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Multiscale photoacoustic microscopy and computed tomography
Lihong V. Wang
Optical Imaging Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington University in St.
Louis, Campus Box 1097, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
Lihong V. Wang: LHWang@biomed.wustl.edu
Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is probably the fastest growing biomedical imaging technology
owing to its capability of high-resolution sensing of rich optical contrast
in vivo
at depths beyond the
optical transport mean free path (~1 mm in the skin). Existing high-resolution optical imaging
technologies, such as confocal microscopy and two-photon microscopy, have fundamentally
impacted biomedicine but cannot reach such depths. Taking advantage of low ultrasonic scattering,
PAT indirectly improves tissue transparency by 100 to 1000 fold and consequently enables deeply
penetrating functional and molecular imaging at high spatial resolution. Further, PAT holds the
promise of
in vivo
imaging at multiple length scales ranging from subcellular organelles to organs
with the same contrast origin, an important application in multiscale systems biology research.
1. Introduction
Definition of photoacoustic tomography: old physics and new technology
Photoacoustic tomography (PAT),
3 also referred to as optoacoustic tomography, is defined
as cross-sectional or three-dimensional (3D) imaging of a material based on the photoacoustic
effect. Planar imaging without depth resolution or one-dimensional (1D) depth-resolved
imaging does not belong to tomography. In the photoacoustic phenomenon, light is absorbed
by a material and converted to heat, and subsequently an acoustic wave is generated due to
thermoelastic expansion. PAT—a hybrid of optical imaging and ultrasound imaging—
combines rich optical contrast and high ultrasonic resolution in a single modality. PAT is
capable of providing high-resolution structural, functional,
7 and molecular
13 imaging
in optically scattering biological tissue at unprecedented depths. While structural imaging
cannot differentiate live and dead tissues, functional imaging can do so by measuring
physiological functions, such as the blood flow and oxygenation. In addition, molecular
imaging can sense biomarkers to identify specific cancer cells or detect gene expression
products to track gene activations.
The milestones of PAT and its precursor are briefly summarized here. One hundred years after
Bell reported the photoacoustic effect in 1880,14 Bowen envisioned its potential for imaging
with the excitation of ionizing radiation (high-energy electrons, x-ray photons, neutrons, and
other charged particles) or non-ionizing radiation (radiowaves, microwaves, and ultrasonic
He illustrated 1D depth-resolved imaging using radiowave excitation but never
mentioned the possibility of using optical excitation. Ten years later, laser-induced
photoacoustic depth-resolved imaging was achieved initially with no or poor (e.g., ~6 mm)
L. W. is the author to whom correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed.
9. Competing interests statement
The author has a financial interest in Microphotoacoustics, Inc. and Endra, Inc., which however did not support this work.
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 August 29.
Published in final edited form as:
Nat Photonics
. 2009 August 29; 3(9): 503–509. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2009.157.
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lateral resolution in the direction perpendicular to the acoustic axis.16
20 To acquire cross-
sectional or 3D images that are both axially and laterally resolved, PAT based on an
approximate reconstruction algorithm was developed;21 alternatively, PAT based on tightly
focused ultrasonic detection was attained.22 In 2003,
in vivo
functional PAT was reported.
The subsequent rapid growth of research on PAT is highlighted in this article.
Rationale for optical imaging: rich optical contrast
Although many biomedical imaging modalities exist, their limitations call for new imaging
technologies. Optical imaging is a strong contender primarily because of its rich contrast. From
the safety perspective, light is nonionizing radiation with photon energy of the order of 2
electron volts, whereas x-ray has photon energy of thousands of electron volts and can
consequently cause carcinogenesis. From the physics perspective, optical signals are related
to the molecular constituents of tissue and hence can provide biochemical information. From
the optics perspective, optical absorption is related to various intrinsic contrast origins, such
as oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin, melanin, lipids, and even water. As a result,
optical imaging can provide functional imaging—mapping of physiological parameters. By
using multiwavelength measurement, one can simultaneously quantify concentrations of
multiple chromophores of different colors, such as oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin
molecules in red blood cells. Such quantification of hemoglobin can provide functional
imaging of the concentration and the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin—both parameters are
related to angiogenesis and hypermetabolism (hallmarks of cancer)—as well as brain activities
or injuries.
