of 25
Microtextures in the Chelyabinsk impact breccia reveal the history of
Phosphorus-Olivine-Assemblages in chondrites
, Ioannis BAZIOTIS
, Ana

, Ludovic FERRI

, and Mahesh ANAND
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK
Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural University of Athens,
IeraOdos 75, 11855 Athens, Greece
Department of Physical Sciences, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
Natural History Museum, Burgring 7, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena,
California 91125, USA
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OHA, UK
Department of Earth Sciences, The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK
Corresponding author. E-mail: crw59@cam.ac.uk
(Received 21 July 2020; revision accepted 28 February 2021)
The geochemistry and textures of phosphate minerals can provide insights into the
geological histories of parental asteroids, but the processes governing their formation and
deformation remain poorly constrained. We assessed phosphorus-bearing minerals in the three
lithologies (light, dark, and melt) of the Chelyabinsk (LL5) ordinary chondrite using scanning
electron microscope, electron microprobe, cathodoluminescence, and electron backscatter
diffraction techniques. The majority of studied phosphate grains appear intergrown with
olivine. However, microtextures of phosphates (apatite [Ca
(OH,Cl,F)] and merrillite
]) are extremely variable within and between the differently shocked
lithologies investigated. We observe continuously strained as well as recrystallized strain-free
merrillite populations. Grains with strain-free subdomains are present only in the more
intensely shocked dark lithology, indicating that phosphate growth predates the development of
primary shock-metamorphic features. Complete melting of portions of the meteorite is recorded
by the shock-melt lithology, which contains a population of phosphorus-rich olivine grains. The
response of phosphorus-bearing minerals to shock is therefore hugely variable throughout this
monomict impact breccia. We propose a paragenetic history for P-bearing phases in
Chelyabinsk involving initial phosphate growth via P-rich olivine replacement, followed by
phosphate deformation during an early impact event. This event was also responsible for the
local development of shock melt that lacks phosphate grains and instead contains P-enriched
olivine. We generalize our findings to propose a new classification scheme for Phosphorus-
Olivine-Assemblages (Type I
III POAs). We highlight how POAs can be used to trace
radiogenic metamorphism and shock metamorphic events that together span the entire
geological history of chondritic asteroids.
Phosphorus in Meteorites: Knowns and Unknowns
Meteorites provide direct samples of some of the
most primitive solid materials found in the solar system,
yielding insights into early disk processes including
chemical partitioning in the protoplanetary disk, the
assembly of dust into planets, and subsequent
dynamical evolution (e.g., Scott 2007). We now have a
broad understanding that the parent asteroids of
chondritic meteorites experienced heating (recorded by
Meteoritics & Planetary Science
56, Nr 4, 742–766 (2021)
doi: 10.1111/maps.13648
2021 The Authors.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science
published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Meteoritical Society (MET).
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
thermal metamorphism) predominantly by the decay of
short-lived radionuclides for the first 60 million years
(Myr) of solar system history (e.g., Bouvier et al. 2007).
A large body of evidence shows that impact events
continued to disturb these objects beyond the end of
thermal metamorphism, resetting a number of mineral
geochronometers in the process (e.g., Wittmann et al.
2010). Both radiogenic and impact-induced heating are
thought to mobilize fluids within chondrites (Lewis and
Jones 2016; Zhang et al. 2016), resulting in
redistribution of volatile components and growth of
secondary phases. Thus, the elemental and isotopic
compositions of volatile-bearing phases in meteorites
and other planetary samples have the potential to
provide important insights into both planetary volatile
reservoirs and processes that operated on their parent
bodies (e.g., Jones et al. 2014; Stephant et al. 2019;

Cernok et al. 2020). Volatile-bearing phases that retain
such information include halides (Jones et al. 2016),
sulfides (Visser et al. 2019), and phosphates (Jones et al.
In this context, studies of phosphorus (P)-bearing
minerals have been especially informative. In the most
primitive unequilibrated chondrites (e.g., carbonaceous
chondrites), P is found dissolved in Fe-Ni metal as a
neutral minor element (Zanda et al. 1994), indicating
siderophile behavior during early condensation. Indeed,
thermodynamic models predict that P initially condenses
from the solar nebula as schreibersite ([FeNi]
Schreibersite is often observed to be non-stoichiometric,
with P
1 atom per formula unit (Zanda et al. 1994;
Pasek 2019). Conversely, in thermally metamorphosed
and aqueously altered chondrites, P is found in its
oxidized form (P
) within the phosphate minerals
merrillite (Ca
) and apatite (Ca
Cl,F]), implying that P is scavenged from metal and
phosphide grains by fluids and redistributed within the
parent body (Jones et al. 2014).
The direct link to volatile components arises
because apatite requires structural volatile components
(OH, Cl, F) in order to crystallize. Apatite and
merrillite also incorporate U into their crystal lattices,
making both phases viable for U
Pb dating (e.g., Merle
et al. 2014; Yin et al. 2014; McGregor et al. 2019) and
hence for time-resolved studies of volatile component
evolution. Phosphate U
Pb dating in chondrites has
helped to map out radiogenic heating on million-year
timescales, as well as near instantaneous resetting
during shock-metamorphic events (e.g., Yin et al. 2014).
It is therefore possible to tie the history of asteroidal
phosphates to the compositional evolution of
metasomatic fluids during both early and late-stage
heating events on asteroidal parent bodies. Additionally,
a third mineral reservoir of P has recently been
identified in chondrites: P-enriched olivine grains of
enigmatic origin (e.g., McCanta et al. 2016; Li et al.
It is clear that P-bearing minerals have a role to
play in elucidating the complex histories of asteroidal
parent bodies. However, there are numerous unresolved
issues both in the study of P-bearing phases and
asteroidal evolution in general
many of which would
appear to be linked. In particular, it remains unclear (1)
how oxidized P-bearing minerals form in chondrites
from initially reduced Fe-bound P (Jones et al. 2014,
2016), and (2) how these P-bearing phases respond to
impact processing (Krzesi

nska 2017; McGregor et al.
2018; Cox et al. 2020). Given widespread evidence for
shock metamorphism in meteorites, unravelling which
aspects of the phosphate record pertain to radiogenic
versus impact-induced metamorphism is critical for a
full understanding of the physicochemical evolution of
Here, we assess both the phase associations and
microtextures of phosphate minerals and P-bearing
olivine in a highly shocked chondritic meteorite, that is,
Chelyabinsk. We use a combined imaging approach in
order to access records of heterogeneous shock
processing throughout the meteorite. By comparing our
results with published literature, we are able to establish
new paragenetic constraints on P-hosting phases
their initial formation, through subsequent impact-
induced metamorphism and melting.
