of 22
Bacterial Argonaute proteins aid cell division in the presence of topoisomerase
inhibitors in
Escherichia coli
Anna Olina
, Aleksei Agapov
, Denis Yudin
, Anton Kuzmenko
, Alexei A. Aravin
, Andrey
Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow
123182, Russia
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91125, USA
Present address: Department of Biology, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, ETH
Zurich, Otto-Stern-Weg 5, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
* To whom correspondence should be addressed: avkulb@yandex.ru
Prokaryotic Argonaute (pAgo) proteins are guide-dependent nucleases that function in host
defense against invaders. Recently, it was shown that TtAgo from
Thermus thermophilus
participates in the completion of DNA replication by decatenating chromosomal DNA. Here, we
show that two pAgos from cyanobacteria
Synechococcus elongatus
(LrAgo) act as DNA-guided DNA nucleases in
Escherichia coli
and aid cell division in the
presence of the gyrase inhibitor ciprofloxacin. Both pAgos are preferentially loaded with small
DNA guides derived from the sites of replication termination. The amount of pAgo-associated
small DNAs (smDNAs) from the termination sites is increased in the presence ciprofloxacin,
suggesting that smDNA biogenesis depends on DNA replication and is stimulated by gyrase
inhibition. Ciprofloxacin also enhances asymmetry in the distribution of smDNAs around Chi-
sites, indicating that it induces double-strand breaks that serve as a source of smDNA during
their processing by RecBCD. While active in
E. coli
, SeAgo does not protect its native host
from ciprofloxacin. These results suggest that pAgo nucleases help to complete
replication of chromosomal DNA by targeting the sites of termination, and may switch their
functional activities when expressed in different host species.
prokaryotic Argonaute proteins, topoisomerase, DNA replication,
sites, cell
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Argonaute (Ago) proteins are an evolutionary conserved family of programmable nucleases that
are found in all three domains of life (1-3). Eukaryotic Argonautes (eAgos) participate in RNA
interference and use small RNA guides to recognize RNA targets
. This is followed by target
RNA cleavage through an intrinsic endonucleolytic activity of eAgo or by recruitment of
accessory factors, resulting in post-transcriptional or transcriptional gene silencing (8-11).
When first identified in bacteria and archaea, prokaryotic Argonautes (pAgos) served as models
to study the structure and biochemical properties of Ago proteins (3, 12-18), but their
functional activities in host species remained unknown. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated
that pAgos are much more diverse than eAgos, and only a smaller part of them are catalytically
active (1, 2, 19, 20). This analysis also revealed widespread horizontal transfer of pAgos among
bacterial and archaeal species, suggesting that they can function in various genetic contexts and
In vitro
studies of several pAgo proteins demonstrated that their primary target is DNA rather
than RNA. Recognition of DNA targets by pAgos can be guided by small DNAs, as observed for
most studied pAgos, or by small RNAs (21-30). These findings were corroborated by
in vivo
analysis of several DNA-targeting pAgo proteins in bacterial cells, which revealed that pAgos
preferentially recognize foreign DNA such as plasmids, mobile elements and phages. In
particular, it was shown that RsAgo from
Rhodobacter sphaeroides
, TtAgo from
PfAgo from
Pyrococcus furiosus
, and CbAgo from
Clostridium butyricum
plasmid DNA content and transformation efficiency, and CbAgo counteracts phage infection
(22, 26, 28, 29, 31). Accordingly, these pAgos are preferentially loaded with guide molecules
corresponding to plasmid or phage sequences during their expression in
E. coli
(26, 29, 31). As
demonstrated for CbAgo, generation of small guide DNAs from foreign genetic elements
depends on both the catalytic activity of pAgo itself and the action of cellular nucleases (31).
These studies suggested that catalytically active pAgos perform targeted degradation of foreign
DNA, even if they are expressed in heterologous cells.
Recent studies suggested that elimination of invader DNA may not be the sole function of
pAgos. In particular, TtAgo was shown to increase the resistance of its host bacterium
to ciprofloxacin, an inhibitor of DNA gyrase that impairs DNA replication and
prevents normal cell division (32). TtAgo was shown to target the region of replication
termination and participate in decatenation of chromosomal DNA, thus helping to complete
DNA replication when the gyrase function is inhibited (32). However, it remained unknown
whether this function in cell division is conserved among other DNA-targeting pAgos.
Here, we have analyzed two pAgo proteins from mesophilic cyanobacteria, SeAgo from
Synechococcus elongatus
and LrAgo from
Limnothrix roseae
. SeAgo is more closely related to
TtAgo (35.7% identity in the MID and PIWI domains), while LrAgo is more distant from it on the
phylogenetic tree (25.8% identity) (19). Both SeAgo and LrAgo are DNA-guided DNA nucleases
that can perform precise cleavage of target DNA
in vitro
(24, 25). SeAgo was previously shown
to interact with small guide DNAs in its native host
S. elongatus
but without obvious target
specificity (25). Here, we have found that, when expressed in a heterologous
E. coli
host, both
SeAgo and LrAgo are loaded with small DNAs corresponding to the sites of replication
termination. Furthermore, both SeAgo and LrAgo increase
E. coli
resistance to the gyrase
inhibitor ciprofloxacin, suggesting that targeting of termination
sites by pAgos may aid DNA
replication in various prokaryotic species.
