1. 2-dimensional model simulations

The model runs were performed using the 2-dimensional model described
in Rinsland et al. [2003], with a resolution of 9.5 deg in latitude
and 1.2 km in altitude. The 2-D residual circulation and eddy diffusion
coefficients were calculated from observed climatological values of temperature,
H2O, zonal wind, and ozone [Fleming et al., 1999]. Rate constants for chemical
reactions were taken from the JPL Evaluation 2002 [Sander et al., 2003],
photolysis cross sections were taken from the JPL Evaluation 2000
[Sander et al., 2000].

The CH3CN chemistry included reactions of CH3CN with OH and Cl with rates
based on Sander et al. [2003]

CH3CN + OH -> products   (A = 7.8e-13 cm3/molec.s,  Ea/R = 1050 K),      (1)

CH3CN + Cl -> products   (A = 1.6e-11 cm3/molec.s,  Ea/R = 2140 K),      (2)

where the rate consant is expressed by k = A exp(-Ea/RT), and T is temperature.
Furthermore reactions with atomic oxygen were included

CH3CN + O(3P) -> products   (A = 7.3e-13 cm3/molec.s,  Ea/R = 2385 K),   (3)

CH3CN + O(1D) -> products   (k = 1e-10 cm3/molec.s).                     (4)

The rate coefficients of reaction (3) were taken from Bonnano et al. [1977].
The uniform reaction rate constant for reaction (4) is based on an assumption
by Arjis and Brasseur [1986]. No CH3CN photolysis was included in the model
as solar photodissociation is supposed to be unimportant compared to the
reaction with OH radicals [Sander et al., 2003].

The model was initialized with a uniform CH3CN volume mixing ratio of
150 ppt at the surface, leading to CH3CN mixing ratios slightly lower
than 150 ppt at the tropopause.

2. References

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Simulation of stratospheric tracers using an improved empirically-based
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Sander, S. P., R. R. Friedl, W. B. DeMore, A. R.Ravishankara,
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M. J. Molina, and G. K., Moortgat, Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data
for Use in Stratospheric Modeling, Evaluation 13, Supplement to Evaluation 12:
Update of Key Reactions, NASA JPL Pub. 00-3, 2000.

Sander, S. P., D. M. Golden, M. J. Kurylo, R. E. Huie, V. L. Orkin,
G. K. Moortgat, A. R. Ravishankara, C. E. Kolb, M. J. Molina, and
B. J. Finlayson-Pitts, Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for
Use in Atmospheric Studies: Evaluation Number 14,
NASA JPL Pub. 02-25, 2003.