Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for
measuring SO
– impact on accuracy and precision
Pamela S. Rickly
, Lu Xu
, John D. Crounse
, Paul O. Wennberg
, and Andrew W. Rollins
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA
Chemical Sciences Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, CO 80305, USA
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Pamela S. Rickly (
Received: 27 October 2020 – Discussion started: 9 November 2020
Revised: 1 February 2021 – Accepted: 12 February 2021 – Published: 26 March 2021
This work describes key improvements made to
the in situ laser-induced fluorescence instrument for mea-
suring sulfur dioxide (SO
) that was originally described by
Rollins et al. (2016). Here, we report measurements of the
fluorescence emission spectrum. These measurements
allow for the determination of the most appropriate bandpass
filters to optimize the fluorescence signal, while reducing the
instrumental background. Because many aromatic species
fluoresce in the same spectral region as SO
, fluorescence
spectra were also measured for naphthalene and anisole to
determine if ambient SO
measurements could be biased in
the presence of such species. Improvement in the laser sys-
tem resulted in better tunability, and a significant reduction in
the 216.9 nm laser linewidth. This increases the online/offline
signal ratio which, in turn, improves the precision and speci-
ficity of the measurement. The effects of these improvements
on the instrumental sensitivity were determined by analyzing
the signal and background of the instrument, using varying
optical bandpass filter ranges and cell pressures and calcu-
lating the resulting limit of detection. As a result, we report
an improvement to the instrumental sensitivity by as much as
50 %.
1 Background
Sulfur dioxide (SO
) is responsible for a number of health
and environmental impacts. Through reaction with the hy-
droxyl radical (OH), SO
produces sulfuric acid, which af-
fects the pH of aqueous particles and leads to acid deposition.
Sulfuric acid also condenses onto organic and black carbon
particles, producing sulfate, which increases the aerosol hy-
groscopicity and influences the accumulation of aerosol liq-
uid water (Fiedler et al., 2011; Carlton et al., 2020). Sul-
furic acid is believed to be the most important source gas
globally for homogeneous nucleation and growth of new
aerosol particles, which may occur primarily in the tropical
upper troposphere (Brock et al., 1995; Dunne et al., 2016;
Williamson et al., 2019). SO
and sulfate particles can be
transported long distances, driving the production of haze
pollution in areas downwind of SO
emissions (Andreae et
al., 1988). Both the direct radiative forcing from aerosol
and the indirect forcing from aerosol–cloud interactions are
important for climate. While both tend to produce an off-
set to greenhouse-gas-induced warming by reducing incom-
ing shortwave radiation, the effect of aerosol–cloud interac-
tions is complicated and produces large uncertainties in cli-
mate models (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts, 2000; IPCC, 2021).
Changing emissions distributions, coupled with an incom-
plete understanding of the chemistry and microphysics asso-
ciated with sulfur and aerosol formation in the atmosphere,
necessitates further studies which require precise and accu-
rate measurements of SO
throughout the troposphere and
lower stratosphere.
Regulation of anthropogenic emissions has resulted in de-
creased atmospheric SO
concentrations in the United States
and Europe since the 1970s. However, during the early 21st
century, emissions began increasing dramatically in Asia as
a result of increased fossil fuel burning (Smith et al., 2011;
Hoesly et al., 2018). The main source of SO
to the tro-
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
P. S. Rickly et al.: Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for measuring SO
posphere is through direct emission, followed by oxidation
of dimethyl sulfide (DMS). The remaining pathways of SO
formation, H
, and carbonyl sulfide (OCS) oxidation,
contribute negligible fluxes (Feinberg et al., 2019). As of
2014, global emission rates of SO
were reported to be ap-
proximately 113 Tg S yr
– more than double the flux dur-
ing the 1950s (Hoesly, et al., 2018). Anthropogenic sources
of sulfur, mainly from fossil fuel combustion and smelting,
are the largest global sources of SO
to the atmosphere and,
as of the year 2000, comprised around 67 % of total global
emissions (Feinberg et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2011; Smith
et al., 2011). Biogenic sources make up a small but signif-
icant fraction of SO
emissions, with the majority derived
from marine phytoplankton, in the form of dimethyl sulfide,
which exhibits a global source rate that is approximately
26 % of total global SO
input (Lee et al., 2011; Feinberg
et al., 2019).
