ACS Nano data submission
12.3 kB
Nanosphere diameter vs binding site diameter
18.4 kB
1 um
1_1 um_090418_1.001_stack.tif
9.2 MB
1_1 um_090418_1.002_stack_180 binding sites.tif
8.2 MB
MED_090118_1 um_192 binding sites.tif
301.7 kB
200 nm
200 nm_stack.tif
2.6 MB
FFT of Chip 2.005.tif
4.2 MB
MED_200 nm_stack.tif
32.6 kB
MED_6_200 nm_090418_1.004-1_GRAY_426 sites.tif
50.2 kB
300 nm
300 nm_stack.tif
5.0 MB
MED_300 nm_stack.tif
70.9 kB
400 nm
6.1 kB
400 nm_stack.tif
5.0 MB
MED_400 nm_360 sites.tif
114.9 kB
MED_400 nm_stack.tif
110.3 kB
500 nm
6.1 kB
500 nm_stack.tif
8.4 MB
MED_500 nm_090118_stack_2_186 binding sites.tif
166.4 kB
MED_500 nm_stack_258 binding sites.tif
196.5 kB
700 nm
090118_700 nm_stack_288 binding sites.tif
8.1 MB
700 nm_stack.tif
10.5 MB
MED_090118_700 nm_132 sites.tif
307.8 kB
MED_090118_700 nm_stack_288 binding sites.tif
168.1 kB
MED_700 nm_090118_63 binding sites.tif
336.4 kB
Nanosphere diameter vs. Binding site diameter- SEM and AFM_Fig. 3M,N.xlsx
22.6 kB
Origami binding statistics
6.1 kB
Occupancy stats_051520.pdf
3.5 MB
Origami occupancy stats_Fig. 3O_052920_updated.xlsx
11.3 kB
ACS Nano data submission
120 Bytes
Nanosphere diameter vs binding site diameter
120 Bytes
._1 um
178 Bytes
._200 nm
178 Bytes
._300 nm
178 Bytes
._400 nm
178 Bytes
._500 nm
178 Bytes
._700 nm
178 Bytes
._Nanosphere diameter vs. Binding site diameter- SEM and AFM_Fig. 3M,N.xlsx
392 Bytes
1 um
._1_1 um_090418_1.001_stack.tif
385 Bytes
._1_1 um_090418_1.002_stack_180 binding sites.tif
385 Bytes
._MED_090118_1 um_192 binding sites.tif
385 Bytes
200 nm
._200 nm_stack.tif
268 Bytes
._FFT of Chip 2.005.tif
178 Bytes
._MED_200 nm_stack.tif
384 Bytes
._MED_6_200 nm_090418_1.004-1_GRAY_426 sites.tif
385 Bytes
300 nm
._300 nm_stack.tif
385 Bytes
._MED_300 nm_stack.tif
384 Bytes
400 nm
120 Bytes
._400 nm_stack.tif
498 Bytes
._MED_400 nm_360 sites.tif
385 Bytes
._MED_400 nm_stack.tif
384 Bytes
500 nm
120 Bytes
._500 nm_stack.tif
385 Bytes
._MED_500 nm_090118_stack_2_186 binding sites.tif
385 Bytes
._MED_500 nm_stack_258 binding sites.tif
385 Bytes
700 nm
._090118_700 nm_stack_288 binding sites.tif
385 Bytes
._700 nm_stack.tif
385 Bytes
._MED_090118_700 nm_132 sites.tif
385 Bytes
._MED_090118_700 nm_stack_288 binding sites.tif
385 Bytes
._MED_700 nm_090118_63 binding sites.tif
385 Bytes
Origami binding statistics
120 Bytes
._Occupancy stats_051520.pdf
210 Bytes
._Origami occupancy stats_Fig. 3O_052920_updated.xlsx
392 Bytes