of 7
American Mineralogist, Volume 95, pages 242–248, 2010
0003-004X/10/0203–242$05.00/DOI: 10.2138/am.2010.3268
Multilevel modular mesocrystalline organization in red coral
a n i e l
i e l z e u f
* n
i c o l e
l o q u e t
o m i n i q u e
h a t a i n
r a n ç o i s e
o n n e t é
a n i e l
e r r y
o a q u i m
a r r a
B o u
a n
D w a r
m. s
t o l p e r
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille, CNRS-Aix-Marseille University, 13288, Marseille, France
Institut de Ciències del Mar, Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta 37-49, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, MC 170-25, 1200 East California Boulevard, Pasadena,
California 91125, U.S.A.
B s t r a c t
Biominerals can achieve complex shapes as aggregates of crystalline building blocks. In the red
coral skeleton, we observe that these building blocks are arranged into eight hierarchical levels of
similarly (but not identically) oriented modules. The modules in each hierarchical level assemble into
larger units that comprise the next higher level of the hierarchy, and consist themselves of smaller,
oriented modules. EBSD and TEM studies show that the degree of crystallographic misorientation
between the building blocks decreases with decreasing module size. We observe this organization
down to a few nanometers. Thus, the transition from imperfect crystallographic order at millimeter
scale to nearly perfect single crystalline domains at nanometer scale is progressive. The concept of
“mesocrystal” involves the three-dimensional crystallographic organization of nanoparticles into a
highly ordered mesostructure. We add to this concept the notion of “multilevel modularity.” This
modularity has potential implications for the origin of complex biomineral shapes in nature. A multi
level modular organization with small intermodular misorientations combines a simple construction
scheme, ruled by crystallographic laws, with the possibility of complex shapes. If the observations we
have made on red coral extend to other biominerals, long-range crystallographic order and interfaces
at all scales may be key to how some biominerals achieve complex shapes adapted to the environment
in which they grow.
Biomineral, mesocrystal, crystallography, calcite, EBSD, hierarchical organization,
Corallium rubrum
, complex shape
n t r o
D u c t i o n
Biominerals often display morphological, chemical, and crys
tallographic patterns at length scales ranging from the nano- to
the macroscale (Lowenstam and Weiner 1989; Mann 2001). As
such, they correspond to the definition of “complex systems”
(Grimm et al. 2005). Either individually or in combination with
each other, these patterns can provide information on the mecha
nisms that produce complex structures. An important feature
of biominerals is that they can achieve “beautifully sculpted”
shapes (Weiner et al. 2005) using crystal symmetry-dependent
blocks, but it is unclear how these shapes are formed from such
building blocks. One possibility is that a disordered amorphous
precursor phase that can be “molded into any shape” (Weiner et
al. 2005) plays an important role in generating a wide variety of
forms (Pecher et al. 2009; Weiner et al. 2005). Another is that
complex shapes can emerge from particular arrangements of
crystalline units during growth (Towe 2006). In this article, we
demonstrate that red coral (
Corallium rubrum
) acts as an astute
crystallographer, assembling its skeleton as a delicate arrange
ment of a hierarchy of crystals with well-defined orientations
relative to their near- and far-field neighbors.
x p e r i m e n t a l
m e t h o
D s
Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) using a SEM enables quantitative
measurements of the crystallographic orientation of crystal domains as small as
200 nm (Prior et al. 1999), and the calculation of misorientation axes and angles
between any two data points. EBSD patterns were obtained at Caltech on a LEO
1550VP SEM equipped with a HKL technology “channel 5” EBSD system using
an accelerating voltage of 20 kV, a probe current of 2 nA, and a working distance
of 14 mm. Samples were prepared by conventional polishing using diamond paste
with grit sizes down to 1 or ¼
m, followed by a final polish with colloidal silica.
Collection times of ~0.3 s under the SEM beam were sufficient to generate good
quality EBSD patterns for the Mg-calcite red coral skeleton. A 200
100 grid
with 4
m spacing between points generated an orientation map in <2 h. In the
orientation map, each pixel corresponds to a crystallographic orientation character
ized by three Euler angles (
2) transformed into a RGB color code using
the relations red = 255
/180, green = 255
/180, blue = 255
/180. The lattice
orientations of the Mg-calcite crystals making up the red coral skeleton (Grillo
et al. 1993) were determined with a lateral diameter of the diffracting volume of
~200 nm and an absolute angular resolution of ±0.5°. EBSD patterns with a mean
angular uncertainty ≥1° were discarded and plotted as white dots on the map; on
the orientation map, 42.6% of the points were indexed. Stereographic projections
(upper hemisphere) of {
} planes and the corresponding pole density/contour
diagrams were automatically generated.
