c552 GCA 000295935.
2 IndiAl02 protein EOZ
93665.1 Cytochrome c
552 precursor Indibacte
r alkaliphilus LW1 /1-43
c552 GCA 000769715.
1 ASM76971v1 protein
KGO32908.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Desulfobulbus sp. Tol-S
R /1-425
c552 GCA 002991365.
1 ASM299136v1 protei
n PRL65821.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor H
aemophilus influenzae
c552 GCA 000262305.
1 ASM26230v1 protein
AFJ48152.1 cytochrom
e c-552 precursor Shim
wellia blattae DSM 448
1 NBRC 105725 /1-411
c552 GCA 002869365.
1 ASM286936v1 protei
n PLX01837.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Marin
ilabiliales bacterium /1-
c552 GCA 002742335.
1 ASM274233v1 protei
n PIB36025.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Reichenbachiel
la sp. 5M10 /1-428
c552 GCA 000344295.
2 velvet protein EMG31
309.1 nitrite reductase
Campylobacter showae
CC57C /1-473
c552 GCA 000348925.
1 CeAn1 protein EMR0
2739.1 Cytochrome c-5
52 precursor Cesiribac
ter andamanensis AMV
16 /1-435
c552 GCA 001134585.
1 4821 5 7 protein CNE
33174.1 cytochrome c5
52 Yersinia kristensenii
c552 GCA 002000465.
1 ASM200046v1 protei
n OOF85764.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pasteurellacea
e bacterium Ppn158 /1
c552 GCA 000018325.
1 ASM1832v1 protein A
BW19895.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Alkaliphilu
s oremlandii OhILAs /1
c552 GCA 002874195.
1 ASM287419v1 protei
n PMI87659.1 nitrite re
ductase Vibrio sp. 10N
.286.45.E10 /1-377
c552 GCA 001413955.
1 ASM141395v1 protei
n KQC28642.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Flagellimonas ecklonia
e /1-415
c552 GCA 000468635.
1 PbaroF0067v1.0 prot
ein ERK38145.1 nitrite
reductase cytochrome
ammonia-forming Prev
otella baroniae F0067 /
c552 GCA 001010715.
1 A.butzleri L355 1.0 pr
otein KLE09325.1 cyto
chrome C nitrite reduct
ase subunit c552 Arcob
acter butzleri L355 /1-4
c552 GCA 001798855.
1 ASM179885v1 protei
n OGP78137.1 hypothe
tical protein A2V86 030
55 Deltaproteobacteria
bacterium RBG 16 49
23 /1-374
c552 GCA 002967725.
1 ASM296772v1 protei
n PQO42678.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Blastopirellula
marina /1-429
c552 GCA 002868955.
1 ASM286895v1 protei
n PLX52954.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Desu
lfobulbaceae bacterium
c552 GCA 900108415.
1 IMG-taxon 26545881
77 annotated assembly
protein SEH21252.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Selenomon
as ruminantium /1-411
c552 GCA 000170755.
1 ASM17075v1 protein
EDM28977.1 nitrite re
ductase formate-depen
dent cytochrome Lentis
phaera araneosa HTCC
2155 /1-420
c552 GCA 002263215.
1 ASM226321v1 protei
n OZN25067.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Actinobacillus
seminis /1-342
c552 GCA 002796165.
1 ASM279616v1 protei
n PIQ96622.1 cytochro
me c-552 Nitrospinae b
acterium CG11 big fil re
v 8 21 14 0 20 56 8 /1-
c552 GCA 001680765.
1 ASM168076v1 protei
n OBY53128.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Aggregatibacter a
phrophilus /1-385
c552 GCA 002400765.
1 ASM240076v1 protei
n PCH70910.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidales bacterium /1-
c552 GCA 002082245.
2 ASM208224v2 protei
n PNM23305.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Yersinia entero
colitica /1-372
c552 GCA 002302535.
1 ASM230253v1 protei
n ATA74898.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Capnocytophag
a sp. H2931 /1-431
c552 GCA 002309535.
1 ASM230953v1 protei
n ATB68959.1 cytochro
me c552 NrfA Sulfuros
pirillum sp. JPD-1 /1-42
c552 GCA 002742785.
1 UBA11407 protein DA
B32448.1 TPA asm am
monia-forming cytochro
me c nitrite reductase S
ulfurospirillum sp. UBA
11407 /1-427
c552 GCA 000175655.
1 ASM17565v1 protein
EET80224.1 putative n
itrite reductase Campy
lobacter showae RM32
77 /1-485
c552 GCA 000020985.
1 ASM2098v1 protein A
CI21266.1 nitrite reduc
tase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming Thermodes
ulfovibrio yellowstonii D
SM 11347 /1-398
c552 GCA 002868815.
1 ASM286881v1 protei
n PLX59528.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Vibrio alginolytic
us /1-415
c552 GCA 001730225.
1 ASM173022v1 protei
n OEF98298.1 hypothe
tical protein BHF68 010
50 Desulfuribacillus alk
aliarsenatis /1-396
c552 GCA 001874335.
1 ASM187433v1 protei
n OIQ27549.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Bacteroidetes b
acterium MedPE-SWsn
d-G2 /1-415
c552 GCA 001647795.
1 ASM164779v1 protei
n ANF66198.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Haemophilus duc
reyi /1-362
c552 GCA 900096565.
1 IMG-taxon 26545881
48 annotated assembly
protein SDB82532.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor W
illiamwhitmania taraxac
i /1-427
c552 GCA 001897595.
1 ASM189759v1 protei
n OJV84313.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidia ba
cterium 44-10 /1-425
c552 GCA 000768855.
1 ASM76885v1 protein
KGN82666.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
bacterium COT-184 OH
4590 /1-431
c552 GCA 002811085.
1 Bfra 078320 1 v1 pro
tein PJY86658.1 cytoch
rome c-552 precursor B
acteroides fragilis /1-43
c552 GCA 001858105.
1 ASM185810v1 protei
n OHY41087.1 nitrite re
ductase c552 subunit C
itrobacter koseri /1-409
c552 GCA 000243155.
3 ASM24315v3 protein
AFM01344.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Desul
fitobacterium dehaloge
nans ATCC 51507 /1-3
c552 GCA 000432735.
1 MGS443 protein CDB
96473.1 cytochrome c-
552 Bacteroides sp. CA
G 443 /1-434
c552 GCA 000243135.
3 ASM24313v3 protein
AGA70352.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Desul
fitobacterium dichloroe
liminans LMG P-21439
c552 GCA 000346425.
1 ASM34642v1 protein
EMI45379.1 nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Rhodop
irellula sp. SWK7 /1-45
c552 GCA 000234055.
1 Prev hist F0411 V1 p
rotein EHG16275.1 cyt
ochrome c-552 Prevote
lla histicola F0411 /1-43
c552 GCA 000613825.
1 ASM61382v1 protein
GAK35806.1 cytochro
me c552 precursor Bac
teroides graminisolven
s DSM 19988 JCM 150
93 /1-436
c552 GCA 000333895.
2 ASM33389v2 protein
EOD79690.1 Cytochro
me c552 precursor Grim
ontia indica /1-413
c552 GCA 000521655.
1 ASM52165v1 protein
AHG74980.1 Cytochro
me c-552 Mannheimia
varigena USDA-ARS-U
SMARC-1296 /1-404
c552 GCA 000148645.
1 ASM14864v1 protein
ADN77581.1 respirato
ry nitrite reductase cyto
chrome ammonia-form
ing precursor Ferrimon
as balearica DSM 9799
c552 GCA 002836075.
1 ASM283607v1 protei
n PKG56212.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Shewanella sp
. GutDb-MelDb /1-386
c552 GCA 001747085.
1 ASM174708v1 protei
n OEJ98793.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Algibacter aqu
aticus /1-429
c552 GCA 002840405.
1 ASM284040v1 protei
n PKN08195.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
Deltaproteobacteria-8 /
c552 GCA 002898915.
1 ASM289891v1 protei
n GBC87642.1 Cytoch
rome c-552 bacterium
HR12 /1-425
c552 GCA 000961725.
1 41k protein KJS0030
0.1 cytochrome C nitrit
e reductase Desulfobu
lbaceae bacterium BRH
c16a /1-407
c552 GCA 001814145.
1 ASM181414v1 protei
n OFQ19114.1 cytochr
ome c nitrite reductase
Prevotella sp. HMSC0
73D09 /1-436
c552 GCA 001027285.
1 ASM102728v1 protei
n AKI98892.1 Cytochro
me c552 precursor Arc
hangium gephyra /1-40
c552 GCA 000296275.
1 AmassiliensisF0489v
1.0 protein EJF47399.1
nitrite reductase cytoc
hrome ammonia-formin
g Actinomyces massilie
nsis F0489 /1-426
c552 GCA 000817955.
1 ASM81795v1 protein
AJE02293.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase G
eobacter pickeringii /1-
c552 GCA 000281175.
1 ASM28117v1 protein
BAM00537.1 cytochro
me c-552 Caldilinea ae
rophila DSM 14535 NB
RC 104270 /1-417
c552 GCA 001589285.
1 sce8312.1 protein KY
F61351.1 nitrite reduct
ase Sorangium cellulos
um /1-426
c552 GCA 002904255.
1 ASM290425v1 protei
n POE37900.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pectobacterium
carotovorum subsp. od
oriferum /1-381
c552 GCA 002588845.
1 ASM258884v1 protei
n ATM79128.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Serratia fontico
la /1-375
c552 GCA 001723385.
1 ASM172338v1 protei
n ODS10713.1 Nitrite r
eductase cytochrome a
mmonia-forming Vibrio
scophthalmi /1-379
c552 anaerolinea therm
ophila 1/1-388
c552 GCA 001678545.
1 Gal32 protein OBX08
468.1 cytochrome C ni
trite reductase Gallibac
terium salpingitidis /1-4
c552 GCA 001830315.
1 ASM183031v1 protei
n OHB99259.1 nitrite re
ductase Planctomycete
s bacterium RIFCSPLO
WO2 12 FULL 39 13 /1
c552 GCA 001722305.
1 ASM172230v1 protei
n ODQ38487.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Mannheimia h
aemolytica /1-402
c552 GCA 900116115.1
IMG-taxon 262273661
1 annotated assembly
protein SFS41186.1 nit
rite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Lutibacter ma
ritimus /1-431
c552 GCA 000309885.
1 ASM30988v1 protein
AFV75244.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Therm
us oshimai JL-2 /1-428
c552 GCA 001799255.
1 ASM179925v1 protei
n OGQ99239.1 hypoth
etical protein A2505 05
840 Deltaproteobacteri
a bacterium RIFOXYD1
2 FULL 55 16 /1-366
c552 GCA 001808405.
1 ASM180840v1 protei
n OFS72010.1 nitrite re
ductase Trueperella sp
. HMSC08B05 /1-410
c552 GCA 001742305.
1 ASM174230v1 protei
n OEH85188.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfuribacillus stibiia
rsenatis /1-424
c552 GCA 001554015.
1 ASM155401v1 protei
n AME02798.1 nitrite re
ductase Selenomonas
sp. oral taxon 136 /1-40
c552 GCA 001026985.
1 ASM102698v1 protei
n AKJ43620.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Pragia fontium /2-420
c552 GCA 002836275.
1 ASM283627v1 protei
n PKG79990.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Shewanella sp
. Actino-trap-3 /1-387
c552 GCA 900065885.
1 16473 4 70 protein C
ZE47280.1 nitrite reduc
tase cytochrome%3B a
mmonia-forming Camp
ylobacter geochelonis /
c552 GCA 002898895.
1 ASM289889v1 protei
n GBC97427.1 Cytoch
rome c-552 bacterium
HR16 /1-349
c552 GCA 000265295.
1 ASM26529v1 protein
AFL68078.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Sulfur
ospirillum barnesii SES
-3 /1-425
c552 GCA 000367845.
1 Adiv1.0 protein ENY7
1579.1 cytochrome c n
itrite reductase subunit
c552 Aeromonas diver
sa CDC 2478-85 /1-34
c552 GCA 002918555.
1 ASM291855v1 protei
n POT57117.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Citrobacter am
alonaticus /1-380
c552 GCA 000953695.
1 AWOD1 protein CED
71715.1 cytochrome c-
552 precursor ammoni
a-forming cytochrome n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Aliivibrio wodanis /1-40
c552 GCA 002706765.
1 ASM270676v1 protei
n MAX39410.1 nitrite re
ductase Gimesia sp. /1
c552 GCA 000949475.
1 ASM94947v1 protein
KJF43675.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Dr
aconibacterium sedimin
is /4-440
c552 GCA 900114595.
1 IMG-taxon 26759031
63 annotated assembly
protein SFM01995.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Desulfomicr
obium norvegicum /2-4
c552 GCA 000024265.
1 ASM2426v1 protein A
CV56539.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Eggerthel
la lenta DSM 2243 /1-3
c552 GCA 002159665.
1 ASM215966v1 protei
n OUO54725.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfovibrio sp. An27
6 /1-395
c552 GCA 001790865.
1 ASM179086v1 protei
n OGL55389.1 hypothe
tical protein A3G31 010
80 Candidatus Schekm
anbacteria bacterium R
L 38 15 /1-375
c552 GCA 002841785.
1 ASM284178v1 protei
n PKN16765.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
Deltaproteobacteria-3 /
c552 GCA 001553565.
1 ASM155356v1 protei
n AMD87232.1 nitrite re
ductase Actinomyces r
adicidentis /1-429
c552 GCA 001404615.
1 13414 6 12 protein C
UN82407.1 Cytochrom
e c-552 precursor Mitsu
okella jalaludinii /1-361
c552 GCA 900107275.
1 IMG-taxon 26759030
24 annotated assembly
protein SDZ67206.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Bacillus cas
einilyticus /1-361
c552 GCA 002954525.
1 ASM295452v1 protei
n PQJ59287.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Vibrio jasicida
c552 GCA 900143255.
1 IMG-taxon 25825807
30 annotated assembly
protein SHN56944.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor De
sulfovibrio litoralis DSM
11393 /1-401
c552 GCA 002084355.
1 ASM208435v1 protei
n OQX96909.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidetes
bacterium 4572 128 /1-
c552 GCA 002840495.
1 ASM284049v1 protei
n PKN28509.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
c552 GCA 000949635.
1 ASM94963v1 protein
GAN35163.1 formate-
dependent nitrite reduc
tase periplasmic cytoch
rome c552 subunit Can
didatus Brocadia sinica
JPN1 /1-414
c552 GCA 002898995.
1 ASM289899v1 protei
n GBD37245.1 Cytoch
rome c-552 bacterium
HR36 /1-412
c552 GCA 001950325.
1 ASM195032v1 protei
n GAV24392.1 cytochro
me c552 Carboxydothe
rmus islandicus /1-357
c552 GCA 000196135.
1 ASM19613v1 protein
UCTASE Wolinella suc
cinogenes /1-426
c552 GCA 000092125.
1 ASM9212v1 protein A
DH63855.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Meiotherm
us silvanus DSM 9946
c552 GCA 002983665.
1 ASM298366v1 protei
n AVL39462.1 ammoni
a-forming nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome c552 s
ubunit Providencia stua
rtii /1-379
c552 GCA 002216875.
1 ASM221687v1 protei
n ASK70513.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Shewanella bi
cestrii /1-384
c552 GCA 900119095.
1 IMG-taxon 25933391
48 annotated assembly
protein SFW27626.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Desulfovibr
io desulfuricans /5-408
c552 GCA 000961805.
1 41k protein KJS4833
3.1 cytochrome C nitrit
e reductase Peptococc
aceae bacterium BRH
c23 /1-386
c552 GCA 002842655.
1 ASM284265v1 protei
n PKP36421.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-14 /1-
c552 GCA 000156375.
1 ASM15637v1 protein
EEB33233.1 nitrite red
uctase Desulfovibrio pi
ger ATCC 29098 /1-394
c552 GCA 000714815.
1 Anditalea andensis g
enome protein KEO758
01.1 cytochrome C nitr
ite reductase Anditalea
andensis /1-430
c552 GCA 002839375.
1 ASM283937v1 protei
n PKL40570.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Spirochaetae ba
cterium HGW-Spirocha
etae-1 /1-386
c552 GCA 002266425.
1 ASM226642v1 protei
n OZV11952.1 nitrite re
ductase Tissierella sp.
P1 /1-359
c552 GCA 002155265.
1 ASM215526v1 protei
n ARS60296.1 Nitrite re
ductase periplasmic cy
tochrome c552 Coryne
bacterium pseudotuber
culosis /1-425
c552 GCA 001940785.
1 ASM194078v1 protei
n OLS35836.1 nitrite re
ductase Bacillus sp. MR
MR6 /1-352
c552 GCA 001676025.
1 ASM167602v1 protei
n OBT13250.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Vibrio sp. UCD-FR
SSP16 30 /1-412
c552 GCA 001921245.
1 ASM192124v1 protei
n OLF22851.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Aeromonas sp
. YN13HZO-058 /1-364
c552 GCA 001038345.
1 ASM103834v1 protei
n KMK40320.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Pluralibacter gergoviae
c552 GCA 900100785.
1 IMG-taxon 26759032
25 annotated assembly
protein SDI56769.1 nit
rite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Desulfosporo
sinus hippei DSM 8344
c552 GCA 002927375.
1 ASM292737v1 protei
n PPB54600.1 cytochro
me C Campylobacter h
yointestinalis subsp. hy
ointestinalis /1-473
c552 GCA 000260835.
1 ASM26083v1 protein
EID76822.1 cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase su
bunit c552 Imtechella h
alotolerans K1 /1-429
c552 GCA 002729885.
1 ASM272988v1 protei
n MBR31190.1 nitrite re
ductase Spirochaetace
ae bacterium /8-439
c552 GCA 000014885.
1 ASM1488v1 protein A
CJ27725.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Shewane
lla piezotolerans WP3 /
c552 GCA 001306035.
1 ASM130603v1 protei
n KPL88093.1 cytochro
me c-552 Levilinea sac
charolytica /1-418
c552 GCA 000183625.
2 ASM18362v1 protein
EFR40583.1 nitrite red
uctase Selenomonas s
p. oral taxon 137 str. F0
430 /1-416
c552 GCA 000832025.
1 ASM83202v1 protein
KIO36624.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Sh
ewanella sp. cp20 /1-3
c552 GCA 900089835.
1 VthalassaeCECT820
3 Velvet Prokka protein
SNX49347.1 Cytochro
me c-552 precursor Vib
rio thalassae /1-377
c552 GCA 000284095.
1 ASM28409v1 protein
BAL83828.1 putative c
ytochrome c nitrite redu
ctase c552 subunit Sel
enomonas ruminantium
subsp. lactilytica TAM6
421 /1-365
c552 GCA 001798725.