24 In addition, extrinsic optical absorption contrast agents can be used to
provide molecular imaging of gene expressions or biomarkers.8
Challenges in optical imaging: optical diffraction and diffusion
High-resolution optical microscopy faces two fundamental challenges: diffraction and
diffusion. Diffraction limits the spatial resolution, whereas diffusion limits the penetration. The
resolution of optical microscopy has been improved beyond the diffraction limit recently.
This article focuses on breaking the diffusion limit.
Despite light diffusion due to tissue scattering, a quick experiment by transmitting flash light
through the palm in the dark would prove the penetration capability of scattered light in
biological tissue. Although the flash light is broadband, only red light transmits substantially.
Unlike x-ray photons, optical photons do not cast a shadow of the bone. Such an observation
is well-understood in biomedical optics. Because hemoglobin—the primary chromophore in
biological tissue—absorbs light strongly in the green and blue spectral region, red light
propagates further before being absorbed than shorter wavelength light. Further, strong light
scattering by tissue components such as cell nuclei and mitochondria blurs any shadows of
internal structures. In fact, a red photon may experience hundreds to thousands of scattering
events before being absorbed. The reciprocal of the mean distance between equivalent isotropic
scattering events—called transport mean free path—is on the order of 1 mm in the visible and
near-infrared spectral range, around which photon propagation transitions from the ballistic
regime into the diffusive regime.
Because optical focusing is ineffective in the diffusive
regime, the transport mean free path is referred to as the soft depth limit for high-resolution
optical imaging. Beyond the soft depth limit, no pure optical imaging technologies have been
able to achieve high spatial resolution. Although scattering
per se
does not eliminate photons,
tortuous elongated photon paths boost the chance of tissue absorption. Even diffuse photons
are too few to be practically useful beyond a depth of ~50 mm, which is referred to as the hard
depth limit for optical imaging.
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Solutions to meet the challenges: photoacoustic tomography
PAT overcomes the soft depth limit and achieves deep imaging at high resolution. Ultrasonic
scattering coefficient in tissue is 2–3 orders of magnitude less than the optical counterpart. As
a result, PAT can provide high spatial resolution by detecting ultrasonic waves induced by
diffuse photons. In most cases, the center frequency and the bandwidth of the ultrasonic
detection system predominantly determine the spatial resolution; the greater they are, the better
the spatial resolution is, but the worse the ultrasonic penetration becomes. Such scalability
empowers multiscale imaging. It is worth mentioning that lower-frequency electromagnetic
waves including microwaves and radiowaves have been adopted for photoacoustic excitation
to overcome the optical hard depth limit.
Ultrasound imaging can provide high spatial resolution although ultrasound images appear
grainy owing to the speckle artifacts. The relative spatial resolution—defined as the ratio of
the penetration limit to the depth resolution (i.e., the pixel count in the depth direction without
artificial interpolation)—is more than 100, which is considered high enough to provide good-
quality images. From ultrasound imaging, PAT inherits the attribute of high spatial resolution
but rejects the trait of speckle formation. The speckle-free nature of PAT results from strong
correlations among the photoacoustic waves from the absorbers because all initial
photoacoustic pressure rises are positive. Consequently, prominent boundaries always build
up in photoacoustic images and suppress the interior fluctuations.
2. Fundamentals of PAT
Concept of PAT: optical excitation, ultrasonic detection, and image formation
Simply put, in PAT, light goes in and ultrasound comes out. For efficient ultrasound generation,
a short-pulsed laser is the usual choice. The strength of the photoacoustic pressure depends on
the optical energy deposition as well as the thermal and mechanical properties of the tissue.
Because either unscattered or scattered photons can produce photoacoustic signals as long as
photons are converted into heat, PAT can function in the optical diffusive regime. The image
formation is essentially triangulation of the photoacoustic sources according to the time-of-
flight signals recorded at multiple locations outside the tissue.
