Photomixotrophic growth of
Rhodobacter capsulatus
SB1003 on
ferrous iron
Sebastian H. Kopf
Dianne K. Newman
Dianne K. Newman:
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Pasadena, CA 91125
Division of Biological Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Pasadena, CA 91125
This study investigates the role iron oxidation plays in the purple nonsulfur bacterium
Rhodobacter capsulatus
SB1003. This organism is unable to grow photoautotrophically on
unchelated ferrous iron [Fe(II)] despite its ability to oxidize chelated Fe(II). This apparent paradox
was partly resolved by the discovery that SB1003 can grow photoheterotrophical-ly on the
photochemical breakdown products of certain ferric iron - ligand complexes, yet whether it could
concomitantly benefit from the oxidation of Fe(II) to fix CO
was unknown. Here, we examine
carbon fixation by stable isotope labeling of the inorganic carbon pool in cultures growing
phototrophically on acetate with and without Fe(II). We show that
R. capsulatus
SB1003, an
organism formally thought incapable of phototrophic growth on Fe(II), can actually harness the
reducing power of this substrate and grow photomixtotrophically, deriving carbon both from
organic sources and fixation of inorganic carbon. This suggests the possibility of a wider
occurrence of photoferrotrophy than previously assumed.
1. Introduction
Microbial processes throughout Earth's history have had a profound impact on the
biogeochemical cycling of iron (
Kappler and Straub, 2005
Ehrlich and Newman, 2008
While much attention has been paid to iron's ability to serve as an electron donor or electron
acceptor in catabolic processes, beyond a crude accounting for electrons in the metabolisms
of a few model organisms, we have little appreciation for how cells make use of iron's redox
chemistry. For example, we would expect multiple elements within a cell to be affected by
an imbalance in iron homeostasis, which in turn would be expected to change how a cell
might regulate its export or uptake of substrates containing these elements. Similarly, we
would expect intracellular redox homeostasis to be influenced by iron in myriad ways. How
these and other more subtle effects manifest themselves is poorly understood, yet they may
be important drivers of the overall iron biogeochemical cycle.
Correspondence to: Dianne K. Newman,
Published as:
. 2012 May ; 10(3): 216–222.
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In recognition of this knowledge gap, we chose to explore how ferrous iron [Fe(II)] is used
by the anoxygenic phototroph,
Rhodobacter capsulatus
strain SB1003. We chose this
organism as a model system because it exhibited a curious phenotype during phototrophic
growth. Unlike other
species (
Ehrenreich and Widdel, 1994
R. capsulatus
SB1003 does not oxidize iron (and grow photolithotrophically) in medium containing Fe(II)
chloride as the sole source of reducing power (
Croal et al., 2007
). However, in the presence
of chelating agents such as citrate and NTA, Fe(II) oxidation is enabled and SB1003 can
grow photoheterotrophically on supplementary carbon sources (
Croal et al., 2007
and Newman, 2009
), or, in the case of photoactive ferric [Fe(III)]-ligand complexes such as
Fe(III)-citrate, on the photochemical breakdown products of the ligand (
Caiazza et al.,
). This shows that Fe(II) oxidation can benefit the organism indirectly but does not
resolve whether Fe(II) oxidation can benefit
R. capsulatus
directly. (
Poulain and Newman,
) first explored the ambiguous role of Fe(II) oxidation in
R. capsulatus
SB1003 and
proposed Fe(II) oxidation as a potential detoxification mechanism. Preliminary data on gene
expression furthermore revealed that several Calvin cycle genes are upregulated in the
presence of Fe(II) (Poulain and Newman, unpublished data), suggesting a potential link to
Fe(II) oxidation. Herein, we expand on these studies and show that
R. capsulatus
can grow photomixotrophically using Fe(II) as an electron donor for carbon fixation.
