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Disruption of the gut microbiome as a risk factor for microbial
Arya Khosravi
Sarkis K. Mazmanian
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 91125
The discovery that microorganisms can be etiologic agents of disease has driven clinical, research
and public health efforts to reduce exposure to bacteria. However, despite extensive campaigns to
eradicate pathogens (via antibiotics, vaccinations, hygiene, sanitation, etc.), the incidence and/or
severity of multiple immune-mediated diseases including, paradoxically, infectious disease have
increased in recent decades. We now appreciate that most microbes in our environment are not
pathogenic, and that many human-associated bacteria are symbiotic or beneficial. Notably, recent
examples have emerged revealing that the microbiome augments immune system function. This
review will focus on how commensal-derived signals enhance various aspects of the host response
against pathogens. We suggest that modern lifestyle advances may be depleting specific microbes
that enhance immunity against pathogens. Validation of the notion that
of beneficial
microbes is a risk factor for infectious disease may have broad implications for future medical
The discovery of antibiotics in the last century is one of the most significant achievements of
modern medicine. Pathogens that once devastated entire civilizations, such as
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
, could finally be controlled, suggesting a triumph over
infectious disease. However, the rampant rise of antibiotic resistance among pathogens,
compounded by a drying pipeline of novel antibiotic development by pharmaceutical
companies has rendered current therapeutic strategies ineffective. As such, we have entered
the post-antibiotic era where pathogens once again reign with limited opposition and a minor
scrape may pose the risk of a fatal infection [
]. To combat the renewed threat of
pathogenic microorganisms, clinical approaches towards eradicating infectious disease must
The recent increase in the severity and incidence of
Clostridium difficile
-associated diarrhea
(CDAD) is emblematic of medicine’s current failings as well as its possible future. The
disruption of intestinal microbiota, most commonly by antibiotics, prompts infection by
To whom correspondence should be addressed: sarkis@caltech.edu.
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Author manuscript
Curr Opin Microbiol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 November 20.
Published in final edited form as:
Curr Opin Microbiol
. 2013 April ; 16(2): 221–227. doi:10.1016/j.mib.2013.03.009.
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resulting in disease that ranges from mild diarrhea to fulminant colitis [
]. Once
fatal, the advent of antibiotics consigned it to a manageable infection. However, the spread
of antibiotic-resistant, hypervirulent strains in recent years has created an epidemic that is
exceedingly difficult to manage [
]. Currently, 20–25% of patients experience relapsing
disease, further reflecting the reduced efficacy of antibiotic therapy [
]. Besieged by an
unrelenting pathogen, clinicians began to supplement patients with the fecal contents of
healthy donors in an attempt to reestablish the natural resistance afforded by the microbiota
C. difficile
. Fecal transplantation embraces the hygiene hypothesis which argues
microbial exposure, particularly that of commensal microbes, is beneficial to host health.
This approach of administering microbes to combat disease is in shocking contrast to
standard medical practices of the last century that, abiding by the principles of germ theory,
indiscriminately targets microbes as a means of promoting individual health. Yet, achieving
a 91% primary cure rate, the use of fecal transplantation insists upon a reassessment of our
clinical strategy towards preventing and treating infectious disease [
The commensal microbiota is primarily comprised of indigenous bacteria that colonize the
external interfaces of its host. Co-evolution has resulted in microbes with extensive and
diverse impacts on multiple aspects of host biology including nutrient acquisition, immune
development and neurological function [
]. Appropriately, conditions that disrupt the
symbiotic host-microbial coexistence significantly alter predisposition to a wide spectrum of
disorders. This review will focus on the contribution of commensal microbiota in promoting
host resistance against infectious disease. Furthermore, we will discuss how efforts to
support the integrity of the microbiota, as through bacteriotherapy or the supplementation
with microbial products, may be an effective means of achieving protection against
The intestinal microbiota promotes host resistance against mucosal
The development of enteric infection following antibiotic use has long been observed in both
clinical practice and animal models of disease [
]. This observation suggests some
mechanism by which the commensal microbiota protects against pathogen invasion and
dissemination. The utilization of animal models to study the microbiota, including germ-free
(GF) mice that lack microbial exposure, has revealed significant insight into the diverse and
intricate contribution of the commensal microbes to host resistance against infectious
Commensal microbes directly resist enteric pathogens
The commensal microbiota achieves resistance against opportunistic infection, in part,
through niche competition. By competing for sites of colonization and nutrient uptake,
commensal microbes are able to limit pathogen expansion at host epithelial surfaces [
]. GF
mice are highly susceptible to enteric infection with
Citrobacter rodentium
, a murine
pathogen used to model infection with enterohemorragic and enteropathogenic
]. Bacteriotherapy with isolated commensal microbes results in pathogen clearance,
in part, due to the enhanced glycan acquisition capabilities of the transferred bacteria. These
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findings reveal direct competition between commensal microbes and pathogens for nutrients
as a means of limiting infection at sites of colonization.
