of 8
A 3-D High-Frequency Array Based 16 Channel
Photoacoustic Microscopy System for
In Vivo
Micro-Vascular Imaging
Rachel Bitton*
, Member, IEEE
, Roger Zemp
, Member, IEEE
, Jesse Yen
, Member, IEEE
Lihong V. Wang
, Fellow, IEEE
, and K. Kirk Shung
, Fellow, IEEE
This paper discusses the design of a novel photoa-
coustic microscopy imaging system with promise for studying the
structure of tissue microvasculature for applications in visualizing
angiogenesis. A new 16 channel analog and digital high-frequency
array based photoacoustic microscopy system (PAM) was devel-
oped using an Nd:YLF pumped tunable dye laser, a 30 MHz piezo
composite linear array transducer, and a custom multichannel
receiver electronics system. Using offline delay and sum beam-
forming and beamsteering, phantom images were obtained from
m carbon fiber in water at a depth of 8 mm. The measured

lateral and axial spatial resolution of the system was

m and

m, respectively. The dynamic focusing
capability of the system was demonstrated by imaging a composite
carbon fiber matrix through a 12.5 mm imaging depth. Next, 2-D
in vivo
images were formed of vessels around 100
m in diameter
in the human hand. Three-dimensional
in vivo
images were also
formed of micro-vessels 3 mm below the surface of the skin in two
Sprague Dawley rats.
Index Terms—
High-frequency ultrasound, multichannel re-
ceiver electronics, photoacoustic imaging, transducer array.
I. I
TUDIES in oncology have shown that angiogenesis, the
formation of new blood vessels within a tumor, or the
growth of new blood vessels between a tumor and surrounding
tissues, plays a critical role in tumor growth and metastasis of
cancer [1]–[3]. Tumors need to be supplied by blood vessels,
delivering oxygen and nutrients while removing metabolic
waste in order to propagate. While the formation of new
micro-vessels (vessels smaller than one millimeter) can be part
of normal development and wound healing, it is also a key
Manuscript received April 01, 2008; revised September 25, 2008. First pub-
lished January 06, 2009; current version published July 29, 2009. This work was
supported in part by the National Institute of Health under Grant R01 EB000712
and Grant P41-EB2182.
Asterisk indicates corresponding author
*R. Bitton was with University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
90089 USA. She is now with the Department of Radiology, Stanford Univer-
sity, Stanford, CA 94305 USA(e-mail: rbitton@stanford.edu).
R. Zemp was with Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 USA. He is
now with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2V4 Canada (e-mail: zemp@ece.ualberta.ca).
J. Yen and K. K. Shung are with the Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA (e-mail:
jesseyen@usc.edu; kkshung@usc.edu).
L. V. Wang is with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington
University, St. Louis, MO 63130 USA (e-mail: lhwang@biomed.wustl.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMI.2008.2011899
initial step in tumor progression, since tumor cells induce an-
giogenesis [4]. A high-resolution imaging technology capable
of visualizing micro-vessels would lend the ability to identify
part of the early angiogenic process.
The development of novel approaches to biomedical imaging
is stimulated by the manifest need for high-speed, high-resolu-
tion noninvasive techniques. Laser induced photoacoustic mi-
croscopy is an imaging modality based on the intrinsic optical
properties of biological tissue and ultrasonic detection at high
frequencies (
). Photoacoustic imaging uses short
laser pulses that are absorbed in the tissue to cause acoustic
pressure transients, which are detected with an ultrasonic trans-
ducer. Two factors provide exceptional motivation for the de-
velopment of photoacoustic methods as a diagnostic tool in vas-
cular imaging, the strong intrinsic optical absorption of blood,
and the resolution per image depth of ultrasound.
Because of the strong scattering of light in biological tissue,
optical imaging methods such as confocal microscopy and
optical coherence tomography (OCT) suffer from degraded
spatial resolution with increased depth. Confocal microscopy
and OCT are limited to resolutions between 1–2
0.5 mm image depth, and around 16
m at a 2.5 mm image
depth, respectively. [5]–[8]. In ultrasound, the scattering of
energy is several orders of magnitude weaker than optical scat-
tering. Therefore, energy can penetrate deeper into the tissue,
providing submillimeter resolution at greater imaging depths
compared with the optical limit [9]. For example, ultrasound
backscatter microscopy (UBM) systems are capable of imaging
at depths of 20 mm with a 115
m spatial resolution, and
4 mm image depths with 50
m spatial resolution [10], [11].
