Auxiliary Material for Paper 2005JD006400

Size-resolved particulate matter composition in Beijing during pollution and dust events

Ann M. Dillner

Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, University of California, Davis, California, USA
James J. Schauer

Environmental Chemistry and Technology Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

Yuanhang Zhang and Limin Zeng

College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

Glen R. Cass

School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Deceased 30 July 2001

Dillner, A. M., J. J. Schauer, Y. Zhang, L. Zeng, and G. R. Cass (2006), Size-resolved particulate matter composition in Beijing during pollution and dust events, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D05203, doi:10.1029/2005JD006400.


This auxiliary material contains data, figures and text based on the sampling and analysis conducted for the paper.  Figure S1 shows the comparison between ICP-MS and XRF data collected simultaneously and Text S1 gives a description of the comparison.  Tables S1 and S2 give the TSP and PM2.5, respectively, concentration data for each sampling event.  Figure S2 shows all the calculated back trajectories.  The remaining figures are size distribution data.

1. 2005jd006400-fs01.eps  A figure showing the comparison of the XRF and ICPMS data.

2. 2005jd006400-txts01.txt A description of the comparison of XRF and ICPMS data from collocated samples

3. 2005jd006400-ts011.txt TSP concentrations of bulk species in micrograms per cubic meter for each sampling event.

4. 2005jd006400-ts02.txt TSP concentrations of elements in nanograms per cubic meter for each sampling event.

5. 2005jd006400-fs03.txt PM2.5 concentrations of bulk species in micrograms per cubic meter for each sampling event.

6. 2005jd006400-ts04.txt PM2.5 concentrations of elements in nanograms per cubic meter for each sampling event.  Null data is below detection limit.

7. 2005jd006400-fs02.eps  A figure showing the 24 hour back trajectories for each hour during sampling for each sampling day.

8. 2005jd006400-fs03.eps A figure showing speciated size distributions for all six sampling days.

9. 2005jd006400-fs04.eps  Normalized size distributions of elements not shown in Figure 5 for the dust storm profile.

10. 2005jd006400-fs05.eps  Normalized size distributions of elements not shown in Figure 5 for the urban pollution profile.

11. 2005jd006400-fs06.eps  Normalized size distributions of elements not shown in Figure 5 for the industrial pollution profile.