Conversely, recent studies show that certain enteric pathogens are able to outcompete
commensal microbes by actively triggering host inflammation which favors pathogen
invasion and dissemination [
C. rodentium
Campylobacter jejuni
, and
serovar Typhimurium (STm) appear to induce inflammation as part of their
infectious process, and increasing intestinal inflammation actually promotes disease [
Further, these reports surprisingly demonstrate that pathogen-induced inflammation
adversely affects the microbiota, reducing the numbers of beneficial bacteria, which protect
us from infections. Collectively, there is growing evidence for the notion that pathogens and
symbiotic bacteria are engaged in an ‘evolutionary combat’, with the host serving as the
Under conditions in which direct competition is insufficient to limit pathogen invasion, the
commensal microbiota promotes resistance to infection by mediating protective host
immune responses. Immune modulation by commensal microbes is indispensable in
achieving host-microbial symbiotic coexistence and preventing inflammatory disease [
We now appreciate that this influence extends into supporting protection against infectious
disease by promoting both barrier immunity as well as priming immune defenses against
pathogen insult (Fig. 1).
Commensal microbes promote barrier immunity
Immune modulation by the microbiota occurs through commensal-derived signals such as
microbial associated molecular patterns (MAMPs). Host recognition of MAMPs is achieved
by pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs), such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs). At mucosal
surfaces, these commensal-derived signals drive epithelial production of mucin, secretion of
immunoglobulin A (IgA), and the expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that limit
microbial contact to mucosal tissue [
]. One such example is commensal driven
expression of RegIII
by intestinal epithelial cells (Fig. 2). RegIII
is a C-type lectin that
possesses antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive microbes [
]. Expression of RegIII
requires TLR recognition of commensal MAMPs [
]. As such, disruption of the
microbiota, as through antibiotic treatment, reduces production of RegIII
resulting in a
breakdown of barrier immunity. As a consequence, antibiotic-treated mice are highly
susceptible to opportunistic infection with enteric pathogens such as vancomycin-resistant
enterococcus (VRE) [
]. Supplementation of antibiotic-treated mice with purified MAMPs
is sufficient to prime RegIII
expression and achieve resistance against infection. VRE is a
common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and, similar to
C. difficile
, exceedingly
difficult to treat. Herein is another example of how current treatment strategies predispose
the host to secondary infections and how efforts to maintain the integrity of the microbiota
or supplement it during antibiotic treatment may be effective in limiting susceptibly to
opportunistic pathogens.
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Commensal microbes prime immune resistance to pathogen invasion
Under conditions in which barrier resistance fails, commensal microbes continue to limit
pathogen dissemination by enhancing immune clearance mechanisms. One such mechanism
by which the microbiota promotes host resistance is through priming interleukin-1 (IL-1)
expression. IL-1
is a proinflammatory cytokine that is expressed in an inactive form (pro
) that is subsequently cleaved by caspases following inflammasome activation [
Intestinal mononuclear phagocytes isolated from specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice express
, which is deficient in cells isolated from GF mice [
]. Cleavage of pro-IL-1
into its active form occurs after challenge with pathogenic microorganisms, such as STm,
but not following exposure to commensal microbes. This would suggest that commensal
microbes promote pro-IL-1
expression among intestinal mononuclear cells, which is
specifically activated following pathogen insult. Appropriately, commensal-driven pro-IL-1
expression enhances resistance to enteric infection with STm.
