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The role of I
B kinase complex in the neurobiology of
Huntington's disease
Ali Khoshnan
Paul H. Patterson
The I
B kinase
) is a prominent regulator of neuroinflammation, which is implicated in
the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease (HD). Inflammatory mediators accumulate in the serum
and CNS of premanifest and manifest HD patients, and cytokine levels correlate with disease
progression. IKK
may also directly regulate the neurotoxicity of huntingtin (Htt). Activation of
by DNA damage triggers caspase-dependent cleavage of WT and mutant Htt and enhances
the accumulation of oligomeric fragments. Moreover, the N-terminal fragments of mutant Htt
(HDx1) directly bind to and activate IKK
. Thus, the IKK
-dependent cleavage of full-length
mutant Htt and the buildup of HDx1 could form a deleterious feed-forward loop. Elevated IKK
activity is present throughout the CNS in a symptomatic mouse model of HD expressing HDx1,
whereas in asymptomatic mice with full-length mutant Htt, it is confined to the striatum. IKK
could also influence the phosphorylation of Htt at Ser13 and Ser16, which is linked to HD
pathology. IKK
inhibitors ameliorate the toxicity of mutant Htt in striatal neurons and prevent
DNA damage-induced Htt cleavage. Inhibition of IKK
in the CNS also reduces
neuroinflammation and imparts neuroprotection in a chemical model of HD. These findings
support an active role for IKK
in HD pathogenesis and represent an example of how gene–
environment (exemplified by DNA damage and inflammation) interactions can influence Htt
neurotoxicity. We will summarize these findings and describe the therapeutic potentials of IKK
for HD.
Huntington's disease; IKK
; Neuroinflammation; Htt cleavage; DNA damage
Huntington's disease and IKK
HD is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of a CAG repeat,which
is translated into a polyglutamine (polyQ) stretch in exon-1 (HDx1) of Htt. (The
Huntington's Disease Collaborative Research Group (1993). In most animal and cellular
models of HD, the neurotoxicity of mutant Htt is enhanced by the cleavage and production
of N-terminal fragments, which are generated by various enzymes including caspases and
calpains. The fragments containing expanded polyQ aberrantly bind to various proteins,
impair cellular machinery, and promote neurotoxicity. The N-terminal mutant Htt fragments
also form amorphous intracellular aggregates and accumulate in the HD brain. The role of
these aggregates in the pathobiology of HD remains a contentious area of investigation.
Wild type Htt is also cleaved by similar proteases, which can lower its level and interfere
with its vital function in neurons. Therefore, both the loss of WT Htt and the gain of toxic
Corresponding author at: Biology Division, 216-76, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA 91125, USA.
Khoshnan@caltech.edu (A. Khoshnan).
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
Neurobiol Dis
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 August 1.
Published in final edited form as:
Neurobiol Dis
. 2011 August ; 43(2): 305–311. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2011.04.015.
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functions by mutant Htt contribute to HD. Studies on the neurobiology of HD were
extensively reviewed recently (Zuccato and Cattaneo, 2010). Although expansion of polyQ
is a determinant of HD, the age of disease onset is variable among patients with similar
polyQ length (Wexler et al., 2004). Thus, other genetic or environmental factors may
regulate the onset and progression of HD.
Two potential modifiers of HD pathogenesis are neuroinflammation and the accumulation of
DNA damage in the brain. A prominent pathway regulating the effects of these
environmental insults is the I
B kinase (IKK) complex. The core IKK has two kinases,
and IKK
, and a regulatory subunit, IKK
. IKK is induced by various stimuli
including cytokines, oxidative stress and DNA damage, and it phosphorylates the inhibitors
B (I
B), a family of proteins that sequesters NF-
Bs in the cytoplasm (Hacker and
Karin, 2006). Phosphorylation of I
Bs initiates their degradation by the ubiquitin–
proteasome pathway, which liberates NF-
B and allows its binding to the promoter of many
genes such as cytokines (Fig. 1). IKK
is the predominant kinase responsible for
inflammatory responses (Hacker and Karin, 2006). The IKKs are ubiquitously expressed but
their functions in the CNS are poorly understood. While regulated IKK/NF-
B signaling is
thought to promote neuronal survival, growth and plasticity, chronic activation of IKK
contributes to neurodegeneration (Mattson and Meffert, 2006). Excessive IKK
which coincides with elevated cytokines, has been detected in Alzheimer's disease (AD),
multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease (PD), ischemia, and HD (Khoshnan et al., 2004;
Herrmann et al., 2005; Mattson and Meffert, 2006; Van Loo et al., 2006; Ghosh et al.,
2007). On the other hand, inhibition of IKK
activity is neuroprotective in animal models of
PD, ischemia, and MS (Herrmann et al., 2005; Van Loo et al., 2006; Ghosh et al., 2007).