Although global emission rates of SO
have continued to
decrease since the early 21st century, atmospheric sulfur con-
centrations are expected to be affected by continued climate
change and could represent feedback mechanisms within
the climate system. Due to reductions in sulfur deposition,
Hinckley et al. (2020) found that farmers in the United States
need to apply sulfur-containing fertilizer to croplands to en-
hance nitrogen uptake to plants at a rate of 20–300 kg S yr
In addition, Kesselmeier et al. (1993) reported that terrestrial
sources of sulfur exhibit behavior similar to monoterpenes
in that they are light and temperature dependent. This sug-
gests that increasing sulfur emissions are likely to occur as
global temperatures continue to rise. Lastly, the effect of cli-
mate warming on the variability in moisture conditions, and
increased land use change, is expected to increase both the
frequency and duration of biomass burning events, which are
expected to further increase sulfur emissions (Westerling et
al., 2006; Heyerdahl et al., 2002). In conjunction, while fos-
sil fuel burning sources of SO
are continuing to decrease, it
is likely that these climate-related and additive sources may
keep SO
emissions from returning to preindustrial levels.
Even small SO
mixing ratios can produce important ef-
fects. Remote regions, including much of the equatorial ma-
rine boundary layer, exhibit mixing ratios of SO
of the or-
der of 100 ppt (parts per trillion). Still, in these regions, the
biogenic SO
may be the primary source of cloud condensa-
tion nuclei. In addition, convective transport from these re-
gions into the tropical tropopause layer can allow these small
sources to reach the lower stratosphere. Sulfate aerosol life-
times in the stratosphere are approximately 100 times that of
aerosol within the lower troposphere, allowing them to per-
sist for 1–2 years (Holton et al., 1995). As a result, sources
of sulfate aerosol and aerosol precursor species reaching the
UT/LS (upper troposphere; lower stratosphere) are dispro-
portionately important for climate compared to short-lived
aerosols in the lower troposphere. However, to date, few
studies have reported measurements of SO
in the UT/LS
(Inn et al., 1981; Georgii and Meixner, 1980; Rollins et
al., 2017, 2018). Understanding in detail the impact that SO
has on the stratosphere is only becoming increasingly im-
portant as discussions of albedo modification by injection of
into the stratosphere are becoming more common (Na-
tional Research Council, 2015).
Despite the potential implications that changing SO
centrations present in the UT/LS and the remote lower tropo-
sphere, few in situ measurements are routinely made in either
of these areas. Most direct measurements have been made
through the use of pulsed fluorescence instruments which
are available commercially; however, this technique tends
to exhibit interferences from other fluorescent species and
limited precision. Most measurements of SO
with parts per
trillion by volume (pptv SO
) precision have been made us-
ing chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS). Many
ionization chemistry schemes can be sensitive to
variations in ambient water vapor, complicating tropospheric
measurements (Huey et al., 2004; Eger et al., 2019). Opera-
tion of CIMS instruments on unpressurized aircraft capable
of reaching the tropical lower stratosphere (
17 km) is also
challenging from an engineering perspective.
As an alternative, the development of a compact, in situ
laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)-based SO
instrument was
recently reported by Rollins et al. (2016), with a 1
cision of 2 ppt over a 10 s integration period. That tech-
nique was developed and originally used to quantify SO
the UT/LS region on two NASA WB-57F missions, namely
VIRGAS (Volcano-plume Investigation Readiness and Gas-
phase and Aerosol Sulfur ) in 2015 and POSIDON (Pa-
cific Oxidants, Sulfur, Ice, Dehydration, and cONvection)
in 2016. In the UT/LS ,where potentially interfering fluo-
rescent species (e.g., aromatic compounds) are in negligible
concentrations, the instrument was used in a mode where the
excitation laser was maintained on an SO
resonance, and
the optical background was determined using periodic SO
free zero-air additions. However, it is expected that LIF mea-
surements of SO
in the more complex chemical environ-
ment of the troposphere, and especially in areas where fossil
fuel combustion is occurring and through biomass burning
plumes, might result in interferences from species, including
aromatics, that are also formed during these processes. Prior
to the deployment of the instrument on a NASA Global Hawk
mission in 2017 (HOPE-EPOCH), the LIF instrument was
improved to allow for rapid dithering of the excitation laser
on and off an SO
resonance and to allow for continuous dis-
crimination of SO
from other fluorescent species. It was also
operated this way during the NASA ATom-4 (Atmospheric
Tomography Mission) in 2018 and the NASA/NOAA Fire
Influence on Regional to Global Environments Experiment
– Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) experiment in 2019. Following
ATom-4, it has been investigated how further improvements
to the detection of SO
might be accomplished by quanti-
fying the spectral region of SO
fluorescence for separation
from scattering and identification of fluorescence emissions
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021
P. S. Rickly et al.: Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for measuring SO
from potentially interfering aromatic species. Here, we report
on these recent improvements and use of the instrument.
