of 14
Deletion of Densin-180 Results in Abnormal Behaviors
Associated with Mental Illness and Reduces mGluR5 and
DISC1 in the Postsynaptic Density Fraction
Holly J. Carlisle,
* Tinh N. Luong,
* Andrew Medina-Marino,
* Leslie Schenker,
Eugenia Khorosheva,
Tim Indersmitten,
Keith M. Gunapala,
Andrew D. Steele,
Thomas J. O’Dell,
Paul H. Patterson,
and Mary B. Kennedy
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91105, and
David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los
Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095
Densin is an abundant scaffold protein in the postsynaptic density (PSD) that forms a high-affinity complex with

CaMKII and

To assess the function of densin, we created a mouse line with a null mutation in the gene encoding it (
). Homozygous knock-out
mice display a wide variety of abnormal behaviors that are often considered endophenotypes of schizophrenia and autism spectrum
disorders. At the cellular level, loss of densin results in reduced levels of

-actinin in the brain and selective reduction in the localization
of mGluR5 and DISC1 in the PSD fraction, whereas the amounts of ionotropic glutamate receptors and other prominent PSD proteins are
unchanged. In addition, deletion of densin results in impairment of mGluR- and NMDA receptor-dependent forms of long-term depres-
sion, alters the early dynamics of regulation of CaMKII by NMDA-type glutamate receptors, and produces a change in spine morphology.
These results indicate that densin influences the function of mGluRs and CaMKII at synapses and contributes to localization of mGluR5
and DISC1 in the PSD fraction. They are consistent with the hypothesis that mutations that disrupt the organization and/or dynamics of
postsynaptic signaling complexes in excitatory synapses can cause behavioral endophenotypes of mental illness.
In excitatory synapses of the CNS, activity-dependent regulation
of synaptic strength is mediated by a large protein complex called
the postsynaptic density (PSD) (Kennedy, 2000). Genetic vari-
ants of PSD proteins have been associated with cognitive defects
or mental illness in humans (Durand et al., 2007; Pinto et al.,
2010). For example, copy number variants (CNVs) of synGAP, a
prominent component of the PSD, are associated with non-
syndromic mental retardation and autism spectrum disorders
(ASDs) (Hamdan et al., 2009; Pinto et al., 2010); CNVs of the
PSD scaffold protein shank3 have been linked to ASDs (Durand
et al., 2007; Bourgeron, 2009; Pinto et al., 2010); and the 3q29
microdeletion syndrome, which involves mild mental retarda-
tion and sometimes autism, includes deletion of the gene for the
PSD scaffold protein sap97 (Willatt et al., 2005). Although men-
tal illnesses are most precisely defined in humans, a number of
abnormal behaviors in rodents that are similar to those found in
humans have been defined as “behavioral endophenotypes” (iso-
lated behavioral features) associated with mental illness. These
include endophenotypes associated with schizophrenia (Powell
and Miyakawa, 2006) and with ASDs (Silverman et al., 2010).
Mutations in PSD proteins, including synGAP and calcium/
calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), can produce
some of these endophenotypes (Yamasaki et al., 2008; Brandon et
al., 2009; Guo et al., 2009). Here we show that mice with a dele-
tion of the PSD scaffold protein densin-180 (densin) display
several behavioral endophenotypes often associated with schizo-
phrenia and with ASDs.
Densin is sufficiently abundant in the PSD that it was among
the first proteins identified by sequencing and cloning from the
PSD fraction (Apperson et al., 1996). Its domain structure sug-
gests that it functions as a scaffold protein, and it has been re-
ported to bind directly to CaMKII,


-catenin, and
shank (Strack et al., 2000; Walikonis et al., 2001; Izawa et al., 2002;
Quitsch et al., 2005). However, the normal physiological roles of
its various associations are not known. Here we show that dele-
tion of densin causes a reduction in the level of

-actinin globally
in brain homogenate and in the PSD fraction and selectively re-
duces the amounts of the metabotropic glutamate receptor
Received Nov. 8, 2010; revised July 29, 2011; accepted Aug. 15, 2011.
H.J.C., T.N.L., A.M.-M., L.S., E.K., T.I., K.M.G., and T.J.O. performed research; H.J.C., T.L., A.M.-M., L.S., E.K., T.I.,
the paper.
*H.J.C., T.N.L., and A.M.-.M. contributed equally to this work.
This research was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants NS17660 and NS028710 (M.B.K.) and
MH609197 (T.J.O.), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Center for Integrative Study of Cell Biology (M.B.K. and
H.J.C.), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (A.M.-M.), National Science Foundation Grant 0543651 (T.J.O.), the
McGrath Foundation (P.H.P.), and the Broad Fellows in Brain Circuitry program (K.M.G. and A.D.S.). We thank J.
for mutant mouse strains and Sarah Cantor for help with experiments.
Correspondence should be addressed to Mary B. Kennedy, Division of Biology 216-76, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA 91105. E-mail: kennedym@its.caltech.edu.
H. J. Carlisle’s present address: Department of Neuroscience, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Andrew Medina-Marino’s present address: Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Disease Control, Chicago, IL
Copyright © 2011 the authors 0270-6474/11/3116194-14$15.00/0
The Journal of Neuroscience, November 9, 2011
31(45):16194 –16207
mGluR5 and the scaffold protein DISC1 in the PSD fraction. In
contrast, the amount of CaMKII in the PSD is not reduced. At the
cellular level, we show that activation of CaMKII by NMDA
receptors (NMDARs) is subtly altered in neurons from the
knock-out animals. Furthermore, both low-frequency- and
)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG)-induced long-term
depression (LTD) are abnormal, and spine morphology is altered
in knock-out animals. Our results support the general hypothesis
that mutations that alter the organization and/or dynamics of
synaptic signal transduction can result in behavioral endopheno-
types associated with mental illness.
Materials and Methods
Generation of the densin knock-outs
The densin knock-out mouse line was generated by deleting exon 3 of the
gene, which contains the transcriptional start site of the densin
message. The deletion was generated by homologous recombination to
introduce loxP sites, followed by introduction of Cre recombinase
. Clone 456C10 was selected from a CITB mouse bacterial artificial
chromosome (BAC) library (Research Genetics) encoding genomic se-
quences of strain 129S1Sv (recently renamed 129S3Sv/ImJ) because it
hybridized with a cDNA probe encoding exon 3 of the
gene. The
presence of exon 3 in the BAC clone was confirmed by PCR. The BAC
DNA insertion junctions were sequenced and aligned with the known
genomic sequence of the
gene. A 9.9 kb region of clone 456C10
that included exon 3 and its surrounding introns was cloned into the
pKO Scrambler 907 vector (Stratagene). The long arm of the densin
targeting construct contained a 7.8 kb fragment, including intron 2, exon
3, and part of intron 3; the short arm contained a 2.1 kb fragment of
intron 3. The first loxP site was inserted 4.8 kb upstream of exon 3. A
hygromycin selection cassette, flanked on both sides by loxP sites, was
cloned into the short arm of the targeting sequence 1.1 kb downstream
from exon 3. The linearized targeting construct (25

g) was electropo-
rated into 1

cells per cuvette of mouse ES (CJ7) cells. Transfected
ES cells were grown in the presence of hygromycin (200

g/ml) for 7– 8 d
to select for homologous recombinants. Two recombinant clones with
integration of both arms were identified and confirmed by PCR. One
clone (2G8) exhibited a normal karyotype and was expanded for the
generation of densin knock-out ES cells. Ninety-eight 129B6 blastocysts
injected with ES cells from the 2G8 clone were implanted into seven
pseudo-pregnant mothers. Chimeric pups exhibiting a