Recent studies demonstrate that the nuclear orphan receptor Nurr-1, which is mutated in
certain familial cases of PD, is an inhibitor of NF-
B pathway (Saijo et al., 2009).
Moreover, optineurin, a negative regulator of IKK assembly, is mutated in familial cases of
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and is the underlying cause of elevated levels of IKK/
B in these patients (Zhu et al., 2007; Maruyama et al., 2010). Thus, dysregulation of
B may contribute to the pathology of major CNS diseases.
B signaling and inflammation in HD
Neuroinflammation, signified by activated microglia and elevated levels of proinflammatory
cytokines, is a component of major neurodegenerative disorders including AD, PD, ALS,
and HD (Björkqvist et al., 2008; Glass et al., 2010). While the role of inflammation in these
disorders is not well characterized, the accumulation of amyloid proteins, which is a
hallmark of these disorders, may be causal. HD patients express increased levels of the
inflammatory cytokine IL-6 in the serum and CNS ~ 16 years before the onset of symptoms,
and its level correlates with disease development. Other cytokines, including IL-1
, IL-8 and
are also abundant in the symptomatic HD patients as well as in HD animal models
(Björkqvist et al., 2008). Studies of postmortem HD brains also indicate abnormal level of
several inflammatory mediators, including CCL2, IL-10, IL-6, IL-8 and MMP9 in various
brain regions (Silvestroni et al., 2009). The IKK/NF-
B pathway is major inducer of these
inflammatory mediators and is dysregulated in HD (Khoshnan et al., 2004; Hacker and
Karin, 2006). Elevated IKK
activity is widespread in the CNS of R6/2 a genetic mouse
model of HD, which expresses a toxic N-terminal fragment of mutant Htt (HDx1)
(Khoshnan et al., 2004; Zuccato and Cattaneo, 2010). These animals also express high levels
of inflammatory cytokines including IL-6, IL-1
and TNF-
in the serum and CNS, which is
consistent with a deregulated IKK
B pathway (Björkqvist et al., 2008). Activated
microglia, which are a likely source of elevated cytokines in the CNS, are detected in
preclinical HD brains and their accumulation coincides with striatal neuronal dysfunction
(Tai et al., 2007). Interestingly, inhibition of caspase-mediated maturation of IL-1
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ameliorates neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity in a R6/2 mouse model (Ona et al., 1999).
Moreover, knockdown of IKK
in microglia reduces inflammation and neurotoxicity in a
kainic acid-induced excitotoxicity model of HD (Cho et al., 2008). These studies support a
role for IKK
in neuroinflammation and highlights that imbalances in IKK
activity may be
the underlying cause of elevated cytokines in the CNS of HD patients. Aberrant activity of
B may also be responsible for the abnormal level of inflammatory mediators in
the serum of HD patients. Immune cells of HD patients are hypersensitive to immunological
challenges and produce various cytokines to significantly higher levels than those from
control subjects (Björkqvist et al., 2008). Moreover, striatal neurons expressing full-length
mutant Htt display exaggerated IKK
B activity when stimulated with cytokines
known to activate IKK
(Khoshnan et al., 2004). Thus, mutant Htt may increase the cellular
responses to stimuli that activate IKK
. Considering the prominent role of IKK
in cytokine
biology, it will be interesting to investigate how deregulation of IKK
inflammation in HD patients many years before the onset of motor symptoms.