1 ASM179872v1 protei
n OGR03770.1 hypoth
etical protein A2520 03
510 Deltaproteobacteri
a bacterium RIFOXYD1
2 FULL 53 23 /1-376
c552 GCA 001583495.
1 ASM158349v1 protei
n KXX71091.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase F
lammeovirga sp. SJP9
2 /1-411
c552 GCA 001679045.
1 ASM167904v1 protei
n OBX40021.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Haemophilus hae
molyticus /1-395
c552 GCA 000725345.
1 ASM72534v1 protein
AIF53584.1 Nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Pelosinu
s sp. UFO1 /1-412
c552 GCA 000298295.
1 ASM29829v1 protein
EKB47967.1 Cytochro
me c-552 precursor Ce
cembia lonarensis LW9
c552 GCA 002163675.
1 ASM216367v1 protei
n ARV15610.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Polaribacter sp
. SA4-12 /1-429
c552 GCA 900142515.
1 IMG-taxon 26545881
74 annotated assembly
protein SHK57051.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Selenomon
as ruminantium /1-364
c552 GCA 000743525.
1 ASM74352v1 protein
KFL34894.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Su
lfurospirillum sp. SCAD
C /1-424
c552 GCA 001874305.
1 ASM187430v1 protei
n OIQ17860.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Bacteriovorax s
p. MedPE-SWde /1-411
c552 GCA 000247995.
2 ASM24799v2 protein
GAB48599.1 cytochro
me c-552 Mobilicoccus
pelagius NBRC 10492
5 /1-409
c552 GCA 900116365.
1 IMG-taxon 26196189
39 annotated assembly
protein SFS39286.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Zhouia amy
lolytica /1-425
c552 GCA 000411115.1
Capn gran ATCC 5150
2 V1 protein EPD31717
.1 hypothetical protein
HMPREF9331 00189 C
apnocytophaga granulo
sa ATCC 51502 /1-420
c552 GCA 002139935.
1 ASM213993v1 protei
n ARQ97079.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase NrfAH periplasm
ic pentaheme cytochro
me c subunit Campylob
acter lanienae NCTC 1
3004 /1-489
c552 GCA 900098745.
1 Acetnomyces glycerin
otoleransG10 protein S
HE25825.1 cytochrome
c-552/4 Actinomyces g
lycerinitolerans /1-409
c552 GCA 000427295.
1 CyQa1.0 protein EPR
68073.1 Cytochrome c
552 precursor Cycloba
cterium qasimii M12-11
B /1-429
c552 GCA 002842755.
1 ASM284275v1 protei
n PKP49826.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-1 /1-4
c552 GCA 001729985.
1 AB1 endozoicomona
s protein OED50998.1
ammonia-forming cytoc
hrome c nitrite reductas
e subunit c552 Endozo
icomonas sp. ex Bugul
a neritina AB1 /1-370
c552 GCA 900066015.
1 Cfx-K protein CUS03
143.2 Cytochrome c-55
2 Candidatus Promineo
filum breve /1-418
c552 GCA 001799995.
1 ASM179999v1 protei
n OGR95958.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Elusimicrobia bacteriu
m GWF2 62 30 /1-396
c552 GCA 000020805.
1 ASM2080v1 protein A
CG72195.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Anaeromy
xobacter sp. K /1-401
c552 GCA 002733575.
1 ASM273357v1 protei
n PHS11269.1 nitrite re
ductase Blastopirellula
sp. /1-420
c552 GCA 002973655.
1 ASM297365v1 protei
n AVK81500.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Campylobacter
fetus subsp. testudinum
c552 GCA 001795165.
1 ASM179516v1 protei
n OGO36614.1 cytochr
ome c-552 Chloroflexi
bacterium RBG 16 57 1
1 /1-416
c552 GCA 001799325.
1 ASM179932v1 protei
n OGR07034.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfobacca sp. RBG
16 58 9 /1-409
c552 GCA 000344315.
1 ASM34431v1 protein
EMG38452.1 respirato
ry nitrite reductase cyto
chrome ammonia-form
ing precursor Desulfov
ibrio africanus PCS /1-
c552 GCA 001825565.
1 ASM182556v1 protei
n OHB33950.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
bacterium GWC2 58 1
3 /1-419
c552 GCA 003026455.
1 ASM302645v1 protei
n PSW10070.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Photobacterium
rosenbergii /1-347
c552 GCA 000233715.
3 ASM23371v3 protein
AGL02367.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Desul
fotomaculum gibsoniae
DSM 7213 /1-374
c552 GCA 002874545.
1 ASM287454v1 protei
n PMG28131.1 nitrite r
eductase Shewanella s
p. 10N.286.52.C2 /1-40
c552 GCA 000826205.
1 Citrobacter pasteurii
55-13 protein CEJ6296
2.1 Cytochrome c552 p
recursor Citrobacter pa
steurii /1-409
c552 GCA 001939735.
1 ASM193973v1 protei
n OLQ77622.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Photobacterium
proteolyticum /1-346
c552 GCA 000210895.
1 ASM21089v1 protein
CBW14187.1 nitrite re
ductase formate-depen
dent cytochrome Haem
ophilus parainfluenzae
T3T1 /1-385
c552 GCA 002238335.
1 ASM223833v1 protei
n ASQ30647.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase NrfAH periplasm
ic pentaheme cytochro
me c subunit Campylob
acter avium LMG 2459
1 /1-471
c552 GCA 000020725.
1 ASM2072v1 protein A
CH39932.1 cytochrome
c nitrite and sulfite red
uctase Geobacter bem
idjiensis Bem /1-373
c552 GCA 002839805.
1 ASM283980v1 protei
n PKL87216.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Ignav
ibacteriae bacterium H
GW-Ignavibacteriae-2 /
c552 GCA 001707915.
1 ASM170791v1 protei
n ODA43785.1 Cytoch
rome c nitrite reductase
large subunit NrfA The
rmodesulfovibrio sp. N1
c552 GCA 002840905.
1 ASM284090v1 protei
n PKP12183.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-4 /1-4
c552 GCA 000507845.
1 Heli maca MIT 99-55
01 V1 protein ETD2220
7.1 hypothetical protein
HMPREF2086 01934
Helicobacter macacae
MIT 99-5501 /1-429
c552 GCA 900156785.
1 IMG-taxon 26818135
58 annotated assembly
protein SIS95420.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Be
lliella pelovolcani /1-43
c552 GCA 001687475.
1 ASM168747v1 protei
n OCC26376.1 cytochr
ome C Campylobacter
hepaticus /1-489
c552 GCA 900109885.
1 IMG-taxon 26341663
46 annotated assembly
protein SEM25743.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Syntrophus
gentianae /1-403
c552 GCA 000496755.
2 ASM49675v2 protein
KEY60258.1 cytochrom
e c-552 Serratia sp. DD
3 /1-376
c552 GCA 002884755.
1 ASM288475v1 protei
n PMC57154.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Haemophilus p
arainfluenzae /1-385
c552 GCA 900177675.
1 IMG-taxon 27168850
53 annotated assembly
protein SMQ83597.1 r
espiratory nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming precursor B
acillus sp. OV166 /1-40
c552 GCA 002779785.
1 ASM277978v1 protei
n PIU85276.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Deltaproteobac
teria bacterium CG06 l
and 8 20 14 3 00 44 19
c552 GCA 000802045.
1 ASM80204v1 protein
KJS84211.1 hypothetic
al protein JM58 11360
Peptococcaceae bacte
rium BICA1-8 /1-375
c552 GCA 001897515.
1 ASM189751v1 protei
n OJV22048.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidetes
bacterium 41-46 /1-426
c552 GCA 001735525.
1 ASM173552v1 protei
n OEG72604.1 nitrite r
eductase cytochrome a
mmonia-forming c552 s
ubunit Shewanella colw
elliana /1-388
c552 GCA 000466425.
1 ASM46642v1 protein
ERI61735.1 nitrite red
uctase Capnocytophag
a sp. oral taxon 863 str
. F0517 /1-420
c552 GCA 002696165.
1 ASM269616v1 protei
n MAO23152.1 nitrite r
eductase Phycisphaera
e bacterium /1-448
c552 GCA 900066445.
1 13470 2 62 protein S
CH72988.1 Cytochrom
e c-552 precursor uncu
ltured Bacteroides sp. /
c552 GCA 000020385.
1 ASM2038v1 protein A
CD94765.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Geobacte
r lovleyi SZ /1-383
c552 GCA 001402515.
1 ASM140251v1 protei
n KQB10223.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Vibrio metoecus /1-416
c552 GCA 900095395.
1 APW KL86DES1 v1 p
rotein SCM73099.1 Nit
rite reductase Cytochro
me ammonia-forming u
ncultured Desulfovibrio
sp. /1-397
c552 GCA 002727185.
1 Geneious protein PH
Q33884.1 nitrite reduct
ase Rhodopirellula bah
usiensis /1-448
c552 GCA 900176075.
1 IMG-taxon 25287682
23 annotated assembly
protein SMB78789.1 r
espiratory nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming precursor P
asteurella testudinis DS
M 23072 /1-421
c552 GCA 002160095.
1 ASM216009v1 protei
n OUP16500.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Parabacteroid
es distasonis /1-434
c552 GCA 900217715.
1 IMG-taxon 25965835
41 annotated assembly
protein SOC23888.1 r
espiratory nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming precursor B
acteroides sp. AR29 /1
c552 GCA 001037495.
1 Citr freu complex MG
H106 V1 protein KLV63
834.1 cytochrome c-55
2 Citrobacter sp. MGH1
06 /1-409
c552 GCA 000019525.
1 ASM1952v1 protein A
CA85265.1 formate-de
pendent cytochrome c
nitrite reductase c552 s
ubunit Shewanella woo
dyi ATCC 51908 /1-387
c552 GCA 000816265.
1 ASM81626v1 protein
AJC91021.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se NrfAH periplasmic p
entaheme cytochrome
c subunit Campylobact
er subantarcticus LMG
24374 /1-482
c552 GCA 002894165.
1 ASM289416v1 protei
n PNP96531.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Prevotella timo
nensis /1-438
c552 GCA 000191065.
1 ASM19106v1 protein
EGC20610.1 nitrite red
uctase Prevotella multi
formis DSM 16608 /1-4
c552 GCA 000185305.
1 ASM18530v1 protein
EFU68513.1 cytochrom
e c-552 Aggregatibacte
r segnis ATCC 33393 /1
c552 GCA 002257705.
1 ASM225770v1 protei
n OZC17045.1 cytochr
ome c-552 precursor S
poromusa silvacetica D
SM 10669 /1-408
c552 GCA 000477535.
1 PsaliF0493v1.0 prote
in ERK00344.1 nitrite r
eductase cytochrome a
mmonia-forming Prevo
tella salivae F0493 /1-4
c552 GCA 000272145.
2 ASM27214v2 protein
OEE74760.1 nitrite red
uctase c552 subunit Vi
brio genomosp. F6 str.
FF-238 /1-377
c552 GCA 002869275.
1 ASM286927v1 protei
n PLX31012.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Ignav
ibacteria bacterium /1-4
c552 GCA 900156405.
1 IMG-taxon 26818128
98 annotated assembly
protein SIQ81113.1 res
piratory nitrite reductas
e cytochrome ammonia
-forming precursor She
wanella morhuae /1-33
c552 GCA 002954585.
1 ASM295458v1 protei
n PQJ61574.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Vibrio chagasi
i /1-377
c552 GCA 001270965.
1 ASM127096v1 protei
n KOH46114.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
subunit c552 Sunxiuqi
nia dokdonensis /1-411
c552 GCA 900188225.
1 IMG-taxon 26227365
40 annotated assembly
protein SNS08009.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor De
sulfovibrio mexicanus /
c552 GCA 002849795.
1 ASM284979v1 protei
n AUI54571.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Prevo
tella jejuni /1-439
c552 GCA 900167165.
1 IMG-taxon 25685260
09 annotated assembly
protein SKA11324.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Carboxydoce
lla sporoproducens DS
M 16521 /1-370
c552 GCA 002302655.
1 ASM230265v1 protei
n ATA93707.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Capnocytophag
a canimorsus /1-414
c552 GCA 001553165.
1 ASM155316v1 protei
n KXB76671.1 nitrite re
ductase Porphyromona
daceae bacterium KA0
0676 /1-438
c552 GCA 900176595.
1 IMG-taxon 25065200
46 annotated assembly
protein SMD46010.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Aquiflexum
balticum DSM 16537 /1
c552 GCA 001567425.
1 ASM156742v1 protei
n KXK11852.1 nitrite re
ductase formate-depen
dent cytochrome Arma
timonadetes bacterium
OLB18 /1-420
c552 Levilinea sacchar
olytica 16555 1/1-388
c552 GCA 000435035.
1 MGS1061 protein CC
Y09067.1 cytochrome
c-552 Porphyromonas
sp. CAG 1061 /1-337
c552 GCA 002157365.
1 ASM215736v1 protei
n OUM13638.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Shewanella pu
trefaciens /1-387
c552 GCA 900111295.1
IMG-taxon 267590301
8 annotated assembly
protein SES36820.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Salipaludibac
illus aurantiacus /1-389
c552 GCA 900102435.
1 IMG-taxon 25991852
33 annotated assembly
protein SDF54348.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Sporolituus
thermophilus DSM 232
56 /1-365
c552 GCA 002159915.
1 ASM215991v1 protei
n OUO88971.1 nitrite r
eductase Gordonibacte
r sp. An230 /1-337
c552 GCA 001804025.
1 ASM180402v1 protei
n OGW77831.1 nitrite r
eductase Omnitrophica
bacterium GWA2 52 8
c552 GCA 900079715.
1 APW PRJEB13531 v
1 protein SBW02966.1
Nitrite reductase Cytoc
hrome ammonia-formin
g uncultured Desulfovib
rio sp. /1-404
c552 GCA 002747695.
1 ASM274769v1 protei
n PID68113.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Flavob
acteriia bacterium /1-43
c552 GCA 000753795.
1 ASM75379v1 protein
KFZ39204.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Sh
ewanella mangrovi /1-3
c552 GCA 000517545.
1 ASM51754v1 protein
GAE84626.1 cytochro
me c552 precursor Bac
teroides reticulotermitis
JCM 10512 /1-429
c552 GCA 001915515.
1 ASM191551v1 protei
n OKZ13914.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroides ol
eiciplenus /1-434
c552 GCA 900239345.
1 TdChD05 V1 protein
SOU86433.1 Cytochro
me c-552 Tenacibaculu
m dicentrarchi /1-411
c552 GCA 900188355.
1 IMG-taxon 26227366
08 annotated assembly
protein SNR51850.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Lutibacter fl
avus /1-408
c552 GCA 002869565.
1 ASM286956v1 protei
n PLY04361.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Arcob
acter sp. /1-425
c552 GCA 000014965.
1 ASM1496v1 protein A
BK18079.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoch
rome ammonia-forming
precursor Syntrophoba
cter fumaroxidans MPO
B /1-418
c552 GCA 000307875.
1 BABA1.0 protein EKN
65993.1 nitrite reductas
e Bacillus bataviensis L
MG 21833 /1-357
c552 GCA 002162315.
1 ASM216231v1 protei
n ARU48001.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 NrfA Sulfuro
spirillum sp. SL2-1 /1-4
c552 GCA 000258405.
1 ASM25840v1 protein
AFH48573.1 Formate-
dependent nitrite reduc
tase cytochrome c552
subunit Ignavibacterium
album JCM 16511 /1-4
c552 GCA 002839825.
1 ASM283982v1 protei
n PKL86473.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Ignav
ibacteriae bacterium H
GW-Ignavibacteriae-1 /
c552 GCA 001463265.
1 ASM146326v1 protei
n KSY28503.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Citrobacter sp. 506774
81 /1-380
c552 GCA 001680125.
1 ASM168012v1 protei
n OBY34681.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Providencia rettge
ri /1-375
c552 GCA 000183405.
1 ASM18340v1 protein
ADR18397.1 nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Calditer
rivibrio nitroreducens D
SM 19672 /1-396
c552 GCA 001804055.
1 ASM180405v1 protei
n OGW84380.1 nitrite r
eductase Omnitrophica
bacterium RIFCSPHIG
HO2 02 FULL 46 11 /1-
c552 GCA 001854185.
1 ASM185418v1 protei
n AOY77470.1 hypothe
tical protein BJL90 173
85 Clostridium formicac
eticum /1-365
c552 GCA 000349975.
1 ASM34997v1 protein
BAM31877.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase H
elicobacter cinaedi CC
UG 18818 ATCC BAA-
847 /1-467
c552 GCA 002355955.
1 ASM235595v1 protei
n BAV92554.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase large
subunit Candidatus De
sulfovibrio trichonymph
ae /1-397
c552 GCA 002747045.
1 ASM274704v1 protei
n PIE19248.1 nitrite red
uctase Proteobacteria
bacterium /1-441
c552 GCA 002984195.
1 ASM298419v1 protei
n AVL72306.1 ammoni
a-forming nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome c552 s
ubunit Providencia rettg
eri /1-375
c552 GCA 000015045.
1 ASM1504v1 protein A
BL01296.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoch
rome ammonia-forming
precursor plasmid Pelo
bacter propionicus DSM
2379 /1-392
c552 GCA 002212765.
2 ASM221276v2 protei
n PSM32418.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Haliangium sp
. UPWRP 2 /1-408
c552 GCA 900156095.
1 IMG-taxon 27087424
13 annotated assembly
protein SIQ13406.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Ae
romonas sp. RU39B /1
c552 GCA 000765695.
1 ASM76569v1 protein
KGL12010.1 cytochrom
e C Helicobacter sp. M
IT 11-5569 /1-479
c552 GCA 900079725.
1 APW PRJEB13527 v
1 protein SBW02872.1
nitrite reductase forma
te-dependent cytochrom
e uncultured Dysgonom
onas sp. /1-422
c552 GCA 002007065.
1 ASM200706v1 protei
n OON53711.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Flavobacterium
sp. KBS0721 /3-441
c552 GCA 001998725.
1 ASM199872v1 protei
n OOF80264.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Rodentibacter
heylii /1-395
c552 GCA 000023845.
1 ASM2384v1 protein A
CU95018.1 formate-de
pendent nitrite reductas
e periplasmic cytochrom
e c552 subunit Cryptob
acterium curtum DSM 1
5641 /1-360
c552 GCA 002702655.
1 ASM270265v1 protei
n MAT71740.1 nitrite re
ductase Planctomyceta
ceae bacterium /1-423
c552 GCA 000163695.
1 ASM16369v1 protein
EFI15848.1 nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Bacteroid
etes oral taxon 274 str.
F0058 /1-434
c552 GCA 002154335.
2 ASM215433v2 protei
n PHP53113.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Actinomyces s
p. CtC 72 /1-409
c552 GCA 900141875.
1 IMG-taxon 27009886
94 annotated assembly
protein SHJ39862.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Tangfeifania
diversioriginum /4-440
c552 GCA 000210055.