Additional mucosal immune responses are driven by the microbiota, including the
differentiation of T-helper 17 (Th17) cells and IL-22 expression by intestinal NKp46+ cells
]. While specific details for the role of both cell types in regulating commensal
microbes remains to be revealed, both are critical in combating mucosal infection with
. It thus appears that the microbiota drives certain immune responses, including
the production of pro-IL-1
, with the primary purpose of promoting resistance to pathogenic
Commensal microbes prevent pathogen invasion at colonization sites
beyond the gut
While the majority of the studies assessing the contribution of the microbiota to host
resistance to infection have focused on the gut, colonization by commensal microbes at other
barrier sites also affords pathogen protection. Skin microbes prime local development of
Th1, Th17 and IL-17+ gamma-delta T cells [
]. Cutaneous T cell differentiation by
commensal microbes is achieved through MAMP-driven IL-1
signaling. This response is
independent of the intestinal microbiota as oral antibiotic treatment, which reduced intestinal
Th1 and Th17 cells, has no effect on the immune profile within the skin. Furthermore,
colonization of GF mice with the prominent skin commensal
Staphylococcus epidermidis
sufficient to rescue the defective immune response in GF mice. Priming of these immune
responses by skin microbes is instrumental in promoting resistance against cutaneous
infection with
Leishmania major
. Here we see a critical influence, afforded by commensal
microbes, in localized host immune development and subsequent protection against
Immune protection is also achieved by commensal microbes residing within the respiratory
mucosa. Antibiotic-treated mice display reduced resistance to influenza infection [
Disease susceptibility is characterized by defective IL-1
production as well as reduced
dendritic cell recruitment and T cell priming. As a consequence, antibiotic-treated animals
display attenuated T cell and B cell responses following viral infection. Interestingly,
depletion of the microbiota did not enhance susceptibility to infection with herpes simplex
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virus type 2 or
Legionella pneumophila
indicating specificity for pathogens to which the
microbiota promotes resistance. Intranasal inoculation with purified MAMPs, such as LPS,
is sufficient to restore protective immunity to infection, as is, surprisingly, intrarectal MAMP
administration. These findings suggest the imunoprotective properties of commensal
microbes are not limited to the sites of colonization, but rather may extend to distal
compartments and may even support host resistance against systemic infection.
Commensal microbes promote host resistance to systemic infection
While commensal microbes are physically restricted to external sites of colonization, their
influence on host immune responses extends into systemic compartments. This concept was
revealed with the finding that GF mice display a diminished splenic CD4+ T cell profile
]. Monocolonization with a prominent intestinal commensal,
Bacteroides fragilis
, is
sufficient to promote CD4+ T cell development within the spleen. The role of commensal
microbes in driving systemic immune maturation suggests that disruption of the microbiota
may compromise host immunity and increase susceptibility to systemic infection.
Deliberate depletion of the microbiota reduces resistance to systemic infection with
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV) [
]. Antibiotic-treated mice display
increased viral burden as a consequence of attenuated anti-viral immune responses following
infection. Macrophages isolated from antibiotic-treated mice are deficient in type I and II
interferon (IFN) signaling, as well as in controlling viral replication
ex vivo
. This defect in
innate immune resistance contributes to an impaired adaptive immune response, which
includes deficient expansion and cytolytic activity of LCMV-specific CD8+ T cells as well
as reduced serum titers of anti-LCMV IgG. Furthermore, the defect in anti-viral immunity
among microbiota-depleted mice may also reflect altered transcriptional response following
infection. Splenic mononuclear cells, isolated from GF mice, are deficient in expressing pro-
inflammatory cytokines when stimulated with purified MAMPs [
]. This defective
response is associated with reduced transcription of various inflammatory response genes
due to chromatin modification of the promoter region. These studies reveal a remarkable role
for commensal microbes in programing host systemic defense responses during steady state
conditions. Furthermore, as this influence is reversible, temporary depletion of the
microbiota is sufficient to compromise systemic immune resistance to pathogen invasion.
