Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
© Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical
profile retrieval from near-IR spectra
Brian J. Connor
, Vanessa Sherlock
, Geoff Toon
, Debra Wunch
, and Paul O. Wennberg
BC Consulting Limited, Martinborough, New Zealand
National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
Correspondence to:
Brian J. Connor (
Received: 27 August 2015 – Published in Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.: 23 November 2015
Revised: 29 June 2016 – Accepted: 4 July 2016 – Published: 2 August 2016
An algorithm for retrieval of vertical profiles from
ground-based spectra in the near IR is described and tested.
Known as GFIT2, the algorithm is primarily intended for
, and is used exclusively for CO
in this paper. Retrieval
of CO
vertical profiles from ground-based spectra is theo-
retically possible, would be very beneficial for carbon cycle
studies and the validation of satellite measurements, and has
been the focus of much research in recent years. GFIT2 is
tested by application both to synthetic spectra and to mea-
surements at two Total Carbon Column Observing Network
(TCCON) sites. We demonstrate that there are approximately
of freedom for the CO
profile, and the algorithm per-
forms as expected on synthetic spectra. We show that the ac-
curacy of retrievals of CO
from measurements in the 1.61
(6220 cm
) spectral band is limited by small uncertainties
in calculation of the atmospheric spectrum. We investigate
several techniques to minimize the effect of these uncer-
tainties in calculation of the spectrum. These techniques are
somewhat effective but to date have not been demonstrated
to produce CO
profile retrievals with sufficient precision
for applications to carbon dynamics. We finish by discussing
ongoing research which may allow CO
profile retrievals
with sufficient accuracy to significantly improve the scien-
tific value of the measurements from that achieved with col-
umn retrievals.
1 Motivation
Since 2004 the Total Carbon Column Observing Network
(TCCON) has measured ground-based near-IR solar spec-
tra. Their high spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) allow high-precision measurements of total overhead
column abundance of CO
and other gases, which provide
constraints on the global carbon budget and also help val-
idate satellite measurements using the same spectral bands.
The standard analysis consists of least-squares spectral fitting
to derive a multiplicative scale factor applied to an assumed
(“a priori”) CO
profile shape. That analysis (“profile scal-
ing”) provides column densities, from which dry-air average
mole fractions (“
”) can be derived.
Allowing the a priori CO
profile shape to vary in the re-
trieval process (“profile retrieval”) has several potential ad-
vantages. For one, it can be shown that such an algorithm
has more uniform sensitivity to CO
as a function of altitude
and so should be less sensitive to bias from the a priori pro-
file (Fig. 1). Secondly, it has more freedom to fit the observed
spectrum, and thus generally will leave smaller residuals, and
may help in understanding their origin. Finally, it would the-
oretically allow separation of the boundary layer from the
rest of the column, helping to distinguish sources and sinks
at continental and sub-continental scales (Fig. 2). Profile re-
trieval at the accuracy required is challenging, however. Pro-
file retrieval requires that the factors that affect the spectral
line shape (e.g., instrument line shape (ILS), spectroscopic
widths) be accurately known. And since profile retrieval at-
tempts to extract more information from the spectrum than
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 1.
Column averaging kernels for simulated retrievals. “Pro-
file retrieval” and “profile scaling” refer to a typical retrieval using
GFIT2 on the 6220 cm
band observed operationally. “Op-
tically thin”, “optically thick”, and “intermediate” refer to an ide-
alized, single, isolated spectral line. For these, we calculate a spec-
trum from a reference profile, perturb the profile at a single altitude,
and calculate a new spectrum. We then perform a least-squares fit
to this synthetic spectrum by deriving a scale factor for the refer-
ence profile. This scale factor, divided by the actual perturbation,
produces a single element of the column averaging kernels shown.
profile scaling, there typically need to be a priori constraints
to keep the retrieval stable (Rodgers, 1976; Solomon et al.,
2000; Dohe, 2013).
It is worth noting that profile retrieval is unlikely to reduce
uncertainties in determination of
. Wunch et al. (2015)
showed that error due to the CO
a priori profile shape was
less than
0.01 % at solar zenith angle (SZA) < 70, and in-
creased only slowly at higher SZA, unless deliberately crude
a priori profile shapes were chosen.
Recent work on profile retrieval development includes
Kuai et al. (2013), who retrieved CO
in three tropospheric
layers using the 1.6
spectral band, and Dohe (2013), who
studied a complete profile retrieval from measurements of the
This paper describes the experimental implementation and
early tests of a profile retrieval algorithm for TCCON spec-
tra. Its layout is as follows. In Sect. 2 we describe the stan-
dard algorithm used for TCCON and briefly discuss the his-
tory of profile retrieval and the chosen algorithm for similar
measurements. Section 3 describes implementation of the al-
gorithm as GFIT2. Section 4 presents tests of GFIT2, both
for synthetic spectra and for real spectra taken to coincide
with overpasses by aircraft making in situ CO
ments. Section 5 presents preliminary conclusions to date,
and Sect. 6 outlines future plans.