2. Results and Discussion
2.1 Fe(II) oxidation promotes growth
To elucidate whether Fe(II) oxidation itself confers any growth benefit to
R. capsulatus
, we
assessed phototrophic growth on Fe(II) complexed by nitrilotriacetate (NTA) in anoxic
freshwater medium, completely devoid of additional electron donors (trace organics or
hydrogen, see Materials and Methods), with bicarbonate as the sole carbon source (Figure
1). The lack of growth in the control experiment (NTA only) shows that
R. capsulatus
cannot use NTA as a carbon source. When provided with Fe(II)-NTA in the light, the
organism grew rapidly for 2 days and appeared to grow slowly for the remainder of the
experiment. Optical density likely reflects growth as iron oxides did not precipitate (all
Fe(III) complexed by NTA), although small variations in optical density could also be due to
morphological changes as the cells aged. Fe(II) was completely oxidized after 2 days (data
not shown) and remained oxidized for the remainder of the experiment. No growth or Fe(II)
oxidation occurred in the dark (Figure 1). When provided with Fe(III)-NTA instead, the
organism had no direct source of reducing power and showed only very little growth, similar
to later stage (2+ days) on Fe(II)-NTA (Figure 1). Small quantities of reduced Fe(II)
(360±80 μM) accumulated in the medium within 2 days. Since the Fe(III)-NTA complex can
be photochemically active at the experimental pH and light regime (
Andrianirinaharivelo et
al., 1993
), the observed accumulation of Fe(II) is likely due to photoreduction of Fe(III) in
the Fe(III)-NTA complex. This process is expected to photodegrade the ligand, yielding
NTA breakdown products that could serve as a carbon source for photoheterotrophic growth
ordissimilatory Fe(III) reduction (
Dobbin et al., 1996
). The apparent slow growth in the
presence of Fe(III)-NTA, both when supplied initially or provided by oxidation of Fe(II),
suggests that the organism can benefit from photoreduction of Fe(III), photolytic breakdown
of NTA, or both. Because Fe(II)-NTA does not photolyze, and photolysis of unbound NTA
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is exceedingly slow (
Larson and Stabler, 1978
), the rapid initial growth in the presence of
Fe(II)-NTA cannot be explained by growth on photochemical breakdown products and
suggests that the oxidation of Fe(II) provides a growth benefit to
R. capsulatus
2.2 Fe(II) oxidation allows for carbon fixation
To test whether Fe(II) serves as an electron donor for carbon fixation, we conducted isotope
labeling experiments with
C labeled bicarbonate. If CO
is fixed during growth on Fe(II)-
NTA, inorganic
C should be strongly incorporated into cell carbon. However, purple non-
sulfur bacteria like
R. capsulatus
also use CO
as a sink for excess reducing equivalents to
achieve redox homeostasis during photoheterotrophic growth (
Tabita, 2004
), potentially
obscuring this signal. This is further complicated by any potential contribution to growth
from photolytic breakdown products of NTA, which would introduce unlabeled carbon into
the cell. To allow a quantitative interpretation of the labeling experiments, we thus explored
three different growth conditions: phototrophic growth on [A] acetate alone, [B] Fe(II)-NTA
alone, and [C] acetate and Fe(II)-NTA together. Table 1 documents optical density as well
as acetate and Fe(II) concentrations at the onset and conclusion of each experiment, in
addition to the
C content of the harvested cells (see Materials and Methods for
experimental details). Because all organic carbon sources were unlabeled (acetate, NTA)
and the entire inorganic pool was labeled (bicarbonate), these isotopic data represent the net
assimilation of organic vs. inorganic carbon into biomass for each growth condition. The
low variability between biological replicates provides confidence in the reproducibility and
comparability of the experimental conditions.
The isotopic data from growth condition [A] (acetate only) illustrates the role of carbon
fixation for redox homeostasis during photoheterotrophic growth. During photoheterotrophic
growth, purple non-sulfur bacteria like
R. capsulatus
generate energy from cyclic
phosphorylation while building cell carbon directly from organic carbon sources. The use of
organic substrates for biosynthesis, however, can lead to a buildup of excess reducing
power, requiring these phototrophs to find an electron sink to maintain redox homeostasis.
