of 37
Bin Yang
Tomomi Karigo
David J. Anderson
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering 140-80, TianQiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for
Neuroscience, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA 91125 USA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd,
Pasadena CA 91125 USA
Mating and aggression are innate social behaviors that are controlled by subcortical circuits in
the extended amygdala and hypothalamus
. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTpr)
is a node that receives input encoding sex-specific olfactory cues from the medial amygdala
, and which in turn projects to hypothalamic nuclei that control mating
(MPOA) and
(VMHvl), respectively
. Previous studies have demonstrated that male aromatase
BNSTpr (AB) neurons are required for mounting and attack, and may identify conspecific sex
according to their overall level of activity
. However neural representations in BNSTpr, their
function and their transformations in the hypothalamus have not been characterized. Here we
have performed calcium imaging
of male BNSTpr
neurons during social behaviors. We
identify distinct populations of female- vs. male-tuned neurons in BNSTpr, with the former
outnumbering the latter by ~2:1, similar to MeApd and MPOA but opposite to VMHvl, where
male-tuned neurons predominate
. Chemogenetic silencing of BNSTpr
neurons whilst
imaging MPOA
or VMHvl
neurons in behaving animals revealed, unexpectedly, that the
male-dominant sex-tuning bias in VMHvl was inverted to female-dominant, while a switch from
sniff- to mount-selective neurons during mating was attenuated in MPOA. Our data also indicate
that BNSTpr
neurons are not essential for conspecific sex identification. Rather, they control
the transition from appetitive to consummatory phases of male social behaviors by shaping sex-
and behavior-specific neural representations in the hypothalamus.
Author for correspondence: Tel: (626) 395-6821, FAX: (626) 564-8243, wuwei@caltech.edu.
Author contributions
B.Y. performed experiments, analyzed data, and prepared figures. T.K performed retrograde tracing experiments. B.Y. and D.J.A.
designed the study and wrote the paper.
Present address: Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 707 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
HHS Public Access
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 February 03.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2022 August ; 608(7924): 741–749. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-05057-6.
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neurons control social behaviors independently of conspecific
sex identification
We first examined the behavioral effects of silencing Esr1
neurons in the principal
subdivision of BNST (BNSTpr
neurons) in socially experienced males. Chemogenetic
significantly reduced mounting and increased sniffing toward females, and
reduced attack toward males, consistent with prior observations in inexperienced males
(Extended Data Fig. 1a–m). Next, we optogenetically silenced
during either the appetitive or consummatory phases of social interactions with males
or females (Fig. 1). Silencing BNSTpr
cells during approaching or sniffing of males
strongly inhibited the transition to, and duration of, attack, but did not significantly alter
sniffing itself (Fig. 1e–g and Extended Data Fig. 1n–q). Silencing BNSTpr
during approaching or sniffing of females significantly reduced the transition to (~2 fold)
and duration of (~2.5 fold) mounting (Fig. 1j–l and Extended Data Fig. 1t), while extending
the total time spent sniffing (Extended Data Fig. 1r, s). Interestingly, while optogenetic
silencing during attack interrupted this behavior (Fig. 1h, i), silencing during ongoing
mounting had no effect (Fig. 1m, n). Optogenetic silencing of BNSTpr
the medial preoptic area (MPOA) or ventromedial hypothalamus, ventrolateral subdivision
(VMHvl) revealed that the sniff-to-mount transition toward females is primarily dependent
upon activity in the BNSTpr
MPOA projection (Extended Data Fig. 2l), while activity
in the BNSTpr
VMHvl projection is necessary for attack (Extended Data Fig. 2i). These
data confirm that BNSTpr
activity is required to gate the transition from appetitive to
consummatory male social behaviors towards both sexes
, and show that this gating
occurs via its projections to MPOA and VMHvl, respectively. They additionally demonstrate
a requirement for BNSTpr
activity during ongoing attack (but not mounting)
A previous study concluded that BNSTpr
neurons are required for intruder sex
recognition, based on male vs. female cue-preference tests
. Males emit USVs in
response to female but not male urine
. We performed bilateral optogenetic silencing
of BNSTpr
neurons using GtACR2 and tested both cue preference and USVs. Consistent
with earlier data
, we observed a reduced preference for female over male cues (Extended
Data Fig. 1r, w). Surprisingly, however, there was no loss of USVs towards female urine
or intact females (Extended Data Fig. 1s, x). Thus, while silencing BNSTpr
reduced the males’ preference for female cues, it did not eliminate their ability to recognize
and distinguish female vs. male cues.
The male BNSTpr
population represents conspecific sex via a cell
identity code
Previous bulk calcium measurements of BNSTpr
neurons suggested that intruder sex
is encoded by overall activity, such that strong activity indicates a female, while weaker
activity indicates a male
. To reveal how sex and social behaviors are represented in
BNSTpr at the single cell level, we imaged BNSTpr
neurons (a subset partially
overlapping with, but larger than, AB neurons
) expressing jGCaMP7f
using a
microendoscope (Inscopix, Inc.; Fig. 2a). By utilizing a prism-coupled gradient refractive
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index (GRIN) lens, we were able to image the dorso-ventral extent of this elongated
nucleus in behaving mice, yielding almost three-fold more units per session compared to
conventional cylindrical GRIN lenses (Fig. 2b, c; Extended Data Fig. 3a–h).