Two major modes of PAT: focused scanning tomography and computed tomography
PAT manifests in two major modes. In the mode of focused scanning PAT, such as dark-field
confocal photoacoustic microscopy (PAM),
33 a focused ultrasonic transducer is
mechanically scanned.29 At each scanned position, the acoustic focusing yields lateral
resolution while the acoustic time-of-flight provides axial resolution. In the mode of
photoacoustic computed tomography, an array of unfocused ultrasonic transducers detects
photoacoustic waves in parallel. Therefore, high frame rates—such as 50 Hz—can be attained.
However, an inverse reconstruction algorithm is required to reconstruct a
tomographic image. The early reconstruction was based on the assumption that each ultrasonic
transducer receives signals simultaneously from photoacoustic sources on a plane instead of a
spherical surface,
which can be difficult to satisfy in practice. Later, various groups
developed accurate reconstruction algorithms.
More recently, an exact closed-form
reconstruction formula was found for three detection geometries: planar, cylindrical, and
spherical configurations.
Interestingly, one may think of a focused ultrasonic transducer used
in the first mode as an analog computer that performs approximately the inverse algorithm in
the second mode. While hardware focusing does not present discretization artifacts, the focal
position cannot be adjusted as readily as in photoacoustic computed tomography. As a result,
the optimal lateral resolution is achievable only within the focal zone unless a virtual-detector-
based synthetic aperture algorithm is used.
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Contrast mechanisms of PAT: optical absorption and Grueneisen coefficient
PAT is exquisitely sensitive to optical absorption. The photoacoustic excitation converts a
small change in optical absorption coefficient to an equal fractional change in ultrasound signal.
For the same reason, PAT is also sensitive to any change in the Grueneisen coefficient—the
conversion efficiency from optical energy deposition to pressure, which can also provide image
contrast. In particular, the Grueneisen coefficient increases with the equilibrium temperature
(e.g., ~5% per Kelvin in water), which enables PAT to image temperature with a sensitivity of
0.16 °C for monitoring of thermal therapy.
Each mK of laser-induced temperature rise in soft tissue yields ~800 Pa initial pressure, which
is on the order of the sensitivities of typical ultrasonic transducers. The conversion from
temperature rise to pressure is related to two parameters: the volume expansion coefficient and
the compressibility. It is fortunate that the two parameters conspire to enable PAT to be
applicable in tissue with a safe temperature rise.
3. Multiscale photoacoustic microscopy
Dark-field confocal photoacoustic microscopy: 15
m axial resolution, 3 mm depth
PAM can image optical-absorption contrast at depths beyond the optical transport mean free
path with a ratio of penetration limit to depth resolution greater than 100 [Fig. 1(a)].
ease of system operation, an optical fiber is used to deliver the excitation laser light, which is
monitored by a photodiode for energy calibration. A conical lens is used to form a donut-shaped
beam (i.e., dark field) so as to minimize the effect of surface photoacoustic signals on the deeper
signals. The beam is then weakly focused into the tissue while the ultrasonic transducer focuses
coaxially into the same region for confocal excitation and detection. The photoacoustic time-
of-flight signal is recorded at each location of the ultrasonic transducer. By assuming the speed
of sound to be 1.54 mm/
s, the time-of-flight is converted into depth, and consequently a 1D
depth-resolved image (A-line) is formed. Linear or raster scanning over the tissue produces
2D or 3D tomographic images. Here, the broadband ultrasonic detector has a numerical
aperture of 0.44 and a center frequency of 50 MHz. As a result, the lateral resolution,
determined by the focal diameter of the ultrasonic transducer at the center frequency, measured
m. The axial resolution, determined by the ultrasonic bandwidth, measured ~15
m. The
maximum imaging depth, determined by the ultrasonic attenuation in tissue, measured >3 mm.
33 A representative PAM image is shown in Fig. 1(b).
Photoacoustic macroscopy: 144
m axial resolution, 30 mm depth
The image resolution and the penetration limit are scalable with the ultrasonic frequency. For
example, employing a 5-MHz ultrasonic transducer and an 804-nm near-infrared light source
scaled the penetration to 30 mm, whereas the resolution is scaled up to 144 and 560
m in the
axial and lateral directions, respectively.