In organisms limited fornitrogen, nitrogenase can serve this function by sinking excess
electrons into N
and H
, producing ammonium and H
Hillmer and Gest, 1977
and Harwood, 2011
). Additionally, certain alternative electron acceptors such as
dimethylsulfoxide can provide the necessary electron sink (
Richardson et al., 1988
). More
commonly though, redox homeostasis under photoheterotrophic growth of
R. capsulatus
achieved by using CO
as a sink for excess reducing equivalents through the Calvin-Benson-
Bassham pathway (the Calvin cycle) (
Tichi and Tabita, 2000
Bauer et al., 2003
Tabita, 2004
). During the experimental conditions employed in this study,
photoheterotrophic growth of
R. capsulatus
in the presence of excess ammonium and the
absence of alternative electron acceptors, CO
fixation via the Calvin cycle provides the
only available sink for excess reducing power. This introduces cell carbon derived from the
inorganic carbon pool into the cell. Our data indicate that close to 17% (Table 1) of cellular
carbon is derived from the inorganic carbon poolduring photoheterotrophic growth of
SB1003 on acetate. This result is in agreement with a detailed metabolic flux
analysis of another purple phototroph,
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
, growing
photoheterotrophically on acetate (
Mckinlay and Harwood, 2010
R. palustris
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22% of the provided acetate to CO
via central metabolic pathways and reincorporates 68%
of the released CO
into cell carbon via the Calvin cycle, ultimately deriving approximately
16% of its cellular carbon from CO
Mckinlay and Harwood, 2010
). Several pathways of
acetate assimilation that can explain the observed exchange of carbon with the inorganic
pool have been discovered in the purple phototrophs (
Blasco et al., 1989
Willison, 1998
Filatova et al., 2005
Meister et al., 2005
). However, why these organisms build up excess
reducing power (that is disposed of via the Calvin cycle or other redox sinks) during growth
on substrates that are more oxidized than cell carbon is still poorly understood (
and Harwood, 2010
). Under the experimental conditions employed in this study, the
energetic cost of carbon fixation via the Calvin cycle is unlikely to significantly affect the
energy available to
R. capsulatus
. ATP generation via cyclic photophosphorylation provides
energy independently of the growth-limiting sources of reducing power (organic carbon and
The large incorporation of labeled inorganic carbon in cultures grown phototrophically on
Fe(II)-NTA alone (close to 63%, growth condition [B], see Table 1) confirms that Fe(II)
serves as an electron donor for carbon fixation. However, the dilution of the inorganic signal
C) indicates that
R. capsulatus
must be capable of assimilating some organic carbon
from the chelator NTA, the only unlabeled pool of carbon available in the medium. Because
the organism is unable to metabolize NTA directly (Figure 1), the isotopic data suggest that
it can benefit from photolysis of the ligand. Previous studies (
Caiazza et al., 2007
) have
shown that under similar conditions, growth of
R. capsulatus
SB1003 on Fe(II)-citrate
occurs as a result of Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III)-citrate photochemistry, which produces
acetoacetic acid as a consequence of ligand breakdown, a carbon source accessible to the
organism. A similar model is conceivable for Fe(II)-NTA with the well studied
photochemically active Fe(III)-NTA complex breaking down to iminodiacetic acid (IDA),
formaldehyde (HCHO), CO
and hydroxyl radicals (
Trott et al., 1972
Stolzberg and Hume,
Andrianirinaharivelo et al., 1993
Bunescu et al., 2008
). IDA can further disintegrate
to formaldehyde and glycine, although this second photolytic step proceeds at slower rates
Stolzberg and Hume, 1975
). Based on the presence of genes annotated as hydroxymethyl-
transferase (
, RCC00438), serine-glyoxylate aminotransferase (RCC03109) and
hydroxypyruvate reductase (
, RCC02615) in the sequenced genome of
R. capsulatus
SB1003, formaldehyde assimilation by the serine pathway shouldbe possible in SB1003,
making for maldehydea potential carbon source(
Chistoserdova et al., 2003
). This pathway is
a common functional module in methylotrophs and well understood at the biochemical level.