90% agouti
coat color were used for subsequent breeding.
Eight adult male chimeras were mated to C57BL/6 EIIaCre


expressing female mice (The Jackson Laboratory) developed in the lab-
oratory of H. Westphal (NIH, Bethesda, MD; Lakso et al., 1996). F1
generation offspring were screened for mosaic Cre-recombination pat-
terns by PCR. F1 animals exhibiting genomic mosaicism were subse-
quently mated to wild-type C57BL/6 mice. Segregation of the EIIaCre
transgene and Cre-recombined alleles was monitored by PCR in the F2
generation. F2 generation




(total excision loxP 1/3
recombination pattern) males were liberally mated to wild-type C57BL/6
females to generate a large F3 population of animals heterozygous for the
densin deletion. Deletion was verified by PCR. Densin knock-out mice
were maintained as heterozygotes. Animals with the loxP 1 plus loxP 2/3
pattern (floxed densin, not used in this study) were bred as homozygotes.
Behavioral cohorts were bred from a line outcrossed into C57BL/6 seven
times. All other experiments were performed with mice that had been
outcrossed twice and maintained as F2.
Genotyping of densin knock-out mice
Tissue from tail clippings or ear punches was lysed in 100

l of Viagen
direct PCR tail mix supplemented with Proteinase K overnight at 55–
60°C. To genotype embryos, we prepared DNA from either the tail or leg
of the embryo harvested at the time that the brain was dissected to make
neuronal cultures. Samples were heated at 85°C for 40 min to inactivate
Proteinase K and then centrifuged for 10 min at 16,000

. Template
DNA was sedimented by centrifugation for 10 min at 16,000

amplified by PCR in 1

Coraload (Qiagen) PCR buffer, 0.625 m
, 0.3 m
dNTP, 1.25 U/2.5

l of Taq polymerase (Qiagen), and 1

l of the following primers: Lox Pray Up (5

AGATAGACATG-3), Lox Pray low (5


), and Posthygro2 (5


The temperature was cycled as follows: 11 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 58°C for
30 s, 72°C for 2 min; 21 cycles of 94°C for 40 s, 56°C for 30 s, 72°C for 2
min; 1 cycle of 72°C for 5 min. PCR products were fractionated on a 1.6%
TBS agarose gel with ethidium bromide. A DNA band at 187 bp identifies
a wild type mouse, a 257 bp identifies a knock-out mouse, and 187 and
257 bp bands indentify heterozygous mice.
Verification of densin deletion
Aliquots containing equal amounts of total protein (10 or 50

g) mea-
sured by the bicinchoninic acid method (Pierce) with BSA as standard
were fractionated by SDS-PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose, and
blocked as described below. Membranes were incubated with rabbit anti-
densin antisera CT245 (1:2500) against the PDZ domain, mouse anti-
densin polyclonal antibody M2 (1:2500) against the mucin homology
domain, or mouse anti-densin polyclonal antibody LRR (1:1000) against
the LRR domain, diluted into 20 m
Tris, 150 m
NaCl, and 0.1% Tween
20 (Apperson et al., 1996). Bound antibodies were detected with fluores-
cent secondary antibodies and visualized with the Odyssey Infrared Im-
aging System (Li-Cor Bioscience) as described below (see SDS-PAGE
immunoblot analysis).
Other mouse strains
GFP line M transgenic mice (a gift from Joshua Sanes, Harvard Univer-
sity, Boston, MA) were maintained as homozygotes in a C57BL/6 back-
ground (Feng et al., 2000).


transgenics were crossed with F2






offspring were crossed
to produce








mice that were
used for spine analysis. GluN1 knock-out mice (a gift from Peter See-
burg, Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany) were maintained as


mutants were crossed with F2 generation


mice to produce GluN1/densin heterozygotes.




mice (F3) were subsequently crossed to produce GluN1/den
sin double knock-out embryos (
of embryos, 6.3%) and littermate
controls for immunocytochemistry of neuronal cultures. Individual em-
bryos were genotyped after removal of neurons to be cultured.
Fixation and Nissl staining
Densin knock-out and wild-type littermate pairs, aged 8 –12 weeks, were
perfused transcardially with 4% formaldehyde, 15% saturated picric acid
in 0.1
PBS for 20 min. Forebrains were dissected and postfixed over-
night at 4°C, and then 50

m coronal sections were cut with a vibratome
and stored at

20°C in 50 m
phosphate buffer, 15% glucose, 30%
ethylene glycol. Sections were washed in PBS (10 m
, 120 m
NaCl, pH 7.4), mounted on Supermount Plus slides, and dried over-
night. Slides were delipidated in a series of decreasing ethanol solutions:
95% (15 min), 70% (1 min), and 50% (1 min). Afte
r a 5 min water rinse,
slides were submerged in 0.5% cresyl violet, 0.125% glacial acetic acid in
distilled water for 5 min, rinsed for 30 s in distilled water, and destained
in 96% ethanol/0.5% acetic acid for 5 min. Slices were cleared in isopro-
panol (5 min), followed by 5 min in isopropanol/xylene (1:2 parts) and
four rinses in xylene for 2 min each. Slides were sealed with Permount
and dried at room temperature overnight. Slides were imaged at 2.5

(Plan-Neofluar 2.5

/NA 0.075) and 5

(Plan-Neofluar 5

/NA 0.15)
GFAP immunohistochemistry
Fifty-micrometer coronal sections were incubated for 10 min in a solu-
tion containing PBS, 0.5% Triton X-100, and 0.5% H
to permeabilize
the tissue and eliminate endogenous peroxidase activity and then incu-
bated in blocking solution containing 0.1
PBS and 5% normal goat
serum (Invitrogen) for 10 min, followed by overnight incubation at 4°C
in blocking solution plus anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) anti-
body (1:500; Millipore). Sections were washed in PBS (three times for 5
min) and incubated with biotinylated goat anti-mouse IgG (1:200; Vec-
tor Laboratories) in blocking buffer fo
room temperature and then
washed (three times for 5 min) in 0.1
PBS and incubated in avidin–
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
J. Neurosci., November 9, 2011
31(45):16194 –16207
• 16195
biotin–peroxidase complex (1:100; Vector Laboratories) in 0.1
PBS for
30 min. Sections were developed in 20% diaminobenzidine (Vector Lab-
oratories), mounted, dried, and coverslipped with Entillin (Thermo
Fisher Scientific).
Behavioral studies
Mice were acclimated to cages in the behavioral facility for at least 2 weeks
before behavioral testing. The male cohort consisted of 15 densin knock-
out and 23 wild-type mice, and the female cohort consisted of nine
densin knock-outs and 14 wild-type mice. Mice from both cohorts had
been backcrossed seven times into a C57BL/6 background. Females were
housed in groups of four. Initially, most of the males were group housed
with littermates, with an equal number of wild-type and knock-out males
singly housed. As the experiments progressed, most of the males were
separated because they were fighting. The cohort was tested during their
light cycle, except when indicated.
Open field.
Mice were placed in the corner of a plastic 50

50 cm
square box and allowed to explore the box for 10 min. Aerial video
footage was captured using Picolo (frame grabber) with Media Cruise
software. The path the mouse traveled and the duration of time spent in
the center quadrant (25

25 cm) were analyzed using Ethovision 3.0
Object-place recognition.
Each mouse was acclimated (10 min) to an
open box (50