Phosphorus in the Chelyabinsk Impact Breccia: An Ideal
Case Study?
Chelyabinsk is an LL5 (low metal, low iron,
petrologic type 5
i.e., thermally equilibrated) S4
(moderately shocked to shock melted; St
offler et al. 1991;
Morlok et al. 2017; Fritz et al. 2019) impact-brecciated
meteorite. The Chelyabinsk impact breccia contains three
distinct shock-related lithologies, which are distinguished
at a first-order level by their optical color, including (1) a
light-colored, chondritic-textured lithology with shock
melt veins (SMVs) and high-pressure phases; (2) a dark-
colored lithology with relict shock-darkened chondritic
textures, abundant shock melt pools, and SMVs with
high-pressure phases; and (3) a quenched shock-melt
lithology with some entrained chondritic fragments and
an absence of high-pressure phases (Bischoff et al. 2013;
Koroteev et al. 2013; Popova et al. 2013; Righter et al.
2015; Morlok et al. 2017).
Despite the extensive work already performed on
Chelyabinsk, the textural setting of P-bearing minerals
with surrounding phases, their origin, and internal
microtextures has not yet received specific attention.
Both the light and dark lithologies of Chelyabinsk
Phosphorus-olivine assemblages in chondrites
contain apatite and merrillite (e.g., Popova et al. 2013),
yet these phases are conspicuous for their absence in the
shock-melt lithology. The range of lithologies preserved
in Chelyabinsk may contain assemblage-scale textures
and mineral-scale microtextures that pertain both to the
initial growth and to the subsequent impact
metamorphism of chondritic phosphate minerals. The
great diversity of petrological, geochemical, and
geochronologic analyses that have been reported for
each lithology provides a broader context within which
to construct self-consistent models of phosphate
Previous studies have gained insight into phosphate
genesis and response to impact by evaluating
associations and microtextures of mineral phases that
tend to co-exist together or in proximity to phosphates
(e.g., Jones et al. 2014). Here, we present a thorough
analysis of P distribution in phosphate and olivine
grains within all three of the variously shocked
lithologies found in the Chelyabinsk meteorite. We
consider the implications of observed mineral
microtextures, phase associations, and chemical
compositions for the relative timing of thermal and
shock metamorphic events affecting phosphorus
reservoirs in Chelyabinsk, concluding with a discussion
of newly observed microtextures that demand attention
during future studies of shocked meteorites.
Several polished sections of Chelyabinsk from the
collections of The Open University (OU; sections “A”
and “B”) and the Natural History Museum (NHM),
Vienna (NHMV; N9834), were investigated during this
study. Section “A” contains the light lithology of
Chelyabinsk (Pillinger et al. 2013), a moderately
shocked (dominantly S4) chondrite with well-preserved
chondrules and matrix, crosscut by SMVs. Section “B”
contains the dark lithology (Pillinger et al. 2013), more
severely shocked (blackened) material, and numerous
SMVs (dominantly S5). Finally, section N9834 contains
regions of shock-blackened chondrite (S5) as well as
quenched shock melt (S6).
Light Lithology
The light lithology of Chelyabinsk is dominated by
thermally metamorphosed and chemically equilibrated
matrix and chondrule material, in which major and
minor mineral phases include silicates (olivine,
pyroxene, feldspar), troilite (FeS), iron
nickel (P-free
Fe-Ni) metal, phosphates (apatite and merrillite), and
chromite (Righter et al. 2015). SMVs provide clear
evidence for the effect of shock metamorphism in the
light lithology, but typically comprise only several
volume percent of a given sample. SMVs have bulk
compositions broadly representative of the whole-rock
composition and preserve evidence of rapid cooling
(e.g., micro-to-cryptocrystalline silicates, metal
globules, and glasses; Righter et al. 2015; Kaeter et al.
Shock features are also pervasive in the chondrite-
textured portion of the light lithology. For example,
phases with high-melting temperatures, such as olivine
and pyroxene, are generally fully crystalline yet exhibit
planar fractures, shock-induced mosaicism, as well as
evidence of shearing (e.g., displacement across micro-
faults; Righter et al. 2015; Kaeter et al. 2018). Phases
with lower melting temperatures
such as plagioclase,
metal, and troilite
have widely formed veins through
unmelted silicates (Kaeter et al. 2018).
Phase-specific responses are more complicated on
smaller scales, where local density contrasts between
phases induce locally heterogeneous melting behavior
(Moreau et al. 2018). There are examples of metal and
troilite grains that retain their pre-impact textures, as
well as examples that have clearly experienced
mobilization during the impact (e.g., injection along
grain boundaries and into fractures, forming network
and vein textures; Korotev et al. 2013). Meanwhile, all
plagioclase feldspar would appear to be secondary,
having experienced melting followed by quenching or
recrystallization (Kaeter et al. 2018) and for which a
number of different occurrences have been identified
(e.g., plagioclase-normative glass, maskelynite,
chromite symplectites, crystalline plagioclase
feldspar; Kaeter et al. 2018). Where possible, we use the
same terminology as Kaeter et al (2018) to describe
feldspathic phases (i.e., depending on available
observations). Otherwise, the generic term plagioclase is
Dark Lithology
The dark lithology is mineralogically similar to
the light lithology. However, the chondrite-textured
portion is more heavily brecciated. Sulfide, metal,
silicate-rich SMVs, and shock-melt pools constitute a
greater volume percentage of dark samples. Planar
deformation features in olivine are much more
extensive. These features contribute to a pervasive and
diagnostic shock darkening (Rubin 2003a, 2003b;

nska et al. 2015; Righter et al. 2015; Kaeter
et al. 2018). Plagioclase is more widely associated
with chromite in symplectite structures (interpreted as
former melt pools).
C. R. Walton et al.
Shock Melt Lithology
The shock-melt lithology is a micro-to-
cryptocrystalline breccia composed mostly of olivine
pyroxene glass mesostasis along with fragments of
chondrite-textured material (both light and dark
lithologies) and metal
troilite droplets (Righter et al.
Microtextural Characterization of Phosphates and
Both the light and the dark lithology samples of
Chelyabinsk from the OU collection (Pillinger et al.
2013) were characterized using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), Zeiss Supra 55VP at the OU and
Quanta 650 at the University of Cambridge. Whole-
sample backscattered electron (BSE) images and
elemental maps using energy dispersive X-ray
spectrometry (EDS) were collected for each sample in
order to identify the distribution of key phases and
provide context for higher magnification analyses.
