Published April 15, 1983 | public
Journal Article Open

Cosmic Ray Abundances of Sn, Te, Xe, and Ba Nuclei Measured on HEAO 3


Elements with even atomic number ( Z) in the interval 50 ~ Z ~ 56 have been resolved in the cosmic radiation using the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO 3 satellite. The observation that 50Sn and 56Ba are more abundant than 52Te Elements with even atomic number ( Z) in the interval 50 ~ Z ~ 56 have been resolved in the cosmic radiation using the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO 3 satellite. The observation that 50Sn and 56Ba are more abundant than 52Te and 54Xe is inconsistent with a purer-process cosmic-ray source. Adjustment of source abundances for an enhancement of those elements with a low first ionization potential does not change this conclusion and 54Xe is inconsistent with a purer-process cosmic-ray source. Adjustment of source abundances for an enhancement of those elements with a low first ionization potential does not change this conclusion.

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© American Astronomical Society. Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System. Received 1982 November 8; accepted 1982 December 15. We thank N. S. Collins, B. W. Gauld, D. P. Grossman, and B. J. Newport for assistance in programming for data analysis. The research was supported in part by NASA under contracts NAS 8-27976, 77, 78 and grants NGR 05-002-160, 24-005-050, and 26-008-001. Space Radiation Laboratory SRL ID #: 1982-08


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