50 cm) and then returned to its home cage (5 min). It was
then allowed to explore (5 min) the open box in which two objects had
been placed in opposite corners. Mice were returned to their home cages
(10 min) and then reintroduced to the same box (5 min) in which one of
the objects had been moved to the opposite corner while the other object
remained stationary. The preference for the moved object was measured
by calculating the number of investigations of each object. Investigations
were defined as head movements in the direction of the object in which
the tip of the nose was within 2 cm of the object.
Novel object recognition.
At 24 h after the place preference test, mice
were reacclimated to the testing box (10 min) and then returned to the
home cage (5 min). The mice were then exposed to the same objects used
in the place preference test (5 min). Afte
r a 5 min intertrial period, one of
the objects was replaced with a novel object in the same location, and the
number of investigations of each object was counted.
Prepulse inhibition.
Prepulse inhibition (PPI) was assessed on a cohort
of female wild-type (

12) and densin knock-out (

13) littermates
(11–15 weeks old) during the dark cycle. The male cohort was unsuitable
for this test because fighting has been shown to alter the PPI response
in mice. Mice were restrained in a cylindrical Plexiglas tube on a
platform situated in a chamber (SR Labs) in which the involuntary
startle response is measured by an accelerometer underneath the plat-
form on which the mice are resting. The equipment was operated with
“Startle” software to expose the mice to the following trials: no startle
noise, just the startle noise (120 db), or a prepulse (of 3 or 6 db over
background) before the startle noise. Background noise was 65 db.
Prepulse inhibition was calculated as follows: 100%


Nest building.

2 inch square piece of cotton nesting material was
placed in the wire food racks of singly caged densin knock-out and wild-
type mice, at a position low enough to be easily reached (Deacon, 2006).
The unshredded nesting material remaining on the rack or on the cage
floor was weighed at 12 h intervals for 72 h.
Home-cage activity.
A home-cage activity monitoring system with au-
tomated behavioral detection was used to continuously track the activi-
ties of the mice over a 24 h period at 8, 10, and 12 weeks of age after
acclimating to the facility for 2 weeks (Steele et al., 2007).
Twenty-four knock-out (15 males, 9 females) and 30
wild-type (19 males, 11 females) mice were suspended by their tails
for 1 min

30 cm above a table top and observed for hindlimb and
forelimb clasping.
Mice were placed on an accelerating rotarod (


50 rpm
in 240 s), and the duration of time the mice remained on the rod was
measured. Mice were trained on the rotarod for 2 consecutive days, two
times each day separated by a 10 min rest period. Mice were tested on the
third day, and the average of two trials was recorded. The maximum
duration of a trial was 300 s.
Beam crossing.
Mice were placed at one end of a beam, and the time
required to cross to the escape box at the other end (80 cm away) was
measured by motion detectors. Mice were trained on two beams (12 and
6 mm wide) on 2 consecutive days. The mice rested for 10 min in their
home cages between training sessions on the two beams. Each mouse
crossed each beam three times on training days, starting with the 12 mm
beam and ending with the 6 mm beam. On test day, the times for two
trials in which the mice did not stop while crossing the beam were
Assessment of aggressive behavior.
During the course of the behavioral
experiments, male mice housed with their littermates were monitored for
aggressive behavior. Aggression was defined as chasing, biting, or initiat-
ing a fight. Often the victim was confirmed by bite marks on the back and
Slice preparation and extracellular recording
Hippocampal slices were obtained from 4- to 10-month-old mice for
long-term potentiation (LTP) experiments and from 3- to 4-week-old
mice for LTD experiments. Mice were anesthetized with halothane and
killed by cervical dislocation. Hippocampal slices (400

m thick) were
prepared by standard techniques and maintained in an interface-slice-
type recording chamber (at 30°C), perfused with oxygenated (95%
–5% CO
) artificial CSF (ACSF) containing the following (in m
124 NaCl, 4.4 KCl, 25 NaHCO
, 1 NaH
, 2 CaCl
, 1.2 MgSO
, and 10
glucose. After slices had recovered for at least 1 h, a bipolar, nichrome
wire stimulating electrode was placed in stratum radiatum of the CA1
region to activate Schaffer collateral– commissural fiber synapses, and an
extracellular glass microelectrode filled with ACSF (resistance, 5–10

) was used to record evoked field EPSPs (fEPSPs). The presynaptic
fiber stimulation was adjusted to evoke fEPSPs with amplitude of

of the maximal fEPSP amplitude for each slice. fEPSPs were then elicited
at 0.02 Hz during the baseline period of the experiment and after LTP or
LTD induction.
Whole-cell recordings
Slices were maintained in a submerged-slice recording chamber, and
inhibitory synaptic transmission was blocked with picrotoxin (100

that was added to a modified ACSF (4.0 m
, 4.0 m
, and
2.4 m
KCl). The CA3 region of the slices was removed to prevent burst-
ing in the absence of GABAergic inhibition. Low resistance (2– 6 M

patch electrodes were filled with a solution containing the following (in
): 102 cesium gluconate, 17.5 CsCl, 10 tetraethylammonium-Cl, 5
QX314, 4.0 Mg-ATP, 0.3 Tris-GTP, and 20 HEPES, pH 7.2. EPSCs
evoked by presynaptic Schaffer collateral fiber stimulation (0.2 Hz) were
recorded at membrane potentials of

80 or

40 mV, and the AMPA
receptor and NMDAR-mediated components of the synaptic currents
were estimated by measuring EPSC amplitude 5 and 50 ms after EPSC
onset, respectively. In these experiments, the intensity of presynaptic
fiber stimulation was adjusted to elicit EPSCs (at

80 mV) with peak
amplitudes of

200 pA. Statistical comparisons in these experiments
were performed using ANOVAs followed by Student–Newman–Keuls
tests for multiple pairwise comparisons. Miniature EPSCs (mEPSCs)
were recorded at

80 mV in cells bathed in a modified ACSF containing
4.0 m
, 2.4 m
, 2.4 m
KCl, 100

picrotoxin, and
0.5– 0.75

tetrodotoxin. mEPSCs were analyzed using a template-
based event detection routine in pClamp 10 (Molecular Devices) and a
threshold of 6 pA. Statistical comparisons of mEPSC amplitude and
interevent interval distributions were performed using the Kolmogorov–
Smirnov test.
Analysis of spines








littermate pairs, 3– 6
months in age, were perfused transcardially with fixative (as described
above), and 50

m coronal sections were cut with a vibratome and
mounted with Prolong Gold antifade reagent. Images were acquired with
a Carl Zeiss 510 Meta confocal microscope with a 63

/NA 1.4 lens and

optical zoom. Images of dendrites were reconstructed from 40

m optical sections and preprocessed with blind iterative deconvo-
J. Neurosci., November 9, 2011
31(45):16194 –16207
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
lution software (Autodeblur) from Autoquant. Spine morphology was
analyzed using 3DMA spine analysis software developed in the labora-
tory of Brent Lindquist (Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY) (Koh
et al., 2002). The investigator was blind to genotype during image acqui-
sition and analysis of spine morphology.
PSD fractions
PSD fractions were prepared from seven to eight pooled wild-type or
densin knock-out mice matched by age (8 –16 weeks) and sex. Forebrains
(excluding olfactory bulbs) were dissected from mice killed by cervical
dislocation, rinsed in buffer A (0.32
sucrose, 1 m
NaHCO3, 1 m
MgCl2, 0.5 m
CaCl2, 0.1 m
PMSF, and 1 mg/L leupeptin), and ho-
mogenized with 12 up and down strokes at 900 rpm in 14 ml of buffer A.
Homogenates were diluted to 35 ml in buffer A and centrifuged at 1400

for 10 min. The pellet was resuspended in 35 ml of buffer A, homoge-
nized (three strokes), and centrifuged at 710

for 10 min. Superna-
tants were combined and centrifuged at 13,800

for 10 min. The pellet
was resuspended in 8 ml of buffer B (0.32
sucrose, 1 m
homogenized with six strokes, and layered onto a sucrose gradient (10 ml
each of 0.85, 1.0, and 1.2
sucrose in 1 m
buffer). The
gradient was centrifuged fo

in a swinging bucket rotor.
The synaptosome-enriched layer at the interface of 1.0 and 1.2
was collected, diluted to 15 ml with solution B, and added to an equal
volume of buffer B containing 1% Triton X-100. The mixture was stirred
for 15 min at 4°C and centrifuged for 45 min at 36,800