An additional pathway of formaldehyde metabolism using the glutathione-dependent
formaldehyde dehydrogenase (
, RCC00869) present in the genome of SB1003 is also
possible as pointed out previously (
Caiazza et al., 2007
). This pathway leads to the net
generation of reducing equivalents by oxidizing formaldehyde and could be used for fixing
inorganic carbon but would not lead to direct assimilation of the organic carbon (which is
oxidized to CO
R. capsulatus
is unable to grow photoheterotrophically on IDA (no
growth observed on 5mM IDA over the course of 3 days, data not shown) but can grow on
glycine as the sole carbon source (growth on 5mM glycine up to an optical density of 0.3 at
675nm, data not shown), rendering glycine an additional potential source for carbon. Lastly,
the radicals formed during Fe(III)-NTA photolysis can potentially interact with NTA or IDA
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to provide additional accessible, yet unidentified carbon sources. Our isotopic data provides
evidence that
R. capsulatus
can assimilate some of these NTA breakdown products,
however, which photolytic product of NTA degradation is metabolized by the organism and
how, remains to be shown.
The intermediate incorporation of labeled inorganic carbon in cultures grown
phototrophically on acetate and Fe(II)-NTA (28%, growth condition [C], see Table 1) is
consistent with a combination of the effects observed during growth on acetate alone and
growth on Fe(II)-NTA alone (conditions [A] and [B]).
These results indicate that
R. capsulatus
SB1003 grows photomixotrophically by fixing CO
with Fe(II) as the electron donor (photoautotrophic metabolism) while simultaneously
assimilating organic carbon sources (photoheterotrophic metabolism). Why the organism
can benefit from the oxidation of Fe(II)-NTA but fails to oxidize unchelated Fe
unclearand merits further research. It could reflect a requirement for ligand-bound Fe(II) to
be recognized for efficient uptake into the cell, and/or result from a toxic effect of the free
metal ion, as suggested by (
Poulain and Newman, 2009
2.3 Mass balance model
The isotopic data shows that
R. capsulatus
can incorporate a mixture of carbon sources
during phototrophic growth and provides a basis for quantitative evaluation of their
respective contributions. In the presence of complexed Fe(II), the organism seems capable
of exploiting simple, naturally wide-spread organic acids (such as acetate), photochemically
mobilized refractory carbon (such as ligand breakdown products) as well as the reducing
power of the Fe(II) itself (summarized schematically in Figure 2). Isotopic mass balance
yields the relative contributions of these carbon sources:
[Inoc], [Ac], [Fe(II)]
are the concentrations of the different carbon pools
(initial inoculum, acetate assimilation, carbon fixation through Fe(II) oxidation, and
acquisition of carbon from Fe(III)-NTA breakdown) contributing to total cell carbon
denotes the net efficiency of acetate assimilation,
the net ratio of molecules of
fixed into cell carbon per atoms of Fe(II) oxidized.
, %
, %
indicate the isotopic composition of cell carbon derived from these different
sources, respectively.
is the isotopic composition of total cell carbon, as measured
in the isotope labeling experiments in this study (Table 1).
The net efficiency of carbon assimilation from acetate during photoheterotrophic growth of
R. capsulatus
was 1.75±0.14 mol cell C / mol acetate (
=88% carbon conservation
efficiency, average from 5 biological replicates ± SD), in agreement with similar
measurements for the anoxygenic phototroph
R. palustris
Mckinlay and Harwood, 2010
The net ratio of CO
fixation to Fe(II) oxidation was estimated to be
=0.23 since 4.3
electrons from Fe(II) are required to reduce inorganic carbon to the carbon redox state of of
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R. Capsulatus
biomass (-0.3, see Supporting Information for details). The contribution from
the inoculum to final biomass was estimated to be 1% of the biomass generated from growth
on acetate (the 1% inoculum). Assuming that acetate metabolism proceeds by very similar
pathways irrespective of the presence or absence of Fe(II)-NTA metabolism and vice-versa,
the mass balance equations for the different experimental conditions [A, B and C] provide
the estimates for the unknown parameters (
) reported in Table 2.
