaborated on in Supplement 1 Section S2. The full convergence plot for the
optimization and the resulting device layers are discussed in Section S3 and S4, respectively, of
Supplement 1. Details on computer hardware and simulation times are discussed in Supplement
1 Section S5.
3. Results
We quantify the performance of the device in two ways. First, we check the performance of the
device under the excitation beams that were assumed when optimizing the device, which we refer
to as
training modes
. Second, we study the device at different input angles, wavelengths, and
polarization states to analyze its ability to classify states. We refer to these as
validation modes
The design methodology co-optimizes 20 different training modes featuring unique combi-
nations of wavelength, polarization, and angle of incidence. The transmission to each pixel
for each input state is shown in Fig. 2. For each state the transmission to the three correct
pixels, the transmission to the six incorrect pixels, and the transmission elsewhere (oblique
scattering, back-scattering, etc.) is shown. On average, the transmission to the correct pixels
totals 47.7%, the transmission to incorrect pixels totals 16.8%, and the transmission elsewhere
totals 35.5%. The imaging pixels tend to be more susceptible to error in the sense that more power
is erroneously transmitted to them than the wavelength- or polarization-sorting pixels on average.
A possible reason for this is that the different angled input states have higher correlation than the
different spectral and polarization input states due to the small device aperture, giving rise to
more cross-talk between imaging pixels. Undesired scattering could be explicitly minimized as
part of the optimization in future tests. The most straight-forward way to do this would be to
incorporate the minimization of transmission to these pixels as FoMs in the overall optimization.
Fig. 2.
The performance of the device under excitation of training modes. The input angle,
polarization state, and wavelength are represented by the y-axis. The x-axis represents the
fraction of power scattered to different regions. The bold colored bars quantify transmission
to the correct pixel, while the pale colored bars quantify transmission to the incorrect pixel.
The grey bar quantifies the power that is back-scattered or obliquely scattered, thus not
reaching any of the pixels in the focal plane.
Research Article
Vol. 31, No. 18 /28 Aug 2023 /
Optics Express
The design process optimizes the performance of the device only for the training modes, and
it is unclear what the output of the device will be if the excitation parameters are continuously
varied. Here we quantify the performance of the device at input states between that of the
designed input states. We study the performance at wavelengths in between 532 nm and 620 nm,
at a large set of angles within a 10
input angle cone, and at arbitrary polarization states.
The full angular response of each individual pixel in a 10
cone is shown in Fig. 3(a)-(i). The
results along the horizontal dashed lines (
) and vertical dashed lines (
) are plotted
in Fig. 3(j),(k). To obtain these plots, the transmission values are averaged across wavelength,
polarization, or both depending on the functionality. For the wavelength sorting functionality the
values are averaged across polarization; for the polarization sorting functionality the values are
averaged across wavelength; and for the imaging functionality the values are averaged across both
wavelength and polarization. The wavelength and polarization demultiplexing functionalities
show a more uniform response across
values than the imaging functionality, which means
these functions are not highly dependent on incident angle. The imaging functionality is, by
design, sensitive to the incident angle. The variation in azimuth for the polarization and spectral
pixels is expected because the device is not symmetric, which is required since the desired output
fields are not symmetric. However, these deviations are non-ideal, as deviations from a uniform
angular response can cause uncertainties in angle classification to cascade to uncertainties in
spectral and polarization properties.
The red and green traces of Fig. 3(l) show that as the wavelength shifts from 532 nm to
620 nm, the transmission through the 532 nm pixel smoothly decreases, and the transmission
through the 620 nm pixel smoothly increases. These transmission values are averaged over both
polarization and across all simulated incident angles
0, 360
0, 5
. As expected,
the transmission to the 532 nm pixel is maximized for 532 nm wavelengths, and likewise for
the 620 nm pixel. The traces smoothly vary between these two wavelengths, indicating that the
power is predictably redistributed between the pixels in these cases. The solid blue line represents
the average transmission to the
polarization pixel (e.g., xz-polarized input being focused
to the xz-polarization pixel), and the dashed blue line represents the average transmission to
polarization pixel (e.g., xz-polarized input being focused to the yz-polarization
pixel). These transmission values are averaged over wavelength, and are averaged over incident
angle in the same way the red and green traces are. While there is a drop in efficiency at the
non-optimized wavelengths, there remains a high contrast between the solid and dashed blue
lines at all wavelengths.
The imaging functionality transmission values vary smoothly with respect to incident angles
, but this occurs in a less intuitive way than it would with a lens. Rather than the focus spot
continuously shifting across the focal plane as
varies, the focused spots instead brighten
or dim while remaining approximately centered in the individual pixels. As an example, when
, 45
the light is primarily scattered to the center of the
, 0
, 0
, 90
pixels, as well as the relevant wavelength and polarization pixels. In this specific case 532 nm
light is not focused to the 620 nm pixel which is the pixel that the incident planewave is oriented
towards, and as such is where light would be focused if the device were replaced with a lens.
Instead, the wavelength sorting and polarization sorting functionalities are mostly preserved under
all excitation angles within an acceptance cone. Visualization 1, Visualization 2, Visualization 3,
and Visualization 4 show the output fields changing as these parameters are swept, with further
details available in Supplement 1 Section S8.