Merrillite and apatite were distinguished on the basis of
EDS measurements in point mode, with 10 s spectral
acquisitions, based on the abundance of Na, Mg, and
Cl. Additional SEM imaging of the shock-melt lithology
was performed at the California Institute of Technology
(Caltech) Geological and Planetary Sciences Division
Analytical Facility using a Zeiss 1550VP field-emission
SEM equipped with an angle-sensitive backscattered
electron detector, 80 mm
active area Oxford X-Max Si
drift detector EDS, and an HKL EBSD system. The
SEM imaging and EDS analyses used a 15 kV
accelerating potential and a 120
m field aperture in
high-current mode (

4 nA probe current), yielding
imaging resolution better than 2 nm and an activation
volume for EDS analysis

on silicates.
SEM-cathodoluminescence (CL) images were
collected on selected phosphate and plagioclase grains
previously imaged in BSE, in order to obtain an initial
view of crystal structure integrity across the sample. The
CL images were acquired on the OU SEM with a
Deben Centaurus CL panchromatic detector with
Hamamatsu Photo Multiplier Tube (model R316), with
spectral response to wavelengths from 400 to 1200 nm.
Imaging conditions were 7
10 kV accelerating voltage,
13 mm working distance, and high vacuum mode.
We quantify phosphate phase associations in
Chelyabinsk by counting the phases that share a grain
boundary with a phosphate mineral. Phases associated
with phosphate in this study include olivine, pyroxene,
plagioclase, metal, and sulfides (see Fig. 3).
Lattice orientation, internal microtexture, and
structural disorder of selected phosphate minerals were
studied by EBSD. For the light and dark lithologies,
after SEM analyses, isopropanol and, if needed,
m diamond paste were used for removing the
carbon coat from the samples. Subsequently, the thin
sections were lightly polished for approximately 10 min
using either 50 nm alumina or colloidal silica in water
suspension with a LabPol-5 system with a LabForce-1
head and an automated doser at OU, to ensure removal
of surface defects. This process minimizes scatter of the
electron beam due to surface interaction and is a critical
step for accurate analysis by EBSD.
We constructed images from rasters of EBSD
solutions using an Oxford Instruments Nordlys EBSD
detector mounted on the OU SEM. Diffracted electrons
were collected at a tilt angle of 70
. Raster images were
constructed with 400
550 nm step sizes and collection
120 ms per step. Binning on the EBSD area
detector was set to 4
m (e.g., White et al. 2017;

Cernok et al. 2019). Voltage was set to 20 kV with a
largest aperture of 120
m and high current mode. Such
conditions typically generate a beam current of 9.1 nA,
measured in a Faraday cup at the same conditions. The
interaction volume for diffracted electrons using these
parameters is estimated to be a few tens of nm in width
and depth (Darling et al. 2016). Raw patterns are
automatically background corrected during acquisition,
removing an averaged 64 frames of “noise” from each
pattern. Wild spike reduction and minimal zero solution
correction were the only raw data corrections applied.
Collected diffraction patterns were indexed either as
apatite, with the hexagonal unit cell parameters
(Wilson et al. 1999) or as merrillite with
the trigonal unit cell parameters
, and
(Xie et al. 2015).
For the shock-melt lithology, single crystal EBSD
analyses of olivine at a submicrometer scale were
performed at 20 kV and 6 nA in focused beam mode
with a 70
tilted stage on uncoated specimens in
“variable pressure” mode (25 Pa of N
gas in the
chamber to reduce specimen charging). Imaging,
mapping, semiquantitative EDS analysis, and EBSD
were conducted using the SmartSEM, AZtec, and
Channel 5 software packages, respectively.
Crystallographic orientation of individual grains
and their internal microtexture obtained by electron
diffraction can be visualized in different ways. Band
contrast (BC) is a measure of the pattern quality of a
material, based on the contrast between observed
Kikuchi bands and the background. This measure is
affected by phase crystallinity, lattice orientation, defect
density, surface polishing conditions, and SEM/EBSD
setup parameters (Kang et al. 2013). Texture component
Phosphorus-olivine assemblages in chondrites
(TC) maps reveal orientation of individual grains and
subdomains within grains, and reveal distortion of the
crystal lattice from a reference point. Inverse pole figure
(IPF) maps show absolute orientation of the normal to
the polished surface in the crystal lattice coordinate
system and help visualize the orientation of the lattice
of the entire grain. In particular, TC and IPF maps help
distinguish strained from unstrained grains and
Phase Association Quantification
We quantified phosphate phase associations by
manually counting the grain boundary contacts shared
by each phosphate grain studied with neighboring
phases. This form of quantification results in an overall
percentage of grains that share a contact with, for
example, olivine.
Electron Microprobe
We studied the composition and zoning of phases
in point and mapping modes using a JEOL JXA-
8530F field emission electron microprobe (EPMA) at
the NHMV and a Cameca SX100 EPMA at the OU.
All analyses were performed with an accelerating
voltage of 15 kV. For minerals, a 20 nA focused
beam current, 20 s counting time on peak position,
and 10 s for each background were used. Selected
sites were reanalyzed for P at 50 nA beam current
with 20 s peak and 10 s background counting time.
Detection limit (1
) for P was
76 ppm. For glass
analyses, a slightly defocused (5
m diameter) beam
and 10 s counting time were used. Natural mineral
standards used were albite (Na, Si, Al), wollastonite
(Ca), olivine (Mg), almandine (Fe), spessartine (Mn),
orthoclase (K), rutile (Ti), chromite (Cr), Ni-oxide
(Ni), and apatite (P).
Whole-section BSE image mosaics are shown in
Fig. 1. Areas studied at higher resolution in each
section (and which are discussed in the main text) are
called out with subframe rectangles or grain numbers.
Individual phosphates are named according to their
image number, phase identity, and section number; for
example, 001-AP-A would be an apatite from image 001
of section A (our sample of the light lithology), whereas
001-MERR-B corresponds to a merrillite from image
001 of section B (our sample of the dark lithology).
Silicate grains from the shock-melt lithology are named
according to the sequence and analytical session in
which they were studied.
Phosphorus Phase Associations
Light and Dark Lithologies
Phosphates in both the light and dark lithologies of
Chelyabinsk occur mostly as individual grains, as either
apatite or merrillite. Only a few examples were found of
close association between the two phases (occurrences
as replacement or intergrowth). Phosphate grain
boundaries truncate against other phases sharply except
in the case of olivine, where contacts are often irregular
and complex/embayed (Fig. 2A). Both apatite and
merrillite, across all textural settings and associations,
were observed to contain small (
m) rounded
inclusions of olivine (Fig. 2A, label 2), as well as, more
rarely, plagioclase, chromite, sulfide, and pyroxene.
Phosphate inclusions are often observed to occur in
olivine (Fig. 2A). Some small (
m) phosphate and
olivine inclusions also occur in pyroxene
(Fig. S3 in supporting information).