2 Laser-induced fluorescence
2.1 SO
Fluorescence occurs during the radiative relaxation of a
molecule after its absorption of a photon. Thus, the LIF sig-
nal is proportional to the molecular absorption cross sec-
tion at the laser wavelength and the quantum yield for flu-
orescence. A study by Manatt and Lane (1993) compiled
numerous measurements of SO
absorption cross sections
over varying wavelengths to find six absorption bands be-
tween 100 and 400 nm. Because strong absorption by oxy-
gen (O
) occurs below 200 nm, the three spectral regions be-
tween 200 and 400 nm are most appropriate for atmospheric
measurements of SO
. Excitation into the
state, with
a wavelength region of 170–235 nm, is typically chosen for
fluorescence detection due to the higher absorption cross
section and fluorescence quantum yield compared to longer
wavelengths. Pumping into the B or A bands (
λ >
240 nm),
while useful for absorption measurements, results in neg-
ligible fluorescence. Another consideration is the predisso-
ciation threshold near 218.7 nm (Bludský et al., 2000). As
a result, pumping at wavelengths less than
215 nm re-
sults in negligible fluorescence. Considering the absorption
cross section and fluorescence quantum yields, excitation at
220.6 nm is theorized to produce the maximum detectable
signal using LIF (Rollins et al., 2016).
Due to the limited availability of practical laser technol-
ogy for airborne instrumentation, Rollins et al. (2016) tar-
geted a band head at 216.9 nm through the use of the fifth
harmonic produced from a tunable 1084.5 nm fiber-amplified
diode laser. The detected fluorescence was selected using
a long-pass filter (Thorlabs FGUV5) in combination with
a bandpass filter (Asahi XUV0400), allowing transmission
of the red-shifted fluorescence in the wavelength region of
240–400 nm. A more detailed description of the LIF SO
strument can be found in Rollins et al. (2016). Generally,
while precision sufficient for measurements in the UT/LS
was achieved (2 ppt over 10 s integration period), the de-
tection limit was primarily controlled by the background
from scattered photons, and it was anticipated that, in pol-
luted regions where other fluorescent species exist, the detec-
tion limit might be further degraded due to these additional
sources of background.
2.2 Laser subsystem improvements
The SO
instrument uses a custom-built fiber laser sys-
tem. Pulses from a fiber-coupled tunable diode laser near
1084.5 nm are used to seed a fiber amplifier system. Orig-
inally, the seed laser operated in a gain-switching mode,
where short pulses of current injected into the seed laser gen-
erated the
1 ns optical output pulses. In the present design,
the seed laser is instead operated in a constant current mode,
and its output is modulated using a fiber-coupled electro-
optic modulator (EOM). The EOM can produce pulses of
less than 1 ns full width at half maximum and with an extinc-
tion ratio of 40 dB. While the original design was somewhat
simpler to operate than the present design, gain-switching
of the seed laser significantly broadened the laser spectrum
and eliminated the possibility of tuning the laser wavelength
by modulating the seed laser injection current. Instead, the
wavelength of the system was tuned by adjusting the temper-
ature of the seed laser, which had a settling time of the order
of seconds. The new design is also operated at a laser rep-
etition rate of 200 kHz instead of the 25 kHz of the original
design. This reduces the peak power leading to less spectral
broadening within the fibers and also increases the dynamic
range of the single-photon-counting LIF signal to 200 kHz
rather than 25 kHz. While less UV laser power is achieved
with the higher repetition rate and lower pulse energy, the
overall sensitivity to SO
improves because the SO
trum can now be fully resolved, which increases the convo-
lution of the SO
spectrum with the laser spectrum.
Output from the fiber amplifier is passed through three
nonlinear crystals (KTP, LBO, and BBO), in the same config-
uration as described by Rollins et al. (2016), to produce the
fifth harmonic of the fiber output at 216.9 nm with, typically,
1 mW of power. Overall, injecting the seed laser at constant
current and operating the amplifier with lower peak powers
results in a significantly narrower laser linewidth. Due to the
narrower laser linewidth, the Doppler-broadened SO
trum can now be fully resolved (Fig. 1). This significantly in-
creases the effective SO
absorption cross section. The laser
wavelength can also be tuned rapidly to measure on and off
an SO
resonance many times for each second, which elim-
inates spectral interferences from other fluorescent species
(Fig. 2).
2.3 Fluorescence background
Signal on the detector may result from SO
fluorescence or
from a host of other sources. These include Rayleigh, Raman,
or aerosol scattering or fluorescence from the LIF chamber or
windows and red-shifted fluorescence from other gases and
aerosols in the sample. Because the SO
absorption spectrum
has a fine structure, the signal from SO
can selectively be
reduced by more than 1 order of magnitude by tuning the
laser less than 10 pm off an SO
resonance (Fig. 1). All other
sources of photons, however, are expected to have no ap-
preciable structure at this spectral resolution. Therefore, the
signal from SO
can accurately be distinguished from other
photon sources by constantly tuning the laser on and off an
The instrumental precision, however, is determined by the
Poisson counting statistics of the sum of the SO
cence and background signals which, at low SO
mixing ra-
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021
P. S. Rickly et al.: Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for measuring SO
Figure 1.
absorption cross section (red; right axis) in compari-
son with laser scans by the LIF SO
instrument (blue and cyan; left
axis). The online wavelength is identified as the largest absorption
cross-section peak.
