nature human behaviour
Representation of internal speech by single
neurons in human supramarginal gyrus
In the format provided by the
authors and unedited
ry Information
Figure S1 | SMG
shows firing rate modulation during cue, internal speech, and vocalized speech, while S1 shows
firing rate modulation only during vocalized speech.
Additional example smoothed firing rates of neurons tuned
to four words in SMG for participant 1 during the “Auditory cue” and the “Written cue” task. The top part of each
word figure shows the average firing rate over eight trials (solid line: mean, shaded area: 95% bootstrapped
confidence interval). The bottom part of each figure shows an example trial with associated audio amplitude (gray).
Vertically dashed lines indicat
e the beginning of each phase.
Example smoothed firing rates for S1 for participant
1 over task duration. Tuning of a neuron to all words simultaneously was shown to emphasize generalized speech
activity to vocalized words (solid line: mean, shaded area
: 95% bootstrapped confidence interval for each individual
S2 | SMG firing rates for eight words over trial duration.
Example smoothed firing rates of neurons tuned to
eight words in SMG for participant 1
and participant 2
. Figures shows the average firing rate over eight
trials (solid line: mean, shaded area: 95% bootstrapped confidence interval) starting 1 second before cue
presentation. A) and B) show tuning of the same neuron on the same day in the “Auditory cue” and th
e “Written
cue” task, demonstrating stable word representation in different task co
S3 |
SMG and S1 tuning analysis. A
Participant 1 S1 tuning analysis through linear regression. Average
percentage of tuned neurons to words in 50ms time bins in S1 over the trial duration for “Auditory cue” (blue) and
“Written cue” (green) tasks (solid line: mean over 10 sessions, shaded a
rea: 95% confidence interval of the mean).
Same as A) for participant 2, for “Written cue” task with 8 sessions. These results show while lip and face activity are
represented in the putative arm area in S1, no activity is elicited during internal speec
Average percentage of tuned
neurons as computed through a Kruskal
Wallis test for each task phase for “Auditory cue” (blue) and “Written cue”
(green) tasks (solid line: mean over 10 sessions, 8 trials per condition) for participant 1. Tuning during action
(Cue, Internal, Speech) following rest phases (ITI, D1, D2) was significantly higher (two
tailed t
test: Written cue:
df = 9,
p < 0.001
for all, Cohen’s d >= 1.6 , Auditory Cue:
df = 9,
= 0.002, Cohen’s d = 1.36, all others = p < 0.0
01, Cohen’s
d >= 2.42).
Same as C) for participant 2, with 9 sessions and 16 trials per condition. Tuning during Cue and Internal
phases was significantly higher than during rest phases ITI and D1 (two
tailed t
df = 8,
= 0.04, Cohen’s d =
0.82, p
= 0.035, Cohen’s d = 0.84). Tuning during Internal speech phase is significantly different from tuning
during ITI (two
tailed t
df = 8,
p = 0.015, Cohen’s d = 1.02). Word tuning is noticeably lower than in participant 1,
leading to subsequently lower classification accuracies.
Figure S4 | S1 and SMG offline decoding accuracies
Participant 1 S1 decoding analysis. “Auditory cue” and “Written
cue” tasks data were combined for each individual session day (~16 trials per word) and leave one out cross
was performed (black dots). PCA was performed on the training data, a LDA
model was constructed, and results were
plotted with 95% c.i, of the session means. Significance of classification accuracies was evaluated by comparing results
to a shuffled distribution (averaged shuffle results = red dots). No classification accuracy w
as significant. However,
classification accuracy during vocalized speech was significantly higher than during the previous delay period (paired
tailed t
df = 9,
p = 0.013, n = 10). Lack of decoding during the cue phase suggest no auditory contamination
occurred in S1 channels
. B)
For participant 2, data of 16 trials per word during the “Written cue” experiment were
combined. Confidence intervals and significance were computed as for A. In SMG, significant word decoding was
observed during the cue,
internal and vocalized speech phases (averaged shuffle results over 100 repetitions = red dots,
n = 9,
mean decoding value above 97.5 / 99.5 percentile of shuffle distribution = p < 0.01 / p < 0.05,
df = 8,
per phase
Cohen’s d = 0.35, 1.15, 1.09, 1.44, 0.99, 1.49, confidence interval of the mean = +/
3.09, 5.02, 6.91, 8.14, 5.45, 4.15).
Decoding accuracies were significantly higher in the cue and internal speech condition, compared to ITI and D1 (paired
tailed t
n = 9,
df = 8,
= 0.013, Cohen’s d = 1.07, p
= 0.01, Cohen’s d = 1.11
S1 decoding
mirrored results in participant 1, suggesting no synchronized face movements occurred during the cue phase or internal
speech phase. Confidence intervals and significance were performed as for A
B, with n = 8
, df = 7
Figure S5 |
Different internal speech strategies are represented in SMG
The task was designed to vary the internal
strategy participant 1 was employing during the internal speech phase. Two internal speech strategies were tested: a
sound imagination and a visual imagination strategy. For the “sound imagination” strategy, the
participant was
instructed to imagine the sound of the word. For the “visual imagination” strategy, the participant was instructed to
perform mental visualization of the written word. To test if the cue modality (auditory or written) could influence the
ternal strategy, each internal strategy was run once with an auditory cue, and once with a written cue, resulting in
four different task versions (Auditory/Sound, Auditory/Visual, Written/Sound, Written/Visual
see methods). A subset
of four words was use
d for this experiment.
phase classification was performed by training the model on a
subset of data from one phase (e.g. Cue) and applying it on a subset of data from each phase. This analysis was
performed separately for each phase, and for each
of the four task versions. Plotted here are the results when training
on the internal speech phase, and evaluating it on ITI, Cue, Internal, and Speech phases. High classification accuracies
(up to 94%) while performing the internal strategy were achieved
using both visual and sound imagination strategy.