Figure 2.
Partial column averaging kernels for the profile retrieval
algorithm of Fig. 1 (GFIT2 applied to the 6220 cm
spectral band,
with assumed signal-to-noise ratio
2 Background and algorithm origins and history
GFIT is the algorithm adopted by the TCCON for analysis of
the spectra; it was developed over many years by Geoff Toon
at JPL. GFIT is also used to analyze MkIV balloon spectra
(e.g., Sen et al., 1996) and was used in the Version 3 pro-
cessing of ATMOS spectra (Irion et al., 2002). It is a profile
scaling algorithm, employing a quasi-linear regression to de-
rive scale factors for all important absorbers as well as other
atmospheric and instrument parameters, such as continuum
level and frequency shift.
GFIT is designed in such a way that its “forward model”
is independent of and separable from its “inverse method”.
These terms are discussed in Rodgers (2000), but briefly
the forward model is an algorithm that calculates the atmo-
spheric spectra comparable to the observed spectra, incor-
porating radiative transfer and molecular physics along with
assumed gas distributions. The inverse method retrieves a
state vector of parameters, such as molecular mixing ratio,
by finding values which provide a best fit to the spectrum
given other assumptions and constraints. The GFIT inverse
method is a form of “optimal estimation” as described further
below, which applies the Gauss–Newton method, iteratively
estimating the parameters by successive approximation.
Ground-based spectra – at microwave, IR, and UV wave-
lengths – have been analyzed in selected applications for
limited altitude profile information, for many years (Connor
et al., 1995, 2007; Pougatchev et al., 1996; Schofield et al.,
2004.) The physical origin of the limited profile information
in ground-base spectra is somewhat varied. Most commonly,
the pressure-broadened line shape is exploited; however the
use of lines of varied opacity (see Fig. 1) and the use of multi-
ple atmospheric paths (Schofield et al., 2004) are also sources
of profile information.
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 3.
A typical spectrum in the 6220 cm
band. The calcu-
lated spectrum, produced by GFIT in profile scaling mode, is su-
perimposed, with the individual gas contributions shown in color.
, solar lines, and H
O dominate the visible features. The resid-
uals (also typical) are shown in the upper panel. This spectrum is
one of the atmospheric measurements used in Sect. 4.2 and subse-
The most common algorithm for the inverse method used
in these and other studies is optimal estimation, formulated
by Rodgers (1976, 2000). That algorithm will be described
in detail in the following section.
Optimal estimation has been implemented as a user-
selected option of inverse method added to the version of
GFIT publically released in 2012; no other changes to the
standard GFIT algorithm were made. The modified algo-
rithm is known as GFIT2. GFIT is designed to treat each
spectral band independently. All calculations in this paper
are of the 1.61
(6220 cm
) spectral band; the use of other
bands will be discussed briefly in Sect. 5. Figure 3 shows a
typical spectrum from the TCCON site at Lamont, OK, USA.
3 Algorithm and implementation
The optimal estimation formulation of Rodgers (2000) was
adapted and applied for use with the “full physics” algorithm
(inverse method plus forward model) developed for the first
Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) satellite, which failed
to reach orbit in 2009. The OCO inverse method, as it existed
in 2007, is described in Connor et al. (2008) and was used
as a starting point for the development of GFIT2. Much of
the discussion in Sect. 2 of Connor et al. (2008) is directly
3.1 Inverse method
The OCO inverse method was adapted for use with GFIT and
is briefly described here. We use the notation and concepts
of Rodgers (2000). The spectrum, or measurement vector
is expressed symbolically as
, where
is the
state vector,
is the forward model, and
is the vector of
measurement errors.
The solution of the GFIT2 inverse method is the state vec-
with maximum a posteriori probability, given the mea-
. We solve for the state vector update d
, using
a slightly modified form of Rodgers’ Eq. (5.8), to improve
numerical accuracy by avoiding the inversion of a large ma-
is the weighting function matrix, or Jacobian,
is the a priori state vector;
is the a priori covariance
matrix; and
is the measurement covariance matrix.
After each iteration, we test for convergence. To facilitate
that, we compute the change in the solution scaled by its es-
timated variance:
denotes the covariance of the retrieved state, using
the relation
is effectively the square of the state vector update in units
of the solution variance.
If d
is the number of state vector ele-
ments and
is an adjustable convergence parameter), con-
vergence is reached.