Nevertheless, ultrasonic imaging suffers from reduced contrast
because the detection of the backscattered signals is based on
the differences of the acoustic properties in biological tissue.
This presents unique position for photoacoustics, juxtaposed
between two basis imaging modalities, ultrasonic and optical
imaging. Photoacoustic imaging brings optical based contrast
into the ultrasonic depth imaging range, attempting to capi-
talize on the strengths of both optical and acoustic techniques.
Inherent to the technology are capabilities for functional infor-
mation to be extracted [12]. By characterizing the spectrum of
different optical absorbers and irradiating the sample at multiple
wavelengths, photoacoustic experiments have distinguished
between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin [13].
The draw to image at higher frequencies is palpable; spa-
tial resolution improves with increased frequency. Much of
0278-0062/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE
et al.
the work in high-frequency photoacoustic imaging has been
generally confined to mechanical scans with single element
transducers [14]–[17]. Methods of image reconstruction include
a backprojection approach or simple time of flight measure-
ments, as in traditional ultrasound. Backprojection techniques
are similar in concept to X-ray computed tomography (CT)
and positron emission tomography (PET) scans. Various algo-
rithms have been derived for the inverse solution to the wave
equation, based on diffraction optics, to form the reconstructed
image [18], [19]. This method has been used to image mouse
brain tissue in photoacoustic computed tomography (PAT)
[20]. In this approach, a tomographic circular scan is per-
formed using an unfocused wideband single element transducer
which is scanned mechanically. High-resolution PAT circular
scan images have been produced using offline backprojection
reconstruction [21]. Backprojection reconstruction has also
produced some trail artifacts inherent to the technique when
imaging small dark absorbers such as hair fibers in tissue
phantoms [17]. Unlike PAT, backward mode detection uses a
focused transducer. High frequency photoacoustic images of
rat micro-vessels
in vivo
have been produced by using a single
element transducer, backward mode detection, and the synthetic
aperture method. In one experiment, a 50 MHz, single element
transducer with a large numerical aperture was scanned linearly
across a single axis [18], [22]. There are two disadvantages to
this technique; a large numerical aperture will cost imaging
depth due to beam divergence past the focal zone, and the long
scan time needed for mechanical scanning of the transducer.
in vivo
in situ
are affected by the passage of
time. The condition of the live animal will change over time,
and in some cases the animal may expire before the scans are
complete. This is certainly a problem for functional imaging as
oxygenation and blood perfusion vary after expiration.
The advantage of photoacoustic microscopy with transducer
arrays over single element photoacoustic tomography is the
potential to image in real time with higher frame rates. Trans-
ducer array technology facilitates fast acquisition times, as
well as electronic steering and focusing of the receive beam.
Arrays provide parallel photoacoustic signal detection through
adjacent transducer elements which each posses their own
electrical connections. Although array technology is common
in frequencies below 20 MHz, high-frequency transducer ar-
rays pose challenges both in the fabrication process, perfor-
mance demands, and parallel multichannel electronic system
design [23]. The frequency of the photoacoustic echoes that
are generated are dependent on the size of the vessel or ab-
sorber, causing the bandwidth performance of the transducer
to be of particular importance. For high-frequency arrays,
the complexity of high speed electronic design increases as
channel number increases. Proper noise suppression, isolation,
sampling, and critical timing restraints set the boundaries for
high frequency photoacoustic systems. Until now, most of the
work in photoacoustic imaging has been executed using com-
mercially available components either in single element trans-
ducer/single channel systems using oscilloscopes, or using
lower frequency arrays with commercial ultrasound systems
[16], [17], [24]. Our aim was to create a novel multichannel
high-resolution photoacoustic microscopy system to visualize
micro-vascular structures in rats. In this paper, we present a
prototype 16 channel receiver system which was developed to
accommodate a custom made high frequency transducer array.
