Time-resolved reflectance
measurements on layered tissues
with strongly varying optical
Andreas H. Hielscher, Hanli Liu, Lihong V. Wang, Frank K.
Tittel, Britton Chance, et al.
Andreas H. Hielscher, Hanli Liu, Lihong V. Wang, Frank K. Tittel, Britton
Chance, Steven L. Jacques, "Time-resolved reflectance measurements on
layered tissues with strongly varying optical properties," Proc. SPIE 2323,
Laser Interaction with Hard and Soft Tissue II, (18 January 1995); doi:
Event: International Symposium on Biomedical Optics Europe '94, 1994, Lille,
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Time resolved reflectance measurements on layered tissues
with strongly varying optical properties
Andreas H. Hielscher1'2, Hanli Liu3, L. Wang1,
Frank K. Tittel2, Britton Chance3 and Steven L. Jacques1
1University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Laser Biology Research Laboratory, Houston, Texas 77030
2Rice University, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Houston, Texas 77251-1892
3University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6089
Most biological tissues consist of layers with different optical properties. A few
examples are the skin, the esophagus, the stomach and the wall of arteries. An
understanding of how the light propagates in such layered systems, is a prerequisite for any
light based therapy or diagnostic scheme. For example different methods like continuous
light, time or frequency resolved reflectance measurements have been employed to
determine the blood oxygenation status of the brain. 1,2,3 However, little attention has been
paid to the fact that the brain is actually encapsulated by several layers of optically very
different tissues (skin, skull, meninges). The arachnoid, a substructure of the meninges, is
almost absorption and scattering free. On the other hand the capillary bed in the gray
matter has a high content of strongly absorbing blood.
In this study we investigated the influence of these kind of layers on time resolved
reflectance measurements. Experiments were performed on layered gel phantoms and the
results compared to Monte Carlo simulations and diffusion theory. It is shown that when a
low absorbing medium is situated on top of a high absorbing medium, the absorption
coefficient of the lower layer is accessible if the differences in the absorption coefficient
are only small. In the case of large difference the optical properties of the upper layer
dominate the signal and shield information on the lowest layer. The degree of this shielding
effect depends on layer thickness as well as optical properties.
In the case of an almost absorption and scattering free layer inbetween two normal
tissues, an overall increase of the signal is visible. However, the overall shape of the curve
is about preserved. The apparent scattering coefficient is slightly decrease, while the
apparent absorption coefficient is unaltered.
Time resolved reflectance measurements on tissues can be used to determine the
absorption and reduced scattering coefficient (ga,
of tissues.4 In this technique a pico
second pulsed light source is used as an input signal and the reflectance is measured as a
function of time at a distance of a few centimeter. A detailed description of the
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experimental set up, which uses the method of single photon counting, can be found
Once the time resolved signal has been obtained, the absorption and scattering
coefficient can be found by fitting a diffusion theory curve to the data. Assuming a semi-
infinite medium the zero boundary condition one finds for the reflectance R measured at a
distance r at time t (for a more detailed derivation see [4]):
r2+(1/ ')2 i
R(r,t) =
ic c D)312 t5'2 exp(
the reduced scattering coefficient, D =
the diffusion coefficient
and c the speed of light in the medium. Eq. (1) can be linearized in ia and is' by taking
the natural logarithm of R and assuming p'>>l:
ln(R(r,t)) =
5/2 ln(t)
( c
t + )
with a =
This provides a simple and fast linear fitting algorithm. Notice that for t<< 1 ,
which is
usually much larger than .ta dominates the behavior of the reflectance signal. For t>>O on
the other hand ia has the strongest influence.