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Cyanobacterial pAgos rescue
E. coli
growth in the presence of topoisomerase inhibitors
To explore whether SeAgo and LrAgo can affect DNA replication and cell division, we expressed
them in the heterologous
E. coli
system. The SeAgo and LrAgo genes were cloned under the
control of an arabinose-inducible promoter in pBAD-based vectors (Fig. 1A). Western blots
confirmed that both proteins were expressed after the addition of arabinose (Fig. S1A). We
then studied their effects on cell growth and resistance to gyrase inhibition, and further
analyzed their DNA specificity
in vivo
(Fig. 1).
We first determined the range of sublethal concentrations of ciprofloxacin in the absence of
pAgo proteins, by measuring the kinetics of cell growth (OD
curves) of an
E. coli
containing an empty expression plasmid. The cell growth was partially inhibited at 0.3-0.5
g/ml of ciprofloxacin and was almost completely inhibited at 3
g/ml of ciprofloxacin (Fig.
S1B). We then tested the effects of the pAgo proteins on cell growth. LrAgo and SeAgo did not
affect the growth kinetics in the absence of ciprofloxacin, however, both proteins protected the
cells from the sublethal concentration of ciprofloxacin (0.5
g/ml). LrAgo partially rescued cell
growth, while SeAgo was able to restore cell growth completely (Fig. 2A and S3A). These
experiments suggested that both pAgos can help the cells overcome the inhibitory effects of
ciprofloxacin on DNA replication.
Previous experiments with TtAgo suggested that it helps to decatenate chromosomes by
introducing double-strand breaks in the genomic DNA of
T. thermophilus
If SeAgo and
LrAgo acted by a similar mechanism,
double-strand breaks generated during this process should
subsequently be repaired by homologous recombination, depending on the RecA protein and
the RecBCD helicase-nuclease involved in double-strand break processing
(33-35). To test
whether this was the case, we measured the effects of ciprofloxacin and pAgos in
E. coli
with deletions of
. As expected, ciprofloxacin had stronger effects on the
growth of these strains in comparison with wild-type cells (Fig. 2B). Notably, SeAgo and LrAgo
did not stimulate the growth of
minus and
-minus strains in the presence of
ciprofloxacin (Fig. 2B), suggesting that the function of the pAgo proteins depends on the
homologous recombination machinery.
pAgos suppress the effects of ciprofloxacin on cell division and morphology
The observed effects of ciprofloxacin on the density of cell cultures may not directly correspond
to changes in the number of viable bacteria, because problems in cell division caused by the
antibiotic induce formation of multinucleated cells (36) (see Discussion). We therefore directly
compared the number of colony forming units (CFU) and analyzed cell morphology in bacterial
cultures grown in the absence and in the presence of ciprofloxacin. After 4.5 hours of growth,
when the effects of ciprofloxacin just became visible on the growth curves obtained by optical
density measurements (Fig. 2), ciprofloxacin dramatically decreased CFU numbers in the wild-
E. coli
strain (20- to 360-fold in three replicate experiments) (Fig. S2). Microscopy analysis
revealed that the inhibition of cell division by ciprofloxacin caused disappearance of individual
cells and formation of long multinucleated filaments (Fig. 3A, top panels).
We then analyzed the effects of pAgo expression on the number of viable bacteria. In the
absence of ciprofloxacin, CFU numbers were similar in control and pAgo-expressing strains (Fig.
S2). In contrast, in the presence of ciprofloxacin CFU numbers were strongly increased in the
strains expressing pAgos. This effect was especially prominent in the case of SeAgo; for this
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strain, ciprofloxacin decreased cell numbers only 3-16-fold in comparison with up to 360-fold
inhibition observed in the control strain (Fig. S2). Microscopy analysis showed that expression
of both SeAgo and LrAgo resulted in disappearance of long filaments induced by ciprofloxacin
and increased the number of individual cells (or short filaments in the case of LrAgo) (Fig. 3A,
middle and bottom panels).
Since ciprofloxacin primarily targets gyrase, we analyzed the effects of gyrase knockdown on
cell morphology in control cells and upon pAgos expression. To silence gyrase expression,
catalytically-inactive dCas9 and sgRNA corresponding to the beginning of the coding region of
gene were expressed in the
E. coli
lacking or containing pAgos. Control
experiments demonstrated that only low level of gyrase knockdown could be achieved by this
approach (10-20% decrease in the mRNA levels measured by quantitative PCR). However, this
was sufficient to observe formation of short cell filaments by microscopy (Fig. 3B, top panels).