We first performed trials in which male, female, or toy mice suspended by their tails were
presented to male residents in their home cage (5 trials each, 10s per trial), permitting
sniffing but not mounting or attack
. We observed distinct BNSTpr
responding to either male or female “dangled” intruders, but not to toy mice (Fig. 2c,
f and Extended Data Fig. 4a). The average down-sampled bulk calcium peak response
(5 × 10 s trials) to female intruders was ~2 times that of male intruders (Fig. 2d),
explaining prior bulk calcium imaging results
. Analysis of single unit calcium responses
(extracted using CNMF-E
, see Methods) to intruders revealed that 27% of the units
were female preferring (determined by choice probability
(CP); see Methods) vs. 15%
that were male preferring (Fig. 2g, h and Extended Data Fig. 4e). Qualitatively similar
results were obtained by imaging of BNSTpr
, a functionally equivalent subset
of BNSTpr
(Extended Data Fig. 4j–l). A temporal linear decoder
Vector Machine, SVM) trained on BNSTpr
data could identify the sex of a dangled
intruder, in held-out test data, within 1 sec of intruder presentation (p<0.0001) compared
to shuffled control data (Fig. 2i), suggesting that olfactory cues are sufficient to generate
distinct cellular representations of intruder sex in BNSTpr. Male and female-preferring cells
were not topographically segregated but appeared intermingled (Fig. 2e).
We asked next whether BNSTpr
population activity also represents distinct social
behaviors, by imaging under conditions where the resident male freely interacted with male
or female intruders (4,585 units from 15 mice). We constructed raster plots of population
activity during a 10s interval from each of 8 different conditions (baseline, sniff male/
female, interact with male/female, attack, mount, and intromission; see Methods) (Fig. 2j).
Overall, ~33% of imaged units were active (>2
) during female encounters, while ~25%
were activated during male encounters. Of these, ~45% were activated during appetitive
and/or consummatory behaviors toward the intruder (Fig. 2k, orange circle and Extended
Data Fig. 4b, c, d). Approximately 77% of the female-preferring (511 out of 660) and 70%
of the male-preferring (259 out of 377) units that exhibited a sex preference during dangling
trials retained this preference during subsequent unrestrained social interactions (Fig. 2l).
We computed the tuning of BNSTpr
neurons for intruder sex or specific behaviors
using choice probability
, a binary comparison. Among all units that were active during
appetitive and/or consummatory behaviors, a larger percentage were male- or female-tuned
(20% male, 33% female), than were consummatory behavior-tuned (7% attack, 9% mount)
(Fig. 2m and Extended Data Fig. 4f). Principle Component (PC) analysis indicated that
the largest source of variance in neural activity was explained by intruder sex (Fig. 2n,
PC1). Linear regression (Methods) revealed that intruder sex accounted for over 30% of
the observed variance, while only 9% and 8% of the variance was explained by behavior
towards females and males, respectively (Fig. 2o and Extended Data Fig. 3i). Together, these
results suggest that a major source of variance in BNSTpr
population activity is the sex
of the intruder (or an internal motive state highly correlated with intruder sex), and that sex
is represented by population coding, as in MPOA and VMHvl
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Control of hypothalamic representations of conspecific sex by BNSTpr
We next directly compared representations of intruder sex in MeApd, BNSTpr, VMHvl,
and MPOA Esr1
neurons, imaged under identical conditions (Fig. 3a–f; Extended Data
Fig. 3i). Like BNSTpr, both the MPOA and VMHvl Esr1
populations contained distinct
subsets of male- and female-preferring cells
. However, whereas among MPOA
neurons female-preferring outnumbered male-preferring units, by about 2:1 (as
in BNSTpr
), among VMHvl
neurons the ratio was reversed (1:2; Fig. 3o, p, gray
bars; Extended Data Figs. 3i and 5p–s), consistent with earlier results
Since BNSTpr projects directly to MPOA and VMHvl
and encodes conspecific sex
, we hypothesized that inhibiting BNSTpr
neurons should eliminate sex-
specific representations in MPOA and VMHvl. To test this, we combined chemogenetic
silencing of BNSTpr
neurons using hM4Di
, with microendoscopic imaging of
neurons expressing jGCaMP7f
(Fig. 3b,c and Extended Data
Fig. 5a–o), a method we call “ChemoScope”. Imaging during presentation of dangled
intruders was performed both in control (“pre-CNO”, i.e. saline-injected) and experimental
(CNO-injected) conditions in the same animals, to permit within-subject comparisons at the
single-cell level.
Surprisingly, silencing BNSTpr
neurons during presentation of dangled male or female
intruders did not eliminate sex-specific representations in VMH and MPOA (Fig. 3e vs.
h; 3f vs. i). A small, but statistically significant, decrease in the separation of male vs.
female representations was observed in VMHvl, as indicated by the Pearson’s correlation
coefficient and Mahalanobis distance ratio
(Fig. 3j, k, VMHvl, opposite sex, gray vs.
maroon bars). However, the performance of linear decoders of intruder sex, trained on
data from MPOA
or VMHvl
neurons, was only slightly decreased in MPOA by
silencing BNSTpr
neurons, and was still well above chance (computed using shuffled
data). Sex decoding in VMHvl was unaffected (Fig. 3 l–m). There was a slight increase in
the difference between average z-scored responses to females vs. males in MPOA, and a
larger increase in VMHvl (Fig. 3n), likely reflecting a decrease in the mean response to male
intruders in both nuclei, and an increase in the mean response to female intruders in VMHvl
(Extended Data Fig. 6q–s).