. The pellet
containing the PSD-enriched, Triton X-100-insoluble fraction was re-
suspended in 300

Tris, pH 8, with a 25 gauge needle and 1 ml
syringe. Samples were aliquoted, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at

SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis
Equal amounts of protein from each sample (15–25

g) was dissolved in
SDS-PAGE sample buffer, heated at 90°C for 5 min, fractionated on
12.5% acrylamide gels, and electrically transferred to nitrocellulose
membranes (Schleicher & Schuell) in 25 m
Tris, 200 m
glycine, and
20% methanol. Membranes were blocked with Odyssey blocking buffer
(Li-Cor Biosciences) and then incubated in primary antibody solution:
CaMKII [Affinity BioReagents (ABR)], CaMKII (ABR),

-actin (Sigma), PSD-95 (ABR),

-actinin (Sigma), DISC1 (C-terminal;
Sigma), mGluR5 (Millipore),

-catenin (Transduction Labs),

(Transduction Labs), Densin (Kennedy Lab),

-CaMKII (Kennedy Lab),
PSD-93 (ABR), synGAP (ABR), GluN1 (ABR), GluN2A (Kennedy Lab),
GluN2B (Kennedy Lab), GluA1 (Millipore), and GluA2 (Millipore).
Bound antibodies were detected with IRdye700- or IRdye800-conjugated
secondary antibody (Rockland) and visualized with the Odyssey Infrared
Imaging System (Li-Cor Biosciences).
Cell culture and treatment
Hippocampi dissected from mice at embryonic day 15 or 16 were tritu-
rated and plated into wells of 24-well plates coated with 50 ng/ml poly-
-lysine (Sigma) and 2 ng/ml laminin (BD Biosciences) at a density of

50,000 neurons per well in Neurobasal medium (Invitrogen) supple-
mented with B-27 (Invitrogen) and glutamax-I (Invitrogen) as described
previously (Brewer et al., 1993). At 16 –18 DIV, cultures were pretreated
for 30 min with 5

TTX, gently washed twice in HEPES-control salt
solution (HCSS) (in m
: 120 NaCl, 5.4 KCl, 0.8 MgCl
, 1.8 CaCl
NaOH, 20 HEPES, and 5.5 glucose, pH 7.4) and then exposed to 10

bicuculline methiodide (Tocris Bioscience) and 10

glycine (Sigma)
dissolved in HCSS. After treatment, the HCSS was removed, and cultures
were solubilized in lysis buffer [3% SDS, 20 m
Tris-Cl, pH 7.5, 10 m
EGTA, 40 m

-glycerophosphate, 2.5 m
, and Protease Inhibi
tor Complete (Roche)]. Lysates were heated at 90°C for 5 min, and pro-
tein concentrations were determined by the bicinchoninic acid method
(Pierce) using bovine serum albumin as standard.
Cell culture immunocytochemistry
Hippocampal neurons were dissociated with trypsin and mechanical trit-
uration, plated on glass coverslips coated with poly-
-lysine (Sigma),
and maintained as described above. After 18 –21 DIV, coverslips contain-
ing neurons were rinsed in PBS and placed briefly in ice-cold methanol.
The methanol was replaced with

20°C methanol, and coverslips were
incubated for 10 –15 min. Cells were rinsed and incubated in h-PBS (450
NaCl and 20 m
phosphate buffer, pH 7.4) for 15 min, blocked with
5% normal goat serum and 0.05% Triton X-100 in h-PBS fo
and then incubated overnight with primary antibodies: rabbit anti-
PSD-95 (Cell Signaling Technology) and mouse anti-

Coverslips were washed three times (15 min/wash) in blocking buffer
followed by incubation with goat anti-mouse conjugated to Alexa Fluor
568 and goat anti-rabbit conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488 secondary anti-
bodies (Invitrogen) at room temperature for 1 h. Coverslips were washed
once in blocking buffer for 15 min, twice in PBS for 15 min, and then
postfixed in 2% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 10 min, followed by two
washes in PBS for 10 min each. Finally, coverslips were mounted on
microscope slides with a drop of Prolong antifade reagent (Invitrogen)
and allowed to dry overnight. Images were acquired on a Carl Zeiss
Axiovert 200M fluorescent microscope equipped with a 63

/1.4 oil ob-
jective and a high-resolution CCD camera (Axiocam MRm) controlled
by Carl Zeiss AxioVision 3.1 imaging software. A fixed exposure time was
set for all images in an experiment to a time that gave submaximal pixel
brightness for wild-type images in that experiment. Images were ana-
lyzed with the NIH ImageJ software program. PSD-95 was used as a
marker for the PSD region. Threshold for PSD-95 immunostaining was
set to allow all recognizable PSD-95 puncta to be included in the creation
of a mask. The PSD-95 mask was then overlaid onto the CaMKII image.
Intensities of CaMKII puncta that colocalized with the PSD-95 mask
were recorded for 15–20 neurons per embryo. Each genotype was ana-
lyzed at least three different times from litters dissected from three dif-
ferent pregnant females. Mutant animals were always compared with
wild-type littermates.
Data are presented as mean
SEM, with
indicating the number of
experiments, as stated. Statistical analyses of two groups were measured
using Student’s
tests (two-tailed). One-sample -tests (two-tailed) were
used to determine whether datasets that were normalized to matched
control values were significantly different from 100%. Statistical analyses
on data containing more than two groups were performed using the
one-way ANOVA test, followed by Tukey–Kramer analysis, to account
for multiple comparisons. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov method was used
to assess whether datasets had Gaussian distributions, as required for
tests and ANOVA analyses. In cases in which the data were not Gaussian,
nonparametric tests were used as stated.
Generation of densin knock-out mice
gene, which encodes densin, was disrupted by loxP/
Cre-mediated excision of exon 3, which contains the transcrip-
tion start site. ES cells were transfected with a targeting construct
that contained a LoxP site inserted into intron 2 and a hygromy-
cin selection cassette flanked by LoxP sites inserted into intron 3.
After the altered gene was incorporated into the germ line, Cre
recombinase was expressed
in utero
to produce a mixture of three
additional genotypes: a deletion of the hygromycin selection cas-
sette, a floxed exon 3 conditional knock-out, or deletion of both
exon 3 and the hygromycin cassette resulting in a full knock-out
(Fig. 1
; Materials and Methods). All the studies described here
were performed on the full knock-out. Deletion of exon 3 in
densin knock-out mice was verified by performing PCR on
genomic DNA (Fig. 1
). Immunoblots stained with antibodies
specific for the N-terminal LRR domain, the mucin homology
domain, or the C-terminal PDZ domain confirmed that no den-
sin protein was expressed in the knock-out mice (Fig. 1
The densin mutants are viable and born at the expected Men-
delian ratio. During the first 2– 6 weeks after birth, they have
significantly lower body weights compared with their wild-type
littermates (Fig. 2
) and have an