Lastly, we compute the retrieval covariance matrix,
, and
the averaging kernel matrix,
is given by
The averaging kernel matrix
is given by
Finally, the degrees of freedom (DoF) for signal are given by
the trace of the matrix
; the degrees of freedom for the CO
profile are the trace of the CO
-only sub-matrix of
To enable use of the Rodgers algorithm, a modified GFIT
code was developed which completely separates the forward
model and inverse method, and allows integration of optimal
estimation profile retrieval with the existing code. Concep-
tually, the experimental, integrated GFIT allows selection of
the existing (profile scaling) or modified (profile retrieval) al-
gorithm. This is simply accomplished by setting a parameter
in an input file. The integrated algorithm has input and output
files identical to the existing GFIT, plus new input and out-
put files specific to profile retrieval, which are not required
unless the modified algorithm is selected.
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
3.2 Measurement error
A critical input to the algorithm of Eq. (1) is the measure-
ment error covariance,
. It is assumed to be diagonal, and
the simplest assumption is that the error is entirely random
noise independent of frequency. As we will see later, in all
real spectra there are systematic residuals, larger than the ac-
tual noise level, due to spectral features that can only be im-
perfectly modeled in the algorithm. If these features are not
taken into account in constructing
, the retrieved profile
develops severe oscillations.
The simplest way of “de-weighting” spectral features
which remain in the residuals is to increase the estimated
measurement error estimate (equivalently, reduce the as-
sumed SNR) at all frequencies, so that residual features are
ignored (treated as measurement error) (e.g., Connor et al.,
1995). As we will see, in practice this is somewhat effective
at damping oscillations, but only at the cost of losing most of
the profile information in the spectrum.
An alternative approach we have attempted to avoid pro-
file oscillations is to vary the assumed spectral error to reflect
the real residuals obtained by spectral fits (Rodgers and Con-
nor, 2003). A two-stage retrieval is run, in which stage 1 is
profile scaling. The residuals from stage 1 are then used to
estimate the spectral error as a function of frequency and in-
serted on the diagonal of
. This procedure greatly reduces
profile oscillations in many synthetic retrievals. We refer to
it as “variable SNR”.
A third approach to the problem of systematic residuals
is to estimate them empirically, and then to include them in
the forward model, multiplied by a scale factor retrieved as
part of the state vector (JPL, 2015). Perhaps the simplest ap-
proach is to estimate the systematic component by averag-
ing the residuals over the entire set of spectra under study.
This technique and simple variants on it will be described in
Sect. 4.4 below.
3.3 State vector and a priori uncertainties
The full state vector consists of the CO
profile, scale factors
for the other gas profiles contributing to the spectrum in the
band pass (H
O, HDO, and CH
in the 6220 cm
the background continuum level, tilt, and curvature; a fre-
quency shift and a zero level offset. This is identical to the
standard GFIT scale factor, except for the CO
profile itself.
A scale factor multiplying a vector of systematic residuals,
as described in Sect. 3.2, has been added to the state vector
for the retrieval tests of Sect. 4.4.
A critical input is the a priori covariance matrix
, speci-
fying assumed uncertainties in the state vector and their cor-
relations. The retrievals in this paper assume that
is diag-
onal. The a priori uncertainties assumed are guided by those
used in the standard GFIT scaling, namely 1 for the three
interfering species and the continuum level, 0.1 for the con-
tinuum tile and curvature, 2 for frequency shift, and 0.5 %
for zero level offset (which is expected to be approximately
zero). The uncertainty in each of the 70 levels in the CO
profile is set independently. These uncertainties range from 1
to 5 %, are largest near the surface, and have been adjusted to
improve the test results where possible. Finally the residual
scale factor, when in use, has been assigned an uncertainty
of 10 %, based on the observed variability of the systematic
3.4 Other input parameters
The only other input parameters specific to profile retrieval
concern convergence and goodness of fit. They include the
convergence parameter defined in Sect. 3.1, the maximum
of the spectral fit, and the maximum number
of iterations allowed.
4 Testing GFIT2
4.1 Synthetic spectra
The algorithm was first tested by retrievals on synthetic spec-
tra, where the “true” atmospheric profile is known. In these
tests, the forward model (used by the algorithm) may be
the same as the forward function (which includes all true
physics) or may differ from it in a controlled way.
4.1.1 No forward-model error
We illustrate the most basic test in Fig. 4. Here a synthetic
spectrum was calculated from the profile labeled true (di-
amonds); then GFIT2 was run on the calculated spectrum
without modification, using the a priori profile shown. (The
a priori profile is selected on the basis of climatology.)
The assumed signal-to-noise ratio was 1000. The solid
lines in Fig. 4 show the retrieved profile, and the degrees of
freedom for the profile are shown in the legend. The two re-
sults shown in Fig. 4a and b are typical. The retrieved profile
has 3.3–3.5
of freedom and follows the departure of the true
profile from the a priori reasonably well. This behavior is
consistent with previous experience and with expectations,
and it leads to the conclusion that the algorithm is working
as designed.