Mutant HDx1 activates IKK
One factor, which may activate the IKK/NF-
B, is the accumulation of amyloidogenic
peptides such as the A
fragment of the amyloid precursor protein (Kaltschmidt et al.,
2005). We have shown that mutant HDx1, which has amyloidogenic properties, directly
associates with the IKK
subunit of the IKK complex. The binding of mutant HDx1 to IKK
requires expanded polyQ as well as the proline motifs in HDx1. This interaction promotes
the assembly and activation of the IKK complex and is disrupted by recombinant intrabodies
targeting the polyproline motifs of HDx1 (Khoshnan et al., 2002, 2004). Trimerization of
is a prerequisite for IKK activation (Agou et al., 2002). We find that soluble mutant
HDx1 promotes the assembly of an SDS-resistant IKK
trimer in a human neuronal model
(Fig. 2, Khoshnan et al., 2009). Binding of HDx1 to IKK
may act as a nucleation signal to
recruit other IKK subunits to form an active complex. Thus, the ability of mutant HDx1 to
directly activate the IKK complex may be the underlying cause of widespread IKK
and neuroinflammation observed in the CNS of R6/2 HD mice (Ona et al., 1999; Khoshnan
et al., 2004; Björkqvist et al., 2008). On the other hand, in a presymptomatic knock-in
mouse model of HD (HdhQ150), which expresses full-length mutant Htt, elevated IKK
activity is only detected in the striatum, a primary target of mutant Htt toxicity. Full-length
mutant Htt is incapable of activating the IKK
, however HDx1 accumulates gradually in the
brain of HdhQ150 (Khoshnan et al., 2004; Landles et al., 2010). Selective sensitivity of the
striatum to environmental insults may trigger the generation of HDx1 and activate IKK
locally in HdhQ150. HDx1 also accumulates in various parts of HD brains and potentially
other tissues (Kim et al., 2001), which may aberrantly activate IKK
. While acute and
regulated activation of IKK
may be protective and essential for physiological homeostasis,
chronic stimulation by the gradual build up of HDx1 could lead to abnormalities such as
neuroinflammation and potentially neurodegeneration in HD.
IKKs regulate the cleavage of Htt
The cleavage of Htt by proteolytic enzymes is a pivotal step in the pathogenesis of HD. N-
terminal fragments with the expanded polyQ repeat are more toxic than full-length mutant
Htt in cellular and animal models of HD and cleavage of full-length mutant Htt is a
prerequisite for the onset of symptoms in certain models. For example, inactivation of the
caspase-6 cleavage site of mutant Htt abrogates neuropathology in YAC-128 HD mice
(Graham et al., 2006). However, other caspases and calpains are also known to cleave Htt
and potentially produce neurotoxic N-terminal fragments (Zuccato and Cattaneo, 2010).
Factors that induce the cleavage of Htt are not well characterized, however both genetic and
environmental modifiers are expected to play a role. One potential environmental factor,
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which may influence HD progression, is the gradual accumulation of DNA damage in aging
brain (Katyal and McKinnon, 2008). Indeed, HD patients contain abnormal levels of DNA
damage in the brain and reduction of WT Htt levels as occurs in HD patients, lowers
neuronal resiliency to DNA damaging agents (Butterworth et al., 1998; Bae et al., 2005;
Anne et al., 2007). In search of factors that could trigger the cleavage of Htt, we discovered
that exposure of human neurons to DNA damaging agents promotes caspase-dependent
cleavage of both WT and mutant Htt (Khoshnan et al., 2009). Interestingly, Htt cleavage
induced by DNA damage is IKK
-dependent. Knockdown of IKK
expression with
shRNAs or blocking its activity with small molecule inhibitors reduces caspase activation
and subsequent Htt cleavage (Khoshnan et al., 2009). IKK
phosphorylates Bcl-xL, which
promotes its degradation in neurons exposed to DNA damaging agents. The reduction of
Bcl-xL triggers caspases that can cleave Htt (Fig. 3). WT Htt is also cleaved in cells exposed
to inflammatory cytokines (Zhang et al., 2006; Thompson et al., 2009). In neurons, WT Htt
regulates many important functions including cell survival, BDNF expression, neurogenesis
and protection from genotoxic stress (Godin et al., 2010; Zuccato and Cattaneo, 2010).
may therefore contribute to neurodegeneration by lowering and inactivating WT Htt.
