Table 9a. Comparison of Gas-Phase Oxidation Product Yields From Monoterpenes, on a Percent Mole (ppb/ppb) Basis, Observed in This Study With Results From Other Terpene Photooxidation Experiments			
Terpene	Product	Product Yield, % This Work	Product Yield, % Other Studies	Reference
limonene	Formaldehyde	43   	92a	[Librando and Tringali, 2005]		
			36 +/- 5a	[Larsen et al., 2001]			
	formic acid	7  	54 +/- 10a	[Larsen et al., 2001]		
			54a	[Librando and Tringali, 2005]			
	Acetone	0.4	< 0.03	[Reissell et al., 1999]		
			not detected	[Larsen et al., 2001]			
	m/z 139b	4.9 +/- 1	39 +/- 15c	[Larsen et al., 2001]		
			20 +/- 3	[Hakola et al., 1994]							
			17 +/- 3	[Arey et al., 1990]				
	m/z 169d	68 +/- 7	29 +/- 6e	[Hakola et al., 1994]			
			28	[Arey et al., 1990]				
			not detected	[Larsen et al., 2001]				
myrcene	Formaldehyde	74f	30 +/- 6	[Orlando et al., 2000]
	formic acid	5	5 +/- 2	[Orlando et al., 2000]
	Acetone	22	36 +/- 5	[Orlando et al., 2000]			
			41	[Reissell et al., 1999]				
	m/z 111	9.3 +/- 2	19 +/- 4g	[Reissell et al., 2002]
3-carene	Formaldehyde	35	21 +/- 4	[Orlando et al., 2000]		
			12 +/- 3	[Larsen et al., 2001]	
			20a	[Librando and Tringali, 2005]			
	formic acid	5	30 +/- 3	[Larsen et al., 2001]		
			11a	[Librando and Tringali, 2005]			
			8 +/- 2	[Orlando et al., 2000]			
	Acetone	9	15 +/- 3	[Orlando et al., 2000]		
			15 +/- 3	[Reissell et al., 1999]			
			15 +/- 5	[Larsen et al., 2001]			
	m/z 169	77 +/- 8h	34 +/- 8i	[Hakola et al., 1994]
			31i	[Arey et al., 1990]	
			14 +/- 5i	[Larsen et al., 2001]	
aFrom experiments where the photolysis of H2O2 was used as the OH source. 	
bSum of m/z 139 and 121. 	
cYield of limona ketone. 	
dSum of yields of m/z 169, 170, 151 (the dehydrated fragment of m/z 169), 152, 133, 123, 124, 107, and 108.  	
eYield of endolim, also called limononaldehyde.	
fSubject to significant error due to concentrations beyond range of calibrations.	
gYield of 4-vinyl-4-pentenal.  	
hSum of m/z 169, 170, 151 (the dehydrated fragment of m/z 169), 152, 133, 123, 124, 107, and 108.  	
iYield of caronaldehyde.