Document Outline
1: The Terrestrial planets
Theories of Planetary Formation 1
Meteorites 4
Planetary Atmospheres 8
Composition of the Terrestrial Planets 11
Comparative Planetology 24
References 24
2: Earth and Moon
Bulk Composition of the Earth 27
Evolution of the Earth's Interior 28
Origin of the Crust 31
Origin of the Mantle and Core 31
Mineralogy of the Mantle 34
Moon 36
References 43
3: The Crust and Upper Mantle
The Crust 45
The Seismic Lithosphere or LID 47
The Low Velocity Zone or LVZ 51
Mineralogical Models of 50 400 km Depth 56
The Transition Region 57
References 61
4: The Lower Mantle and Core
Composition of the Lower Mantle 63
Region D" 66
The Core 67
Mantle Core Equilibration 73
The Magnetic Field 74
References 76
5: Thermodynamics and Equations of State
Thermodynamics 79
Theoretical Equations of State 82
The GrĂĽneisen Relations 83
Effect of Temperature on Bulk Moduli 85
Thermal Expansion and Anharmonicity 86
Isothermal Adiabatic Transformations 89
Calculation of Density in the Earth 90
Finite Strain Equation of State 91
Zero pressure Values of Lower Mantle Seismic Properties 92
The Equation of State 92
The Seismic Parameter Φ 95
Effect of Composition and Phase 95
The Repulsive Potential 97
Shock Waves 99
References 102
6: Elasticity and Solid-State Geophysics
Elastic Constants of Isotropic Solids 103
Temperature and Pressure Derivatives of Elastic Moduli 106
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Temperature Effects 107
Seismic Constraints on Thermodynamics of the Lower Mantle 110
Correcting Elastic Properties for Temperature 120
Elastic Properties of Composite Materials 121
Liquids 122
References 126
7: Nonelastic and Transport Properties
Thermal Conductivity 129
Diffusion and Viscosity 132
Homologous Temperature 135
Dislocations 135
Dislocation Creep 136
The Lithosphere 138
Effective Elastic Thickness of the Lithosphere 140
Melting and Origin of Magmas 140
Ionic Radii 143
References 144
8: Chemical Composition of the Mantle
Methods of Estimating Mantle Chemistry 147
The Upper Mantle 153
The Lower Mantle 155
Magmas 156
Midocean Ridge Basalts (MORB) 157
Hotspots 158
Ocean-Island Basalts 161
Kimberlite 162
The Kimberlite-MORB Connection 164
The Kimberlite-KREEP Relation 165
Alkali Basalt 166
Continental Flood Basalts 168
Andesite 169
Marginal Basins 172
Komatiites 175
Summary 175
References 176
9: The Source Region
Background 179
Ultramafic Rocks 181
Pyrolite 184
Eclogites 186
Piclogite 188
Depths of Mantle Reservoirs 189
Mantle Metasomatism and the Enriched Reservoir 192
Rise of Deep Diapirs 192
Trace-Element Modeling 194
References 196
10: Isotopes
Lead Isotopes 198
Strontium and Neodymium Isotopes 201
The Lead Paradox 202
Isotopic Evolution of the Mantle 203
Oxygen Isotopes 205
Rare Gases 206
Isotopic Constraints on Magma Genesis 210
A Model for Magma Genesis and Evolution in the Mantle 213
References 215
11: Evolution of the Mantle
Models of the Mantle Petrogenesis 218
Petrological Evolution of the Mantle 221
Chemical Stratification of the Mantle 225
Nature of the Enrichment/Depletion Process 228
The Role of Magma Mixing 231
Melts from the Enriched Reservoirs 233
Magma Ocean 235
Summary of Constraints on Mantle Evolution 237
References 238
12: The Shape of the Earth, Heat Flow and Convection
Topography 239
The Geoid 241
Heat Flow 247
Rotation of the Earth and Polar Wander 249
Convection 253
Cooling of the Earth 257
References 257
13: Heteorgeneity of the Mantle
Upper-Mantle Heterogeneity from Surface Wave Velocities 259
Global Surface-wave Tomography 260
Regionalized Inversion Results 263
Spherical Harmonic Inversion Results 264
Correlation with Heat Flow and Geoid 267
Azimuthal Anisotropy 269
Lateral Heterogeneity from Body Waves 270
Body-wave Tomography of the Lower Mantle 272
References 277
14: Anelasticity
Seismic Wave Attenuation 279
Activated Processes 284
Dislocation Damping 287
Partial Melting 292
Bulk Attenuation 292
Relaxation in Systems Undergoing Phase Transformations 294
Physics of Attenuation in Fluids 295
Absorption-Band Q Model for the Earth 297
References 301
15: Anisotropy
Introduction 303
Origin of Mantle Anisotropy 305
Anisotropy of Crystals 307
Theory of Anisotropy 309
Transverse Isotropy of the Upper Mantle 315
Transverse Isotropy of Layered Media 317
The Effect of Oriented Cracks on Seismic Velocities 319
Inversion Results for the Upper Mantle 320
Global Maps of Transverse Isotropy as a Function of Depth 321
Age Dependent Transverse Isotropy 324
Azimuthal Anisotropy 326
Shear wave Splitting and Slab Anisotropy 330
Partial Derivatives 331
References 334
16: Phase Changes and Mantle Mineralogy
Spherical Ions and Crystal Structure 337
Minerals and Phases of the Mantle 342
Phase Equilibria in Mantle Systems 343
Calculation of Phase Relations 347
Isobaric Phase Changes and Lateral Variations of Physical Properties 348
Slabs 349
References 353
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