In contrast to these relatively subtle effects, silencing BNSTpr
neurons unexpectedly
inverted the 2:1 ratio of male- to female-tuned units in VMHvl, to the female-dominant
ratio seen in MPOA (~2:1; Fig. 3p; VMH, gray vs. maroon bars). This reversal of sex
bias in VMHvl reflected both a decrease in male-preferring units, and an increase in female-
preferring units (Fig. 3o). In MPOA, by contrast, the ratio of female- to male-preferring
units was slightly increased by BNSTpr silencing (Fig. 3p, q and Extended Data Fig. 6s, t).
Together, these data indicate that the activity of BNSTpr
neurons is not required for the
neural coding of intruder sex identity by MPOA
and VMHvl
neurons. Rather, it is
required to invert, in VMHvl, the female bias in population representations of intruder sex
seen in BNSTpr, MPOA and MeApd
, to a male bias.
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The inversion of sex tuning bias in VMHvl caused by silencing BNSTpr
neurons could
be explained by two mechanisms: conversion, in which a subset of initially male-tuned
neurons switched to female-tuning; or selection, in which new female-tuned
units appeared and replaced silenced male-tuned units. To distinguish these possibilities,
we registered the spatial maps imaged during pre-CNO (saline-injected) and CNO sessions
within the same animals, and tracked single unit responses
(over 60% of all recorded
units and over 55% of all recorded VMHvl
units) during male and female
dangling trials, before and after CNO treatment (Fig. 4 a, i). Consistent with the data from
all (i.e., non-tracked) units (Fig. 3p), we observed an approximate inversion of the ratio
of male- to female-preferring VMHvl
neurons, from 2m:1f before, to 1m:1.7f after,
BNSTpr silencing (Fig. 4b, c). In contrast, the ratio of female- to male-preferring MPOA
tracked units was slightly increased in CNO, from 1.5f:1m to 2f:1m (Fig. 4j, k; cf. Fig. 3p).
Single-unit tracking revealed the source of the additional female-preferring Esr1
units in
VMHvl following BNSTpr silencing (Fig. 4h). Almost a quarter of the female-preferring
units (24%) in CNO-treated animals derived from pre-CNO male-preferring units that
switched sex-preference (Fig. 4h, blue; Extended Data Fig. 7q, s, VMH, red bar). Twenty
percent of the female-preferring units after CNO derived from pre-CNO “co-active” (i.e.,
responsive to both sexes) units that lost male preference (Fig. 4h, yellow; Extended Data
Fig. 7l–n), or from initially non-active units that gained female preference (20%) (Fig. 4h,
grey; Extended Data Fig. 7g–i). Thus, the inversion of the male sex-tuning bias in VMHvl
following BNSTpr silencing was due mostly to the conversion of initially male-preferring,
or dual-responsive, units to female-preferring units (Fig. 4g).
In MPOA, following BNSTpr
silencing a substantial proportion of initially male-
preferring, co-active or non-active units converted to female-preferring units (Fig. 4o).
However, this conversion was partially offset by the silencing of some initially female-
preferring units (Fig. 4o, Extended Data Fig. 7c,
; f, k, n). Consequently, the overall
proportion of female-preferring MPOA
units did not change greatly after CNO (Fig.
4j, k, p). In contrast to VMHvl, therefore, where BNSTpr
silencing converted initially
non-female-selective to female-selective units, in MPOA the slight increase in female-tuned
units (Fig. 3n, p) was primarily due to a substitution of new female-tuned units for others
that became inactive. There was no significant change in the percentage of tracked male-
or female-tuned units in either MPOA or VMHvl, in animals injected with saline on two
consecutive days (Extended Data Fig. 5p–s).
Control of hypothalamic representations of social behaviors by BNSTpr
To investigate how silencing BNSTpr
neurons affects hypothalamic activity during
mounting and attack, we tracked single-unit responses in MPOA
or VMHvl
before and after unilateral silencing of BNSTpr in freely behaving animals (Fig. 5a).
Because BNSTpr
hypothalamic projections are primarily ipsilateral
, by performing
silencing and imaging on one side of the brain while leaving the other unperturbed, this
design allowed normal social behavior even in CNO, due to redundant contralateral circuits.
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Thus, any observed changes in neural activity on the silenced side cannot be due to a loss of
social behavior, which requires bi-lateral BNSTpr
silencing (Fig. 1b and Extended Data
Fig. 1a).
In MPOA, female-directed sniffing vs. mounting were represented by largely distinct groups
of neurons (Fig. 5b, pre-CNO). CNO silencing of BNSTpr
significantly decreased the
activity of mount-selective cells, with a concomitant increase in sniff-active cells during
mounting behavior (Fig. 5c–f). Thus, during BNSTpr
silencing the cellular responses
during female-directed sniffing vs. mounting became more similar than in controls (Fig. 5b,
CNO). A corresponding decrease in the fraction of variance in neural activity explained by
female-directed behaviors was observed as well (Fig. 5g).
In contrast to MPOA, in VMHvl male-directed sniffing and attack are represented by largely
overlapping neuronal populations (Fig. 5h)
. Following BNSTpr
silencing, both the
average activity of those neurons normally active during attack behavior, as well as well
as the percentage of attack-active neurons, were significantly reduced (Fig 5j–l). There was
also a decrease in the number of male-selective VMHvl
neurons (Fig. 5i, CNO; see
also Fig. 4b, c). Together these data show that in MPOA, unilateral BNSTpr
extended the activity of normally sniff-selective cells into the mounting phase, and decreased
the activity of mount-selective cells during mounting. In VMHvl it reduced the activity of
both mixed-selectivity and attack-selective cells during the attack, but not the sniff, phase.