It has to be emphasized that the expression given in Eq.(2) is derived for a semi-
infinite medium with the so called zero boundary condition. This boundary conditions is an
oversimplification and leads to a deviation of diffusion theory from the actual data at early
times.6 In general oncan say that the closer the source detector separation the higher the
overestimation of the scattering and underestimation of the ia. Using a more appropriate
boundary condition leads to better results at early times, however for the price of
complexity.7 A linearization of Eq.(1) in .ta and is' is not possible anymore and more
advanced and more time consuming fitting algorithms are required. As a rule of thumb we
found that for the optical properties of interest, the diffusion theory with zero boundary
condition can be considered accurate after ''5OOps.6 Thus fitting data only beyond this
point leads to an accurate determination of especially of the absorption coefficient .ta. In
the case of blood oxygenation measurements of the brain, ia is actually the parameter of
interest. Inaccuracies in the determination are in this case acceptable.
In medical situation one usually does not encounter a semi-infinite homogenous
medium. The first approximation (semi-infinite) is actually acceptable, since for all practical
purposes significant contribution to measurements come only from a few centimeters
around the source. However, the second assumption (homogenous) is almost always not
true. Tissues are more or less in homogenous. The strongest absorbers, like blood, are
actually localized in blood vessels which are surrounded by low absorbing background
tissues. Furthermore one frequently encounters layered tissue structures. Layers can be as
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thin as a few im (e.g. the epidermis) up to about a centimeter (e.g. skull). Details of the
actual tissue structure are often unknown. The question arises: Can time resolved
reflectance spectroscopy nevertheless yield some useful information? Can the simple
linear fitting routine based on Eq.(2) still be applied and how have the results to be
3.1. Low absorbing layer on high absorbing medium
An example is considered in the Fig. 1 .
a time resolved Monte Carlo simulation8
of two homogenous media and one layered medium is shown. The layered medium is
composite of the material which constitutes the two homogenous media. The 4 mm thick
upper layer has a low absorption coefficient of .ta 0.01 cm1. The underlying bulk material
has a twenty-time higher absorption coefficient. The scattering coefficient '
= 10
cm1 is
the same in both media. It can be seen that the time response of the layered tissue follows in
the early time the curve (I) for the homogenous medium with lower absorption. The
photons travel only in the upper layer and are not influenced by the lower, stronger
absorbing bulk material. After roughly 150 ps curve (III) and (I) start to deviate. This
indicates that photons which have reached the lower layer contribute to the signal. After
—5OO P5 the curve of the layered medium becomes parallel to the curve (II) of the homo-
genous medium with the optical properties of the underlying medium. As discussed earlier,
the absorption coefficient of a tissue mostly influences the late part of the time resolved
reflectance. Thus a fit of diffusion theory (Eq.(2)) to curve (II) (homogenous medium) and
curve (III) (layered medium) yields the same 1a. This suggests, that one can measure through
the upper layer the absorption coefficient ia of the hidden tissue. The layered structure of
the tissue seems only to affect the apparent scattering coefficient.
This might be surprising, on the first view. However, if one considers that after 1 ns the
photons actually have traveled -22 cm in the tissue (n=1 .37). This means that by far most of
the time a photon propagates, it spends in the lower layer. The 4 mm thick upper layer
becomes optically thinner and thinner the more time elapses.
In Figure 2 another Monte Carlo simulation is shown. The absorption coefficient of
the lower layer has been increased ten times to
2 cm and is thus 200 time higher than
the ia of the upper layer. Now the slope of the time resolved impulse response measured on
layered system is not any longer parallel to the homogenous medium with the high
absorption. Thus, a diffusion theory fit gives different scattering and absorption coefficient
for both system.
The results of the simulations were also tested experimentally on layered tissue
phantoms, made out of collagen gels. Ti02 powder was added to the gel to introduce
scatterers into the medium. India ink in different concentrations served as absorber. Gels with
different optical properties were stacked on top of each other to yield a layered tissue
structure. As a light source a pulsed laser diode with a wavelength of 780 nm and a pulse
with of —5O
was used. The findings from Monte Carlo simulations could be confirmed as
shown in figure 3. Through the upper layer one can measure the absorption coefficient of
the underlying medium, by fitting the late part of the time resolved reflectance if the
difference in absorption coefficient is not to high. Different thicknesses of the upper layer
seem only to affect the amplitude of the signal, but not the determination of the absorption
coefficient of the lower layer. In Fig.4 the absorption coefficient of the lower layer has been
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