The photoacoustic microscopy receiver system uses multi-
channel parallel signal processing, in backward mode detection,
to acquire the raw data from each element in the transducer
array. This method is especially useful and differs from current
high-frequency ultrasound linear array systems in which active
channels are beamformed via hardware, followed by transfer of
the beamformed data to a PC [25]. Transmitting and capturing
the raw radio-frequency (RF) data from all active channels pro-
vides the distinctive ability to access RF data from each indi-
vidual element, allowing the most flexibility for beamforming,
and image reconstruction.
Photoacoustic imaging has its physical basis in a phenom-
enon called the optoacoustic, or photoacoustic effect. This ef-
fect can be observed in a variety of media, including biological
tissue, wherever pulsed electromagnetic energy can be absorbed
[24]. Under conditions of thermal and stress confinement, short
laser pulses will induce acoustic waves most efficiently. As inci-
dent laser light in the visible spectrum interacts with tissue, it is
either absorbed by local chromophores, or scattered in various
extents depending on the inherent optical properties of the tissue
[27]. The photoacoustic effect occurs when the pulsed light en-
ergy is absorbed locally in biological tissue, and a small rapid
temperature rise in the medium causes thermoelastic expansion.
This expansion produces pressure transients, which propagate
as acoustic waves throughout the tissue omni-directionally [28].
The initial pressure generated,
, is related to the spatial por-
tion of heating function
at position
, and the Grüneisen
parameter (
). Initial pressure can then be written
In this form,
, where
is the local fluence
in (
), determined by the incident light as well as the scat-
tering and absorption parameters
, respectively [29].
Subsequent pressure generated at given time and position incor-
porates the initial pressure and obeys the common form of the
time retarded wave equation. Thus, the pressure profile of the
generated photoacoustic echo is based on the optical properties
of the target in the media, and does not necessarily mimic the
profile of the laser pulse itself.
Tissue absorbs light differently at specific wavelengths, con-
ditional to the optical properties of the medium. Photoacoustic
imaging is especially well suited for vascular imaging since in
the visible spectrum, light absorption in subdermal tissue is prin-
cipally due to the dominant chromophores oxy- and deoxy-he-
moglobin [30].
As a result of the high optical scattering of light in tissue,
photoacoustic imaging does not focus the transmit (light) beam
as in ultrasonic imaging techniques. Rather, photoacoustic
imaging utilizes the multiple scattering effects to its advantage.
While optical based methods rely on the signals of only singly
backscattered photons [8], which effect image speckle and limit
penetration depth, the cumulative effect of multiple scattering
aids to a better perfusion of energy, and maximizes irradiation
Fig. 1. PAM system setup. The laser is triggered and coupled by a lens to an
optical fiber to illuminate the sample. Photoacoustic waves are received through
48 elements in the transducer array. For each laser event, the system provides
the receive front end, filtering and amplification stages, and transfers raw data
from 16 elements of the array. The laser fires 3 times in order to collect the
photoacoustic data from all 48 elements in the array.
homogeneity of the tissue. Photoacoustic signals are generated
from the region of interest within the tissue. Consequently, they
are subject to only one-way, rather than round-trip, ultrasonic
image quality degrading aberrations. Additionally, the echo
wait time is approximately half that of ultrasound. For single
wavelength excitation, it is possible that a multichannel pho-
toacoustic imaging system with the proper parameters would
be capable of constructing
in vivo
images in real time with only
one nanosecond duration laser pulse.
The axial and lateral resolution of a photoacoustic image is
determined by the generated acoustic echo and transducer prop-
erties. The beam width of the active transducers in the array
scan determines the theoretical lateral spatial resolution of the
system. It can be related proportionally to the transducer wave-
length by
where the
, is the ratio of focal distance to aperture
A. System Design
The photoacoustic microscopy system is comprised of three
main components: An Nd:YLF laser source used to irradiate the
tissue and induce photoacoustic waves, a 48 element piezo com-
posite transducer array which receives the photoacoustic waves,
and a custom 16 channel parallel receive electronic system. The
photoacoustic electronic system controls the laser operations,
and processes and digitizes the data from the transducer array
(Fig. 1). In the experimental setup both the transducer array and
optical fiber are mounted on a 3-D translation stage, and then
lowered into a water tank. The process initiates when a TTL
signal from the photoacoustic system motherboard triggers the
laser pulse to irradiate the sample through the optical fiber posi-
tioned obliquely to the sample and array. After each laser pulse,
the 16 element subaperture is processed through the analog and
Fig. 2. PAM receive system architecture. The transducer array elements all
receive preamplification before being multiplexed. The channels then pass
through filtering, variable, and fixed gain stages before A/D conversion. Eight
channel cards accommodating two channels each send digital data to the
computer via the PCI bus.