Thus, silencing of BNSTpr
neurons in freely behaving males during social interactions
caused distinct changes in neural representations of consummatory behavior in VMHvl
and MPOA. However the average response to males and females in both nuclei remained
unchanged (Fig. 3g
BNSTpr lies at the interface between the encoding of sex-specific olfactory cues in
the medial amygdala and of motive drive states in the hypothalamus that control the
consummatory phases of social behaviors. Previous studies suggested that it represents
and is essential for the identification of conspecific sex via an intensity code
, with its
requirement for consummatory behaviors presumably reflecting the former function. The
data presented here suggest an alternative view.
First, while we confirm that BNSTpr neural activity contains a representation of conspecific
sex identity, our cellular resolution calcium imaging reveals that female vs. male identity
is not encoded by a higher vs. lower level of activity in this structure, respectively, as
indicated by previous bulk calcium measurements
, but rather by a cell identity code:
distinct subpopulations of BNSTpr
neurons are tuned to males vs. females. Because the
female-tuned neurons outnumber the male-tuned cells by ~2:1, a higher level of BNSTpr
activity is observed in response to females than males when bulk calcium signals are
measured by fiber photometry
. This ~2:1 female tuning bias is similar to that in MeApd
and MPOA
, but is inverted in VMHvl
. Thus, at each node in the processing pathway
from MeApd
MPOA/VMHvl, intruder sex is represented as a cell identity code
(Extended Data Fig. 3i).
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Second, while BNSTpr
neuronal activity represents intruder sex identity, this activity
is not required to identify conspecific sex
. Although we confirmed that BNSTpr
neuronal activity is required for males to show a preference for female cues
, we find
surprisingly that it is not required for them to identify and distinguish females vs males:
emission of USVs is only observed in response to female and not male cues, as in control
. Consistent with this, intruder sex can be decoded equally well from MPOA
or VMHvl
neural activity in the presence or absence of BNSTpr
activity. While
the ability to identify and distinguish females vs. males is clearly a prerequisite for a
male to display a preference for females, it does not follow that all deficits in female
necessarily reflect deficient sex identification. Our results call into question the
widespread use of male vs female preference assays as a surrogate measure of conspecific
sex identification.
Interestingly, female-biased conspecific sex-tuned neural representations have been observed
in the prefrontal cortex as well, where they play a role in sex preference behavior
. The
causal relationship between conspecific sex tuning in cortical vs. subcortical regions remains
to be determined. Our results also raise the question of whether the weak male-biased sex-
tuning observed in MeApd
in female mice extends to the structures we have investigated
here. Previous bulk calcium imaging studies suggest that BNSTpr AB neurons do not
encode intruder sex in females
, but single-cell analysis was not performed.
Third, while it may be intuitive to think that MeApd, BNSTpr and the hypothalamus each
play distinct functional roles in the transformation of sex-specific social cues into behavior,
such as social cue representation, sex identification and action selection, respectively, our
data on the transformations in neural representations that occur as information flows through
this circuit do not support such a strict hierarchical view. Instead, we find that the relative
variance explained by intruder sex identity vs. behavior is different in each of these regions.
In MPOA, the variance explained by behavior is higher than that in BNSTpr (and in MeApd)
(Fig. 5g, m and Extended Data Fig. 3i), consistent with a gradual shift in the relative
representations of sex identity vs. behavior from the amygdala to the hypothalamus. In
contrast, the variance explained by intruder sex in VMHvl is higher than that in BNSTpr,
largely because VMHvl has very few neurons tuned to specific phases of social behavior
Rather, the main transformation that occurs from MeApd and BNSTpr to VMHvl is
an inversion of the ratio of sex-tuned neurons, from female-dominant to male-dominant,
respectively (Fig. 5m).
Surprisingly, when BNSTpr
neurons were silenced chemogenetically, the male sex-
tuning bias in VMHvl flipped to a female-tuning bias. Apparently, female tuning-dominant
GABAergic neurons in BNSTpr are required to suppress female-specific tuning
among VMHvl
glutamatergic neurons. Consistent with this, retrograde imaging indicated
that female-biased tuning is present among BNSTpr
neurons that project to VMHvl
(as well as to MPOA; Extended Data Fig. 9). The mechanism whereby the female-biased
sex representation in BNSTpr is transformed into a male-biased representation in VMHvl
remains to be established, and may involve differential male- or female-biased inputs from
other regions, such as the posterior amygdala
. In contrast, silencing BNSTpr did
not significantly alter the female-dominant sex bias in MPOA (if anything it was slightly
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increased); rather it reduced the variance explained by behavior (Fig. 5g). Together, these
data indicate a requirement for BNSTpr
neuronal activity in shaping the representations
of social behavior and conspecific sex in MPOA and VMHvl, respectively, albeit to different
extents (Fig. 5m).
Finally, our results indicate that the inhibition of mounting and attack behavior that occurs
upon BNSTpr
silencing is not secondary to a deficiency in sex identification
. Rather,
the failure to transition from appetitive to consummatory social behavior following silencing
reflects changes in the pattern of sex- and behavior-specific tuning among VMHvl
and MPOA
neurons, with no loss of sex identity coding. In what follows we suggest
plausible explanations for how these circuit-level “mutant phenotypes” may lead to the
observed behavioral phenotypes. However, this causality is not directly demonstrated, and
more complex explanations are certainly possible.