The near-infrared window is conducive for deep
imaging because of the low hemoglobin absorption. Here, photoacoustic microscopy turns into
macroscopy, which can potentially provide penetration up to the optical hard depth limit (~50
mm) at <1 mm resolution. Such a system can potentially image deep human tissue, such as the
sentinel lymph node (SLN), which has an average depth of 12±5 mm in ultrasound images.
in vivo
image of a rat overlaid with additional tissue was acquired with this system [Fig.
1(c)], where the SLN accumulated injected dye through the lymphatics.
This imaging
capability followed by needle biopsy can potentially transform SLN mapping—used for breast
cancer staging—from a surgical procedure into a minimally invasive procedure.
Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy: 5
m lateral resolution, 0.7 mm depth
The spatial resolution of the original PAM system can also be scaled down in dimension.
Focusing light through an objective lens with a numerical aperture of 0.1 yields a 5
m lateral
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resolution, which is limited by the optical focal diameter. Such a resolution allows
in vivo
imaging of capillaries—the smallest blood vessels—as shown in Fig. 1(d), where single files
of red blood cells are imaged.
While light delivery and ultrasonic detection are combined
through a beam combiner in this work,
they were also combined earlier through a ring
ultrasonic transducer.
If the numerical aperture is increased, sub-
m resolution can
potentially be achieved. Of course, optical focusing is effective only within the soft depth limit.
Thus far, a 0.7 mm penetration has been achieved.
Multiscale photoacoustic microscopy/macroscopy: enabling systems biology research
Multiscale systems biology, recognized as an important future direction of biomedical sciences,
needs the support of multiscale imaging
in vivo
with common signal origins. To understand
the workings of a whole biological system, biological components spanning multiple spatial
scales—subcellular organelles (sub-
m scale), through cells (
m), to organs (cm)—must be
integrated. As demonstrated above, photoacoustic microscopy and macroscopy are uniquely
positioned for such multiscale imaging with the same contrast mechanism—optical absorption.
in vivo
photoacoustic flow cytometry: melanoma detection
Photoacoustic sensing has recently been shown to detect single melanoma cells in lymph
in vivo
in small animals.
This technology, coined
in vivo
photoacoustic flow
cytometry, has potential for
in vivo
detection of circulating tumor cells in humans. Cells flowing
through a lymph valve are naturally focused into a single file, which facilitates single cell
detection in a lymph vessel. The lymph transparency presents low background and
consequently facilitates high-sensitivity detection. Melanin in the melanoma cells provides
high optical absorption for photoacoustic detection without the use of exogenous labeling,
which can be toxic. Nonetheless, exogenous contrast agents can be used to provide molecular
specificity for targeted biomarkers.
Several optical wavelengths can be used to detect
multiple types of cells of different characteristic optical absorption spectra. Toward human
applications, it was suggested that superficial lymphatics in the leg be first targeted.
concept can also be applied to blood vessels although background due to erythrocytes can
compete with signals from other absorbers.
Currently, the technology is limited to non-
imaging sensing; however, PAM can be explored for imaging.
4. Photoacoustic computed tomography
Circular-view computed tomography: 1D circular scan or ring array
In circular-view photoacoustic computed tomography, ultrasonic detection follows a ring.
A pulsed laser beam is expanded to illuminate the object. An ultrasonic transducer scans
around the object in a circle to acquire the photoacoustic data. An inverse algorithm then
converts the photoacoustic data to the initial photoacoustic pressure distribution, which is an
image of the cross section containing the scanned circle. Representative functional images are
shown in Fig. 2(a).
The ultrasonic transducer has a broad bandwidth centered at 3.5 MHz,
yielding an in-plane resolution of ~200
m. The out-of-plane resolution, determined by the
cylindrical focusing of the transducer, is ~1 mm. To accelerate the imaging speed, an array of
ultrasonic transducers in a ring has been adopted.
Planar-view computed tomography: Fabry-Perot detection array
In planar-view photoacoustic computed tomography, ultrasonic detection follows a plane.
Optical interferometry, instead of the piezoelectric effect, can be used to sense the ultrasonic
or pressure.
When a solid planar Fabry-Perot interferometer was
a dielectric or polymer spacer was sandwiched between a pair of mirrors. A
focused laser beam was optically scanned across the surface of the interferometer. The detected
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power fluctuation of the reflected laser beam was converted to the optical thickness of the
interferometer, which was further converted to pressure. Then, an inverse algorithm was used
to reconstruct a photoacoustic image [Fig. 2(b)].