digital boards, and then stored to the PC. To fully sample the 48
element array, the laser fires three times for each image acquisi-
tion. Algorithms were written for the PAM system in Labview
and Matlab. They provide a user interface, and delay and sum
photoacoustic image reconstruction.
The laser setup includes a diode-pumped Nd:YLF
-switched laser (INNOSLAB Edgewave, Germany) and a
tunable dye laser (Cobra, Sirah Laser, Germany). The
is an externally triggered attenuator which modulates the
factor of the optical resonator cavity, producing 6.5 ns pulses
at 14 mJ when deactivated. The dye laser is used to tune the
light to 598 nm, and produced 2 mJ per pulse. The light is then
coupled by a beam shaper and microscope objective into a 600
m optical fiber which delivered a per pulse energy of 0.8 mJ.
Since the area of illumination on the skin surface was about
4 mm, the energy fluence was estimated as 10
The linear transducer array used is constructed of a 2–2 piezo
composite material measuring
mm in the azimuth
and elevation directions, respectively. It contains 48 rectangular
elements centered at 30 MHz, and is used in receive mode only.
The array elements bear a
m) pitch, and use a lens to
form an elevational focal depth of 8 mm [29]. The simulated one
fractional bandwidth (full-width half-maximum) of
the array is 70%. The receive electronics were developed to in-
clude signal processing and data transfer in two separate stages;
analog and digital (Fig. 2). All 48 elements are connected to
receive circuits including preamplification. They are then mul-
tiplexed down to create 16 active channels which pass through
filtering, fixed and variable gain stages. The 16 analog channels
are then converted to 16 digital channels using eight channel
boards which digitize two channels each and store in temporary
memory before transfer to the computer.
et al.
Fig. 3. Photograph of the fabricated a) 16 channel analog receiver board im-
plemented on a four-layer PCB and b) digital PAM system with motherboard
and channelcards implemented on a six-layer PCB.
The first stage is comprised of the front end receive and signal
processing electronics (Blocks 1 and 2, Fig. 2). The array ele-
ments interface with the PAM system through RG-174 shielded
RF cables and SMA connectors [Fig. 3(a)]. On the front end
receive system; each of the 48 elements contains a fixed, ultra
low noise, 18 dB, preamplification stage (MAX4107, Maxim/
Dallas Semiconductor). Four-to-one multiplexers are used to
select between elements (AD8184, Analog Devices), forming
16 active channels. Following channel formation, a fourth-order
Butterworth band pass filter is used to remove spurious signals
with frequencies out of the desired transducer response. The
filter was designed to have a wide response and sharp cutoff
so that it can also double as an anti-aliasing filter before analog
to digital conversion stages. The signal is then amplified by low
noise, dual variable gain amplifiers (VGA) providing a 0–40 dB
gain range (AD8332, Analog Devices). The differential out-
puts of the VGA are converted back to single ended signals
through transformers (T1 6T, Minicircuits), which also provide
signal isolation. A final fixed gain stage boosts the signal another
20 dB. The measured system receiver gain provides a selectable
range from 33–73 dB.
The second stage of the receiver system digitizes, provides
the timing network for the system, and controls data transfer
through a motherboard-channelboard scheme (similar to the de-
sign within a PC) (Block 3, Fig. 2). The digital system supplies
the master triggering, providing clock synchronized triggers for
the laser, the receive electronics, and the PC data transfer card.
The laser is triggered first at a 5-Hz repetition rate. After a pro-
grammable delay, the acquisition is triggered to account for the
latency between the laser trigger and the optical delivery. The
16 channel group raw data is acquired in less than 11 ms after
each laser pulse. Then, handshaking control and clock signals
are provided to transfer data using a PCI based digital NI-6534
card (National Instruments). Each complete image frame re-
quired three laser shots.