In MPOA, many Esr1
neurons are tuned for specific behaviors, including sniffing or
mounting (Fig. 5a and Extended Data Fig. 3i). Accordingly, as males transition from
sniffing to mounting, sniff-selective neurons become less active while mount-selective
neurons become more active. When BNSTpr
neurons are silenced, this change in
MPOA neural representations of social behavior is muted: sniff-selective neurons continue
to be active (on the silenced side) as the animal transitions to mounting, while mount-
selective neurons exhibit reduced activity (Fig. 5a–e). Since ~95% of BNSTpr neurons are
, these observations suggest that in normal animals during sniffing,
sniff-selective neurons (or another MPOA subpopulation) may inhibit mount-selective
neurons. In order to transition to mounting, input from BNSTpr
GABAergic neurons
may be required to inhibit the sniff-selective population, thereby dis-inhibiting the mount-
selective cells (Fig. 5n). In the absence of BNSTpr
activity, mount-selective cells remain
inhibited and so this transition is blocked; instead, the male continues to sniff the female
(Extended Data Fig. 1b,
In VMHvl, sniff- and attack-active cells are largely overlapping (Fig. 5i) but are sex-
, with male-tuned neurons outnumbering female-tuned cells by ~2:1. During
attack, primarily male-tuned neurons are active
. Optogenetic experiments
computational modeling
suggest that the activity of VMHvl
neurons must reach a
certain threshold in order for males to transition from sniff to attack. In the absence of
activity female-tuned neurons become dominant in VMHvl, so the number
and activity of male-selective neurons are reduced (Fig. 4c, Extended Data Fig. 8a).
This reduction may prevent activity in the male-tuned population from reaching the
threshold necessary to transition to attack (Fig. 5j–l, n), although increased inhibition from
neighboring GABAergic neurons may contribute as well. Together these data suggest that
activity in BNSTpr
neurons controls sex- and behavior-tuning in MPOA and VMHvl in a
manner essential for the transition from sniffing to mounting or attack, respectively.
Functional perturbations and observational studies often yield different views of brain
. Our results demonstrate how calcium imaging can be combined with
manipulations of neural activity in freely moving animals to identify and link circuit-level to
behavioral phenotypes. This combined approach allows an integration of observational and
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perturbational data to reveal both the transformations in neural representations that occur
as information flows through a circuit, and the potential function of such transformations
in the control of behavior. Future studies should reveal the detailed cellular and synaptic
mechanisms that underlie these important transformations.
All experimental procedures involving the use of live mice or their tissues were carried
out in accordance with NIH guidelines and approved by the Institute Animal Care and
Use Committee (IACUC) and the Institute Biosafety Committee (IBC) at the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech). All C57BL/6N mice used in this study, including wild-
type and transgenic mice, were bred at Caltech. BALB/c male and female mice were used
as intruder mice and bred at Caltech or purchased from Charles River Laboratories (CRL).
Experimental mice were used at the age of 2–3 months. Intruder mice were used at the age
of 2–6 months and were maintained with three to five cage mates to reduce their aggression.
knock-in mice (Jackson Laboratory stock no. 017911) were backcrossed into the
C57BL/6N background (>N10) and bred at Caltech. Heterozygous
, or double
mice were used for cell-specific targeting
experiments and were genotyped by PCR analysis using genomic DNA from tail or ear
tissue. All mice were housed in ventilated micro-isolator cages in a temperature-controlled
environment (median temperature 23 °C, humidity 60%), under a reversed 11-h dark–13-h
light cycle, with ad libitum access to food and water. Mouse cages were changed weekly.
The following AAVs along with the supplier, injection titres in viral genome copies/ml
(vg/ml) and injection volumes in nanoliters (nl) were used in this study.
AAV1-hSyn1-SIO-stGtACR2-FusionRed (Addgene 105677, ~2 × 10
vg/ml, 200nl),
AAV5-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry (Addgene 44362, ~2 × 10
vg/ml, 200nl per
injection), AAV5-Ef1a-DIO-eNpHR3.0-eYFP (Halo-eYFP, E.D. Fig. 2) (Addgene 26966,
~4 × 10
vg/ml, 200nl per injection), AAV1-syn-FLEX-jGCaMP7f-WPRE (Addgene
104492, ~2 × 10
vg/ml, 200nl per injection), AAVdj-syn-FLEX-FlpO (Janelia Vector
Core, ~1 × 10
vg/ml, 200nl per injection), AAVretro-syn-fDIO-jGCaMP7f (Janelia Vector
Core, ~2 × 10
vg/ml, 200nl per injection), AAVretro-CBH-DIO-nls-mScarlet (Janelia
Vector Core, ~1 × 10
vg/ml, 200nl per injection), AAVretro-CBH-DIO-nls-mNeonGreen
(Janelia Vector Core, ~1 × 10
vg/ml, 200nl per injection).
Stereotaxic Coordinates for virus injection and GRIN lens implantation
Stereotaxic injection coordinates were based on the Paxinos and Franklin atlas
Virus injection: BNSTpr, AP: −0.15, ML: ± 0.65, DV: −3.75, VMHvl, AP: −1.5, ML: ±
0.75, DV: −5.75, MPOA, AP: 1.0, ML: ± 0.3, DV: −4.75, MeApd, AP: −1.65, ML: ± 2.1,
DV: −4.9).