At the same time, IKK
-dependent cleavage of mutant Htt can produce substrates for further
processing that generates neurotoxic oligomeric species (Ratovitski et al., 2009). Thus,
may trigger some of the earliest events in HD pathology in mouse models.
Knockdown of IKK
expression also reduces the toxic effects of DNA damage and
enhances neuronal survival. IKK
is a key regulator of the DNA-damage response and a
determinant of cell survival (Wu et al., 2006; Wu and Miyamoto, 2008). In ischemia and
genotoxic stress, the IKK/NF-
B activation promotes the expression apoptotic genes such as
Noxa and Bim (Inta et al., 2006; Wu and Miyamoto, 2008). DNA damage also promotes the
production of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6, which is likely to be IKK
-dependent and is
elevated early in presymptomatic HD (Björkqvist et al., 2008; Rodier et al., 2009). While
proliferating cells are equipped to repair DNA damage, post-mitotic neurons undergo cell
cycle activation and apoptosis when exposed to DNA damaging agents (Kruman et al.,
2004; Kim and Tsai, 2009). It is intriguing that knockdown expression of IKK
in post-
mitotic human neurons prevents DNA damage-induced incorporation of BrdU, a marker of
DNA synthesis (Fig. 4). Reduction of IKK
also inhibits the activation of pro-apoptotic
caspases (Khoshnan et al., 2009). Thus, IKK
represents an interesting target to prevent
neuronal loss by DNA damage as it may occur with aging brain.
While IKK
promotes Htt cleavage, IKK
has the opposite effect. DNA damage lowers the
activity of IKK
in human neurons and elevating IKK
prevents DNA damage-induced
caspase activation and Htt cleavage (Khoshnan et al., 2009). IKK
is known to inhibit the
activity of IKK
in various models (Chariot, 2009). For example, knockdown of IKK
enhances the IKK
-dependent expression of proinflammatory cytokines in immune cells (Li
et al., 2005). Thus, we predict that the protective effect of IKK
on Htt cleavage may
involve inhibition of IKK
. However, IKK
also influences other signaling pathways that
are neuroprotective. IKK
phosphorylates and promotes the activity of CREB binding
protein (CBP) and histone-3 (Anest et al., 2003; Huang et al., 2007). The ability of IKK
modify histone-3 and CBP activity is important in memory reconsolidation and thus
synaptogenesis in the hippocampus (Lubin and Sweatt, 2007). CBP regulates the expression
of important neuronal genes including BDNF, which is induced by IKK
(Greer and
Greenberg, 2008; Khoshnan and Patterson, in preparation). Considering that both CBP
activity and BDNF expression are reduced in HD brains (Zuccato and Cattaneo, 2010),
factors that enhance IKK
activity may have neuroprotective properties. This is contrary to
the effects IKK
on Htt cleavage and promotion of inflammation in the CNS. Thus, changes
in the homeostasis of the IKKs may be critical determinants of Htt cleavage,
neuroinflammation, and neuronal survival in paradigms such as DNA damage.
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The role of IKK in Htt phosphorylation
The N-terminal 17 amino acid motif of Htt is essential for intracellular localization,
turnover, and neurotoxicity (Zuccato and Cattaneo, 2010). Recent studies indicate that IKK
can phosphorylate two Ser residues (S13 and S16) of Htt and potentially enhance the
turnover of WT HDx1 in culture models. Moreover, overexpression and cytokine-induced
activation of IKK
in rat striatal precursor cells promote the cleavage of WT Htt and
generate phosphorylated fragments of various lengths, which may be eliminated by
autophagy (Thompson et al., 2009). Abnormal IKK
-mediated phosphorylation and
turnover of WT Htt may become detrimental, however, since WT Htt is important for
neuronal survival and BDNF expression (Zuccato and Cattaneo, 2010). An example is the
DNA damage-induced activation of IKK
, which promotes cleavage and depletion of WT
Htt (Khoshnan et al., 2009; Fig. 3). Interestingly, IKK
has no effect on the turnover of
mutant HDx1 and indeed phosphorylated mutant HDx1 accumulates in the nucleus, which
could promote neurotoxicity (Thompson et al., 2009). Recent studies indicate that mutant
HDx1 phosphorylated at Ser16 selectively accumulates in the nucleus of striatal neurons,
impairs nuclear export, and correlates with disease progression (Havel et al., 2011). Thus,
-mediated phosphorylation of mutant Htt may contribute to disease progression.