SMVs are occasionally observed to truncate or
intrude a number of features, including phosphate
grains (Fig. 2B). Phosphates and olivine display
evidence of having interacted with mobile plagioclase,
including thin rims around and linear fills of apparent
planar deformation features in olivine and pyroxene, as
well as zones marked by finely interspersed olivine and
chromite in plagioclase (Fig. 2C). Some phosphate
grains were encountered in close association with Fe-Ni
metal (Fig. 2D) and chromite grains, but the majority
are in contact with silicate phases.
Our quantitative assessment of phosphate phase
associations reveals that in the light lithology, both
apatite and merrillite are preferentially associated with
olivine and plagioclase, with significantly fewer crystals
sharing boundaries with pyroxene, sulfide, or metal
(Fig. 3
raw data available in Table S2 in supporting
information). Associations are much less organized and
more complex in the dark lithology, with the majority
of phosphates associated with all five other phases
considered (Fig. 3).
Melt Lithology
We do not observe phosphates in the shock-melt
lithology. The budget of P in the shock-melt lithology is
instead hosted as a minor element in silicate phases. Our
sample of the shock-melt lithology contains around 50
vol% quenched impact-melt, composed of small (
zoned olivine and orthopyroxene crystals, silica-rich
glass, and finely disseminated sulfide grains. Relict
chondrules and individual grains of olivine, pyroxene,
and plagioclase entrained in the melt are highly resorbed
and surrounded by melt. Quench textures include a high
abundance of melt inclusions in silicate phases, along
with concentric-to-interstitial skeletal growths of olivine.
C. R. Walton et al.
Compositional gradients are apparent in the melt in
proximity to resorbed mineral phases.
Orthopyroxene occurs as large porphyroclasts
m in length), as small subhedral to anhedral
crystals (15
m in length), and as microlites (
in length) entrained in the melt. The large
porphyroclasts have a composition En
; the
small crystals have a broader range of composition
; the microlite crystals show a
(Table S2B). The P
abundances are low (
0.06 wt%)
in all orthopyroxene grains, with the exception of the
microlite crystals, which exhibit a range from 0.13 to
0.19 wt% (Table S2B). Note that the P enrichment in
microlite orthopyroxene crystals is not an artifact of
contamination from neighboring phases, which have
lower P content than the orthopyroxene itself.
EPMA defocused spot analyses on pools of glass
larger than 10
m in diameter reveal an SiO
composition (63.3
64.9 wt%) with very low P
0.05 wt% and Mg# in the range of 24.4
(Table S2C). Unfortunately, the small glass areas
between quenched crystals and the zoned rims around
resorbed phases are too small for clean defocused beam
EPMA analyses, so the compositional range given here
may not be fully representative.
Our sample of the impact melt contains olivine grains
) with 0.02
0.52 wt% P
(Table S2C). Two
populations of olivine in this lithology are distinguished
on the basis of textures, major element chemistry, and P
abundance: Partially resorbed relics and quench olivine,
found as individual crystallites and rim overgrowths
around partially resorbed relics (Fig. 4). Quench olivine
is clearly zoned as visible on BSE-SEM images (Fig. 4A).
Quench olivine is further subdivided into individual
crystals and rim overgrowths that formed around pre-
existing olivine crystals. Figure 4B illustrates a schematic
view of these various olivine populations.
Fig. 1. Backscattered electron maps of Chelyabinsk light (A), dark (B), and shock-melt lithology (lower left-hand side of section
N9834 [C], which is otherwise comprised of the dark lithology). Phosphate/P-bearing olivine grains analyzed with EBSD are
indicated, though many more were studied with SEM. Phosphate grains are absent in the shock-melt lithology. Together, these
three sections span a range of shock stages (S4
6), thus preserving in pristine condition the textural outcome of exceptionally
varied pressure
time pathways throughout the meteorite. (Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
Phosphorus-olivine assemblages in chondrites
Individual quench and rim overgrowth quench
olivine share geochemical and textural similarities. Both
olivine types are concentrically zoned, with the inner
Mg-rich portion containing a high proportion of silicate
glass inclusions. The inner zones of both individual and
rim overgrowth crystals are also somewhat P-enriched
compared to any preserved core olivines (Fig. 5). The
outer portion is generally inclusion-free, Fe-rich, and
very P-rich (Fig. 5). Phosphoran olivine is defined by
1 wt% P
(Boesenberg and Hewins 2010).
Our samples display a maximum of
0.5 wt% P
are hence most accurately referred to simply as
variously P-rich olivine.
Figure 6 presents a scatter plot of FeO versus P
contents for the various olivine populations identified in
the different lithologies of Chelyabinsk. Quench olivine
data are divided by backscatter contrast into dark
(typically the inner regions) and light (typically near the
rims) groupings. High backscatter contrast outer parts
of quench olivine in the melt lithology have P
concentrations substantially higher than in resorbed
cores, the inner parts of quench olivine, or olivine in the
light lithology. Phosphorus concentration in high
backscatter contrast outer parts of olivine rims is also
higher than that in any other phase in the quenched
shock-melt lithology, including glass and pyroxene
(Table S2).
We rule out that the P-in-olivine signature merely
represents contamination by silicate mesostases on the
basis of both visual (Fig. 5) and geochemical (Fig. 6)
evidence. All of the high P concentrations (
0.25 wt%
) measured in olivine are in outermost light-colored
quench rims (Fig. 5), which are generally inclusion-free
(see spot overlay; Fig. S6 in supporting information; full
Fig. 2. Backscattered electron images combined with EDS P element intensity maps (in red) showing key phosphate phase
associations in the light lithology. A) Grain 026-MERR-A, showing close association and complex intergrowth texture of
merrillite with olivine. Specific textures are numbered as follows: (1) curvilinear olivine/phosphate boundaries, (2) olivine
inclusions, (3) a grain of plagioclase, (4) pyroxene, and (5) Fe-Ni metal. B) Apatite 079-AP-A, showing truncation of apatite (1
black dashed outline) and barred olivine (2
yellow dashed outlines) by shock melt vein (SMV; white dashed outline). C) Apatite
039-AP-A, with textural evidence for plagioclase mobilization. A pool of plagioclase containing large apatite and metal grains (1)
is connected to other plagioclase pools by a variety of mobilization textures (2), including zones marked by finely interspersed
olivine and chromite in plagioclase (i), as well as thin rims around and linear fills of apparent planar deformation features in
olivine and pyroxene (ii). D) Merrillite grain 061-MERR-A (1) closely associated with a metal grain (2) and a void (3). Mineral
abbreviations: Ol
olivine; Pyx
pyroxene. (Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
C. R. Walton et al.
silicate chemistry data are provided in Table S2). We
further rule out that the P-in-olivine signature merely
represents contamination by silicate mesostases on the
basis of a positive correlation between FeO and P
the quench olivine population (Fig. 6). These data
support a model in which P is directly incorporated into
the olivine structure, as contamination by silicate
mesostases would yield lower FeO.