In addition to priming anti-viral immune responses during steady state conditions,
commensal microbes may also protect against systemic bacteremia. Neutrophils isolated
from the bone marrow of antibiotic-treated or GF mice are attenuated in
ex vivo
killing of
extracellular pathogens
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pneumoniae
]. This
defect was reproduced in mice deficient in Nod1, a PRR which recognizes peptidoglycan
derived meso-diaminopimelic acid (mesoDAP), but not in mice deficient in other PRRs.
Molecules from intestinal microbes are found in the bone marrow neutrophil stores,
indicating that direct stimulation by commensal MAMPs primes neutrophil activity.
Appropriately, neutrophil antimicrobial activity among antibiotic-treated mice is rescued
following stimulation with Nod1 ligand. While it remains to be shown that the absence or
disruption of the microbiota actually reduces resistance to bacterial infection, these
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collective findings suggest immune priming by commensal microbes is critical in promoting
host resistance against systemic infections.
Defects in host-microbial symbiosis may predicate susceptibility to
Factors that determine an individual’s susceptibility to infectious disease remain largely
unknown. Here we suggest that environmental and genetic influences that disrupt the
microbiota or impede host sensing of commensal-derived signals may confer vulnerability to
pathogen infection (Fig. 3). As discussed earlier, depletion of the microbiota through
antibiotics is sufficient to compromise host immune function and increase the risk of
opportunistic infection. Other environmental factors that disrupt the composition of the
microbiota, including gastrointestinal infection or diet, may additionally serve as a risk
factor for disease [
]. Susceptibility to infection may even persist long after exposure to
the microbiota-disrupting agent. Tracking the intestinal commensal profile among patients
taking oral antibiotics revealed recovery in the composition of the microbiota following
cessation of therapy [
]. However, there is a delay of several weeks to months between the
final antibiotic administration and recovery of the microbiota to the pre-treatment
composition. This delay, in animal models, was associated with increased susceptibility to
infection, reflecting persistent consequences of antibiotic therapy [
]. Alternatively, certain
individuals display alterations for up to four years after antibiotic treatment, indicating a
defect in microbiota resilience [
]. We speculate that such a defect, while asymptomatic,
may compromise the protective contribution of the commensal microbiota to host immunity
and weaken resistance against pathogenic insult.
Defects in host sensing of the beneficial influence of commensal microbes may also serve as
a risk factor for disease. Nod2 is an intracellular PRR that recognizes muramyl dipeptide, a
conserved structural moiety of bacterial peptidoglycan [
]. Nod2 signaling promotes
expression of Paneth cell
-defensin, a class of antimicrobial peptides, that, similar to
, limits microbial contact with host tissue [
]. As a consequence of the diminished
-defensin production, Nod2-deficient mice display heightened susceptibility to
gastroenteritis by
Listeria monocytogenes
. Furthermore, as homozygous mutations in this
receptor are associated with increased incidence of Crohn’s disease, defects in host sensing
of commensal signals may be a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) by
reducing clearance of pathogenic bacteria [
]. Indeed, the finding that adhesive and
E. coli
(AIEC) are tightly associated with the intestinal epithelium among patients
with Crohn’s disease may support this notion [
Finally, the genetic selection of one’s microbiota composition may reflect individual
susceptibility to infection. NIH Swiss (NIH) mice are naturally resistant to gastrointestinal
infection with
C. rodentium
, compared to C3H/HeJ (HeJ) mice which develop lethal disease
]. Resistance among NIH mice is associated with increased expression of IL-22 and
, relative to HeJ mice. As the microbiota drives the expression of both antimicrobial
mediators, susceptibility to infection may be a function of gut bacterial community
composition. To test this hypothesis, HeJ mice were depleted of microbiota through
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antibiotic treatment, and colonized with intestinal microbes from NIH mice. The bacterial
community profile of transplanted mice was shown to resemble that of the NIH donor.