1 ASM21005v1 protein
CBL03648.1 Formate-
dependent nitrite reduc
tase periplasmic cytoch
rome c552 subunit Gor
donibacter pamelaeae
7-10-1-b /1-345
c552 GCA 000762845.
1 ASM76284v1 protein
KGI54513.1 cytochrom
e C Helicobacter japon
icus /1-471
c552 GCA 900099635.
1 IMG-taxon 26759031
37 annotated assembly
protein SDI54301.1 nit
rite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Proteiniclasti
cum ruminis /1-353
c552 GCA 900111465.1
IMG-taxon 267590369
9 annotated assembly
protein SES61758.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Ca
mpylobacter lari subsp
. lari /1-487
c552 GCA 000820505.
1 ASM82050v1 protein
KIH78095.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase G
eoalkalibacter ferrihydr
iticus DSM 17813 /1-38
c552 GCA 000287615.
1 HsputHK2154v1.0 pr
otein EJP29727.1 form
ate-dependent cytochro
me c nitrite reductase c
552 subunit Haemophi
lus sputorum HK 2154
c552 GCA 001799365.
1 ASM179936v1 protei
n OGR17996.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfobacterales bac
terium GWB2 56 26 /1-
c552 GCA 000307855.
1 BAZO1.0 protein EKN
68642.1 nitrite reductas
e Bacillus azotoforman
s LMG 9581 /1-360
c552 GCA 001552935.
1 ASM155293v1 protei
n KXB53914.1 hypothe
tical protein HMPREF3
190 00339 Coriobacter
iales bacterium DNF00
809 /1-336
c552 GCA 002287135.
1 ASM228713v1 protei
n PAU99684.1 cytochro
me C Helicobacter sp.
TUL /1-472
c552 GCA 000318195.
2 ASM31819v2 protein
EKY00519.1 nitrite red
uctase Prevotella sacc
harolytica F0055 /1-436
c552 GCA 001950255.
1 ASM195025v1 protei
n GAV23977.1 hypothe
tical protein cpu 24870
Carboxydothermus pe
rtinax /1-370
c552 GCA 000468495.
1 ASM46849v1 protein
AGW13355.1 putative
Nitrite reductase Desu
lfovibrio gigas DSM 13
82 ATCC 19364 /1-408
c552 GCA 000695685.
1 Soap denovo 2.01 pr
otein KDN30261.1 cyto
chrome C nitrite reduct
ase Vibrio fortis /1-377
c552 GCA 001761405.
1 ASM176140v1 protei
n AOV96061.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Edwardsiella hos
hinae /1-373
c552 GCA 002083205.
2 ASM208320v2 protei
n PNM03908.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Past
eurella multocida /1-38
c552 GCA 002263255.
1 ASM226325v1 protei
n OZN28207.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Gallibacterium
anatis /1-414
c552 GCA 002840685.
1 ASM284068v1 protei
n PKN91713.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Chloroflexi bac
terium HGW-Chloroflex
i-6 /1-411
c552 GCA 002335525.
1 ASM233552v1 protei
n GAX90857.1 nitrite re
ductase Effusibacillus l
acus /1-369
c552 GCA 900167355.
1 IMG-taxon 25854280
82 annotated assembly
protein SJZ49973.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Porphyromon
as cangingivalis /1-434
c552 GCA 000160555.
1 ASM16055v1 protein
EFF65766.1 nitrite red
uctase Selenomonas n
oxia ATCC 43541 /1-37
c552 GCA 002921135.
1 ASM292113v1 protei
n POY43848.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Avibacterium g
allinarum /1-406
c552 GCA 900129225.
1 IMG-taxon 25825812
61 annotated assembly
protein SHF20863.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Sc
hwartzia succinivorans
DSM 10502 /1-407
c552 GCA 001769695.
1 ASM176969v1 protei
n OFY72438.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidetes
bacterium RIFOXYA12
FULL 33 9 /1-432
c552 GCA 001915345.
1 ASM191534v1 protei
n OKZ00637.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidales
bacterium 43 36 /1-398
c552 GCA 001751115.2
ASM175111v2 protein
OEU48994.1 cytochrom
e c-552 Desulfuromona
dales bacterium C0000
3096 /1-415
c552 GCA 002005305.
1 ASM200530v1 protei
n AQS40324.1 respirat
ory nitrite reductase cy
tochrome Shewanella p
sychrophila /1-398
c552 GCA 000325705.
1 ASM32570v1 protein
AGA77150.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Echin
icola vietnamensis DSM
17526 /1-429
c552 GCA 000279145.
1 ASM27914v1 protein
AFN74337.1 cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase ca
talytic subunit NrfA Mel
ioribacter roseus P3M-
2 /1-415
c552 GCA 000961765.
1 41k protein KJS2139
0.1 hypothetical protein
VR72 10815 Clostridia
ceae bacterium BRH c
20a /1-407
c552 GCA 000013385.
1 ASM1338v1 protein A
BC80685.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoc
hrome ammonia-formin
g precursor Anaeromyx
obacter dehalogenans
2CP-C /1-401
c552 GCA 001038205.
1 ASM103820v1 protei
n KMK51414.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Actinobacillus muris /1
c552 GCA 900113305.
1 IMG-taxon 26518703
60 annotated assembly
protein SFG25418.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Prevotella s
p. KH2C16 /1-439
c552 GCA 002591785.
1 ASM259178v1 protei
n PHI28343.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Budvic
ia aquatica /2-420
c552 GCA 000234135.
1 Sele noxi F0398 V1 p
rotein EHG25038.1 nitr
ite reductase Selenomo
nas noxia F0398 /1-370
c552 GCA 001746835.
1 ASM174683v1 protei
n AOS43311.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor L
acunisphaera limnophi
la /2-437
c552 GCA 000969845.
1 Para sp HGS0025 V1
protein KKB48999.1 c
ytochrome c-552 Parab
acteroides sp. HGS002
5 /1-434
c552 GCA 001999335.
1 ASM199933v1 protei
n OOF66988.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pasteurellacea
e bacterium Ppn85 /1-3
c552 GCA 000507865.
1 Heli cani NCTC 1274
0 V1 protein ETD26544
.1 hypothetical protein
HMPREF2087 00926 H
elicobacter canis NCTC
12740 /1-469
c552 GCA 000498695.
1 AUBTEML1 protein E
SU30961.1 nitrite redu
ctase Bacillus sp. 1737
6 /1-394
c552 GCA 900116485.
1 IMG-taxon 25956982
42 annotated assembly
protein SFT60705.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Selenomona
s ruminantium /1-404
c552 GCA 000214705.
1 ASM21470v1 protein
AEG16276.1 Nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming Desulfo
tomaculum kuznetsovii
DSM 6115 /1-388
c552 GCA 000023645.
1 ASM2364v1 protein A
CT17356.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Geobacte
r sp. M21 /1-373
c552 GCA 002272205.
1 assembly-7504-2 v1
protein PAE18989.1 nit
rite reductase Bacillus
sp. 7504-2 /1-375
c552 GCA 900104055.
1 IMG-taxon 26236205
17 annotated assembly
protein SDP28521.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Selenomon
as ruminantium /1-410
c552 GCA 001632745.
1 ASM163274v1 protei
n KZS40649.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase A
quimarina aggregata /1
c552 GCA 001610835.
1 ASM161083v1 protei
n AMV18317.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor P
lanctomyces sp. SH-PL
14 /1-428
c552 GCA 001753675.
2 ASM175367v2 protei
n OQD45444.1 nitrite r
eductase Candidatus B
rocadia sapporoensis /
c552 GCA 002837275.
1 ASM283727v1 protei
n PKI82043.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Arcoba
cter halophilus /1-415
c552 GCA 002860165.
1 ASM286016v1 protei
n PLR79462.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacillus sp. V3
-13 /1-402
c552 GCA 000027085.
1 ASM2708v1 protein C
BG90172.1 cytochrome
c552 Citrobacter roden
tium ICC168 /1-409
c552 GCA 000012885.
1 ASM1288v1 protein A
BA90101.1 cytochrome
c nitrite and sulfite red
uctase catalytic subuni
t Pelobacter carbinolicu
s DSM 2380 /1-419
c552 GCA 002840945.
1 ASM284094v1 protei
n PKP19544.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-20 /1-
c552 GCA 002265265.
1 ASM226526v1 protei
n OZS45194.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Photobacterium
sanguinicancri /1-346
c552 GCA 000949285.
1 ASM94928v1 protein
KJF26890.1 hypotheti
cal protein TZ02 11190
Clostridium aceticum /
c552 GCA 000367505.
1 ASM36750v1 protein
GAC89765.1 hypothet
ical protein KN10 0201
Anoxybacillus flavither
mus NBRC 109594 /1-
c552 GCA 001443605.
1 ASM144360v1 protei
n ALO14423.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor S
alinivirga cyanobacterii
vorans /1-429
c552 GCA 000023885.
1 ASM2388v1 protein A
CV21866.1 formate-de
pendent nitrite reductas
e periplasmic cytochrom
e c552 subunit Slackia
heliotrinireducens DSM
20476 /1-391
c552 GCA 002868855.
1 ASM286885v1 protei
n PLX55690.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Chrom
atiales bacterium /1-33
c552 GCA 002883135.
1 ASM288313v1 protei
n PMU06532.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Aeromonas sa
lmonicida /1-366
c552 GCA 000808535.
1 ASM80853v1 protein
KHT45993.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Vi
brio sinaloensis /1-377
c552 GCA 002708315.
1 ASM270831v1 protei
n MAZ93297.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Lent
imicrobiaceae bacteriu
m /1-437
c552 GCA 002877365.
1 ASM287736v1 protei
n PMJ91425.1 nitrite re
ductase Vibrio sp. 10N
.261.55.A7 /1-377
c552 GCA 000177215.
2 ASM17721v2 protein
EHJ47914.1 Nitrite red
uctase Desulfovibrio sp
. FW1012B /1-414
c552 GCA 001800075.
1 ASM180007v1 protei
n OGR93575.1 nitrite r
eductase Elusimicrobia
bacterium RIFCSPLOW
O2 01 FULL 59 12 /1-4
c552 GCA 000509365.
1 ASM50936v1 protein
GAD19739.1 cytochro
me c552 precursor Hel
icobacter fennelliae MR
Y12-0050 /1-482
c552 JP3 Bin7 1/4-435
c552 GCA 001685025.
1 ASM168502v1 protei
n OCA91437.1 nitrite re
ductase Bacillus sp. FJ
AT-27225 /1-403
c552 GCA 002920915.
1 ASM292091v1 protei
n POY34885.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Solit
alea sp. HR-AV /1-433
c552 GCA 002954705.
1 ASM295470v1 protei
n PQJ89445.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Aliivibrio sifiae
c552 GCA 000603765.
1 ASM60376v1 protein
EYI65494.1 cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase su
bunit c552 Salmonella
enterica subsp. enteric
a serovar Heidelberg s
tr. N20134 /1-414
c552 GCA 001802615.
1 ASM180261v1 protei
n OGT98289.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Geobacteraceae bacte
rium GWC2 48 7 /1-38
c552 GCA 001799405.
1 ASM179940v1 protei
n OGR14001.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfobacula sp. GW
F2 41 7 /1-383
c552 GCA 900114115.1
IMG-taxon 262273659
0 annotated assembly
protein SFJ27515.1 res
piratory nitrite reductas
e cytochrome ammonia
-forming precursor Des
ulfomicrobium apshero
num /2-426
c552 GCA 900143695.
1 IMG-taxon 25825812
62 annotated assembly
protein SHO48433.1 r
espiratory nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming precursor D
esulfopila aestuarii DSM
18488 /1-382
c552 GCA 001541255.
1 ASM154125v1 protei
n KWT82654.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Nitrospirae bacterium
HCH-1 /1-391
c552 GCA 002840895.
1 ASM284089v1 protei
n PKO99504.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-8 /1-4
c552 GCA 002840975.
1 ASM284097v1 protei
n PKP33567.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-16 /1-
c552 GCA 001784175.
1 ASM178417v1 protei
n OGH61104.1 nitrite re
ductase Candidatus Lin
dowbacteria bacterium
LL 62 27 /1-415
c552 GCA 002731545.
1 ASM273154v1 protei
n MBV08292.1 nitrite re
ductase Rubinisphaera
sp. /1-424
c552 GCA 000495595.
1 berrySRB1 protein E
SQ12891.1 hypothetica
l protein N839 01740 u
ncultured Desulfofustis
sp. PB-SRB1 /1-378
c552 GCA 000318275.
2 ASM31827v2 protein
EKY10073.1 nitrite red
uctase Capnocytophag
a sp. oral taxon 332 str
. F0381 /1-417
c552 GCA 002156885.
1 ASM215688v1 protei
n OUL61161.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Flavobacterium
sp. AJR /1-430
c552 GCA 000271485.
2 Pelosinus fermentans
DSM 17108 v1.1 prote
in OAM94857.1 Nitrite
reductase cytochrome
ammonia-forming Pelo
sinus fermentans DSM
17108 /1-403
c552 GCA 000496695.
1 ASM49669v1 protein
GAD88631.1 cytochro
me c-552 Vibrio haliotic
oli NBRC 102217 /1-41
c552 GCA 001306055.
1 ASM130605v1 protei
n KPL75251.1 cytochro
me c-552 Bellilinea cal
difistulae /1-416
c552 GCA 001802975.
1 ASM180297v1 protei
n OGU93015.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Ignavibacteria
bacterium RIFOXYA2
FULL 35 10 /1-416
c552 GCA 000772535.
1 ASM77253v1 protein
KGQ69974.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Chelonobacter oris /1-4
c552 Caldilinea aeroph
ila2 1/1-414
c552 GCA 000754805.
1 YFB protein KGA436
77.1 cytochrome c-552
Yersinia frederiksenii A
TCC 33641 /1-379
c552 GCA 002902865.
1 ASM290286v1 protei
n AUT44182.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Aeromonas sp
. ASNIH5 /1-374
c552 GCA 001799715.
1 ASM179971v1 protei
n OGR62307.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Elusimicrobia bacteriu
m GWB2 63 16 /1-411
c552 GCA 002000125.
1 ASM200012v1 protei
n OOF37254.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pasteurellacea
e bacterium Ac69 /1-39
c552 GCA 002302495.
1 ASM230249v1 protei
n ATA70889.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Capnocytophag
a sputigena /1-416
c552 GCA 002704825.
1 ASM270482v1 protei
n MAX23538.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Phycisphaerac
eae bacterium /1-419
c552 GCA 001999965.
1 ASM199996v1 protei
n AQQ70244.1 Cytoch
rome c-552 precursor P
hycisphaerae bacterium
SM-Chi-D1 /1-425
c552 GCA 001596315.
1 ANH9776v1.0 protein
KYK94580.1 cysteine
hydrolase Aggregatibac
ter actinomycetemcom
itans serotype e str. AN
H9776 /1-385
c552 GCA 900188245.
1 IMG-taxon 27067949
19 annotated assembly
protein SNS17717.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Belliella bur
yatensis /1-433
c552 GCA 001802125.
1 ASM180212v1 protei
n OGU02519.1 cytochr
ome C Geobacteracea
e bacterium GWC2 55
20 /1-370
c552 GCA 001682195.
1 ASM168219v1 protei
n ANQ52678.1 Nitrite r
eductase formate-depe
ndent cytochrome Flam
meovirga sp. MY04 /1-
c552 GCA 000313615.
1 Velvet assembly of C
ampylobacter showae
CSUNSWCD protein E
KU11126.1 Cytochrome
c552 precursor Campy
lobacter showae CSUN
SWCD /1-487
c552 GCA 900109925.
1 IMG-taxon 26518701
16 annotated assembly
protein SEM39941.1 r
espiratory nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming precursor B
acillus persicus /1-390
c552 GCA 001796965.
1 ASM179696v1 protei
n OGO46627.1 cytochr
ome c-552 Chloroflexi
bacterium RBG 16 64 4
3 /1-401
c552 GCA 001691055.
1 ASM169105v1 protei
n OCH17693.1 nitrite r
eductase cytochrome a
mmonia-forming c552 s
ubunit Aliivibrio logei /1
c552 GCA 000162935.
1 ASM16293v1 protein
EEX19445.1 nitrite red
uctase Prevotella veror
alis F0319 /1-439
c552 GCA 002049835.
1 ASM204983v1 protei
n OPX29761.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Candidatus Cl
oacimonas sp. 4484 14
3 /1-412
c552 GCA 002741945.
1 ASM274194v1 protei
n PIA77703.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Gaetbulibacter
sp. 4G1 /1-429
c552 GCA 001723605.
1 ASM172360v1 protei
n AOO64687.1 cytochr
ome c552 NrfA Sulfuro
spirillum halorespirans
DSM 13726 /1-424
c552 GCA 001735705.
1 ASM173570v1 protei
n AOR18049.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Escherichia coli /1
c552 GCA 001814855.
1 ASM181485v1 protei
n OFP28951.1 cytochr
ome c nitrite reductase
Prevotella sp. HMSC0
69G02 /1-439
c552 GCA 002999135.
1 ASM299913v1 protei
n AVM50679.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Cap
nocytophaga sp. oral ta
xon 878 /1-416
c552 GCA 001769475.
1 ASM176947v1 protei
n OFY98203.1 hypothe
tical protein A2Z97 104
15 Bdellovibrionales ba
cterium GWB1 52 6 /1-
c552 GCA 002139895.
1 ASM213989v1 protei
n ARR01592.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase NrfAH periplasm
ic pentaheme cytochro
me c subunit Campylob
acter sp. RM8964 /1-48
c552 GCA 002783505.
1 ASM278350v1 protei
n PIW59749.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Shewanella sp.
CG12 big fil rev 8 21 1
4 0 65 47 15 /1-387
c552 GCA 001898165.
1 ASM189816v1 protei
n OJV35802.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidia ba
cterium 43-41 /1-424
c552 GCA 001887095.
2 ASM188709v2 protei
n OUS50636.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Shewanella sp
. SACH /1-342
c552 GCA 002254325.
1 ASM225432v1 protei
n OYT23805.1 nitrite re
ductase Nitrospira sp. U
W-LDO-02 /1-404
c552 GCA 000243015.
1 Prev macu OT 289 V
1 protein EHO67908.1
hypothetical protein HM
PREF9944 02033 Prev
otella maculosa OT 289
c552 GCA 002732765.
1 ASM273276v1 protei
n PHQ76884.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Shewanella sp
. /1-346
c552 GCA 000014725.
1 ASM1472v1 protein A
BI68824.1 respiratory n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome ammonia-forming
precursor Syntrophom
onas wolfei subsp. wol
fei str. Goettingen G311
c552 GCA 002021755.
1 ASM202175v1 protei
n AQW59222.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Vibrio owensii
c552 GCA 900107935.