4.1.2 Pointing error
Next we used a known instrumental limitation to test the skill
of the variable-SNR technique. Namely, while the instrument
nominally points at the center of the solar disk, it is common
for some error to be introduced by patchy cloud cover or sim-
ply by tracking hardware problems. The effect of such point-
ing error is to introduce a Doppler shift due to solar rotation,
making calculations of the solar Doppler shift inaccurate, and
thus result in an uncompensated shift in the position of solar
lines relative to telluric lines.
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 4. (a)
Retrievals from a synthetic spectrum with no forward-
model error.
As in
but assuming different true and a priori
To assess the effect of pointing error, we assumed that an
error was present equal to 10 % of the solar diameter, which
produces an error in the solar Doppler shift of
1.3 ppm. We
then applied the variable-SNR modification to the measure-
ment error covariance
, as described in Sect. 3.2. Retrievals
with this assumed error are shown in Fig 5. There is a signif-
icant decrease in the degrees of freedom, from
3.3–3.5 to
2.6. This occurs because the apparent SNR decreases in
the regions of the solar lines. That is, the assumed measure-
ment error is increased at all frequencies where the Doppler
shift error causes an increased residual spectrum, and in some
cases the solar lines and CO
features overlap; the increased
measurement error reduces the algorithm’s sensitivity to the
measured spectrum, corresponding to lower DoF.
The retrieval in Fig. 5a is qualitatively similar to the one
with higher DoF in Fig. 4a. The retrieved profile in Fig. 5b
spreads the increased CO
in the lower troposphere over a
broad range of altitude, showing the effect of poorer vertical
sensitivity compared to Fig. 4b, but does detect the presence
Figure 5. (a)
As Fig. 4a, with telescope pointing error assumed.
As Fig. 4b but with telescope pointing error assumed.
of enhanced CO
in the troposphere. Overall, we believe the
variable-SNR modification is shown to be effective in coping
with systematic residuals due to the level of solar pointing
error introduced.
4.1.3 Linewidth error
Error in spectroscopic parameters is an important cause of
systematic error in the calculated spectra, leading to system-
atic structures in the spectral residuals. Since the profile re-
trieval depends critically on the spectral line shape, spectro-
scopic errors will limit its performance, possibly severely.
The most obvious source of spectroscopic error affecting line
shape is the pressure-broadening coefficient, which simply
scales the linewidth at a given pressure. It is arguably the
largest source of line shape error as well. We will use syn-
thetic spectra and simulated retrievals to evaluate its effects.
For this purpose we have multiplied the pressure-
broadening coefficients in the relevant CO
bands near
m by 1.01, thus modeling a 1 % error in linewidth, and
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 6. (a)
Retrievals with a 1 % error in pressure-broadening
coefficient assumed.
except the residuals of the scaling
retrieval are included in the profile retrieval’s forward model.
used these modified coefficients to calculate sets of
synthetic spectra on specific days at Lamont, using actual
SZA and modeled temperature, etc. We have then run both
the scaling and profile retrievals with the original unmodi-
fied coefficients. The average profiles for 1 day are shown in
Fig. 6a.
The scaling retrieval reduces the CO
mixing ratio slightly
to compensate for the 1 % linewidth error, producing a net
error in
(and mixing ratio) of 0.2 %. The profile re-
trieval, on the other hand, produces large oscillations, of
5 % at the surface and
2 % in the upper troposphere and
stratosphere. Despite these large errors in profile, the net er-
ror in
is of similar magnitude (but opposite sign) to
the scaling retrieval.
Fortunately, errors in real retrievals are unlikely to be as
large as in these simulations.
Much effort in recent years has gone into refining knowl-
edge of the spectroscopic parameters needed for modeling
atmospheric CO
. Devi et al. (2007) state typical uncertainty
in the pressure-broadening coefficient of strong lines in the
m CO
bands is only approximately 0.1 %. Admittedly,
this is a formal uncertainty derived from their spectral fits and
may not include some sources of absolute uncertainty. How-
ever even an absolute uncertainty that small would produce
an error in CO
at the surface of
2 ppm.
The extreme sensitivity of the CO
profile to errors in the
pressure-broadening coefficient, and by extension to other
sources of line shape error, motivates a search for ways to
“correct” the forward-model spectra to minimize such ef-
fects. Since the (unknown) true error in a spectroscopic pa-
rameter is constant, it may be expected to produce a spectral
signature which is very similar from measurement to mea-
surement, over many measurements. If we can isolate and
remove that signature, the profile retrieval may be able to
capture variations in profile shape within that set of measure-
As a preliminary test, we assume that the spectroscopic er-
ror signature is given by the residuals of the scaling retrieval
and add those to the calculated spectrum in the profile re-
trieval. The average profiles, corresponding to Fig. 6a, are
shown in Fig. 6b.
The average retrieved profile is nearly identical to the scal-
ing retrieval; no spurious changes in profile shape are in-
troduced. The derived
mole fractions differ by only
0.01 ppm.