Figure 2.
measurements, performed at 10 Hz, showing a large
distinction between online and offline signals. Background mea-
surements with zero air show the signal to be negligible in the ab-
sence of SO
tios, is dominated by the non-SO
count rate. Therefore, the
detection limit is determined by these background sources of
Knowledge of the SO
emission spectrum is key for
choosing detection bandpass filters to maximize the SO
nal, while minimizing the detection of photons from non-
sources. While the Rayleigh and Raman scatter by N
and O
occur at constant and known wavelengths, red-shifted
fluorescence from other gases and aerosols may vary by com-
pound. Many aromatic species have been reported to have
non-negligible absorption cross sections and fluorescence
quantum yields when pumped near 216.9 nm. Because aro-
matics and SO
are co-emitted during combustion of many
fuels, it is important to understand the affect they may pro-
duce on ambient LIF SO
While many aromatics are released during combustion,
two compounds reported as having large emission ratios and
significant absorption cross sections at 216.9 nm are naph-
thalene and anisole (Grosch et al., 2015; Koss et al., 2018;
Mangini et al., 1967; Warneke et al., 2011). Emission ratios
of these compounds are dependent on the type of combus-
tion, fossil fuel, or biomass and the elements involved in
the combustion. Naphthalene is released through both fos-
sil fuel combustion and biomass burning, with the latter pro-
ducing an emission ratio greater than 1 ppb
ppm CO (ppb –
parts per billion; ppm – parts per million; carbon monoxide;
Warneke et al., 2011). Anisole is primarily released through
biomass burning, with an emission ratio reported in combi-
nation with cresol as 1.5 ppb
ppm CO (Koss et al., 2018).
The absorption cross sections reported for these compounds
near 216.9 nm are 2
for naphtha-
lene (Grosch et al., 2015) and 2
for anisole (Mangini et al., 1967). With the emission ratio
of SO
being similar to these aromatics, in addition to sim-
ilar absorption cross sections, it is anticipated that aromat-
ics could significantly interfere with ambient SO
ments. To optimize the detection of the fluorescence spectral
region for SO
, we measured the spectral distributions of the
fluorescence emission from SO
, naphthalene, and anisole.
3 Measurement of scattering and fluorescence spectra
The optical bench used for the LIF SO
detection is shown in
Fig. 3. The 216.9 nm laser, approximately 1 mW, enters the
cell perpendicular to the entrance of the sampled air. Sam-
pled air (2500 standard cubic centimeters per minute – sccm)
enters the system through a custom butterfly valve machined
from PEEK (polyether ether ketone) that reduces the pressure
to 170 mbar, which shows minimal change through the sam-
ple cell. The majority of the gas exits the sample cell opposite
to the inlet, while 250 sccm is exhausted through each of the
cell side arms to eliminate dead space in the flow system.
Detection of the fluorescence is then measured orthogonally
to both the sample flow and laser axes. A UV-fused silica
aspheric lens (Edmund Optics; numerical aperture of 0
5) is
used to collect approximately 10 % of the solid angle relative
to the center of the cell. After passing through the measure-
ment cell, the beam passes through a LIF reference cell with
a similar arrangement to the measurement cell. A constant
flow with a mixing ratio near 500 ppb SO
is maintained in
the reference cell. Feedback from the reference cell is used to
ensure that the laser is tuned to the SO
resonance peak and
to quantify any changes in the instrument sensitivity due to
changes in the laser spectrum. The exhausts of the measure-
ment and reference cells are tied together, such that small
perturbations in the system pressure will also be equally ob-
served in the two cells. A National Instruments CompactRIO
(cRIO) computer system is used for controlling all timing re-
quirements. This includes the timing of the seed laser pulses,
amplification, and photon counting and gating.
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021
P. S. Rickly et al.: Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for measuring SO
Figure 3.
detection optical bench. PMTs (photomultiplier
tubes) are located above the plane of this schematic and oriented to
collect fluorescence from the center of each cell.
For measurements of the fluorescence emission spectra of
and aromatic compounds, the entrance of a round-to-
linear fiber optic bundle (ThorLabs FG105UCA) was placed
at the focal point of the lens where the fluorescence-detecting
photomultiplier tube (PMT) is typically located. The emis-
sion from the linear end of the fiber bundle was focused
by a collimating lens (74-UV; Ocean Insight) onto the en-
trance slit of a scanning monochromator (Acton Research
Corporation; model VM-502). Measurements were made
with the monochromator in the V configuration, with slit
sizes of 4 mm wide, using a Hamamatsu photomultiplier tube
(H12386-210) connected at the exit of the monochromator.