Optical detection offers primarily three advantages.
First, the optical detector can be made
optically transparent, facilitating light delivery to the object for full-field imaging. Second, the
spatial sampling frequency can be increased without sacrificing the sensitivity, allowing high-
resolution imaging. Sensitivities of tens of Pascals have been achieved at 20-MHz bandwidth.
Such sensitivities are comparable with those of 1-mm-diameter piezoelectric receivers and
better than those of smaller-diameter ones. Third, the frequency response can be stretched to
low frequencies, potentially enabling the detection of the interior of a large heterogeneity.
Presently, the technology is limited by the system complexity and the read-out speed.
Spherical-view computed tomography: rotation of object and detection by arc array
In spherical-view photoacoustic computed tomography, ultrasonic detection follows a
truncated spherical surface.
In a recently constructed small-animal whole-body
photoacoustic tomography system,
the animal, immersed in coupling liquid, is rotated inside
a virtual spherical surface, on which a concave arc-shaped array of 64 piezo-composite
ultrasonic transducers is situated. Two expanded counter-propagating laser beams illuminate
the small animal orthogonally to the plane of the array. At 755 nm wavelength, the internal
organs of a nude mouse were imaged [Fig. 2(c)].
Linear-view computed tomography: 1D linear ultrasonic array
In linear-view photoacoustic computed tomography, ultrasonic detection follows a line.
Linear ultrasound arrays in medical ultrasound imaging systems can be leveraged. The
ultrasound probes are typically handheld and can therefore adapt to various anatomical sites
conveniently. In ultrasound imaging, a subset of the array elements is switched on at a time
for ultrasound transmission and detection. Shifting the selection of the subset across the array
forms a two-dimensional image. In PAT, the entire array can receive ultrasonic signals
simultaneously because photoacoustic excitation usually covers a large volume. Naturally,
ultrasound and photoacoustic images can be displayed side-by-side to present complementary
Computed tomography based on linear or planar ultrasonic detectors
Photoacoustic computed tomography can be based on linear or planar ultrasonic transducers
instead of point detectors.
In this case, the detected signals represent an integration of
pressure over cylindrical or planar surfaces with varying distances to each transducer. Planar
ultrasonic transduction is of particular interest for primarily two reasons. First, the forward
problem represents a standard Radon transformation used in x-ray computed tomography.
Therefore, the associated inverse algorithms can be used directly for PAT. Second, the spatial
resolution is limited only by the ultrasonic bandwidth. In conventional photoacoustic computed
tomography, point ultrasonic detectors are approximated by finite-size detectors, resulting in
a tradeoff between the detection sensitivity and the lateral resolution. If the detectors are too
small, the sensitivity is compromised; if too large, the resolution becomes poor. Such a
compromise is devoid in PAT based on planar ultrasonic transducers.
Photoacoustic breast imaging
PAT lends itself to breast imaging. Breast tissue has relatively homogeneous (~±5%) speed of
sound, and breast tumors tend to present higher total blood concentrations and lower oxygen
saturations of hemoglobin than surrounding tissues. Figure 3(a) shows an
in vivo
image of a human breast,
where the ultrasonic detection follows an arc.
The imaged lesion
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measured ~18 mm and centered at 23 mm deep from the laser-illumination surface; it was
confirmed by biopsy to be an invasive carcinoma. Figure 3(b) shows another
in vivo
photoacoustic image of a human breast,82 where the ultrasonic detection follows a plane.
The lesion was identified as a ring-shaped structure having an average optical absorption
contrast of 1.6 relative to the background. The lesion was estimated to be 30 mm in diameter,
which matched the pathologically estimated size (26 mm).
5. Photoacoustic molecular imaging
Small-molecule contrast: biomarkers imaged
in vivo
PAT is well suited for molecular imaging. While functional imaging is based on endogenous
contrast, molecular imaging is based on exogenous contrast—which essentially stains invisible
in vivo
. Functional imaging maps physiological activities usually at the tissue or
organ level, whereas molecular imaging measures biological and pathophysiological processes
at the molecular level. Simultaneous functional and molecular PAT of glioblastoma brain
tumors was demonstrated in live mice.