Similarly to the experiments with ciprofloxacin, these filaments disappeared in the presence of
pAgos (Fig. 3B, middle and bottom panels). Together, these results suggest that pAgos can aid
cell division in
E. coli
when gyrase is inhibited by either ciprofloxacin or transcriptional
knockdown, indicating that they may help to complete DNA replication impaired by
topoisomerase deficiency.
pAgo-bound smDNAs are generated in RecBCD-dependent manner and are enriched in the
termination region of the chromosome
Previous analysis of small guide DNAs (smDNAs) associated with TtAgo in its native host
demonstrated that they are highly enriched around the region of replication termination. This
led to the suggestion that TtAgo may facilitate decatenation of chromosomal DNA by targeting
region of the chromosome and possibly introducing double-strand breaks in this region
(32). To explore whether SeAgo and LrAgo have preference for specific genomic regions or
sequence motifs, we checked whether they were loaded with smDNAs during their expression
in the heterologous
E. coli
Electrophoretic analysis of nucleic acids co-purified with
and LrAgo revealed that both pAgos were associated with 14-18 nt smDNAs (Fig. S3B). We
sequenced libraries of pAgo-associated smDNAs obtained from late logarithmic or stationary
bacterial cultures (for 5.5 and 12.5 h time points, Fig. S3A) in the absence or in the presence of
ciprofloxacin and analyzed the distribution of smDNAs along the chromosomal and plasmid
Sequence analysis of smDNAs confirmed that the majority of smDNA associated with SeAgo and
LrAgo have the length of 15-19 nt and 14-19 nt, respectively (Fig. 4A, top). Except of slight
preference for G at the first guide position in the case of SeAgo, no strong nucleotide biases
were found along the guide length. The mean GC-content of smDNAs corresponded to genomic
DNA of
E. coli
(~51%), and it was only slightly increased at the first guide position for SeAgo and
slightly decreased upstream of the guide 5’-end and around 10-15 guide nucleotides for LrAgo
(Fig. 4A, bottom). Overall, this analysis suggests that both SeAgo and LrAgo have no specific
motif preferences and can likely interact with guide DNAs of any sequence.
Similarly to several previously studied pAgos, both SeAgo and LrAgo were enriched with
smDNAs derived from plasmid DNA (11-14-fold enrichment over chromosomal DNA for SeAgo
and 3-9-fold preference for LrAgo, after accounting for the relative replicon lengths and the
plasmid copy number, 12 for pBAD). A similar bias for plasmid DNA was observed in the
presence of ciprofloxacin (Table S1). Nevertheless, the majority of smDNA guides (78-95% in
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various experiments, Table S1) were derived from the
E. coli
chromosome indicating that
genomic DNA is efficiently targeted by both pAgos.
The distribution of smDNA guides along the chromosome was highly uneven, with two large
peaks at the
sites of replication termination for both pAgos (Fig. 4B, Fig. 5A). In
addition, two smaller peaks were present at the next pair of
(Fig. 5A).
For SeAgo, similar targeting of the
sites was observed at different stages of cell growth. For
LrAgo, targeting of the
sites was less efficient at the logarithmic stage but was increased in
the stationary culture (Fig. 5A).
The outer edges of the smDNA peaks precisely correspond to the
motifs in chromosomal
DNA bound by Tus protein (Fig. 5A). The inner borders of the peaks coincide with the properly
oriented Chi-sites in each genomic strand (the closest sites in the plus strand for
and in the
minus strand for
). Chi-sites (5′-GCTGGTGG-3′ in
E. coli
) serve as stop-signals for the RecBCD
helicase-nuclease during processing of double-strand DNA breaks. This suggests that smDNAs
are produced with participation of RecBCD from double-strand DNA ends that are formed after
stalling of the replication fork at Tus-bound
sites. In a further support for this notion, the
ratio of smDNAs loaded from the plus and minus genomic strands in the
region was
asymmetric depending on the orientation of the
sites. For both
more smDNAs were produced from the DNA strand with the 3’-end oriented toward the
(from the minus genomic strand for
and from the plus strand for
2-3-fold more than
from corresponding 5’-terminated DNA strands). This corresponds to the asymmetry in smDNA
processing by RecBCD previously reported for another pAgo protein, CbAgo (31).
Targeting of the
region by both SeAgo and LrAgo was increased in the presence of
ciprofloxacin (Fig. 5A). Specifically, the fraction of smDNAs from
was increased ~2.6-fold
and 3.9-fold for SeAgo and LrAgo, respectively, at the logarithmic stage of growth, and 2.4-fold
and 2.9-fold at the stationary stage of growth (Fig. 5A). Furthermore, ciprofloxacin changed the
relative sizes of the smDNA peaks at
. In the absence of ciprofloxacin, the peak at
was larger than at
for both pAgos at both stages of growth (Fig. 5A). This corresponds
to the shorter length of the rightward replichore that terminates at
and indicates that
smDNAs at
sites are likely produced during replication termination, which is more frequent
(31, 37).