In order to measure the SO
fluorescence spectrum, a flow
of 46 sccm from a 5 ppm SO
gas cylinder (Scott-Marrin,
Inc.) was mixed with 2500 sccm zero air, producing a con-
centration of approximately 90 ppb that was sampled into
the cell. Figure 4a shows the observed spectrum in the pres-
ence (red) and absence (orange) of SO
. The signal observed
at 202–236 nm, in the absence of SO
, is primarily from
Rayleigh scatter of the laser, and the observed width is a mea-
sure of the spectral resolution of the experimental setup. Fig-
ure 4b shows just the SO
fluorescence calculated after the
subtraction of the background.
To verify the calibration and spectral resolution of the
monochromator, a low-pressure, double-bore mercury (Hg)
capillary lamp (Jelight Company Inc.) was positioned in
front of the fiber as a spectral reference. The atomic Hg
emission spectrum, from 200 too 500 nm, was measured us-
ing the monochromator to calibrate the monochromator and
show that the monochromator fiber setup produces a spec-
tral resolution with a full width half max (FWHM) of ap-
proximately 20 nm. Figure 4 shows that the SO
emission spectrum appears to occur in two regions. The main
peak is centered around 302 nm and produces a FWHM value
of 63 nm in our setup. A second peak may exist between
350–360 nm; however, it is not possible to accurately deter-
mine the peak position nor the width in this setup. Using the
monochromator with relatively wide slits was necessary to
achieve enough signal to measure the fluorescence emission
spectrum in our setup, and this somewhat exaggerates the
width of the emission spectrum in Figs. 4–6.
Measurements were similarly made with the aromatic
compounds. Zero air was passed through the headspace
of a vial containing a sample of pure (
99 %) crystalline
naphthalene (Sigma-Aldrich), which has a vapor pressure
of 0.04 mbar at 298 K. This resulted in a naphthalene con-
centration of approximately 3.6 ppm when the flow through
the vial was 100 sccm and the total flow through the instru-
ment was 1300 sccm. Liquid anisole (Sigma-Aldrich), with
a vapor pressure of 5 mbar at 298 K, was similarly used to
produce a concentration of approximately 26 ppm when the
flow through the vial was 10 sccm and the total flow was
2260 sccm (Ambrose et al., 1976). A comparison of the fluo-
rescence spectra of the aromatic compounds to the SO
rescence spectrum is shown in Fig. 5.
Anisole produces a similar fluorescence spectrum to the
main SO
emission peak, with a maximum at 304 nm. The
FWHM of 46 nm occurs between 286 and 332 nm, which is
the latter half of the largest SO
fluorescence peak. Simi-
larly, naphthalene produces a fluorescence spectrum peak-
ing at around 340 nm, with a FWHM value of 46 nm, which
slightly overlaps with the tail end of the largest SO
cence peak and nearly completely overlaps with the second
Figure 5 shows that aromatic compounds could produce
significant signal in the SO
instrument during measure-
ments in polluted environments. While naphthalene has
a similar absorption cross section and rate of collisional
quenching to SO
, its low-pressure fluorescence quantum
yield has been reported to be 2–3 times larger due to a lower
expected rate of photodissociation as a result of a larger dis-
sociation energy threshold (Hui and Rice, 1973; Martinez et
al., 2004; Reed and Kass, 2000; Suto et al., 1992). However,
the observed naphthalene signal in our experiment is approx-
imately 30 times lower than SO
. Because of its reduced rate
of photodissociation, the fluorescence lifetime of naphtha-
lene (340 ns) is much greater than that of SO
(30 ns; Hui
and Rice, 1973; Martinez et al., 2004). Therefore, the short
counting gate used in this work for SO
detection (25 ns) dis-
criminates the majority of the naphthalene signal from that of
No difference in the fluorescence emission (intensity or
spectral distribution) was observed for the aromatic com-
pounds with the laser tuned on or off the SO
This is consistent with expectations based on the literature,
as absorption cross sections for those compounds show no
fine structure comparable to the features in the SO
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021
P. S. Rickly et al.: Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for measuring SO
Figure 4.
Fluorescence spectrum observed from SO
(red) in addition to Rayleigh scattering and background (orange)
, and the absolute
fluorescence after subtraction of the background
Figure 5.
Fluorescence spectra of SO
(red), naphthalene (blue),
and anisole (gray) normalized by the calculated concentrations.
(Keller-Rudek et al., 2013). Therefore, these compounds
would only increase the instrument background, resulting in
reduced precision, and would result in unbiased ambient SO
measurements in areas of high aromatic concentrations.