1 IMG-taxon 26172709
06 annotated assembly
protein SEG23548.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Vibrio hang
zhouensis /1-377
c552 GCA 000179295.
1 ASM17929v1 protein
EFL81100.1 cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase Ac
tinobacillus pleuropneu
moniae serovar 6 str. F
emo /1-414
c552 GCA 001458295.
1 Ruegeria sp. CECT5
091 Spades Prokka pro
tein CUJ83203.1 Cytoc
hrome c-552 precursor
Ruegeria sp. CECT 50
91 /1-422
c552 GCA 000012925.
1 ASM1292v1 protein A
BB30539.1 cytochrome
c nitrite and sulfite red
uctase catalytic subuni
t lipoprotein Geobacter
metallireducens GS-15
c552 GCA 900104215.
1 IMG-taxon 25965836
01 annotated assembly
protein SDB45809.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Desulfonatr
onum thiosulfatophilum
c552 GCA 001897505.
1 ASM189750v1 protei
n OJV31922.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidales
bacterium 36-12 /1-422
c552 GCA 000307955.
1 ASM30795v1 protein
EKO40306.1 formate-
dependent nitrite reduc
tase periplasmic cytoch
rome c552 subunit Des
ulfovibrio magneticus s
tr. Maddingley MBC34
c552 GCA 001799735.
1 ASM179973v1 protei
n OGR63233.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Elusimicrobia bacteriu
m GWB2 63 22 /1-406
c552 Ca. Chlorolinea p
OHK40 1/5-443
c552 GCA 000091985.
1 ASM9198v1 protein C
BG40141.1 putative pe
riplasmic cytochrome C
nitrite reductase Helico
bacter mustelae 12198
c552 GCA 001644415.
1 ASM164441v1 protei
n OAI53275.1 nitrite re
ductase Planctomyceta
ceae bacterium SCGC
AG-212-F19 /1-409
c552 GCA 900142855.
1 IMG-taxon 26236210
19 annotated assembly
protein SHM14394.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Prevotella r
uminicola /1-453
c552 GCA 900233005.
1 Vibrio tapetis CECT4
600 protein SON48314
.1 nitrite reductase form
ate-dependent cytochro
me Vibrio tapetis subsp
. tapetis /1-377
c552 GCA 000270285.
1 ASM27028v1 protein
BAK43448.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se Eggerthella sp. YY7
918 /1-340
c552 GCA 000170855.
1 ASM17085v1 protein
EDM65449.1 cytochro
me c552 Moritella sp. P
E36 /1-346
c552 GCA 000816345.
1 ASM81634v1 protein
AJC94303.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se NrfAH periplasmic p
entaheme cytochrome
c subunit Campylobact
er volucris LMG 24379
c552 GCA 000520015.
2 ASM52001v2 protein
AHG18392.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Chania multitudinisente
ns RB-25 /1-375
c552 CP2 20G 1/1-398
c552 GCA 001399455.
2 ASM139945v2 protei
n OAJ92927.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase V
ibrio bivalvicida /1-377
c552 Promineofilum br
eve CfxK 1/1-392
c552 GCA 002877875.
1 ASM287787v1 protei
n PMP62664.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Caldimicrobium
thiodismutans /1-419
c552 GCA 000175195.
1 ASM17519v1 protein
EER47371.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase A
ctinobacillus minor NM
305 /1-400
c552 GCA 002893765.
1 ASM289376v1 protei
n AUS06167.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Tam
lana sp. UJ94 /1-429
c552 GCA 000210075.
1 ASM21007v1 protein
CBK69276.1 respirato
ry nitrite reductase cyto
chrome ammonia-form
ing precursor Bacteroid
es xylanisolvens XB1A
c552 GCA 000816365.
1 ASM81636v1 protein
AJD02071.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se NrfAH periplasmic p
entaheme cytochrome
c subunit Campylobact
er lari NCTC 11845 /1-4
c552 GCA 002209445.
1 ASM220944v1 protei
n ASF42337.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Capnocytophag
a sp. ChDC OS43 /1-4
c552 GCA 002810405.
1 ASM281040v1 protei
n PJX21746.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Psychroflexus s
p. S27 /1-434
c552 GCA 000775715.
1 ASM77571v1 protein
KGY13849.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Vibrio tubiashii /1-377
c552 GCA 900102485.
1 IMG-taxon 26518703
16 annotated assembly
protein SDF83542.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor De
sulfovibrio legallii /1-38
c552 GCA 002967765.
1 ASM296776v1 protei
n PQO30462.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Blastopirellula
marina /1-438
c552 GCA 002356435.
2 ASM235643v2 protei
n BBD45125.1 cytochr
ome c552 Petrimonas
sp. IBARAKI /1-424
c552 GCA 002015075.
1 ASM201507v1 protei
n OOS01503.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Haemophilus h
aemoglobinophilus /1-3
c552 GCA 000248015.
2 ASM24801v2 protein
GAB51916.1 cytochro
me c-552 Atlantibacter
hermannii NBRC 1057
04 /1-380
c552 GCA 002002485.
1 ASM200248v1 protei
n OOH92448.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pasteurellacea
e bacterium 15-036681
c552 GCA 000015245.
1 ASM1524v1 protein A
BL98856.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoch
rome ammonia-forming
precursor Shewanella
amazonensis SB2B /1-
c552 GCA 002988715.
1 ASM298871v1 protei
n PRK79587.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor H
aemophilus influenzae
c552 GCA 000242895.
3 ASM24289v3 protein
AGK55277.1 nitrite red
uctase Bacillus sp. 1NL
A3E /1-389
c552 GCA 000067165.
1 ASM6716v1 protein C
AN91595.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Sorangium
cellulosum So ce56 /1
c552 GCA 000219125.
2 ASM21912v1 protein
EGO62737.1 cytochro
me c552 Acetonema lo
ngum DSM 6540 /1-37
c552 GCA 001444445.
1 ASM144444v1 protei
n ALO48664.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Prevotella enoeca /1-4
c552 GCA 001274805.
1 ASM127480v1 protei
n KOO03893.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Vibrio nereis /1-411
c552 GCA 900100175.
1 IMG-taxon 26341663
24 annotated assembly
protein SDJ60039.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Fe
rrimonas sediminum /1
c552 GCA 000413315.
1 Prop sp oral taxon 19
2 F0372 V1 protein EP
H03454.1 hypothetical
protein HMPREF1531
01515 Propionibacteriu
m sp. oral taxon 192 st
r. F0372 /1-410
c552 GCA 001797785.
1 ASM179778v1 protei
n OGP69108.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Deltaproteobacteria ba
cterium RBG 13 60 28
c552 GCA 000025905.
1 ASM2590v1 protein A
DE55925.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Coralioma
rgarita akajimensis DS
M 45221 /1-437
c552 GCA 002272895.
1 ASM227289v1 protei
n PAF49239.1 cytochro
me C Helicobacter sp.
12S02232-10 /1-490
c552 GCA 002841915.
1 ASM284191v1 protei
n PKN49411.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
c552 GCA 002723475.
1 ASM272347v1 protei
n PHO13555.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Arco
bacter marinus /1-415
c552 GCA 000017585.
1 ASM1758v1 protein A
BS51877.1 nitrite reduc
tase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming Campyloba
cter hominis ATCC BAA
-381 /1-487
c552 GCA 002733945.
1 ASM273394v1 protei
n PHR16207.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Sulfu
rimonas sp. /1-422
c552 GCA 002083885.
1 ASM208388v1 protei
n OQW96852.1 hypoth
etical protein BWK77 0
3440 Verrucomicrobia
bacterium A1 /1-341
c552 GCA 900129285.
1 IMG-taxon 25825807
49 annotated assembly
protein SHE42030.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor De
sulfotomaculum austra
licum DSM 11792 /1-38
c552 GCA 000447795.
1 CLC Hybrid Filtered p
rotein EQC47449.1 nitr
ite reductase cytochrom
e c552 ammonia-formin
g Bacteriovorax sp. Se
q25 V /1-415
c552 GCA 001971785.
1 ASM197178v1 protei
n APY09904.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Seonamhaeico
la sp. S2-3 /1-429
c552 GCA 001262015.
1 ASM126201v1 protei
n AKU68757.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Prevotella fusca JCM 1
7724 /1-439
c552 GCA 002843315.
1 ASM284331v1 protei
n PKQ65579.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Labilibaculum
filiforme /1-382
c552 GCA 900142375.
1 IMG-taxon 25854281
89 annotated assembly
protein SHK25301.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor De
sulfotomaculum aerona
uticum DSM 10349 /1-3
c552 GCA 000185705.
2 Bilo wads 3 1 6 V2 pr
otein EFV45402.1 cyto
chrome c-552 Bilophila
wadsworthia 3 1 6 /1-4
c552 GCA 002076915.
1 ASM207691v1 protei
n ARD42707.1 nitrite re
ductase Actinomyces g
aoshouyii /1-424
c552 GCA 002401385.
1 ASM240138v1 protei
n PCI34788.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Flavob
acteriaceae bacterium
c552 GCA 001804865.
1 ASM180486v1 protei
n OGV44429.1 hypothe
tical protein A2X46 059
65 Lentisphaerae bacte
rium GWF2 57 35 /1-42
c552 GCA 002839795.
1 ASM283979v1 protei
n PKL83929.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Ignav
ibacteriae bacterium H
GW-Ignavibacteriae-3 /
c552 GCA 002873615.
1 ASM287361v1 protei
n PMG76485.1 nitrite r
eductase Shewanella s
p. 10N.286.51.B7 /1-40
c552 GCA 900111765.1
IMG-taxon 269342988
6 annotated assembly
protein SET64909.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor M
yxococcus fulvus /1-41
c552 GCA 900176355.
1 IMG-taxon 26227365
29 annotated assembly
protein SMC93414.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Sporomusa
malonica /1-408
c552 GCA 000022265.
1 ASM2226v1 protein A
CM21454.1 cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase 8 h
eme-binding sites Geo
bacter daltonii FRC-32
c552 GCA 000803315.
1 ASM80331v1 protein
KHN92350.1 formate-
dependent cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Pec
tobacterium carotovoru
m subsp. actinidiae /1-
c552 GCA 002220795.
1 ASM222079v1 protei
n ASM35720.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase NrfAH periplasm
ic pentaheme cytochro
me c subunit Campylob
acter sputorum bv. spu
torum RM3237 /1-468
c552 GCA 002880615.
1 ASM288061v1 protei
n AUO67117.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Citrobacter fre
undii complex sp. CFN
IH2 /1-410
c552 GCA 900111575.1
IMG-taxon 260204203
2 annotated assembly
protein SES83086.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor An
aerobranca gottschalki
i DSM 13577 /1-354
c552 GCA 000162875.
1 ASM16287v1 protein
EEZ60517.1 putative n
itrite reductase Slackia
exigua ATCC 700122 /
c552 GCA 001592755.
1 ASM159275v1 protei
n KYG69886.1 nitrite re
ductase Bdellovibrio ba
cteriovorus /1-426
c552 GCA 001805085.
1 ASM180508v1 protei
n OGW45057.1 hypoth
etical protein A2078 10
520 Nitrospirae bacteri
um GWC2 57 9 /1-378
c552 GCA 002591855.
1 ASM259185v1 protei
n PHI39489.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Actinobacillus s
uccinogenes /1-377
c552 GCA 000830475.
1 ASM83047v1 protein
GAM75049.1 cytochro
me c552 precursor Vib
rio ishigakensis /1-411
c552 GCA 002167455.
1 ASM216745v1 protei
n OUT62391.1 nitrite re
ductase Rhodopirellula
sp. TMED11 /1-442
c552 GCA 000961035.
1 ASM96103v1 protein
AJY69393.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase G
eobacter sulfurreducen
s /1-393
c552 GCA 000015585.
1 ASM1558v1 protein A
BM62141.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoc
hrome ammonia-formin
g precursor Halorhodos
pira halophila SL1 /5-4
c552 GCA 001147045.
1 4821 5 5 protein CNH
90937.1 cytochrome c5
52 Yersinia frederiksen
ii /1-346
c552 GCA 001914735.
1 ASM191473v1 protei
n OLB32788.1 nitrite re
ductase Acidobacteria
bacterium 13 2 20CM 5
8 27 /1-404
c552 GCA 000292955.
1 SspCM52v1.0 protein
EJU30826.1 nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Selenom
onas sp. CM52 /1-418
c552 GCA 002215585.
1 ASM221558v1 protei
n ASJ97842.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Shewanella ma
risflavi /1-376
c552 GCA 000162575.
1 ASM16257v1 protein
EES89879.1 nitrite red
uctase Helicobacter ca
nadensis MIT 98-5491
c552 GCA 002903825.
1 ASM290382v1 protei
n POC59538.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Vibrio vulnificus /1
c552 GCA 002988135.
1 ASM298813v1 protei
n PRK46642.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor H
aemophilus influenzae
c552 GCA 002272875.
1 ASM227287v1 protei
n PAF44650.1 cytochro
me C Helicobacter sp.
11S02629-2 /1-465
c552 GCA 002272245.
1 assembly-7884-1 v1
protein PAE36480.1 nit
rite reductase Bacillus
sp. 7884-1 /1-381
c552 GCA 001553265.
1 ASM155326v1 protei
n KXB85990.1 nitrite re
ductase Prevotella sp.
DNF00663 /1-439
c552 GCA 900119795.
protein SFZ82691.1 C
ytochrome c-552 Tenac
ibaculum maritimum /1
c552 GCA 001799895.
1 ASM179989v1 protei
n OGR73465.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Elusimicrobia bacteriu
m GWD2 63 28 /1-400
c552 GCA 000265405.
1 ASM26540v1 protein
AFL85155.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Bellie
lla baltica DSM 15883
c552 GCA 002871945.
1 ASM287194v1 protei
n PMC84865.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Actinomyces h
ominis /1-408
c552 GCA 000478805.
1 PacidF0233v2.0 prot
ein ERK54262.1 nitrite
reductase cytochrome
ammonia-forming Prop
ionibacterium acidifacie
ns F0233 /1-427
c552 GCA 002109985.
1 ASM210998v1 protei
n OSL94529.1 nitrite re
ductase Escherichia co
li E1118 /1-375
c552 GCA 001976145.
1 ASM197614v1 protei
n OMQ27366.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Serratia oryza
e /1-375
c552 GCA 002746185.
1 ASM274618v1 protei
n PCJ64207.1 nitrite re
ductase Candidatus Hy
drogenedentes bacteriu
m /1-427
c552 Thermoflexus hug
enholtzii 1/1-388
c552 GCA 000191765.
2 ASM19176v1 protein
EGC85198.1 nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Prevote
lla denticola CRIS 18C
-A /1-439
c552 GCA 000163995.
1 ASM16399v1 protein
EFC32240.1 cytochrom
e c552 Campylobacter
jejuni subsp. jejuni 414
c552 GCA 000317895.
1 ASM31789v1 protein
AFY02443.1 nitrite red
uctase periplasmic cyto
chrome c552 Bdellovib
rio bacteriovorus str. Ti
berius /1-428
c552 GCA 000568815.
1 ASM56881v1 protein
AHJ12157.1 cytochrom
e c552 NrfA Sulfurospir
illum multivorans DSM
12446 /1-424
c552 GCA 000603525.
1 ASM60352v1 protein
EYI02206.1 cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase su
bunit c552 Salmonella
enterica subsp. enteric
a serovar Heidelberg s
tr. N4630 /1-410
c552 GCA 001717585.
1 ASM171758v1 protei
n AOH48285.1 nitrite re
ductase Selenomonas
sp. oral taxon 920 /1-37
c552 GCA 001898935.
1 ASM189893v1 protei
n OJX88579.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Paludibacter s
p. 47-17 /1-427
c552 GCA 002383965.
1 ASM238396v1 protei
n PCH22782.1 cytochr
ome C Campylobacter
sp. 110 /1-448
c552 GCA 000783775.
2 ASM78377v2 protein
AUU24226.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Aeromonas cav
iae /1-393
c552 GCA 000163055.
2 ASM16305v2 protein
EFC71240.1 hypothet
ical protein HMPREF06
69 00945 plasmid Prev
otella sp. oral taxon 29
9 str. F0039 /1-439
c552 GCA 001805325.
1 ASM180532v1 protei
n OGW81543.1 hypoth
etical protein A3B72 03
970 Omnitrophica bact
02 FULL 45 28 /1-426
c552 GCA 002305895.
1 ASM230589v1 protei
n ATB46584.1 nitrite re
ductase Myxococcus m
acrosporus DSM 14697
c552 GCA 002849695.
1 ASM284969v1 protei
n AUI48814.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Bacteroides frag
ilis /1-434
c552 GCA 002139855.
1 ASM213985v1 protei
n ARR00012.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase NrfAH periplasm
ic pentaheme cytochro
me c subunit Campylob
acter sp. RM6137 /1-48
c552 GCA 900101835.
1 IMG-taxon 26341663
05 annotated assembly
protein SDD28897.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Pe
ptococcus niger /1-369
c552 GCA 000687355.
2 ASM68735v2 protein
KXU78566.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase A
eromonas enteropelog
enes /1-411
c552 GCA 000786105.
1 ASM78610v1 protein
KHD90017.1 nitrite red
uctase Bdellovibrio sp.
ArHS /1-426
c552 GCA 002185305.
1 ASM218530v1 protei
n OVO91995.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Citrobacter we
rkmanii /1-411
c552 GCA 001447335.
1 ASM144733v1 protei
n ALP40612.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase s
ubunit c552 Aeromona
s schubertii /1-346
c552 GCA 002251265.
1 ASM225126v1 protei
n OYP35039.1 nitrite re
ductase Rhodopirellula
sp. MGV /1-435
c552 GCA 001529365.
1 ASM152936v1 protei
n KVX00469.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase S
hewanella frigidimarina
c552 GCA 001516145.
1 41k protein KUO6645
7.1 cytochrome c nitrite
reductase Lutibacter s
p. BRH c52 /1-427
c552 GCA 002272795.
1 ASM227279v1 protei
n PAF53160.1 cytochro
me C Helicobacter sp.
13S00482-2 /1-449
c552 GCA 001653815.
1 ASM165381v1 protei
n OAS37902.1 nitrite re
ductase Opitutaceae b
acterium TAV3 /1-433
c552 GCA 900103275.
1 IMG-taxon 26172709
36 annotated assembly
protein SDL08082.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Tessaracoc
cus oleiagri /1-425
c552 GCA 000478885.
1 ASM47888v1 protein
BAN76524.1 nitrite red
uctase Adlercreutzia eq
uolifaciens DSM 19450
c552 GCA 001866005.
1 ASM186600v1 protei
n OIJ17587.1 nitrite red
uctase Anaerobacillus
alkalilacustris /1-371
c552 GCA 900111425.1
IMG-taxon 269342990
2 annotated assembly
protein SES65024.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Dr
aconibacterium orienta
le /4-440
c552 GCA 002880475.