Remarkably, transfer of commensal microbes from NIH to HeJ mice is sufficient to promote
resistance to infection. Protection is associated with increased expression of IL-22 and
, and protection is lost following neutralization of IL-22. Reciprocally,
transplantation of HeJ microbiota to NIH mice increased disease burden to
C. rodentium
Finally, pups in the subsequent generation inherit the microbiomes transferred to their
parents. Offspring remarkably display resistance patterns to
C. rodentium
infection relative
to their microbiota composition, rather than their genetics. These data suggest that familial
history of infectious disease may not only reflect the inheritance of susceptibility genes, but
possibly the vertical transmission of a microbiota that is less protective against pathogen
The evidence summarized in this review suggests that disruption of the microbiota through
environmental influences may compromise immune function, leading to increased
susceptibility to infectious disease. In particular, we propose that antibiotic use may
paradoxically promote bacterial and viral infections by depleting immune-promoting gut
bacteria. For example, antibiotics are routinely administered in the hospital to patients
admitted for various non-bacterial illnesses. Not only can this practice select for antibiotic-
resistant microbes (an extensively reported phenomenon), but may also lead to nosocomial
infections by reducing the ability of the immune system to fight infections. Furthermore,
antibiotic use over several generations may reduce gut bacteria diversity in entire
populations, a notion proposed by the ‘disappearing microbiota’ hypothesis [
]. In cases
where antimicrobial use is justified, we speculate that the administration of commensal-
derived products that promote immunity may represent a viable companion therapy to
antibiotics. Given the rise of antibiotic resistance among pathogens and the potential loss of
beneficial microbes in Western societies, efforts that support microbiome-mediated
protection may be an effective approach to achieve resistance to infectious disease in the
post-antibiotic era.
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Review highlights
Commensal microbes are critical in promoting host resistance against
infectious disease.
Protection by the microbiota from infection can be achieved through direct
competition with pathogenic microorganisms for space and/or nutrients.
Priming of immune responses by the microbiota to combat pathogens
represents a potentially novel approach to control infectious disease.
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Figure 1. The intestinal microbiota promotes three levels of protection against enteric infection
I, Saturation of colonization sites and competition for nutrients by the microbiota limit
pathogen association with host tissue. II, Commensal microbes prime barrier immunity by
driving expression of mucin, immunoglobulin A (IgA) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs)
that further prevents pathogen contact with host mucosa. III, Finally, the microbiota
enhances immune responses to invading pathogens. This is achieve by promoting IL-22
expression by T cells and NKp46+ cells, which increases epithelial resistance against
infection, as well as priming secretion of IL-1B by intestinal monocytes (M
) and dendritic
cells (DCs), which promotes recruitment of inflammatory cells into the site of infection. In
conditions in which the microbiota is absent, such as following antibiotic treatment, there is
reduced competition, barrier resistance and immune defense against pathogen invasion.
Khosravi and Mazmanian
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 November 20.
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Figure 2. The commensal microbiota primes barrier immunity
Direct stimulation of epithelial Toll-like receptors (TLRs) by commensal MAMPs primes
expression of RegIII
(a). Production of RegIII
is essential to limit microbial contact with
host mucosa. As such, defects in TLR function results in deficient RegIII
resulting in an increased association of commensal microbes with host tissue as well as a
heighten risk of infection with enteric pathogens (b). Additionally, reduced TLR stimulation
as a consequence of the depletion of the microbiota is sufficient to reduce RegIII
expression and render the host susceptible to infection.
Khosravi and Mazmanian
Page 12
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 November 20.
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Figure 3. Disruption of host-microbial symbiosis as a risk factor for infectious disease
Exposure to pathogenic microorganisms is often insufficient to cause disease. Rather,
susceptibility to infectious disease reflects deficient immune resistance to pathogen
challenge. As such, exogenous and endogenous factors that directly compromise individual
immune function (including genetic immune defects and chemotherapy) are significant risk
factors for infection. We extend this model by proposing that the factors that disrupt the
protective benefits of the commensal microbiota similarly compromise individual immune
integrity and predispose to infectious disease.
Khosravi and Mazmanian
Page 13
Curr Opin Microbiol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 November 20.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript