Published January 1995 | public
Journal Article

An Experimental Investigation of Damage Evolution in a Ceramic Matrix Composite


The mechanical behavior of a glass-ceramic matrix composite, SiC/CAS (calcium aluminosilicate reinforced with unidirectional SiC fibers), is studied. Results based on uniaxial tension experiments are presented for specimens with fibers aligned in the loading direction. Axial and transverse strain gages on all four gage section surfaces and in situ acoustic emission and ultrasonic wave speed measurements were used to monitor the evolution of damage. All measurements were made with high-resolution, continuous data acquisition. Post-test optical and scanning electron microscopy was also used to identify the various micromechanisms of damage. The experimental results demonstrate the existence of "zones of deformation" which are associated with the onset of different damage mechanisms. It is shown that the observed stress-strain behavior can be explained in terms of the material properties of the matrix and the fiber, the material processing, and the postulated zones of deformation.

Additional Information

© 1995 by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Contributed by the Materials Division for publication in the Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. Manuscript received by the Materials Division December 23, 1993; revised manuscript received May 10, 1994. We gratefully acknowledge the support of this research through a Presidential Young Investigator award from the National Science Foundation to G. Ravichandran, grant No. MSS-9157846. In addition, the author's would like to thank Motorola for their generous donation of Digital Signal Processing hardware and software.

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August 20, 2023
October 20, 2023