1 ASM288047v1 protei
n PMT86219.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Vibrio parahae
molyticus /1-415
c552 GCA 002318995.
1 ASM231899v1 protei
n PBQ26158.1 cytochr
ome c nitrite reductase
Shewanella algae /1-3
c552 GCA 002192875.
1 ASM219287v1 protei
n OWF80983.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Yersinia rohde
i /1-408
c552 GCA 001871085.
1 ASM187108v1 protei
n OIO01983.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Desulfovibrionaceae ba
cterium CG1 02 65 16
c552 GCA 900095405.
1 APW KL86PLE1 v1 p
rotein SCM83502.1 Cy
tochrome c-552 uncultu
red Sporomusa sp. /1-3
c552 GCA 900129665.
1 IMG-taxon 26172708
24 annotated assembly
protein SHG20785.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Spongiibact
erium flavum /1-411
c552 GCA 002176965.
1 ASM217696v1 protei
n OVE77547.1 nitrite re
ductase bacterium F16
c552 GCA 001029455.
1 ASM102945v1 protei
n KLV11507.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Photobacterium gangh
wense /1-410
c552 GCA 001802995.
1 ASM180299v1 protei
n OGV11899.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Ignavibacteria
bacterium RIFOXYA2
FULL 37 17 /1-420
c552 GCA 001914235.
1 ASM191423v1 protei
n OKY74058.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfobulbaceae bac
terium DB1 /1-377
c552 GCA 002841765.
1 ASM284176v1 protei
n PKN13488.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
Deltaproteobacteria-4 /
c552 GCA 001804415.
1 ASM180441v1 protei
n OGX13061.1 nitrite r
eductase Omnitrophica
WOR 2 bacterium GW
A2 63 20 /1-402
c552 GCA 002289565.
1 ASM228956v1 protei
n PAY17524.1 nitrite re
ductase Rhodopirellula
sp. SM50 /1-451
c552 GCA 002841885.
1 ASM284188v1 protei
n PKN42631.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
c552 GCA 001306145.
1 ASM130614v1 protei
n KPL82064.1 cytochro
me c-552 Thermanaero
thrix daxensis /1-408
c552 GCA 000735425.
1 GLGR DRAFTv1 pro
tein KFC94260.1 cytoc
hrome c552 Leminorell
a grimontii ATCC 33999
DSM 5078 /1-379
c552 GCA 000092365.
1 ASM9236v1 protein A
DH93176.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Arcanoba
cterium haemolyticum
DSM 20595 /1-428
c552 GCA 002302635.
1 ASM230263v1 protei
n ATA90405.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Capnocytophag
a stomatis /1-414
c552 GCA 002443295.
1 ASM244329v1 protei
n GAX63089.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase periplasmic cytoc
hrome c552 subunit Ca
ndidatus Scalindua sp.
husup-a2 /1-432
c552 GCA 001799285.
1 ASM179928v1 protei
n OGQ88307.1 hypoth
etical protein A2512 03
100 Deltaproteobacteri
a bacterium RIFOXYD1
2 FULL 56 24 /1-378
c552 GCA 900116045.
1 DESPIGER protein S
FV73704.1 Cytochrom
e c552 precursor Desu
lfovibrio piger /1-394
c552 GCA 002709545.
1 ASM270954v1 protei
n MBB01864.1 nitrite re
ductase Planctomyces
sp. /1-449
c552 GCA 000024105.
1 ASM2410v1 protein A
CV28576.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Anaeroco
ccus prevotii DSM 205
48 /1-357
c552 GCA 002717505.
1 ASM271750v1 protei
n MBI39661.1 nitrite re
ductase Leptospiracea
e bacterium /1-408
c552 GCA 000763135.
1 ASM76313v1 protein
KGI87738.1 cytochrom
e C Helicobacter jaach
i /1-464
c552 GCA 900044025.
1 CHCKI002 protein CV
H77994.1 Cytochrome
c-552 precursor Coriob
acteriaceae bacterium
CHKCI002 /1-337
c552 Heliobacterium m
odesticaldum 1/1-369
c552 Oscillochloris 1/5
c552 GCA 000973525.
1 ASM97352v1 protein
AKD38006.1 cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase su
bunit c552 Pasteurella
multocida subsp. multo
cida OH4807 /1-381
c552 GCA 000507905.
1 Prev oral CC98A V1
protein ETD18753.1 hy
pothetical protein HMP
REF1199 01571 Prevo
tella oralis CC98A /1-43
c552 GCA 001678575.
1 Gal28 protein OBX03
651.1 cytochrome C ni
trite reductase Gallibac
terium genomosp. 1 /1-
c552 GCA 001274855.
1 ASM127485v1 protei
n KOO14105.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Vibrio xuii /1-378
c552 GCA 000521605.
1 ASM52160v1 protein
AHG72644.1 Cytochro
me c-552 Mannheimia
RC-1261 /1-365
c552 GCA 001804565.
1 ASM180456v1 protei
n OGU56983.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Ignavibacteria
bacterium GWF2 33 9
c552 GCA 001303325.
1 ASM130332v1 protei
n KPK25303.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Desulfobacterales bact
erium SG8 35 2 /1-427
c552 GCA 900111385.1
IMG-taxon 268745374
6 annotated assembly
protein SEV84706.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Au
stwickia chelonae /1-43
c552 GCA 001721685.
1 ASM172168v1 protei
n AOM82186.1 Cytoch
rome c552 precursor B
acillus beveridgei /1-38
c552 GCA 001769705.
1 ASM176970v1 protei
n OFY76969.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidetes
bacterium RIFOXYA12
FULL 38 20 /1-433
c552 GCA 000743355.
1 ASM74335v1 protein
KFK99515.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Se
rratia sp. Ag1 /1-375
c552 GCA 002514735.
1 ASM251473v1 protei
n PCE66646.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Sediminicola lu
teus /1-427
c552 GCA 001567485.
1 ASM156748v1 protei
n KXK52478.1 nitrite re
ductase formate-depen
dent cytochrome Chlor
oflexi bacterium OLB13
c552 GCA 001373435.
1 spAn4DRAFT v1 pro
tein CQR71789.1 Cyto
chrome c552 precursor
Sporomusa sp. An4 /1
c552 GCA 002927435.
1 ASM292743v1 protei
n PPB74801.1 cytochro
me C Campylobacter h
yointestinalis subsp. hy
ointestinalis /1-473
c552 GCA 002967715.
1 ASM296771v1 protei
n PQO25104.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Blastopirellula
marina /1-450
c552 GCA 000192225.
1 ASM19222v1 protein
EGD34788.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase C
apnocytophaga sp. ora
l taxon 338 str. F0234 /
c552 GCA 000159995.
1 ASM15999v1 protein
EEX72524.1 nitrite red
uctase Alloprevotella ta
nnerae ATCC 51259 /1
c552 GCA 002842465.
1 ASM284246v1 protei
n PKO96121.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-7 /1-4
c552 GCA 000801335.
2 ASM80133v2 protein
KHK02576.1 Cytochro
me c552 precursor Des
ulfovibrio sp. TomC /1-3
c552 GCA 001655055.
1 Phe35613 DRAFTv1
protein OAT48747.1 cy
tochrome c552 Provide
ncia heimbachae ATCC
35613 /2-422
c552 GCA 000983115.
1 Syntrophomonas Zeh
nderi OL-4 protein CFX
43160.1 Cytochrome c
552 Syntrophomonas z
ehnderi OL-4 /1-390
c552 GCA 900199655.
1 IMG-taxon 26236204
87 annotated assembly
protein SNU10322.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Prevotellace
ae bacterium KH2P17
c552 GCA 900217235.
v1 protein SOB60128.
1 Cytochrome c-552 Ps
eudodesulfovibrio profu
ndus /1-416
c552 GCA 002208115.
1 ASM220811v1 protei
n ASD62993.1 nitrite re
ductase Bdellovibrio ba
cteriovorus /1-432
c552 GCA 001997345.
1 ASM199734v1 protei
n AQP46354.1 nitrite re
ductase Tessaracoccus
sp. NSG39 /1-409
c552 GCA 002934525.
1 ASM293452v1 protei
n PPK60933.1 respirat
ory nitrite reductase cy
tochrome ammonia-for
ming precursor Arcoba
cter marinus /1-415
c552 GCA 000243235.
1 ASM24323v1 protein
EHQ03113.1 cytochro
me c552 Gillisia limnae
a DSM 15749 /1-434
c552 GCA 000224335.
2 BizArg 1.0 protein EG
V42055.1 cytochrome
c-552 Bizionia argentin
ensis JUB59 /1-420
c552 GCA 000964525.
1 ASM96452v1 protein
GAO04626.1 cytochro
me c-552 Anaeromyxo
bacter sp. PSR-1 /1-40
c552 GCA 001304105.
1 ASM130410v1 protei
n KPK87831.1 hypothe
tical protein AMJ94 163
65 Deltaproteobacteria
bacterium SM23 61 /1
c552 GCA 002083965.
1 ASM208396v1 protei
n OQW98054.1 cytoch
rome C nitrite reductas
e Desulfobacteraceae
bacterium A6 /1-402
c552 GCA 001704385.
2 ASM170438v2 protei
n OCW94969.1 nitrite r
eductase cytochrome a
mmonia-forming c552 s
ubunit Macellibacteroid
es sp. HH-ZS /1-435
c552 GCA 000208405.
1 ASM20840v1 protein
AEB99579.1 Nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Selenom
onas sputigena ATCC 3
5185 /1-419
c552 GCA 000186885.
1 ASM18688v1 protein
ADW18125.1 respirato
ry nitrite reductase cyto
chrome ammonia-form
ing precursor Desulfob
ulbus propionicus DSM
2032 /1-426
c552 GCA 000023445.
1 ASM2344v1 protein A
CS78816.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Desulfovib
rio salexigens DSM 26
38 /1-424
c552 GCA 001698615.
1 ASM169861v1 protei
n OCR03718.1 cytochr
ome C Helicobacter pu
llorum /1-475
c552 GCA 002794515.
1 ASM279451v1 protei
n PJF32589.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Chloroflexi bact
erium /1-419
c552 GCA 000177635.
2 ASM17763v2 protein
ADU66902.1 Nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming Desulfu
rispirillum indicum S5 /
c552 GCA 000212675.
2 ASM21267v2 protein
EGJ49391.1 Nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Desulfo
vibrio africanus str. Wa
lvis Bay /1-385
c552 GCA 002075795.
1 ASM207579v1 protei
n ARD23680.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase c552
subunit Shewanella ja
ponica /1-408
c552 GCA 002836355.
1 ASM283635v1 protei
n PKH06082.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Moritella sp. U
rea-trap-13 /1-346
c552 GCA 000174175.
1 ASM17417v1 protein
EEF15080.1 putative n
itrite reductase Campy
lobacter rectus RM326
7 /1-471
c552 GCA 002952055.
1 ASM295205v1 protei
n AVD70520.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Desulfobulbus s
p. ORNL /1-430
c552 GCA 001693615.
1 ASM169361v1 protei
n ANW23624.1 nitrite r
eductase cytochrome a
mmonia-forming c552 s
ubunit Vibrio coralliilytic
us /1-377
c552 GCA 002795405.
1 ASM279540v1 protei
n PJG83146.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Caviibacterium
pharyngocola /5-383
c552 GCA 002050315.
1 ASM205031v1 protei
n OQY99481.1 nitrite r
eductase Candidatus B
rocadia sp. UTAMX2 /1
c552 GCA 000187895.
1 ASM18789v1 protein
EDY96135.1 nitrite red
uctase Bacteroides ple
beius DSM 17135 /1-43
c552 GCA 000018285.
1 ASM1828v1 protein A
BV88131.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Shewane
lla pealeana ATCC 700
345 /1-374
c552 GCA 002754035.
1 ASM275403v1 protei
n ATR91867.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Porph
yromonas gingivalis /1-
c552 GCA 000244895.
1 ASM24489v1 protein
EHQ87882.1 formate-
dependent nitrite reduc
tase periplasmic cytoch
rome c552 subunit Des
ulfosporosinus youngia
e DSM 17734 /1-384
c552 GCA 001808555.
1 ASM180855v1 protei
n OFR37421.1 cytochr
ome c nitrite reductase
Porphyromonas sp. HM
SC065F10 /1-435
c552 GCA 002872415.
1 ASM287241v1 protei
n AUN99257.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteriovorax
stolpii /1-418
c552 GCA 002797175.
1 ASM279717v1 protei
n PJI24810.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Prevo
tella intermedia /1-437
c552 GCA 000987045.
1 ASM98704v1 protein
KKM09540.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Clostridiales bacterium
PH28 bin88 /1-373
c552 GCA 001420595.
1 ASM142059v1 protei
n KQL20891.1 nitrite re
ductase Bacillus solani
c552 GCA 002117975.
1 ASM211797v1 protei
n GAW67012.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Geobacter pelophilus
c552 GCA 000346505.
1 ASM34650v1 protein
EMI54700.1 nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Rhodop
irellula sallentina SM41
c552 GCA 000756505.
1 ASM75650v1 protein
AIP99978.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase su
bunit c552 Ornithobact
erium rhinotracheale O
RT-UMN 88 /1-428
c552 GCA 002795425.
1 ASM279542v1 protei
n PJG85146.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Conservatibac
ter flavescens /1-374
c552 GCA 000242335.
3 ASM24233v3 protein
AGB27602.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Prevo
tella dentalis DSM 368
8 /1-439
c552 GCA 001553625.
1 ASM155362v1 protei
n AMD93858.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfomicrobium ora
le DSM 12838 /1-395
c552 GCA 900110485.
1 IMG-taxon 26341663
32 annotated assembly
protein SEO68980.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Propionispo
ra vibrioides /1-387
c552 GCA 000813145.
1 ASM81314v1 protein
GAM09844.1 cytochro
me c-552 Geobacter sp
. OR-1 /1-370
c552 GCA 000698925.
1 ASM69892v1 protein
KDR52045.1 nitrite red
uctase Prevotella loesc
heii DSM 19665 JCM 1
2249 ATCC 15930 /1-4
c552 GCA 900168165.
1 IMG-taxon 25956982
11 annotated assembly
protein SKC15641.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Alkalitalea s
aponilacus /1-432
c552 GCA 001618865.
1 ASM161886v1 protei
n AMY12380.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor L
uteitalea pratensis /1-4
c552 GCA 000174755.
1 ASM17475v1 protein
EEK14606.1 nitrite red
uctase Capnocytophag
a gingivalis ATCC 3362
4 /1-420
c552 GCA 002998835.
1 ASM299883v1 protei
n AVM55395.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Cap
nocytophaga sp. oral ta
xon 864 /1-416
c552 GCA 002843385.
1 ASM284338v1 protei
n PKQ68228.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Labilibaculum
manganireducens /1-38
c552 GCA 002840385.
1 ASM284038v1 protei
n PKN04617.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
Deltaproteobacteria-9 /
c552 GCA 900129065.
1 IMG-taxon 26954209
34 annotated assembly
protein SHE99819.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Ba
cteroides faecichinchill
ae /1-431
c552 GCA 001644495.
1 ASM164449v1 protei
n OAI57421.1 nitrite re
ductase Verrucomicrob
iaceae bacterium SCG
C AG-212-N21 /1-434
c552 GCA 002005145.
1 ASM200514v1 protei
n AQS58319.1 nitrite re
ductase Desulfotomacu
lum ferrireducens /1-37
c552 GCA 002983505.
1 ASM298350v1 protei
n PRI19713.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Pectobacterium
carotovorum /1-381
c552 GCA 000242635.
3 ASM24263v3 protein
AFD05464.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Solita
lea canadensis DSM 3
403 /3-437
c552 GCA 000775755.
1 ASM77575v1 protein
GAL88566.1 cytochrom
e c552 precursor Jejuia
pallidilutea /1-429
c552 GCA 001799225.
1 ASM179922v1 protei
n OGR07932.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Deltaproteobacteria ba
cterium RIFOXYD12 F
ULL 50 9 /1-387
c552 GCA 001939755.
1 ASM193975v1 protei
n OLQ94757.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Vibrio panuliri
c552 GCA 002998535.
1 ASM299853v1 protei
n AVM58437.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroides heparinolyticus
c552 GCA 001803165.
1 ASM180316v1 protei
n OGV12959.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Ignavibacteria
bacterium RIFOXYC2
FULL 38 25 /1-371
c552 GCA 002989965.
1 ASM298996v1 protei
n PRL90237.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor H
aemophilus influenzae
c552 GCA 002842695.
1 ASM284269v1 protei
n PKP42647.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-10 /1-
c552 GCA 001516025.
1 ASM151602v1 protei
n KUO63373.1 cytochr
ome c nitrite reductase
bacterium BRH c32 /1
c552 GCA 001829165.
1 ASM182916v1 protei
n OHD26246.1 hypothe
tical protein A2Y38 235
85 Spirochaetes bacter
ium GWB1 59 5 /1-374
c552 GCA 000243335.
1 ASM24333v1 protein
EHQ06906.1 respirato
ry nitrite reductase prec
ursor Leptonema illini D
SM 21528 /1-420
c552 GCA 000467855.
2 ASM46785v2 protein
ERJ69755.1 nitrite red
uctase Porphyromonas
sp. oral taxon 278 str.
W7784 /1-438
c552 GCA 002633015.
1 ASM263301v1 protei
n PHM18556.1 hypothe
tical protein CJD30 011
60 Sulfuricurvum sp. P
D MW2 /1-468
c552 GCA 000172075.
1 ASM17207v1 protein
EDP99691.1 cytochro
me c552 nitrite reducta
se Shewanella benthic
a KT99 /1-376
c552 GCA 000007905.
1 ASM790v1 protein AA
P76814.1 conserved h
ypothetical protein Heli
cobacter hepaticus ATC
C 51449 /1-352
c552 GCA 001189555.
1 ASM118955v1 protei
n AKT54468.1 nitrite re
ductase Selenomonas
sp. oral taxon 478 /1-40
c552 GCA 900106565.
1 IMG-taxon 26934298
96 annotated assembly
protein SDW07387.1 r
espiratory nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming precursor L
utibacter oricola /1-427
c552 GCA 001405495.
1 13414 6 9 protein CU
O40451.1 Cytochrome
c-552 precursor Caten
ibacterium mitsuokai /1
c552 GCA 002386385.
1 ASM238638v1 protei
n ATF51278.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Citrobacter wer
kmanii /1-409
c552 GCA 001027925.
1 K833 protein KLU074
55.1 Cytochrome c552
precursor Rhodopirellu
la islandica /1-445
c552 GCA 001446895.
1 ASM144689v1 protei
n KRW64401.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Aeromonas allosaccha
rophila /1-364
c552 GCA 001866055.
1 ASM186605v1 protei
n OIJ20410.1 nitrite red
uctase Anaerobacillus
alkalidiazotrophicus /1-
c552 GCA 001263415.