A small-molecule organic dye conjugated with a
cyclopeptide serves as the molecular imaging probe to target biomarker
integrin, which
tends to over-express in angiogenesis. The functional image shows tumor hypoxia, whereas
the molecular image shows tumor over-expression of integrin.
Nanoparticle contrast: biomarkers imaged
PAT can track various nanoparticles, such as metallic nanoshells
, nanorods
, carbon nanotubes
, and dye-embedded nanoparticles
. The large optical
absorption cross sections of nanoparticles
provide excellent contrast for PAT. Unlike small-
molecule organic dyes, nanoparticles resist chemical or thermal denaturation and
photobleaching. However, further toxicity studies toward human applications are needed.
The surfaces of gold nanoparticles exhibit good biocompatibility and can accommodate
functionalities by conjugating with targeting peptides or antibodies.
So far, biomarkers
targeted in PAT include EGFR
, HER-2
and CXCR-4
, which have a propensity to
overexpress in cancers such as the breast cancer, as well as ICAM-1 in inflammatory responses.
In metallic nanoparticles, the optical absorption is based on surface plasmon resonance, and
the peak absorption wavelength can be tuned throughout the visible and near-infrared spectral
region by varying the physical dimensions.
Dye-embedded nanoparticles can also function as an effective contrast agent.
green (ICG) is an organic dye that has been approved for human use. It has strong optical
absorption around the 800-nm near-infrared wavelength. Although free-form ICG has been
demonstrated to enhance photoacoustic contrast
in vivo
the half-life of ICG in the blood
stream is only several minutes, limiting the time window for sustained monitoring.
Encapsulation of ICG in nanoparticles increases the circulation time significantly.
addition, encapsulation provides surfaces for adding functionalities, increases the dye
concentration for greater optical absorption, and shields the dye molecules from destabilizing
effects due to the biological environment. ICG-embedded nanoparticles conjugated with
HER-2 antibodies have been shown to target breast cancer and prostate cancer cells
in vitro
Reporter gene contrast: gene expression imaged
in vivo
Molecular PAT of the lacZ reporter gene was demonstrated in living small animals.
gene imaging, a form of molecular imaging, can facilitate understanding the nature of gene
expression during
in vivo
development and pathogenesis. While conventional reporter gene
imaging is based on fluorescent proteins such as the well-known green fluorescent protein,
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photoacoustic reporter gene imaging is based on optical absorption that is converted into heat.
The lacZ gene—one of the most widely used reporter genes—encodes
-galactosidase. A
sensitive chromogenic assay with X-gal—an optically transparent substrate—yields a stable
dark blue product, which serves as an optical absorption contrast agent for PAT. Because the
absorption of the blue product peaks around 650 nm, multi-millimeter penetration can be
achieved. However, if multi-centimeter penetration is desired, new reporter genes that produce
gene-expression products absorbing in the near-infrared spectral region need to be developed.
By providing high spatial resolution at depths beyond the optical transport mean free path
, PAT is expected to become a complementary tool to conventional optical imaging of
reporter genes.
Sensitivity to contrast agent
The sensitivity of PAT is competitive among the various molecular imaging modalities
although such a comparison depends on many parameters as well as the biomedical
When intrinsic biological contrasts due to such as red blood cells or melanoma
cells are sensed, single-cell sensitivity has been achieved.
When extrinsic small-molecule
contrast agents are imaged, PAT can provide a sensitivity of the order of ~10 nmol/L or ~fmol/
voxel at ~0.3 mm resolution.
Pure optical fluorescence imaging can provide a sensitivity
of the order of ~nmol/L or ~fmol/voxel at ~1 mm resolution,
where the resolution is worse
than that of PAT and the sensitivity is slightly better. Nuclear imaging such as PET can provide
a sensitivity of the order of ~pmol/L or ~0.1 fmol/voxel at ~3 mm resolution, where the
resolution is much worse than that of PAT and the sensitivity is better.