A SEM equipped with a forescatter detector generates images of texture
of polycrystalline samples with a submicrometer spatial resolution (Prior et al.
1999). SEM orientation contrast (OC) imaging is based on signal contrast between
materials with differences in crystallographic orientations. Sharp contrast changes
correspond to sudden changes in crystallographic orientations. This technique
detects small changes in orientation (<0.5°) unseen by EBSD (Prior et al. 1999).
It is also a high spatial resolution technique since domains about 0.25
m wide
can be resolved with a field emission source. OC images are not quantitative (in
* E-mail: vielzeuf@cinam.univ-mrs.fr
contrast to EBSD), but they do allow the characterization of small crystallographic
changes in polycrystalline materials.
Other more widely used techniques (SEM and TEM) and the provenance of
the biological material are described in Vielzeuf et al. (2008). Results presented
here are based on the study of about 20 different samples of red coral.
e s u l t s
In this section, the crystallographic structure of the red coral
skeleton is presented from the largest to the smallest unit. In the
figures, features of interest are labeled (e.g., “
” for herringbone
unit, etc.); in the text, they are referred to by the figure number
followed by the label (e.g., Fig. 1b [
Herringbone units and strips (10
Observation of polished surfaces of red coral cut perpendicu
lar to its main axis under a reflected light microscope shows a
regular alternation of a few millimeters long, darker and brighter
strips (Figs. 1a and 1b [
]). A dark strip indicates that the op
tical axes of the Mg-calcite crystals that compose the skeleton are
parallel or perpendicular to the axes of the polarizer or analyzer,
while any other orientation generates bright strips. A rotation of
45° reverses the pattern. The alternation of bright and dark strips
in a radial arrangement is shown in Figure 1a. It is important to
note that crystals in a single strip are, from a crystallographic
point of view, almost similarly oriented over distances of a few
millimeters. The coupling of a dark and a bright strip forms a
composite crystallographic superstructure that we refer to as the
herringbone unit (Figs. 1b [
] and 1c). Some herringbone units
reach the crenulated rim of the skeleton (Fig. 1a), and each of
these units coincides with a concave outward portion of the rim
(Fig. 1a [
]); the wavy pattern at the rim is the expression in
cross section of longitudinal grooves running along the skeleton
(Grillo et al. 1993; Vielzeuf et al. 2008). The herringbone units
display a roughly constant width, ca. 200–300
m (Figs. 1a and
1b). Thus, the increase in diameter of the skeleton is accommo
dated not by an increasing width of the herringbone units but
by an increasing number of units (Fig. 1a). New units appear at
macroscopic dislocations (Figs. 1a and 1b [
Figure 2b shows an EBSD orientation map with three her
ringbone units, superposed upon a reflected light microphoto
graph (Fig. 2a). The EBSD study was performed on a different
sample than those shown in Figure 1; however, as indicated by
the scale bars, the width of the EBSD map is about twice the
width of Figure 1c. The orientation map shows the alternation
of blue and pink bands coinciding with the bright and dark strips
of the photograph, respectively. Pole figures (Figs. 2c and 2d)
indicate that the
axes of the crystals of Mg-calcite are almost
parallel to the plane of observation Xy
(tilt < ~6°) in both types
of strips. However, most importantly, their orientations in that
plane systematically differ: in the blue strips, the
axes are
oriented ~ –22° (relative to the
y axis shown in Fig. 2a), while
they are oriented ~ +22° in the pink strips. The histogram of
the crystallographic orientation of the
axes in the Xy
in the blue strips (Fig. 2e) shows a unimodal distribution and a
peak width at half height of ~30°. The distribution for the pink
strips is bimodal (Fig. 2e), but with a comparable peak width at
half height if it is treated as a unimodal distribution. We do not
ascribe important significance to this bimodality since it could
be related to statistical bias.