In contrast, the peaks at
comparable in the presence of
ciprofloxacin, because smDNA loading was stimulated to a higher extent at
than at
(Fig. 5A). For both pAgos, this effect became especially prominent in stationary cultures. This
indicates that the relative frequencies of replication termination at
may be
leveled in the presence of ciprofloxacin, or that the efficiency of smDNA processing in these
regions may become less dependent on replication in these conditions.
To further explore the role of the RecBCD machinery in the processing of smDNAs guides, we
calculated the distribution of smDNAs around Chi sites throughout the whole chromosome
excluding the
region. This metaplot analysis revealed that distribution pAgo-bound smDNA
guides was asymmetric and dependent on the orientation relative to the Chi site. For the DNA
strand co-oriented with Chi, the amounts of smDNAs derived from the 3’-side of Chi were much
higher than from the 5’-side, with an abrupt drop immediately at the Chi sequence (Fig. 6,
green). For the DNA strand that was oriented in the opposite direction relative to Chi, the
changes in the amounts of smDNAs around Chi were much less pronounced (Fig. 6, gray). This
indicates that smDNAs are preferentially generated from the 3’-terminated DNA strand during
processing of double-strand ends by RecBCD, which stops at Chi sites.
For both pAgos, the asymmetry of smDNA loading around Chi sites was increased in the
presence of ciprofloxacin. These changes were reproducible in two independent replicate
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experiments. In particular, the drop in the amounts of smDNAs upstream of the Chi motif was
changed from 0.77 to 0.62 for SeAgo and from 0.89 to 0.81 for LrAgo in the logarithmic phase
of growth (average from two replicates) (Fig. 6). This suggested that ciprofloxacin stimulates
RecBCD-dependent processing of smDNAs, likely by increasing the number of DSBs formed in
the chromosomal DNA due to inhibition of topoisomerases.
Finally, to explore possible connection of smDNA processing to replication, we compared the
ratio of pAgo-bound smDNAs produced from the plus and minus genomic strands (Fig. 5B). In
the case of SeAgo ciprofloxacin increased generation of smDNAs from the leading DNA strand
in both replichores, resulting in an increased ratio (>1) of smDNAs corresponding to the plus
and minus strands for the rightward replichore and a decreased ratio (<1) for the leftward
replichore (Fig. 5B). In the
region, this ratio was also changed in favor of the 3’-terminated
strand at each
site for both pAgos (<1 for
and >1 for
). This correlates with the
observed increase in asymmetry of smDNA processing around Chi sites, which are mostly co-
oriented with replication, and suggests that both changes result from increased stalling of
replication forks in the presence of ciprofloxacin , followed by their processing by RecBCD.
Distribution of pAgo-associated smDNAs relative to coding regions
In vitro
experiments with several pAgo proteins, including TtAgo, CbAgo and LrAgo,
demonstrated that their ability to process double-stranded DNA depends on DNA supercoiling
(22, 24, 29). Our results indicate that gyrase inhibition, which changes the supercoiling state of
the chromosome, also changes the distribution of smDNAs. Another factor that could
potentially affect smDNA processing by changing DNA supercoiling is transcription, which
induces positive supercoils in front of the moving RNA polymerase and negative supercoils
behind of it (38-41). To explore the role of transcription in the targeting of chromosomal DNA
by pAgos, we first compared the abundances of pAgo-associated smDNAs derived from each
genomic strand for genes co-directed or oppositely directed relative to replication. No
differences between these groups of genes were found for either SeAgo or LrAgo (Fig. S4A).
We then analyzed smDNA abundance in intergenic DNA regions for divergent, convergent and
co-oriented gene pairs. Divergent and convergent gene orientation is associated with negative
and positive DNA supercoiling in intergenic regions, respectively, which could affect smDNA
production (38). No significant differences in the amounts of smDNAs were detected for the
different types of gene pairs for both pAgos (Fig. S4B) suggesting that transcription is unlikely to
have major effects on smDNA biogenesis.
Analysis of the effects of ciprofloxacin and SeAgo on cell division in
S. elongatus
The experiments presented above demonstrated that pAgo proteins from mesophilic
cyanobacteria can suppress defects in DNA replication in
E. coli
caused by gyrase inhibition. To
test whether these pAgos can have similar functions in their native species, we compared
strains with the natural level of expression of SeAgo (wild-type strain), without SeAgo
SeAgo), and with an increased level of SeAgo, expressed from a strong constitutive promoter
SeAgo). Titration of ciprofloxacin demonstrated that growth of all three strains in liquid
culture was fully inhibited at
15 ng/ml of the antibiotic, indicating that
S. elongatus
sensitive to ciprofloxacin than
E. coli
. We then compared cell growth at sublethal ciprofloxacin
concentrations. Wild-type and
SeAgo strains had identical growth kinetics in the absence and
in the presence of 10 ng/ml of ciprofloxacin (Fig. 7A). In contrast, the growth of the strain with
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increased SeAgo expression was strongly inhibited in the presence of ciprofloxacin. Microscopy
analysis revealed no changes in the cell number or morphology in either wild-type or
strains in these conditions (Fig. 7B). Cell morphology also remained unchanged in the case of
the SeAgo overexpressing strain, despite the lower number of cells observed in the presence of
ciprofloxacin (Fig. 7B). Thus, ciprofloxacin inhibits
S. elongatus
growth without formation of
multicellular filaments, suggesting that its mechanism of action in cyanobacterial cells may be
different from
E. coli
. SeAgo does not increase the resistance of the wild-type strain of
to ciprofloxacin in comparison with the deletion strain, while its overexpression is
toxic in the presence of the antibiotic.