Of course, for real measurements, the signature of spectral
error is not so easily derived. Later, in Sect. 4.4, we calculate
the mean residual vector for large sets of real measurements
and attempt profile retrievals including a scale factor applied
to the mean residual vector.
4.1.4 ILS error
Another potentially significant source of error is distortion of
the measured line shape itself. For Fourier transform spec-
trometers (FTSs, as used by TCCON) the ILS is a convolu-
tion of contributions from the finite path difference and the
finite field of view (FOV) of the FTSs. The path difference
and its ILS contribution (a sinc function) are well known, but
the FOV, which contributes a rectangular shape, has an un-
certainty we estimate as 7 %. This causes the observed line
to be broader and weaker than the atmospheric line, and it
progressively has a larger effect as the line is narrower; i.e.,
the error due to finite aperture becomes more important at
lower pressure where the intrinsic line shape is narrower (see
for example Davis et al., 2001).
We illustrate this effect in Fig. 7, which is calculated for
the same spectra as Fig. 6 and so is directly comparable to
Fig. 6a. The net effect of this error is very small in the lower
troposphere and grows only to
1% in the stratosphere. We
conclude that error in the measured line shape is unlikely to
dominate error in the calculated line shape (Sect. 4.1.3).
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 7.
Retrievals of the spectra used for Fig. 6 but with an as-
sumed error of 7 % in the instrument field-of-view.
4.2 Atmospheric measurements
Atmospheric spectra are routinely measured in Lamont, Ok-
lahoma, at the Southern Great Plains site of the Department
of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement network. A
Cessna aircraft equipped with air sampling in situ detectors
is flown there on a regular basis and produces CO
files from
0 to 5 km altitude. (Biraud et al., 2013). Al-
though these profiles include only about half the total col-
umn of atmospheric CO
, it is in the lowest few kilometers
that CO
is most variable and least predictable. Therefore the
Cessna measurements, coupled with climatological estimates
at higher altitudes, are expected to produce reasonable esti-
mates of the full CO
profile. In particular, they can test the
profile retrieval algorithm’s ability to detect variations from
climatology in the lower troposphere.
With this in mind, we have chosen several days for
study. On these days, Cessna flights were made, atmo-
spheric conditions were excellent, and many high-quality
near-infrared spectra were recorded. We selected days from
various times of year to allow conditions as variable as possi-
ble. The specific days chosen are 15 June 2011, 5 July 2011,
28 July 2011, 26 August 2011, 24 Decemnber 2011, 14 Jan-
uary 2012, and 15 January 2012.
Analysis of the data from these days immediately revealed
significant errors in the solar Doppler shift. This is not only
shown by simple examination of the residuals but is also
formally calculated, as the difference in the frequency shift
observed for solar lines (after correcting for the calculated
Doppler shift) and telluric lines. GFIT does not automatically
take this error into account, by recalculating the spectrum
with the correct Doppler shift. However, these errors can
be corrected by using the retrieved solar–telluric difference
to correct the calculated Doppler shift, and then re-running
the retrieval. All measured spectra and retrievals used and/or
Figure 8. (a)
NCEP temperature profiles at 06:00 and 18:00 for
a single day, less the profile at 12:00 on the same day.
in CO
retrievals produced by not accounting for the temperature
changes of
. Dashed lines for profile scaling, solid for profile
shown in this paper have been “Doppler-shift-corrected” in
this way.
Another potential issue is the temperature profile used in
performing each retrieval.
In clear, dry conditions, the temperature at the surface will
sometimes vary by as much as 20 K during daylight. This
has an important impact on retrieval of tropospheric CO
, as
shown in Fig. 8. Figure 8a shows the difference in tempera-
ture between 12:00 LMST and 06:00 and 18:00 of the same
day. Figure 8b shows the effect of not correctly including this
temperature variation. In particular Fig. 8b shows the differ-
ence between profiles retrieved assuming the 12:00 temper-
ature profile and those using the temperatures of 06:00 and
18:00. Two sets of curves are shown, one for profile scaling
and one for profile retrieval.
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 9. (a)
Average retrieval within about 1 h of a Cessna over-
flight, assuming SNR
100, on 28 July 2011.
but for
15 January 2012.
Note that the CO
errors produced by imposing an error in
surface temperature are largely confined to the lowest 2 km.
To minimize this effect, we have used the NCEP profiles at
06:00, 12:00, and 18:00 LMT, and interpolated between them
to the approximate time of the Cessna overflights. These in-
terpolated temperature profiles have been used in all the re-
trievals shown subsequently in this section.
4.2.1 SNR
As described in Sect. 3.2, we first attempted retrievals by
setting the SNR low enough to avoid trying to fit system-
atic spectral residuals. The SNR observed to achieve this
for the current dataset is approximately 100. Two examples
are shown in Fig. 9. Figure 9a may be compared directly to
Figs. 4b and 5b. A smoother version of the Cessna data is the
true profile in Figs. 4b and 5b. The a priori profile is the same.
