================================= README.TXT =================================

All Authors: Jiang Li, Hansuek Lee, Tong Chen, Kerry Vahala

Title: Chip-based Frequency Combs with Low-threshold, Microwave to Millimeter-wave
Repetition Rate Control

This movie corresponds to  figure 4 (Phase lock dynamics) in the manuscript. It
shows that, by changing the pump laser detuning, the underlying subcomb offset
frequencies can be tuned closer enough into coincidence.  A locking phenomenon
is observed that sets-in just before the broad comb beat note collapses to a
single, narrow beat note. 

Total No. of Files: 2

phaselock_movie.wmv, README.TXT

Filetypes: video

Special Instructions: 

Contact information:
Kerry  Vahala  
Applied Physics Dept., 128-95
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA  91125
Phone: 1+626-395-2144          FAX: 1+626-795-7258          
Email: vahala@caltech.edu