The rims of quench olivine in Chelyabinsk exhibit
moderate positive correlations between P
and trivalent
cations (Al
; Fig. 7A) and between P
and a
deficit relative to three cations per four-oxygen formula
unit (
0.64; Fig. 7B). In contrast, P is poorly
correlated with Si
0.28; Fig. 7C). Based on these
correlations, we infer that P substitution was
predominantly in exchange with divalent cations,
alongside trivalent Cr and Al, and balanced by M site
vacancies, that is, 4
(Cr, Al)
[]. Core
olivine compositions are identical to the typical
equilibrated olivine found in both the light and dark
lithologies (Fig. 6).
Mineral Microtextures
Microtextural EBSD and CL data provide
information with which we test predictions made by
different models of P-mineral paragenesis. CL imaging
is sensitive to surface and internal mineral textures,
structural defects, trace element distribution, and
elemental zoning in plagioclase and phosphates (G
and Kempe 2008). Changes in phase crystallinity and
element mobility during impact metamorphism may
each create visible signatures in CL images, but which
are more reliably interpreted when provided with
context from other techniques, such as EBSD. We
studied the microtextures of P-bearing minerals, as well
as other closely associated phases, in order to determine
a self-consistent paragenetic history.
An important novel finding arising from our
observations is that phosphate microtextures differ
Fig. 3. Counting statistics for association of phosphate grains
with other phases in the light and dark lithologies of
Chelyabinsk (
96 individual phosphate grains), based on an
SEM survey. Mineral abbreviations: Ol
pyroxene; Plag
Fig. 4. A) Backscattered electron (BSE) image of olivine grain
B6 and surrounding quenched melt. B) Schematic view of the
same olivine grain shown in (A). Two populations of olivine
in this lithology are distinguished: Partially resorbed relics and
quench olivine, found as individual crystallites and rim
overgrowths around partially resorbed relics. Quench olivine is
clearly zoned, and is further subdivided into individual crystals
and rim overgrowths that formed around pre-existing olivine
crystals. Mineral abbreviation: Ol
olivine. (Color figure can
be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
Phosphorus-olivine assemblages in chondrites
systematically both among lithologies with different
shock stages, and within each lithology owing to the
local phase assemblage. We identify plastically strained
apatite and merrillite grains in the light lithology,
whereas in the dark lithology, we observe strained
apatite grains and recrystallized merrillites. We also
find a novel patchy phosphate population in both the
light and dark lithologies. Figures 8
10 present
analyses performed on phosphates. Figure 11 presents
EBSD data for olivine in the light, dark, and melt
lithologies. Figure 12 summarizes in schematic form
the most important phosphate textures observed via
EBSD, CL, and EDS imaging in the course of this
Plastically Strained Versus Recrystallized Phosphates
We identify a dichotomy in phosphate textures
between the differently shocked lithologies of
Chelyabinsk: plastic deformation of phosphates in the
light lithology versus recrystallized phosphates
(exclusively merrillites, given available data) with strain-
free subdomains in the dark lithology. Strained grains
show plastic deformation across the grain that results in
total cumulative misorientations of up to 16
, as visible
in TC and IPF maps and respective pole figures
(Figs. 9A and 9B, and related pole figures). In contrast,
the strain-free subdomains we observe in recrystallized
merrillite show significant misorientations from one
another as demonstrated by TC and IPF maps
(Fig. 9C), but retaining obvious memory of the original
parent crystal orientation, as visible by the dominant
orientation pattern in pole figures (Fig. 9C).
Meanwhile, individual subdomains demonstrate no
internal strain.
Recrystallization textures are visible in both CL
images (Figs. 8 and 9) and EBSD data (Fig. 9), but not
in EDS X-ray maps (Fig. 10). The merrillite subdomain
orientations shown in Fig. 9C appear dominantly
orthogonal to the orientation of the neighboring SMV.
The EBSD maps reveal that individual subdomains are
highly crystalline (returning patterns of sufficient quality
to index at every pixel), while CL images demonstrate
complex patchy areas within each crystal subdomain. In
another recrystallized merrillite, outer subdomain and
grain boundaries are marked by notably bright CL
responses (Fig. 8C). Bright spots also occur in grain
interiors (Figs. 8C and 9C). Recrystallization textures
are universally well developed in dark lithology
merrillites but are apparently absent in dark lithology
apatites (Fig. 8B).
Fig. 5. A) Backscattered electron (BSE) image and (B) P EDS intensity map (scale is in counts) from the rim of the olivine grain
shock melt lithology. Highest P intensity is observed at grain margins. (Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
Fig. 6. Composition of olivine populations in Chelyabinsk.
Early (dark) quench olivines are Fe-poor and variably P-poor
to moderately P-enriched, compared to pre-shock olivines of
both dark lithology resorbed and undisturbed light lithology
type. Late (light) quench olivines are variably P-poor to highly
P-enriched, with Fe-contents that range from slightly lower
than to equivalent to the pre-shock populations. Gray lines
indicate the 1, 2, and 3
detection limit for P
. (Color
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
C. R. Walton et al.
In contrast, all phosphates in the light lithology
lack subdomain formation and instead display evidence
of internal plastic deformation (Figs. 8A, 9A, and 9B).
TC images of these phosphates reveal moderate crystal
plastic deformation of the grains with up to
internal misorientation from the reference point, with
no evidence of recrystallization (as supported by IPF
maps and relevant pole figures; Fig. 9A).
Patchy Phosphate Cathodoluminescence Signature
In both the light and the dark lithologies, some
apatite grains show complex CL response, displaying
generally thin (
m) patches of lower CL intensity
that may either follow fractures and grain boundaries or
appear to be independent of them (Figs. 8A, 8B, and
9A). This patchy CL response is visible also in some
recrystallized dark lithology merrillite grains (Fig. 8C)
but is apparently absent in light lithology merrillites
(Figs. 8A and 9B). There is no obvious overlap between
the patchy textural features we observe in CL and the
microtextures revealed by EBSD (Fig. 9). The EDS X-
ray maps also do not reveal any visible features in
elemental chemistry that would correspond to the
patchy CL textures that we observe.
Variable Olivine Microtexture
The microtexture of olivine in the shock-melt
lithology (Fig. 11) contrasts markedly with that found
in either the light or dark lithology (Figs. 11A
Individual olivine grains in the light lithology show
minimal internal strain (Fig. 11A). Olivine in the dark
lithology displays local misorientations of a few degrees,
Fig. 7. Olivine compositional data showing correlation between phosphorus and (A) Al
, (B) cation sum deficit, and (C) Si
Representative error bars are shown in each plot. These are calculated as 2 standard deviations from the mean for an olivine grain
where multiple analyses were performed, providing an estimate of external reproducibility.