4 Implementation of bandpass filters
In order to achieve the highest sensitivity and lowest limit
of detection, the impact of the fluorescence-detection band-
pass filters was further investigated. With the instrument
in its normal configuration for measuring SO
(PMT pho-
tocathode located at focal point of fluorescence collection
lens), different bandpass filters were used in front of the de-
tection cell PMT to directly measure the SO
signal and quantify the background scatter over a few dis-
crete regions of the spectrum. Figure 6 shows the fluores-
cence spectrum (red) and background (orange) observed us-
ing the monochromator scaled to the count rates observed
with each of the tested filters. It was observed that the back-
ground increases with wavelength until around 300 nm. After
this point, the background slowly decreases, reaching a min-
imum around 400 nm before increasing again near 420 nm.
The boxes and closed circles are indicative of the filter mea-
surements. The heights of the boxes indicate the fluorescence
signal observed, and the width shows the range in which
transmission was achievable with the filter. The closed cir-
Figure 6.
Adjusted SO
fluorescence spectrum (red line) and back-
ground (orange line; top and bottom panels). The filter measure-
ments (boxes and solid circles) show the filter range by the width
of the box, and the height indicates the observed signal. The solid
circles indicate the background observed for the corresponding fil-
ter. Filter 1 is the Semrock 300/SP-25 and the Semrock 244RS-25.
Filter 2 is the SCHOTT UG11 and the Semrock 244RS-25. Filter 3
is the Asahi XUV0400 and the Thorlabs FGUV5. Filter 4 is the
Semrock 280/10-25 and the Semrock 244RS-25.
cles indicate the background observed with the filter of the
corresponding color.
To optimize the SO
detection limit in zero air, the detec-
tion limit was calculated from the scaled SO
and background spectra, using a theoretical bandpass filter,
assuming a low pass of 246 nm and a variable high pass limit,
where 100 % transmission is observed in the pass band and
0 % transmission elsewhere. The detection limit was calcu-
lated with the filter high pass limit at 270 nm and in increas-
ing increments of 10 nm to the full spectrum at 500 nm. Fig-
ure 7 shows the results of this calculation as a function of the
high pass filter limit. As the upper end of the pass band is ini-
tially increased from 250 to 300 nm, the calculated detection
limit rapidly decreases due to significant gains in signal rel-
ative to background here. A minimum in the SO
limit occurs over the range of 350–450 nm, with a theoretical
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021
P. S. Rickly et al.: Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for measuring SO
Figure 7.
Calculated detection limit of the LIF SO
instrument (red
line), with the addition of 1 ppb naphthalene (blue line), and the
measured detection limit of Asahi XUV0400 bandpass filter (black
marker), with a 1 s integration period.
detection limit as low as 1.8 ppt over a 1 s integration period.
For polluted environments where 1 ppb of naphthalene may
be present, the detection limit would increase by 20 % within
this detection range due to the increased background from
naphthalene fluorescence.
The dielectric bandpass filter that we have used previously
for SO
measurements in the atmosphere (Asahi XUV0400)
efficiently reduces signal from Rayleigh scatter, and we find
that the additional inclusion of the absorptive glass filter
(Thorlabs FGUV5) originally used with this instrument is
no longer necessary. Removal of the FGUV5 filter allows
for greater transmission within the SO
fluorescence spec-
trum range and provides the largest signal-to-noise ratio of
the sampled bandpass filters. However, the transmission is
still limited to 80 %–95 % with the Asahi XUV0400 filter
alone in comparison to the theoretical filter. This results in
a detection limit of approximately 3.4 ppt over a 1 s integra-
tion period, as shown by the marker in Fig. 7. Testing showed
that the detection limit decreases with increasing pressure up
to at least 250 mbar (Fig. 8). Because predissociation lim-
its the SO
fluorescence lifetime to
5 ns, the fluorescence
quantum yield is rather insensitive to pressure in this regime,
and therefore, the signal increases linearly with pressure due
to the increased number density of SO
. While these mea-
surements were performed under dry conditions, ambient
measurements are expected to produce similar results be-
cause the short fluorescence lifetime will also limit the im-
portance of collisional quenching by water vapor (Rollins et
al., 2016). As a result, the detection limit can be reduced by
approximately 15 % by increasing the cell pressure to around
250 mbar. While this is beneficial for measurements in the
lower troposphere, UT/LS measurements will require the cell
pressure to remain less than 100 mbar in order for the instru-
ment to maintain an adequate flow rate.
Figure 8.
Measured LIF SO
detection limit over a pressure range
of 74–277 mbar.
Figure 9.
LIF signal as a result of ozone addition in the range of
0–8000 ppm.
