Published April 2023 | Published
Journal Article Open

Bias Correction and Statistical Modeling of Variable Oceanic Forcing of Greenland Outlet Glaciers


Variability in oceanic conditions directly impacts ice loss from marine outlet glaciers in Greenland, influencing the ice sheet mass balance. Oceanic conditions are available from Atmosphere-Ocean Global Climate Model (AOGCM) output, but these models require extensive computational resources and lack the fine resolution needed to simulate ocean dynamics on the Greenland continental shelf and close to glacier marine termini. Here, we develop a statistical approach to generate ocean forcing for ice sheet model simulations, which incorporates natural spatiotemporal variability and anthropogenic changes. Starting from raw AOGCM ocean heat content, we apply: (a) a bias-correction using ocean reanalysis, (b) an extrapolation accounting for on-shelf ocean dynamics, and (c) stochastic time series models to generate realizations of natural variability. The bias-correction reduces model errors by ∼25% when compared to independent in-situ measurements. The bias-corrected time series are subsequently extrapolated to fjord mouth locations using relations constrained from available high-resolution regional ocean model results. The stochastic time series models reproduce the spatial correlation, characteristic timescales, and the amplitude of natural variability of bias-corrected AOGCMs, but at negligible computational expense. We demonstrate the efficiency of this method by generating >6,000 time series of ocean forcing for >200 Greenland marine-terminating glacier locations until 2100. As our method is computationally efficient and adaptable to any ocean model output and reanalysis product, it provides flexibility in exploring sensitivity to ocean conditions in Greenland ice sheet model simulations. We provide the output and workflow in an open-source repository, and discuss advantages and future developments for our method.

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© 2023 The Authors. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Geophysical Union. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. This work was funded by a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation (Grant 2020-1965). HS was also funded by the NSF Navigating the New Arctic Program. Computing resources were provided by the Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment (PACE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. We thank three anonymous reviewers for providing comments that helped to improve the quality of this study. VV thanks Lizz Ultee for guidance about the graphical lasso method, Hong Zhang for helping with ECCO output processing, and John Christian for insights about climate variability. Data Availability Statement All code (python scripts) to reproduce the method described in this study are available as a Zenodo repository (Verjans, 2023): The repository includes all intermediary and final output files for member r1 of MIROC-ES2L under scenario ssp585 as an example. The repository also includes samples of 1000 TF 1850–2100 time series generated following the method presented at the 226 marine glacier fronts for the four combinations of AOGCMs and CMIP6 emission scenarios used in this study. The raw climate model output from the CMIP6 experiments can be downloaded from: The raw output of the Hadley Centre EN4.2.1 monthly objective analyses can be downloaded from: Output from the high-resolution ECCO Arctic forward run can be downloaded from:

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Published - J_Adv_Model_Earth_Syst_-_2023_-_Verjans_-_Bias_Correction_and_Statistical_Modeling_of_Variable_Oceanic_Forcing_of_Greenland.pdf



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August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023