The effect of altering the polarization state is predictable since the polarization state of any input
excitation can be described by two orthogonal linearly polarized states with a relative amplitude
and phase shift between the orthogonal components. As an example, a simple experiment
involving a linearly polarized source input into a Wollaston prism would show that as the source
is rotated, the output of the Wollaston prism fluidly shifts from one linearly polarized output
Research Article
Vol. 31, No. 18 /28 Aug 2023 /
Optics Express
Fig. 3.
The angular sensitivity of the device. (a)-(i) plot the transmission to the different
pixels in the focal plane for
from 0
to 10
from 0
to 360
. The top-down left-right
ordering of these plots are matched to the ordering of the pixels depicted in Fig. 1(b). The
wavelength demultiplexing plots (a) and (g) are averaged in polarization. The polarization
sorting plots (c) and (i) are averaged in wavelength. The imaging plots (b), (d)-(f), and
(h) are averaged in both polarization and wavelength. (j),(k) are horizontal (j) and vertical
(k) traces of the surface plots (a)-(i) along the black dashed lines. For (j) and (k), the line
colors represent transmission to different pixels: the green line is the 532 nm pixel, the
red line is the 620 nm pixel, the solid blue is the xz-polarization pixel, the dashed blue
is the yz-polarization pixel, the solid yellow lines are the on-axis imaging pixels, and the
dashed yellow lines are the off-axis imaging pixels. For (l), the green and red lines represent
the transmission to the 532 and 620 nm pixels respectively. The solid blue line is the
transmission to the correct polarization pixel given the polarization of the input source, and
the dashed blue line is the transmission to the incorrect polarization pixel. For (l), all traces
are averaged over all evaluated input angles within a 5
Research Article
Vol. 31, No. 18 /28 Aug 2023 /
Optics Express
beam to the other. This behavior is observed in this device in the polarizing functionality, where
the ratio between the polarizer pixels transmission can be used to infer the relative power of the
two orthogonal linear polarization states. However, we would hope that the device performance
for the wavelength and imaging functionalities is not adversely effected by the polarization states
that were not explicitly optimized for. The efficiency of these functionalities may be altered
as the cross-polarized output of one beam interferes with the parallel-polarized output of the
orthogonally polarized input beam. We define the amount of cross-polarization by integrating
the ratio
under yz-polarized illumination over the output plane for all incident angles.
The highest amount of cross-polarization is
11.9 dB at 620 nm and
13.6 dB at 532 nm. To
verify that the various functionalities are not strongly affected, we analyze the results of all
functionalities at all possible input polarization states by sweeping the relative amplitude and
phase of the orthogonal input components, and we observe that interference effects can alter the
transmission to the various pixels by a few percent. Data and further commentary on this matter
is available in Supplement 1 Section S6. Note that if a particular design seeks to further minimize
cross-polarization, then cross-polarization can be explicitly minimized during the optimization.
Doing so will consume some design degrees of freedom, which may detract from the efficiency
of the various functionalities, but the optimization will not require more time since the number
of electromagnetic simulations per iteration will be unchanged.
Based on these results the device could be used to analyze the state of incident light at
wavelengths between 532 nm and 620 nm and inputs with incident angles within an approximately
cone. Additionally, the relative amplitude of the xz-polarized and yz-polarized component can
be classified. The classification is done by measuring the ratio of intensity between pixels and
using a look-up table to then approximate the state of light. In the case of classifying wavelength
and imaging angle, the behavior of smoothly transitioning between states is non-trivial and is
not exhibited in typical optical devices such as gratings and lenses. These components tend to
spatially shift a beam in the focal plane as the wavelength is varied (grating) or the incident angle
is varied (lens), whereas our device only alters the ratio of transmission to the various pixels with
very little spatial shift of the beams. In the case of classifying polarization this behavior tends to
occur naturally in other optical devices such as birefringent prisms because any polarization state
can be decomposed into a coherent sum of two orthogonally polarized states.
While classifying the wavelength and input angle states without ambiguity is not significantly
affected by the incident polarization state it does require that the incident light be a monochromatic
planewave. The planewave assumption is a common assumption employed in Shack-Hartman
sensors and plenoptic sensors, and the assumption of monochromaticity can be satisfied with
color filters, or if the light fundamentally comes from a narrow-band source such as a laser. Thus,
there are numerous applications in which this device can be useful. The device can be tiled
across a sensor array to enhance the functionality of an image sensor [29,35,36]. Such an array
could be used to accurately classify the properties of a laser beam, including all fundamental
properties of wavelength, polarization, and incident angle within the device’s acceptance cone.
The angle-dependent nature of the device is similar in principle to angle-sensitive CMOS
pixels [37], and could be used for lightfield imaging since the incident wavefront angle can
be computationally determined using the relative intensity of the imaging pixels [5,38–40]. If
coupled with a device such as a tunable bandpass filter, then a wavelength-dependent light field
image can be obtained, with the added functionality of measuring the relative intensity of the two
orthogonal linear polarization components for basic polarimetry. In general, we believe this type
of device will open up new degrees of freedom in computational imaging applications.
One intriguing question we investigated is whether the qualitative behavior of the device
depends on the specific assignment of functionalities to pixels. There are a large number of
pixel permutations, and currently it is not easy to design a device for all of them. Instead, we
investigated twenty different pixel distributions. Pixel distributions were chosen randomly, but