Gradient Refractive Index (GRIN) lens implantation:
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BNSTpr: AP: −0.1, ML: −0.7, DV: −4.5 (
0.85 × 7mm GRIN lens with prism,
Extended Data Fig. 3).
BNSTpr: AP: −0.2, ML: −0.7, DV: −3.65 (
0.6 × 7.3mm GRIN lens).
MeApd: AP: −1.65, ML: −2.0, DV: −4.75(
0.6 × 7.3mm GRIN lens).
VMHvl: AP: −1.6, ML: −0.75, DV: −5.6 (
0.6 × 7.3mm GRIN lens).
MPOA: AP: +1.0, ML: −1.0, DV: −5.0 (
0.6 × 7.3mm GRIN lens). Implanted at
a 10° tilt in AP axis and a 5° tilt in ML axis to avoid damaging BNSTpr and its
projections to MPOA (Extended Data Fig. 5a–j).
Surgeries were performed on socially and sexually experienced adult male
mice, aged 2–3 months. Virus injection and implantation were performed as described
. Briefly, animals were anaesthetized with isoflurane (5% for induction and
1.5% for maintenance) and placed on a stereotaxic frame (David Kopf Instruments). Virus
was injected into the target area using a pulled glass capillary (World Precision Instruments)
and a pressure injector (Micro4 controller, World Precision Instruments), at a flow rate of
50 nl/minute. The glass capillary was left in place for 5 minutes following injections before
withdrawing. For microendoscope experiments, virus injection and lens implantation were
performed two weeks apart. Lenses were slowly lowered into the brain and fixed to the skull
with dental cement (Metabond, Parkell). 2 weeks after lens implantation, mice were head-
fixed on a running wheel and a miniaturized microendoscope (nVista, Inscopix) was lowered
over the implanted lens until GCaMP-expressing fluorescent neurons were in focus. Once
GCaMP-expressing neurons were detected, a permanent baseplate was attached to the skull
with dental cement. Mice were habituated with weight-matched dummy microendoscopes
(Inscopix) for at least 1 week before behavior testing.
Housing conditions for social and sexual experience
All male C57BL/6N mice used in this study were socially and sexually experienced. Mice
aged 8–12 weeks were initially co-housed with a female BALB/c for 1 week and were
screened for sex-appropriate social behaviors. Mice that show both mounting toward females
and attack toward males during a 30-minute resident intruder assay were selected for
surgery and subsequent behavior experiments. From this point forward, these male mice
were always cohoused with non-pregnant female BALB/c mice.
Chemogenetic inhibition
Behavioral tests were performed on two consecutive days. The number of mice receiving
saline or Clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) (Enzo Life Sciences) was counterbalanced across
the two days. CNO was dissolved in saline. CNO (7.5mg/kg) or saline (control) was
intraperitoneally injected 60 minutes prior to behavioral tests.
Optogenetic inhibition
Animals were connected to a 470nm or a 590nm laser (Changchun New Industries
Optoelectronics Tech Co., Ltd.) via optical patch cords (
200 μm, N.A., 0.22, Doric lenses
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and Thorlabs) and a rotary joint (Doric lenses). The experimenter monitored mouse behavior
via a computer monitor in a room adjacent to the behavioral arena. Laser was triggered
manually when animals were engaged in the behaviors of interest. Sham stimulation (laser
OFF) was interleaved with the light stimulation (laser ON) as an internal control. For
optogenetic inhibition of BNSTpr using gtACR2, 10 seconds of 470nm continuous photo
stimulation at 1mW/mm
at the tissue level was used during social interactions. 10 minutes
of 470nm continuous photo stimulation at 1mW/mm
at the tissue level was used for urine
preference and “pencil-cup” (meshed barrier) tests. For optogenetic inhibition of BNSTpr
– MPOA and BNSTpr – VMHvl terminals using Halorhodopsin, 5 seconds of 590nm
continuous photo stimulation at 3mW/mm
at the tissue level was used.
Behavior annotations
Behavior videos were manually annotated using a custom MATLAB-based behavior
annotation interface
. A “baseline” period of 5 minutes where the animal was alone
in his home cage was recorded at the start of every recording session. A total of 7
behaviors during the resident intruder assays were annotated: sniff (face, body, genital-
directed sniffing) toward male or female intruders, attack, mount, intromission, “interact”
(periods where the animals were close to each other but sniff, attack, mount/intromission
were absent) with male or female intruders. For “dangled” presentations of male or female
intruders, the dangled bout starts at the onset of nostril/whiskers movement when the ano-
genital region of the dangled intruder is held next to the resident.
Microendoscopic imaging
On the day of imaging, mice were habituated for at least 10 minutes after installation of
the miniscope in their home cage prior to the start of the behavior tests. Imaging data was
acquired at 30 Hz with 2x spatial down-sampling, LED power (0.1–0.5) and gain (1x-7x)
were adjusted depending on the brightness of GCaMP expression determined by the image
histogram as per the user manual. A TTL pulse from the Sync port of the data acquisition
box (DAQ, Inscopix) was used to synchronously trigger StreamPix7 (Norpix) for video
recording. Imaging sessions typically lasted 1 hour (20–25 minutes of interactions per sex.)
ChemoScope imaging
To minimize population activity changes associated with stress from i.p. injections, social
experience or fatigue from resident intruder assays in saline or CNO trials, a series of
habituation imaging sessions were performed every 2–3 days (3–4 sessions total) prior to the
saline vs CNO trials used for analysis (Extended Data Fig. 5p–s). Mice were injected with
100μl of saline (or 100μl of 7.5mg/kg CNO for CNO trials) and returned to their home cage
for 60 minutes prior to imaging.