On the contrary, Truant et al. (personal communication) recently reported that inhibition of
by small molecules or shRNAs enhances the phosphorylation of Htt at its N-terminus
without affecting its turnover. While these opposing effects of IKK
on Htt phosphorylation
requires further clarification, it is intriguing that phospho-mimetic of Ser13 and Ser16 in
full-length mutant Htt imparts neuroprotection and ameliorates symptoms in HD mice (Gu
et al., 2009). However, it is unclear whether IKK
affects the phosphorylation of Htt
in vivo
or if these mutations affect Htt stability, intracellular transport, cleavage and
oligomerization. The rescue of pathology by mimicking phosphorylation and the findings
that IKK
inhibition could promote the phosphorylation of Htt further support the notion
that IKK
activation may be detrimental (Gu et al., 2009, Truant et al., unpublished data).
induced by elevated cytokines and abnormal levels of DNA damage could accelerate
the cleavage and turnover of WT Htt and deplete neurons of this pro-survival protein
(Khoshnan et al., 2009; Thompson et al., 2009). On the other hands if IKK
mutant Htt, it may promote the nuclear accumulation of HDx1and induce pathology
(Thompson et al., 2009; Havel et al., 2011). Thus, further studies such as generating HD
mice with deleted IKK
in the CNS should reveal important information about the role of
in Htt phosphorylation and HD pathology.
The therapeutic potential of IKK
in HD
The prevailing evidence indicates that suppressing IKK
activity may impede disease
progression in HD. Inhibition of IKK
may lower neuroinflammation and the production of
inflammatory cytokines, which are considered as important modifiers of HD progression
(Björkqvist, et al., 2008). IKK
-dependent neuroinflammation is also implicated in PD and
AD and is mediated by caspases known to cleave Htt (Khoshnan et al., 2009; Burguillos et
al., 2011). Thus, lowering IKK
activity may dampen the toxic effects of
neuroinflammation, which is a component of several neurodegenerative disorders (Glass et
al., 2010). For HD, blocking of IKK
activity should also decrease the cleavage of WT and
mutant Htt and slow down the accumulation of oligomeric toxic fragments and neuronal
death induced by genotoxic insults (Khoshnan et al., 2009; Thompson et al., 2009).
Moreover, inhibitors of IKK
reduce the neurotoxicity of HDx1 in a brain slice culture
model of HD by yet an unknown mechanism (D. Lo et al. personal communication;
Khoshnan et al., 2004). Elevation of IKK
activity appears to promote nuclear localization
of HDx1 an event, which enhances neurotoxicity (Khoshnan et al., 2004; Thompson et al.,
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2009; Zuccato and Cattaneo, 2010). Thus, exploring the effects of IKK
inhibitors in animal
models of HD could lead to development of novel therapeutics.
While numerous IKK
inhibitors are available, their neuroprotective effects in disease
models are not well understood. Encouraging results have been obtained with a NEMO
Binding Domain (NBD) peptide, which corresponds to the C-terminus of IKK
and disrupts
the binding of IKK
to IKK
, preventing the assembly of an active complex (Madge and
May, 2009). Systemic administration of NBD blocks neurodegeneration, impedes microglial
activation in the substantia nigra, and improves motor function in a chemical mouse model
of PD (Ghosh et al., 2007). Subcutaneous injection of a selective inhibitor of IKK
protects dopaminergic neurons from LPS-induced neurotoxicity (Zhang et al., 2010).
Moreover, CNS delivery of a small molecule inhibitor of IKK
(BMS-345541) impedes
neurodegeneration in an ischemia model (Herrmann et al., 2005). NBD, chemical, and
genetic inhibition of IKK
prevents degeneration of medium-sized spiny neurons induced by
a mutant HDx1 (Khoshnan et al., 2004, D. Lo et al., personal communication). We have
identified IKK
inhibitors including the NBD peptide, which block DNA damage-induced
Htt cleavage, and improve survival in a human neuronal model (A. Khoshnan et al.,
unpublished data). Interestingly, these IKK
inhibitors also block caspase-6 activation,
which is a prominent enzyme in the pathogenesis of HD (Graham et al., 2006; Khoshnan et
al., 2009). These findings warrant the evaluation of IKK
inhibitors in HD animal models.