Note that the degrees of freedom for the CO
profile (“DoF
”) are 1.4–1.5, implying there is only at best slightly
Figure 10.
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) derived for 28 July 2011
from the variable-SNR technique (see text).
more information about the profile than the 1
of freedom
available to the scaling retrieval.
We see that the retrieval in Fig. 9a poorly matches the
Cessna profile in the lower troposphere, although it is a small
improvement on the a priori. The profile in Fig. 9b matches
5 atm reasonably well, though that may be for-
For present purposes the thing to note is that assuming
100 not only largely masks information on the alti-
tude profile but also avoids profile oscillations (e.g., Fig. 6a),
at least for these 2 days.
4.2.2 Variable SNR
We attempted to include as much profile information as pos-
sible while avoiding “over-fitting” the spectral regions with
the poorest residuals, by using the variable SNR as described
in Sect. 3.2. We illustrate by showing results for the same
days as in the preceding section, 28 July 2011 and 15 Jan-
uary 2012. We show in Fig. 10 the effective SNR on which
we based the diagonal of
for use in Eq. (1), for the day
28 July 2011.
Note that the effective SNR varies from
100 to 750. The
mean value is shown in the title and is a bit over 610. This is
to be compared to SNR
1000 in Fig. 4 and SNR
100 in
Fig. 9.
Examples of profiles retrieved with variable SNR are given
in Fig. 11. CO
DoF has increased to
2.9–3.3, compared to
Fig. 9. Figure 11a is directly comparable to Fig. 9a. There ap-
pears to be some improvement in the lower troposphere but
degradation in the upper troposphere, with a suggestion of
an incipient oscillation. Figure 11b shows a runaway oscilla-
tion. This result shows that the fundamental instability of the
retrieval has not been adequately mitigated by the applica-
tion of the variable-SNR technique. It is worth pointing out
that these 2 days are “typical” of the 7 days studied. In par-
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 11. (a)
Average retrieval within about 1 h of a Cessna over-
flight, assuming variable SNR, on 28 July 2011.
but for
15 January 2012.
ticular, the 2 other winter days show oscillations much like
in Fig. 11b; the 3 other summer days do not, but they show
little if any improvement vs. the Cessna profile.
The performance of the profile retrieval algorithm with
variable SNR on the measured spectra tested is clearly un-
satisfactory. In an effort to understand this limitation we
next closely examine the spectral residuals the algorithm pro-
duces, as described in the next section.
4.3 Spectroscopic residuals
Past experience indicates that the oscillatory behavior of the
profiles seen in Fig. 11 is most likely driven by a failure of the
forward model to adequately reproduce the measured spec-
trum. This of course may reflect systematic error in either
the model or the instrument. To isolate the spectral signature
of the error, we calculated mean residuals from many spec-
tra. We further expanded our study to examine the residuals
produced by the same model instrument at a different site,
namely Lauder, New Zealand.
On the 7 days examined in Sect. 4.2, a total of 5946 good-
quality spectra were recorded at Lamont. There were
spectra day
in winter and up to
850 day
in summer.
We have performed retrievals on all of these spectra and cal-
culated the mean residual for each day, along with the over-
all mean residual, in an attempt to isolate systematic spectral
features which the GFIT forward model cannot reproduce.
At Lauder we examined every 10th spectrum recorded on
13 days selected for clear sky and seasonal coverage. The
days were 10 July 2010, 11 July 2010, 30 July 2010, 24 Au-
gust 2010, 8 September 2010, 2 November 2010, 7 Novem-
ber 2010, 8 November 2010, 4 February 2011, 16 Febru-
ary 2011, 1 April 2011, 21 May 2011, and 28 Septem-
ber 2011. A total of 621 spectra were included; the number
of spectra per day ranged from
10 to 70.
Figures 12–13 show expanded views of portions of the
mean residuals for the two sites, for air mass < 2 (Fig. 12) and
for 2 < air mass < 4 (Fig. 13). A pair of two (upper and lower)
panels is shown for each spectral interval, 6205–6210 and
6240–6245 cm
. The upper panel shows the mean residual.
The dashed vertical lines indicate the positions of CO
tral lines. The lower panel shows the standard deviation of
the daily mean residual vectors.
It is immediately clear that there are systematic residuals
0.5 % depth at all of the CO
positions. Also, the CO
residuals are very similar at Lauder and Lamont, and for both
ranges of air mass. Closer examination shows that the resid-
uals are slightly asymmetric, such that the line center is at
slightly higher frequency than the center of the residual.
While to first order all the CO
residuals in Figs. 12–13 are
very similar, there are also differences. The systematic resid-
uals are broader at higher air mass, and the same features are
somewhat broader at Lauder than at Lamont.