In contrast to eAgos that recognize RNA targets, the majority of studied pAgos preferentially
target DNA
in vitro
in vivo
, suggesting that their mechanism of action is different from
eAgos. Recently, a novel group of pAgos was shown to use DNA guides to recognize RNA targets
(42, 43), but their functional activities
in vivo
remain to be investigated. Studied pAgos were
shown to target foreign genetic elements in bacterial cells (22, 26, 28, 29, 31), suggesting that
the defensive function of Ago proteins is conserved between prokaryotes and eukaryotes (44).
At the same time, it was suggested that pAgos might play other roles, including the regulation
of gene expression, participation in cellular suicide systems and DNA repair (20, 26, 45-48).
Indeed, TtAgo from
T. thermophilus
was recently demonstrated to participate in separation of
chromosomal DNA during replication (32). This activity of TtAgo became crucial for cell division
when DNA gyrase - the sole type II topoisomerase in
T. thermophilus
- was inhibited by
ciprofloxacin. It was shown that TtAgo is associated with small guide DNAs corresponding to the
termination region of replication and can be co-precipitated with several proteins involved in
DNA processing, including gyrase and factors involved in DNA recombination (AddAB, a RecBCD
homolog in
T. thermophilus
). It was therefore proposed that TtAgo helps to decatenate
daughter chromosomes by direct DNA cleavage and/or by recruiting accessory factors to the
termination region (32).
Here, we have demonstrated that two pAgo proteins from mesophilic cyanobacteria, SeAgo
and LrAgo, facilitate cell division and prevent formation of multinucleated cell filaments in the
presence of ciprofloxacin in
E. coli
. The primary target of ciprofloxacin in
E. coli
is gyrase (49-
52), and
both pAgos also suppress a milder phenotype caused by dCas9 knockdown of gyrase
expression in
E. coli
Inhibition of gyrase is known to strongly affect replication by changing DNA
supercoiling and integrity, and by introducing direct roadblocks to the moving replisomes (52-
55). Thus, formation of cell filaments in the presence of ciprofloxacin can be explained by
failure to separate daughter chromosomes due to their incomplete replication and
decatenation, and by the induction of the SOS response after DNA damage, preventing cell
division (55-60).
SeAgo and LrAgo may help the cells to complete DNA replication by direct targeting of
chromosomal DNA through their nuclease activity. In support of this proposal, we found that
both SeAgo and LrAgo preferentially target the replication termination region of the
E. coli
chromosome and are loaded with small guide DNAs corresponding to the
sites. The stronger
effects of SeAgo on cell growth and morphology in the presence of ciprofloxacin (Fig. 2 and Fig.
3) correlate with its higher loading with smDNAs from the
sites and a stronger asymmetry of
smDNA processing around Chi sites and across the chromosome. Recent work by Jolly et al.
suggested that TtAgo may recruit gyrase and double-strand break repair factors to the
region in
T. thermophilus
(32). In comparison, SeAgo and LrAgo are not expected to specifically
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interact with host-specific factors in heterologous
E. coli
suggesting that they directly
participate in chromosomal DNA processing. In particular, pAgos may introduce single-strand or
double-strand breaks in the
region when loaded with corresponding smDNAs, thus
decreasing the level of unfavorable positive DNA supercoiling between the converging
replisomes and/or assisting decatenation of the sister chromosomes in the presence of
topoisomerase inhibitors. DNA decatenation requires introducing double-strand breaks into
chromosomal DNA, and the anti-inhibitory function of pAgos indeed depends on the
homologous recombination machinery and is not observed in
E. coli
strains lacking the key
components of double-strand break repair, RecBCD or RecA. Further experiments are required
to decipher the interplay between pAgos and the recombination machinery in various species.
Similar enrichment of pAgo-associated smDNAs at the
sites in the chromosomal termination
region was previously observed for TtAgo in
T. thermophilus
(32) and for CbAgo expressed in
(31). Thus, different pAgo proteins have similar chromosomal preferences, indicating that
the ability to recognize the sites of replication termination may be a common feature of pAgo
proteins from various branches of the pAgo tree. This specificity is likely determined by the
mechanism of replication termination and may be different in various species. Indeed, a
different pattern of smDNA distribution is observed for SeAgo in its native host
S. elongatus
which lacks recognizable
sites in the chromosome (25).