The high-frequency array imposed challenges on electronic
component performance and on system design. High-speed
considerations for multichannel systems such as bus topology,
impedance matching, and clock synchronization influenced
both schematic design and manual board layout. To ensure
proper timing synchronization of multiple channels, all control
and clock signals are based on divisions of a single 100-MHz
oscillator. The digital system contains nine channelboards
that plug into a motherboard through high speed connectors
-Series, Samtec) [Fig. 3(b)]. Each channelboard receives
two analog channels, and contains two 8-bit, 100 MHz,
analog-to-digital converters (AD9054, Analog Devices), one
16-bit temporary memory storage FIFO with 1 K depth, pro-
viding an imaging depth of about 15 mm (SN74V225, Texas
Instruments). Each FIFO is shared between two channels, and
a line driver on each channelboard selects a particular board for
transfer. The first eight channelboards digitize each group of 16
elements from the array, while the ninth channel is dedicated
to laser energy measurements, provided by a photodiode. The
motherboard provides the 16-bit data bus; interconnect to
channelboards and to the PC, as well as the clock distribution
network. Using the 16-bit NI-6534 running at 12.5 MHz,
digital data is transferred to the PC at a rate of 25 MB/s for
each channelboard.
B. Image Reconstruction
Images are created using offline delay and sum beamforming
and beamsteering. To calculate a single image A-scan line the
RF data is used from all 48 elements, rather than the 16 element
subaperture. This establishes a narrow beam focus and thus, a
more desirable lateral spatial resolution. To form the beam and
steer the beam, delays are applied to each element using a simple
geometric model. Assuming a distance
to the target point at
a lateral distance
and angle
from the element in question
(relative to the center element reference), the time delay
for element number
can be written as
is the sound velocity through the medium. This is iden-
tical to conventional ultrasound time delay calculations except
that the one way trip distance for received echoes is accounted
for applying
During beamformation, coherence factor weighting was ap-
plied to the phantom image data. This technique aids to reduce
focusing errors resulting from sound velocity inhomogeneities,
as well as steering errors. The coherence factor equation is given
Fig. 4. PAM receiver frequency response and 30 MHz transducer array fre-
quency response.
is the number of elements and
is the channel data for a given scan line angle
, after the time
delays for steering and focusing have been applied [32].
C. Experimental Setup
A spectrum analyzer was used to illustrate the frequency re-
sponse of the entire receive system. To demonstrate function-
ality and to characterize system performance, phantom images
were obtained. The phantom consisted of a 6
m carbon fiber
in water, imaged at the transducer array focal depth of 8 mm.
In vivo
rat images were obtained using the same experimental
setup as the phantoms for two different rats. A Sprague Dawley
rat was prepared by depilating a section on the back to reduce
excessive signal loss from the fur and then fixing the animal po-
sition below the water tank. Small subcutaneous vessels were
imaged at the transducer focus (6–10 mm), and a few millime-
ters below the surface of the skin. After imaging, the animal was
sacrificed, and the area imaged was excised for comparison and
verification of vessel structure.
A. System Characterization
To assess the bandwidth of the assembled receiver system, the
frequency response was measured between the front end (trans-
ducer element input stage) and the final RF output stage using
a spectrum analyzer (E4401B, Agilent). The passband of the
measured receiver response encompasses the
one way
transducer response and additionally displays a wider band per-
formance (Fig. 4). The transducer array bandwidth dictates the
bandwidth for following stages. However, the PAM receiver al-
lows flexibility if the system is later paired with a high frequency
array of greater fractional bandwidth, which is currently under
development. A 1.2 dB ripple in the measured frequency re-
sponse is observed due filter trade off relationships that exist
between bandwidth, roll-off, and complexity.
To characterize the sensitivity of the front end, the minimum
detectable signal was measured. A function generator providing
a 30 MHz sine wave was connected to a variable gain attenuator
Fig. 5. Line spread function of PAM 6
m carbon fiber phantom constructed
from a
-scan projected on the
-axis (distance [m]).
and then fed into the front end of the receive electronics. The
signal was measured at two subsequent test points, and the min-
imum detectable signal was calculated given the known input
signal and attenuation. Test point 1 was measured using an os-
cilloscope at the output of the analog signal processing board.
