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© 2024 by David Baltimore, David S. Tatel & Anne-Marie Mazza
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial 4.0 International (
4.0) license
Preface: Recognizing Implicit Bias
in the Scientific & Legal Communities
David Baltimore, David S. Tatel & Anne-Marie Mazza
everal years ago, in the Fall 2018 volume of
, we wrote “Bridging the
Science-Law Divide,” an essay about the work of the National Academies of
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on Science, Technology,
and Law.
In that essay, we discussed the importance of having the legal and sci
entific communities engage with each other on a host of issues, and highlighted
work that the committee conducted on the courts’ handling of scientific evidence
and on society’s governance of emerging technologies. We mentioned that, in the
coming years, the committee hoped to focus on the issue of implicit bias (referred
to as “unconscious bias” in our 2018 essay), as it was becoming increasingly evi
dent that factors outside individual awareness were affecting personal and insti
tutional decision-making that hindered the full participation of all our citizens.
In a provocative talk at Georgetown University in 2017, Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg remarked that confronting unconscious bias would be the next big chal
lenge for the courts. The Supreme Court, in an opinion by Justice Anthony M.
Kennedy, recognized the importance of addressing disparate impact liability
it helps uncover discriminatory intent and counteract unconscious prejudices.
Not only are the courts wrestling with implicit bias but society has begun to
recognize that implicit bias is a challenge for society at large, playing out in all
kinds of environments: education, policing, housing, and everyday activities. In
facing this challenge, we have been thrilled to receive encouragement from col
leagues like Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation, who agreed to sup
port our effort to focus on the science of implicit bias by providing our committee
with the opportunity to organize a workshop on this important topic. The 2021
workshop, entitled “The Science of Implicit Bias: Implications for Law and Pol
icy,” which was thoughtfully cochaired by Justice Goodwin Liu and Dr. Camara
Jones, vividly highlighted how implicit bias is hindering our country’s ability to
give all citizens opportunities to reach their full potential, and become fully en
gaged members of our nation.
As we see from the essays in this volume–that focus on what science tells us
about implicit bias, what the implications of not addressing it are for a fair and
equitable society, and what might be done to lessen its impact–implicit bias does
not have to be the determining factor in our decision-making. We can build a so
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153 (1) Winter 2024
David Baltimore, David S. Tatel & Anne-Marie Mazza
ciety and institutions that take steps to mitigate some of its harmful effects. Thus,
we hope you find the essays in this collection informative. We were delighted to
read pieces by many of the experts who participated in the 2021 workshop and to
learn from others who agreed to contribute to this volume.
about the authors
David Baltimore
, a Fellow of the American Academy since 1974, is the Judge Shir
ley Hufstedler Professor of Biology and President Emeritus at the California Insti
tute of Technology. He is the author of over seven hundred articles in virology and
David S. Tatel
, a Fellow of the American Academy since 2015, is Senior Counsel
at Hogan Lovells, and a retired Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit.
Anne-Marie Mazza
is the Senior Director of the Committee on Science, Tech
nology, and Law for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medi
cine, and former Executive Director of the President’s Council of Advisors on Sci
ence and Technology.
David Baltimore, David S. Tatel, and Anne-Marie Mazza, “Bridging the Science-Law
147 (4) (Fall 2018): 181–194,
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc.
, 576
U.S. 519 (2015).
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