In the
region, smDNAs loaded into pAgos are preferentially generated from 3’-ends of DNA
strands oriented toward
sites, and smDNA processing is confined to the areas between
sites and the closest Chi sites. Furthermore, smDNA processing throughout the genome outside
of the
region also depends on the position and orientation of Chi sites. At the same time,
smDNA biogenesis does not significantly depend on the orientation of transcription units
relative to each other or to the direction of replication. The observed pattern of smDNA
processing from the
region and its dependence on Chi sites indicate that smDNAs are
produced during asymmetric cleavage of the two DNA strands by RecBCD or other cellular
nucleases that cooperate with RecBCD during DNA unwinding (31, 33-35). The efficiency of
smDNA processing from the
region relative to other regions of the chromosome and the
asymmetry of smDNA processing around Chi sites are increased in the presence of
ciprofloxacin, possibly as a result of increased levels of gyrase-mediated DNA fragmentation
induced by the antibiotic. This may result in increased targeting of the
region by guide-
loaded pAgos and help to overcome problems with chromosomal DNA processing during final
steps of replication.
Strikingly, while SeAgo protects
cells from the toxic effects of ciprofloxacin, it does not
defend its host strain of
S. elongatus
. Moreover, overexpression of SeAgo makes
S. elongatus
more susceptible to this antibiotic. This may be explained by a different pattern of
chromosomal targeting by SeAgo in
S. elongatus
(25) in comparison with
E. coli
and/or by
differences in the mechanism of inhibition of cell division by ciprofloxacin in cyanobacteria. In
particular, cyanobacteria do not have classical SOS response characterized in
E. coli
, and
apparently lacks its master regulator, the LexA repressor (61, 62). SeAgo may
therefore increase DNA damage rather than aid DNA processing in
S. elongatus
cells treated
with ciprofloxacin.
Natural functions of SeAgo in cyanobacterial cells remain to be investigated. We have
previously shown that its deletion or overexpression do not affect the kinetics of cell growth
under laboratory conditions (25). At the same time, loss of function of SeAgo was shown to
increase the efficiency of plasmid DNA transfer (63, 64). SeAgo may therefore modulate natural
transformation in its host bacterium. Our findings suggest that the functions of pAgo proteins
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may change upon their transfer between prokaryotic species and switch between cell
protection, regulation of horizontal gene transfer, and processing and repair of chromosomal
Plasmids and strains
E. coli
strains were isogenic to
E. coli
minus and
minus strains were
obtained previously (31).
E. coli
cells were routinely cultivated in LB Miller broth (2% tryptone,
0.5% yeast extract, 1% NaCl, pH 7.0) with the addition of ampicillin (100 μg/ml) if needed. The
gene of SeAgo (WP_011378069.1) was codon-optimized using IDT Codon Optimization Tool for
expression in
E. coli
, synthesized by the IDT core facility, and cloned into pBAD-HisB in frame
with the N-terminal His6-tag. The pBAD plasmid encoding LrAgo was obtained previously (24).
E. coli
strains were transformed with pBAD plasmids encoding each of the two pAgos or a
control plasmid without pAgo, grown overnight in LB with ampicillin, diluted twice with 50%
glycerol, aliquoted, frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80°C.
Ciprofloxacin treatment and analysis of growth kinetics in
E. coli
To determine sublethal ciprofloxacin concentrations, overnight bacterial culture of BL21(DE3)
carrying the control pBAD vector without pAgo genes was obtained from the frozen aliquoted
culture and inoculated into 100 μl of fresh LB medium supplemented with ciprofloxacin (0, 0.1,
0.3, 0.5 μg/ml), 0.01% L-arabinose and ampicillin in 96-well plates. The plates were incubated at
300 rpm at 30 °C in a CLARIOSTAR microplate reader and cell density was monitored by
measuring OD
every 10 min. Three independent biological replicates were performed.
For analysis of the effects of pAgos on the growth kinetics, overnight bacterial cultures were
obtained from frozen aliquoted cultures and inoculated into 100 μl of fresh LB medium
supplemented with 0 or 0.5 μg/ml ciprofloxacin, 0.01% L-arabinose to induce pAgo expression
and ampicillin in 96-well plates (TPP, flat bottom). The plates were incubated at 300 rpm at
30°C in a CLARIOSTAR microplate reader and cell density was monitored by measuring OD
every 10 min. Three independent biological replicates were performed. Additionally, after 4.5
hours cells were harvested for Western blot analysis, microscopy and determination of CFU
numbers. To calculate CFU,
serial dilutions of the culture were plated on selective agar medium
Western blotting
The levels of SeAgo and LrAgo expression were determined by Western blotting.