Spindles (10
Observation at higher magnification indicates that the bright/
dark strips seen in reflected light are not perfectly homogeneous,
but are composed of elongated and irregular spindle-shape sub
units (Fig. 1b). These spindles are 100 to 300
m long and 10
to 50
m wide; some of them are contoured in Figure 1c [
The angle between spindles in the bright and dark strips is in
general close to 45°, but shows a large dispersion of ±20°. It is
this arrangement that results in the visually obvious herringbone
pattern in Figure 1c. The combination of EBSD map (Fig. 2b),
pole figures (Figs. 2c and 2d), and reflected light images show
that the elongation of the spindles is more or less parallel to the
optical axis of the crystals. Histograms of distribution of crystal
lographic orientations can be retrieved from zones corresponding
to a single spindle (Figs. 2b and 2e). For a given set of EBSD data,
the histogram of orientations of the
axes of a strip is obviously
the external envelope of the local histograms of the spindles that
constitute the strip. The histogram for a single spindle displays
a significantly lower spread of orientations than the strip as a
whole (Fig. 2e) and a remarkable similarity of crystallographic
orientation with a peak width at half height of only ~15°, i.e.,
about half that observed for the strip as a whole. Normalization
of the data to generate identical areas under the strip or spindle
distribution curves does not affect the width at half height of the
distributions. Other EBSD maps (not shown here) performed
on the same sample with a better spatial resolution (2 and 1
spacing between points) confirm this hierarchy of statistic distri
butions. Furthermore, the OC image of spindles shown in Figure
1d is consistent with this observation: dark and bright lineations
(emphasized by yellow lines in Fig. 1d) indicate a preferential
crystallographic orientation within each spindle.
We noted earlier that the surface of the red coral skeleton is
crenulated and shows a wavy pattern (~300
m wavelength).
The surface of each wave is not smooth but, in a self-similar
fashion, made of numerous tree-like smaller (~30
m) micro
protuberances (Grillo et al. 1993; Vielzeuf et al. 2008). Similarity
of orientation and size, together with other EBSD observations
(not shown here) suggest that microprotuberances are the surface
expression of the spindles.
Lozenges (10
OC images at higher magnification (Fig. 1e) show that
spindles are not single crystals. Instead, they are made of 5
wide, 10
m long lozenges (Fig. 1e [
]) separated by narrow,
dark, porous zones (Fig. 1e [
]). In spite of being made of
separate sub-units, the crystallographic orientation within each
spindle remains nearly constant as indicated by the alignment of
the long axis of the lozenges and the parallelism of dark/bright
elongated bands (Fig. 1e [
]). In both the spindles and the loz
enges, EBSD showed that the long axes of these bands coincide
with the
axes of calcite crystals (Figs. 1d and 1e [
Fibers (10
The alternation of dark and bright elongated bands (<1
wide, 5–10
m long) in the lozenges (Fig. 1e [
]) indicate that
crystallographic misorientations still exist within each lozenge.
However, these misorientations may be very small since minute
differences can be detected by OC imaging (<0.1° according to
i G u r e
Crystallography of
Corallium rubrum
. (
) Mosaic photograph of a section of skeleton under reflected light microscope (polarized
and analyzed light) with long-range crystallographic order and herringbone units.
: dislocation,
: trough on the wavy surface.
) Enlargement
. The herringbone units (
) are made of the association of a dark (
) and a bright (
) strip. New herringbone units appear at dislocations (
The wavy black dashed line represents a past growth surface and indicates the polarity of the structure. (
) Internal structure of the herringbone:
each strip is made of elongated spindles (
). Spindles in two adjacent strips in a herringbone unit form an angle of ~45° (see also
). Black arrows
indicate both the elongation of the spindles and the orientation of the
axes of calcite crystals. (
) SEM observation of spindles. Differences in gray
levels are due to orientation contrast; the limit between two adjacent spindles corresponds to a change in crystallographic orientations.
yellow lines
and black arrows underline the
axis orientations in different spindles. Note the drastic change of orientations on both sides of the herringbone axis
shown as a heavy black line. The white dashed lines are traces of growth rings; they are orthogonal to crystallographic orientations. (
) Internal
structure of the spindles (orientation contrast SEM image). Spindles are made of lozenges (
). These lozenges are reminiscent of sections of calcite
scalenohedra and are separated by dark zones indicative of porosity (
). Each lozenge shows elongated dark/bright bands (
) corresponding to
crystalline fibers. Black arrows indicate the
axis orientations. (
) Crystalline fibers (
) observed under the SEM (secondary electrons). Fibers
are made of a piling of submicrometer units (
). (
) A crystalline fiber in a focused ion beam foil observed under the TEM, dark-field image. (
Submicrometer units under the TEM in a focused ion beam foil. Variations in gray levels are due to variations in crystallographic orientations.