NTA breakdown products are metabolized with an exchange of
18.6% of assimilated
carbon with the inorganic pool (either by dear boxylation/recarboxylation reactions or
oxidation and refixation via the Calvin cycle), which is similar to our measured value for
acetate assimilation (16.9%). The total amount of cell carbon derived from the assimilation
of NTA breakdown products (0.70 mM C), corresponds to 0.12mM NTA (a 6C compound) -
or 1.2% of the total NTA pool - if all carbon in the photolytic breakdown products can be
metabolized by the organism. The precise rate of photolytic breakdown is difficult to
estimate because Fe(III)-NTA photolysis is strongly pH and wavelength dependent, but
would be expected to be slow at circumneutral (or higher) pH with little irradiation in the
UV (shorter than
365nm) (
Andrianirinaharivelo et al., 1993
The estimate for
also enables calculation of an electron mass balance based on the
total electron content of the generated
R. capsulatus
biomass and the total electron content
of the consumed substrates (acetate, Fe(II) and NTA breakdown products). For this
calculation, we assume that the oxidation state of carbon in the assimilated NTA breakdown
product corresponds to the oxidation state of carbon in formaldehyde; making this
assumption, we can estimate the total electron recovery for each experimental condition
(Table 2).
2.4 Obligate mixotrophy
Interestingly, the model results and Figure 1 suggest that
R. capsulatus
cannot fully benefit
from the assimilation of NTA breakdown products in the absence of Fe(II). In the presence
of Fe(II), NTA breakdown products contribute as much as 41% to cell carbon. If provided
with Fe(III)-NTA, however, this contribution is not visible in the growth curve. Because all
organic carbon sources available to
R. capsulatus
in our experiments are slightly more
oxidized than bulk biomass (see Supporting Information for details), the organism requires
some reducing power for net biosynthetic reduction of the substrate. In the case of
photoheterotrophic growth on acetate alone, the oxidation of some acetate can provide the
necessary reducing power to assimilate the remaining acetate, ultimately contributing to the
observed suboptimal efficiency (88%) of acetate assimilation. In the case of NTA
breakdown products, however, some of the reducing power available from the oxidation of
Fe(II) might be required to fully benefit from these carbon sources (hypothesized pathway,
Figure 2). If this were the case, the observed phototrophic growth on Fe(II)-NTA would be
truly obligate photomixotrophy. This possibility cannot be fully resolved here but provides a
testable hypothesis for further research. Detailed metabolic flux experiments could help
elucidate the interdependence of these pathways and explore the role Fe(II) oxidation might
play in the assimilation of refractory organic carbon sources. Analogously, the ambiguous
function of Fe(II) oxidation in anaerobic chemotrophic Fe(II) oxidizers (
Kappler et al.,
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) might similarly be explained by considering Fe(II) oxidation as an auxiliary
mechanism for redox balancing during the assimilation of organic carbon.
3. Conclusion
The existence of mixotrophic growth itself is not surprising and has previously been
suggested to occur both in phototrophic (
Widdel et al., 1993
) and chemotrophic (
and Pedersen, 1991
)Fe(II) metabolisms. However, its significance is rarely appreciated
despite its likely importance in nature. Our results show that an organism not previously
considered capable of growing by Fe(II) oxidation, in fact originally thought
oxidizing Fe(II) altogether, can use Fe(II) for growth under certain conditions. The ability to
grow photomixotrophically on Fe(II) might be more widespread than previously assumed,
even for cultured organisms that have simply not been exposed to conditions that allow this
mode of growth to be observed in the laboratory. It will be interesting to learn whether
mixotrophic growth accounts for a significant proportion of cellular Fe(II) oxidation activity
by different types of Fe(II) oxidizing organisms. Future research into the different enzymatic
pathways of Fe(II) oxidation and a more detailed understanding of their regulation could
permit a more accurate assessment of how widespread and environmentally significant
microbial Fe(II) oxidation is today and has been throughout Earth's history.