5 Effect of ozone
Typical mixing ratios of ozone that can be encountered dur-
ing stratospheric sampling are not anticipated to affect the
LIF signal. However, due to the relatively high quantum
yield for SO
photolysis at 216.9 nm, forming primarily sul-
fur monoxide (SO), the possibility of significantly enhancing
the LIF signal through the chemiluminescent reaction of SO
with ozone was investigated using higher ozone mixing ra-
tios (Hui and Rice, 1972; Okabe, 1971; Ryerson et al., 1994).
Figure 9 shows the observed LIF signal in the presence of
significant additions of ozone to the inlet. At ozone additions
up to 2000 ppm, small increases in LIF signal were observed
with increasing O
(2 % LIF signal
ppm O
). This further
demonstrates that, at stratospheric O
mixing ratios acces-
sible by aircraft (
5 ppm), the signal changes by
10 %.
At O
above 2000 ppm, significant decreases in the LIF sig-
nal were observed. We attribute these decreases to photolysis
of O
at 216.9 nm, followed by destruction of SO
by fast
reaction (2
) with the atomic
oxygen produced by O
photolysis (Sander et al., 2011).
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021
P. S. Rickly et al.: Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for measuring SO
Figure 10.
Closed circles indicate the linearized count rate divided
by measured laser power observed during calibration. Dashed line
represents the fit to the calibration data, indicating a sensitivity of
26 cps mW
and background of 1000 cps mW
6 Field performance
With the instrument configured with the typical bandpass fil-
ter (Asahi XUV0400), and at a pressure of 170 mbar, cali-
brations were performed to assess the impact of the improve-
ments on the precision of the SO
measurement. Calibra-
tions of the instrument are performed in which a mixture
of zero air and SO
standard are introduced to the instru-
ment, with a mixing ratio range of around 1.6–8 ppb SO
This mixture is comprised of a flow of 1–5 sccm of 5 ppm
, with 3000 sccm zero air which has passed through a
scrubber, removing any SO
that may be present in
the zero air.
An example of the new calibration is shown in Fig. 10.
Typical sensitivity is 26 counts per second (CPS) per ppt for
and 1000 CPS of background. Thus, the background is
a photon count rate equivalent to 38 ppt of SO
. In our pre-
vious work (Rollins et al., 2016), we reported an in-flight
background of 480 CPS and sensitivity of 4.1 CPS per ppt or
a background equivalent to 117 ppt of SO
. Therefore, the
signal relative to background has increased threefold, which
we attribute primarily to the narrower laser linewidth in the
new configuration. With the new signal level, the 1
tion limit for 1 Hz measurements is 3.4 ppt. For 10 s of inte-
gration time, the detection limit would be 1.1 ppt, which is
nearly half of what we previously stated for 10 s of integra-
During the NASA ATom-4 field campaign, measurements
of SO
were acquired by both the LIF instrument and the
California Institute of Technology chemical ionization mass
spectrometer (CIT CIMS) instrument. ATom-4 sampled pri-
marily pristine air masses with a limited number of mea-
surements of ship emissions, biomass burning plumes, and
volcanic emissions. This allowed for the first in situ com-
parison between the current LIF technique and another SO
measurement method. CIT CIMS uses fluoride ion transfer
chemistry from CF
reagent ion (e.g., SO
O), followed by mass spectral analysis us-
ing a compact time-of-flight mass spectrometer (CToF) with
typical mass resolution of m
1200. The precision of
CIMS measurements degrades with increasing water vapor
concentration because of the rising interference of the formic
acid signal (CH
) which has a mass that
differs from SO
by only 0.054 Da. In the marine boundary
layer, when water vapor was
ppm, the CIMS SO
precision (1
standard deviation over a 1 s integration pe-
riod) is larger than 130 ppt, a value greater than the typical
concentration (
100 pptv) as reported by the LIF in-
strument. Therefore, CIMS measurements, when water va-
por was
ppm, are excluded from the comparison.
Figure 11a shows an orthogonal regression of both measure-
ments from ATom-4 at 10 s time resolution. Overall, an ex-
cellent correlation was observed between the two instruments
99). Furthermore, measurements during FIREX-AQ
acquired during smoke plume penetration again show excel-
lent correlation between the CIT CIMS and SO
LIF instru-
ments (Fig. 11b). This indicates that aromatic compounds are
not biasing the SO
LIF measurements. The CIMS instru-
ment reported 12 % and 10 % lower SO
than LIF during the
ATom-4 and FIREX-AQ missions, respectively. While these
are within the combined uncertainties of the measurements,
it indicates a systematic calibration error with one or both of
the instruments that has not been resolved at this time.