4.4 Mean bias correction
We strongly suspect that a stable profile retrieval is not possi-
ble in the presence of systematic spectral errors as suggested
by the residuals of Sect. 4.3 and that these will readily pro-
duce the unsatisfactory oscillations seen in Fig. 11. This sys-
tematic spectral signature might be thought of as a “bias”
of the GFIT forward model which prevents it from fitting
the measured spectra precisely enough. The GFIT forward
model, as with most practical atmospheric spectral line mod-
els, uses the Voigt profile as its line shape. However, it has
recently become well understood that the Voigt line shape is
inadequate to model atmospheric spectra at the sub-percent
level. See, for example, Fig. 1 of Long et al. (2011). Unfortu-
nately, improved line shape functions are far more complex,
and, while several of them are known to improve spectral fits
in the laboratory (ibid.), there is no agreement as to which
of them contains the best physical description of the line for-
mation. Since atmospheric spectra are formed in far different
physical conditions than laboratory spectra, it is unclear how
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 12.
Mean and standard deviation of residuals in selected
spectral intervals, for measurements with air mass < 2.
to modify the forward model to improve the observed spec-
tral fits.
Pending a future clarification of the physics of line for-
mation, we have attempted to stabilize the algorithm by per-
forming simple “corrections” to the forward model to re-
move, as far as possible, the spectral bias. In the first in-
stance, we have performed retrievals on the Lamont spec-
tra discussed in Sect. 4.2, accounting for systematic spectral
residuals as follows. We have modified the forward model to
include addition of a spectral basis vector, multiplied by a
scale factor, to the modeled spectrum. We calculate the mean
residual spectrum from a large set of the Lamont retrievals
(the set to be defined shortly). We then use those mean resid-
uals as the basis vector to be added to the modeled spectrum.
The scale factor which multiplies the basis vector is incor-
porated in the state vector, to be retrieved for each measured
spectrum. It is typically
In the first instance, we derive the mean residual from the
full set of 7 days of data and use this as the basis vector in
retrievals from each measured spectrum. We show two of the
Figure 13.
Mean and standard deviation of residuals in selected
spectral intervals, for measurements with 2 < air mass < 4.
daily retrieved profiles (each the average of
80 individual
retrievals) in Fig. 14.
Figure 14a and b are directly comparable to Fig. 11a and b.
The same data and algorithm are used except for the addition
of the scaled mean residual as just discussed.
The comparison of Figs. 11 and 14 shows a dramatic im-
provement on 15 January 2012, eliminating the large oscilla-
tion of Fig. 11b. Also on 28 July 2011, the profile of Fig. 14a,
after subtracting the mean residual, is less oscillatory than
previously (Fig. 11a). On both days, the integrated column
from the profile retrieval, represented by
, is slightly
closer to the estimated true value. This is promising and sug-
gests further development of the “bias correction” procedure.
Deriving the residual vector from the full 7 days of mea-
surements implicitly assumes that the residuals are indepen-
dent of seasonal effects and instrumental adjustments over a
long period. This is unlikely to be the case; in fact we have
already noted in discussing Figs. 12–13 that the residuals de-
pend to some degree on air mass. The mean air mass of a set
of spectra will vary with season and times of day. To lessen
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 14. (a)
As Fig. 11a but including a basis vector of mean
residuals in the forward model.
but for 15 January 2012.
the impact of both air mass and potential instrumental vari-
ations in the residuals, we have used monthly residuals cal-
culated in a limited range of air mass (1–2 or 2–4) as the
spectral correction vectors and run the retrievals once more.
The results are shown in Fig. 15.
Unfortunately these results are a clear step backward.
Figure 15a shows no sensitivity to the enhanced lower-
tropospheric CO
, and in Fig. 15b we see the return of os-
cillatory behavior. The
value from the profile retrieval
minus the estimated true value is similar to the scaled minus
true value on 28 July 2011, and somewhat larger than scaled
minus true value on 15 January 2012. It should be noted
that the final residuals resulting from addition of the scaled,
monthly mean residuals are better (the rms fit is smaller) than
those which result from use of the overall mean residuals.
Despite that, the profiles are worse, suggesting that spectral
features relevant to the CO
profile are being removed by the
attempt at spectral bias correction.
Our best results to date come from adding the scaled mean
residuals of the set of days under study. With that in mind we
Figure 15. (a)
As Fig. 14a but with a different residual basis vector.
As Fig. 14b but with a different residual basis vector.
will expand the discussion to include days other than the two
illustrations used so far.
Figure 16a and b show results for 26 August 2010 and
14 January 2012. They were produced in the same way as
Fig. 14a and b, that is, including addition of a scaled mean
residual. The two dates are chosen to illustrate two features
of the full set of retrievals. Namely, on 26 August we see a
smooth profile with only a suggestion of oscillation, which
seems (maybe fortuitously) to track some enhanced CO
the lower troposphere. This description is similar to one for
28 July (Fig. 14a); in fact it is typical of all 4 summer days
of this group. Conversely, 14 January shows a serious oscil-
lation in the profile, unlike 15 January (Fig. 14b). The third
winter day studied, 24 December 2011 (not shown), has an
oscillation similar to 14 January. On both days,
the profile retrieval is slightly closer to the true value than is
the scaled value.