However, the
sensitivity of PAT can be improved potentially by increasing parameters such as the local
optical fluence, the optical absorption cross section of the contrast agent, the number of signals
for averaging, and the voxel size. For example, when extrinsic nanoshell contrast agents are
imaged, PAT can provide a sensitivity of the order of ~10 pmol/L or ~0.0001 fmol/voxel at
~0.06 mm resolution.
Because different modalities have dissimilar imaging capabilities, the
sensitivity should not be the only parameter governing the selection of a tool for a particular
application. In additional, nuclear imaging uses ionizing radiation, whereas PAT and optical
fluorescence imaging use nonionizing radiation.
6. Limitations of PAT and future outlook
PAT has limitations as does any imaging technology. First, optical attenuation limits the
penetration to ~5 cm when <1 mm resolution is desired in actual tissue.
microwaves or radiowaves can be used for deeper excitation although the contrast origins
differ. Second, ultrasound sustains strong reflection from gas–liquid or gas–solid interfaces
due to the strong mismatch of acoustic impedances. Therefore, ultrasound signals cannot
penetrate through gas cavities or lung tissues efficiently. For the same reason, ultrasonic
detection requires direct contact between the ultrasonic transducers and the biological tissue.
Usually, ultrasound coupling gel is applied to the tissue surface to avoid intervening air cavities.
The development of noncontact optical detection of acoustic displacement can potentially
overcome this problem.
Third, ultrasound suffers significant attenuation and phase
distortion in thick bones such as the human skull. Fortunately, unlike pulse-echo ultrasound
imaging, PAT involves only one-way ultrasound attenuation through the skull. Sufficiently
strong photoacoustic signals have been observed through Rhesus monkey skulls.
remaining challenge is to compensate for the phase distortion due to the skull.
The research field on PAT has gained significant momentum recently. The number of research
articles on PAT has more than tripled since year 2003.
PAT is expected to find broad
applications in both biology and medicine. In the author’s opinion, the following
in vivo
applications hold particular promises and may come to fruition in the near future: melanoma
intravascular catheter imaging,
endoscopic imaging, simultaneous
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functional and molecular imaging,
reporter gene imaging,
sentinel lymph node mapping,
breast imaging,
and multiscale imaging.
The author acknowledges the support by the National Institutes of Health Grants R01 EB000712, R01 NS046214,
R01 EB008085, and U54 CA136398. Thanks to Song Hu for providing Fig. 1(d).
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Figure 1. Multiscale scanning photoacoustic imaging of small animals
in vivo
(a) Annotated photograph of the dark-field confocal photoacoustic microscope.32 (b)
Photoacoustic image of a melanoma and blood vessels acquired with a 50-MHz photoacoustic
microscope.32 M: melanoma. Axial resolution: 15
m. Penetration limit: 3 mm. (c)
Photoacoustic image of a sentinel lymph node (SLN) 18 mm below the laser-illumination
surface acquired with a 5-MHz photoacoustic macroscope.50 Axial resolution: 144
Penetration limit: 30 mm. (d) Photoacoustic image of the vasculature, including capillaries,
acquired with an optical-resolution photoacoustic microscope.51 Lateral resolution: 5
Penetration limit: 0.7 mm.
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Figure 2. Non-invasive photoacoustic computed tomography of small animals
(a) Functional images of a rat brain acquired
in vivo
with left- and right-side whisker
stimulations, respectively.
Color: differential absorption
due to brain activation. Gray:
structure of the cortex. Field of view: 20 × 20 mm. (b) Left: Schematic of superficial cerebral
vascular anatomy: A, superior sagittal sinus; B, lateral sinus; C, inferior cerebral vein. Right:
Image of a mouse brain acquired
ex vivo
with a system based on Fabry-Perot interferometry.
(c) Whole-body image of a mouse acquired
in vivo
, where a 10-mm thick section of the
abdomen is shown.
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Figure 3.
In vivo
photoacoustic computed tomography of the human breast acquired at 1064-nm
laser wavelength
(a) Image of a human breast containing a poorly differentiated infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
The slice is 21 mm deep from the laser-illumination surface.
Field of view: 120 × 120 mm.
(b) Image of a breast containing an invasive ductal carcinoma. The slice is 13.5 mm deep from
the laser-illumination surface.82
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