20% mortality rate. The
disparity in body weight becomes much less dramatic by 11 weeks
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
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31(45):16194 –16207
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of age, and the mutants that survive the
first 6 weeks of life appear to have a nor-
mal lifespan. In addition to their smaller
body size, the knock-out mice clasp when
suspended by the tail, a behavior often ob-
served in mouse models of neurodegen-
eration (data not shown). Nissl-stained
sections of mutant forebrains did not re-
veal any gross abnormalities in brain
structure (Fig. 2
), and immunostaining
for GFAP did not show abnormal levels of
astrogliosis (Fig. 2
Densin knock-out mice have behavioral
endophenotypes associated with
mental illness
Although schizophrenia, ASDs, and other
mental illnesses are distinctively human
diseases, researchers working with various
partial animal models of these diseases
have defined the term endophenotype to
mean a “heritable phenotypic indicator
that reflects discrete components of
pathophysiological processes more proxi-
mal to particular sets of predisposing
genes than the actual clinical diagnosis”
(Gottesman and Gould, 2003; Arguello
and Gogos, 2006). As part of our initial
characterization of the functional effects
of densin deletion, we examined the per-
formance of densin knock-out mice in be-
havioral tests and found that they display
many behaviors that have been suggested
as endophenotypes associated with hu-
man mental illness (Arguello and Gogos,
One such endophenotype is impaired
short-term memory. We chose tests of
short-term memory that use novelty-
preference paradigms to take advantage of
a rodent’s natural curiosity about novel
situations. Hippocampus-dependent short-
term memory was assessed with a one-
trial object-place recognition task in
which the mice were allowed to investi-
gate two objects for 5 min during a train-
ing trial. After a 10 min delay
, a 5 min test
trial was administered in which the mice
were allowed to investigate the same two
objects, but with one of the objects moved to a novel location. As
expected, the wild-type mice investigated the moved object sig-
nificantly more frequently than the stationary object (Fig. 3
). In
contrast, the knock-out mice did not show a preference for the
moved object, suggesting they have impaired spatial memory of
the training configuration.
We assessed hippocampus-independent short-term memory
with the one-trial object-recognition test. This test is identical to
the object-place recognition test, except that a novel object is
substituted in the same location for one of the training objects
during the test trial. Again, wild-type mice showed a significant
preference for the novel object, whereas the knock-out mice did
not (Fig. 3
). Thus, the densin knock-out mice appear to have
deficits in both hippocampus-dependent and
-independent forms
of short-term memory. Interestingly, the knock-out mice displayed
hyperlocomotive behavior when interacting with the objects during
the short-term memory tasks, investigating the objects twice as fre-
quently as wild-type mice (Fig. 3
). In addition to short-term
memory deficits, hyperactivity in response to stress or novelty has
been suggested as an animal model of psychomotor agitation that
often occurs in schizophrenia (Arguello and Gogos, 2006). It is un-
likely that the failure of the densin knock-out mice to show a prefer-
ence for novel objects resulted from a ceiling effect related to their
hyperlocomotion when interacting with the objects. The highest
number of average interactions recorded for the mutants, 17 in 5
min during the first exposure to objects (Fig. 3
), represents one
interaction every 17.6 s, a rate that is far below the maximum possi-
ble interactions in 5 min.
Figure 1.
Disruption of the
gene encoding densin.
, Targeting vector and recombined floxed alleles. The targeting
construct for exon 3 included a LoxP site inserted into intron 2 and a hygromycin selection cassette flanked by LoxP sites inserted
into intron 3 (LoxP sites indicated by black arrowheads). Expression of Cre recombinase
in utero
resulted in the deletion of the
hygromycin selection cassette, producing a floxed exon 3 conditional knock-out, or in the deletion of both exon 3 and the hygro-
mycin cassette, producing a full knock-out.
, Southern blot analysis of PCR products from DNA of wild-type (Wt), heterozygous
(Het), and knock-out (KO) littermates.
, Immunoblot analysis of expression of densin protein in forebrain homogenates of
6-week-old mice. Aliquots containing equal amounts of total protein were fractionated and blotted as described in Materials and
Methods with antibodies raised against three distinct regions of densin: N-terminal LRR domain, mucin homology domain, and
C-terminal PDZ domain.
J. Neurosci., November 9, 2011
31(45):16194 –16207
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
PPI is a common measure of sensorimotor gating related to
preattentive processing that is often deficient in patients with
schizophrenia as well as other psychiatric diseases (Powell et al.,
2009). In healthy subjects, a low-intensity pulse of sound preced-
ing an acoustic startle stimulus inhibits the startle reflex. We
found tha
prepulse of sound induced

50% greater
inhibition of the startle reflex in wild-type mice than in knock-
out mice (Fig. 3
). These data mean that densin deletion results
in a deficit in PPI.
Deficits in nesting behavior have been observed in mouse
models with schizophrenia-like features and can be induced with
psychotomimetic agents (Powell and Miyakawa, 2006). These
deficits are hypothesized to be related to social withdrawal, a
common negative symptom in schizophrenia and autism (Powell
and Miyakawa, 2006). We observed that male densin mutants
had a profound deficit in nest-making behavior. We measured
this behavior by providing sets of mice with identical squares of
cotton. The wild-type mice shredded the cotton and made fully
formed nests within 24 h. In contrast, only 1 of 16 knock-out
mice shredded any of the cotton within a 72 h period (Fig. 3
To confirm that the knock-out mice do not have motor defi-
cits that might confound the results of other behavioral tests, we
measured their balance and coordination in the rotarod and
beam-crossing tests. Densin knock-out and wild-type mice re-
mained on an accelerating rotarod for similar lengths of time
(Fig. 4
). On the beam-crossing test, the
knock-out mice crossed the beam signifi-
cantly more quickly than wild-type mice,
consistent with the observation that the
knock-out mice become hyperactive in
novel or stressful situations (Fig. 4
Overall, the densin mutants have similar
levels of coordination, endurance, and
balance to their wild-type counterparts,
despite their differences in size and clasp-
ing behavior.
Abnormal aggression is rare in hu-
mans with schizophrenia, and it is
not considered a feature of the disease.
However, some mouse models with
schizophrenia-like features do display ab-
normal aggression (Pletnikov et al., 2008).
We observed that male densin knock-outs
were aggressive when group-housed even
with littermates. Males in nearly all cages
containing densin heterozygotes or full
knock-outs eventually had to be separated
because of excessive fighting. Over a sev-
eral hour period during behavioral exper-
iments, we observed fighting in

82% of
11 cages containing at least one knock-out
mouse and in two of three cages contain-
ing one heterozygous knock-out and one
wild-type mouse. In contrast, no fighting
was observed in four cages that contained
only wild-type mice. We did not quantify
this behavior further because the fighting
occasionally resulted in injury to the mice.
Although it is not a core symptom of
schizophrenia, anxiety is often comorbid
with schizophrenia (Achim et al., 2011)
and autism. Anxiety in mice can be mea-
sured by the open-field test. Mice have an
innate fear of open space and tend to avoid the center of the
open-field apparatus. Typically, they explore the outer edges of
the box first and then gradually explore the center.
Their level of
anxiety is considered to be inversely correlated with the
centage of time spent in the center quadrant of the open field.
Densin mutants spent a significantly smaller fraction of time in
the center quadrant compared with wild-type mice, indicating
that they have significantly higher levels of anxiety (Fig. 5
Using automated behavior analysis, we tracked typical behav-
iors of the mice in their home cages during day and night cycles
over a period of weeks (Steele et al., 2007). We found that, al-
though the knock-out mice become hyperactive in novel situa-
tions, they are significantly more sedentary than wild-type mice
in the context of a familiar environment. In fact, the densin mu-
tants showed a threefold reduction in the amount of time en-
gaged in high-energy behaviors, such as hanging vertically from
the wire food rack and jumping (Fig. 5
). Knock-out mice spent
the same amount of time sleeping as wild-type mice but showed a
more than twofold increase in twitching during resting periods,
suggesting that their sleep may be interrupted frequently.
In summary, densin knock-out mice have significant deficits
in hippocampus-dependent and -independent short-term mem-
ory, prepulse inhibition, and nesting behavior. In addition, they
display abnormal aggression and anxiety, and they become phys-
ically agitated in response to novelty. Many of these behavioral
Figure 2.
Densin knock-out mice have normal gross neuroanatomy and low body weight.
, At 3 weeks of age, densin knock-
out mice had significantly lower body weights (6.8
0.4 g,

