Editorial: Advanced water splitting
technologies development: Best
practices and protocols
Brendan Bul
, Marcelo Carmo
, Roel Van de Krol
Julie Mougin
, Kathy Ayers
*, Karl J. Gross
, Olga A. Marina
George M. Roberts
, Ellen B. Stechel
* and Chengxiang Xiang
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland,
Nel Hydrogen,
Wallingford, CT, United States,
Institute for Solar Fuels, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und
Energie, Berlin, Germany,
University Grenoble Alpes, CEA, Grenoble, France,
Technology Consulting,
Alamo, CA, United States,
c Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States,
and the School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States,
Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
United States
hydrogen, water splitting, benchmarking, low temperature electrolysis, high temperature
electrolysis, photoelectrochemical, solar thermochemical water splitting, protocol
Editorial on the Research Topic
Advanced water splitting technologies development: Best practices and
As the level of deployment and utilization of renewable energy sources, including wind
and solar, continues to rise, large-scale, long-term energy storage technologies that could
accommodate weekly and seasonal energy
uctuations will play a signi
cant role in the
overall deployment of renewable energies in the future. Harnessing and storing renewable
energy resources
electrochemical, photoelectrochemical, or thermochemical processes by
converting renewable energy into sustainable (energy storage) fuels have the potential to
meet the long-term, terawatt scale energy storage challenge. Renewable hydrogen production
is the cornerstone for sustainable fuel production and deep decarbonization of multiple
sectors in our society. Cost-competitive clean hydrogen provides value to applications, such
as 1) in the transportation sector for fuel cell vehicles, 2) in the electric grid sector for system
stability and load balancing, and 3) in the industrial sector with metal re
neries, cement
production, and biomass upgrading (carbon-free fertilizer production). In addition, coupling
clean renewable hydrogen with the carbon and nitrogen cycles enables known and well-
established thermal-chemical processes to generate renewable hydrocarbon fuels and
ammonia. The Advanced Water Splitting Technologies (AWST): low temperature
electrolysis (LTE), high temperature electrolysis (HTE), photoelectrochemical (PEC) and
solar thermo-chemical hydrogen (STCH) provide four unique and parallel approaches to
produce low cost, low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission hydrogen at scale (
Figure 1
). Cost
competitive clean hydrogen production using these four technologies is a current high
priority focus for governments and industry. In June of 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) launched the
rst in a series of Earthshot Initiatives. The Hydrogen Shot,
to reduce the cost of clean hydrogen by more than 80% to one dollar per one kilogram in
1 decade ($1/kg H
). The European Green Deal and the International Energy Agency (IEA)
Fenglong Wang,
Shandong University, China
Kathy Ayers,
Olga A. Marina,
Ellen B. Stechel,
Chengxiang Xiang,
This article was submitted to
Hydrogen Storage and Production,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Energy Research
22 January 2023
14 February 2023
06 March 2023
n B, Carmo M, Van de Krol R,
Mougin J, Ayers K, Gross KJ, Marina OA,
Roberts GM, Stechel EB and Xiang C
(2023), Editorial: Advanced water splitting
technologies development: Best
practices and protocols.
doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1149688
© 2023 Bul
n, Carmo, Van de Krol,
Mougin, Ayers, Gross, Marina, Roberts,
Stechel and Xiang. This is an open-access
article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License
. The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is
permitted, provided the original author(s)
and the copyright owner(s) are credited
and that the original publication in this
journal is cited, in accordance with
accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms.
Frontiers in
Energy Research
06 March 2023
have implemented a strong focus on green hydrogen production for
a clean and secure energy future.
In LTE, an electrochemical process produces hydrogen gas from
water. H
is produced at the cathode and O
at the anode
electrochemically under a voltage bias, typically operating
between 50 and 80
C. In commercial systems, either a membrane
or a porous fabric-like separator separates the cathode from the
anode. Among various LTE con
gurations, three types of LTE
systems include alkaline, proton exchange membrane (PEM)
based, and hydroxide exchange membrane based water
electrolysis. These con
gurations are the most utilized systems.
Alkaline and PEM electrolyzers have been deployed commercially
at multi-megawatt scale (thousands to tens of thousands of metric
tons per year H
production capacity for the largest projects) while
hydroxide membrane electrolyzers are mostly pre-commercial.
The operating principle of HTE is similar to LTE. The HTE cells
include a cathode for water reduction and hydrogen production, an
anode for oxygen generation, and a solid ceramic electrolyte for
selective transport of oxygen or proton ions at elevated temperatures
of 400
C. HTE systems operate at low voltages of
1.3 V and
current densities of 1
1.5 A cm
and can achieve 90%
95% stack
electrical ef
ciency. Current SOEC technology is pre-commercial;
the largest demonstrated scale for HTE is 0.72 MW projected to
increase to a 2.6 MW demo plant in 2023, which corresponds to a
generation rate of ~ 525 metric tons per year.