Microendoscopic data extraction
Miniscope data were acquired using the Inscopix Data Acquisition
Software as 2x down-sampled .isxd files. Preprocessing and motion correction was
performed using the Inscopix Data Processing Software. Briefly, raw imaging data was
cropped, 2x down-sampled, median filtered and motion corrected. A spatial band-pass filter
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was then applied to remove out of focus background. The filtered imaging data was temporal
down-sampled to 10Hz and exported as a .tiff image stack.
Calcium data extraction—
After preprocessing, calcium traces were extracted and
deconvolved using the CNMF-E large data pipeline
with the following parameters:
patch_dims = [42, 42], gSig = 3, gSiz = 13, ring_radius = 19, min_corr = 0.8, min_pnr
= 8, deconvolution: foopsi with the ar1 model
. The spatial and temporal components of
every extracted unit were carefully inspected manually (SNR, PNR, size, motion artifacts,
decay kinetics, etc.) and outliers (obvious deviations from the normal distribution) were
discarded. The extracted traces were then Z-scored prior to analysis.
Choice probability
Choice probability (CP) is a metric that estimates how well either of two different
behaviors can be predicted/distinguished, based on the activity of any given neuron during
these two behaviors
. CP of single neurons were computed using previously described
. To compute the CP of a single neuron for any behavior pair, 1-second binned
neuronal responses occurring during each of the two behaviors were used to generate a
“receiver operating characteristic” (ROC) curve. CP is defined as the area under the curve
(AUC) bounded between 0 to 1. A CP of 0.5 indicates the activity of the neuron cannot
distinguish between the two alternative behaviors. We defined a neuron as being capable
of distinguishing between two behaviors (e.g. interacting with male vs. female) if the
CP of that neuron was > 0.65 or < 0.35, and was > 2
or < −2
of the CP computed
using shuffled data (repeated 100 times). For instance, if the CP of a particular neuron for
females was 0.8, and the shuffled CP was 0.5±0.1 (SD), that neuron would be considered as
“female-preferring”. If another neuron had a CP of 0.1 and a shuffled CP of 0.5±0.15 (SD),
that neuron would be considered as a “male-preferring” neuron.
Decoding intruder sex
We constructed “frame-wise” (using 1-second binned behavior and calcium activity
“frames”, Fig. 3l) or “time-evolving” (as a function of time at 10Hz, Fig. 2i and Fig.
3m) linear SVM decoders (as described previously
) to distinguish intruder sex using 50
randomly selected neurons from each animal in BNST (n=15 animals), VMHvl (n=7) and
MPOA (n=7). Accuracy was evaluated using a stratified 5-fold cross-validator. Decoding
was repeated 100 times and the decoder performance was reported as the mean accuracy
per imaged animal. For significance testing, the mean accuracy of the decoder trained on
shuffled data (repeated 500 times per imaged animal) was computed to compare against the
decoder accuracy trained on actual data.
Determining explained variance in BNSTpr population activity
We calculated the variance of the population activity explained by intruder sex and behaviors
(Fig. 2o) using linear regression as described previously
. To evaluate the encoding of
intruder sex and behaviors by BNSTpr
neurons, we regressed the activity of single
neurons against the sex of the intruder (a pair of binary vectors) and against 7 annotated
behaviors (7 binary vectors). The fraction of variance explained is calculated as the ratio of
the cross-validated R
(coefficient of determination) of the fit against the sex of the intruder
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and the cross-validated R
of the fit against 7 different behaviors. To determine the fraction
of variance explained by behaviors, we regressed the residual activity (from the fit against
intruder sex) against male- or female- directed behaviors and reported the fraction of the
residual variance explained, as cross-validated R
of the fit.
Pearson’s correlation
Pearson’s correlation (Fig. 3j) was reported as the mean pair-wise Pearson’s correlation
coefficient per imaged animal computed by using the average population responses (all trials
during 1 recording session) to dangled male intruders and the 1-second binned population
responses to dangled male intruders (same-sex) or dangled female intruders (opposite-sex).
Mahalanobis distance ratio
Mahalanobis distance ratio (Fig. 3k) was expressed as the ratio between the Mahalanobis
distance (described previously
) of the population vector responding to dangled female
intruders (opposite sex) and the Mahalanobis distance of the population vector responding to
dangled male intruders (same sex).
Supervised UMAP embedding of single-unit responses to male and female stimuli
The first 50 PCs of 1-second-binned single-unit responses to male and female stimuli
from MPOA and VMHvl along with categorical labels indicating the origin of each unit
(MPOA pre-CNO, MPOA CNO, VMHvl pre-CNO, VMHvl CNO) were used to initialize
the embedding (Fig. 3q). The Python implementation of UMAP
(umap-learn) were used
along with the following parameters: n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.4, metric = euclidean.
Statistical analysis
Data were processed and analyzed using Python, MATLAB, and GraphPad (GraphPad
PRISM 9). All data were analyzed using two-tailed non-parametric tests except urine
preference and pencil-cup (meshed barrier) tests (Extended Data Fig. 1r, w), and the
fraction of variance explained by intruder sex or female-directed behavior (Fig. 5g) where
two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction was used. Wilcoxon signed-rank test (paired,
non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test) was used for binary paired samples. Friedman test
with Dunn’s correction was used for non-binary paired samples (Fig. 5d, f). Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test was used for non-paired samples. Not significant (N.S.), P > 0.05; *P < 0.05;
**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.
Code availability
The custom MATLAB and Python codes used to analyze the data in this study are available
upon request.