Test point 2 was measured after the digital boards, using the RF
signal at the PC display stage, to quantify the effect of digital
switching noise to the system. The minimum detectable signal
was 316 and 500
, approximating the noise floor at test points
1 and 2, respectively. Using the KLM model, the minimum de-
tectable signal of 500
at 30 MHz corresponds to an esti-
mated minimum detectable transducer pressure of
Spatial resolution information was extracted by imaging a
single 6
m carbon fiber in water and projecting the image data
onto one axis to construct the line spread function, showing the
signal strength versus spatial distance (Fig. 5). Both axial and
lateral resolutions were based on the
width of the carbon
fiber in each image direction. The lateral and axial spatial reso-
lution of the system at the transducer focal point was measured
m and
m, respectively. We have previously
reported an axial resolution of 25
m with a similar system [33].
In that study, instead of using the
width, the axial reso-
lution was measured by superimposing the signal from a single
carbon fiber with the signal from the same fiber translated verti-
cally, and examining the envelope. The separation distance be-
tween two distinguishable peaks was used as the axial resolution
figure of merit, 25
To express the dynamic focusing capability of PAM, a com-
posite image was constructed by imaging the 6
m carbon fiber
in evenly spaced positions. The images from each carbon fiber
represented a matrix of target locations and were combined to-
gether to create a composite image. The carbon fiber matrix is
made up of 5 rows with a 1 mm separation in depth by nine
columns with 1.1016 mm lateral separations (Fig. 6). To ob-
tain this data set, the optical fiber is fixed relative to a single
carbon fiber, while the transducer position is moved. This en-
sures a more uniform illumination of the target regardless of the
matrix position. The data was taken with 598 nm wavelength
light in water. The two dead elements of the array may explain
et al.
Fig. 6. PAM phantom image composite of a 5
9 matrix of 6
m carbon fibers
in water. Image displayed with no averaging and 33 dB dynamic range.
Fig. 7. PAM system
in vivo
image of a cross section of blood vessels in the
lower portion of a human hand.
a slight variation in sensitivity (upper right corner); however, it
is shown that the targets are well focused throughout the region
of interest.
B. Images
In vivo
-scans were obtained from the lower portion
of a human hand using a wavelength of 568 nm and a laser flu-
ence of 7
. A number of bright signals from microves-
sels less than 100
m in diameter can be seen in the center of
the image (Fig. 7).
This progression led to 3-D photoacoustic rat microvessel im-
in vivo
. Spaced at 0.005 in (0.127 mm) intervals in the ele-
vation direction (perpendicular to the
-scan plane), 100
were acquired along the image plane using a three axis transla-
tion stage for the transducer array. With 10
incident flu-
ence at 598 nm and an averaging index of 16, subcutaneous ves-
sels were imaged at depths of 3 mm below the skin’s surface (in
the 8 mm focal zone) in two Sprague Dawley rats (Fig. 8). Offline
image reconstruction was executed in
. Because of the
dense vasculature within the tissue, the images shown are recon-
structed from a small truncated portion of the data in the depth
direction, in order visualize the overlayed vessel structures at a
given depth. Microvessels of different diameters and vessel bi-
furcation can be identified at varying depths within the truncated
range. These vessels were not visible from the skin’s surface. The
animals were then sacrificed and portions of skin excised to
verify vessel structures.
V. D
The noise visible in the 3-D image could be related to the
3-D reconstruction static thresholding techniques were used to
form the boundaries of the vessel structures as 3-D surfaces.
A more robust approach might include a dynamic thresholding
technique which could refine the surface boundary threshold for
areas outside of the focal zone of the transducer. Additionally,
system noise contributions can be related to the lack of shielding
of the electronic system. The RF cables used for each transducer
element carry small signals that travel from the array to the con-
nector box, and then to the front end of the board. These ca-
bles are bundled closely and can contribute to signal loss and
potential crosstalk. Future array designs could integrate lines
into a single shielded RF connector which plugs directly into
the printed circuit board (PCB).
The greatest improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
may be made in optimization of the light delivery technique.
These experiments were conducted with no more than half the
laser fluence limit (20
). A more efficient light delivery
scheme could improve the amount of laser energy delivered to
the tissue, yielding greater photoacoustic signal strength. Other
approaches to photoacoustic sensitivity enhancement are being
investigated by the introduction of exogenous contrast agents,
such as gold nanoshells [34].