7 Summary
Rollins et al. (2016) reported a new, in situ method for mea-
suring SO
in the UT/LS using LIF. Here, we report improve-
ments to the technique that allow for measurements in pol-
luted areas containing other fluorescent species and an over-
all reduction in the detection limit. This was accomplished
by limiting non-SO
fluorescence background sources and
by improvements in the linewidth and tunability of the laser
system. Similar to SO
, aromatic species are largely emit-
ted during combustion processes, many of which have large
absorption cross sections near 216.9 nm and significant flu-
orescence quantum yields. To determine the effect of these
compounds on measuring SO
, the fluorescence spectra of
, and two aromatic compounds, naphthalene and anisole,
were measured. While strong overlap was exhibited in the
fluorescence spectra of these aromatic species with SO
, the
excitation spectrum of SO
has a fine structure near 216.9 nm
while the excitation spectra of the aromatics is relatively in-
variant near 216.9 nm. Therefore, these compounds will only
increase the background, slightly reducing the precision of
the instrument, but will not result in biased SO
ments. Similar consequences for the LIF SO
are expected from other aromatic species, since those species
generally do not have a fine structure in their excitation spec-
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021
P. S. Rickly et al.: Improvements to a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for measuring SO
Figure 11.
Correlation between CIT CIMS and LIF SO
all 12 of the NASA ATom-4 flights and
one FIREX-AQ flight on
3 August 2019. The dashed line represents the 1
1 ratio, and the solid line represents the orthogonal fit. The 10 s averaged data are used in
the ATom-4 comparison to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, and 1 s averaged data are used in the FIREX-AQ comparison.
The SO
fluorescence spectrum was also used to deter-
mine the bandpass filter application that would best limit the
amount of scatter observed and provide the best limit of de-
tection. Using a theoretical bandpass filter, with transmission
beginning at 246 nm, the ending transmission range, in which
the lowest detection limit is expected, is 350–450 nm. This is
expected to result in a detection limit of 1.8 ppt. Using the
Asahi XUV0400 bandpass filter, we are able to reach a de-
tection limit of 3.4 ppt.
Improvements in the laser system are responsible for sig-
nificant performance improvements over our previous work.
Here, we reduced the laser linewidth, which increased the
LIF signal by nearly a factor of 3. The laser wavelength is
now controlled by current tuning of the laser, which can be
performed rapidly, allowing for measurements of online and
offline fluorescence signals many times in a second. This
eliminates the possibility of spectral interferences from other
species such as aromatics. Increasing the laser repetition rate
from 25 to 200 kHz also greatly increased the dynamic range.
While it is shown that increasing the cell pressure to
around 250 mbar would reduce the limit of detection by ap-
proximately 15 %, this higher cell pressure can only be used
in the lower troposphere. Measurements in the UT/LS will
require the cell pressure to be operated near 40–50 mbar. It
was also demonstrated that increased ozone concentrations
observed in the UT/LS would not significantly influence LIF
measurements. The resulting production of O(
D) does
not become large enough to decrease SO
within the sam-
pling cell until reaching ozone concentrations greater than
4000 ppm, more than 2 orders of magnitude greater than
stratospheric ozone concentrations.
The culmination of these changes to the LIF SO
ment has resulted in an increased instrumental sensitivity and
lower limit of detection. Calibrations suggest that the instru-
mental sensitivity has improved by approximately 3 times,
relative to the background, from that reported in Rollins et
al. (2016). Comparison with measurements performed by
the CIT CIMS instrument during the NASA ATom-4 and
FIREX-AQ campaigns demonstrated good agreement. These
results suggest that the LIF SO
instrument is highly suitable
for measurements in both polluted and pristine environments.
Data availability.
The data collected for FIREX-AQ are available
from the NASA/NOAA FIREX-AQ data archive at https://www-air. (last access: 23 April 2019,
NASA/NOAA, 2019). The data collected for ATom-4 are avail-
able from the NASA ESPO data archive at https://espoarchive.nasa.
gov/archive/browse/atom/id14 (last access: 23 April 2019, NASA,
Author contributions.
The research was designed by PSR and
AWR. Measurements were taken by PSR, AWR, LX, JDC, and
POW. The paper was written by PSR, with contributions from all
Competing interests.
The authors declare that they have no conflict
of interest.
We would like to thank the NASA DC-8 crew
and management team for their support during ATom-4 and FIREX-
AQ integration and flights. We thank Michelle Kim and Hannah
Allen for operating CIT’s CIMS instrument during ATom-4.
Financial support.
This research was funded by the ATom investi-
gation, under NASA’s Earth Venture program, and the FIREX-AQ
investigation, under NASA’s Atmospheric Compostion: Upper At-
mospheric Composition Observations program CE8 (CIT grant nos.
NNX15AG61A and 80NSSC18K0660, respectively).
Review statement.
This paper was edited by Dwayne Heard and re-
viewed by two anonymous referees.
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2429–2439, 2021