15 mice) than wild-type mice (12.3
0.5 g;

17 mice;
0.0001). By 11 weeks of age, the disparity in their weights was much less dramatic (wild-type, 27.1
1.1 g,



, Representative pictures of wild-type (left) and densin knock-out littermates (right) at 3 weeks of age.
, Representative


images of the dentate gyrus.
, Immunohistochemical staining for GFAP is qualitatively similar in wild-type (left column) and
knock-out (right column) sections. Representative images are shown of sensory cortex (top row) and the CA1 region of hippocam-
pus (bottom row). Heterozygous, Het; Wt, wild type.
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
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31(45):16194 –16207
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defects have been reported in other mouse models with schizo-
phrenia and autism-like features and are considered endopheno-
types related to human mental illness (Powell and Miyakawa,
2006; Silverman et al., 2010).
Loss of densin reduces the amount of

-actinin in brain
homogenates and selectively reduces the levels of DISC1 and
mGluR5 in the PSD fraction
Because densin interacts with a specific set of other PSD proteins,
we hypothesized that its loss might alter the composition of the
PSD in a way that disrupts synaptic function and thus produces
behavioral abnormalities. As an initial test of this hypothesis, we
isolated PSD fractions from homogenates of several sets of wild-
type and densin knock-out forebrains and compared the
amounts of core PSD proteins. We measured the known densin-
binding proteins



-catenin, and

Only the amount of

-actinin was significantly reduced in knock-
out PSD fractions (32%); it was also reduced in total brain ho-
mogenates (33%), suggesting that expression or stability of

-actinin is impaired in the absence of densin (Fig. 6).

has been reported to bind two proteins previously implicated in
schizophrenia, DISC1, and mGluR5 (Millar et al., 2003; Cabello
et al., 2007). We measured their amounts and found that both
DISC1 and mGluR5 are normal in brain homogenates of densin
knock-out mice but significantly reduced (

30%) in PSD frac-
tions compared with wild type (Fig. 6). We detected no signifi-
cant differences in the amounts of other core PSD proteins (

CaMKII, PSD-95, PSD-93, and synGAP; data not shown) or of
ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits (GluN1, GluN2A,
GluN2B, GluA1, and GluA2; data not shown) in PSD fractions
from knock-out mice. Thus, the absence of densin selectively
reduces the steady-state level of

-actinin in brain and in the PSD
fraction, whereas the amounts of DISC1 and mGluR5 are re-
duced just in the PSD fraction. The latter result was not expected
Figure 3.
Short-term memory, sensorimotor gating, and nest building are impaired in den-
sin knock-out mice.
, Knock-out (KO) mice did not show increased preference for the moved
spatial memory (stationary object, 15.1
1.7 investigations; moved object, 13.5
1.2 inves-

15 mice), whereas wild-type (Wt) mice did prefer the moved object as measured
by a significant increase in the number of investigations of the moved object (stationary object,
0.7 investigations; moved object, 10.3
1.0 investigations;

20 mice; *
Despite not showing a preference for the moved object during the testing session, densin
knock-out mice investigated objects A and B more frequently on average than the wild-type
mice during the training session (wild type, 8.4
0.5 investigations,

40 trials; knock-out,
0.8 investigations,

30 trials; ****
, Densin knock-out mice were
similarly unable to discriminate between a novel object (C) and a previously viewed object in a
tigations; novel, 11.3
2.0 investigations), whereas the wild-type mice showed an increase in
the number of investigations of the novel object (previously viewed, 5.3
0.7 investigations;
novel, 10.2
1.1 investigations;

15 mice). Knock-out mice again showed an increased
average number of investigations of objects A and B during the training session compared with
wild-type mice (wild type, 6.2
0.5 investigations,

40 trials; knock-out, 12.2

30 trials;
, Knock-out mice have abnormal sensorimotor
gating. Startle induced by a 120 dB pulse of sound was significantly less inhibited by a prepulse
(3 or 6 dB) in the knock-out (3 dB, 15
5% PPI; 6 dB, 33
5% PPI;

13 knock-out mice)
compared with wild-type mice (3 dB, 42
5% PPI; 6 dB, 60
5% PPI;

12 wild types;
0.01, ANOVA).
, Knock-out mice show impaired nest building. Wild-type mice shred-

60% of the supplied cotton within 12 h and all had fully formed nests within 48 h (black

13 wild types). Only one of the knock-out mice removed and shredded the cotton; all
others left the cotton unshredded (gray dots,

16 knock-out mice). Wild-type mice had
significantly less unshredded cotton in their cages at all measured time points after

0.001, Mann–Whitney
test). Error bars represent SEM.
Figure 4.
Densin knock-out mice have normal motor skills.
, Male and female knock-out
(KO) mice performed as well as the wild types (Wt) on the rotarod test. Male wild-type mice
stayed on the accelerating rotarod for 191

20 mice), whereas male knock-out mice
stayed on for 187

15 mice). Female wild-type mice stayed on the accelerating


9 mice).
, Male knock-out mice crossed the 12 mm beam as fast as wild types (male wild
types, 4.6
0.4 s; male knock-outs, 3.9
0.4 s) and crossed the 6 mm beam significantly
faster than wild types (male wild types, 6.8
0.7 s; male knock-outs, 4.9
0.5 s; *
, Similarly, female knock-out mice crossed the 12 mm beam as fast as wild
types (female wild types, 3.3
0.3 s; female knock-outs, 3.5
0.3 s) and crossed the 6 mm
beam significantly faster than wild types (female wild types, 5.9
0.6 s; female knock-outs,
0.4 s; *
0.05, two-tailed
J. Neurosci., November 9, 2011
31(45):16194 –16207
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
and may be an indirect effect of loss of

