of 7
Using Real-time Feedback To Improve Surgical Performance on a
Robotic Tissue Dissection Task
Jasper A. Laca
, Rafal Kocielnik
, Jessica H. Nguyen
, Jonathan You
, Ryan Tsang
Elyssa Y. Wong
, Andrew Shtulman
, Anima Anandkumar
, Andrew J. Hung
Center for Robotic Simulation and Education, Catherine and Joseph Aresty Department of Urology, USC Institute of Urology, University of Southern Ca
Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA;
Thinking Lab, Department
of Psychology, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Article info
Article history:
Accepted September 26, 2022
Associate Editor:
M. Carmen Mir
Surgical education
Robotic surgery
There is no standard for the feedback that an attending surgeon pro-
vides to a training surgeon, which may lead to variable outcomes in teaching cases.
To create and administer standardized feedback to medical students in
an attempt to improve performance and learning.
Design, setting, and participants:
A cohort of 45 medical students was recruited from
a single medical school. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups. Both
completed two rounds of a robotic surgical dissection task on a da Vinci Xi surgical
system. The first round was the baseline assessment. In the second round, one
group received feedback and the other served as the control (no feedback).
Outcome measurements and statistical analysis:
Video from each round was retrospec-
tively reviewed by four blinded raters and given a total error tally (primary out-
come) and a technical skills score (Global Evaluative Assessment of Robotic
Surgery [GEARS]). Generalized linear models were used for statistical modeling.
According to their initial performance, each participant was categorized as either
an innate performer or an underperformer, depending on whether their error tally
was above or below the median.
Results and limitations:
In round 2, the intervention group had a larger decrease in
error rate than the control group, with a risk ratio (RR) of 1.51 (95% confidence
interval [CI] 1.07–2.14;
= 0.02). The intervention group also had a greater increase
in GEARS score in comparison to the control group, with a mean group difference of
2.15 (95% CI 0.81–3.49;
< 0.01). The interaction effect between innate performers
versus underperformers and the intervention was statistically significant for the
error rates, at F(1,38) = 5.16 (
= 0.03). Specifically, the intervention had a statisti-
cally significant effect on the error rate for underperformers (RR 2.23, 95% CI 1.37–
< 0.01) but not for innate performers (RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.63–1.68;
= 0.91).
2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of European Association of Urology. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Corresponding author. University of Southern California Institute of Urology, 1441 Eastlake
Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA. Tel. +1 323 865 3700; Fax: +1 323 865 0120.
E-mail address:
(A.J. Hung).
available at www.sciencedirect.com
journal homepage: www.eu-openscience.europeanurology.com
Real-time feedback improved performance globally compared to the
control. The benefit of real-time feedback was stronger for underperformers than
for trainees with innate skill.
Patient summary:
We found that real-time feedback during a training task using a
surgical robot improved the performance of trainees when the task was repeated.
This feedback approach could help in training doctors in robotic surgery.
2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of European Association of
Urology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction
A surgeon’s formal training period involves learning from
many mentors who provide feedback during surgery. The
effectiveness of this feedback in improving the performance
of a trainee surgeon ultimately dictates surgical outcomes.
Oneofthemainchallengeswiththecurrentstatus quois that
there is no established standard for feedback delivered by
mentors. One mentor’s methodology may differ significantly
from that of another. Trainee surgeons subjected to variable
feedback may produce variable surgical outcomes, both dur-
fact that some trainee surgeons are naturally gifted, while
others need more help in their training
Despite the challenges of the status quo, the benefits of
surgical mentorship are hard to dispute. However, there is
no means to continue mentorship beyond formal training,
which represents another challenge. Young surgeons who
have finished their formal training may lose out on the
potential benefits of mentorship before they have achieved
surgical mastery, a milestone that is likely to be achieved
well after training.
Research has shown that surgical mentoring in robotic
surgery can improve a trainee surgeon’s task acquisition
. Without standardization, however, there is no guaran-
tee that mentoring will consistently have a positive effect.
Recent research has shown that the process of providing
feedback can be further automated with an auto-mentor
. Automated feedback may solve the problem of mentor
inconsistency and maintain the benefits of efficacious men-
toring for as long as an individual might need it.
In a previous study we used feedback that was tailored to
the individual trainee surgeon on the basis of their perfor-
. The summative feedback was provided weekly
following each training session from the previous week.
Individuals who received feedback had accelerated task
acquisition in comparison to a control group with no feed-
back. While the feedback was able to improve the long-
term performance, it was unable to improve performance
of the immediate task.