In Fig. 8(c), the upper vessel could not be compared to the
photo since that portion of the tissue was not recovered during
the skin excising process. Some vessels are also disconnected
by a missing slice which may have been caused by missing
data sets, motion artifacts, or could possibly be improved by
decreasing the slice intervals at which the scans are taken. It is
also important to mention that vessels of larger diameters will
produce photoacoustic echoes of lower frequency compared
with those of smaller diameters. The large vessel low frequency
echoes may be difficult to resolve if they are outside of the
transducer bandwidth.
A future development for the system is to image in real time
by increasing the pulse repetition frequency of the laser (up to
1 KHz), increasing the acquisition transfer speed through hard-
ware, and increasing the speed of the processor which executes
beamformation and running the image reconstruction algorithm
in C programming, rather than Matlab. The limitation of time
between laser shots (analogous to pulse repetition frequency,
PRF) is the execution of the Labview program. The Labview
program which controls the FIFO to PC transfer creates a data
transfer bottleneck as it is not based on a real-time platform, the
timing is nondeterministic, and may produce PRF fluctuations in
the ms error margin. Although the diode-pumped Nd:YLF laser
permits triggering at arbitrary rates unlike flashlamp-pumped
lasers, a faster deterministic PRF could provide more uniform
energy deposition between laser pulses. The transfer speed con-
trol timing issue can be overcome through hardware by pro-
viding control signals from a dedicated processor or CPLD. This
would alleviate the problem, since both the sampling of RF data
(100 MHz) and each 16 channel PC transfer (12.5 MHz) on this
PAM system are fast enough for 1 KHz pulse repetition rates
and real time imaging. This would eliminate the Labview bar-
rier, delivering completely deterministic control between laser
Fig. 8. Three-dimensional PAM images of micro-vessels below the surface of the skin in two Sprague Dawley rats graphed on axis


, representing lateral,
scan direction, and depth dimensions, respectively. a) Rat1 PAM image showing mircro-vessels with corresponding photo of excised skin b) alternate
angle for Rat1 image, and c) Rat2 PAM image with corresponding photograph of excised skin. Markers


, and

denote micro-vessels within the tissue.
events and provide data fast enough for 16 channel real time
PAM imaging.
A new 30 MHz array based photoacoustic imaging system
was developed in which raw RF photoacoustic data is acces-
sible for all 48 elements and images were formed after three
laser pulses. The 16 channel photoacoustic receive system was
fabricated and characterized, then used to create phantom im-
ages of 6
m carbon fibers in water. The
axial and lateral
spatial resolution of the system was measured as
m and
m, respectively. The dynamic focusing capability was
demonstrated through a 12.5 mm depth using a composite image
of a carbon fiber matrix. Two-dimensional
in vivo
images were
formed of micro-vessel structures in the human hand. Three-di-
in vivo
images were also formed of micro-vessels
below the surface of the skin in two Sprague Dawley rats.
Photoacoustic microscopy is a nonionizing modality with
much room for growth, holding great promise for medical
imaging. Some of the most attractive qualities include a scalable
resolution and imaging depth dependent upon the ultrasonic
transducer frequency, no speckle artifacts, high contrast, and
the extension towards real time imaging. To compensate for the
limitations of light scattering in deeper tissues and to provide im-
ages based on the acoustic and optical properties of the medium,
both conventional ultrasound images and photoacoustic images
can be used for comparison,
and to provide two different types
of contrast. A bimodal imaging system could produce a simul-
taneous display of photoacoustic and pure ultrasonic images
acquired from the same cross sections of tissue, supplying an
anatomical reference for the photoacoustic signals. Furthermore,
these images could be constructed by utilizing the same trans-
ducer array for both modalities, offering added diagnostic value
without the need for two separate systems.
et al.
The high-frequency PAM array system presented in this paper
offers a new perspective on the capabilities of photoacoustic
imaging. High-resolution photoacoustic images can have appli-
cations in oncology by tracking the important vascular struc-
tures associated with angiogenesis.
The authors would like to thank J. M. Cannata for his work
in the design and fabrication of the high-frequency transducer
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