The darkest zones between the crystals are indicative of porosity (
). (
) HRTEM image showing lattice fringes and the internal structure of
submicrometer units composed of 2–5 nm similarly oriented nanodomains. Variations in adsorption contrast indicate the presence of nanopores
). Some characteristic interplane distances are indicated in nanometers. Inside frames in
, and
are drawn for relative scale purpose
and do not represent exact locations of enlargements.
Prior et al. 1999). SEM and TEM observations (Figs. 1f [
] and
1g [
]), respectively, indicate the existence of crystalline fibers
(see also Vielzeuf et al. 2008) whose dimensions (ca. 1
m wide,
ca. 10
m long) are identical to the elongated bands observed in
the lozenges. Thus, we infer that the OC bands in the lozenges
correspond to crystalline fibers.
Submicrometer units (10
In a previous SEM and TEM study, Vielzeuf et al. (2008)
showed that the micrometer-scale crystalline fibers in the red
coral do not correspond to single crystals, but are themselves
made of the piling of 200–500 nm units (Fig. 1f [
]). This con
clusion is consistent with atomic force microscopy observations
(Dauphin 2006). These submicrometer units are clearly identified
on focused ion beam foils observed with a TEM (Fig. 1h [
In the dark-field images, the boundaries of the submicrometer
units are commonly marked by thin black porous spaces (Fig. 1h
]). Differences in diffraction contrast from one submicrom
eter unit to the other (Figs. 1g and 1h) can be ascribed to slight
crystallographic misorientations.
Nanodomains (10
TEM electron diffraction patterns on selected areas in the
submicrometer units, such as the one shown as an inset in
i G u r e
EBSD study. (
) Reflected light microphotograph of a section of red coral skeleton normal to the axis (compare to Fig. 1a);
, and
as in Figure 1b. (
) Electron back-scattered diffraction orientation map: 200
100 grid with a 4
m interval between points, spatial resolution
~200 nm. For relative scale and polarity purpose, the wavy dark-blue dashed line represents a fossil growth surface. The black arrows correspond
to the orientation of the
axes of the calcite crystals in the different strips. The dark-blue and dark-orange rectangles are the selected areas for the
blue and pink spindle histograms in
. (
) Pole figures of the {0001} planes in the blue and pink strips. Density plot, stereographic projection,
half width 10°, cluster size 5°, contour line interval 2.5. (
) Histograms of crystallographic orientation of the
axes in the Xy
plane of crystals in
the blue and pink strips (entire map) and in a blue and pink spindle (selected areas shown in
Figure 1i, indicate that each unit diffracts as a single crystal.
However, TEM images show that the submicrometer units are
not single crystal, but are made of an assemblage of 2–5 nm
nanodomains (Vielzeuf et al. 2008). Variations in absorption
contrast and the presence of free crystalline surfaces suggest
the presence of an intimate network of nanopores (Vielzeuf et
al. 2008). High-resolution TEM imaging (Fig. 1i) confirms the
presence of nanograins. Some of them display a rhombohedral
shape. Most importantly, the parallelism of lattice fringes across
adjacent domains demonstrates that the crystallographic axes of
all domains are nearly parallel.