4. Materials and Methods
4.1 Experimental conditions
Rhodobacter capsulatus
SB1003 was grown phototrophically in anoxic, minimal-salts
freshwater medium, prepared as previously described (
Ehrenreich and Widdel, 1994
). The
medium was buffered at pH 7.0 with 22mM sodium bicarbonate. All experiments were
prepared in an oxygen- and hydrogen-free, anaerobic chamber under an atmosphere of pure
. All reagents and glassware were stored in the chamber at least three days prior to use to
remove traces of oxygen. In addition to standard heat sterilization procedures used for all
equipment and medium preparation, glassware was precombusted in a muffle furnace at
550°C to remove all remaining traces of organic materials potentially adhered to the glass.
Cells were grown an aerobically at 30°C under constant illumination from two 60W
incandescent light sources at 30cm distance, providing a total irradiance of ca. 40 W/m
(45.5% visible light, 54.4% IR,
0.1% UV). Growth was followed by optical density at
675nm (OD675). This wavelength was used to decrease distortion by Fe(III)-NTA, which
absorbs strongly at 600nm. OD675 underestimates optical density as compared to a
measurement at 600nm.
4.2 Phototrophic growth in the presence of iron
Phototrophic growth was assessed in bicarbonate buffered freshwater medium amended with
4mM ferrous Fe(II) complexed by 10mM nitrilotriacetate (NTA), or 5mM ferric Fe(III)
complexed by 10mM NTA. Medium amended with either 5mM NTA only or with Fe(II)-
NTA incubated in the dark was tested as controls. No additional carbon or electron sources
were provided. NTA was chosen as the complexing agent to avoid fast photolytic
breakdown of the Fe(III)-ligand complex. Previous work with citrate revealed a high
degradation of the more photoreactive Fe(III)-citrate complex (
0.6 mM / day,
Caiazza et
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al., 2007
)), which allowedrapid accumulation of acetoacetate, a substrate that can be readily
metabolized by
R. capsulatus
and obscures the effect of Fe(II) oxidation. The chosen
concentrations of NTA were previously found not to interfere with growth on other
substrates (data not shown) while ensuring virtually all Fe(II) and Fe(III) remain complexed,
preventing precipitation of iron hydroxides (
Poulain and Newman, 2009
). Experiments were
conducted in biological triplicates. Fe(II) concentrations were measured at the start and end
of the experiment. Fe(II) was quantified throughout this study using the FerroZine assay
Stookey, 1970
4.3 Isotope labeling
For isotope labeling, freshwater medium was buffered with 22mM labeled sodium
bicarbonate (NaH
, CAS# 87081-58-01) purchased from Cambridge Isotope
Laboratories, Inc. (catalogue # CLM-441, purification grade: >99%
C). Freshwater
medium was amended with 3mM acetate only [A],
4mM Fe(II)-10mM NTA only [B], or
both [C]. Cultures were harvested upon reaching early stationary phase (20 hours after
inoculation for [A], 29 hours for [B, C]), washed thrice in deionized water and lyophilized
overnight. Acetate and Fe(II) concentrations were determined before inoculation and at the
time of harvest. Acetate was measured using a Dionex ICS-3000 ion chromatography
system with a 4×240mm AS-11 IonPac column and NaOH elution gradient (0.5 to 5.0 mM
NaOH in 3.5 min followed by 5.0 to 37mM NaOH in 12 min at a flow rate of 2 ml/min).
Isotopic composition of bulk cell carbon was determined by EA-IRMS at the UC Davis
Stable Isotope Facility (Davis, CA). Carbon isotopic compositions from labeled experiments
are reported in terms of atom percent %
C = 100 [
C / (
C +
C)] throughout this study.
