Supplementary Material
DNA Oxidation by Charge Transport in Mitochondria#
Edward J. Merino and Jacqueline K. Barton*
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Figure S1
. PAGE gel showing primer extension of functioning mitochondria upon
treatment with proteinase K. Functioning mitochondria in homogenized cell were
purified as described in the text. The homogenized cells (200
L) were treated with 2
of proteinase K at 37
C for 30 minutes. Primer extension of untreated homogenized cells
and subsequent primer extension yields the same repetitive stop pattern. Addition of
proteinase K gives a new uninterrupted primer extension product (red triangle) that
corresponds to DNA without bound protein. This indicates that the stop pattern is
dependent on protein within the mitochondria.
Supplementary Figure S1