Phosphorus-olivine assemblages in chondrites
which is indicative of weak plastic deformation
(Fig. 11B). Olivine in the melt lithology displays a wider
diversity of textures. We observe
m relict olivine
cores that are divided into mosaics of randomly
oriented 5
m subdomains (i.e., recrystallization;
Fig. 11C). Also observed are quench growths of olivine
that have large strain-free subdomains, which yield
tightly clustered pole figures (Fig. 11D). Both the relict
recrystallized and quench olivine populations display
good crystallinity and no evidence of internal
misorientation (Figs. 11C and 11D).
Genesis of P-Bearing Minerals
The complex microtextures and textural associations
of phosphates in the Chelyabinsk meteorite record key
events in the history of the meteorite and its parent
body. A key observation is that Chelyabinsk phosphates
are predominantly in contact with olivine and
plagioclase (Figs. 2 and 3). Our observations contrast
with Lewis and Jones (2016) and Jones et al. (2014),
who reported that phosphates in unshocked L and LL
chondrites showed no preferred association with any
particular silicate phase. Rather, phosphates in those
lower shock stage samples were nearly equally
associated pyroxene, plagioclase, and olivine, being
most often found in phase assemblages that contain all
of these minerals (Jones et al. 2014; Lewis and Jones
Moreover, Jones et al. (2014) and Lewis and Jones
(2016) identified (but did not quantify) common
association of phosphates with Fe-Ni metal and sulfide
grains, as well as voids resulting from plucking of Fe-Ni
metal and sulfide grains during sample preparation.
However, light lithology phosphates in Chelyabinsk
almost never occur in such an association (Fig. 3;
association with voids, see Table S1 in supporting
information). Therefore, the distribution of phosphates
in Chelyabinsk is anomalous among ordinary
chondrites. Noting that Chelyabinsk is unremarkable in
Fig. 8. Secondary electron (SE) and cathodoluminescence (CL) images, top and bottom, respectively, showing phosphate
textures in Chelyabinsk. A) 191-MERR/AP-A showing apatite with complex CL response intergrown with a merrillite with
contrastingly smooth CL response. B) 018b-AP-B showing light and dark zones in a patchy texture, as well as micro-fault
displacement textures on the grain scale. C) 003-MERR-B shows variably dark and bright CL response. Bright regions occur on
the whole-grain boundary, some subdomain boundaries, and as internal bright spots. There are also apparently overprinting
patchy regions of dark CL-response. Mineral abbreviations: Ol
olivine; Pyx
pyroxene; Ap
apatite; Merr
plagioclase; Chr
chromite. (Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
C. R. Walton et al.
Fig. 9. Secondary electron (SE) annotated phase map, cathodoluminescence (CL) images, texture component (TC) maps, pole
figures, and inverse pole figure (IPF) color maps, for selected phosphates. A red or blue triangle indicates the TC reference point
in respect to which the internal grain misorientation is measured. All pole figures shown are color-coded after the corresponding
IPF map. Chr
chromite; Fe-Ni
nickel metal; Ol
olivine; Pl
plagioclase; SMV
shock-melt vein. A) 39-AP-A
showing complex internal structure of apatite with complex CL response. This grain is surrounded by plagioclase. Several apatite
grains showing distinct lattice orientations, according to IPF maps. The pole figure of the selected apatite grain (highlighted in
white) shows moderate crystal
plastic deformation. B) Grain 280-MERR-A shows a bright CL response with minor subdomain
heterogeneity as well as plastic deformation with up to 16 degrees misorientation. The pole figure indicates continuous
deformation of the lattice, but no randomly oriented subdomains. C) Recrystallized merrillite from dark lithology displays a
complex internal network of strain-free subdomains (visible in CL; confirmed with EBSD). The pole figure indicates that the
orientation of individual subdomains broadly follows the orientation of the parent grain lattice, but with significant scatter.
(Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
Phosphorus-olivine assemblages in chondrites
terms of its bulk chemical composition and modal
mineralogy among the LL chondrites (Sharygin et al.
2013), we consider several hypotheses to explain our
One obvious difference is that Chelyabinsk is
heavily shocked, whereas Lewis and Jones (2016) and
Jones et al. (2014) focused on relatively unshocked
ordinary chondrites. However, there remain a number
of aspects of the phosphate distribution in Chelyabinsk
that are similar to textures identified by Jones et al.
(2014). Previous studies have identified phosphate
olivine reaction rims suggesting the growth of
phosphate by replacement of olivine during aqueous
alteration (Jones et al. 2014; McCubbin and Jones 2015;
Lewis and Jones 2016). The intergrowth textures present
in Chelyabinsk (e.g., Fig. 2A) could therefore be
interpreted similarly to those in relatively unshocked
ordinary chondrites, that is, as partial replacement of
olivine by phosphate minerals.
Alternatively, the phosphate
olivine intergrowths
found in Chelyabinsk may form upon crystallization
from shock melts (Jones et al. 2014; Krzesi

nska 2017).
Phosphate is readily consumed during impact melting of
chondrites (Donaldson 1985; Brunet and Laporte 1998;
Chen and Zhang 2008). In a shock-melt model for
phosphate intergrowths, pre-existing olivine
phosphate intergrowths that developed during parent
body thermal metamorphism melt and then regrow as
new olivine
phosphate intergrowths. Supporting this
idea requires detailed examination of the textures of the
phosphate intergrowths, for features that
uniquely develop upon growth from melts at high
cooling rates or degrees of undercooling. Distinctive
distributions of P in olivine, for example, can be found
in unaltered igneous rocks and rapidly cooled
crystallization experiments (e.g., Milman-Barris et al.
2008). In the case of Chelyabinsk, this would manifest
as anomalously P-rich compositions for olivine found in
symplectite-like phosphate-olivine assemblages.
The mineral associations and microtextures that we
describe here help to distinguish between these different
possibilities. In summary, we evaluate two possibilities
for the origin of phosphates in Chelyabinsk (1) growth
via metasomatism during thermal metamorphism on its
parent body (an early solar system process), and/or (2)
growth as the crystallization products of impact-induced
shock melts.
Evidence from the Light and Dark Lithologies
The two formation mechanisms we have outlined
are not necessarily mutually exclusive. However, our
results allow us to rule out phosphate formation during
the impact event that formed the Chelyabinsk impact
Fig. 10. Energy dispersive X-ray maps
backscattered electron images of selected phosphate grains from light and dark
lithology (sections A and B, respectively). Grains show a homogeneous major element chemical response regardless of their
internal microtextural state in CL or EBSD. A) Smooth merrillite and complex apatite grain (in CL). B) Smooth merrillite grain
(in CL). C) Degraded apatite grain (in CL). D) Patchy apatite and recrystallized merrillite grain. E) Recrystallized merrillite
grain (in CL and EBSD). (Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
C. R. Walton et al.
First, the finely crystalline quench textures of melt
veins appear to post-date (i.e., crosscut) the relatively
coarse intergrowth textures described for most
olivine textures in the light lithology of
Chelyabinsk (e.g., Fig. 2B). Frictional melting along
planes of displacement (now preserved as SMVs) has
therefore affected some of the phosphates in
Chelyabinsk. At the same time, this observation
requires that the phosphates existed prior to the impact
rather than having formed during it.
During this event, light lithology phosphates
became deformed and dark lithology merrillites were
recrystallized (e.g., Figs. 7, 8, and 10). The
recrystallization textures of dark lithology merrillites are
pristine (i.e., unstrained subdomains), showing that
there has been no significant metamorphic overprint or
alteration that postdates the shock melting event that
produced the Chelyabinsk breccia. Undeformed igneous
grains show tightly clustered pole figures in EBSD data.
Pole figures of recrystallized merrillites in Chelyabinsk
instead show evidence for memory of parent crystal
orientation in the form of extended arcs: This is
unambiguous evidence that these grains did not grow
from an impact-induced melt (Fig. 9C). Therefore, the
phosphate minerals found in those lithologies must also
predate the shock-melting impact during which they
Phosphates in the light lithology display significant
plastic deformation (up to 16
misorientation) yet preserve minimally deformed olivine
inclusions with similar crystallographic orientation
(Fig. 8, Panel C2; Fig. S6). Both of these observations
clearly imply that these phosphate
olivine intergrowths
must predate the impact that deformed them. Our
observations suggest the growth of coherent phosphate
grains, potentially via olivine replacement, to leave
Fig. 11. A) Inverse pole figure (IPF) map of olivine surrounding and included within MERR-280-A reveals random orientations
and minimal deformation of individual grains. B) IPF map of olivine inclusions in MERR-003-B reveals that individual grains
are randomly oriented. The pole figures of a large (outlined) olivine inclusion indicate that the entire grain shows moderate
plastic deformation, but no randomly oriented subdomains that would be indicative of recrystallization. C) IPF maps
and pole figures for olivine grain B13 reveal numerous subdomains, indicative of recrystallization. Data are for the orthorhombic
structure of olivine of mmm crystal class. D) IPF maps and pole figures for olivine grain B12 reveals larger strain-free
subdomains, indicative of crystallization from a melt without subsequent deformation. Mineral abbreviations: Ol
pyroxene; Ap
apatite; Merr
Merrilite; Pl
plagioclase; Chr
chromite. (Color figure can be viewed at wileyonline
Phosphorus-olivine assemblages in chondrites
islands of disconnected but similarly oriented primary
Dark lithology phosphates also contain large
rounded olivine inclusions. However, in this instance,
SMV-proximal olivine inclusions display complex and
strained microtexture (Fig. 9, Panel C3, and Fig. S5 in
supporting information). We also observed cases where
recrystallized phosphates and their olivine inclusions
have been cut by and displaced by sliding across SMVs
(Fig. 8). Finally, we find that P concentrations are
uniform in olivine throughout the light lithology
(Fig. 6). This finding suggests that olivine intergrown
with phosphate in the light and dark lithologies did not
grow from a P-rich melt. All of these observations
Fig. 12. Generalized phosphate microstructural types observed in Chelyabinsk with (top panel) CL imaging, which consistently
reveals the widest diversity of features, and (bottom panel) EBSD maps, which show strained and unstrained (recrystallized)
phosphates and olivine grains. (Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com.)
C. R. Walton et al.
suggest that metasomatic replacement of olivine by
phosphate occurred before impact metamorphism.
Evidence from the Melt Lithology
The shock-melt lithology lacks any discrete
phosphate phases. This observation suggests the
complete melting of phosphates during impact, followed
by the formation of P-rich olivine during quench
crystallization of the resulting melt. A quench origin is
obvious based on the petrographic context, quench
textures (e.g., high abundance of melt inclusions,
concentric-to-interstitial skeletal growths; Fig. 4) and
the anomalous chemistry of these olivine grains (Fig. 5),
including boundary enrichment of phosphorus.
The EBSD maps of light, dark, and melt lithology
olivine contrast significantly. In the light lithology,
olivine is only very mildly deformed (Fig. 11A). In the
dark lithology, olivine shows weak
moderate level of
plastic deformation when in direct contact with
SMVs (Fig. 11B). In the shock melt, relict cores are
recrystallized, and both these and quench olivines are
apparently strain-free (Figs. 11C and 11D). Evidently,
both the quench-crystallized P-rich and relict P-poor
recrystallized olivine, like the recrystallized phosphates,
have not experienced additional deformation since
impact-related (de)formation.
Recrystallized relict olivine cores in the shock melt
served as nuclei for growth of the subhedral to euhedral
branches (Fig. 4; see Erdmann et al. [2014] for similar
textures). Indeed, the texturally distinct core and quench
olivine in the shock-melt lithology also display
contrasting chemical compositions (Fig. 5). Combined
with increasing backscatter brightness toward the rim,
later crystallizing quench olivine contains higher
concentrations of elements that are generally
incompatible in the crystal structures of olivine and
pyroxene (e.g., P), that is, those silicate phases observed
to have freshly crystallized in the shock melt lithology.
This relationship could be simply interpreted as
reflecting growth of later crystallizing silicates from an
increasingly incompatible element-enriched residual
impact melt. This interpretation is consistent with the
presence of P-rich glassy melt inclusions trapped in
olivine quench crystals, visible in EDS maps (Fig. 5B).
Despite an overall trend, the scatter in P content
with olivine Fe-Mg composition across all compositions
suggests that P systematics in the shock melt were
highly heterogeneous throughout the crystallization
sequence (Fig. 6). This heterogeneity is potentially
consistent both with the slow diffusion of P in mafic
silicate melt (Watson et al. 2015) and the seemingly
nonuniform distribution of P-rich olivine throughout
the investigated sample. We infer that the spatial
distribution of P-rich olivine in shock-melt lithology
derives from the melting of pre-existing phosphates,
potentially incomplete homogenization of P through the
melt, and finally local P accumulation as an
incompatible element during progressive quench
crystallization. Future studies may be able to utilize P
systematics in olivine as a crystallization speedometer
for quench-cooled shock melts.
