Table 9b. Comparison of Gas-Phase Oxidation Product Yields From Monoterpenes, on a Percent Mole (ppb/ppb) Basis, Observed in This Study With Results From Other Terpene Photooxidation Experiments			
Terpene	Product	Product Yield, % 	
This Work	Product Yield, %		
Other Studies	Reference		
alpha-pinene	formaldehyde	16	23 +/- 9
19 +/- 5			
8 +/- 1b			
8 +/- 1a	[Noziere et al., 1999]		
[Orlando et al., 2000]			
[Librando and Tringali, 2005]			
[Noziere et al., 1999]			
[Larsen et al., 2001]			
	formic acid	5	28 +/- 3
7 +/- 2	[Larsen et al., 2001]		
[Librando and Tringali, 2005]		
[Orlando et al., 2000]		
	acetone	6
	15 +/- 2	
11 +/- 3		
11 +/- 3a		
11 +/- 3		
9 +/- 6		
7 +/- 2 b		
5 +/- 2	[Wisthaler et al., 2001]	
[Reissell et al., 1999]		
[Larsen et al., 2001]		
[Aschmann et al., 1998]		
[Noziere et al., 1999]		
[Noziere et al., 1999]		
[Orlando et al., 2000]		
	pinonaldehyde	63 (range 47 - 83)c 
30 +/- 0.3d	87 +/- 20	
56 +/- 4		
37 +/- 7 b		
34 +/- 9		
31 +/- 15		
31 - 34e 		
28 +/- 5		
6 +/- 2a	[Noziere et al., 1999]	
[Hatakeyama et al., 1991]		
[Noziere et al., 1999]		
[Wisthaler et al., 2001]		
[Vinckier et al., 1998]		
[Jaoui and Kamens, 2001]		
[Arey et al., 1990]				
[Hakola et al., 1994]				
[Aschmann et al., 2002]				
[Larsen et al., 2001]				
	m/z 153	2.9 +/- 0.6	1.4 - 1.8f, g	[Jaoui and Kamens, 2001]
	m/z 155	0.8 +/- 0.2	4 - 6.4f, h	[Jaoui and Kamens, 2001]
	m/z 171	0.2  +/- 0.05	3.9 - 4.2f, i	[Jaoui and Kamens, 2001]
	m/z 185	0.3 +/- 0.1	6.1 - 16.9f,  j 	
19w	[Jaoui and Kamens, 2001]			
[Aschmann et al., 2002]				
terpinolene	formaldehyde	23	29 +/- 6	[Orlando et al., 2000]
	formic acid	4	8 +/- 2	[Orlando et al., 2000]
	acetone	20	39 +/- 5	
36 - 45 	[Orlando et al., 2000]			
[Reissell et al., 1999]				
	m/z 111 and 93	43 +/- 7	26 +/- 6k	
26 +/- 5				
19 +/- 4l	[Hakola et al., 1994]			
[Reissell et al., 1999]				
[Arey et al., 1990]				
[Reissell et al., 2002]				
	m/z 169	---	10	[Arey et al., 1990]
aFrom experiments where the photolysis of H2O2 was used as the OH source.
bConducted in the absence of NOx.
cSee Experiment section for description of the pinonaldehyde yield calculation.
dSum of m/z 169, 170, 151 (the dehydrated fragment of m/z 169), and 152.
eA ll yields reported by Jaoui and Kamens [2001] are % carbon yields. The yields listed above are converted from % carbon to % total mass yields for comparison with yields obtained from this and other studies.
fAll yields reported by Jaoui and Kamens [2001] are % carbon yields. The yields listed above are converted from % carbon to % total mass yields for comparison with yields obtained from this and other studies.
gYield of a-campholenal (MW = 152).
hYield of norpinonaldehyde (MW = 154).
iSum of norpinonic acid (MW = 170) and pinalic4-acid (MW = 170) yields, with yields of pinalic-4-acid roughly 12 times larger than yields of norpinonic acid.
jSum of pinonic acid (MW = 184) and 1-hydroxypinonaldehyde (MW = 184) yields, with pinonic acid yields roughly 4 - 8 times larger than 1-hydroxypinonldehyde.
kYield of 4-methyl-3-cyclohexen-1one (MW = 110).
lYield of 4-vinyl-4-pentanal (MW = 110).