of 14
manuscript submitted to
Geophys. J. Int.
Supporting Information for
Finite Source Properties of Large Strike-Slip
James Atterholt
, Zachary E. Ross
Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA 91125
Contents of this file
Figures S1 to S12 (Pages 2-11) Tables S1 to S2 (Page 12-13)
This file includes 12 figures that supplement the main text. Figures S1 and S2 are plots of wave-
form fits that are supplied in addition to the waveform fits present in Figure 2 of the main text.
Figure S3 gives the azimuthal distribution of station coverage for the events shown in Figure
3 of the main text. Figures S4, S5, and S6 each give the distributions for several of the pa-
rameters derived from the ensembles of second moment solutions for each event included in
this study. These parameters are defined in equations 4 and 5 of the main text and are the
characteristic length (
), the centroid velocity
, twice the characteristic duration (2
), the rectilinearity (
), the directivity ratio (
), the base 10 log of the average moment den-
sity (
), and the vertical deviation of the source (
). Figures S4, S5, and S6 give dis-
tributions of these parameters for the oceanic interplate, continental strike-slip, and oceanic
intraplate respectively. Figure S7 illustrates the statistical test used to determine the statis-
tical significance of the difference between the distribution of observed directivity ratios and
the distribution of directivity ratios for sources with predefined uniform faults with uniformly
assigned hypocenter locations. Figure S8 shows the ratios of
for the events plotted in
Figure 5. Figures S9 and S10 each give direct comparisons between stress glut spatial moment
solutions produced in this study and those determined from fault slip distributions found in
SRCMOD (Mai & Thingbaijam, 2014), with Figure S9 comparing these moments in map view
and Figure S10 comparing the vertical deviations. Figures S11 and S12 are the equivalent of
Figures S9 and S10 respectively, but with all slip patches with
10% of the peak slip removed.
Table S1 gives the event-specific frequency band used to compute the second moments. Ta-
ble S2 provides second moment parameter values from prior studies for several events included
in this study.
manuscript submitted to
Geophys. J. Int.
Figure S1.
Examples of waveform fits for the 2002
88 Denali earthquake. The wave-
forms in the top grouping are fits to the SH phase. The waveforms in the bottom grouping are
fits to the R1 phase. The black and blue lines correspond to the observed waveforms and the
point source theoretical Green’s functions at each respective station. The red and gray lines cor-
respond to the waveform fit of the mean solution and the distribution of fits for the ensemble of
solutions respectively.
manuscript submitted to
Geophys. J. Int.
Figure S2.
Examples of waveform fits for the 2018
60 Palu earthquake. The waveforms
in the top grouping are fits to the SH phase. The waveforms in the bottom grouping are fits to
the R1 phase. The black and blue lines correspond to the observed waveforms and the point
source theoretical Green’s functions at each respective station. The red and gray lines correspond
to the waveform fit of the mean solution and the distribution of fits for the ensemble of solutions