1 ASM126341v1 protei
n KNZ71081.1 ammon
ia-forming nitrite reduct
ase Thermincola ferriac
etica /1-375
c552 GCA 900168045.
1 IMG-taxon 25956982
46 annotated assembly
protein SKB49055.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Salegentiba
cter holothuriorum /1-4
c552 GCA 003002875.
1 ASM300287v1 protei
n PRY53192.1 respirat
ory nitrite reductase cy
tochrome ammonia-for
ming precursor Arcticib
acter pallidicorallinus /1
c552 GCA 002869305.
1 ASM286930v1 protei
n PLX14472.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Marin
ilabiliales bacterium /1-
c552 GCA 000584935.
1 PKL10V1.0 protein E
XI62446.1 cytochrome
C nitrite reductase sub
unit c552 Mannheimia
haemolytica serotype A
1/A6 str. PKL10 /1-411
c552 GCA 001824635.
1 ASM182463v1 protei
n OHB54836.1 nitrite re
ductase Planctomycete
s bacterium GWF2 50
10 /1-422
c552 GCA 003003005.
1 ASM300300v1 protei
n PRY87191.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome c-
552 Mongoliibacter rub
er /1-433
c552 GCA 002966515.
1 ASM296651v1 protei
n AVI65155.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Shewanella sp.
WE21 /1-382
c552 GCA 900101845.
1 IMG-taxon 26227365
88 annotated assembly
protein SDD56657.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Sporomusa
acidovorans /1-378
c552 GCA 000318095.
2 ASM31809v2 protein
EKX92762.1 nitrite red
uctase Prevotella sp. o
ral taxon 473 str. F0040
c552 GCA 002869405.
1 ASM286940v1 protei
n PLW97734.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Mari
nilabiliales bacterium /5
c552 Bacteroides fragil
is YCH46 1/1-373
c552 GCA 000024605.
1 ASM2460v1 protein A
CX52972.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Ammonife
x degensii KC4 /1-374
c552 GCA 000245055.
1 ASM24505v1 protein
EIG52754.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Desul
fovibrio sp. U5L /1-414
c552 GCA 000014665.
1 ASM1466v1 protein A
BI44345.1 respiratory n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome ammonia-forming
precursor Shewanella
sp. MR-7 /1-387
c552 GCA 000508325.
2 BAVI 1 protein ETI66
574.1 cytochrome c nit
rite reductase large sub
unit Bacillus vireti LMG
21834 /1-357
c552 GCA 000214435.
1 ASM21443v1 protein
AEF95148.1 Nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Desulfo
tomaculum nigrificans C
O-1-SRB /1-401
c552 GCA 000055945.
1 ASM5594v1 protein C
AJ55056.1 Chain A Cy
tochrome C Nitrite Red
uctase Lawsonia intrac
ellularis PHE/MN1-00 /
c552 GCA 001699615.
1 ASM169961v1 protei
n OCS20522.1 cytochr
ome C Campylobacter
fetus subsp. venerealis
cfvi03/596 /1-473
c552 GCA 002959715.
1 ASM295971v1 protei
n PQL37500.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroides caccae /1-436
c552 GCA 900114365.
1 IMG-taxon 26518703
57 annotated assembly
protein SFK25386.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Porphyromo
nadaceae bacterium K
H3CP3RA /1-425
c552 GCA 900079735.
1 APW PRJEB13528 v
1 protein SBV94016.1
nitrite reductase format
e-dependent cytochrom
e uncultured Dysgonom
onas sp. /1-428
c552 GCA 000986785.
1 ASM98678v1 protein
KKK38420.1 nitrite red
uctase Bacillus campis
alis /1-384
c552 GCA 900107735.
1 IMG-taxon 25933391
53 annotated assembly
protein SDZ91835.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Actinomyce
s nasicola /1-430
c552 GCA 002794695.
1 ASM279469v1 protei
n PJF26186.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Chloroflexi bact
erium /1-392
c552 GCA 900167465.
1 IMG-taxon 25854281
17 annotated assembly
protein SJZ54612.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor G
eobacter thiogenes /1-3
c552 GCA 900143285.
1 IMG-taxon 25825807
32 annotated assembly
protein SHN78955.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor De
sulfitobacterium chloro
respirans DSM 11544 /
c552 GCA 001874155.
1 ASM187415v1 protei
n OIQ25575.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Vibrio sp. MedP
E-SWchi /1-409
c552 GCA 900066665.
1 14207 7 23 protein S
CJ99587.1 Cytochrome
c-552 precursor uncult
ured Bacteroides sp. /1
c552 GCA 002286655.
1 ASM228665v1 protei
n PAU37509.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Vibrio coralliily
ticus /1-377
c552 GCA 001879205.
1 ASM187920v1 protei
n OIV41228.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Flavobacterium
johnsoniae /1-430
c552 GCA 001802205.
1 ASM180220v1 protei
n OGU28518.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Ignavibacteria
bacterium GWA2 35 9
c552 GCA 002272825.
1 ASM227282v1 protei
n PAF42112.1 cytochro
me C Helicobacter sp.
11S02596-1 /1-479
c552 GCA 002840355.
1 ASM284035v1 protei
n PKM98842.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Elusimicrobia
bacterium HGW-Elusim
icrobia-3 /1-376
c552 GCA 002878055.
1 ASM287805v1 protei
n PMP69846.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Thermodesulfo
vibrio aggregans /1-417
c552 GCA 001998675.
1 ASM199867v1 protei
n OOF78093.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Rodentibacter
heylii /1-380
c552 GCA 002272835.
1 ASM227283v1 protei
n PAF43703.1 cytochro
me C Helicobacter sp.
11S03491-1 /1-439
c552 GCA 000176235.
1 ASM17623v1 protein
EEX91682.1 cytochrom
e c552 precursor Vibrio
orientalis CIP 102891
ATCC 33934 /1-378
c552 GCA 002139915.
1 ASM213991v1 protei
n ARQ98507.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase NrfAH periplasm
ic pentaheme cytochro
me c subunit Campylob
acter sp. NCTC 13003
c552 GCA 001553605.
1 ASM155360v1 protei
n AMD91097.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfovibrio fairfielde
nsis /1-428
c552 GCA 002847805.
1 ASM284780v1 protei
n PKZ29886.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Campylobacte
r ureolyticus /1-478
c552 GCA 002050295.
1 ASM205029v1 protei
n OQY71870.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Ignavibacteria
les bacterium UTCHB2
c552 GCA 001770105.
1 ASM177010v1 protei
n OFZ62820.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bdellovibriona
les bacterium RIFOXYD
1 FULL 36 51 /1-425
c552 GCA 002886045.
1 ASM288604v1 protei
n AUP77615.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Flav
ivirga eckloniae /1-426
c552 GCA 000226255.
2 ASM22625v1 protein
EGY24884.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase c
atalytic subunit NfrA pu
tative Desulfovibrio sp.
A2 /1-388
c552 GCA 900128905.
1 IMG-taxon 26954209
32 annotated assembly
protein SHF77285.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Ba
cteroides luti /1-436
c552 GCA 001690985.
1 ASM169098v1 protei
n OCH33347.1 nitrite r
eductase cytochrome a
mmonia-forming c552 s
ubunit Aliivibrio sp. 1S1
75 /1-346
c552 GCA 002840935.
1 ASM284093v1 protei
n PKP21878.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-21 /4-
c552 GCA 000169155.
1 ASM16915v1 protein
EAX46312.1 Nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Thermo
sinus carboxydivorans
Nor1 /1-386
c552 GCA 000517805.
1 PalF902004v1.0 prot
ein ETT07375.1 format
e-dependent cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase c5
52 subunit Providencia
alcalifaciens F90-2004
c552 GCA 000749845.
1 ASM74984v1 protein
KFX07808.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Pe
ctobacterium betavasc
ulorum /1-381
c552 GCA 002967755.
1 ASM296775v1 protei
n PQO47469.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Blastopirellula
marina /1-435
c552 GCA 001936595.
1 ASM193659v1 protei
n OLN25804.1 Cytochr
ome c552 precursor De
sulfovibrio sp. DV /1-38
c552 GCA 000960765.
1 ASM96076v1 protein
KJR49509.1 Cytochro
me c552 precursor Des
ulfosporosinus sp. I2 /1
c552 GCA 001998905.
1 ASM199890v1 protei
n OOF68768.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pasteurella pn
eumotropica biovar He
yl /1-377
c552 GCA 002779455.
1 ASM277945v1 protei
n PIU53737.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Deltaproteobac
teria bacterium CG07 l
and 8 20 14 0 80 60 11
c552 GCA 000759075.
1 04 NF40 HMP2132v0
1 protein KGF24479.1
cytochrome C nitrite re
ductase Prevotella hist
icola JCM 15637 DNF0
0424 /1-439
c552 GCA 001123825.
1 5139 2 1 protein CNI
09896.1 cytochrome c5
52 Yersinia kristensenii
c552 GCA 002874415.
1 ASM287441v1 protei
n PMH37260.1 nitrite r
eductase Vibrio sp. 10N
.286.49.C2 /1-377
c552 GCA 001319605.
1 4821 6 11 protein CN
I22556.1 cytochrome c
552 Yersinia mollaretii
c552 GCA 001887775.
1 ASM188777v1 protei
n APG28769.1 nitrite re
ductase Pelobacter sp.
SFB93 /1-433
c552 GCA 001278055.
1 ASM127805v1 protei
n ALC14950.1 cytochro
me c respiratory nitrite
reductase ammonia-for
ming Desulfuromonas
soudanensis /1-427
c552 GCA 000765665.
1 ASM76566v1 protein
KGL08118.1 cytochrom
e C Helicobacter sp. M
IT 05-5293 /1-495
c552 GCA 001769835.
1 ASM176983v1 protei
n OFZ19084.1 nitrite re
ductase Bdellovibriona
les bacterium GWB1 5
5 8 /1-424
c552 GCA 002302415.
1 ASM230241v1 protei
n ATA87992.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Capnocytophag
a gingivalis /1-424
c552 GCA 001188495.
1 ASM118849v1 protei
n KNC94678.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Trabulsiella odontoterm
itis /1-373
c552 GCA 900129935.
1 IMG-taxon 25854280
67 annotated assembly
protein SHI08181.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor De
sulfosporosinus lacus D
SM 15449 /1-382
c552 GCA 001999305.
1 ASM199930v1 protei
n OOF60245.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pasteurellacea
e bacterium Ac151 /1-3
c552 GCA 000012865.
1 ASM1286v1 protein A
BB13900.1 cytochrome
c552 Carboxydotherm
us hydrogenoformans Z
-2901 /1-366
c552 GCA 001303345.
1 ASM130334v1 protei
n KPJ98138.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Desulfobacterales bact
erium SG8 35 /1-427
c552 GCA 001678635.
1 Gal31 protein OBX11
764.1 cytochrome C ni
trite reductase Gallibac
terium genomosp. 3 /1-
c552 GCA 900188145.
1 IMG-taxon 27067949
11 annotated assembly
protein SNS25041.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor An
aerovirgula multivorans
c552 GCA 000766795.
1 ASM76679v1 protein
KGL62173.1 cytochrom
e c552 precursor Polar
ibacter sp. Hel1 85 /1-4
c552 GCA 000155105.
1 ASM15510v1 protein
EDS90158.1 formate-d
ependent cytochrome c
nitrite reductase c552
subunit Escherichia alb
ertii TW07627 /1-375
c552 GCA 000024885.
1 ASM2488v1 protein A
CZ11742.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Sulfurosp
irillum deleyianum DSM
6946 /1-423
c552 GCA 000016985.
1 ASM1698v1 protein A
BR49070.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Alkaliphilu
s metalliredigens QYM
F /1-395
c552 GCA 000242935.
3 ASM24293v3 protein
AHF92682.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase su
bunit c552 Opitutaceae
bacterium TAV5 /1-433
c552 GCA 002302615.
1 ASM230261v1 protei
n ATA82083.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Capnocytophag
a leadbetteri /1-414
c552 GCA 900107385.
1 IMG-taxon 26711802
35 annotated assembly
protein SDY24817.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Tessaracoc
cus flavus /1-412
c552 GCA 002738305.
1 vulpis66 v1 protein P
HY91001.1 cytochrome
C Campylobacter sp. 2
51/13 /1-490
c552 GCA 001769465.
1 ASM176946v1 protei
n OFZ11742.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Bacteroidetes b
acterium RIFOXYC2 F
ULL 39 11 /1-419
c552 Anaerolinea therm
olimosa 1/1-383
c552 GCA 000262245.
1 ASM26224v1 protein
EIJ68135.1 formate-de
pendent cytochrome c
nitrite reductase c552 s
ubunit Pasteurella betty
ae CCUG 2042 /1-378
c552 GCA 002842095.
1 ASM284209v1 protei
n PKO16238.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 candidate divis
ion BRC1 bacterium HG
W-BRC1-1 /1-414
c552 GCA 001896145.
1 ASM189614v1 protei
n OJT25765.1 nitrite re
ductase Archangium sp
. Cb G35 /1-411
c552 GCA 001799555.
1 ASM179955v1 protei
n OGR53658.1 nitrite r
eductase Elusimicrobia
bacterium GWA2 38 7
c552 GCA 000961585.
1 41k protein KJR9831
2.1 cytochrome C nitrit
e reductase Peptococc
aceae bacterium BRH
c4a /1-374
c552 Melioribacter rose
us P3M 1/1-374
c552 GCA 002875555.
1 ASM287555v1 protei
n PMN81702.1 nitrite r
eductase Vibrio sp. 10N
.261.45.A1 /1-377
c552 GCA 001798755.
1 ASM179875v1 protei
n OGP65189.1 cytochr
ome C Deltaproteobac
teria bacterium RBG 13
47 9 /1-375
c552 GCA 002100145.
1 ASM210014v1 protei
n ORT49662.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Vibrio sp. qd031 /1-41
c552 GCA 001899775.
1 ASM189977v1 protei
n OJZ16729.1 cytochro
me C Thiobacillus sp. 6
5-29 /1-374
c552 GCA 002277955.
1 ASM227795v1 protei
n ASV74052.1 Cytochr
ome c552 precursor Th
ermogutta terrifontis /1
c552 GCA 001802135.
1 ASM180213v1 protei
n OGU10393.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Geobacteraceae bacte
rium GWC2 58 44 /1-4
c552 GCA 002015115.
1 ASM201511v1 protei
n OOS00226.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Haemophilus p
aracuniculus /1-418
c552 GCA 900129905.
1 IMG-taxon 25882543
04 annotated assembly
protein SHI26113.1 nit
rite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Ferrimonas m
arina /1-337
c552 JP3 13 1/1-400
c552 GCA 002083555.
1 ASM208355v1 protei
n OQW62481.1 nitrite r
eductase Nitrospira sp.
ST-bin5 /1-404
c552 GCA 002842045.
1 ASM284204v1 protei
n PKO04612.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Chloroflexi bac
terium HGW-Chloroflex
i-3 /1-412
c552 GCA 900186995.
1 50465 A02 protein SN
V55934.1 nitrite reduct
ase formate-dependen
t cytochrome Haemoph
ilus pittmaniae /1-414
c552 GCA 000156395.
1 ASM15639v1 protein
EFB71730.1 formate-d
ependent cytochrome c
nitrite reductase c552
subunit Providencia rus
tigianii DSM 4541 /1-37
c552 GCA 002794555.
1 ASM279455v1 protei
n PJF35352.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Chloroflexi bact
erium /1-431
c552 GCA 000433935.
1 MGS788 protein CCZ
09125.1 cytochrome c-
552 Odoribacter sp. CA
G 788 /1-434
c552 GCA 001949885.
1 ASM194988v1 protei
n OLV28113.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Haemophilus pa
rainfluenzae /1-385
c552 GCA 001825595.
1 ASM182559v1 protei
n OHB40276.1 nitrite re
ductase Planctomycete
s bacterium GWB2 41
19 /1-431
c552 GCA 001796915.
1 ASM179691v1 protei
n OGO42456.1 cytochr
ome c-552 Chloroflexi
bacterium RBG 16 58 1
4 /1-406
c552 GCA 000821085.
1 PRJEB5955 assemb
ly 1 protein CEG28265
.1 nitrite reductase Bac
illus sp. B-jedd /1-403
c552 GCA 000413435.
1 Camp ureo ACS-301
-V-SCH3B V1 protein E
PH10416.1 hypothetica
l protein HMPREF9309
00195 Campylobacter
ureolyticus ACS-301-V
-Sch3b /1-478
c552 GCA 001589215.
1 sce703.1 protein KYG
06673.1 nitrite reductas
e Sorangium cellulosum
c552 GCA 000025945.
1 ASM2594v1 protein C
AG35073.1 probable c
atalytic subunit of cytoc
hrome c nitrite reductas
e Desulfotalea psychro
phila LSv54 /1-419
c552 GCA 000175115.
2 ASM17511v2 protein
ADW14260.1 Nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming Geobac
ter sp. M18 /1-373
c552 GCA 001854545.
1 ASM185454v1 protei
n OHU81234.1 cytochr
ome C Helicobacter sp
. CLO-3 /1-469
c552 GCA 002796325.
1 ASM279632v1 protei
n PIR21416.1 nitrite re
ductase Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium CG11
big fil rev 8 21 14 0 20
47 16 /1-408
c552 GCA 001828245.
1 ASM182824v1 protei
n OHB67280.1 hypothe
tical protein A2Y77 076
45 Planctomycetes bac
terium RBG 13 62 9 /1-
c552 GCA 002686625.
1 ASM268662v1 protei
n MAE19398.1 nitrite re
ductase Candidatus Po
ribacteria bacterium /1-
c552 GCA 900142525.
1 IMG-taxon 26545881
75 annotated assembly
protein SHL21890.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Prevotella r
uminicola /1-451
c552 GCA 000189275.
2 ASM18927v1 protein
EGA69370.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase s
ubunit c552 Vibrio sina
loensis DSM 21326 /1-
c552 GCA 002794645.
1 ASM279464v1 protei
n PJF47352.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Chloroflexi bact
erium /4-436
c552 GCA 002842515.
1 ASM284251v1 protei
n PKP07176.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-5 /1-4
c552 GCA 900167385.
1 IMG-taxon 25854280
83 annotated assembly
protein SKA02790.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Prevotella o
ulorum /1-439
c552 GCA 000183425.
1 ASM18342v1 protein
ADR22714.1 respirato
ry nitrite reductase cyto
chrome ammonia-form
ing precursor Marivirga
tractuosa DSM 4126 /1
c552 GCA 002400885.
1 ASM240088v1 protei
n PCH77144.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Flav
obacteriaceae bacteriu
m /1-407
c552 GCA 001770085.