While LTE and HTE use renewable electrons from solar, wind,
and/or hydroelectric power (or carbon free electrons from nuclear)
to generate clean hydrogen, PEC and STCH produce clean H
directly from sunlight. PEC water-splitting integrates light
absorption, photo-generated carrier transport, electrocatalysis,
ionic transport, and product separation in an integrated
photoelectrochemical device for hydrogen generation, (water plus
sunshine-in and renewable-hydrogen-out solar panel). In a more in-
depth perspective: PEC devices often operate at much lower current
densities compared with LTE or HTE to match the solar
ux, while
high current density PEC devices with an operating current density
close to 1 A cm
have been demonstrated in conjunction with solar
concentrators. A portfolio of PEC devices have achieved a solar to
hydrogen conversion ef
ciency of
10% with an overall device
stability ranging from tens of hours to hundreds of hours. For
the moment, PEC devices have only been demonstrated at a
laboratory scale
1 kg/day H
In contrast, solar thermochemical hydrogen (STCH) cycles use
the heat from sunlight to produce hydrogen and oxygen from water.
A popular STCH pathway uses two-step redox active metal oxide
) thermochemical cycles to produce H
and O
sequentially in
two different chemical reactions. STCH has been demonstrated
1 kg/day. In the two-step cycle, a redox-active MO
heated, generally using concentrated solar radiation, to temperatures
typically exceeding 1500 K and often close to 1800 K at a low partial
pressure of oxygen (pO
), at which point the material becomes
reduced to a more O-poor metal oxide. In the second step, the
reduced metal oxide cools to a temperature where re-oxidation is
favorable when exposed to superheated H
O vapor (aka steam),
which leads to water splitting and regeneration of the original MO
Off-stoichiometric metal oxides form and
ll oxygen vacancies
during the thermal reduction and water splitting (or re-
oxidation) steps, respectively, without undergoing major
structural bulk phase transitions, thus promoting faster kinetics,
cyclability, and durability.
It is important to understand that LTE, HTE, PEC, and STCH
water splitting technologies have different technical readiness levels
and face different technical challenges. However, a common and
absolutely vital need in each and all of these (and many other) basic
research to commercial development efforts, is a concerted effort to
come together and produce a path for the most trust-worthy,
reliable, and reproducible results. This coordination will lead
ultimately to the most rapid development of these life-changing
cial technologies.
In this light, Benchmarking including the developing and
documenting the best practice procedures and protocols are vital
for creating an advanced R&D foundation for the broader research
community in all four pathways and, potentially, in the R&D
community in general. The development of standard protocols
that integrate and harmonize independently funded work across
the world is vital for accelerating the materials development as well
as for the commercialization of each technology. This statement is
particularly true given the enormous new interest in clean or green
hydrogen. There exists at this moment a critical need for consistency
in testing protocols, reference materials, and standard testing cells
within and across all four technological pathways. To present a clear
perspective, standard protocol development and the use of reference
materials and cells for testing at the materials level, component level,
and device level have proved to be critical in the development of
similar technologies including fuel cells, advanced batteries,
Standard protocols, when successfully established and utilized
within and across communities and technologies, can
cantly reduce inconsistencies in results from different
research groups due to different and varying testing procedures.
The incorporation and adherence to a set of standardized protocols
Advanced water splitting technologies for renewable hydrogen
Frontiers in
Energy Research
n et al.
enables true cross comparison among newly discovered or
developed materials and components. Standard protocols can
also quantitatively gauge the progress made in each technology
and are a vital part of developing an overall roadmap designed to
achieve high level $/kg H
goals that are desperately needed.
Through this collaborative Benchmarking, Protocol, Best
Practices, and Road mapping project, an improved ef
reliability, and most effective pathway towards solving serious
future energy issues has taken form and is being implemented.
Critical for this effort was bringing the four technologies together to
effectively facilitate cross-cutting opportunities. Low TRL
technologies with a current emphasis on materials level
development can learn scale up strategies, balance of system
designs, and methods of estimating cost from higher TRL
technologies, while high TRL technologies with the current
emphasis on the system level development can bene
t from
fundamental materials knowledge gained in low TRL technologies.
To provide a speci
c example of the bene
ts and success in these
efforts; the standard protocols that benchmark membrane properties,
such as water content, gas permeability, and ion exchange capacity in
LTE, can be adapted by the PEC community to include additional
considerations on stability under illumination and conductivity for
cations and anions other than proton or hydroxide for near-neutral
pH operations. Similarly, HTE is learning from LTE about cell and
system scale-up, testing on comparable cell and device levels, and
corresponding testing protocols.
At the same time, through this widening of communications and
support, expertise in PEC has opened new possibilities for LTE. For
example, earth abundant electro-catalytic materials development in
the PEC community is largely translatable to LTE and can in
principle provide options for non-platinum group metal (PGM)
catalysts for incorporation in LTE. There is a lot of similarities in
materials requirements in HTE and STCH. Examples of common
R&D interests in system level considerations for PEC and STCH
include sunlight spectrum utilization, overall solar to hydrogen
conversion ef
ciency, operational conditions, and constraints of
each system under sunlight, can cross-fertilize advances in both
technologies. Cross-communication, collaboration, and unilateral
support of R&D advancements towards a clean energy future is vital
for all our futures. This project and this publication platform provide
an opportunity to collaborate and collectively improve the
s R&D efforts to ensure that we are all working most
effectively towards a sustainable clean energy future.