Overall, there is no evidence that any of the
phosphates in Chelyabinsk are the products of impact
mobilization. Melting did affect phosphates in the
shock-melt lithology; however, here, P has been trapped
as a minor element in silicate phases (principally olivine)
upon cooling and crystallization. The textural evidence
we present requires that all preserved phosphate grains
existed prior to impact but responded differently to
metamorphism depending on lithology-scale conditions
and the propagation of shock waves through local
phase assemblages. Building on this conclusion, we now
highlight textural evidence for the important role
played by plagioclase mobilization during impact
Shock Effects on P-Bearing Minerals
Modification of Phosphate Phase Associations
We explain the anomalous phase associations of
Chelyabinsk phosphates using a novel mechanical shock
modification model, which relies upon selective
plagioclase melting and its subsequent mobilization
toward olivine, pyroxene, and phosphate. We propose
that phosphates formed initially during thermal
metamorphism with no preferential phase association
(as described by Lewis and Jones 2016). Phosphates in
Chelyabinsk then had these initial growth-related phase
associations modified during the impact melting and
mobilization of easily shock-melted phases such as
plagioclase and metals/sulfides (Rubin 2003a, 2003b).
We further propose that, owing to their intergrown
nature, phosphate
olivine grain boundaries were
mechanically more resilient to plagioclase-melt
propagation during impact. The common association of
light lithology phosphates with olivine and plagioclase,
but infrequent association with metal and sulfides
(Fig. 3), provides support for this model.
We observe smooth-textured plagioclase proximal
to many light lithology phosphates, as linear trails
interstitial to olivine and pyroxene (Fig. 2C), and as
thin borders around some silicate grains (Fig. 2C). In
places, plagioclase has locally entrained numerous very
small (
m) inclusions of silicate, metal, and
chromite. Correlating the CL images and EBSD maps
further indicates that at least some of this plagioclase is
poorly crystalline (Figs. 7 and 8). It is also highly
unlikely that surface condition is responsible for the
Phosphorus-olivine assemblages in chondrites
observed poor EBSD response, as other phases respond
extremely well. In accordance with previous authors
(e.g., Kaeter et al. 2018), we interpret these features as
indicative of plagioclase being melted upon initial
shock, mobilized in the turbulent flow regime behind
the shock front, and quenched by rapid cooling to
amorphous material (i.e., maskelynite; Ferri

ere and
atter 2015). As such, plagioclase-normative
melts appear to have preferentially flowed into pre-
existing grain boundaries and fractures opened during
passage of the initial shock wave (e.g., Fig. 2C).
A “preferential-melting model” for increasing the
probability of finding plagioclase in association with
phosphate in the light lithology only operates over a
limited range of shock states. For instance, a much
greater percentage of dark lithology phosphates display
contacts with metal and sulfide phases than in the light
lithology (Fig. 3). This is consistent with the fact that
metal and sulfide vein networks are more extensively
developed in the dark lithology, as these phases also
became mobilized during the higher peak and post-
shock conditions experienced (Morlok et al. 2017;
Moreau et al. 2018). As such, preferential mobilization
of plagioclase resulted in general phosphate separation
from metal and sulfide in the light lithology (i.e.,
destroying growth assemblages), but additional
mobilization of Fe-Ni metal and sulfide created a more
randomly mixed set of phase associations in the dark
lithology. In both cases, associations with olivine were
widely retained (Fig. 3).
Our observations suggest that plagioclase in
Chelyabinsk was extensively mobilized under S4
conditions, in the light lithology, but that this
metal/sulfide mobilization was increasingly extensive
under the S5 conditions of the dark lithology. An even
stronger shock deformation would cause wholescale
melting of both low-melting point and high-melting
point phases and, in particular, would consume pre-
existing phosphates. In general, the post-shock phase
associations should vary depending on the phases
mobilized. Figure 13 schematically illustrates our
preferred model for the sequence of phosphate phase
associations in the light and dark lithologies of
Chelyabinsk, in the context of the overall evolution of
phosphorus-bearing mineralogy in ordinary chondrites.
Modification of Phosphate Microtexture
There is clear evidence for variable phosphate
microtexture as a function of different degrees of shock
metamorphism, represented by the distinct lithologies in
Chelyabinsk. In particular, recrystallization textures in
CL and in EBSD are only observed in the dark
lithology; although there are sparse SMVs in the light
lithology, phosphates proximal to these veins are not
recrystallized. The presence of SMVs in the light
lithology indicates that SMV-proximal peak
temperatures reached
1950 K for
70 ms (Ozawa et al.
2014). However, their sparse distribution implies that
SMVs would have cooled more quickly in contact with
less shocked and less heated matrix in the light
compared to the dark lithology, thus providing
insufficient heat for recrystallization of phosphates.
Moreau et al (2018) correlated mesoscale modeling
of shock processes to observe textural features in
ordinary chondrite samples, finding that the S5
transition associated with shock darkening corresponds
1200 K post-shock temperatures in troilite and
600 K in olivine. Connecting the shock stage
evaluation of Morlok et al (2017) with the results of
Moreau et al (2018), peak post-shock temperatures in
the dark lithology should have been greater than in the
light lithology by a minimum of 200 K, prior to
thermal equilibration at much lower temperatures.
Given that subdomain formation in a deformed matrix
is more efficient at elevated temperatures (Urai et al.
1986), this difference in post-shock heating intensity is a
plausible explanation for the contrasting microtextural
state of light versus dark lithology phosphates in
Other recent studies have also highlighted the role
of shock metamorphism for inducing recrystallization
textures in phosphate minerals observed in a wide range
of terrestrial (e.g., McGregor et al. 2019; Cox et al.
2020; Kenny et al. 2020) and lunar (

Cernok et al. 2019)
samples. Our findings for the heterogeneously shocked
Chelyabinsk breccia suggest that recrystallization
textures develop principally in response to prolonged
lithology-scale heating during impact-induced strain at
the grain scale. Therefore, we mark out phosphate
recrystallization as a sensitive indicator of micro-to-
pathways in the postimpact
It is notable that recrystallization textures are
visible in CL (Fig. 9C). Together, the bright internal
spots as well as conspicuous bright subgrain boundaries
suggest that the diffusive migration and/or grain
boundary enrichment of trace elements during shock
processing may be responsible for the specific response
displayed (e.g., Gros et al. 2016; McGregor et al. 2019).
The EDS images (Fig. 10) do not reveal any such
chemical zonation in major elements, but EDS does not
resolve variation in the trace elements that typically
modulate CL response.
In the scope of this work, we can robustly state that
CL imaging provides a way to rapidly assess phosphate
microtextures prior to EBSD work. As such, our
combined CL-EBSD approach allows us to interpret
only limited number of high-resolution EBSD maps as
C. R. Walton et al.