In this present study we explored the effect of standard-
ized real-time feedback on a simulated dissection task. The
goal of the feedback is to aid the trainee surgeon’s learning
We hypothesize that: (H1) feedback leads to improve-
ments in surgical performance, measured as the error rate
(H1a) and technical skills score (H1b), in comparison to a
control; and (H2) participants who initially perform worse
show a greater improvement after the intervention in com-
parison to those who initially perform well, measured as the
error rate (H2a) and technical skills score (H2b).
2. Materials and methods
A group of novice medical students without any surgical experience
completed a simulated dissection procedure on a da Vinci robotic system
(Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The task involved: removal of the premarked top
of a clementine skin and then exposing and removing a single segment
of the interior fruit.
The study was designed as a two-task repetition spread over two
separate sessions. The first session consisted of a brief training period,
during which the participant was given a standardized introductory
course on how to use the da Vinci surgical robot. This involved standard-
ized instruction from a proctor, followed by two practice tasks. The prac-
tice tasks served as an opportunity for the participant to test all of the
introductory skills needed to complete the experimental task.
The participant then completed a baseline/control clementine task
(round 1). After all the participants had completed the first session, they
were randomized into two groups (group 1 and group 2) with equal
average performance scores. In the second session, participants com-
pleted the task once more (round 2), during which group 1 received
feedback while group 2 did not. Depending on whether they scored
above or below the median during round 1, participants in each group
were individually categorized as either an innate performer (IP) or an
underperformer (UP) for further analyses.
Endoscope video and audio (during the feedback round only) were
recorded for the task in each round. Video was recorded by feeding the
output of the endoscope into an external screen-grabber (OBS;
). Audio of the training sessions was recorded using Tobii
eye tracking glasses (
) and retrospectively
synced with video of the experimental task.
Feedback consisted of seven prerecorded voice messages that were
manually triggered by a proctor using an online soundboard (
). The seven pieces of feedback corresponded to seven risky
behaviors commonly observed for novices, as identified from previous
research on this dissection task
. Feedback was constructed according
to the following standardized template: [warning/call to attention] + [risk
factor] + [proposed mitigation] + [longer-term impact]
. Each piece of
feedback was triggered by a specific risky behavior that could cause an
error if not corrected in time. For example, if the participant did not
appropriately grip the skin of the fruit, they were given feedback rele-
vant to that behavior in an attempt to avoid the potential for a skin tear
All feedback was recorded by the same voice actor (J.A.L.). Partici-
pants were instructed to stop what they were doing and listen to the
entirety of the recorded feedback message before returning to the task.
Each piece of feedback was preceded by an alert tone, which participants
were told was their cue to stop and listen (
Fig. 1
OGY OPEN SCIENCE 46 (2022) 15–21
Audio-free video of the tasks was retrospectively reviewed by four
blinded raters. Each rater provided a total error tally and a technical skill
score using the previously validated Global Evaluative Assessment of
Robotic Surgery (GEARS)
for each video. Raters’ intraclass correlation
coefficients (ICCs) were measured to assess inter-rater reliability of
scores for their first ten videos. Raters achieved ICC of 0.84 (95% confi-
dence interval [CI] 0.783–0.892) for error identification and classifica-
tion, and 0.81 (95% CI 0.742–0.862) for GEARS scores.
After completion of the feedback round, group 1 was asked to com-
plete a System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire
to analyze the par-
ticipants’ perception of the feedback they received in terms of how
useful it was.
2.1. Statistical analysis
Four hypotheses were tested in the study, two on the overall interven-
tion effect (H1a and H1b) and two on interaction effects (H2a and
H2b). To prevent inflation of the experiment-wise error rate (
) by mul-
tiple hypothesis testing, we used a fixed sequential method to assign the
value. In this procedure, we started with testing the overall group
effect under the primary outcome. If the null hypothesis was rejected,
the full experiment-wise error rate (
) was carried to the next test for
the interaction between group and participant type. If the null hypothe-
sis was rejected again, we moved to the secondary outcome (GEARS) and
followed the same sequence to pass the experiment-wise error (
Using this chain for hypothesis testing, if any test failed to reject the null
hypothesis, we stopped the subsequent hypothesis testing and only
reported the descriptive result. In an exploratory analysis, we used scat-
ter plots to illustrate the pattern of correlation between GEARS, errors
and SUS scores by the IP and UP participant types. Pearson or Spearman
correlation was used, depending on data normality, for the descriptive
Generalized linear models were used for statistical modeling. We
used a Gaussian distribution with an identity link function to model con-
tinuous outcomes (GEARS scores). The intervention effect is presented as
the absolute difference between groups. For count outcomes (errors) we
first standardized the measure by the total task length (number of
errors/10 min) to derive error rates and modeled using a log link func-
tion; thus, the intervention effect is reported as a risk ratio (RR; multi-
plicative difference represented as the ratio of the error count/10 min
between groups). The difference in intervention effect by participant
types was tested using the interaction term in the model. The stratum-
specific intervention effect was estimated using a post hoc contrast test.