E. coli
expressing pAgos were harvested by centrifugation, the pellet was mixed with 1
sample buffer (120 mM Tris-HCl, 4% SDS, 4% β-mercaptoethanol, 10% glycerol, pH 6.8) and
heated at 95 °C for 5 min, and the samples were resolved by electrophoresis in a 4–20% Tris-
glycine gel (BioRad). Proteins were transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane in Towbin
transfer buffer (25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 20% methanol) using semi-dry procedure at 25 V,
1 A for 30 min (BioRad Trans-Blot Turbo). The transfer membrane was washed in PBS (10 mM
phosphate buffer, 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl) for 5 min. The membrane was blocked with
blocking buffer (PBS, Tween-20 0.1% (v/v), non-fat milk 5% (w/v) for 30 min at room
temperature, and then incubated with anti-His6 monoclonal antibodies (1:1,000, Sigma) for 1 h
at room temperature. The membrane was washed four times with PBST buffer (PBS, Tween-20
0.1% (v/v)), and incubated with HRP-conjugated anti-mouse secondary antibodies (1:10,000,
Sigma) for 1 h at room temperature and washed again as described above. Antigen–antibody
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complexes were detected with Immobilon ECL Ultra Western HRP substrate (Millipore) on a
Chemidoc XRS+ imager (BioRad).
Preparative growth of
E. coli
and purification and sequencing of pAgo-associated smDNAs
Overnight bacterial cultures were obtained from frozen aliquoted cultures and inoculated into
500 ml of fresh LB medium supplemented with 0 or 0.3 μg/ml ciprofloxacin, 0.01% L-arabinose
and ampicillin in 2 liter flasks. The flasks were incubated at 190 rpm at 30°C in an orbital shaker
and cell density was monitored by measuring OD
every 30 min. Two independent biological
replicates were performed. The cells were harvested by centrifugation at 7,000g, 4 °C for 15
min after 5.5 and 12.5 hours of growth for protein pull-down. The cells were disrupted with a
high-pressure homogenizer (EmulsiFlex-C5, Avestin) at 18000 psi. pAgos were pulled down
using Co
-Talon Metal Affinity Resin (Takara) as described previously (26). Eluted proteins were
treated with Proteinase K for 30 minutes at 37°C, small nucleic acids were extracted with
phenol-chloroform, ethanol-precipitated, dissolved in water and analyzed by PAGE as described
Libraries for high-throughput sequencing of smDNAs were prepared according to the previously
published splinted ligation protocol (26). Briefly, nucleic acids extracted from pAgos were
treated with RNase A (Thermo Fisher), purified by PAGE, small DNAs (14-20 nt) were eluted
from the gel in 0.4 M NaCl overnight at 21 °C, ethanol precipitated, dissolved in water,
phosphorylated with polynucleotide kinase (New England Biolabs), and ligated with adaptor
oligonucleotides using bridge oligonucleotides as described in (26). The ligated DNA fragments
were purified by denaturing PAGE, amplified, and indexed by the standard protocol for small
RNA sequencing (New England Biolabs). Small DNA libraries were sequenced using the
HiSeq2500 platform (Illumina) in the rapid run mode (50-nucleotide single-end reads). The list
of all sequenced smDNA libraries is presented in Table S1.
Analysis of chromosomal distribution of smDNAs
Analysis of smDNA sequences was performed as described previously (31). After trimming the
adaptors, reads shorter than 14 nt were removed with CutAdapt (v. 2.8). Bowtie (v. 1.2.3) was
used to align the reads to the reference genomic DNA (Refseq accession number NC_012971.2)
with no mismatches allowed. Genome coverage was calculated using BEDTools (v. 2.27.1) and
custom Python scripts. Whole-genome coverage of each DNA strand was calculated in 1000 nt
windows and normalized by the total number of mapped reads in the library, expressed as
RPKM (reads per kilobase per million mapped reads). To calculate the percent of reads mapped
to the regions around
-sites, the number of smDNAs for each DNA strand from each region
(from 1328000 to 1350000 for
, from 1524000 to 1557000 for
, and from 1626000 to
1629000 for
) was divided by the total number of reads mapped to both strand of the
genome. The ratio between the coverage of plus-strand and minus-strand from the
ciprofloxacin-treated cell culture was divided by the same ratio obtained for the control library
and plotted as a rolling mean (50 kb window, 10 kb step). To calculate smDNA distribution
around Chi-sites, in genes and in intergenic intervals, the region of replication termination (1.2-
1.7 Mb chromosomal coordinates) was removed from the analysis. Coverage of the regions
around Chi-sites was calculated in 500-nt bins and then averaged. Gene borders were extracted
from the Refseq annotation file. Intergenic intervals with length < 500 nt were classified into
four groups depending on the relative orientation of the surrounding gene, and 100 nucleotides
were additionally included from each side to each interval. SmDNA coverage of genes and
intergenic intervals was calculated in RPKM. Nucleotide logos were calculated using reads
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longer than 16 nt, and reads longer than 17 nt were truncated to 17 nt from the 3’-end. All
plots were generated in R (v. 3.6.3) using ggplot2 (v. 3.3.3) and ggseqlogo (v. 0.1) (65) libraries.