i s c u s s i o n
a n
i m p l i c a t i o n s
Figure 3 summarizes the different levels of crystallographic
arrangement in the red coral skeleton. From this hierarchy of
crystallographic structures, a simple pattern emerges: imperfectly
similarly oriented (ISO) nanograins combine into submicrometer
units; the ISO submicrometer units combine into fibers; ISO
fibers make up the lozenge units; ISO lozenges are arranged
into spindles; the ISO spindles comprise the millimetric strips;
the strips joined side by side form herringbone units; and finally,
the juxtaposition of herringbone units plus the addition of new
units at macroscopic dislocations lead to the radiating structure
of the red coral skeleton. Each entity is composed of modules
and is at the same time a modular part of a larger module with
remarkable similarity of crystallographic orientations. Histo
grams of crystallographic orientation of
axes (Fig. 4) can be
used to present a Russian nesting doll-like organization that spans
over seven orders of magnitude. We have already seen that the
histogram of orientation in the millimeter-scale strips (Fig. 2e) is
the envelope of the histograms of the spindles that constitute the
strip. In turn, the spindle histogram is necessarily the envelope
of the histograms of the lozenges that constitute the spindles,
and so on. Observations with different analytical techniques
from the reflected light microscope to the TEM suggest that the
degree of misorientation decreases with the decreasing size of
the crystallographic modules. This is demonstrated by EBSD
measurements for the strip and the spindle units. Our attempts
to quantify the degree of misorientation in the smallest units by
doing EBSD maps with a better spatial resolution (0.2
m spac
ing between points) failed, in part as a result of beam damage
of the sample. However, qualitative observations of the smallest
units as described earlier are in agreement with the interpretation
of increasing order with decreasing size of the modules. Thus,
if our interpretation is correct, the red coral skeleton shows a
progressive transition from imperfect to almost perfect crystalline
domains down through a hierarchical crystallographic structure.
This multilevel modular arrangement preserves long-range crys
tallographic ordering (though imperfect), scattering properties
close to single crystals and, at the same time, it allows the pres
i G u r e
Summary and conceptual interpretation of seven levels of crystallographic hierarchy in the skeleton of
Corallium rubrum
. The
macroscopic radial arrangement of herringbone units (as in Fig. 1a) representing an eighth level is not shown here. For clarity, some angles and
lengths are not to scale. Note the preservation of crystallographic order (
axis) over long distance. Possible slight misorientations between the
constituting units are not shown.
i G u r e
Modular organization illustrated through a schematic
composite histogram of crystallographic orientations. Each unit is the
external envelope of various sub-units and at the same time a sub-unit
of a larger envelope. The degree of misorientation in the sub-unit is
lower than in the unit. Note that the distribution in the blue and pink
strip overlap. Not to scale.
ence of porosity and crystal interfaces at all scales.
A “mesocrystal” is a recent concept defined as a super
structure made of almost perfectly aligned crystalline particles
(Cölfen and Antonietti 2005; Meldrum and Cölfen 2008). This
concept arose from observations of natural and synthetic materi
als (Penn and Banfield 1998, 1999). In these examples, primary
particles aligned, docked, and fused to form oriented chains by
a mechanism called “oriented attachment” (Penn and Banfield
1998). This mechanism was an elaboration of the concept of
“particle aggregation” developed for colloids (Bailey et al. 1993;
Privman et al. 1999); it applies in biomineralogy as shown by
experiments in the CaCO
system (Cölfen and Antonietti 2005;
Imai et al. 2006; Oaki et al. 2007). An important point is that
although they are made of distinct nanoparticles, mesocrystals
display scattering properties of single crystals (Cölfen and An
tonietti 2005). Most experimental studies related to mesocrystals
describe a single level of organization, i.e., nanograins assem
bling into a mesocrystal. However, recently, in a study dealing
with the growth of calcite in an organic gel matrix, Oaki et al.
(2007) observed structures made of a hierarchy of nanocrystals,
submicrometric and micrometric units, each exhibiting rhombo
hedral habits. They concluded that the resultant calcite could be
regarded as a hierarchical self-similar structure.
Our observations are consistent with most aspects of mesocrys
tals as described in these references, and thus we infer that each of
the hierarchical levels we have observed in the red coral skeleton
would be appropriately described as mesocrystalline. However,
some observations presented here are new and may help refining
the concept of mesocrystals in biomineral systems. For example,
contrary to previous examples of mesocrystals but in agreement
with the experimental observations of Oaki et al. (2007), the red
coral skeleton displays not a single stage but rather a multilevel
crystallographic hierarchy. This is a new feature of natural me
socrystals. Further studies will be required to determine if, as we
expect, this is a general feature of biominerals.