Model integrity was examined using residual plots and normality tests
for residuals. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
3. Results
3.1. Participant demographics
A total of 45 medical students were recruited, of whom 13
were first-year and 32 were second-year students. The
median age of the participants was 24 yr (range 21–34 yr)
and 23/45 (51%) identified as female. There were no signif-
icant differences in demographic variables (gender, educa-
tion, hand dominance, age, medical school year) between
group 1 and group 2, or between the IP and UP groups.
In round 1, participants took between 4 min 47 s and 60
min 39 s to complete the task; the median time was 26 min
36 s (interquartile range [IQR] 31 min–32 min 23 s). In
round 2, the median time was 15 min 3 s (IQR 11 min 44
s–22 min 59 s). A total of 60 instances of feedback were
delivered to the intervention group (group 1). The median
number of feedback instances was 3 (range 1–5). Among
the five feedback categories (
Table 1
), the most frequently
delivered was related to scissor usage, accounting for
28/60 instances (47%). The least common type of feedback
was related to ideal tissue exposure and force (
Table 1
Fisher’s exact test revealed that there was no statistically
significant difference in feedback type between the IP and
UP groups (two-tailed
= 0.369). There was a statistically
significant negative correlation between technical skills
(GEARS score) and the error rate in both study rounds, with
Spearman correlation coefficients of
(41) =

< 0.001) for round 1 and
(41) =

0.83 (
< 0.001) for
round 2.
3.2. Intervention effect: change from baseline to round 2
between the intervention and control groups
We first estimated the impact of feedback delivery in com-
parison to the control (
Fig. 2
A). Comparison of the interven-
tion (feedback) and control groups revealed a decrease in
error rates in the feedback round, with a count RR of 1.51
(95% CI 1.07–2.14;
= 0.021). This meant that in the inter-
vention group, the decrease in error rate was 1.51 times
higher than in the control group (ie, repetition of the same
task without feedback). Hypothesis H1a is supported.
Similarly, we found an increase in technical skills
score, with a mean difference between the groups of
Fig. 1 – Example of the feedback delivery process.
SCIENCE 46 (2022) 15–21
2.15 (95% CI 0.81–3.49;
= 0.002;
Table 2
). This represents
an increase in total GEARS score (scale 0–25) of more than 2
points. Hypothesis H1b is supported.
3.3. Intervention effect for the IP and UP groups
The interaction effect between performance group (IP vs
UP) and condition (feedback vs no feedback) was statisti-
cally significant for the error rate, with F(1,38) = 5.162
= 0.029; hypothesis H2a is supported), but did not reach
statistical significance for technical skills, with F
(1,38) = 1.588 (
= 0.215; hypothesis H2b is rejected). For
consistency, we performed a contrast test for both
For the UP group there was a statistically significant dif-
ference between the intervention and the control in terms
of a decrease in error rate, with RR of 2.23 (95% CI 1.37–
= 0.002). This indicates that UP participants reduced
their error rate in the intervention by 2.23-fold in compar-
ison to the control (task repetition without feedback). Sim-
ilarly, for the UP group there was a statistically significant
increase in technical skills score, with a mean difference
of 2.99 (95% CI 0.90–5.06;
= 0.006;
Table 2
For the IP group the differences were not statistically sig-
nificant: for the decrease in error rate the RR was 1.03 (95%
CI 0.63–1.68;
= 0.914) and for the increase in technical
skills score the mean difference was 1.32 (95% CI

0.36 to
= 0.119;
Table 2
). To confirm that the IP and UP
groups received a similar amount of feedback, we ran a
test to compare differences in the feed-
back instance counts. The test revealed no statistically sig-
nificant (at
= 0.05) difference between the IP group
(median 2.0, range 1–4;
= 10) and the UP group (median
3.0, range 2–5;
= 11), with U = 32.00 and z =

(two-tailed test,
= 0.087).