1 ASM177008v1 protei
n OFZ41210.1 hypothe
tical protein A2485 011
20 Bdellovibrionales ba
cterium RIFOXYC12 F
ULL 39 17 /1-441
c552 GCA 001278805.
1 ASM127880v1 protei
n ALC89618.1 nitrite re
ductase Bacillus sp. FJ
AT-18017 /1-396
c552 GCA 002890585.
1 ASM289058v1 protei
n PNE24072.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Tannerella sp.
oral taxon 808 /1-426
c552 GCA 000315545.
1 Seleno sp F0473 V1
protein EKU71428.1 hy
pothetical protein HMP
REF9161 00113 Selen
omonas sp. F0473 /1-4
c552 GCF 000685155.
1 ANME2D V10 protein
WP 102044999.1 amm
onia-forming cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase su
bunit c552 Candidatus
Methanoperedens nitro
reducens /1-401
c552 GCA 900119175.
1 IMG-taxon 25933392
70 annotated assembly
protein SFW29816.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Selenomon
as ruminantium /1-365
c552 GCA 002019885.
1 ASM201988v1 protei
n OOX90447.1 cytochr
ome C Campylobacter
coli /1-488
c552 GCA 001050135.
1 ASM105013v1 protei
n AKP53473.1 Cytochr
ome c552 Cyclobacteri
um amurskyense /1-42
c552 GCA 900114615.
1 IMG-taxon 26364160
28 annotated assembly
protein SFM25571.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Pelosinus p
ropionicus DSM 13327
c552 GCA 002204475.
1 ASM220447v1 protei
n OWP30588.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Prevotella nigr
escens /1-437
c552 GCA 900143075.
1 IMG-taxon 26172707
79 annotated assembly
protein SHN25473.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Cyclobacter
ium lianum /1-433
c552 GCA 002713145.
1 ASM271314v1 protei
n MBD66245.1 nitrite r
eductase Halobacteriov
oraceae bacterium /1-4
c552 GCA 002049395.
1 ASM204939v1 protei
n GAW30683.1 cytochr
ome c552 Carboxydoc
ella sp. JDF658 /1-404
c552 GCA 000807855.
2 ASM80785v2 protein
OHX64017.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Flammeovirga p
acifica /1-431
c552 GCA 001865995.
1 ASM186599v1 protei
n OIJ12308.1 nitrite red
uctase Anaerobacillus
arseniciselenatis /1-353
c552 GCA 000013405.
1 ASM1340v1 protein A
BC78708.1 cytochrome
c552 Syntrophus acidi
trophicus SB /1-390
c552 GCA 000019965.
1 ASM1996v1 protein A
CB77879.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Opitutus t
errae PB90-1 /1-435
c552 GCA 000510385.
1 BU063sc2 protein ET
K00574.1 cytochrome
C nitrite reductase sub
unit c552 Tannerella sp
. oral taxon BU063 isol
ate Cell 2 /1-426
c552 GCA 900101495.
1 IMG-taxon 25991852
23 annotated assembly
protein SCX90421.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Al
kaliphilus peptidifermen
tans DSM 18978 /1-35
c552 GCA 000016745.
1 ASM1674v1 protein A
BQ24877.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoc
hrome ammonia-formin
g precursor Geobacter
uraniireducens Rf4 /1-
c552 GCA 000390185.
1 Lulo1 protein EON74
880.1 Cytochrome c55
2 precursor Lunatimon
as lonarensis /1-430
c552 GCA 900112395.
1 IMG-taxon 26341663
10 annotated assembly
protein SFC43216.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Algibacter le
ctus /1-411
c552 GCA 001805725.
1 ASM180572v1 protei
n OGX39362.1 nitrite r
eductase Omnitrophica
WOR 2 bacterium RIF
68 15 /1-409
c552 GCA 000023225.
1 ASM2322v1 protein A
CU90182.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Desulfom
icrobium baculatum DS
M 4028 /1-378
c552 GCA 001027325.
1 ASM102732v1 protei
n KLN46784.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Providencia rettgeri /1-
c552 GCA 001547775.
1 ASM154777v1 protei
n BAS47245.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase A
ggregatibacter actinom
ycetemcomitans NUM4
039 /1-385
c552 GCA 000220255.
1 ASM22025v1 protein
EGQ18213.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase P
revotella pallens ATCC
700821 /1-437
c552 GCA 001314545.
1 HLUCCABin01.3 pro
tein KPP94715.1 nitrite
reductase pentaheme
cytochrome c subunit N
rfA Bacteroidetes bacte
rium HLUCCA01 /1-42
c552 GCA 002554415.
1 ASM255441v1 protei
n PEH71780.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Edw
ardsiella tarda /1-383
c552 GCA 002209245.
2 ASM220924v2 protei
n ASF17013.1 ammoni
a-forming nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome c552 s
ubunit Shewanella sp.
FDAARGOS 354 /1-38
c552 GCA 003026215.
1 ASM302621v1 protei
n PSV48389.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Photobacterium
indicum /1-346
c552 GCA 000234115.
1 Prevotella sp F0323
V1 protein EHG23103.
1 cytochrome c-552 All
oprevotella rava F0323
c552 GCA 001830985.
1 ASM183098v1 protei
n OHE55935.1 hypothe
tical protein A2Z47 138
75 Thermodesulfovibrio
42 12 /3-351
c552 GCA 002845745.
1 ASM284574v1 protei
n PKU24857.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Telmatospirillu
m siberiense /1-420
c552 GCA 000277715.
1 ASM27771v1 protein
AFN46584.1 nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Pseudo
propionibacterium prop
ionicum F0230a /1-428
c552 GCA 002812985.
1 MDC2473 protein PJ
C94299.1 ammonia-for
ming cytochrome c nitr
ite reductase subunit c
552 Aeromonas lusitan
a /1-380
c552 GCA 000495435.
3 ASM49543v3 protein
ETA82626.1 nitrite red
uctase Youngiibacter fr
agilis 232.1 /1-345
c552 GCA 000331735.
1 ASM33173v1 protein
AGC47079.1 putative
cytochrome c nitrite red
uctase catalytic subuni
t NrfA Myxococcus stip
itatus DSM 14675 /1-40
c552 GCA 000469545.
1 ASM46954v1 protein
ERL05669.1 nitrite red
uctase Mitsuokella sp.
oral taxon 131 str. W91
06 /1-407
c552 GCA 002356195.
1 ASM235619v1 protei
n BAW93390.1 hypothe
tical protein CHIBA101
1543 Actinomyces sp.
Chiba101 /4-443
c552 GCA 000739435.
1 ASM73943v1 protein
AIJ31609.1 cytochrom
e c nitrite reductase su
bunit c552 Actinobacillu
s suis ATCC 33415 /1-4
c552 GCA 002254285.
1 ASM225428v1 protei
n OYT11008.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroidetes
bacterium 4572 112 /1-
c552 GCA 000021385.
1 ASM2138v1 protein A
CL08438.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Desulfovib
rio vulgaris str. Miyazak
i F /1-426
c552 GCA 002559145.
1 ASM255914v1 protei
n PEQ95703.1 nitrite re
ductase Bacillus sp. AF
S006103 /1-364
c552 GCA 002998595.
1 ASM299859v1 protei
n AVM59520.1 ammon
ia-forming nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome c552 s
ubunit Haemophilus sp
. oral taxon 036 /1-382
c552 GCA 900103525.
1 IMG-taxon 26874536
80 annotated assembly
protein SDM28585.1 r
espiratory nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming precursor B
acillus sp. OK048 /1-35
c552 GCA 001805305.
1 ASM180530v1 protei
n OGW72755.1 nitrite r
eductase Omnitrophica
bacterium GWA2 52 1
2 /1-428
c552 GCA 900101275.
1 IMG-taxon 25933392
14 annotated assembly
protein SCY19966.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Ba
sfia succiniciproducens
c552 CP2 Bin42A 1/1-3
c552 GCA 001695575.
1 ASM169557v1 protei
n OAM99783.1 cytochr
ome c nitrite reductase
Vibrio europaeus /1-37
c552 GCA 001458695.
1 NiCh1 protein CUQ6
5653.1 Pentaheme cyt
ochrome c nitrite reduc
tase NrfA Candidatus N
itrospira inopinata /1-40
c552 GCA 002860205.
1 ASM286020v1 protei
n PLR98205.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacillus sp. T3
3-2 /1-397
c552 GCA 000196175.
1 ASM19617v1 protein
CAE80607.1 nitrite red
uctase periplasmic cyto
chrome c552 Bdellovib
rio bacteriovorus HD10
0 /1-432
c552 GCA 000765765.
1 ASM76576v1 protein
KGL17988.1 cytochrom
e C Helicobacter typhlo
nius /1-473
c552 GCA 000765975.
1 ASM76597v1 protein
KGL51147.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Po
rphyromonas canoris /1
c552 Thermanaerothrix
daxensis 23592 1/1-37
c552 GCA 002050125.
1 ASM205012v1 protei
n OQY94236.1 cytochr
ome c-552 Anaerolinea
e bacterium UTCFX2 /1
c552 GCA 002076875.
1 ASM207687v1 protei
n ARD39240.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Edwardsiella ic
taluri /1-373
c552 GCA 000961655.
1 41k protein KJS3041
6.1 cytochrome C nitrit
e reductase Desulfatita
lea sp. BRH c12 /1-395
c552 GCA 001799825.
1 ASM179982v1 protei
n OGR69070.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Elusimicrobia bacteriu
m GWC2 63 65 /1-398
c552 GCA 001508775.
1 ASM150877v1 protei
n KUJ97708.1 Nitrite re
ductase Thermodesulfo
bacterium sp. 37 54 /1-
c552 GCA 900109185.
1 IMG-taxon 26172709
04 annotated assembly
protein SEJ73425.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Deinococcus
reticulitermitis /1-427
c552 GCA 000228725.
3 ASM22872v3 protein
EIC20467.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se periplasmic cytochro
me c552 subunit Thiorh
odovibrio sp. 970 /1-44
c552 GCA 002842495.
1 ASM284249v1 protei
n PKP02820.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-6 /1-4
c552 GCA 000969315.
1 ASM96931v1 protein
KKA98582.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Av
ibacterium paragallinar
um /1-416
c552 GCA 001670735.
1 RCAD0111 protein O
BP63249.1 cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Riem
erella anatipestifer /1-4
c552 GCA 000583675.
1 ASM58367v1 protein
GAF01529.1 cytochro
me c-552 precursor Sa
ccharicrinis fermentans
DSM 9555 JCM 21142
c552 GCA 900176295.
1 IMG-taxon 25854281
44 annotated assembly
protein SMC23863.1 r
espiratory nitrite reduct
ase cytochrome ammo
nia-forming precursor C
ampylobacter helveticu
s /1-490
c552 GCA 002104335.
1 ASM210433v1 protei
n ARJ56873.1 formate-
dependent nitrite reduc
tase NrfAH periplasmic
pentaheme cytochrom
e c subunit Campyloba
cter cuniculorum DSM
23162 LMG 24588 /1-4
c552 GCA 000017505.
1 ASM1750v1 protein A
BS25164.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Anaeromy
xobacter sp. Fw109-5 /
c552 GCA 000016165.
1 ASM1616v1 protein A
BO49240.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoc
hrome ammonia-formin
g precursor Desulfotom
aculum reducens MI-1
c552 GCA 001683335.
1 ASM168333v1 protei
n ANR71079.1 nitrite re
ductase Selenomonas
sp. oral taxon 126 /1-37
c552 GCA 000758765.
1 04 NF40 HMP1630v0
1 protein KGF04854.1
nitrite reductase Anaer
ococcus lactolyticus S7
-1-13 /1-365
c552 GCA 003026495.
1 ASM302649v1 protei
n PSW17594.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Photobacterium
sanctipauli /1-347
c552 GCA 002015045.
1 ASM201504v1 protei
n OOR96423.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Haemophilus p
araphrohaemolyticus /1
c552 GCA 002836135.
1 ASM283613v1 protei
n PKG74845.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Shew
anella sp. GutCb /1-37
c552 GCA 900187255.
1 51184 F02 protein SN
V14851.1 Cytochrome
c-552 precursor Capno
cytophaga haemolytica
c552 GCA 002083975.
1 ASM208397v1 protei
n OQX04670.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfobulbaceae bac
terium A2 /1-386
c552 GCA 001803795.
1 ASM180379v1 protei
n OGW63223.1 cytoch
rome C nitrite reductas
e Nitrospirae bacterium
RBG 16 64 22 /1-382
c552 GCA 000473305.
1 ASM47330v1 protein
AGY54781.1 Cytochro
me c-552 Bacteroidale
s bacterium CF /1-413
c552 GCA 000762855.
1 ASM76285v1 protein
KGI57172.1 cytochrom
e C Campylobacter sp.
MIT 97-5078 /1-487
c552 GCA 000163475.
1 ASM16347v1 protein
EEX50874.1 formate-d
ependent cytochrome c
nitrite reductase c552
subunit Pasteurella dag
matis ATCC 43325 /1-3
c552 GCA 002839285.
1 ASM283928v1 protei
n PKL17216.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Spirochaetae ba
cterium HGW-Spirocha
etae-5 /1-415
c552 GCA 001192835.
1 ASM119283v1 protei
n GAP44724.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase periplasmic cytoc
hrome c552 subunit Le
ntimicrobium saccharo
philum /1-413
c552 GCA 000686345.
1 Assembly 1 protein K
DA27041.1 cytochrome
C Campylobacter jejun
i Cj1 /1-496
c552 GCA 002890635.
1 ASM289063v1 protei
n PNE28205.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Tannerella sp.
oral taxon 808 /1-426
c552 GCA 001628815.
1 ASM162881v1 protei
n ANA41308.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Geobacter anodireduce
ns /1-383
c552 GCA 900128985.
1 IMG-taxon 26954209
31 annotated assembly
protein SHF01121.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Dy
sgonomonas macroterm
itis /1-428
c552 Planctomyces sp
SHPL14 1/1-425
c552 GCA 001039445.
1 ASM103944v1 protei
n KMM31526.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Parabacteroides golds
teinii /1-434
c552 GCA 001795575.
1 ASM179557v1 protei
n OGP29373.1 hypothe
tical protein A2X91 048
60 Deltaproteobacteria
bacterium GWB2 65 8
1 /1-382
c552 GCA 001999265.
1 ASM199926v1 protei
n OOF52713.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pasteurellacea
e bacterium H1998003
092 /1-395
c552 GCA 000442105.
1 BactbactF0290v01 p
rotein EPT33218.1 nitr
ite reductase Bacteroid
etes bacterium oral tax
on 272 str. F0290 /1-43
c552 GCA 002567005.
1 ASM256700v1 protei
n PFP27872.1 nitrite re
ductase Bacillus sp. AF
S073361 /1-352
c552 GCA 000015185.
1 ASM1518v1 protein A
BM26298.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoc
hrome ammonia-formin
g precursor Shewanella
sp. W3-18-1 /1-382
c552 GCA 000690655.
1 HparST4-1v1.0 prote
in KDD81353.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Glaesserella parasuis
ST4-1 /1-369
c552 GCA 000422245.
1 D alkalitolerans DSM
16529 v1.0 protein EPR
30509.1 cytochrome c5
52 Desulfovibrio alkalit
olerans DSM 16529 /1-
c552 GCA 002877155.
1 ASM287715v1 protei
n PMK83532.1 nitrite re
ductase Vibrio sp. 10N
.261.52.E5 /1-377
c552 GCA 900113005.
1 IMG-taxon 26637627
19 annotated assembly
protein SFF88293.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Sunxiuqinia e
lliptica /1-431
c552 GCA 001791795.
1 ASM179179v1 protei
n OGM04439.1 cytoch
rome C nitrite reductas
e Candidatus Wallbacte
ria bacterium GWC2 49
35 /1-370
c552 GCA 000173075.
1 ASM17307v1 protein
EDY20839.1 Nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming Chthoni
obacter flavus Ellin428
c552 GCA 002868945.
1 ASM286894v1 protei
n PLX50663.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Desulfobulbace
ae bacterium /1-392
c552 GCA 001705345.
1 ASM170534v1 protei
n OCX42193.1 cytochr
ome C Campylobacter
ornithocola /1-487
c552 GCA 001880285.
1 ASM188028v1 protei
n APD06918.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming Flavoba
cteriaceae bacterium U
J101 /1-425
c552 GCA 002698995.
1 ASM269899v1 protei
n MAT57261.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Igna
vibacteriae bacterium /
c552 GCA 001799475.
1 ASM179947v1 protei
n OGR35714.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Desulfovibrionales bac
terium GWA2 65 9 /1-4
c552 GCA 001319955.
1 5139 5 3 protein CFQ
28901.1 cytochrome c5
52 Yersinia enterocoliti
ca /1-372
c552 GCA 002684555.
1 ASM268455v1 protei
n MAC54318.1 nitrite r
eductase Gimesia sp. /
c552 GCA 002836315.
1 ASM283631v1 protei
n PKH34823.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Shewanella sp
. ALD9 /1-387
c552 GCA 002988855.
1 ASM298885v1 protei
n PRK48549.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor H
aemophilus influenzae
c552 GCA 002161765.
1 ASM216176v1 protei
n OUO14070.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroides sp
. An322 /1-434
c552 GCF 002487355.
1 ASM248735v1 protei
n WP 097297403.1 am
monia-forming cytochro
me c nitrite reductase s
ubunit c552 Candidatu
s Methanoperedens sp
. BLZ2 /1-409
c552 GCA 002878565.
1 ASM287856v1 protei
n PMI59532.1 nitrite re
ductase Vibrio splendid
us /1-377
c552 GCA 000155695.
1 ASM15569v1 protein
EDY82933.1 nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Verruco
microbiae bacterium D
G1235 /1-420
c552 GCA 000813125.
1 ASM81312v1 protein
GAM15169.1 cytochro
me c552 precursor Bac
illus selenatarsenatis S
F-1 /1-393
c552 GCA 002310495.
1 ASM231049v1 protei
n ATC64414.1 nitrite re
ductase Verrucomicrob
ia bacterium /1-428
c552 GCA 000155955.
1 ASM15595v1 protein
EEX68503.1 nitrite red
uctase Mitsuokella mul
tacida DSM 20544 /1-3
c552 GCA 001592745.
1 ASM159274v1 protei
n KYG62286.1 nitrite re
ductase Bdellovibrio ba
cteriovorus /1-426
c552 GCA 001915435.
1 ASM191543v1 protei
n OKZ04686.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Bacteroides sp
. 41 26 /1-436
c552 GCA 900087055.
1 31289 E01 protein SB
T61071.1 Cytochrome
c-552 precursor Plesio
monas shigelloides /1-4
c552 GCA 002906925.
1 ASM290692v1 protei
n POG24951.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Aeromonas be
stiarum /1-374
c552 GCA 002875945.
1 ASM287594v1 protei
n PMM71916.1 nitrite r
eductase Vibrio lentus
c552 GCA 002356295.