In summary these results fall into two classes. In one, the
retrieved profile is reasonably well behaved but offers lit-
tle if any improvement on the profile scaling version. In the
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
Figure 16. (a)
As Fig. 14a but for 28 August 2011.
As Fig. 14b
but for 14 January 2012.
other, the retrieved profile suffers serious oscillations.
from the profile retrieval is similar to that from the scaling
5 Conclusions
The algorithm behaves as expected on synthetic data. On real
data, results are usually worse than scaling, given our a pri-
ori knowledge of the CO
distribution with altitude. Spectral
residuals are generally poor. When modifications to the spec-
tra and/or tight constraints force residuals to be small, profile
oscillations tend to be severe. Based on the tests shown in
Sect. 4.1, it would seem that our theoretical knowledge of
the atmospheric spectra is inadequate to provide useful CO
profiles at the accuracy required. It is important to consider
the word “useful”: the required accuracy for useful measure-
ments of CO
in the troposphere is very high (
0.1–0.2 %)
relative to other atmospheric species and altitude regions.
Demands on our knowledge of the spectra are correspond-
ingly high.
There are at least two directions to follow in pursuit of
useful profile retrievals. One is improvements to the forward
model. These could be in the form of more accurate values of
spectral parameters, more appropriate models of spectral line
shape, and/or knowledge of the instrument line shape. All of
these areas have, however, already been the focus of intense
work over an extended period of time, and breakthroughs
may be slow in coming.
A second alternative is to exploit profile information from
sources other than the pressure-broadened line shape. An
immediately accessible source is spectral regions of higher
and lower opacity than the spectral band considered here.
In particular, several other CO
bands of varying opacity
are routinely measured simultaneously with the 1.61
(6220 cm
band by the TCCON FTSs. A profile retrieval
using several bands simultaneously should be explored. For
example, the 2.06
m (4852 cm
band has much higher
opacity, while the 1.65
m (6073 cm
band has lower
opacity than the 1.61
m band we have used. As shown in
Fig. 1, regions of high opacity are very sensitive to the lower
troposphere, while more optically thin regions are sensitive
to the upper troposphere and stratosphere. Simultaneous re-
trievals using all three bands would be far less sensitive to
details of the spectral line shape and thus might avoid the
difficulties described earlier. A complicating factor, however,
is the likelihood of different errors in band strength in the
three regions. A strategy for self-consistent scaling the band
strengths might be required before performing a simultane-
ous profile retrieval.
An apparently simple alternative has been suggested,
namely imposing a priori constraints on the profile shape by
experimenting with explicit interlayer correlations in the a
priori covariance matrix
. Such correlations are not nec-
essary simply to preserve profile smoothness. This is fun-
damentally because in the Rodgers algorithm the a priori
profile shape implicitly imposes the profile fine structure,
which is not strongly influenced by the measurement (see
Rodgers, 1990). So, for example, the algorithm developed at
Stony Brook University for ground-based microwave mea-
surements of ClO has been used successfully for more than
20 years and has always used a diagonal
matrix (Solomon
et al., 2000; Connor et al, 2013).
Nevertheless explicit interlayer correlations may damp un-
desirable oscillations, and their effect should be explored.
They have been used routinely in the OCO/OCO-2 retrieval
algorithms (Connor et al., 2008; JPL, 2015), where experi-
ence shows that the nature and strength of correlations is key
to doing this successfully. A whole series of experiments,
analogous to those presented in Sect. 4 of this paper, could
be envisioned to decide how best to apply correlations and
to evaluate their efficacy. This would be a valuable part of a
follow-on study, especially if combined with the multiband
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3513–3525, 2016
B. J. Connor et al.: GFIT2: an experimental algorithm for vertical profile retrieval
retrieval approach. Regrettably, it is beyond the scope of the
present effort.
Finally, it is our intention to release GFIT2 to the com-
munity, as an option within the public version of GFIT. That
would allow testing and development by a wider range of ex-
perienced researchers. So far that has proven impractical, but
we hope to do so in the near future.
Part of this research was performed at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under
contract with NASA. We thank NASA’s Carbon Cycle Science
Investigation Program for supporting the development of GFIT2
(NNX14AI60G). Operations of TCCON at Lamont, Oklahoma,
are made possible by NASA’s OCO-2 project in collaboration with
the DOE ARM program. Cessna data from the SGP are available
through the ARM archive ( We thank
Sebastien Biraud for his assistance in interpreting the aircraft data.
Edited by: F. Hase
Reviewed by: two anonymous referees
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