3.4. Usability of feedback
We further analyzed whether SUS scores were correlated
with surgeon performance. For this analysis, we could only
include participants who received feedback (group 1). A
one-tailed Spearman correlation test between the decrease
in error count and SUS score, controlling for baseline error
counts (round 1), was statistically significant:
(18) = 0.530,
= 0.008. A one-tailed Pearson correlation test
between the increase in technical skills and SUS score, con-
trolling for baseline technical skills (round 1), was also sta-
tistically significant: r(18) = 0.503,
= 0.012.
We further assessed these correlations within the IP and
UP subgroups separately (
Fig. 3
). For the UP group, usability
was significantly correlated with a decrease in error rate:
(8) = 0.674,
= 0.016. Usability was also weakly signifi-
cantly correlated with an increase in technical skills: r
(8) = 0.547,
= 0.051. For the IP subgroup, usability was
not significantly correlated with a decrease in error count:
(7) = 0.162, p = 0.339. In addition, usability was not signif-
icantly correlated with an increase in technical skills score:
r(7) = 0.123,
= 0.376.
We further assessed whether the UP and IP groups dif-
fered in their average SUS score. The difference was not sta-
tistically significant, with a mean difference of 3.07 (95% CI

7.57 to 13.71;
= 0.572).
4. Discussion
Our study shows that real-time feedback led to a perfor-
mance improvement (measured as technical skills and
errors) for the simulated dissection task for which it was
provided, and was particularly helpful for participants
who initially struggled with the task (UP group). Further-
more, the performance of UP participants who received
feedback was improved to a level similar to that of the IP
participants. Broadly speaking, this serves as proof of con-
cept that standardized, real-time surgical feedback can be
a useful aid in surgical training.
SUS results were positively correlated with performance.
The more receptive an individual was to the feedback (ie,
how useful they found it), the more efficacious the feedback
appeared to be. While both the UP and IP groups had statis-
tically similar SUS scores, only the UP group had a statisti-
cally significant correlation between SUS score and
performance. Regardless of how usable the feedback was
perceived by the IP participants, they performed well. By
contrast, the more usable the feedback was for UP partici-
pants, the better was their performance. One interpretation
of this could be that the usability scores are a measure of
how timely, understandable, and nondistracting the feed-
back was, but do not necessarily measure how ‘‘valuable’’
or ‘‘indispensable’’ the feedback was for accomplishing the
Table 1 – Feedback delivery analysis: number of feedback instances
by category during round 2 and the feedback phrases recorded for
specific targeted behaviors
Targeted behavior
Scissor usage
1. Misuse of scissors (peel)
15 (25)
2. Misuse of scissors (fruit)
11 (18)
3. Failure to follow lines
2 (3)
4. Insufficient grip
22 (40)
Ideal surgical
5. Disregard for surgical plane
4 (6)
Tissue exposure
6. Disregard for surgical plane
3 (5)
Force sensitivity
7. Too much force
3 (5)
60 (100)
Specific feedback phrases for targeted behavior
1. ‘‘Be mindful: avoid using the pointed end of the scissors when rotating
the object, use the soft edge instead, this will reduce the risk of
unintended skin punctures.’’
2. ‘‘Be careful when using the scissors on the internal tissue, use the
forceps to separate wedges to reduce the risk of unintentional
3. ‘‘Be cautious: before attempting to remove any skin, make sure you
have cut along the dotted lines. This will improve the efficiency of
removing tissue.’’
4. ‘‘Caution: if you’re planning on pulling skin, make sure you are grabbing
as much skin as you can to prevent it from tearing accidentally.’’
5. ‘‘Remember: when removing the skin, use a peeling action after you
have cut the lines; this will reduce unnecessary cutting and
6. ‘‘Be aware: when you’re removing the wedge, make sure you fully
separate it from the rest of the fruit, otherwise it may come apart in
7. ‘‘Be cautious with how much force you are applying with your tools; be
as gentle as possible when appropriate, otherwise you risk damaging
the object.’’
OGY OPEN SCIENCE 46 (2022) 15–21
task. The IP participants may have understood the feedback,
but it was not as useful or necessary for them. An alterna-
tive way to interpret these results is that the better some-
one does on a task, the more highly they will rate the
intervention retrospectively.