1 ASM235629v1 protei
n BAX79396.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Marinifilaceae
bacterium SPP2 /1-382
c552 GCA 002890575.
1 ASM289057v1 protei
n PNE26026.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Tannerella sp.
oral taxon 808 /1-426
c552 GCA 002272865.
1 ASM227286v1 protei
n PAF47136.1 cytochro
me C Helicobacter sp.
12S02634-8 /1-438
c552 GCA 000293015.
1 SspCM382v1.0 prote
in EJU33285.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming Slackia
sp. CM382 /1-356
c552 GCA 000189255.
2 ASM18925v1 protein
EGA67375.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase s
ubunit c552 Vibrio bras
iliensis LMG 20546 /1-3
c552 GCA 002272925.
1 ASM227292v1 protei
n PAF49728.1 cytochro
me C Helicobacter sp.
13S00401-1 /1-465
c552 GCA 002685935.
1 ASM268593v1 protei
n MAE61343.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Planctomyceta
ceae bacterium /1-379
c552 GCA 001798655.
1 ASM179865v1 protei
n OGR14961.1 nitrite r
eductase Deltaproteob
acteria bacterium RIFO
XYB12 FULL 58 9 /4-4
c552 GCA 002733215.
1 ASM273321v1 protei
n PHS42170.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Sulfu
rovum sp. /1-417
c552 GCA 002724985.
1 ASM272498v1 protei
n MBN68333.1 nitrite r
eductase Gimesia sp. /
c552 GCA 001634345.
1 ASM163434v1 protei
n ANB70762.1 nitrite re
ductase subunit Aerom
onas veronii /1-346
c552 GCA 002711995.
1 ASM271199v1 protei
n MBC76087.1 nitrite r
eductase Halobacteriov
oraceae bacterium /1-4
c552 GCA 000184685.
1 ASM18468v1 protein
ADU48379.1 respirato
ry nitrite reductase cyto
chrome ammonia-form
ing precursor Intraspor
angium calvum DSM 4
3043 /1-419
c552 GCA 000296795.
1 ASM29679v1 protein
GAB60912.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase c
atalytic subunit Candid
atus Jettenia caeni /1-4
c552 GCA 002873635.
1 ASM287363v1 protei
n PMG40376.1 nitrite r
eductase Shewanella s
p. 10N.286.52.B9 /1-40
c552 GCA 000015485.
1 ASM1548v1 protein A
BM29349.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoc
hrome ammonia-formin
g precursor Desulfovib
rio vulgaris DP4 /1-400
c552 GCA 001802645.
1 ASM180264v1 protei
n OGU17099.1 cytochr
ome C Geobacteracea
e bacterium GWC2 53
11 /1-370
c552 GCA 000981805.
1 ASM98180v1 protein
AKE61173.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Ci
trobacter amalonaticus
Y19 /1-410
c552 GCA 000243035.
1 Prev mica F0438 V1
protein EHO71869.1 cy
tochrome c-552 Prevot
ella micans F0438 /1-4
c552 GCA 002730875.
1 ASM273087v1 protei
n MBU42117.1 nitrite re
ductase Spirochaetace
ae bacterium /2-423
c552 GCA 900100835.
1 IMG-taxon 26545881
17 annotated assembly
protein SDG68858.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Selenomon
as ruminantium /1-358
c552 GCA 002106415.
1 ASM210641v1 protei
n OSD44158.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Salmonella en
terica subsp. houtenae
serovar 40 z4 z32 - /1-
c552 GCA 000019185.
1 ASM1918v1 protein A
BZ77469.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Shewane
lla halifaxensis HAW-E
B4 /1-387
c552 GCA 000212915.
1 ASM21291v1 protein
EGJ71297.1 Nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Bactero
ides coprosuis DSM 18
011 /1-422
c552 GCA 000255295.
1 ASM25529v1 protein
AFE09641.1 putative c
ytochrome c nitrite redu
ctase catalytic subunit
NrfA Corallococcus cor
alloides DSM 2259 /1-4
c552 GCA 001799275.
1 ASM179927v1 protei
n OGQ96974.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Deltaproteobacteria ba
cterium RIFOXYD12 F
ULL 57 12 /1-415
c552 GCA 000146165.
2 ASM14616v2 protein
AAN56954.1 ammonia
-forming nitrite reducta
se NrfA Shewanella on
eidensis MR-1 /1-387
c552 GCA 002954715.
1 ASM295471v1 protei
n PQJ93193.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Aliivibrio sifiae
c552 GCA 000737695.
1 ASM73769v1 protein
KFF16065.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Fl
avobacterium hydatis /
c552 GCA 000769035.
1 ASM76903v1 protein
KGN72355.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Porphyromonas macac
ae /1-434
c552 GCA 001048695.
1 PRJEB8581 assemb
ly 1 protein CRK84479
.1 nitrite reductase Bac
illus sp. LF1 /1-381
c552 GCA 002877545.
1 ASM287754v1 protei
n PMJ48170.1 nitrite re
ductase Vibrio breogan
ii /1-408
c552 GCA 001263175.
1 ASM126317v1 protei
n AKU92075.1 Cytochr
ome c552 precursor Vu
lgatibacter incomptus /
c552 GCA 001798685.
1 ASM179868v1 protei
n OGQ90366.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Deltaproteobacteria ba
cterium RIFOXYC2 FU
LL 48 10 /1-404
c552 GCA 002868865.
1 ASM286886v1 protei
n PLX88412.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Desu
lfuromonas sp. /1-374
c552 GCA 000176915.
2 ASM17691v2 protein
ADU64245.1 Nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming Pseudo
desulfovibrio aespoeen
sis Aspo-2 /1-411
c552 GCA 001650175.
1 ASM165017v1 protei
n OAM90349.1 cytochr
ome c nitrite reductase
Opitutaceae bacterium
TSB47 /1-436
c552 Bellilinea caldifist
ulae 17877 1/1-368
c552 GCA 001874265.
1 ASM187426v1 protei
n OIQ37900.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Bacteroidetes b
acterium MedPE-SWsn
d-G1 /1-428
c552 GCA 000184945.
1 ASM18494v1 protein
EFU31442.1 nitrite red
uctase Prevotella bucc
ae ATCC 33574 /1-439
c552 GCA 003003035.
1 ASM300303v1 protei
n PRY91327.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome c-
552 Marinilabilia salmo
nicolor /1-432
c552 GCA 900141915.
1 IMG-taxon 25854275
98 annotated assembly
protein SHJ52450.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Tessaracocc
us bendigoensis DSM
12906 /1-406
c552 GCA 000597885.
1 ASM59788v1 protein
AHM60256.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase s
ubunit c552 Flammeov
irgaceae bacterium 311
c552 GCA 001691105.
1 ASM169110v1 protei
n OCH36758.1 nitrite r
eductase cytochrome a
mmonia-forming c552 s
ubunit Aliivibrio fischeri
c552 GCA 003014575.
1 ASM301457v1 protei
n PSL07749.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome c-
552 Cecembia rubra /1
c552 GCA 001983935.
1 ASM198393v1 protei
n APZ96697.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor F
uerstia marisgermanica
e /1-439
c552 GCA 000174415.
1 ASM17441v1 protein
EEG76246.1 Nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming Dethiob
acter alkaliphilus AHT 1
c552 GCA 900109385.
1 IMG-taxon 25933392
26 annotated assembly
protein SEL22051.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Ba
cteroides thetaiotaomic
ron /1-434
c552 GCA 900142125.
1 IMG-taxon 25854281
55 annotated assembly
protein SHJ88487.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor M
alonomonas rubra DSM
5091 /1-420
c552 GCA 001683355.
1 ASM168335v1 protei
n ANR72887.1 nitrite re
ductase cytochrome am
monia-forming c552 su
bunit Prevotella scopos
JCM 17725 /1-437
c552 GCA 001802685.
1 ASM180268v1 protei
n OGU18592.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Ignavibacteria
bacterium GWA2 55 2
5 /1-423
c552 GCA 900101905.
1 IMG-taxon 26196190
29 annotated assembly
protein SDE00408.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor M
yxococcus virescens /1
c552 GCA 000353425.
1 Anoxybacillus flavithe
rmus AK1 protein EMT
47259.1 nitrite reductas
e Anoxybacillus flavithe
rmus AK1 /1-395
c552 GCA 002840435.
1 ASM284043v1 protei
n PKN18625.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
Deltaproteobacteria-6 /
c552 GCA 900079705.
1 APW PRJEB13524 v
1 protein SBV62637.1
nitrite reductase format
e-dependent cytochrom
e uncultured Citrobacte
r sp. /1-410
c552 GCA 001354595.
1 8016 2 71 protein CN
B84430.1 cytochrome
c552 Yersinia enteroco
litica /1-379
c552 GCA 000755425.
1 ASM75542v1 protein
GAL34315.1 cytochrom
e c552 precursor Vibrio
maritimus /1-377
c552 GCA 002285935.
1 ASM228593v1 protei
n ASX12207.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Aeromonas dh
akensis /1-346
c552 GCA 000447755.
1 Hybrid Newbler filtere
d protein EQC48342.1
nitrite reductase cytoch
rome c552 ammonia-fo
rming Bacteriovorax sp
. BSW11 IV /1-426
c552 GCA 000167355.
1 ASM16735v1 protein
EAT15143.1 Nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Desulfu
romonas acetoxidans D
SM 684 /1-427
c552 GCA 000768935.
1 ASM76893v1 protein
KGN84638.1 cytochro
me C nitrite reductase
Porphyromonas sp. CO
T-290 OH860 /1-383
c552 GCA 900079685.
1 APW PRJEB13525 v
1 protein SBV92202.1
Cytochrome c-552 unc
ultured delta proteobac
terium /1-429
c552 GCA 000473765.
1 Rpsyc1.0 protein ER
M81186.1 hypothetical
protein P872 20325 Rh
odonellum psychrophilu
m GCM71 DSM 17998
c552 GCA 001514535.
1 ASM151453v1 protei
n GAQ95353.1 nitrite r
eductase cytochrome c
-552 Thermodesulfovib
rio aggregans /1-414
c552 GCA 900142205.
1 IMG-taxon 26166448
10 annotated assembly
protein SHJ73391.1 ni
trite reductase cytochro
me c-552 Reichenbach
iella agariperforans /1-4
c552 GCA 002149085.
1 ASM214908v1 protei
n ARP33710.1 Cytochr
ome c-552 precursor V
ibrio alginolyticus /1-41
c552 GCA 000836735.
1 ASM83673v1 protein
KIQ77353.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase Ae
romonas sp. L 1B5 3 /1
c552 GCA 000816185.
1 ASM81618v1 protein
AJC87951.1 formate-d
ependent nitrite reducta
se NrfAH periplasmic p
entaheme cytochrome
c subunit Campylobact
er insulaenigrae NCTC
12927 /1-472
c552 GCA 000217915.
2 ASM21791v1 protein
EGM71680.1 cytochro
me c552 precursor She
wanella sp. HN-41 /1-3
c552 GCA 001567115.
1 ASM156711v1 protei
n KXK35844.1 nitrite re
ductase formate-depen
dent cytochrome Omni
trophica bacterium OLB
16 /1-437
c552 GCA 001799615.
1 ASM179961v1 protei
n OGR41679.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Elusimicrobia bacteriu
m GWA2 61 42 /1-402
c552 GCA 002220775.
1 ASM222077v1 protei
n ASM40686.1 formate
-dependent nitrite redu
ctase NrfAH periplasm
ic pentaheme cytochro
me c subunit Campylob
acter sputorum /1-468
c552 GCA 002017945.
1 ASM201794v1 protei
n OOV27909.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Flavobacterium
sp. LM5 /1-434
c552 GCA 002842425.
1 ASM284242v1 protei
n PKO97737.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Bact
eroidetes bacterium HG
W-Bacteroidetes-9 /1-4
c552 GCA 900103885.
1 IMG-taxon 26518703
19 annotated assembly
protein SDN84059.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Actinomyce
s ruminicola /1-428
c552 GCA 002843445.
1 ASM284344v1 protei
n PKQ76006.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Aeromonas so
bria /1-374
c552 GCA 001308045.
1 ASM130804v1 protei
n KPN76757.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Shewanella sp. Sh95 /
c552 GCA 002869315.
1 ASM286931v1 protei
n PLX08091.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase Marin
ilabiliales bacterium /1-
c552 GCA 000953535.
1 E5B protein CEA166
11.1 Cytochrome c-552
Fermentimonas caenic
ola /1-433
c552 GCA 900129025.
1 IMG-taxon 26954209
43 annotated assembly
protein SHF24384.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Mariniphaga
anaerophila /2-435
c552 GCA 000174435.
1 ASM17443v1 protein
EFI35591.1 Nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Desulfo
natronospira thiodismu
tans ASO3-1 /1-423
c552 GCA 001999425.
1 ASM199942v1 protei
n OOF58110.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Pasteurellacea
e bacterium ppn422 /1-
c552 GCA 001650345.
1 ASM165034v1 protei
n OAN13844.1 nitrite re
ductase c552 subunit P
hotobacterium jeanii /1
c552 GCA 002159895.
1 ASM215989v1 protei
n OUO86569.1 hypoth
etical protein B5F44 09
695 Gordonibacter uro
lithinfaciens /1-367
c552 GCA 900188235.
1 IMG-taxon 27246797
79 annotated assembly
protein SNR41053.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Lu
tibacter agarilyticus /1-
c552 GCA 002738425.
1 ASM273842v1 protei
n PHZ24106.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Yersinia massi
liensis /1-346
c552 GCA 000347595.
1 ASM34759v1 protein
AGH37754.1 Cytochro
me c-552 Bibersteinia t
rehalosi USDA-ARS-U
SMARC-192 /1-352
c552 GCA 000220835.
1 ASM22083v1 protein
EGQ74852.1 cytochro
me c nitrite reductase A
ctinomyces sp. oral tax
on 448 str. F0400 /1-42
c552 GCA 900187885.
1 IMG-taxon 21409180
11 annotated assembly
protein SNB61769.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Thermoflexu
s hugenholtzii JAD2 /2-
c552 GCA 001829455.
1 ASM182945v1 protei
n OHD66473.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Spirochaetes bacterium
RBG 13 51 14 /1-403
c552 GCA 001702475.
1 ASM170247v1 protei
n OCW47649.1 nitrite r
eductase Aeromonas c
aviae /1-380
c552 GCA 000218235.
1 ASM21823v1 protein
EGN58106.1 respirato
ry nitrite reductase cyto
chrome ammonia-form
ing precursor Prevotell
a multisaccharivorax D
SM 17128 /1-437
c552 GCA 002836795.
1 ASM283679v1 protei
n PKI07213.1 ammonia
-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Shewanella sp.
11B5 /1-376
c552 GCA 001866075.
1 ASM186607v1 protei
n OIJ23409.1 nitrite red
uctase Anaerobacillus
sp. NB2006 /1-387
c552 GCA 000734965.
1 ASM73496v1 protein
KFC06862.1 cytochrom
e c552 Trabulsiella gua
mensis ATCC 49490 /1
c552 GCA 003025555.
1 ASM302555v1 protei
n PSU34176.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Photobacterium
lutimaris /1-347
c552 GCA 002723485.
1 ASM272348v1 protei
n PHO10542.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase Arco
bacter canalis /1-415
c552 GCA 001535615.
1 ASM153561v1 protei
n KWR62853.1 cytochr
ome c-552 precursor B
acteroides ovatus /1-43
c552 GCA 002302595.
1 ASM230259v1 protei
n ATA79856.1 ammoni
a-forming cytochrome c
nitrite reductase subun
it c552 Capnocytophag
a sputigena /1-416
c552 GCA 002920045.
1 ASM292004v1 protei
n POW30793.1 Cytoch
rome c-552 Pectobacte
rium parmentieri /1-375
c552 GCA 002872395.
1 S71 protein PME066
97.1 nitrite reductase C
orynebacterium ulceran
s /1-425
c552 GCA 001405695.
1 13414 6 55 protein C
UN25109.1 respiratory
nitrite reductase cytoc
hrome%3B ammonia-fo
rming precursor Bacter
oides salyersiae /1-431
c552 GCA 900116745.
1 IMG-taxon 26545881
42 annotated assembly
protein SFU32458.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Porphyromo
nadaceae bacterium K
HP3R9 /1-432
c552 GCA 000010665.
1 ASM1066v1 protein B
AH74143.1 cytochrome
c nitrite reductase cata
lytic subunit Desulfovib
rio magneticus RS-1 /1
c552 GCA 900103735.
1 IMG-taxon 25956982
04 annotated assembly
protein SDA55625.1 n
itrite reductase cytochr
ome c-552 Algoriphagu
s alkaliphilus /1-429
c552 GCA 000191725.
2 ASM19172v2 protein
EGC81738.1 nitrite red
uctase cytochrome am
monia-forming Anaeroc
occus prevotii ACS-065
-V-Col13 /1-361
c552 GCA 000093085.
1 ASM9308v1 protein A
DH98817.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Bacillus s
elenitireducens MLS10
c552 GCA 000199675.
1 ASM19967v1 protein
BAJ64932.1 cytochrom
e c-552 Anaerolinea th
ermophila UNI-1 /1-415
c552 GCA 002840535.
1 ASM284053v1 protei
n PKN64593.1 ammon
ia-forming cytochrome
c nitrite reductase subu
nit c552 Deltaproteoba
cteria bacterium HGW-
c552 GCA 000018025.
1 ASM1802v1 protein A
BV35542.1 Nitrite redu
ctase cytochrome amm
onia-forming Shewane
lla sediminis HAW-EB3
c552 GCA 000009905.
1 ASM990v1 protein BA
D39714.1 cytochrome
C nitrite reductase cata
lytic subunit Symbiobac
terium thermophilum IA
M 14863 /1-408
c552 GCA 002898735.
1 ASM289873v1 protei
n GBD08394.1 Cytoch
rome c-552 bacterium
HR22 /1-421
c552 GCA 001274785.
1 ASM127478v1 protei
n KOO07051.1 cytochr
ome C nitrite reductase
Vibrio hepatarius /1-41
c552 GCA 900111615.1
IMG-taxon 259918522
4 annotated assembly
protein SES64157.1 re
spiratory nitrite reducta
se cytochrome ammon
ia-forming precursor Na
tronincola peptidivoran
s /1-357
c552 GCA 002050325.
1 ASM205032v1 protei
n OQZ04090.1 nitrite re
ductase Candidatus Br
ocadia sp. UTAMX1 /1-
c552 GCA 002085155.
1 ASM208515v1 protei
n OQX68083.1 nitrite r
eductase Sorangiineae
bacterium NIC37A 2 /1
c552 GCA 000827125.
1 ASM82712v1 protein
AJF07045.1 cytochrom
e C nitrite reductase G
eoalkalibacter subterra
neus /1-420
Tree scale: 0.1