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Extended Data
Extended Data Figure 1: Chemogenetic and optogenetic silencing of BNSTpr
disrupts aggression and mating.
, Illustration of hM4d (Gi)-mediated silencing in bilateral BNSTpr
, Example
behavior raster plot from 1 animal across 4 recording sessions.
, Percent of BNSTpr
neurons that express mCherry. Values are plotted as mean ± SEM, n=6 mice.
Measurements performed before (pre-CNO: saline injection, gray points) vs. after (CNO
injection, maroon points) chemogenetic silencing of BNSTpr, of time spent sniffing male
intruders (
), number of attack bouts toward male intruders (
), time spent attacking male
intruders (
), time spent sniffing female intruders (
), number of mount bouts toward
female intruders (
), time spent mounting female intruders (
), time spent mounting male
intruders (
), time spent attacking female (
), and time spent attacking male (
), time spent
mounting female (
) in mCherry/CNO only controls (
l, m)
per 30-minute session. 100μl
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containing either saline (pre-CNO) or 7.5mg/kg CNO was given i.p. 60 minutes prior to
start of behavior tests.
, Illustration of bilateral optogenetic silencing in BNSTpr.
o, t
Mean probability of sniff behavior occurring relative to onset of optogenetic silencing.
, Duration of sniffing toward male (
) or female (
) intruders.
q, v
, Duration of attack
) toward male intruders or mount (
) toward female intruders as a percentage of the
duration of optogenetic silencing. “Sham” controls were the same animals during a 10s
“sham stimulation,” i.e., without light.
r, w
, Percent of time spent interacting with male
or female urine (r), or male or female conspecifics separated by a meshed barrier (
before and during (
) or before, during and after (
) optogenetic silencing of BNSTpr.
Optogenetic silencing conditions: 470nm @ ~1 mW/mm
for 10 seconds (
o, p, q, t, u, v
470nm @ ~1 mW/mm
for 10 minutes (
r, s, w, x
) Statistics: For Chemogenetic inhibition,
two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test (
). Values are plotted as total time or total bouts
per 30-minute session per animal. n = 7 mice (
), n=4 mice (
l, m
). For Optogenetic
inhibition during interactions with male or female conspecifics (
o, p, q, t, u, v
), two-sided
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (
o, t
), two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test (
p, q, u, v
). Male-
male trials (
o, p, q
), n=131 stim and 125 sham trials pooled from 10 mice. Male-female
trials mice (
t, u, v
), n=181 stim and 170 sham trials pooled from 10 mice. For Optogenetic
inhibition during urine preference (
) and “pencil cup” (mesh barrier) (
) tests, two-way
ANOVA with Bonferroni correction, n=6 mice. Values are plotted as mean ± SEM. ****p <
0.0001; ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05. The mouse brain in this figure (
a, n
) has been
reproduced with permission from “The mouse brain in stereotaxic coordinate”, Paxinos G.
and Watson C., copyright Elsevier Academic Press 2001.
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Extended Data Figure 2: Optogenetic silencing of BNSTpr
terminals in MPOA or VMHvl
during male-male/ male-female interactions.
a, c
, Diagram illustrating BNST terminal silencing in MPOA (
) or VMHvl (
b, d
Representative images showing Halo-EYFP cell body expression in BNSTpr and axonal
expression in MPOA (
) and VMHvl (
). Similar expression patterns were observed in all
14 animals tested (
b, d
e, h, k, n
, Raster plots showing distribution of social behaviors
relative to optogenetic silencing of BNSTpr terminal in MPOA (
e, k
) or VMHvl (
h, n
f, i,
l, o
, Average probability of behavior occurring relative to onset of optogenetic silencing.
g, j,
m, p
, Duration of attack (
g, j
) or mount (
m, p
) as a percentage of the 5-second optogenetic
silencing. Statistics: two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (
f, i, l, o
), values are plotted as
mean ± SEM. Two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test (
g, j, m, p
). ****p < 0.0001; ***p <
0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05. n=7 mice for each silenced region. The mouse brain in this
figure (
a, c
) has been reproduced with permission from “The mouse brain in stereotaxic
coordinate”, Paxinos G. and Watson C., copyright Elsevier Academic Press 2001.
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Extended Data Figure 3: Performance of 0.85 mm Ø prism coupled GRIN lens compared to 0.6
mm Ø GRIN lens for imaging BNSTpr.
a, b, d, e
, Illustrations showing GRIN lens placement in BNSTpr from top
(a, d)
and side
. a-c
, Illustrations or data from animals implanted with prism lenses.
, Data from
animals implanted with conventional cylindrical GRIN lenses.
c, f
, Mean pixel correlation
during 1 example imaging session
. g
, Cumulative fraction of number of units captured per
imaging session normalized to the diameter of the GRIN lens.
, Cumulative fraction of
the peak to noise ratio (PNR) of all units imaged using either a 0.6mm grin lens or a
0.85mm prism-coupled grin lens.
, Raster plots of MeApd, BNSTpr, MPOA and VMHvl
neuronal activity during male-male or male-female unrestrained social interactions.
For comparative purposes, all frames containing each behavior scored (indicated below
plot) during a 30 minute social interaction were concatenated and binned into 10s intervals;
Averaged z-scored responses of each unit across all bins are shown.
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