One of the main limitations was the sample size and the
representative population in our study. We had a limited
pool of student participants who had no experience with a
surgical robot. The 45 participants were introductory med-
ical students, with no specialization towards a specific med-
ical specialty. This was beneficial because the students
represented a blank slate (without bias) at the beginning
of the study. Their results can only be generalized to similar
populations and not necessarily to surgeons at more
advanced stages of training. Another limitation is the simu-
lated task itself; while peeling and handling of a clementine
Fig. 2 – (A) Model-estimated mean error rate and technical skill score (GEARS) for rounds 1 and 2 for the feedback and control groups. (B) Model-estimat
mean error rates for underperformers and innate performers. (C) Model estimated mean technical skill score (GEARS) for underperformers and innate
performers. For all plots, error bars represent the 95% confidence interval for the estimates. GEARS = Global Evaluative Assessment of Robotic Surger
SCIENCE 46 (2022) 15–21
is a relatively inexpensive and safe simulated model for tis-
sue dissection, it cannot replicate live tissue dissection.
Thus, our findings will have to be validated in future work
with more life-like, complex tissue dissection tasks.
This study provides a step towards future automation of
real-time feedback. However, because the feedback was not
truly automated, our results are limited by the human ele-
ment and do not represent results for an automated system.
All the feedback that was presented during the study was
triggered by a human proctor. To mitigate this variable, only
one proctor was used throughout the study. Nonetheless,
the conditions for provision of specific feedback were
anchored to objective behaviors. Predefined feedback was
given for specific behaviors. This was designed to reduce
the feedback variability.
We propose that future studies should look to replicate
our design for a variety of different surgical tasks and proce-
dures. These additional studies should target participants of
varying experience. Computer vision can be trained to
recognize errors and behavioral patterns that lead to errors.
These can then be used as cues for provision of targeted
real-time feedback via an automated system.
5. Conclusions
The results indicate that our real-time feedback system was
capable of improving surgeon performance in comparison
to a control without feedback. Underperformers, in contrast
to Innate Performers, benefited the most from the feedback,
highlighting an ideal target audience for a future truly auto-
mated feedback system.
Author contributions
: Andrew J. Hung had full access to all the data in
the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the
accuracy of the data analysis.
Study concept and design
: Laca, Kocielnik, Nguyen, Hung.
Acquisition of data
: Laca.
Analysis and interpretation of data
: Kocielnik, Laca.
Drafting of the manuscript
: Laca, Hung.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content
: Hung,
Nguyen, Wong, You, Tsang, Shtulman.
Statistical analysis
: Kocielnik.
Obtaining funding
: Hung.
Administrative, technical, or material support
: Hung, Nguyen, Laca.
: Anandkumar.
: None.
Financial disclosures:
Andrew J. Hung certifies that all conflicts of inter-
est, including specific financial interests and relationships and affiliations
relevant to the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript
(eg, employment/affiliation, grants or funding, consultancies, honoraria,
stock ownership or options, expert testimony, royalties, or patents filed,
received, or pending), are the following: Andrew J. Hung is a paid
Table 2 – Impact of feedback on the error rate and technical skills in
round 2
Decrease in
error rate
Increase in
technical skills
Count risk ratio
(95% CI)
Mean difference
(95% CI)
All participants (
= 43)
1.51 (1.07–2.14)
2.15 (0.81–3.49)
Underperformers (
= 22) 2.23 (1.37–3.62)
2.99 (0.90–5.06)
Innate performers (
= 21) 1.03 (0.63–1.68)
1.32 (

0.36 to 2.99)
CI = confidence interval.
The analysis was performed for all 43 participants and an interaction
contrast for underperformers and innate performers. Feedback had a
significant impact on reducing the error rate and improving technical
skills for underperformers, but not for innate performers. All models
were controlled for performance at baseline (round 1).
Higher values are better. Interaction
= 0.03.
Higher values are better. Interaction
= 0.2.
< 0.05.
< 0.01.
Fig. 3 – Empirical correlation of the System Usability Scale (SUS) score with the error count and technical skills score (GEARS) for underperformers a
nd innate
performers. The difference in slope shows that the feedback was more important in helping underperformers than innate performers. GEARS = Global
Evaluative Assessment of Robotic Surgery.
OGY OPEN SCIENCE 46 (2022) 15–21
consultant for Intuitive Surgical. Anima Anandkumar is a paid employee
of Nvidia. The remaining authors have nothing to disclose.
Funding/Support and role of the sponsor
This work was supported by
the National Science Foundation under grant #2030859 to the Computing
Research Association for the CIFellows Project. The sponsor played a role
in analysis and interpretation of the data and review of the manuscript.
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