Strains of
S. elongatus
, growth conditions and ciprofloxacin titration
Wild-type strain of
S. elongatus
PCC 7942 was obtained from Invitrogen. Strains with deletion
and overexpression of
gene were obtained previously using standard protocols (25).
Cyanobacterial strains were maintained in liquid BG11 with shaking or on solid BG11 plates (66)
under continuous light conditions (~250 μE m
) at 30°C with appropriate antibiotics (10
μg/ml spectinomycin) if needed.
Dense cultures of
S. elongatus
wild-type and mutant strains were inoculated into 800 μl of fresh
BG11 medium supplemented with 0-35 ng/ml ciprofloxacin and spectinomycin (in the case of
the mutant strains) in 48-well plates (Eppendorf). The plates were incubated at 300 rpm at 30°C
under continuous light conditions and cell density was monitored by measuring OD
every 12
hours. One biological replicate was performed for titration and three independent biological
replicates were performed for growth experiment with 0 and 10 ng/ml ciprofloxacin. Cells were
harvested for microscopy 48 hours after inoculation.
Cell microscopy
E. coli
cells were visualized using acridine orange staining. Sterilized slide was fixed with 95%
ethanol for 2 minutes. Excess ethanol was drained, and slide is allowed to air-dry. The bacterial
culture was placed onto the slide, dried and fixed. Slide was flooded with acridine orange stain
for 2 minutes, rinsed thoroughly with tap water, and allowed to air-dry. Cell pictures were
taken on a ZEISS LSM 900 confocal laser scanning microscope (Carl Zeiss) with a 63
immersion objective and with 100-μm confocal pinhole aperture. Cell pictures of
S. elongatus
were taken similarly but using chlorophyll autofluorescence, which was excited at 488 nm and
recorded using a 650 nm long-pass filter. The obtained pictures were processed using the ZEN
Microscopy software (Carl Zeiss).
Gyrase knockdown with dCas9
To knockdown
gene, a plasmid carrying the pA15 origin, chloramphenicol resistance and
dCas9 genes, and sgRNA was assembled. The 20 nt guide sequence in sgRNA corresponding to
gene (5’-AGCTCTTCCTCAATGTTGAC-3’) was chosen based on the algorithm developed
in (67).
E. coli
Bl21(DE3) strains containing pBAD plasmids encoding or lacking pAgos were
transformed with the dCas9 plasmid and grown under standard conditions. The drop of the
expression level was measured by quantitative PCR using primers corresponding to the
gene (qPCR_gyrA_for 5’-TTATGACACGATCGTCCGTATG and qPCR_gyrA_rev 5’-
gene for normalization (rpoB_Fw1 5’-
Andrey Kulbachinskiy and Alexei Aravin conceived the study, Anna Olina performed
experiments, Aleksei Agapov performed bioinformatic analysis of small DNA libraries, Denis
Yudin made the original discovery of the chromosomal specificity of pAgos under supervision of
Anton Kuzmenko and performed initial analysis of small DNAs, Anna Olina and Aleksei Agapov
prepared the figures, Andrey Kulbachinskiy wrote the manuscript with contributions from all
the authors.
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We thank Daria Esyunina for continued advice on this study, Phillip Zamore, Samson M. Jolly
and Dmitry Sutormin for helpful discussions. This work was supported by grant 19-14-00359 of
the Russian Science Foundation to Daria Esyunina. The authors declare no competing interests.
The smDNA sequencing datasets generated in this study are available from the Sequence Read
Archive (SRA) database under bioproject number PRJNA878808. The code used for data
analysis is available at the GitHub repository at
https://github.com/AlekseiAgapov/SeAgo_LrAgo. All primary data are available from the
corresponding author upon request.
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Fig. 1. Analysis of pAgo functions in
E. coli
E. coli
strains expressing plasmid-encoded SeAgo or
LrAgo or containing a control empty plasmid were grown in the absence or in the presence of
ciprofloxacin (Fig. 2), followed by cell microscopy (Fig. 3), CFU counting (Fig. S2), and analysis of
pAgo-associated smDNAs (Figs. 4-6, S3, S4).
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Fig. 2. Growth of
E. coli
strains lacking or containing pAgos in the absence and in the presence
of ciprofloxacin.
The experiment was performed with wild-type (A) and
-minus strains (B) in
a plate reader. Ciprofloxacin was added to 0.5
g/ml when indicated. Averages and standard
deviations from 3 biological replicates are shown.
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Fig. 3. Effects of pAgo expression and gyrase inhibition on
E. coli
cell morphology.
E. coli
lacking or containing pAgos were grown in the absence (left) or in the presence (right) of
ciprofloxacin. The samples were taken at 4.5 hours from the cultures shown in Fig. 2. (B) Effects
of gyrase (
) knockdown on cell morphology. Fluorescence microscopy after acridine orange
staining. The scale bar is 10
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