Research Topic in Frontiers in Energy: This on-line, peer
reviewed journal, provides open access to rapidly developing
standardized testing protocols for the AWST R&D community.
In this issue, authors offer a collection of standard protocols in the
elds of LTE, HTE, PEC, and STCH advanced water-splitting
technologies for clean hydrogen production. To track and report
on progress and to set global priorities for advanced water splitting
hydrogen research, this issue is a step intended to address the need to
gain consistency within and across individual technology pathways
so that researchers can reliably evaluate and compare the potential
for each pathway. In addition, time is not our friend, and the lack of
consistency and agreed upon benchmarks, protocols, standards, or
roadmaps creates a large activation barrier for entry, for
communicating to decision makers, and for general outreach.
In the interest of lowering the ba
rriers and disseminating best
practices in characterizing and benc
hmarking advanced water splitting
materials, creating a foundation in a
ccelerated materials, device, and
systems research, development and deployment for the broader
research community, this research topic asked the community for
articles that describe comparisons, ma
terials screening, characterization
protocols, benchmarks
, techno-economics, system analyses, and
roadmaps for any and all advanced water splitting pathways, in
which the primary energy is renew
able (or at least carbon-free).
Current LTE protocols focus on
material screening
methods as a
rst step in any new exploration to ensure that
minimum criteria are met before investing additional time and
resources in more complex tests. Some of these measurements are
very technique dependent and require careful methods to obtain
accurate results, such as catalyst activity
rotating disk electrodes.
Other property measurements include ion exchange capacity, and
oxidative stability of anion exchange membranes, and physical
properties of porous transport layers. A
nal protocol addresses
standard teardown of full cells for analysis. These protocols form a
framework to build from for in cell component testing and durability.
PEC currently has
ve topical protocol reports that include
benchmarking solar-to-hydrogen conversion ef
ciency of
photoelectrodes, measurements of ion exchange membranes for
solar fuel applications, comprehensive evaluation of optical,
electrical, photoelectrochemical and spectroscopic properties of
protective coatings, incident photo-to-current ef
measurements and long term photoelectrode stability
measurement protocols for PEC water splitting.
Presented HTE protocols focus on methods of solid oxide cell
materials properties
characterization, such as measuring sample
density, determining oxide electrical properties, separating the
contributions of different charge carriers to the total conductivity
as well as describing effective ways of solid oxide cell sealing,
operating, and leak testing. In addition, one of the protocols
compares several different steam generators to ensure stable and
reliable steam supply to HTE, which is vital to ensure a uniform
hydrogen production rate and to report degradations accurately.
STCH protocols in this issue include one paper on performance
indicators (
Performance Indicators for Benchmarking Solar
Thermochemical Fuel Processes and Reactors.
) The solar reactor
for operationalizing STCH is the key component and the
performance of that reactor can be the deciding factor in
assessing technical and economic feasibility. Important indicators
discussed in this paper are conversion, selectivity, ef
ciency, and
stability. The issue also includes a paper on determining the off-
stoichiometry with temperature and partial pressure of oxygen (
Thermogravimetric Temperature-Programmed Thermal Redox
Protocol for Rapid Screening of Metal Oxides for Solar
Thermochemical Hydrogen Production,
) The authors show that
temperature-programmed thermal reduction can provide a simple
thermogravimetric analysis-based single-run experiment that
measures the redox behavior of a specimen under thermal
reduction and reoxidation conditions relevant to STCH. Lastly,
the issue includes a paper on synchrotron-base characterization
Synchrotron-based techniques for characterizing STCH water-
splitting materials.
) Synchrotron radiation is a powerful tool for
characterizing STCH materials. X-ray absorption spectroscopy can
Frontiers in
Energy Research
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identify those cations that are redox active and the extent of
reduction in quenched conditions.
In summary, this issue contains nineteen articles and ninety
different authors. Additional protocols are still in development and
will be published later. We look forward to extensive international
use of the protocols presented in this Research Topic and new ones
as they become available. We also highly encourage participation by
the wider community in improving and giving feedback on the
current protocols and the continued creation of advanced protocols
for AWST materials, component, and systems research and
Author contributions
KA, OM, ES, and CX contributed to the manuscript equally.
ict of interest
Authors MC, KA, and GR are employed by Nel Hydrogen. KJG
was employed by H
Technology Consulting.
The remaining authors declares that the research was conducted
in the absence of any commercial or
nancial relationships that
could be construed as a potential con
ict of interest.
s note
All claims expressed in this articl
e are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their af
liated organizations,
or those of the publisher, the editor
s and the reviewers. Any product
that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
manufacturer, is not guaranteed
or endorsed by the publisher.
Frontiers in
Energy Research
n et al.