Mesocrystals have been viewed as examples of crystallization
that does not proceed through ion-by-ion attachment but rather
by attachment of modular building blocks (Cölfen and Antonietti
2005). Our observations only describe a hierarchical organization
and not necessarily a crystallization mechanism. Given the way in
which a red coral skeleton grows (i.e., via layer-by-layer addition
of particles at the surface, as shown by chemical patterns and the
presence of annual growth rings (Marschal et al. 2004; Vielzeuf
et al. 2008), it seems likely that only the smallest hierarchical
scales may have been assembled by the addition of separately
built modules. In the case of the red coral, we have a modular
organization but not a modular construction [see Baldwin and
Clark (1997) for an interesting analogy with modularity in the
design of complex engineering systems]. A major difference
between inorganic mineral structures (e.g., rocks) and biomin
eral structures (e.g., skeletons), is that the latter are evolved by
organisms to fulfill particular functions. The skeleton of the red
coral must respond to competing demands: anchor the colony on
a rocky sea floor; support and grip the living tissues; allow the
growth of the organism; achieve mechanical strength against sea
currents; and adapt its shape in a way that favors both the access
of the polyps to the nutrients and the removal of metabolic waste
in the sea water. The modular crystallographic organization in
the red coral and its ability to achieve complex morphologies
overcome the poor mechanical properties of calcite. For instance,
microprotuberances, the morphological surface expression of
the crystallographic spindles as discussed earlier, end up acting
as self-blocking structures between growth rings in the skeleton
(Vielzeuf et al. 2008). Thus, in the red coral, morphologically
complex, mechanically resistant structures result from a construc
tion scheme ruled in great part by crystallographic principles.
Colonies of red coral display a wide range of morpholo
gies indicating that they are able to adapt to surrounding
hydrodynamic motion. We noted above that the similarity of
crystallographic orientation between different modules in each
level is imperfect. Such misorientations may not be viewed as
“imperfections” but rather as degrees of freedom that, together
with the polydispersity of the modules and the presence of
interfaces at all levels, allow morphological adjustments. The
precise nature of the interfaces between the crystalline units is
not yet known. However, Vielzeuf et al. (2008) noted the pres
ence of porosity and organic matter at all scales, indicating that
the red coral skeleton is a composite organic/inorganic material.
Thus, both inorganic/inorganic and organic/inorganic types of
interfaces are possible. It has been suggested that the formation
of biogenic calcium carbonates is directed by an ordered template
of macromolecules (Cuif and Dauphin 2005; Pouget et al. 2009).
Whether the hierarchical modular organization presented here is
also directed by a hierarchical organization of macromolecules
remains to be determined.
In nature, the existence of an amorphous phase that could be
“molded into any shape” has been put forward as a key factor of
morphological control in biominerals (Weiner et al. 2005). We do
not challenge the existence and the importance of an amorphous
phase as a precursor in crystalline biominerals, but we doubt that
it plays a major role in the final morphology of the red coral.
Instead, we consider that the presence of interfaces at all scales
is a key property of biominerals to achieve all kinds of shapes
and adapt to the environment. How amorphous precursor phase
may influence or relate to the multiscale interface model that we
propose here is not yet known.
Developing nanomaterials with controlled hierarchical
structures, crystalline morphology, orientation, and surface
architecture remains a challenge in materials science, and there
is still much to learn from biomineral archetypes (Cölfen 2003).
The multiscale interface model presented here may prove use
ful to develop new strategies to design complex-shaped three-
dimensional crystalline synthetic materials.
c k n o w l e
m e n t s
This work has been supported by Centre National de la Recherche Scienti
fique (CNRS), Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (INSU) through grants
ECLIPSE 2005, INTERRVIE 2009, and by Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanosci
ence de Marseille (CINaM) through internal grants to D.V. We thank C. Henry for
his support, Chi Ma for his assistance with EBSD and OC imaging at Caltech, and
C. Vanni, W. Saikali, C. Dominici, and T. Neisius for their help with the FIB foil
preparation and observation at CP2M-Marseille. We made the TEM observations
at the INSU TEM facility at Marseille. We thank S. Nitsche and D. Chaudanson
for their supervision during the sessions. One of us (D.V.) is grateful for a Caltech
financial support to this project. Reviews by three anonymous reviewers as well
as editorial handling by Nita Sahai are gratefully acknowledged.
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