Several IKK inhibitors have entered clinical trials for their effects on malignancy (Lee and
Hung, 2008). These studies should reveal their safety and potency in human subjects and
potentially facilitate their application in HD patients. Considering the elevated levels of
inflammatory cytokines in the serum and CNS of pre-symptomatic HD patients (Björkqvist
et al., 2008), it will be interesting to see whether early systemic delivery of IKK
could affect the age of onset and disease progression in HD animal models.
The long-term systemic application of IKK
inhibitors however, may produce undesired
side effects considering the importance of IKK
in immune cell development and survival
(Hacker and Karin, 2006). Thus, strategies should be developed to selectively inhibit IKK
in the brain. An interesting therapeutic strategy is to knockdown the expression of IKK
the CNS by delivery of shRNAs, synthetic miRNAs, or anti-sense oligonucleotides
(Boudreau and Davidson, 2010). It is notable that deleting IKK
in the CNS of mice has no
visible effect on neurodevelopment, growth, and indeed ameliorates neurodegeneration in
ischemia and MS models (Herrmann et al., 2005; Van Loo et al., 2006). Moreover,
reduction of IKK
in the CNS prevents demylination induced by neurotoxic agents (Raasch
et al., 2011). Thus, long-term inhibition of IKK
in the CNS may not carry major deleterious
side effects. Silencing IKK
expression is protective in human neurons exposed to toxic
agents and prevents the activation of caspases, which cleave WT Htt (Khoshnan et al., 2009;
Thompson et al., 2009). Testing such strategies in animal models of HD are worthy of
investigation for efficacy, delivery and potential side effects.
While the role of IKK
in regulating NF-
B and promoting inflammation is well
characterized, elucidating NF-
B-independent functions of IKK
in the CNS and their
effects on neurodegeneration remains an important area of investigation. For HD, future
studies should focus on ablating IKK
in the CNS of animal models and observing disease
progression. This will elucidate whether disrupting the local activity of IKK
in the CNS
will affect the age of onset and HD progression. The presence of systemic inflammation in
HD years before the onset of symptoms is indicative of deregulated IKK
in the immune
cells and possibly other organs. Characterizing the role of IKK
in the immune system of
HD patients may provide insights into the complex nature of IKK
/Htt interaction and how
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dysregulation in this molecular switch may contribute to the development of early systemic
inflammation. The role of IKK
in regulating the phosphorylation of Htt is intriguing and
further studies are needed to unravel this aspect of IKK
in the neurobiology of Htt. Truant
et al. (personal communication), find that phospho-mimetics of Ser13 and Ser16 in the
mutant HDx1 induce a conformation that is less amenable to oligomerization and thus, less
toxicity. Further studies should uncover novel targets and a more efficacious route for
therapy and early intervention.
While these studies will take several years to accomplish, it is feasible to immediately
implement behavioral changes in HD patients, which could reduce IKK
systemically and possibly lower the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines. One possible
avenue for therapy involves diet. It is known that daily food intake is substantially higher in
HD patients than in the normal population (Trejo et al., 2004). Moreover, excess food
intake, particularly high fat diet, is associated with IKK
-dependent neuroinflammation,
insulin tolerance, hypothalamic deregulation, and abnormal production of inflammatory
mediators in the CNS (Zhang et al., 2008). Thus, formulating diets enriched in natural
compounds with anti-inflammatory properties may help HD patients. Such modifications are
risk-free and may help to delay the onset and progression of HD.
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Fig. 1.
A schematic representation of canonical of IKK activation. The IKK complex is stimulated
from outside by factors like cytokines binding to the cell surface receptors and internally by
oxidative stress and DNA damage. Activated IKK phosphorylates I
, which promotes its
dissociation and degradation, liberating NF-
B to enter the nucleus and regulate gene
expression (Hacker and Karin, 2006).
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