-actinin or may be caused
by disruption of other, as yet unknown, protein associations.
Synaptic transmission is normal in densin knock-out neurons
We also assessed whether the synapses of densin knock-out mice
display normal glutamate receptor activity. Whole-cell record-
ings revealed no difference in the relative contributions of AMPA
receptors and NMDARs to EPSCs in CA1 pyramidal cells from
wild-type and densin knock-out mice (Fig. 7
). To rule out the
possibility that a proportional shift in both types of glutamate
receptors had occurred in the densin mutants, we also compared
the amplitude and frequency of mEPSCs in CA1 pyramidal cells
and found no difference in their distribution, amplitude, or
quency between wild-type and
knock-out neurons (Fig. 7
Thus, densin is not necessary for recruitment and normal func-
tion of NMDARs at synapses, and hypofunction of NMDARs is
not the underlying cause of the abnormal behavior of the densin
knock-outs (Belforte et al., 2010).
Loss of densin alters the steady-state
activation of CaMKII and its activation
in response to synaptic activity
CaMKII is highly concentrated in the PSD
fraction and in spines of cultured excit-
atory neurons, suggesting that one or
more docking sites within the PSD medi-
ate its postsynaptic accumulation (Ken-
nedy et al., 1983; Kennedy, 2000). Densin
and the GluN2B subunit of the NMDAR
both have high-affinity binding sites for
CaMKII that may play significant roles in
targeting CaMKII to the PSD (Omkumar
et al., 1996; Strack and Colbran, 1998;
Leonard et al., 1999; Walikonis et al.,
2001; Barria and Malinow, 2005; Zhou et
al., 2007). To formally test the hypothesis
that densin acts as a docking site for CaM-
KII in the PSD and examine the relative
importance of the two potential docking
sites, we compared the localization of
CaMKII in spines of neurons lacking den-
sin, lacking synaptic NMDARs, and those
lacking both.
We generated neurons lacking synap-
tic NMDARs by culturing hippocampal
neurons from GluN1 knock-out embryos
(Fukaya et al., 2003). Engineered mice
that are missing the cytosolic tails of
GluN2A and GluN2B have been created
(Sprengel et al., 1998); however, homozy-
gous deletion of the tail of GluN2B results
in failure of movement of all subunits of
NMDARs to synapses (Sprengel et al.,
1998). Deletion of the GluN1 subunit
similarly causes GluN2 subunits to be re-
tained in the endoplasmic reticulum and
NMDARs to synapses (Fukaya et al.,
2003). Nonetheless, excitatory synapses of
neurons cultured from GluN1 knock-out
embryos still form PSDs containing PSD-
95. We cultured neurons lacking both
densin and synaptic NMDARs from em-
bryos bred to contain both deletions as
described in Materials and Methods.
We estimated the amount of CaMKII docked at PSDs in each
phenotype by measuring the integrated intensity of immuno-
staining for CaMKII that colocalized with PSD-95 (Fig. 8
). By
this measure, PSDs on densin knock-out neurons did not show a
significant reduction in colocalization of CaMKII with PSD-95,
consistent with our finding that PSD fractions from densin
knock-out mice contain normal amounts of CaMKII (Fig. 5).
This result means that densin is not required for accumulation of
CaMKII in PSDs. The GluN1 knock-out neurons showed only a

15% reduction in CaMKII staining colocalizing with PSD-95,
indicating that synaptic NMDARs also are not required for accu-
mulation of CaMKII in PSDs. However, in neurons lacking both
densin and synaptic NMDARs (Densin/GluN1 double knock-
out), the amount of CaMKII colocalizing with PSD-95 was re-
duced by

50%. Staining for CaMKII appeared lighter in
dendritic shafts of double knock-out neurons as well as in spines
(Fig. 8
, bottom right); however, the integrated intensity of all
Figure 5.
Densin knock-out mice have increased levels of anxiety and reduced home-cage activity and are aggressive with
in the center quadrant of the open field was significantly less than wild types (Wt) during the first 2 min (wild type, 10.0
knock-out, 3.4

20 wild-type mice, 15 knock-out mice; **
0.01), 4 min (wild type, 14.0
1.8%; knock-out,

17 wild-type mice, 10 knock-out mice; ***
0.001), and 8 min (wild type, 15.3
4.0%; knock-out, 6.3

8 wild-type mice, 7 knock-out mice; *
0.05, two-tailed
test; error bars represent SEM) of exploration in the open
field. Right shows representative paths traveled by wild-type (left) and knock-out (right) mice during 10 min of exploration in an
open field. The inner gray box marks the boundaries of the center quadrant.
, Densin knock-out mice are hypoactive in a
home-cage setting. The heat plot shows behaviors detected by an automated home-cage monitoring system over a 24 h period at
8, 10, and 12 weeks of age (weeks 1, 2, and 3, respectively). Behaviors are expressed as the fraction of frames that the behavior was

with wild-type. Bright yellow represents behaviors for which there was a

2.5-fold increase compared with wild-type. Knock-out
mice spent significantly less time engaged in high-activity behaviors, such as hanging, jumping, and rearing.
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
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staining for CaMKII in each image divided by the total number of
pixels with staining above background was not significantly re-
duced in the images of double knock-out neurons compared with
wild-type controls. Thus, it is not clear whether the total amount
of CaMKII was reduced in the double knock-out neurons or just
dispersed more broadly throughout the neurons. The simplest
explanation for these data is that densin and the tails of NMDAR
subunits both can act as docking sites for CaMKII in the PSD and
each of them can partially or completely compensate for the ab-
sence of the other in performing this function. However, when
both proteins are missing, considerably less CaMKII is localized
to spines, and it may be reduced in concentration in dendrites as
We wondered whether the absence of densin might alter the
micro-localization of CaMKII within the PSD. For example, if
more CaMKII is bound to NMDARs in the absence of densin, one
might predict that the rate or magnitude of activation of CaMKII
would be increased in response to synaptic activity in densin
knock-out neurons. To test whether this is the case, we treated
hippocampal cultures with bicuculline, a GABA
receptor antag
onist that causes enhanced glutamate release from excitatory syn-
apses through disinhibition of inhibitory synapses (Ivanov et al.,
2006). We found that the resulting activation of CaMKII, mea-
sured by an increase in autophosphorylation at threonine-286,
was approximately twofold higher in densin knock-out neurons
compared with wild type (Fig. 8
). Conversely, the basal level of
autophosphorylation of threonine-286 in untreated densin
knock-out neurons was reduced to

75% that of wild-type neu-
rons (Fig. 8
). Together, these data indicate that densin is not
required for localization of CaMKII in the PSD. However, it may
be important for precise positioning of CaMKII in relation to
other regulatory molecules, such that absence of densin alters
both the steady-state activation of CaMKII and the dynamics of
its activation in response to neuronal activity.
Long-term depression is impaired in densin
knock-out neurons
We reasoned that mislocalization of mGluRs and/or of CaMKII
might alter induction or stability of synaptic plasticity. We mea-
sured two commonly studied forms of LTP and found them un-
affected by the densin deletion. Brief 100 Hz stimulation of
Schaffer collateral fibers induced an approximate twofold in-
crease in fEPSP amplitudes in wild-type and knock-out hip-
pocampal slices 60 min after LTP induction (Fig. 7
). A 30 s train
of 5 Hz stimulation (theta stimulation) also produced similar
levels of fEPSP potentiation (

50% increase over baseline) in
wild-type and knock-out slices (Fig. 7
). Thus, LTP appears nor-
mal in the densin mutants during the first hour after induction.
We observed a trend toward larger potentiation in the first 5 min
after either of the induction stimuli, but the trend did not reach
statistical significance. We conclude that the aberrant activation
of CaMKII we observed during the first 5 min after activation of
NMDARs on cultured neurons (Fig. 8
) does not significantly
affect induction of LTP under conditions that produce near-
maximal potentiation in slices.
In contrast, both low-frequency stimulation and DHPG-
induced forms of LTD are impaired in the densin knock-out
mice. A 15 min train of 1 Hz stimulation caused a 25% reduction
of fEPSP amplitudes in wild-type slices but no reduction in the
densin knock-out slices (Fig. 7
). This form of LTD has been
shown to be dependent on activation of NMDARs (Ho et al.,
2004). Bath application of DHPG, a group 1 mGluR agonist that
activates mGluR1 and mGluR5, induces a non-NMDAR-
dependent form of LTD (Lu
̈ scher and Huber, 2010). A 10 min
application of DHPG (100