Isotopic composition of acetate, NTA as well as the in oculum culture used in this study
were measured and confirmed to be approximately natural abundance (
1.1 %
C >
40‰, data not shown). The labeled bicarbonate was assumed to comply with the
manufacturer's specifications (
99 %
C). Experiments were conducted in biological
triplicates [A] or quadruplicates [B, C]. Abiotic controls indicated no significant oxidation
of Fe(II) over the course of the experiment.
4.4Carbon assimilation efficiency
The carbon assimilation efficiency of
R. capsulatus
during phototrophic growth on acetate
was determined from the consumption of acetate and concomitant increase in cell dry weight
of cultures grown to late exponential phase on acetate as the only carbon source. Cultures
were pelleted by centrifugation, filtered onto pre-weighed Spin-X centrifuge tube filters and
dried to constant weight in a 60°C drying oven. Total cell carbon content was derived from
dry weights based on the elemental composition of
R. capsulatus
Dorffler et al., 1998
). Acetate consumption was measured by ion chromatography.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
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We thank Alexandre Poulain for teaching S.K. how to work with
R. capsulatus
and Alexa Price-Whelan and other
members of the Newman Lab for stimulating discussions. Three anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged
for constructive criticism. This work was supported by grants to D.K.N. from the National Science Foundation
(grant MCB-0616323) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. D.K.N. is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute.
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Figure 1. Fe(II) oxidation promotes growth
Phototrophic growth was assessed in freshwater medium amended with NTA only, ferrous
Fe(II)-NTA (light and dark), or ferric Fe(III)-NTA. Symbols represent the averages of
biological triplicates. Error bars indicate standard deviation and may be smaller than symbol
size. OD (675nm) is optical density at 675nm.
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Figure 2. Mixotrophic growth of
R. capsulatus
Schematic overview of the various pathways that can contribute to photomixotrohpic growth
in the presence of Fe(II)-NTA. Question marks (?) indicate hypothesized pathways
(discussed in text) that require further investigation. Abbreviations: Calvin-Benson-Bassham
pathway (CBB), photosynthetic reaction center (RC), NTA breakdown products (NTA
BDP), photochemically/photosynthetically active radiation (
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Table 1
Fe(II) oxidation allows carbon fixation
Bulk isotopic composition of
R. capsulatus
after phototrophic growth in freshwater medium containing 22mM H
and amended with acetate only
[A], Fe(II)-NTA only [B], or both [C]. Optical density (OD at 675nm), acetate and ferrous Fe(II) concentrations were measured at inoculation (t=0) and at
the time of harvest (20 hours after inoculation for [A], 29 hours for [B, C]). Values represent averages of biological triplicates [A] and quadruplicates [B,
C] respectively. Reported error is one standard deviation.
OD (675nm)
Acetate [mM]
Fe(II) [mM]
C [%]
Acetate only [A]
Fe(II)-NTA only [B]
Acetate & Fe(II)-NTA [C]
Acetate at time of harvest could no longer be detected and is reported to be below the lower limit of determination.
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Table 2
Carbon and electron mass balance
Carbon mass balance includes total amounts and isotopic composition of cell carbon derived from the different carbon sources. Electron recovery is based
on total e- donor consumption and cellular e- content. Derived quantities are reported with errors derived by error propagation. Reported error is one
standard deviation.
Carbon sources
Derived cell carbon
Acetate only [A]
Fe-NTA only [B]
Acetate & Fe-NTA [C]
[mM C]
Relative contributions [%C-source]
Acetate assimilation
Carbon fixation by Fe oxidation
Assimilation of NTA breakdown products
Total biomass C [mM]
Total biomass e
Total e-donor e
e-recovery [%]
based on e
content of
R. capsulatus
biomass derived in Supplemental Information
assuming substrate from NTA breakdown to be primarily in the oxidation state of formaldehyde (see Table S1)
ratio of total e
recovered in biomass / e
available from e-donors
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 29.