) induced a

50% transient de-
pression in fEPSP amplitude and a stable

25% depression after
washout of the drug in wild-type slices but only a

10% depres-
sion in the knock-out slices (Fig. 7
). Thus, loss of densin impairs
both NMDAR-dependent and mGluR-dependent LTD, suggest-
ing that the defect lies at a biochemical step downstream of re-
ceptor activation.
Loss of densin alters the morphology of spines on
hippocampal neurons
When spine synapses are remodeled to increase or decrease syn-
aptic strength, the number of AMPA-type receptors is increased
or decreased and the actin cytoskeleton is remodeled to increase
or decrease the size of the spine head. The biochemical regulatory
pathways that alter the spine actin cytoskeleton are tightly linked
to those that regulate surface AMPA receptors (Carlisle and Ken-
nedy, 2005). CaMKII, along with other PSD enzymes, partici-
pates in this regulation of the actin cytoskeleton (Carlisle et al.,
2008). Abnormalities in spine shape were reported in mouse
models in which DISC1 isoforms were genetically deleted or
knocked down with siRNA (Kvajo et al., 2008). To investigate
whether loss of densin deranges the regulatory machinery that
shapes spine morphology in adult mice, we first crossed densin
knock-out mice with a transgenic line that sparsely expresses GFP
in the CA1 region of the hippocampus (Feng et al., 2000). Spine
morphology was examined in three-dimensional reconstructions
Figure 6.
Levels of

-actinin, DISC1, and mGluR5 are reduced in PSD fractions from densin
knock-out mice. Protein levels in brain homogenates and PSD fractions from several sets of
mice, each containing seven to eight pooled wild-type (WT) brains and seven to eight pooled
densin knock-out (KO) brains, were determined by immunoblot. Average levels in fractions
from knock-outs were normalized to those of corresponding wild types. The densin-binding

-actinin was reduced by 33% in brain homogenates and 32% in PSD fractions from
knock-out mice compared with wild type (

4 subcellular fractionations). The

binding partners DISC1 and mGluR5 were reduced by

30% in PSD fractions from knock-out
mice but were not reduced in brain homogenates (

3 subcellular fractionations for DISC1;

5 brain homogenates and 3 PSD preparations for mGluR5). Loss of densin did not alter the
levels of other known densin-interacting proteins:


-catenin, or

-CaMKII. Statis-
tical significance was determined with one-sample
tests (null hypothetical mean

Error bars represent SEM. The amounts of actin or of PSD-95 (as appropriate) were quantified
and used as loading controls. Bottom panels show representative bands from immunoblots of
homogenates and PSD fractions. *
J. Neurosci., November 9, 2011
31(45):16194 –16207
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
of confocal images of labeled pyramidal
cell dendrites from densin knock-out and
wild-type mice containing the GFP label.
The necks of spines were significantly
more elongated in densin knock-out
mice. Furthermore, when spines were cat-
egorized by morphological type, we found
that the proportion of mushroom spines
was increased by 31% and the number of
stubby spines decreased by 22% in the
knock-out mice, whereas the total num-
ber of spines was not significantly changed
(Fig. 9
). The necks of densin knock-
out mushroom spines were significantly
longer and thinner than wild-type mush-
room spines (Fig. 9
), but the aver-
age head diameter was unchanged (Fig.
). These data indicate that the defect
or defects in biochemical signaling in the
spine induced by loss of densin occur at
positions in the regulatory network that
alter steady-state spine morphology. They
provide additional evidence that densin is
important for proper kinetic tuning of
regulatory pathways in the spine.
Molecular and cellular effects of
deletion of densin
The domain structure of densin, which in-
cludes binding sites for several proteins,
suggests that it functions as a scaffold
molecule (Apperson et al., 1996; Strack et
al., 2000; Walikonis et al., 2001; Izawa et
al., 2002; Ohtakara et al., 2002). As such, it
would be expected to influence the orga-
nization and dynamics of signaling path-
ways in the PSD in which it is highly
concentrated. Mutation or deletion of
large scaffold proteins can lead to com-
plex behavioral or pathological pheno-
types, apparently because such proteins
influence more than one cellular function.
A prominent example is huntingtin, the
mutation of which interferes with neuro-
nal transcription, intracellular transport,
and synaptic transmission (Imarisio et al.,
2008; Marcora and Kennedy, 2010) and
causes the complex phenotypes associated
with Huntington’s disease. Another ex-
ample is DISC1, which has a wide range of
postulated binding partners and is located
in mitochondria, the centrosome, and ex-
citatory synapses (James et al., 2004; Bran-
don et al., 2009; Hayashi-Takagi et al.,
2010). Mutation of DISC1 in humans
produces increased risk of schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder (Millar et al., 2000).
We show that loss of densin leads to
reduction in the amounts of at least three
other proteins in the PSD fraction. The
steady-state level of the direct binding
partner of densin, the cytoskeletal protein
Figure 7.
Evoked NMDAR currents, mEPSCs, and LTP amplitude are normal in knock-out hippocampal slices, but LTD is im-
, Loss of densin does not alter the ratio of NMDA/AMPA receptor currents. Top traces show representative whole-cell
voltage-clamp recordings of EPSCs from wild-type (Wt) and knock-out (KO) CA1 pyramidal neurons at two different postsynaptic


50 ms after EPSC onset) normalized to the AMPA receptor-mediated component of the EPSC (estimated from the EPSC amplitude
5 ms after EPSC onset). There is no difference in EPSCs between wild-type cells (black bars;

3 wild-type mice, 13 cells) and
knock-out cells (gray bars;

3 knock-out mice, 14 cells) at either membrane potential. The right graph shows the comparison
of weighted mean decay time constants of NMDAR-mediated EPSCs calculated from double-exponential fits to the decay of the
synaptic currents recorded at

40 mV. No difference in the decay characteristics was observed between wild-type and knock-out
, Loss of densin does not affect the amplitude or frequency of mEPSCs. Top traces show representative whole-cell voltage-
clamp recordings from CA1 pyramidal neurons. Cumulative amplitude (left graph) and interevent interval (right graph) distribu-
tions were similar for both genotypes (

3 wild-type mice, 13 cells;

3 knock-out mice, 13 cells). Inset graphs show averages
of mEPSC amplitudes and interevent intervals.
, High-frequency and theta-induced forms of LTP in the CA1 region of the
hippocampus are normal in knock-out mice.
, Similar levels of fEPSP potentiation were recorded 60 min after 100 Hz stimulation
(2 trains, each o
f 1 s duration, delivered at time

0) for both genotypes (wild-type fEPSPs were 182
8% of baseline,

densin knock-out fEPSPs were 193
6% of baseline,

, The 5 Hz stimulation for 30 s (delivered at

0) potentiated
fEPSPs to similar levels in both genotypes (wild-type fEPSPs were 159
13% of baseline,

4 wild-type mice;
fEPSPs were 161
4% of baseline 45 min after 5 Hz stimulation,

5 knock-out mice). The trend in
smaller fEPSPs in the wild type at 5–10 min after stimuli was not statistically significant.
, Low frequency-induced LTD is
impaired in knock-out hippocampal slices. Wild-type fEPSPs were depressed to 74
7% of baseline (

7 wild-type
mice) 60 min after the start of a 15 min train of 1 Hz stimulation, whereas knock-out fEPSPs returned to baseline levels
6% of baseline,

8 knock-out mice). There was a significant difference in the amplitudes of the fEPSPs between
the two genotypes at

60 (
0.05, two-tailed
, The group 1 mGluR agonist DHPG induced a lower level of
fEPSP depression in knock-out compared with wild-type slices. Bath application of DHPG depressed wild-type fEPSPs to
12% of baseline, whereas knock-out fEPSPs were only reduced to 87
5.2% of baseline during the first 5 min of drug
application (

0.016, two-tailed

6 wild-type, 6 knock-out mice). At 35 min after washout of DHPG (

wild-type fEPSPs were reduced to 78
6.4% of baseline and knock-out fEPSPs were reduced to 92
2.2% of baseline

0.031, one-tailed
test). Error bars represent SEM.
Carlisle et al.
Deletion of Densin Produces Abnormal Behavior
J. Neurosci., November 9, 2011
31(45):16194 –16207
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